#women on twitter are talking about how theyre expected to emotionally coddle men who refuse to make meaningful connections with people
animentality · 6 months
you guys will see a post talking about how incels are refusing to form basic human connections because of toxic masculinity, lone wolf syndrome, and seeing women as sex objects whose only purpose is to be emotionally and sexually available for men...
and then start talking about how people with social anxiety are people too :((( what's wrong with being socially awkward?
like bro.
If you have social anxiety, and you have a hard time communicating, and you're neurodivergent, and you're an introvert... yeah ok, but why do you immediately side with guys whose entire mantra is that women aren't people and they shouldn't be lonely ever, because women should be provided to them like service dogs by the government?
I know you're socially awkward and all, but come the fuck on. unless you've been living locked in a small basement bunker your entire life, being fed chips by a robot through a hole in the ceiling, you should be able to fucking figure out.
that there's a fucking difference between being awkward and accidentally hurting people's feelings because you have perpetual foot in mouth syndrome/have a hard time connecting to people.
and sitting in your room saying slurs on overwatch and telling female gamers that they're fat ugly bitches who should send nudes.
why would you even WANT to associate yourself immediately with that demographic? why do you read something about the worst people alive, who are deliberately awful to other people, and then say oh look it's me, I'm also "not good with people."
are you THAT socially awkward?
God I hate when I'm so socially awkward that I'm a sexist.
God I hate how my neurodivergence leads me to misogyny. what a weird coincidence that neurotypicals somehow also accidentally end up there too.
God, i hate when anxiety makes me want to lash out at women for existing, that's so bizarre.
yeah, good frame, guys. good work. let's say that all the willful evil in this world can be attributed to mental illness because accountability for your own actions is actually ableism, and all people who are mentally ill should be excused for whatever gross war crime they want to commit.
when you think about it, being a racist is also a form of social anxiety because you just can't talk to anyone who's not white.
your POOR thing.
poc all across the world really need to take in account that white people only became colonisers because they were socially anxious and have a hard time speaking to people, so instead they opted for genocide.
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