#womens golf shirts small
trivialbob · 8 months
I am back home from vacation in Isla Mujeres. Sheila is staying a few more days. We know other visitors on the island. Sheila is hanging out with them this week.
The Island is a 25 minute ferry ride from Cancun. It is about tourism, but not at all like being inside an all-inclusive resort. Many folks we ran into visit Isla for several weeks at a time and stay in small condos or rooms.
(A bit long, with pictures, below the cut)
We rented a two-bedroom place in a small, four-unit building. It was at the north end of the island. That's where many of the American and Canadian visitors stay. But locals live there too. From our roof we could see the family next door, cooking and putting out their laundry to dry. Our door is the blue one in the bottom left picture.
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Some US hotels I've been at lately don't offer daily changes of sheets and towels. "For the sake of the environment," ya know. Our modest place in Isla included fresh sheets and towels every day in addition to full room cleaning. It felt luxurious.
More local people live mid-island and to the south end. However, visitors rent places all over the narrow island. A couple we know has the equivalent of a studio apartment mid-island for two months at $600/month. A realtor would call it "Very cozy." I liked it.
That couple has bicycles they store there for when they come back each winter. They also rent a golf cart from time to time to drive around the island, as many visitors do. Some Americans and Canadians purchase places instead of renting. Some beautiful, modern houses dot the island.
One of the first things I did upon arrival was slather myself in SPF 50 sunscreen. My pasty white head and back made the soft, white beach sand look like black pepper in comparison. The sunscreen worked well. I have only one small patch of burned skin where I missed covering a spot on one ankle.
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You won't find chain restaurants here. The few banks and gas stations have familiar names, but that's about it for big brands.
Warning signs are few and far between. Servers bring cold beer to the beach, in glass bottles. This was my fourth or fifth visit and Sheila's 12th. We've never seen or heard someone break a bottle. There are no lifeguards at beaches or pools.
When crossing roads, cars, golf carts, and scooters seem to have the right-of-way over pedestrians. Sidewalks are rough and uneven. You learn to be careful and pay attention. At times soldiers and police patrolled the streets with rifles. We felt secure the whole time, even while walking in dimly lit local neighborhoods.
One resort-like place where we hung out at for a few hours has a pool with concrete seats and tables in the water. A server, seeing me cooling off in the water, asked if I'd deliver a glass ashtray to four women sitting at table in the pool.
Smoking isn't allowed inside bars and restaurants, thank God. Unlike the US where that's just understood, there are some No Fumar signs posted in Isla businesses. I bet I didn't see more than a dozen people smoking the whole time I was there.
Touristy stuff is there if you want that. Two streets have vendors hawking t-shirts, magnets, and such. Scuba and fishing trips are available if that's your thing. Golf carts and scooters can be rented. Mainly I eat good food, drink relatively inexpensive drinks and cheap beer, read, and relax. Surprisingly though, I recorded 10,000 or more steps every day.
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Many of the older buildings would make an American code inspector twitch with anxiety. Few stairs, even very steep ones, have railings. Nor do all the rooftops. Our place had a railing on top but the buildings next to us did not. A realtor might call those "Unencumbered terraces." I easily could have done one of those cop TV show stunts, jumping from building to building while chasing a perp down the block.
Try tracing these wires. Or finding the source of the water lines. A realtor might say "Plentiful utilities." We did have excellent water pressure, hot and cold. Just don't drink it.
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Bathrooms in some bars and restaurants... oh my. An Applebee's is more sanitary, but then you are eating at Applebee's. About ten years ago one of Sheila's friends purchased a toilet seat with her own money and installed it herself in one of the island's bars she liked to frequent. She had developed some nice leg muscles from so much hovering. Life's trade-offs, right?
One bar's women's room has a lot of comments in Sharpie about Mark. Some female out there somewhere DOES NOT LIKE MARK. Apparently a frequent visitor to the island, she documents when bad thoughts of Mark cross her mind. The men's room offered some scribbles both for and against Mark. At our table a group of us sat around trying to come up with the story. It could have a chance at being a Netflix/Hulu movie.
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We didn't cook. There are too many local places that are fun and tasty. In some parts of the island you can actually order a meal at someone's house and eat on their patio. I'll have a separate post later about how we hired local guy bring us to seven different places for food one night.
Several times we shared restaurant tables with other visitors, some we knew from previous visits, some total strangers. A couple from New Jersey wanted to sit on the patio at a restaurant Sheila and I like. All three outside tables were occupied. We had empty chairs at ours, so we invited them to join us and had a wonderful evening talking with them. The wife did sound a bit like Carmela Soprano. Her husband, however, did not make me remove my cap. Another restaurant had a cat you could pet during dinner at another place.
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In addition to the restaurant cat there were sidewalk dogs. They putter around or relax on the warm pavement. People walk and drive around the dogs. I assure you that white dog in the right picture is just sleeping contentedly. I didn't use a flash, so I wouldn't disturb him. The little one on the left greeted me as I walked along the malecón on my way to a massage.
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We played pickle ball while there. The courts were in the middle of an area with few tourists. All the players were Americans. I wonder what the local residents think of the game with the bright, plastic balls that go clink, clink, clink. That's me in the yellow hat (top left picture). The bottom two pictures are what was behind the courts.
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I could get used to scooter life. Sheila has one at home, but it's engine is literally six times the size of what these ones here have.
Carnival celebrations began on Friday. Our place overlooked the town square, by the Catholic Church. It was fun to watch the celebration with the loud music and lots of people.
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That got long! Enough for now.
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thebirdandthebee · 2 years
Imagine Me & You
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A Jake “Hangman” Seresin fic.
First time writing TGM fanfic - please be gentle.
Jake stumbles across a woman on base that seems to enjoy the finer things in life... just like the future he’d like to build - with her in it.
Chapter 2: French 75
A week had passed and now, the base had really picked up. Mia was driving past more and more cars, and seeing more bodies out and about. It was easily the busiest she’d ever seen it since moving to Fightertown nearly eight months ago.
“And what’s the word on the Randall case?” Lt. Gen. Bozek asked, popping his head into her office.
“It’s already off to the notary,” Mia replied, happy to help on the extra project as she worked through processing for several new recruits. The paperwork was tedious but simple once she figured out the reporting structure and approvals process.
“You’re the best, Mia,” He replied before returning to his desk.
Mia slid her phone out of her desk drawer, pulling up the score of her brother’s baseball game.
Indiana 4
Iowa 1
With only two innings left, she’d hold onto hope for a win.
“Hey Mia, would you mind running an errand across base?” Bozek called from his office. Lt. Gen. Bozek was not usually the type to ask for footwork favors, so she didn’t think much of it as she strode over to his office. “Rear Admiral Lorne needs a hard copy of this affidavit and refuses to learn how to fax.”
“Sure,” Mia shrugged, but spared a glance down at her four-inch heels.
“You can take the cart,” He offered.
Armed with a manila envelope and the keys to the nicest golf cart she’d ever seen, she had instructions and a crudely drawn map of the base and how to get to building 16. As well as the code for an elevator she’d need to use.
Lt. Gen. Bozek had given her a starting knowledge of things around the Miramar base. Pilots were there because they were the best of the best – and while that was still true, there were so many extra bodies on base recently as the station picked up increased operations and catered to even more Navy needs.
It was evident as Mia drove her cart along the appropriate path. There were small groups of pilots going about their business, others going for a run, and the occasional, additional cart zipping by.
She was feeling rather pleased with herself as she drove along, her sunglasses allowing her the freedom to watch it all unfold in front of her. It did feel odd to be one of the few women on base, which had never felt more apparent than it did now.
“So you graduated from a pushcart to this?” Her head snapped to the left to see the Lieutenant from the commissary jogging alongside her cart. “This one you actually do have to be careful with – you could do some damage at 5 miles per hour.”
“Lieutenant Seresin,” she recalled.
“Lieutenant Commander,” he corrected. “Mia.” At least he remembered her name, which was more than she could say.
She couldn’t help but notice the way his Navy shirt stretched just right across his chest and biceps as he jogged alongside her.
“This your boat or should I put out an alert?” He asked, not even metering his breath. She missed the way his eyes lingered on her white blouse and where the short silk scarf tied around her neck teased the curve of her collarbone.
“Lt. Gen. Bozek is letting me borrow it for a special mission,” she joked.
“Where is this special mission taking you?” He asked, following her path as she made a gradual right, Building 16 coming within view.
“To visit Rear Admiral Lorne,” she replied. She really didn’t know if she should have been sharing that information, but they were on the same team, right?
“Interesting,” He commented back, joining as she pulled her cart into a designated space outside of the building. He immediately made his hand available to help her down from the cart in yet a different pair of tall, shiny heels that he admired. Her hand was small and warm in his, and his gaze lingered on her carefully manicured nails.
“Thank you,” she smiled, using the next few moments to unabashedly adjust her outfit, making sure her blouse was still dutifully tucked in all the way around her navy pencil skirt and that her ascot hadn’t blown out of disarray before running a hand through her blonde tresses.
“Perfect,” he commented, though it went unnoticed as she sifted through her envelope to retrieve her map.
“Fourth floor, left elevator,” she told herself. “8212.”
All the while, Jake was picking out the notes of her perfume. Vanilla, musk, sandalwood. Feminine but not frilly.
“It would be my duty to escort you to the Rear Admiral,” He commented, assuming parade rest. The action made her smile.
“You’re kind, but I’m a big girl,” she replied. “I can get there on my own.”
The chink in his ego was small, but there. Had he applied enough deodorant today?
“Well, then I hope the rest of your mission is successful,” He smoothly rebutted.
“Thank you, Lieutenant Commander,” She smiled, taking a few steps, the clicks from which sent a shiver up Jake’s spine.
“Please, call me Jake,” he said, holding the door for her. She smiled, grateful for the reminder, before stepping in.
The only thing he had to figure out now was who she was and what she did on base. That, and if the gold band on her finger meant anything.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mia changed her mind. It did seem as if she was doing a lot of favors for Lt. Gen. Bozek recently. Tonight included.
Though, the opportunity to make a new friend was welcome and she felt like she had unlocked a new chapter in her book. New location, new characters, new plot.
The Hard Deck had a comforting vibe in the same way a bar back home in Nebraska would. Locals knew you and newcomers were welcome as long as they didn’t ruffle any feathers.
Lt. Gen. Bozek asked if she’d be willing to meet his niece for a drink – she worked ridiculous hours and was “about the same age” as Mia. Mia wondered if Lt. Gen. Bozek knew how old she was.
On a particularly warm day in May, she opted for a pair of denim jean shorts – artfully distressed – and a pink blouse that flared beneath her bust with small cap sleeves. A French braid of sun kissed blonde left a few face-framing wisps near her temples as she tucked an errant lock behind her ear.
“Mia?” She turned, setting down her Blue Moon to meet who she assumed to be Bozek’s niece.
“Bobbi, hi.” She smiled warmly, sticking out her hand.
“Hi, so sorry I’m late,” Bobbi gushed, taking the seat across from Mia and dropping her purse strap across the back of her chair. “Family court ran long today and my client was nearly a no-show.” She sighed. Bozek mentioned that Bobbi was a family and child welfare attorney and often worked late.
“No problem, if there’s anyone that understands, it’s me.” Mia reassured. That, and she was glad for a change of scenery.
“Have you been here before?” Bobbi asked, checking her phone quickly before setting it down on the tabletop between them.
“First time!” Mia said, “to be honest I don’t get out much aside from the beach.” She confessed. “I’ve been here about eight – almost nine months and work keeps me pretty busy. I fly out to Indiana when I can to visit my brother or head to Del Mar for the weekend.” She explained.
“Well I’ve been coming here since before I could walk,” Bobbi laughed. “That being said, let me grab a drink quick – I’ll be right back.”
Mia liked Bobbi – she seemed pretty normal and was certainly kind enough. She went on to explain that the bar owner was like a second mother to her – a woman named Penny -  as she grew up on base under the watchful eye of her Uncle that raised her.
“So you mentioned going to Indiana – does your brother go to school there?” Bobbi asked, now on her second beer.
“Yes, my brother Jack plays baseball for the Hoosiers,” Mia replied proudly, pulling out her phone.
“Wow, handsome!” Bobbi smiled. Mia happily swiped through a handful of photos of Jack. She really was beaming with pride. “Tall,” she added.
“He’s eight inches taller than me,” Mia laughed. “Sometimes I think he doesn’t take me seriously because of it.”
“I always wanted siblings,” Bobbi smiled. “Will you get to see him soon?” She asked.
“He’s coming out to visit in about four weeks,” Mia explained. “He has an off week from baseball and will be done with summer semester classes.”
“That’s so sweet,” Bobbi took another drink of her beer before one of the male bar hands could set down two fresh drinks at their tall top.
“Courtesy of the service khakis,” he tilted his head back to the back wall of the bar, closest to the beach. Mia and Bobbi looked back to see a small group of aviators by the pool and darts, who raised their drinks in a toast. Mia held up her fresh beer and toasted them back.
“Lord, here we go,” Bobbi laughed.
“I feel too old to be getting drinks from these guys,” Mia winced.
“First of all, you’re not.” Bobbi stared, “because I think we’re the same age and if you’re old, I’m old, and I am not old.” She took a long pull of her beer. “There’s just a lot of horny young guns on this base who have been told for the past three months they’re the best in the world at what they do – full of ego and adrenaline.”
“A simple way of putting that,” Mia laughed.
“Ma’am,” her attention was pulled over her shoulder, where a young man in service khakis appeared. Blue eyes, brown hair and a uniform you could bounce a quarter off of.
“Thank you for the drink,” Mia smiled politely.
“It’s my pleasure, Ma’am,” He replied. “I’m Gene,” he introduced.
“Mia,” She replied, placing her hand in his.
“Bobbi,” Bobbi said, sticking her hand out, “Bobbi Bozek.” She elaborated. The pilot’s eyes flickered in recognition.
“Nice to meet you, Ma’am,” he gulped. “Would either of you be interested in joining my team and I for some pool?”
“That’s really kind of you, but we’re just chatting,” Mia said softly. The young pilot was no match for her honey-golden eyes.
“I was thinking, maybe, if you were up to it – ”
“Lieutenant West,” Mia placed the voice.
“Hangman,” the brunette stiffened, eyes tracking as his superior’s arm came around the backside of Mia’s high top chair.
“Everyone having responsible fun?” He asked, a toothpick sitting carefully between his textbook perfect teeth.
“As much as we can,” Gene responded.
“Thank you for the drink,” Bobbi gave a big smile, tilting her head to the side and tapping her beer glass against his. The pilot took the hint and retreated back to his team.
“Ladies,” Jake smiled, coming around to stand aside their table.
“Hi Lieutenant Commander,” Mia replied.
“Mia, Bobbi,” he greeted. “You don’t strike me much as a beer drinker,” Jake commented. “And what do I strike you as?” Mia asked, taking a small sip of her brew.
“I’d err on the side of… a French 75.” He countered. Mia’s brow raised.
“You are astute.” She grinned.
“Some would say it’s my job,” the corner of his mouth pulled up into an attractive grin.
“Jake, can you go spray some cold water on your ducklings over there?” Bobbi asked, crossing her legs. “Are they being bothersome?” Jake asked, pulling up his own chair to the table.
“Like dogs in heat,” Bobbi replied, wiping a smear of foam from the corner of her mouth.
“You ladies just tell me if anyone steps out of line,” he commented.
“Was last week like back-to-school weekend?” Mia asked, tucking one foot behind her other ankle below the table. Another pair of heels for the blonde. Jake’s eyes took in the lines of her clothing and the simple elegance of her French braid and the diamond studs in her ears. The skin on the back of his neck prickled at the sight of the small gold ‘J’ in the hollow of her throat.
“Something like that,” Bobbi said, “it feels like they’re coming droves these days.” Her attention turned to their guest. “Jake, how do you know Mia?” She asked.
“I nearly ran him over at the grocery store.” Mia replied.
“Commissary,” Jake corrected.
“Commissary,” Mia agreed. “You two know each other?” Mia asked.
“For years,” Bobbi nodded. “Dated one his buddies for five years, actually,” She pursed her lips as she took another drink. Mia’s eyes cut to Jake, who was already looking at her.
“Buddy is putting it generously,” Jake replied. “Mia you’re not from here,” he said, turning his attention back to the blonde and watching as her eyes trailed across his features.
“Nebraska,” she replied. “Omaha specifically.”
“Flyover state.” Jake commented.
“I think to a pilot every state is flyover, no?” She asked, gently raising one brow as she sipped her beer. Jake grinned. “Jake’s a cowboy,” Bobbi commented. Mia’s eyes shifted back toward the blonde. He was wondering what her lip-gloss tasted like. If they’d have two kids or three – and what kind of wallpaper would hang in the nursery.
“Yeehaw,” Mia said, raising her glass to him before draining her drink. She took one look outside to see the darkness looming. It was coming up close to nine and she had a good twenty-five minute drive back to her apartment. “I hate to cut the night short, but I’ve got to start my hike back.”
“Let me get your number so we can do this again,” Bobbi insisted. Jake felt shafted, he had just arrived, but he did get to gather more intel, and that felt worth it.
Mia rattled off her cell, which Jake committed to memory.
“Jake, walk her out.” Bobbi insisted, “I’m going to go bother Pen.” Jake gladly offered his hand as Mia climbed down from her high top in those heels. He wanted to sink his teeth into her calves.
“Thank you,” she smiled gently, grabbing her saddle brown designer clutch from the table. Jake held the door as she walked through, sifting through her bag to grab her keys.
“Now this…” Jake whistled lowly, taking in the sight of her vintage Jag. “This is art.”
“Thank you, I quite like it myself.” She smiled, using a key to unlock the driver’s side of the red convertible.
“A woman of refined taste,” he replied, though that was evident in every other aspect of her that he had witnessed already. As a person of particular taste himself, it was stimulating to see a woman who carefully curated her presence as well.
“Thank you again for the escort, Lieutenant Commander.” She said, the engine of the convertible purring to life.
“It’s Jake.” He reminded.
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pwnyta · 6 days
...Fashion version!
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Starter outfit! Common white tee ver.
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Military drip cute beret ver. Charcoal tee.
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Dark button up. Stripey button up.
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Black tee. Lover funeral fit pt 1.
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Red tee. Military drip pow ver.
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Olive tee. Cook uniform.
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Stripey button up prisoner ver. Light grey tee (might be the white tee just stained... theres no bleach on the island.).
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Assassin drip golf ver. (Not related to that other guy. Sayid is good at his job.) Cunty charcoal/burgundy suit.
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Date night tux. Bloody grey shirt.
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Leather coat to hide his gunshot wound. Lover funeral fit pt 2.
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Revenge gear (He'll only spare his lovers killer if they were a woman cuz he supports womens wrongs.). Grey suit w/ corduroy shirt.
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Blue husband polo. Hugo defense squad uniform.
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Slutty 2 button up. Nurse-assassin!assassin tee.
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Slutty purple button up cleavage tee>. Carpenter fit.
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rare baby!Sayid drip(the small one). Assassin drip BenSayid-breakup ver.
He has more outfits but 30 image limit! :'c Im sure youre all very upset by this. Its ok. Me too. This is a safe space.
0 notes
jaimee2001 · 12 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Lilly Pulitzer Women’s Pink Polo Shirt.
0 notes
jakeandhaas-blog · 12 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWT PGA Tour Women’s Hot Coral Gingham Sleeveless Golf Polo Shirt Small.
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tmbeethatsme · 16 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 2/$15 Cherokee Boys Polo Golf Shirt Orange SZ 6 Small Collar Short Sleeve Solid.
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graceisfirst · 29 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Slazenger Golf Women's Size S Small Pullover Long Sleeve Shirt Tops..
0 notes
martinarecolvice · 1 month
AMVET Donations
When it comes to supporting our veterans, every little bit helps. One of the most impactful ways you can make a difference is through AMVETS donations. This organization has been dedicated to assisting veterans and their families for decades. By simply giving away items you no longer need, you can contribute to programs that directly benefit those who have served our country.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>AMVET Donations<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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But what exactly can you donate? And how does your support help improve the lives of veterans? In this blog post, we’ll explore the various items accepted by AMVETS, their rating as an organization, pickup schedules for your convenience, tax benefits for donors, and the profound impact your generosity has on veterans' lives. Dive in and discover how easy it is to turn clutter into a meaningful contribution!
Items that AMVETS Accept for Donation
AMVETS accepts a wide range of items for donation, including:
1. Clothing and Shoes: They accept gently used clothing and shoes for men, women, and children. This includes items such as pants, shirts, dresses, jackets, and shoes.
2. Household Items: AMVETS accepts household items such as dishes, utensils, pots and pans, small appliances (in good working condition), bedding, towels, curtains, and other household decor.
3. Furniture: They accept furniture in good condition such as sofas, chairs, tables, dressers, bed frames, and mattresses (in good condition).
4. Electronics: AMVETS accepts electronics that are in good working condition such as TVs (flat screens only), CD/DVD players, stereos, computers/laptops (5 years old or newer), tablets/e-readers (5 years old or newer), and cell phones.
5. Books/Media: They accept books (hardcover or paperback) in good condition as well as DVDs/CDs/video games.
6. Sports Equipment: AMVETS accepts sports equipment in good condition such as bicycles (adult size only), golf clubs/bags/sets/accessories/balls/gloves/carts/rangefinders/sunglasses/hats/shoes/grips/tees/shirts/pants, tennis rackets/balls/strings/grips/shoes/clothing, soccer balls/cleats/jerseys/shin guards/goals/nets, footballs/helmets/pads/jerseys/cleats/socks, basketballs/shirts/shorts/sneakers.
7. Tools: They accept tools in good working condition such as hand tools, power tools, and gardening equipment.
8. Toys: AMVETS accepts toys in good condition such as board games, puzzles, dolls/action figures, building blocks/legos, cars/trucks/trains/plane sets, and outdoor play equipment (sandbox/swing sets).
9. Small Household Items: They also accept small household items in good condition such as lamps/light fixtures, rugs/carpeting (clean), wall art/mirrors/picture frames/decorative items.
10. Vehicles: AMVETS accepts vehicles including cars, trucks, boats (with trailers), motorcycles (must have title and be in running condition).
It's best to check with your local AMVETS location for any additional restrictions or guidelines on what items they accept.  
What is the rating of AMVETS?
AMVETS, or American Veterans, is a well-respected nonprofit organization dedicated to serving the needs of veterans across the United States. Ratings for such organizations often come from independent evaluators who assess their financial health and impact. AMVETS has consistently received positive reviews for its commitment to transparency and effective use of funds.
One notable rating source is Charity Navigator, which evaluates nonprofits on various criteria including accountability and integrity. AMVETS typically scores high in these areas, reflecting its dedication to both ethical practices and service delivery. This level of scrutiny ensures that donors can trust their contributions are making a real difference.
Additionally, organizations like Guidestar offer insights into AMVETS’ operations by providing information about its missions and finances. Many donors look for these ratings before giving because they want reassurance that their support will lead to tangible benefits for veterans.
The overall reputation of AMVETS as a reliable charity contributes significantly to its ability to attract donations. When potential donors see these favorable ratings, they feel more inclined to contribute resources towards supporting veterans' programs and initiatives.
AMVETS Pickup Schedule
AMVETS makes donating easy with its convenient pickup schedule. Donors can arrange for a pickup right from their homes, saving time and effort. This service is especially beneficial for individuals who may not have the means to transport items themselves.
To schedule a pickup, donors can visit the AMVETS website or call their local chapter. The process is straightforward; you’ll provide your address and details about the items you wish to donate. After that, AMVETS will confirm a date and time for collection.
The pickups typically occur during weekdays, but some locations may offer weekend options as well. It’s important to check availability in your area since schedules might vary across different states or regions.
When preparing for pickup, ensure your donations are packed securely and accessible on the day of collection. By following these simple steps, you can support veterans while making it easy for yourself to give back through AMVET donations.
Tax Benefits for Donors
Making amvet donations can be both a generous act and a smart financial decision. Donating to AMVETS, a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving veterans, often qualifies for tax deductions. This means that you may be able to reduce your taxable income by the value of the items you donate.
To claim this deduction, it's important to keep detailed records of your donations. You should document the items donated along with their fair market values. Having receipts or acknowledgment letters from AMVETS can also help substantiate your claims when filing taxes.
It's beneficial to note that not all donations are treated equally under tax laws. Generally, clothing and household goods in good condition are eligible for deductions, while other types of contributions may have different rules. Always consult IRS guidelines or a tax professional for specific advice tailored to your situation.
By contributing items you no longer need while potentially lowering your tax bill, you make an impact on both personal finances and the lives of veterans needing support—an excellent way to give back without compromising financial health.
Impact of Donations on Veterans' Lives
Donations to AMVETS play a crucial role in transforming the lives of veterans. Each contribution, whether big or small, directly supports programs designed for their well-being. These initiatives often include job training, mental health resources, and educational scholarships that help veterans reintegrate into civilian life.
Many veterans face challenges after serving our country. They may struggle with transitioning back to daily routines and finding stable employment. By donating goods or funds to AMVETS, supporters provide vital assistance that can lead to sustainable careers and improved quality of life.
Additionally, donations aid in providing essential services such as housing support and medical care. Accessing these resources allows veterans to focus on healing rather than worrying about basic needs. This kind of security is invaluable for those who have sacrificed so much.
Moreover, the camaraderie fostered by donation-driven community events helps combat feelings of isolation among veterans. Engaging with fellow service members creates a strong network where they can share experiences and support each other’s journeys toward recovery. Such connections are fundamental in enhancing overall well-being.
When considering amvet donations, it’s clear that your contributions can have a profound impact on the lives of veterans and their families. By donating items like clothing, household goods, and vehicles to AMVETS, you not only declutter your space but also support essential programs aimed at helping those who served our country.
The organization has garnered positive ratings for its transparency and effectiveness in utilizing donations. With convenient pickup schedules available, it’s easier than ever to make a difference without leaving your home.
Additionally, donors benefit from tax deductions when they give to AMVETS. This financial incentive enhances the appeal of donating while providing crucial resources that help veterans reintegrate into civilian life successfully.
Your generosity plays a vital role in changing lives. Every item donated contributes directly to improving services for veterans across the nation. Engaging with AMVETS through donations is more than just giving; it's about standing by those who stood for us.
What items does AMVETS accept for donation?
AMVETS accepts a wide range of items, including clothing, household goods, small appliances, electronics, furniture, and more. However, they do not accept large appliances, hazardous materials, or items in poor condition. It's best to check with your local AMVETS chapter for specific guidelines.
How do I schedule a donation pick-up with AMVETS?
You can schedule a donation pick-up with AMVETS by visiting their website and using the online scheduling tool or by calling their toll-free number. You can choose a convenient date and time for the pick-up, and AMVETS will come to your home to collect your donations.
Are donations to AMVETS tax-deductible?
Yes, donations to AMVETS are tax-deductible. After making a donation, you will receive a receipt that you can use for tax purposes. Be sure to keep the receipt as it serves as proof of your donation.
Can I donate a vehicle to AMVETS?
Yes, AMVETS accepts vehicle donations, including cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, and RVs. The process is simple: fill out an online form, and AMVETS will arrange for a free tow. The proceeds from the sale of the vehicle will support AMVETS programs.
Where do my donations go, and who benefits from them?
Your donations to AMVETS help fund programs that support veterans and their families. This includes assistance with job training, healthcare, education, and more. By donating, you directly contribute to improving the lives of veterans across the country.
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