#womp womp back to work now no more tumblr til i finish my work
mochinomnoms · 5 months
So I recently found your AO3 and like
Do you happen to have any photo ideas on what Yev and the freshmen from PTM look like? <3 Cause they're canon to TWST in my heart (I love all of em so much)
Not really, I have a specific image in my head for each, but just not the time or the full talent to draw more than headshots lol. But I can try to provide references.
I can provide with some generally inspirational pics, as it's always hard to imagine an exact match to a real life person. Yev has a drawing I did here, but you can also imagine him referencing the Peruvian model Patty Wong. Similar to how Vil has a feminine beauty to him, Yev does as well.
James I think would most closely resemble Orlando Bloom as he was in the first two Pirates of the Caribbean movies. I think just a bit darker and with more freckles from being out in the sun. His hair in unkempt often, which infuriates Riddle, but for some reason no one can get it to not be poofy and frizzy. It's cause he needs a curly hair routine, lol.
I don't have a celebrity for Wynfred, but this model I was able to find I think is a pretty good resemblance. He has two slightly longer, braided strands framing his face that have his green moon hair charms. Also, he has a Rosarian (aka TWST British) accent, but it's a very good fake one :)
I had a harder time finding a reference for Marion, it seems that the internet doesn't appreciate chubby men >:( Also, they all have facial hair which Marion doesn't so that made it hard too. But, I think this pic of I think a younger Hozier is a good starting point. Imagine hair long enough to tie back and a bit more chubby cheeks.
Silas was easier to find references for, and they're androgynous, so they have a mix of feminine and masculine beauty to them. Vil and Rook would've loved them if they were around during PTM. I like to imagine that, like Epel, other students mistake them as a girl for a while. Unlike Epel, Silas plays along with it and even dresses up in the dress/skirt versions of the uniforms for some times. At least until they get bored and switch back to a more masculine appearance, which confuses everyone for a moment. When asked, they'll just say "I felt like a guy today, might be a girl tomorrow though!"
Aspen, Tony, and Yakub are all a lot harder to find references for, since they're nonhuman, and I've made some of those features a bit more prominent in their designs. If I were to assign someone to them as a starting point, Aspen I think would be best to refer to Troye Sivan. Tony is a bit easier, as I can very clearly imagine him as a very short young Anthony Ramos, love of my life. And lastly, I need you to hear me how on Yakub, because he's based on Iago who is based on a parrot which are mostly native to southern North, Central, and South Americas. Thus, imagine him as Xolo Maridueña but much taller and a bit darker, and the feather hair is a reference to the Tooth Fairy's own feather hair from Rise of the Guardians.
I'm hoping in the future I can either make the time to draw everyone on my own, or commission someone if I have spare money in the future.
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