#won’t act on negative feelings immediately but will explode after awhile
peapod20001 · 1 year
Rory has been haunting my brain recently. Like, a lot
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wild3flow3r · 7 years
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Her Royal Majesty
A story about Princesses, Bodyguards, and ‘fun’ nights out.
The music pulses through Sophia’s veins. Or maybe it’s the large amount of alcohol she’s consumed over the last hour. She isn’t sure. She isn’t sure of anything anymore, that is except for two things. One of them being that Derrick (or David? Maybe it was Dwayne?) has his hands dangerously low near the end of her dress that with one quick movement they could easily be under her dress. The other being the intense gaze Sophia felt upon herself. She knew it was Harry. It was always Harry.
She gave herself thirty more seconds before that damned man would stomp over here and break her and her conquest apart. She thought she should make the rest of her time worthwhile.
Sophia pulls Daniel’s hair down so that she can successfully press her lips against his. It’s sloppy and he tastes of the free nuts they serve at the bar. If she were sober she definitely would have puked on his shoes by now. She can tell that his fingers are just about to take the plunge beneath her dress, but she’s ripped away from him cruelly.
“What the hell, mate?” Drake barks, his eyes lit with a sparking fire.
“Yeah, come on, Harry. We were just having some fun,” Sophia purrs, trying to push past the wall that was standing between her and the disgusting tasting man.
“I think it’s about time we get you home now,” Harry growls, tilting his head to the side so that he could stare into Sophia’s eyes.
“I don’t want to go home yet,” she sighs with a slump of her shoulders. “I came out tonight to have fun.”
“Yeah, man. She just wants to have some fun. You should leave,” Damien chimes in.
“What’s your name?” Harry asks instead of leaving.
“Kyle? Are you sure? I was sure it started with a ‘D’,” Sophia hums in thought.
“And do you have any idea who she is, Kyle?” Harry asks, a condescending tone taking over his voice.
Kyle rolls his eyes. “Should I?”
“This is Her Royal Majesty Princess Sophia, second in line to the throne of England.”
“Oh shit, really? Wow I’ve never fucked a princess before.”
“Well, I definitely live up to the rumors,” Sophia adds.
“And you are never going to,” Harry says, completely ignoring Sophia behind him.
“And why not?”
“Because if you did then I would have to kill you.”
“Come on, man,” Kyle places a hand on Harry’s shoulder. “You’re overreacting.”
Harry glances down at the hand on his shoulder and then back up to Kyle. Even if Sophia had been sober, Harry’s movements still would have been too fast for her to comprehend. All she knows is that in one second Kyle’s hand is on Harry, and then in the next he’s clutching it to his stomach with a few of its bones probably broken.
“What the fuck!” Kyle screams in pain. “Who the fuck are you? Her boyfriend or something?”
Sophia scoffs. “He wishes.”
Harry glares back at Sophia momentarily before sending Kyle one last deathly look. “I’m her bodyguard. And if you know what’s good for you then you’ll stay away from the princess and never mention this night to anyone. Because if you do then I will know, and I will kill you.”
With that last word, Harry grips onto Sophia’s forearm before dragging her out of the club behind him.
“Let go of me,” Sophia demands while trying to push against his grip. “Did you hear me? I said let go. NOW!”
The cold air hits Sophia like a ton of bricks. The only thing keeping her warm is Harry’s grip, but even that can’t stop the feeling of the wind on her exposed skin.
“Bring the car around. Now.” Harry barks into his ear piece. Nobody else on the sidewalk will come within five feet of the pair.
“I want to go back inside,” Sophia states.
Harry ignores her.
“Did you hear me? I want to go back inside,” she repeats.
She’s still only met with silence.
“I am freezing, Harry. It feels like it’s bloody negative eleven degrees out here. I want to go back inside.”
Harry finally spares her a glance. It’s the first time he properly takes in her disheveled appearance. Her hair is slightly amuck and her makeup smudged, and the bottom of her dress had ridden up just enough to show much more skin than a princess should. Her mother, The Queen, probably would have had a heart attack if she could see her daughter right now. Harry wanted to ignore her again, but he couldn’t ignore the way her body trembled from the cool air. He could even feel the goosebumps begin to develop on her skin underneath his hand. He had to admit that she was right about tonight being an exceptionally cold night.
“Here,” Harry mutters before letting her go and shrugging his jacket off of his shoulders. He carefully places the material over her own shoulders.
Sophia sneers at him, but takes the jacket nonetheless. She wraps it around her tighter, the smell of peppermint overtaking her scent. She hates to admit it, but she loves the smell.
“You’re an arsehole, did you know that?” Sophia spits at him rhetorically.
“Oh yeah? How?” Harry rolls his eyes.
“I was having a perfectly good time before you came to ruin it.”
Harry raised an eyebrow. “By the end of the night you would have been left completely unsatisfied.”
“That is not true. In fact, I bet that Darwin would have been the best fuck I’ve ever had in my entire life. But now I’ll never know.”
Harry pinned the princess against a wall. Both of his hands held her wrists and held them high above her head. One of his knees set itself between her legs to keep them slightly spread apart. She couldn’t take her green eyes off of his.
“You’re a liar,” Harry whispers underneath his breath. “I could make you scream louder any night than any man ever could.”
“Then prove it,” Sophia growls while pushing her hips further against his. She smirks when she feels him poking against his jeans and one of her thighs. She would be lying if she said her panties weren’t soaked at this exact moment.
Their car pulls up before Harry can do anything else. The driver honks the horn to announce his arrival, but Harry doesn’t move immediately.
“You shouldn’t tease me. It won’t end well for you,” he snarls before letting her go. He walks towards the car and holds the door open for her.
“Don’t leave me hanging or it won’t end well for you,” Sophia pushes against him before stepping into the backseat of the car. The door closes immediately behind her and Harry walks around the car to enter the other side of the backseat.
“I’m not joking with you-”
“Neither am I,” she cuts him off before he can get another word in. “You're not my boyfriend, Harry. You’re my bodyguard. You should be lucky that I even consider letting you fuck me every once in awhile.”
“Don’t you mean let me fuck you every single night?”
“Po-tay-to, po-tah-to. Either way, you should consider yourself lucky.”
“If that’s how you feel then I won’t sneak into your bed tonight.”
This was not the first time Harry threatened to not pay her a visit throughout the night. Actually, it was an everyday thing. It was a game they played- to see who caved first. Harry usually won.
“Fine then,” Sophia snaps, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning back into her seat with a loud thump.
“Don’t act like a child, Sophia.”
“I’m not acting like anything.”
“You’re such a spoiled brat, you know that?”
“Well I am the bloody Princess of England, Harry! It comes with the job description.”
“Well aren’t princesses supposed to be all prim and proper? You looked like such a twat grinding against that man.”
“You are the help, Harry! You aren’t allowed to have an opinion on my life! Or at the very least tell me about your opinion!”
“Well, I thought you should know.”
“Well, I don’t care! God, I wish my mother never hired you.”
Both of them go silent after that. Harry glaring harshly out the window and Sophia staring at her nails with disinterest. This wasn’t the first night Sophia’s driver had to suffer through one of their infamous arguments. It was either that or them basically fucking in the backseat.
Sophia jumps out of the car as soon as it comes to a stop in front of the palace. Usually it was protocol for her to wait for someone to open the door for her, but she couldn’t stand to stay in the car for another second with Harry.
Some staff greet her as she enters the castle, mostly the night guards since everyone else was asleep for the night, but she ignores them without a second thought. She’s about to stomp her way up the two flights of stairs to her room, but a voice calls out for her. Of course it’s the one person she wants to see less than Harry right now.
“You’re the number one trending topic on Twitter at the moment,” Sophia’s mother, The Queen, calls out from her spot on the throne.
Sophia spins around to face her mother, trying to keep the fire in her eyes at bay. “And?”
“Apparently you gave some boy more than a princess should be offering. He’s been tweeting about the entire experience for the last half hour.”
“Harry told him-”
“We’ve already taken the initial tweets down so it doesn’t matter, but it’s out there and there’s no getting it back. Apparently that boy is a reporter from some online magazine and he knew who you were the entire time you were dancing with him.”
“How was I supposed to know that he was a reporter?”
“That’s not the point! You shouldn’t have danced with him in the first place! You shouldn’t have even looked at him!”
“I don’t see why it matters! I’m not the one that is set up to take the throne next!”
“What you do reflects on all of us. If you act out and make stupid decisions then why wouldn’t your older brother as well?”
“They know Eric is going to be an amazing ruler. They know that he and I are two completely different people.”
“Do they, though? They see how close the two of you are. Maybe he’s just better at hiding the terrible things he gets up to.”
“You’re overreacting, mother.”
“I don’t feel like I’m reacting enough!” The Queen explodes, finally standing up from her chair with her voice echoing all throughout the room. “When are you going to realize that the world doesn’t revolve around you? When are you going to grow up?”
“Maybe when my mother starts worrying about my actual wellbeing rather than my public image,” Sophia snarls, her eyes beginning to become blurry but she refuses to shed one tear in front of this woman. She flips on her heel to continue her way up to her room.
“You’re being selfish, Sophia. If you know what’s good for you then you’ll start thinking about your family rather than yourself all the time.”
Sophia continues up the stairs without saying another word. She knows her voice would crack if she were to say something else, and that would just give The Queen another thing to pick on her for.
“That’s right, Sophia. Run away just like you always do!”
Sophia sprints up the rest of the stairs and down the hallway to her bedroom. She slams the door behind her, making sure that even her mother can hear it two floors below her. She jumps on her bed, not bothering to change or rid herself of her makeup. She only gives herself enough time to pull a blanket over her head before she lets the sobs rack through her body.
Her body hurts. Everything hurts. Tears fall freely down her cheeks and onto her pillows. Her chest aches, desperately trying to fill a void that her mother always seems to open whenever she’s with her.
She almost didn’t hear the soft click of her door closing over her sobs. Even if she hadn’t, she surely would have heard the soft thuds of his feet hitting her hardwood floor. She knows it’s him, but she doesn’t want to see him right now. He has never seen her like this. She doesn’t want him to ever see her like this.
“What do you want?” she growls underneath the sanctuary of her blankets. Growling was the only way she could speak without sounding so weak.
“I heard what just happened between you and your mother-”
“Then you can probably figure that I’d like to be alone, Harry.”
He stays silent, but she can feel his eyes watching over her crumpled figure beneath the blankets.
“She’s wrong, you know. I’ve never seen you run away. You’re way too stubborn to do that. If I know you like I think I do then I know you’ll go back to her tomorrow and hurt her twice as hard as she hurt you. She may be The Queen, but you’re the Princess. And being the bloody best at everything is in your job description.”
With that he stalks out of the room without another word. Only the door closing behind him signals to Sophia that he had left. His words resonated within her, slowly filling that void inside of her. He was right. She would win this war.
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