#wonho werewolf fanfic
btswishes · 5 years
I am not enough.
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Werewolf Au (Wonho)
Part1 / Part2 / Part3 / Part4 / Part5 / Part6 / Part7 /
A/N: OMG it’s done and I have sooooo many more ideas for Wonho. I think I will change it up with I.M next. We will see. Sorry for any mistakes made and I hope you all like it. :D
Word count:  3,223
Warnings: Dirty, flirting, suggestive language, cursing
  Chang Kyun placed you on the bed and pursed his lips together looking at you. 
“Chang Ky-” you moved suddenly from the spot, trying to explain to him what happened  
“I know.” he sighed looking away from you
“Y-you do?” well that was something you weren’t informed off 
“I shouldn’t have left in the first place. I didn’t know Wonho would do something...” he pointed at your skin “..like this.”
“No no, it’s not like that!”
“You don’t have to lie just because he is from the pack.” you slid off the bed and grabbed Chang Kyun by the shirt 
“Listen to me for once.”
“I listened enough!”he yelled out, something he never did to you “I am your big brother and from now on you will listen to me. You are not leaving this room until I tell you so.” pushing you back, he walked out of the room, but you couldn’t follow. The door was locked.It wasn’t like you couldn’t just crash it down, but right now the air was too thick to just do whatever you wanted.
 Shownu brought you food, the others came to talk, play and just fool around, but each time you even mentioned Wonho’s name they changed the subject. Almost 5 days passed since then and you were starting to get annoyed. 
“Y/N?” Hyungwon knocked at the door, but when you didn’t answer he let himself in “Oh, I didn’t know you were sleeping.” he was about to get back out when your heavy breathing caught his attention. He ran up to you and placed his hand against your forehead “Fuck. GUYS!”he yelled out and everyone ran up almost immediately like there was fire.
“What is wrong?” Joohoney asked concerned 
“She has a very high fever.” when Hyungwon turned you onto your back, your face was read and you were having trouble breathing. “What do we do? This isn’t something usual for us.”the boys were looking at each other wondering 
“I will bring her some cold towels and ice.” Chang Kyun did as he said, like always. He was with you the whole day while everyone else was keeping an eye on Wonho. The night took over the brightly lit sky and let the moon shine into your room. As much as Chang Kyun wanted to stay with you, Shownu reassured him that if he doesn’t rest nothing will go ok. 
  You were once more alone in the room. Cold and hot waves were washing over you, the cold compress had gotten as hot as your body. Your chest was moving rapidly, not being able to take enough air as it needed. Eyes blurry. You wanted to move so badly but just simple couldn’t and not knowing why was pissing you off so much. 
“Good evening miss.” you heard a soft and familiar voice. You couldn’t see well but it was a hypnotizing as a siren’s. The man was holding tightly onto your window sill as he jumped in casually. His footsteps were almost silent as he jumped in your bed, gently pulling you against his chest “Those guys don’t look away for a damn second, do you know how hard it was for me to get in here?” he laughed out, running his hand through your hair 
“W-wonho.” you placed your hand, trembling onto his face, before his body rose and pulled the covers away from you 
“You are burning up!” when his hand made contact with your skin, he pulled away from the temperature of your body. He could tell you were losing consciousness.
  Not being a cool-headed guy in situations like these, he picked you and ran in the bathroom jumping into the shower with you. He turned on the water to it’s coldest option and sat down, with you in his lap, face against chest. Wonho cupped your cheeks, splashing cold water onto your face and rubbing your eyes. “Come now kitten. Stay with me, don’t fall asleep!!!” his whole body was wet and tensed up from you not reacting. You were still weak but were able to steal a kiss from him. It did catch him of guard, but that meant you were getting better. Leaning onto the cold tiles, he took a deep breath, relaxing and running his hand through his hair ,throwing it back.
“You scared the shit out of me!” he emphasized his emotions as you were resting against him 
“Ha..haha I-I was worried too.” he pulled you closer to himself 
“Don’t talk, you are still weak.” the water kept running over you two as the night breeze was trying to reach you “Honestly these past days were awful. Those guys keep you hidden well. I couldn’t escape Shownu’s eyes at all. Chang Kyun probably wanted to kill me too. But damn I didn’t expect them to see us like that, they should have taken a bit longer.” you were listening to him talk, is chest vibrating under your face as he made sure you were comfortable even in this situation. 
  Because of the running water you weren’t able to hear the knocking and voices coming from the door. Wonho jumped a bit when the boys walked in with a loud bang. They followed the raining sound and found you.
“Get away from her!”Chang Kyun yelled out, when Wonho hit his arm away from you. His eyes were glowing gold 
“Don’t touch her. I am not moving until her fever goes away.” the boy standing in front of you started grinding his teeth “If you don’t believe that I won’t harm her, by all means take a chair and enjoy the show.” 
“Wonho you promised to stay away from Y/N. Why do you keep doing this to yourself?” Minhyuk looked at him with a touch of pain in his voice
  A loud voice creeped in though the window, pulling everyone’s attention to the back yard of the house.
“What was th-” Kihyun’s voice was cut off by the same person
 “I am gonna go check.” Minhyuk grabbed Shownu by the arm, stopping him in his tracks 
“No.” he looked at the rest of the boys “We all are going to check.” the room emptied itself extremely fast. Wonho was sitting under you, leg jumping when his arm hit the wall aggressively 
“Fuck!” he moved you and got up.Taking his shirt off, he placed it on top of you. “Stay here I will be right back.They need an alpha down there.” Wonho left and for some time everything was silent. As your head was getting out of the haze slowly, your senses came back on after the other. Your eyes were first to emerge from the blurry underwater, after them your sense of smell got stronger. You were sensing something from behind the house. 
  When your hearing came back you realized that all this time, nothing was silent . Your pack had been growling and grunting, fighting loud and clear but you couldn’t hear a thing because of this stupid fever. Your limbs weren’t working still, but holding yourself onto things around you, you were able to get up. 
“T-time to be a pack leader.” you huffed out. Pride was fueling you at this point. You trained so much, went though hell for this pack of wolves. You weren’t going to let anyone on this Earth take them from you, they were your family. At this point you were crawling towards the window, with trembling and weak arms you grabbed the sill and pulled yourself up.
“HEY FUCKERS!” your leg went over to the outside and you jumped, almost landing wrongly. Your body was still weak, but you rose up pridefully . Hair drooping down with your clothes, water glistening from the moon light. You growled at the pack and asserted dominance with the oh so familiar eye color. But it was weak, almost unnoticeable.
“Y/N! What are you doing here?!”Chang Kyun yelled at you “You NEVER listen!”
“S-saving y-your asses. Thank me later.”you smirked, but deep down you knew you couldn’t even fight a beta in this condition 
“We are not here to fight.” the men smelled familiarly 
“Want revenge because I kicked your ass last time?”
“No, I am here just to get what we came for last time.” 
“We don’t have omegas you blind bat!” Kihyun growled at the man
“Oh yes, yes you do.” he laughed out “Right there.”his finger slowly rose up and stopped at your figure.Even with your fever you felt the chill run down your back.
“Stop with your bullshit!” the boy yelled out this time more pissed than before 
“I don’t know what kind of pack you all are if you can’t even notice your own leader’s true identity.” 
  No one was going to believe him at least that is what you hoped. You had everything an alpha possessed so it shouldn’t be that hard for them to ignore this man’s words.
“Get off my territory right now. I am done with all of you at this point.”
“ We will.”his hands were in front of his face, showing that he is not here to harm anyone “I just have to grab something and we will be on our way.” he snapped his fingers and for awhile there was no response.
“Y/N!”Wonho ran up to you, but when he reached out he couldn’t grab you in time.From the threes two werewolves grabbed you ,each by the arm. You were dragged back to their pack leader as he squished your cheeks, looking right at you.
“Aren’t you a beauty.” he moved your head left and then right, examining ever part of you “I have never seen anything like you before. Marvelous. An alpha with omega and beta blood.” he looked at the boys “She was wasted on you lot of idiots. I can’t even believe you don’t smell her scent from kilometers away.”
  Your pack were staring at you speechless. You averted your gaze, but the man aggressively turned your head towards them again and knelt on your level “No sweetie, look at them, give them a nice good look because you won’t see them anymore.” your eyes filled with tears as your head hanged low
“I am sorry...”you whispered as they watched “I am sorry I lied to all of you.” looking back up your eyes were pure white. The tears falling from your cheeks looked like pearls as they reflected the light going down “I am a mutt, I am not worthy of being your pack leader at all. I tried, I really did. I went train with Dean every night so I could be better, so I could be enough for you.”
“Ugh!” the enemy alpha let go of your head and stepped back “She is burning up like crazy!Wasup with that!?” pushing her way through the bunch of wolves ,a girl came out. She took one glance at you and crooked her head.
“This is really cruel.” she spoke in a soft maiden voice, looking at the boys “How could you do something like this to an omega?” she looked at them with disgust, but their confused looks stunned her “Don’t tell me...” the girl bursted out laughing  “You really never talked to a omega before.” her hand swiftly pulled a small plastic bottle from her pocket. She bent over and put a pill in your mouth, making you dry-swallow it.
“It’s mating season you bunch of idiots. If a marked omega isn’t with her mate she gets a fever. Whoever marked her is in heat and apparently suppressing it.”
“What do you mean!?” Wonho stepped out 
“Wow look at you beef cake. You her mate?” he nodded his head slowly “Cool. So she has mating fever. If you suppress your desires she gets the backlash. If she wasn’t half or one third alpha, i don’t know anymore, she would have been in a very bad situation.”
“Will she make it till we get back?” the girl’s alpha asked 
“Yeah, I can use suppressants but she has to get mated to someone from our pack or this would keep being a problem during mating season. I doubt she is gonna like it tho.”
“Great.Grab her and lets go.” someone threw you over their shoulder and proceeded to leave. Your face was still hot and your body was weaker than expected. Your hand reached up slowly, eyes focusing on Wonho. You couldn’t say anything but the moment he saw the pleading tear run down your cheek something in him...snapped.
  His pink wet hair stood up, the golden color in his eyes looked like it was vibrating. Wonho’s lips parted, fangs shining in the moon light. His pupils had completely disappeared. Body hunched back as his legs pushed off the ground, leaving it cracked and messed up. His muscles twitched as he grabbed the guy holding you by the neck. He threw him at the your other captor. Wonho’s strong hand wrapped around your body and he pulled you flush against him, as close as possible. His smell calmed you down, letting your mind rest. 
  As he was standing there, everyone could hear his breath, the growls coming from deep inside him. His eyes were those of a beast and his hair was flowing like the wind was making it dance. His fangs had grown twice the size they should have been in the first place. The alpha hormones crashed every wolf around him to the ground ,so hard they sunk in the dirt. The boost running in his veins made them pulsate visibly and pumped his naturally big frame even more.
  The enemy alpha was hunched down a bit, no matter how much he didn’t want to admit it, he was feeling the back lash hard. In a blink of an eye Wonho jumped off the grass, throwing it in all directions and making contact with the alpha’s face. The man was looking at your mate through his fingers ,as he felt the sharp nails start to carve into his skull.
“G-get out of here.” Wonho whispered “Never come back and...” he bent his arm and pulled the man’s face right in front of him, breathing onto his skin “DON’T YOU EVEN THINK OF TOUCHING HER AGAIN!” the sharp words followed a loud growl. The alpha ended up flying in some random direction as his pack followed. The waves of blood lust engraved into their memories .This territory was off limits and so were you.
  The adrenaline mixed with hormones and testosterone where starting to show their side effects. The boy’s weren’t even thinking of getting close, they felt as if no matter if pack member or not, too close was a bad idea. With strong hands you slapped his cheeks, pulling him back to reality.
“Hey! You damn jacked werewolf.Don’t get all alpha on me! This is my pack!!! pulling away from him you patted his head with a soft smile “Thank you for protecting them.” his eyes slowly toned down back to their normal color. His body was wobbling as Chang Kyun rushed to grab him.
“Didn’t you hate me?” With a playful voice, Wonho winked at his pack member 
“Shut up!” the boy punched him in the stomach 
“Ohugh.Easy easy, I can’t fight back.”
  It took some time but you were able to get him on the couch in the house. With your hands on your hips, you looked at the recuperating boy.
“I swear, you pull too much attention looking like that.” 
“Talking about attention, what was that omega talk?” Hyungwon jumped in the one-sided conversation.Your breath hitched and you couldn’t look at the boy “You owe us all an explanation right now!” he demanded 
“Hyungwon!”Chang Kyun jumped between you too 
“No, he is right.” sighing ,you ran a hand through your hair “My dad is a beta and my mom a omega.When I was born they were shocked to find out I had alpha blood.”
“This shouldn’t be possible.” Shownu mumbled 
“It shouldn’t be, but here we are Shownu. I don’t know how or why.” 
“Uncle speculated it was because you were conceived and born on a bloodmoon. The only one that happened twice in one year.”Chang Kyun informed you of something your dad told him
“Maybe.” your hand was under your chin, when you shot him a wide-eyed look “You knew?!” 
“Of course! You grew up practically in my arms, I took care off you. “ he plopped onto a chair, swinging his arm in front of his face “You had very strong alpha instinct since a child, but when you hit puberty your omega scent came in strong. I had to fight off all kinds of wolves during mating season you know.”
“I-is that why you kept getting more and more scars each year!?” you gasped 
“Of course, I don’t like fighting without a reason. You kept attracting strong alphas from all around the place. Not to mention dumb as fuck.”
“You took your guard down for a second and the dumbest one caught her.” Kihyun bursted out laughing as Wonho shot him a mean look
“Yah!” he growled at him
“True.”Chang Kyun leaned back into his chair, receiving the same pissed look from the wounded pup
“What now?”Hyungwon asked 
“I am still your alpha.” the boy shut his mouth instinctively when he felt your energy pressure “I am as strong as an alpha, as fast as a beta and manipulative as an omega. You have no chance to dethrone me.”
“Geeze, I never said that. I meant about your fever.You are acting tough for someone trembling like that.”he pointed at your legs. Once it was made clear to you, your body crashed on the floor as you were feeling hot again, breath difficult.
“Can you just accept help from others for once.”Wonho sighed as his hand found the back of your head.With one swift move he pulled you and crashed his lips against yours. Pulling back everyone was shocked from his shameless action.
“Wonh-”Chang Kyun yelled out when his words just stopped. Your hand tangled into Wonho’s hair and pulled him hungry for more, almost biting his lip. Your eyes flashed white, then silver and finished with a strong gold. He was almost like a battery as you were sucking the extra alpha energy he had.And trust me this boy had enough for 3 more wolves. Wonho didn’t waste no time and picked you up, running up the stairs to his room. 
  The door behind you crashed loudly, making the wall vibrate before your back hit it hard. His arm indented it in seconds as he growled in your mouth.
“I have been suppressing this for so long and you are gonna get it now.” 
“Be my guest.” you smiled onto his skin
  The boys all left the house in a matter of seconds, not wanting to hear anything that might enter their ear in the next few hours. Everything was back to normal again ,if not better than it was before. Wonho never learned to like Dean. He on the other hand realized his feelings for Scarlet, but the answer he got was a hard punch from her and her mate.
 Things might look really bad at times ,but they happen for the best outcome at the end.
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jooheonspinky · 5 years
Lure of the Lore 10
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Word Count: 3.1K
The guys invited us to spend the night. Since Changkyun and I had been prepared to camp out in their yard, we already had extra clothing and toiletries. By the time I returned, a groggy Hyungwon informs me Changkyun is sleeping and that I should not disturb him. He escorts me to a spare room towards the back of the home. The bed looks welcoming, the events of the day leaving me exhausted.
“Thanks, Hyungwon,” I smile sleepily up at him. “I really appreciate you all accepting us so quickly.”
He pats my head fondly and I can’t help but giggle.
“Changkyun is family, so you are family,” he nods. “There’s a bathroom with a shower right across your room. Sleep well.”
He closes the door, leaving me in the room by myself. I sigh, bringing my stuff over from by the door and set them by the bedside table. I take out a pair of undies and a sports bra, then pull out my night clothes, which are just a pair of sweatpants and an oversized long sleeved shirt. A hot shower before lying down would be nice.
Peeking out into the hall, I find it's mostly dark. A plug-in night light midway up the hall provides a smidge of illumination and I scurry across the way and into the bathroom. Flicking on the light switch, I glance at myself in the mirror. I can’t help but smile goofily at my reflection as I quickly undress.
I wait for the water to warm up after I turn the knob before I step in. It was fascinating seeing Wonho interact with his pack tonight. He was more playful and relaxed. It will be interesting to see how they are around each other under normal circumstances.
I don’t dally too long and am done, dressed, and back in my room in about fifteen minutes or so.
Now that the door is closed, the lights are off and I’m snuggled cozily beneath the quilt Hyungwon had left me…I find I can’t sleep. My mind is racing. This same time tomorrow…Wonho will be free and back with his family. He and Changkyun can have a proper reunion. And…and will this also mean whatever was blooming between us will be stopped short? The excitement of the situation fading when he’s out? Or will he actually want to explore further this connection we seem to have?
I’m nervous suddenly and roll onto my side. Squeezing my eyes shut tight, I will my brain to quiet down its ramped thoughts. Focusing on regulating my breathing and relaxing…it takes some time, but I finally succumb to slumber.
I was the first to get up this morning. Though I had eventually fallen asleep, it was more of an on and off kinda thing. The sun was yet to rise when I finally pulled myself outta bed. I made a large pot of coffee, found a mug on the counter and poured myself a pretty good helping before heading outside.
The porch has a few chairs and a small table to the right of the front door. I take the seat farthest from the doorway, prop my socked feet up onto the middle wooden railing and take a sip of the hot liquid.
It helps clear my mind. The warmth is soothing and I sink a little in my seat, balancing the ceramic cup on my knee. I can’t see the actual sun rising, but the sky that peeks through the tree branches provides snippets of the gradient of oranges that are beginning to paint the heavens. Long shadows cast down by the massive trees crawl towards the porch and the singing of the morning birds accentuates the jubilant mood I’m in.
It’s as if this beautiful morning is a sign that tonight will go perfect. It’s only now that I’m able to calm down some, pushing all the worrisome thoughts from last night away. Everything is going to be ok.
I hear the front door open and look over to find Shownu there.
“Y/N,” he smiles looking around quickly before returning his gaze to me. “What are you doing out here by yourself?”
He’s in a pair of black basketball shorts and a white t-shirt. His hair is still mussed and his eyes are a little puffy from sleep.
“Just enjoying the sun rise,” I sit up in my chair. “I don’t ever get to watch it. I’m usually busy driving to work or sleeping in on the weekends.” I chuckle as he grins. “What me to bring you a cup?”
“Sure. Black is good.”
I head back in, tip-toeing into the kitchen. I hunt for another mug and pour him some of the still steaming liquid. Back outside, I hand it to him. He thanks me with a nod and leans back in his chair, stretching his long legs out and crossing them at the ankles. He sips, sighing contentedly and looks out at the same scenery I had just been watching. He’s pretty quiet from what I’ve observed so far and I find it comforting as we both drink our morning joe on the porch.
It’s not too long after that the rest of the household awakens and Shownu and I head inside. I come to learn that, as Wonho had told me before, Kihyun is the one cooking. The rest of the clan pitch in here and there, but he seems to do most of the work.
Changkyun and Jooheon are the last to wake up, the two emerging from the back of the house somewhere. Changkyun appears a bit groggy as he shuffles towards the dining table. Jooheon must notice my concerned face because he heads my way after making sure his younger cousin is settled in the chair.
“I know he seems a bit out of it,” Jooheon begins, “But the medication I gave him keeps his inner werewolf at bay. It’s something Hyungwon and I came up with and it works with us. Only side effect is sleepiness.”
I nod my understanding and sit next to my best friend.
“Hey,” I elbow him playfully. “How you feeling, bro?”
“Like I could sleep forever,” he mumbles, dropping his head onto my shoulder.
“Awe,” I smile faintly at him. “At least you’re with your family. I’m sure this has to be a bit scary for you.” He nods, a grunting sound of agreement rumbling in his throat. I pat his cheek tenderly. “You’re going to be ok. Just have some breakfast and continue to rest.”
The guys bring breakfast to the table and I help serve Changkyun a plate so he doesn’t have to use too much energy. Once we’re done, Jooheon and Hyungwon help Changkyun back to bed and I help Kihyun get everything cleaned up. Once everything is washed and put away, Shownu, Kihyun, Minhyuk and I gather together to go over our plans for tonight once again.
We make sure we have everything prepared, packed up and set next to the door. We want to be ready to go with no hesitation when the time comes. Once we are confident we got everything, all we can do is…wait.
This is like THE longest day ever! I groan inwardly as the drive seems to creep by at a snail’s pace. My leg shakes impatiently while I squint at the scenery flashing past my window as Kihyun drives us as fast as legally possible to the exhibit. Nibbling roughly at my bottom lip I feel as if I’ll burst from the excitement and anxiousness. I can’t help but frown knowing, no matter how long this jail break takes, my jittery self will still have to get up hella early the next day to get to work.
“Try and relax,” Kihyun urges softly from beside me.
We turn to look at each other at the same time, and I offer him a small nervous smile.
Rubbing my sweaty hands up and down my thighs, I confess, “I’m trying to, but…”
“I know,” he grins. “I’m excited and nervous, too, but everything is going to go as planned. There’s no cameras outside. There’s no back door. There’s several of us, so don’t worry.”
“You’re right,” I nod with a long sigh while tugging my pony tail through my hand.
My fingers return to the tie holding things up. The strip of material Wonho had tied around my wrist. I’d wrapped it around the elastic I’d used for my ponytail using it as a good luck charm.
“We’re almost there,” he points out. “Just close your eyes and try to relax.”
Though I do what he asks, all I can think about is the crazy adventure Changkyun and I have been in for over two weeks now. It feels like a lifetime has passed! The fact that I know now that werewolves are not fictional still feels surreal. Sometimes I wonder if this is all a vivid dream that I’ll wake up from any moment. But even as I think that, I pinch the inside of my arm and feel the sting confirming that what’s happening now is real life.
The jostling of the car going over uneven terrain has my eyes flicking open. I must have dozed off without realizing it. We’ve arrived and Kihyun has pulled us into the cover of the brush in our secret hiding spot. It’s almost time and I have to swallow down the anxiety I’m still feeling.
“So we got an hour before we head up there,” Shownu begins, looking back to make sure Minhyuk’s awake. Seeing he’s sitting up, he continues, “Anyone need to run over the plan again?”
“I think we’re good,” I meet each guys gaze. “Me and Minhyuk will be the look out while you and Kihyun work on getting Wonho out. Once you’re done, we’ll all quickly get to the car and drive off.”
Everyone nods.
“Simple enough,” Shownu comments. “But we should still be on high alert. Just because no one has shown up at this hour these past weeks doesn’t mean things can’t be different tonight.”
“True,” I allow.
“Come on,” Minhyuk comes forward to step out of the car. “Better to wait out near the tree line and get some fresh air after being cooped up so long.”
“Let’s go,” Kihyun agrees pulling out the key from the ignition.
Shownu grabs the black backpack with the tools, some grub for Wonho to munch on while he waits for everything to go down, and water for us all. They follow me up the path that has now been created by myself and the guys from coming up this way so often. At the tree line, the guys listen and look around confirming we are definitely alone.
No one says anything as we hang tight for an hour there. Though we are desperate to get to Wonho, it’s better to be safe than sorry. When Shownu finally gives the signal to move forward a relieved sigh escapes my lips before I could stop it. Minhyuk smirks from beside me, bumping his elbow teasingly into my arm. I fail at hiding a smile of my own, but I keep silent.
At the tent Wonho is already sticking his hand out and waving. I have to cover my mouth to keep from laughing. He’s like a little kid antsy to get out and run around.
“I am sooo ready to get out of here,” he laughs.
“We’ll get started then,” Shownu nods as he pulls out the food first and passes it to Wonho. “Sit and eat while we put in all the work.”
“Sounds good to me!”
“Kihyun, with me,” he orders. “Y/N over there and Minhyuk on this side,” Shownu points to the right for me and left for Minhyuk. Taking out a pair of long scissors, he grins, “Alright…let’s do this.”
He brings them to the opening I had made a few weeks ago. The scissors are so sharp he doesn’t even have to snip. He starts an incision at the seam I’d already created and holds the flap taut. Pushing forward, the blades slice through the tent like a hot knife through butter. Within moments he has an oval humanish-shaped piece of the tent cut out and thrown onto the ground.
Kihyun passes him the electric saw and then disappears the scissors into the bag. Wonho smirks at them as he eats happily in the corner of the little privacy area. Hearing the soft whirring of the electric handsaw that Shownu and Kihyun had McGyvered to supposedly cut through anything, I return my attention to scouting my side of the tent.
The metal that was incorporated into the bars was making it slow going. Plans had to be changed. Every fifteen minutes or so the boys swapped off because the silver coating on the cool metal weakened them if they touched it too long. There was no going around it. They needed to grasp onto one of the bars to provide more friction and strength for the tool to saw into the other bar.
They’ve already removed one rod. Unfortunately it was not enough space for Wonho to squeeze through. They’re working on the second half of the second bar. I try to focus on making sure we are still in the clear, but I’m starting to worry not only that it’s taking too long, but that the boys are becoming too exhausted to continue.
“Freakin’ finally!” I hear Minhyuk exclaim roughly a while later.
I swirl around to see him drop a pole from Wonho’s cage on the floor as if it were hot. Shownu had been on watch as Kihyun rested. I jog over, slowing down once I see the prisoner step out and rush straight into Minhyuk’s arms. My hand slips over my mouth to stifle a laugh as I watch him bear hug the taller man and bounce him up and down as they turn in a circle.
Someone was happy!
Releasing Minhyuk, he helps Kihyun to his feet and then pulls him in for a tight hug. Neither say anything, the embrace saying all: all was forgiven, all was ok now between them. Then Shownu came in to hug them both, Minhyuk enfolding them all as much as he could.
“Alright, guys,” Shownu wriggles his way out of the entanglement of arms. “Let’s give Wonho and Y/N a minute and get this cleaned up before we go.”
Hearing my name, I drop my eyes to the ground, pretending I had been giving them privacy for their reunion. Wonho’s booted feet come into view and I clamp my teeth onto my bottom lip to keep a huge smile from spreading across my lips. Taking a deep breath, I finally glance up, offering him a small shy smile as I try to think of what to say.
“Hey,” he grins back. “I’m finally free, thanks to you.”
I shrug, not wanting to accept all the credit, “Actually your pack did all the work. I just showed them how to get here.”
“But they would have never known if it weren’t for you,” he cocks an eyebrow at me, daring me to argue that point.
“True,” I allow.
“Is it ok if I hug my hero?”
“Stop,” I huff, trying not to laugh.
This time I’m unable to hold in the giggles as I open my arms and usher him forward. My laughter instantaneously stops when he steps into me and encircles my torso in the warmest hug I’ve ever felt in my life. For a second I stop breathing. It’s only a second, though, as one of his hand sweeps under my hair to cup the back of my neck and gently urge me to rest my cheek on his chest. As soon as our skins touch there is a snap of electricity and it’s like a cue for my lungs to jumpstart into their normal function mode. I let out a long contented sigh while wrapping my own arms around his slim waist.
How can a man so toned and rippled with hard muscles feel so soft and cozy all at the same time?
“You wore my shirt in your hair,” he comments, quietly.
“Yeah,” I whisper back. “For good luck.”
Someone clearing their throat has us pulling apart. I awkwardly tug at my shirt hem, too embarrassed to look up.
“We’re ready if you are,” Shownu announces.
“More than ready,” Wonho replies back.
“Let’s go then,” Kihyun takes the lead.
Once at the car, Kihyun gets into the driver’s seat while Shownu slips into the passenger side. Minhyuk ushers us in before him, urging us to get in the bench seat in the back while he takes one of the bucket seats in the middle. I sit by the window on the right side and Wonho plants himself next to me. Shownu turns on the radio and R&B plays softly around us.
“Is it ok if I lay down on your lap?”
I turn to face him, and even though it’s too dark in the car, I’m pretty sure his eyes are pleading.
“Sure,” I whisper, willing my heart not to jump out of my chest.
How could I say no after all he’s been through? Wonho shifts his body on the seat so that he’s lying on his side facing towards the front of the vehicle. He rests his head carefully on my thigh, then curls his hands into fists beneath his chin.
Can someone built as sturdy as a mountain even be called ‘adorable’ because, as Kihyun begins to pull out and the glow of the dash reflects dimly off of Wonho…I can’t help but think how adorable he looks curled up like a baby right now. The temptation is too great, and before I can stop myself, my hand reaches down towards his hair. I begin to rake my fingers through the silken strands, much like my mom used to do to me when I was little and didn’t feel well. The gesture was comforting and would lull me to sleep knowing I was safe lying next to her. Instinct had me wanting to offer the same feelings to Wonho.
At first he tenses, a soft green glow beginning to alight in his eyes, but as I continue to comb my fingers through his hair, the pads of my fingers sliding across his scalp, he relaxes. No one speaks as we head towards their home. The adrenaline from tonight’s adventure is beginning to wear off. As I stare out at the darkness beyond the glass, I can’t help but feel relief at how easy and almost smoothly everything had gone with the rescue mission. In a few days those words would come back to haunt me, but for now Wonho has drifted off and I don’t even notice when my head falls slowly against the window and sleep takes me over as well.
Part 9 | 10| 11
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alchile-recs · 4 years
fic recs
seokjin | yoongi | hoseok |
namjoon | jimin | 
taehyung | jungkook | ot7 |
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dean | christian yu | kyungsoo | jb | jennie | shownu | wonho | jooheon | seulgi |
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all time fave fics
genres triple | fluff | angst | smut | crack | slowburn | normal | quick | 
type headcanon | oneshot | multi-chaptered | drabble | ao3  |
tag for major warnings :: mentions of rape, major character death, mental illness, eating disorder, etc
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archive of your own fanfic recs 
my ao3 user is @/snoopyjhs
bts or kpop ao3 fanfic recs 
anime ao3 fic recs
ffxv ao3 fic recs
house of the dragon ao3 fic recs 
use the ao3 tag in my blog!!
korean novel recs 
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aus by alphabetical order:  
A :: artist  | arranged-marriage | anime | assassin | airport | angel | alien | age-gap | avatar 
B :: band | bad-boy | barista | biker | babysitter | boxer |bodyguard | 
C:: college | coworkers | cooking | ceo | celebrity | crush | cheating | cheerleader | christmas special | chubby | cowboy | circus | criminal 
D:: demon | devil | dancer | doctor | dragon | delivery | disney | detective | disability | domestic | dilf
E:: enemies-to-lovers | exes | establish relationship |
F:: fantasy | fuckboy | fake-dating | fairytale | friends-with-benefits | friends-to-lovers | foursome | florist | frat-boy/frat | foreigner  | fuckgirl | fighter | firefighter | farmer |
G:: gamer | girlfriend | gangster | gods/mythology | gym | ghibli | gold-digger | ghost | 
H:: hybrid | hogwarts | high-school | hunter | halloween special |
I:: idol-verse | incubus | impreg |
L:: lgbtq+ centered | librarian | lifeguard | 
M:: memberxmember | mermaid-merman | musician | mechanic | mafia | marriage | military | model | milf | memory loss | 
N:: nerd | ninja | noona | neighbor | 
O:: office | orgy |
P:: pregnancy | parenthood | punk | poly | piercings | police | psycho | pirate |
R:: royalty | rebound | roommates | religion | rich | robot-android | rockstar | racer |
S:: sports | supernatural | single-parent | sex-worker | sibling’s-best-friend | school | strangers-to-lovers | soulmates | slice-of-life | succubus | sub | stripper | skater | sugar-daddy | sugar-mom | superhero | super-power | stoner | surfer | sugar-baby | step-brother | spy | sci-fi | summer | secret-agent | 
T:: teacher | time-period | tattoo | tentacles | threesome | throwback | toxic-relationship | thief | twins |
V:: vampire | virginity | valentines day | 
W:: weeb | werewolf | writer | worker | witch |
Y:: youtuber | yandere |
Z:: zombie | zoom |
423 notes · View notes
1eos · 3 years
do u still do bad fanfic friday? bc if u do u should read one of those bap mafia ones or i saw a wonho werewolf one somewhere lmaoooo
i wanted to do one tonight but im so engrossed in shin megami tensei rn 😭😭😭😭 so i might do it tmm night cuz im getting my ass beat by this cunty mermaid (i love her) anyways thank u SO much for the recs i'll look them up!
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yeolsangeleyes · 6 years
Soft Q&A!
It's that time to answer some question! Thanks for the tagging @xtemptaetionx
What's the smell of your shampoo?
Idk, something sweetish.
What's your aesthetic?
Too much colors, smell of books, moonlight, full moon, sea, beach, wind, forest, the silence of nature, the noises of a city, the sound of rain, ink, anchor... Tbh, i don't really know, my mind is really complex and full of paradox things. 🌼
What's your favorite time of the day?
Nighttime. 2 or 3AM. The street where i live is the calmest at that time. I really like longs walk, it's just me, silence (and sometimes the music in my ears), and I.
What do you most like about the beach?
We don't have any in here (unfortunately 😭) so i can just say my imagination. Sometimes I'd like the human noises in there, listen stories from other people, the crowd which I watch in the distance. Sometimes i'd like the soothing voice of the sea, the soft breeze on my face, the smell of salt, the noises of waves, the softness of sand.
What do you worry about constantly?
It depends on my mood. Sometimes i worried, sometimes i'm not. When i do, i think about the future, what's gonna become the reason of my happiness, of my living. Will i meet the person who destined for me? Will my beliefs stay true to myself? How i'll change? How i gonna act towards others for ten years later, will my decisions be okay....?
What's a song you've cried before?
Oh, please. I had an "ultimate crying songs" list since the age of 13, so i'm an expert when it comes to crying at songs. I recently cried at Oasis by EXO and If Only by MX (JEEZ GOD JOOHEON'S VOICE)
What are some relaxing tips to your followers?
Listen to your fav music, read your fav book, watch your fav movies or series. Just do what you love, guys! (Or listen Wonho's laugh. That really helps. Or watch some video about Squishysoo)
What's your fav from each senses?
Sight: the way i see the world and people around me
Smell: The sense of my fav food, flowers
Taste: sweet, sometimes spicy
Sound: talk, music, laughter, rain, silence Hello darkness my old friend i've come to talk with you again
Touch: hug, cuddle (hehe, i really like skinship)
What is one alternative reality you'd like to be in?
ANYWHERE THERE'S MAGIC OR FANTASTICAL CREATURES! I personally would be someone with unique skills, maybe a witch or an oracle. Or a werewolf.
What are some troubles you face on a daily basis?
If we put aside the fact I work as a cashier at a KFC and I have to talk and take orders from moody and rude customers, sometimes I catch myself watching my reflection in the mirror and think about my old self who hates herself, her body, the way she saw the world. Sometimes I'm afraid one day she'll come back. But at the same time I know I will fight with her if she comes back.
What is one scene of a book that make you really sad?
'The truth sometimes reminds me of a city buried in sand.' Aka said.' As time passes by, the sand piles up even thicker, and occasionally it's blown away and what's below is revealed. In this case it's definitely the latter. Whether the misunderstanding is cleared up or isn't, you aren't the type of person to do something like that. I know that really well.' - Murakami Haruki, Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and his years of pilgrimage
[the main character is accused of rape and the one who talks was his friend, and the girl who's raped was their friend]
This scene is really saddened me when I read it cause that quote is so true. He knows his friend would never done an act like that, and even so... No one believed him. And that's just sad af.
Say something to your followers!
Hey, all 35 of you! I hope you're great and you're okay! I'd like to thank all of you, cause you gave me courage to speak up anytime I want, to speak and communicate more in a language what's not mine but it feels like that. You gave me courage, confidence to speak and say my opinions (about fanfics too) and in the world of tumblr and the internet and okay I should shut the fuck up cause that's going to be awkward af, I'M GRATEFUL ALL OF YOU. Thank you for give me that little trust and love to hit the follow button. I know my content isn't the best, but I'm trying to be motivate and kind to all of you, all of the writers in here (you're all precious beans and talented bitches) cause I believe if I give kindness to everybody, maybe I'll get that kindness too.
@smut-wars @sundropsoo @beloved-jooheon @yeolology @whimsical-ness @monpabebe @yehet-me-up @noona-clock @tempopcy @dazzlingkai I tag you guys, thanks for coming to my ted talk
Thank you my precious for reading all of this
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chessireneko · 7 years
Mobile Masterlist
(A):Angst | (F):Fluff | (M):Mature 
all pictures used for the moodboards are taken from Pinterest, I own none of them
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➵ Yongguk: Pastel Blue, Phantom of the Opera (Halloween series), Wanderer,
➵ Himchan: Dracula (Halloween series),
➵ Daehyun: Dr Frankenstein (Halloween series),
➵ Youngjae: The Picture of Dorian Gray (Halloween series),
➵ Jongup: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Halloween Series),
➵ Zelo: Werewolf of London (Halloween Series)
➵ Daehyun: Sudden Suggestions (F)
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➵ C.A.P: Tranquility, Night Calls, Moonlight Paintings,
➵ Niel: Pink Aesthetic (Bias Moodboard Tag), What’s Good MV, Autumn Coffee,
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➵ Mark: ‘You Are’, Frosty Aesthetic, Demonic, Empty,
➵ JB: Coffee Date, Grunge, Smokes and Drinks, Static,      
➵ Yugyeom: Amusement Park Date
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➵ Leo: Dark Side 
➵ Hongbin: Baking Date, Voodoo Doll
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➵ Wonho: All In Aesthetics, Restless, Demon’s Touch
➵ Hyungwon: Yellow Aesthetic,
➵ I.M: Christmas Decorations, White Coffee
➵ Wonho: Late Night Call (M)
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➵ Youngmin: Pink Dreams
➵ Kwangmin: Beige Realities
➵ Minwoo: Christmas Shopping 
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➵ Yoongi: Color Aesthetic, Outcast , (Un)broken, 
➵ Namjoon: Blue Aesthetics, High On Thrill, 
➵ Jimin: Halloween Date, Spring,
➵ Taehyung: Outcast,
➵ Jungkook: Silent Notes 
➵ Hoseok: Eggnog and Chill (M) 
➵ Taehyung: Keeping Promises (A)
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➵ Jae: Lights and Sounds, Pastel Scents
➵ Sungjin: Last First Christmas (F)
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➵  Bing Bang
⇢ G-Dragon: Fallen Angel
⇢ Xiumin: Early Mornings 
⇢ Chanyeol: Addicted, Mafia
⇢ Doyoung: Cherry Streets, On Clouds, 
➵ iKON
⇢ B.I: Troublemaker 
➵ N.Flying
⇢ Seunghyub: Ride or Die
➵ Pentagon
⇢ Yanan: Dorms and Libraries
⇢ Yeeun: Life Like Sugar
➵ the Rose
⇢ Woosung: tell me, 
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➵  Kpop x ATLA
➵  Colour Meanings
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ao3feed-sugamon · 5 years
𝖬𝗒 𝖥𝖺𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝖫𝗎𝗇𝖺
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QlHzcw
by tsukino_usagi
Namjoon always knew that Yoongi is his alpha. But ye says nothing to it, keeping to himself as his secret. Yoongi hates him. Yoongi had rejected him even without knowing that Namjoon is the luna decided by the Moon Goddess.
But still, it hurts so much for being unwanted by his own alpha. He has no one on his side. His father also hates him when he presented as an omega. His brother Seokjin and Taehyung has been ignoring him since.
Worst of all, everyone at school keeps on bullying him - knowing that he can't defend himself and no one going to help him.
Where does he stand in the pack? Being outcast by his own family, rejected by his alpha - Namjoon almost reached his limits. What will he do when Yoongi finally realized that Namjoon is his omega?
Will it be too late for him to mend himself?
Namjoon already broken. Can he fix the heart of his Luna?
Words: 14369, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Omega Namjoon
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS, Monsta X (Band)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Kim Namjoon | RM, Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Taehyung | V, Jeon Jungkook, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Park Jimin (BTS), Son Hyunwoo | Shownu, Lee Hoseok | Wonho, Lee Jooheon
Relationships: Kim Namjoon | RM/Min Yoongi | Suga, Jeon Jungkook/Jung Hoseok/Kim Namjoon/Kim Seokjin/Kim Taehyung/Min Yoongi/Park Jimin, Kim Seokjin | Jin/Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook & Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V, Kim Namjoon | RM/Son Hyunwoo | Shownu
Additional Tags: Omega Kim Namjoon | RM, Alpha Min Yoongi | Suga, Alpha Kim Seokjin | Jin, Alpha Kim Taehyung | V, Beta Park Jimin (BTS), Alpha Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Alpha Son Hyunwoo | Shownu, Alpha Lee Hoseok | Wonho, Beta Lee Jooheon, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe - Werewolf, Hurt Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Namjoon | RM-centric, Bullying, Monsta X is bad people in this fanfic, Werewolf Mates, Kim Namjoon | RM & Kim Seokjin | Jin Are Siblings, Kim Seokjin | Jin & Kim Taehyung | V Are Siblings, Sweet Kim Namjoon | RM, Rejected Mate, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Ambiguous/Open Ending
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QlHzcw
0 notes
btswishes · 5 years
I am not enough.
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Werewolf Au (Wonho)
Part1 / Part2 / Part3 / Part4 / Part5 / Part6 / Part7 /
A/N:  I feel like I will get killed for the cockblock XD Sorry for any mistakes made and hope you all enjoy it.
Word count:  2,288
Warnings: Dirty, flirting, suggestive language, cursing
  The day passed like it never was here in the first place. The house felt like the den of ghosts, no soul was making any sounds. Even you were sitting on your bed covered in a thick blanket, just staring outside the window.You were hoping that the rest of the boys would get back home as soon as possible from wherever they were right now. It started to get dark outside and your stomach had rumbled not once, but a couple of times.
   Breakfast wasn’t keeping you fueled up anymore and you were starting to get uneasy.Hunger was very bad for a werewolf , but the sheer fact that he was in the same house as you kept you chained to the room.It had been more than half a day already and you were starting to tremble. For once humans had it easy when it came to hunger. If a werewolf is starved for more than a day, they lose control of their human self and surrender to their animalistic nature and needs.
 *knock knock* 
  A shiver ran down your spine, but you didn’t know if it was the hunger or the fact that there could be only one person on the other end of the door. No word came out of the room, you didn’t even move, waiting for him to leave.
*knock knock*
  That forsaken sound echoed again down the hall and inside the locked off chamber, but once more it didn’t get anything in return.
“It’s been more than 6 hours.As much as you don’t want to come out, you haven’t eaten yet since that tiny cereal.” his voice followed the silence, passing through the walls. Wonho waited and waited, but you weren’t speaking up at all. His forehead made contact with the door ,as his big arm leaned onto the frame “I will leave the house.” your head perked up “If I am the problem I will leave, since you won’t even eat. I don’t want you to starve yourself to madness. Give me 10 min, I will get my stuff and leav-” 
  His head lost balance ,when the hard surface holding it moved back. You stepped out of the room with the blanket tightly wrapped around you. Barefoot, your head was on his chest-level, not looking up at him. Walking passed the stunned boy, you went downstairs and grabbed food from the fridge. Still shocked, Wonho followed you and just stared as you whipped up something. The plate hitting the marble counter made the boy shake himself out of the state he was in. You took your food and sat on the couch, crossing your legs up on it.
“Is that?” he pointed at the steaming food and you nodded, without eye contact or a sound. He slowly pulled the chair and sat down, trying out the food.
“It’s good.” 
  Far away from each other as the sun was setting and the utensils were singing against the dishes.
“Stay.” your words choked him up with the egg 
“Are you deff?”you hissed at him and the boy shook his head “Don’t decide things on your own without talking to me first.I should have known you would run with your tail between your legs.”
“Wow wow, wait a minute.” Wonho closed his eyes as his head crooked to the side, trying to see if he heard correctly “Are you calling me a coward?” his pride suffered a heavy blow 
“If you weren’t one you would just take responsibility, since it is your fault.” you leaned forward and placed the now empty plate onto the glass top coffee table. 
  He eyed you from top to bottom . Wonho didn’t know what to say as he sighed and licked his lips. He was fighting with his inner self, wondering if he should be saying the things he is thinking.
“Do you like me?” 
“What!?” you coughed out the question almost like a scream of confusion. You didn’t expect him to be this direct so sudden. You didn’t want to beat around the bush, but now that this was asked, you would have preferred to keep him in the dark.
“Answer me.” Wonho pushed the chair away aggressively and walked right in front of you. Standing tall ,he was staring at you ,waiting for an answer.
“What the heck is this sudden question about?!” brows frowned and mouth wide open, you were staring to sweat. Was there even a way to slip out of this one too? “I don’t know what you expect me to say.” you crossed your hands in front of your chest.  
“I don’t like you.” this is how things were supposed to be, back to normal. But his answer didn’t stay well within your heart. Your head was staring at the house, eyes beginning to slowly water against your will. You were about to laugh out prideful and say something stupid to hide your true emotions, since you kept thinking that no matter what ,this was the best decision for the whole pack. But before even a sound went out your mouth ,an almost silent thud grabbed your attention.
  Wonho’s hands were holding onto your arms as his head hit your knees, resting on them. Body low with defeat 
“I don’t like you at all.”he shook his head, rubbing his fluffy and soft hair against your skin “But I can’t run away anymore, I tried to so many times.”
“Run away from what? Wonho you are making so sense right now.” you shook him, but the boy’s palms traveled to your upper arm. His eyes focused on you with the look of a begging puppy 
“I never wanted to like you and I never did, because from the first moment I was already in love.” your breath stopped “That night I-I was drunk, I lost control over myself and I wandered in your room...is what I wanted you to believe. It’s true I wasn’t sober but I felt...I knew what I was doing but I kept going. I don’t like Dean, I hate that fucker! I don’t want him around you. I thought that if I marked you, even against your will he would give up.”
“When I saw you starving yourself just because I was in the same house as you, I knew you hated me so much.How could I possibly stay here any longer seeing you react like this.”
“Wonho!”you cupped his cheeks and pulled his face closer to yours, crashing your lips against his. It took him a second to snap out of his speechless self.His eyes relaxed as he grabbed your leg underneath and pulled you off the couch. Your fingers ran though his pink hair and he pushed you against the wall again, this time softly.
  You pulled back after what felt like 5 minutes to take a deep breath. You were panting in each other’s faces, before he placed his forehead against yours. Eyes focused on you, he smirked.
“So, does this mean you like me just a little?” you hit his shoulder and flashed the boy an angry look. Wonho’s head attacked your neck and started kissing from your jaw down to the still fresh bite mark. 
“S-stop, everyone might get back anytime now.” your words stuttered a bit, but still exposed your neck even more to him.
“Knowing them, it was probably some stupid idea to get us to make up, so I bet they will be back tomorrow.” Wonho kept going slowly down towards your chest, biting off the buttons with his sharp teeth. He was leaving little and gentle bites on random places all over your skin, subconsciously making them symmetric.
“How are you so dirty?I never expected all of this from you.” your arms were holding onto his back and neck, leaving him to explore wherever he wanted to go.
“I never expected you to be this sweet. I guess the forbidden fruit has to be the juiciest.But...” he stopped and looked up at you with hunger in his eyes “I haven’t been there yet though.”
“Stawp!”letting go of him, you hid your face into your palms. Your skin was tinted a light and innocent pink color. Wonho’s big hand grabbed your wrists and pinned them against the wall above your head.
“No no, let me see. I want everything you have.” crashing his lips against yours you unconsciously pulled your head away from the hard surface, pushing against him even more. Wonho was holding onto your arms, so when he pulled back from you, you kept struggling to get back against him, but his eyes were looking at the couch.
“We have the whole house to ourselves.” he threw you a playful smirk and a side look, head still facing the other direction “Come on.” your feet touched the ground for the first time in what felt like centuries.Even so he kept one of his hands on your lower back, pulling you flush against his tone body.Moving a strand of hair away from your face ,he looked at you waiting for an answer.
“What do you mean?” 
“You are just too pure.” he laughed “Chose a spot baby girl, I am letting you be a bit in control right now since I started this whole mess.” he was running his free hand though your hair and drawing circles on your back with his other “We can go to the bathroom, the bedroom or...” as he was talking, Wonho noticed your eyes drifted to the kitchen.
“Aw, so little kitten did have a dirty side after all. Not into vanilla?”
“What!!!”you panicked suddenly “NO!!!” a blush creeping back onto your soft skin “It’s because of you stupid!” Wonho laughed out as you hit his chest a few times, before he grabbed one of your arms and moved to eye level.
“I wouldn’t want to have it another way.” taking you by the hand he was already holding, Wonho pulled you towards the brightly lit corner of the house. Stopping in front of the kitchen island, he placed your hips against the edge. With one swift move he grabbed your waist and lifted you off the wooden floor in seconds. Your skin soon made contact with the cold surface, sending shivers down your spine. 
  His warm hands pulled your knees apart, positioning himself in between them.
“I will kill you if we get caught, I swear!” you grabbed the bottom of his already lose shirt. His body answered your movement by hooking his arm under your thigh and sliding you closer against his bulge . Attacking your neck, his soft kisses and licks turned into harsh bites. A small moan left your plump lips which caused his body to freeze and your eyes to widen. You couldn’t believe what just happened.
“Do that again...” his arm gripped the island hard causing his wound to reopen, but the heat was throwing him into a painless adrenaline rush “That was so hot.” Wonho licked his lips, taking deep beast like breaths. Suddenly he threw his shirt to the ground, bit down hard on your almost fully torn clothes and finished them. You were half naked at this point, your hair everywhere and needy. This was a fairly new feeling for you, but unlike you Wonho was pushing the situation even more.
“Lay back a bit.” he huffed out, towering over you.Legs around his hips, his hands holding the kitchen island. You lost yourself in his scent, for the first time without being scared.
“Wonho-o” you pouted rubbing your hips against his 
“I know I know.” his hands slipped under your underwear about to take them off.
“Honestly I am disappointed in that concert. I swear we can do a better one if we were sin-” Kihyun dropped the bag on the ground. Everyone else froze in one spot as their eyes were filling with the view in front of them.
“Hey! You are gonna break my bottle, dropping the bag like that.” Chang Kyun noticed the silence a bit late “Yo, wasup with ya-”
   Your breath choked you, not wanting to leave your lungs. Wonho’s lips were in a strange shape as your hand was pushing against his face!
  Joohoney’s body leaned almost like a leaf pushed by the wind and flew in your direction. Wonho took a few steps back. The boys gathered in front of you, Hyungwon throwing his jacket over you.
“Y/N are you ok?”Shownu asked worried, helping you sit back up, when he saw the tons of bites on your body. He could smell blood from your lips and pieced things together, a bit wrongly when seeing the young one’s hand.”You!” he threw a punch and Wonho took it without saying anything 
“I trusted you! I made Chang Kyun believe me that you weren’t a bad kid. What is all this shit about?!” he was growling at the alpha, forgetting about his beta blood “I should have known that if Y/N was trying to stay away from you, there was something up...” 
“Wonho, can you explain yourself!” Minhyuk looked at the boy
  He grabbed his jaw and smirked at his hyung “I guess I deserve that one.”
“YOU!”Chang Kyun started walking towards the injured boy with aggression, when Hyungwon grabbed him by the hand. 
“Get Y/N out of here first.” as much as he didn’t want to agree, he did as suggested. Your eyes were looking at Wonho, not being able to say a thing. After Shownu’s second punch he knelt to the floor. You were about to run up to him, when you noticed him shake his head slowly. Chang Kyun picked you up and ran passed Wonho.
                          ‘Be a good girl and wait for me, ok?’
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btswishes · 5 years
I am not good enough.
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Werewolf Au (Wonho)
Part1 / Part2 / Part3 / Part4 / Part5 / Part6 / Part7 /
A/N: This was a major brain fart during my author’s block and aint gonna lie it’s low key dirty as hell, but i fell in love with the idea. XD Sorry for any mistakes made and I hope yall like it.
Word count:  2,739
Warnings: Dirty, flirting, suggestive language, cursing 
   They say words can hurt us more than actions or physical wounds and sometimes that is true. When the words come from someone you care about, they turn into a invisible blade that goes through your body and latches onto your very existence. It may look and feel like it was forgotten, but once the owner walks by ,you feel the stinging pain deep down, where you can’t reach and free yourself.
 You rose your body on the branch and leaned your right hand onto the bark, looking at the brightly lit window. You could see the boys sitting on the floor, enjoying food and talking happily between themselves. 
 Swallowing a few times, you hoped to get rid of the lump stuck in your throat. Who wouldn’t want to join them? It looked so warm and so comforting. You didn’t want to hang out there for too long, since you knew better than to be caught. But no matter what Chang Kyun by chance looked out the glass and noticed you. His body twitched about to get up, but you moved your head side to side slowly with closed eyes.He once more relaxed his body, staring at you with slight notes of pain in his gaze. You fell back slowly into the shadows of the tree crown and the veil of the moon lit night took you far from the warmth.
  The wind was strong as you were speeding through the leaves, to a unknown destination. The smell of water and earth were pulling onto you. Threes and bushes pulled a curtain from in front of your eyes ,showing the open lake that was hidden behind.
“You are early.” spinning onto your heels, you leaned forward and smiled at the familiar voice 
“If you are already here, than I am not early at all.” a little snicker escaped your pink lips
“Shall we start?” the man asked 
“I am as ready as ever.” 
  With a swift move you took off your jacket and kicked off your shoes. Silence was dancing around you. With a gentle push from the wind, a lonely leaf started falling from it’s high home. It was swirling and flying before it hit the ground. It made no sound to humans, but to your senses it was more than noticeable.The leaf didn’t have much time to rest on the ground ,as the backlash you made threw it farther than it landed. Hits, kicks, bites and growls. One hit the other, the ground was cracking, the threes were shaking and the creatures were silent as the battle nurtured the earth with drops of blood.
  How long was this going on for, no one knew. The man found himself on the ground and a pair of white calm eyes looking down at him.
“I never get tired of this color.” you reached out and he took your hand, standing up swiftly 
“So, what is next?” back facing the man, stretching your hands up ,you leaned sideways 
“As much as I enjoy you throwing me around like a rag doll.”he patted his clothes clean from some dirt “I have nothing more.”
“Dean, you know I can’t stop now.” upon hearing his words you stood up looking at the moon ,that peeked thought the clouds 
“I mean it, I have nothing more to teach you as an alpha. Actually ,I feel like you can teach me some things. Knowing you though...” he paused as your head moved slowly towards him. The light of the night turning your frame black to him. Your eyes were slowly looking up towards Dean, now with a certain power flowing from them. The white color in them started trembling, left turning slowly gold and the right silver. “...I don’t think I will be able to learn what you know.”
 “Dean I can’t...I can’t stop now.”Your head moved to the side as he walked closer. His hand onto your cheek pulling your head to look at him with those eyes 
 “Look at you. Those eyes are proof of something dwelling in you.” he leaned closer towards you, but stopped inches from your lips ,almost as if burned by something he can’t possibly have. Dean’s head moved to the side, looking away from you. His hand slowly let go of your skin as he walked back. 
“You should go now, we might both be alphas, but your condition isn’t ideal for us to be alone like this.”his back faced you “Mating season is upon us.” he looked at you with the corner of his eye “Don’t forget that bit of yourself Y/N, men are wolves and bow down fully only to their animal instincts. You were safe till now, but you smell of maturity.And that scent can’t be overlooked.”
“Dean wait!” you grabbed his sleeve “I need this and you know it! You are the only one who knows about....me. You understand better than anyone that right now I need your help the most.” you gripped the fabric harder as your eyes looked in the direction of the pack house “They don’t trust me...” violently you shook your head as your hand hit your chest “I need to prove myself to them, I need to make them see that I am worthy to be followed!” 
“Y/N...” he spoke but you were in a hysteric shock “Y/N!” he cupped your cheeks and howled loud, your knees hit the ground and tears took over the silents, dripping one after the other, mixing with the blood still on your face “Listen to me!” he yelled out again ,pulling your attention towards himself “You don’t need my help anymore! What you need to do is figure yourself out and fast.” 
  Dean stood up “I don’t understand this, I don’t know what to do anymore!” your eyes were pleading for help 
“You don’t get it, do you?”he started walking away from you “Look at yourself. You submitted to me in seconds. If you want to be an alpha ,a true full fledged alpha , stand up from the dirt and claim your pack.Use your damn power and stop trying to hide it! I know if you wish it,you could turn me into minced meat.Either own up to your potential or embrace your third nature...” he flashed his wolf teeth with a wave of anger “...and submit to the ones stronger than you.Lead or be led.” his body disappeared into thin air and you were left in the emptiness of the nature.
                                You chose....
 “I made my choice years ago.” after awhile you gathered yourself up finally“No one wants a mutt...” grabbing your jacket you jumped on a tree and went back home. Trying to leave behind the emotional scene you just made. You were embarrassed and ashamed of what just happened. How could you even submit without noticing it.In the end, it was far more difficult to control nature, while it was fighting within you.
  You reached the pack house in mere seconds. The lights were still on and the boys were sleeping on the ground. You sighed at the scene lightened up your heart, melting away the unpleasant memory from minutes ago.
“Hey!”you yelled out with hands on your waist “Get up!”
“Mmmm.”  Joohoney mumbled under his nose “It’s Y/N!” his hands were wobbly 
“Are you drunk?!” you couldn’t believe your eyes “Shownu!” you looked at the couch, but the boy wasn’t responding at all, knocked out hard
“Leave him be.All are pretty much dead drunk right now.” Hyungwon rolled over from behind a chair 
“How come you are fine then?”
“I fell asleep the moment I arrived pretty much.” he stretched one of his arms above his head “They were getting drunk cus they were lonely or something stupid like that.”
“Lonely? Ohhhh.”you clapped your hands together “Mating season started a week ago.”
“Yeah and you know how things get heated up during that time. Plus the peak is right now anyways.” Hyungwon grabbed his pillow and went to his room “I am going to sleep, night.”
“Wait, are you going to leave me to deal with everyone?” you tried not to be too loud
“Well yeah. You are the pack leader after all. Night.” he waved at you and disappeared. Sighing deeply, you leaned and picked up Shownu first ,taking him to his room, after that Joohoney and everyone that followed.
 It took you less than 5min probably. “Ok, one, two, three, four, five...”you were pointing at the rooms “Hyungwon went to bed by himself already so he is six.Ughh.” you rubbed your eyes “I am still  missing a troublemaker.” you were searching and searching, but he was still missing. It was midnight already and you sure as hell were planning to sleep. 
“He should be fine. Wonho is buff enough to keep himself safe, that undeveloped alpha.”you laughed at your own remark and made your way up the stairs towards your room. You took a quick shower, brushed your teeth and put on your pjs. The bed was just calling out to you. 
 You made sure to lock the door before you were completely comfortable alone in your room. Safety measures during the mating season. You lock on your target and ran towards the bed, jumping on top of it.
“Ugh!”you groaned in discomfort, when you landed on something that wasn’t as soft as you expected “What is this thing?” you moved around to try and identify the mysterious object you were sitting on. As you leaned forward, you suddenly yelped.Something grabbed your thighs tightly and swung you around. Now you were 100% sure it wasn’t something but someone. You reached out and removed the cover, revealing light pink puffy hair.
“Yah!”you hit the man “WONHO! You shithead! Wtf are you doing in my room?!” you grabbed his shoulders about to throw his ass through the window. Your eyes glowed in the dominant alpha golden color. 
“Nah.” he said with a breathy tone, as his hand grabbed both of yours and pinned them above your head. You were so socked that you couldn’t even try to move him. After awhile you took a deep breath and opened your eyes again, ready to finish what you started, but you saw him inches from you. His eyes glowing gold, illuminating your skin. Your hands couldn’t move at all.
“Hey now, what is all of this you half grown alpha?”you tried to mock him, but Wonho tightened his grip on your wrists and came closer. His head was in the crook of your neck. You could hear him sniffing you up and down.
“Smells....smells sweet.” his breath was warm on your neck, sending chills down your spine. You couldn’t move and were shocked at what was happening right now. His tongue licked your neck and that made you look to the side almost immediately. Just for a second you saw yourself in the reflection of the water glass. The gold fading slowly.From a dominate thick color, to a lighter silver and finally a pure white. 
“Wonho...W-Wonho get off me...”you were trying to kick him, but he wasn’t moving 
“Wonho...Wonho...Wonho..”he kept repeating his own name in the shell of your ear. He pulled away and looked in your eyes “I like how it rolls off your tongue, your voice makes it sound like honey.I wonder...” his piercing gaze slowly going down to your lips, before he crashed his own on top of yours. You were wiggling under him for a bit, but started submitting. It wasn’t like with Dean, it was different ,it felt right, like you had to.
 He let go of your hands and swung you onto your stomach. “ This room smells so sweet, it smells like you. I have been trying to stay away from the second floor as much as I can, but I just couldn’t tonight. It was...calling for me.” his hand grabbed onto your eyes and pulled your head off the bed. “I know I am not a fully formed alpha even at my age, but you are just hypnotizing. Walking around us dressed so comfortably, with those shorts and that lose shirt. You think I wouldn’t notice you teasing?”
“I-I wasn’t teasing...”Wonho suddenly ripped off your shirt “Ah!” you jumped shocked by his sudden aggressive move 
“Since you want to be noticed so much, let me give you a little gift.” his right hand was holding your eyes and his left your body flush against the bed.His head came close to your neck, you could feel his muscles on your exposed body. He gently licked the back of your neck. As you were just sitting there you felt something sharp on your skin. Even though your eyes were covered, they were wide open right now. You placed your hands on the bed trying to push him off. From between his fingers glimmered the golden light even if it was faint. 
“Nah baby girl, we don’t do that.” the words rolled off his tongue, when he bit hard. When he released his jaw, he licked the spot a bit to sooth the residual pain. You were panting shocked. 
“Wonho!” you began struggling once you realized how bad things were getting “Stop!”
“I am not done yet.”he turned you on your back “Don’t move.” the words came from between his teeth and the bite on your neck started to heat up. You squinted your eyes. Your left eye tried to turn gold, but it was just a muddy mix between the predominant white. You couldn’t move.
“Be a good girl, I am almost done.”he moved down towards your legs, laying right between them 
“Wonho get a grip on yourself!!!” you tried to sit up, but he put his hand on your stomach and looked up with piercing sharp eyes “What did I tell you.” he meant business.As much as you were resisting you didn’t need his hormones to keep you in check, if you weren’t worried about the alpha position, you would have surrendered already. But you were a pack leader. 
 You felt his strong hands pick your thighs up and smooth his finger over one spot “Who knew you were so soft and vulnerable...I...” he leaned into the skin ”....like it.” he bit down while still speaking. Not even hesitating he turned his head to the other thigh and marked it deep too.
“Now, that wasn’t too bad was it?” he smirked “I like this Y/N a lot.” Wonho’s head was on the same level as yours, his words stirring up the inside of your body as your chest was moving up and down deeply “Hot and bothered, smells like me, reacts only to me.I might get used to th-” your breath stopped the moment his words did. You almost screamed when he dropped on top of you. 
“W-Wonho?” suddenly his body flew and hit the door hard “Wonho!!!”you jumped up, holding the cover in front of your naked chest. You moved fast to see if he was ok.
“I can’t believe this shit.FUCK!” you hard the bed frame make a loud cracking sound “What did I tell you Y/N!? Shit ,shit, SHIT!!!.”the men ran his hand through his hair 
“You didn’t have to try and kill him.”you said standing up from the floor and looking back 
“That is true. It should have been you doing this, not me!” he swung his hand aggressively towards you “I told you to domesticate these dogs and put them in line! Not let this late bloomer mark you!”
“Dean stop yelling at me!” you growled at him flashing your fangs and eyes, pulling a laugh out him
“Oh now you act like an alpha. So you growl at me like you will bite my throat off but you moan at him?What is he?Your mate or some shit?” Dean threw his jacket on top of you “Put that on and come on.” he grabbed you and hocked his arm under your knees, lifting your bridal style “ Better hold on to me and don’t say anything.I am fucking god damn pissed right now. In your state you can’t even try and fight me.” stepping on the window sill he jumped into the night and dashed towards his pack house
“Where are we going?” you asked whispering 
“Shut the fuck up and hold tight.” as much as you didn’t want to listen to him you had to. Your eyes kept noticing how Wonho’s body was getting distant from you too.
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btswishes · 5 years
I am not enough.
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Werewolf Au (Wonho)
Part1 / Part2 / Part3 / Part4 / Part5 / Part6 / Part7 /
A/N:  Lets speed this up a bit. XD
Word count:  2,880
Warnings: Dirty, flirting, suggestive language, cursing
  The night seemed longer than you thought. It was 12pm and you were still sleeping.Not even the sun or the birds could get you to move from your spot. Everything was quiet and you were enjoying it to the fullest. Usually the mornings for you were a mix of random sounds, since the boys enjoyed a nice rumble first this in the morning. Being as tired as you were, not even one suspicious thought passed through your mind.
  Unknown to you, early in the morning at around 5am ,Shownu gathered the boys in the living room. They were tip-toeing passed your and Wonho’s rooms, being extra careful not to wake either one of you up. 
“Shownu, what do you want at THIS time in the morning?!”Hyungwon growled, when the oldest grabbed his mouth and shushed him 
“Are you crazy!” he whispered hyper “I don’t want to wake Y/N and Wonho up!”
“What is all this about?” he removed his hand from Hyungwon’s mouth, giving him none verbal permission to talk
“Let’s be honest, I am not the only one who noticed how much those two bicker and frankly it’s unhealthy for the whole pack. Alpha or not Wonho is supposed to listen to Y/N.” the boy started explaining his view point on the whole matter 
“So, what do you plan to do at 5am?” Kihyun yawned ,as he leaned onto his hyungs shoulder “ Lock them together until they make up or something like that?”
“Ummmm, actually yes.”
“WHAT!?” Chang Kyun yelled out from the top of his lungs, before all the boys jumped on top of him, covering his face with pillows 
“What part of shush don’t you understand!” the young wolf crawled from under the sneak attack, his hair in the same mess as his emotions 
“We are not doing that! Have you idiots gone mad!?”he leaned closer to the boys, looked at each of them as he angrily whispered
“Do you have a better idea?” it was getting pretty bad if even Joohoney started feeling strange “ They can’t even look at each other. You saw how Y/N reacted last night.”
“It’s not because of that.” he looked at the ground, biting his lip trying to keep his thoughts to himself 
“Then what is it Chang Kyun?” the wolves stared at him, but he didn’t spill anything to them
“Look, just trust me on that one. They shouldn’t be left alone together.”
“Who ever is in favor of this idea, raise your hand.” in just a matter of seconds Shownu got everyone except Chang Kyun to vote for the plan. “Look I know you are overprotective and don’t like being far from Y/N, but this is the best thing to do. Who knows what will happen if they continue to act like this.” in the end Shownu swayed the worried boy and he had to agree.
“Maybe you are right. Ok. So where will we go then?” the most obvious question was asked and all of them stared at the carpet ,when Minhyuk suggested something 
“There is gonna be a 1 day, 1 night music festival in town at the beach. We can go, have fun, let these to hopefully deal with their problems and get back.”
  So it was settled, while you and Wonho were sleeping soundly the rest of the pack just packed some backpacks and went to have some fun, hoping you could fix your issues by being alone.
 Still half asleep, you reached out to check the time, but your phone was nowhere in sight. “Aw shit, I forgot it over there.”sighing you got up and went to get ready for the day. Brushing your teeth, taking a shower and getting your hair in check was like a little ritual that always woke you up in the morning. Your stomach rumbled so loud you swore even God could hear. It wasn’t something embarrassing since you were alone in your room.
 You were rubbing your eyes even while making cereal. The chair was comfy and sturdy enough to keep your back straight, so you didn’t choke on the breakfast. While your eyes were focused onto the sink in front of you, in your peripheral vision moved a light pink blob.
“Morning.” you said causally     
“Yeah.” said the figure in a deep raspy morning voice. He sat next to you, clanking his bowl against the marble counter top of the kitchen island. “Shit, I forgot the milk.” you pushed the carton and it slid in front of him “Thanks.”
“You welcome.” your head was leaned onto your hand. You were chewing slowly, still focused on that one spot in the kitchen. It was quite and the birds were singing outside, the perfect morning picture.
“Ah...” you sighed satisfied “I love peaceful mornings.”
“Same same.” the boy instinctively added  
“It’s never like this.” your smile froze as you slowly turned around and found the house empty “Too quiet....” you were looking around but there was no curly or brown hair in sight “Where is everyone?Wait....” you paused “...then who are you...” almost like you saw a ghost, your head moved carefully to your left “WONHO!” a piece of the cereal didn’t sit well in this situation and decided to just lodge itself nice and snugly in your throat.
  You began coughing intensely. Wonho didn’t think much when he jumped, grabbed you and simply helped you take a deep breath again. You were panting in his hands, holding his arms at your chest level.
“Why the fuck do you do dumb shit like this!” he yelled out
  Pushing him away, you gave him a pissed off look “I am fine, thanks for asking.”
“You should be thanking me! If I wasn’t here this pack wouldn’t have an alpha anymore.” he hissed at your remark 
“ Oh so you actually see me as an alpha.Wow this is new!” the angry mom position took over your body and suddenly you unleashed all your hidden thoughts 
“You still going on with that?” he exhaled sharply as the corner of his lips formed a half smirk in disbelieve “ You are still such a child you know, getting offended like that.” 
“If you don’t want me to keep repeating this you shouldn’t have said it. You think you are so cool just because you are a buff alpha!” you pocked at his chest, staring him right in the eyes 
“What is gotten into you these past days?” his hand shot to the side “You’ve hanging around with those stupid wolves in Dean’s pack.” 
“Why do you keep bring him up in every conversation?!”
   His hand came in, hitting his chest where you touched a second ago “You keep ignoring me and running away like I am gonna burn you. If it’s all because I said that, well I am sorry.”
“I don’t want your half-ass apology at all!” you hissed at him 
“Don’t...” Wonho’s voice got silent for a second, before he crashed you against the wall ”Don’t hiss at me with that tone little girl!” your chest sunk in when he growled at you in a deep dominant way. You could feel it resonate though your body “I don’t like that trash of an alpha hanging around you! Is it so fucking bad?!” his fist indented the wall next to your head. You could feel his warm breath on your skin ,as his eyes were pulling you in their deep dark color, like a spell.
* ring ring*
  You used the moment and slipped from under his arm and ran to open the door.
“Dean!” you were surprised from the unexpected visitor
“You forgot your phone yesterday, so I decided to bring it to you.” he passed it over in your hand . Dean noticed the empty house very fast “It’s quiet for your pack house. Did they run away or something?” 
“Thanks for the phone.I don’t know, I think they went somewhere.” you laughed out because it was true, you had no idea what happened 
“Well, my pack is waiting for me, I just came since April told me you forgot this.” he was about to leave when you grabbed his shirt “Hm?”
“Dean, about last night...” you wanted to say sorry for what you did
“It’s cool, you alright tho? Can you stand ok?” he didn’t know what else to say, since the whole situation was awkward to begin with 
“Yea-” a hand grabbed the door, emitting a murderous aura in thick black clouds 
“She is great!” Wonho pushed you back, standing firmly between you and Dean, almost breathing in his face 
“Look who finally turned.” 
“You better hurry over to your dogs, wouldn’t want them to get lost.” Wonho growled 
“You alone with him hu?”Dean looked at you.
“Yeah, coincidentally.” you grabbed the big boy’s arm and tired to pull him away from the door. “Wonho stop being an ass!”
“Have a great day!” his words came in between his sharp teeth as he crashed the door in the alpha’s face. Dean didn’t stay long after that and left.
“You act like such an ass honestly. Try being nicer for once, it won’t kill you ” 
“I fucking hate that guy!” he hit the wall again, before walking up to you and grabbing your phone “Why was this with him?”
“I left it at his pack house, what is wrong with that?” crossing your hands in front of your chest, you sat on the couch ignoring him
“I bet that is not the only thing that happened between him and you.” Wonho was saying a lot of hurtful words that hit home for you. He kept acting like he knew everything even though all of this was his fault anyways. You gripped your arms keeping yourself from speaking to him. 
  Your eyes were shut as you were listening to everything he was saying. Not dropping onto his level was your way of keeping a cool-head ,when it came to fighting with little kids like him. You thought that this would give you the upper hand, when his palm made hard contact with the couch behind you. His face was inches from yours, leaning closer as his arm bent outwards. Wonho started to repeat Dean’s words silently ,as he stared deep in your eyes like a beast. 
“Are you ok? Why the fuck wouldn’t you be?” his voice was low and vibrating in his chest “Why wouldn’t you be able to stand up? I am so interested in finding out what that means.” you licked your lips and looked away a bit pissed off at him “Oh no no. You are not gonna get out of this so easy.” he grabbed your head and pulled it in front of his, again “No one is home which means no Chang Kyun keeping you safe, no Shownu to tell me that I am bitchy.”
“Let go of me!” you growled, eyes glowing at him, but Wonho wasn’t the type to give up easy. He was a full-fledged alpha so his hormones were amped up to the max. You slapped his hand away from your face “ Why the fucking hell are you getting so pissed of lately? Stop messing with me or you are really gonna get your ass beat! “ he pulled back a bit taken by surprise at you standing up for yourself and ran his hand frustrated through his hair “ I don’t give a damn that you are a pure breed alpha, I am still your pack leader and you are gonna listen to me!” you tugged on your shirt with all the anger slipping though your calm nature 
“You ain’t gonna answer me? What are you hiding so mu-” Wonho’s eyes froze on your neck. His blood got cold seconds before his heart started to pump it fast though his body. His jaw clenched hard as his pupil from a big black disk turned into a tiny dot. Breathing heavy, his muscles clenched digging his nails into the couch. Alpha hormones filled the room if not the whole house.
“What is that on your neck?” he didn’t move, not even his lips as he spoke 
 In a moment of shock and panic you grabbed the exposed skin and jumping up, trying to run to your room. It took less than a second for him to grab your arm aggressively and crash you against the wall. Sharp pain ran down your spine as you made contact with the hard surface. His claws ripped your whole shirt into shreds, discarding it on the ground behind himself. Wonho’s back was so big you couldn’t get yourself out of this situation. 
“Nothing happened between you and Dean!? Is this what YOU CALL NOTHING?” your bottom lip was trembling.He was bigger, stronger more dominant. Your beta side subdued the alpha and led the omega out. “YOU LET THAT TRASH MARK YOU?! HOW FUCKING DARE THAT ASSHOLE EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!”
“I-it’t not...” you stuttered, tripping over your own words, covering your chest with your arms 
“IT’S NOT?! UGHH” he growled so loud it sounded like a deep aggravated howl “You really fine with him doing this to you?!” he laughed out uncomfortably, thoughts running through his head by the tens and thousands 
“IS IT WRONG TO BE FINE WITH THIS!?” you finally found the strength again to scream in his face, which made him even more angry
“For fucks sake Y/N!” his head shot to the side, wide eyed and fangs out to their fullest potential “Since you are so FINE with him, there shouldn’t be trouble with ME!”
  Without a sign or warning his teeth sunk into the plump skin on the side of your neck. Your lips let out a small scream.Soon his mouth was replaced with his hand keeping you stuck to the wall.
“WONH-” two fingers went up to your lips, closing them shut ,as his sharp eyes moved down to your exposed mid drift, placing a bite on your right side.
“Can you stand...”he mumbled under his nose, grabbing the fabric of your shorts. Your eyes widened thinking of where he was going next. Biting his hand you expected him to let go. Like the rising moon he swiftly jumped back up to look at you ,as blood dripped from his hand, your teeth deep in it. Your eyes were glowing gold as your chest moved harshly up and down.
  Wonho’s jaw moved in front of his top lip, feeling the pain through his body, but still not even thinking of letting you go.You clamped down even harder staring right at him, showing that you are not a weak child he can take advantage of even if this situation wasn’t on your side.
“A-are you making fucking fun of me?” 
 Your heart sank in a minute, his hand relaxed when the look on his face faded to a half smirk. It wasn’t prideful or anything like that. His lips trembled a bit as he swallowed hard. Eyes no longer dark, glistening with a certain pain. Wonho’s head hit the wall next to your left ear.
“Was he there already too....” you were looking at him, to the side as his pink hair hanged low with his heart. His palm moved away from your mouth in a sudden aggressive motion to pull out your fangs. It drifted to the bite mark he left on your side, smearing his blood over it unknowingly. His other arm pulled his body away from you. Turning his back on this mess, Wonho took his shirt off and threw it to you.
“Put that on and forget about what happened.” he sighed and looked up at the ceiling “I will stop talking back to you. I won’t complain anymore. I will listen to you, I don’t care if you go to that trash of an alpha.”
“THE ONE WHO IS TRASH HERE IS YOU!” you threw a piece of fabric hard at the back of his head. His arm pulled it away from his nape. Expecting to see his shirt, it was a major shock when he found your shorts in his big hand “LOOK AT ME WONHO!”
 He was hesitant but did it. His shirt was on your body, but it wasn’t short enough to hide the bite marks on your thighs. His blood began boiling again, not wanting to see anymore of this.
“STOP RUBBING IT IN MY FACE! I GET IT DEAN MARKED YOU!” he growled low and painful 
“IT WAS YOU!” it wasn’t a howl, it wasn’t the sound of a beta, alpha or omega.It was a sorrowful scream from someone hurt, bleeding from the inside out. 
“YOUR NOSE IS SHIT FOR AN ALPHA!”you grabbed his head and pushed it against the bite mark on your nape “ DOES THIS SMELL LIKE DEAN?! DO I SMELL LIKE HIM TO YOU!? YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS TRASH SINCE YOU DON’T EVEN REMEMBER!!!” 
  Grabbing your shorts from him, you punched Wonho in the stomach with all your anger and send him flying through one of the doors, completely breaking it. While he was still getting back up from the shock wave ,you ran up the stares and made sure to lock the door tight and properly this time.
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btswishes · 5 years
I am not enough.
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Werewolf Au (Wonho)
Part1 / Part2 / Part3 / Part4 / Part5 / Part6 / Part7 /
A/N: I know the past 2 chapters haven’t been very flirty, but I need to establish a plot, hopefully a good one.I hope you like it and sorry for any mistakes made.
Word count:  3,241
Warnings: Dirty, flirting, suggestive language, cursing
“W-” you couldn’t speak, but after scanning the room everyone was panicking very much “O-k” a sudden strong dominant scent took over the room and reached out of the pack house territory.A few minutes later the thick atmosphere and the alpha hormones crashed the girls to the ground. Not knowing what happened, you were sitting and waiting for a clarification, a little bit scared.
“You don’t know shit about being omega do you? Didn’t your mom tell you ANYTHING!” Scarlet screamed and Myla grabbed her hand pulling her away from you “ Omegas are in a pack so that the betas and alpha can hide their scent. Not only did you spread yours around the whole fucking forest ,but it’s mating season too.”
“I-I didn’t go that far....”
“Hawks live on those mountains out there!” she point out the window in the distance “Do you know how many packs come through here?! A shit ton of them!!!Who knows how strong their alphas are, or how many they have!”
“Scarlet stop!It was our fault for not telling her so relax, they shouldn’t have sensed her after the alpha hormones.” April pushed her on the bed and looked at you “Our pack has only Dean, everyone else is beta or omega.It’s unlikely to get targeted because of the place we live in, but if by chance they find us we have two options.” Myla jumped in the lecture
“Either they let us go on good terms, or they come for us. If they have more than one alpha we are goners.”
You felt a strong grip on your hand and suddenly your body got pulled towards the pack house. “We gotta tell Dean, this is not a game anymore.”
 You couldn’t say anything as the door was kicked open and the boys stared at you after the intense sound.
“Dean can we talk one on one for a second?”  he  walked in another room with Scarlet
 You were worried, but at the same time you didn’t know what was happening so, was it your fault or not?
“You felt it, I know.” her red hair was standing up like the fur on a angry dog.The boy nodded and scratched the back of his head uneasy “So what now?”
“Let’s come down first and think about it calmly.”
“Dean ,you are gonna go and talk to her, we can’t risk the whole pack!” she growled fiercely, but her teeth went in when Dean slammed his arm against the wall behind her
“Listen here little girl, don’t growl at me like you can control me. Last time I checked I sensed April before her. So it was YOUR fault since the beginning. Own up.She doesn’t even know what omegas can do. “ the pressure she felt on her body was immense “That girl isn’t going anywhere until I say so.” Dean turned his back on Scarlet when she grabbed the end of his shirt, her arm burning up
“You like her don’t you....”
“That is none of your business now is it.” his words vibrated against his fangs
“It is!” he grabbed her wrist and pulled it up to his face, ripping off the bracelet she had on “This, this was a mistake and you know it very well.So forget and move on.”
“Then...” her head was hanging low, as her fingers were covering the hot skin “Then to you she is the same as i am to Luke.” Dean stopped in his tracks
“She isn’t like you.”
“Yes, you are right. She is way worse than me. Remember what you did to me that night in front of Luke? You didn’t finish your work you hormonal piece of shit. Luke is lucky unlike you.”her eyes landed on your back, noticing you laughing with everyone in the room “ I might hate her because she is rash and because you have your eyes set on her, but Y/N is way better than you. No one deserves a trash werewolf like you. If you weren’t this pack’s alpha I would have left.” Scarlet kicked him to the side and walked passed with a strong step
“Get back here!What do you mean?!” stopping in her motion, she peeked at him with the corner of her eye
“Your hormones aren’t strong enough from one bite to submit me that easy. If you wanted me to listen to you ,you should have finished your half ass job back then.” she ripped her skirt and wrapped the fabric around her wrist “Let me break this to you, it’s mating season which means we, omegas have control. I can gather 5 packs in less than 7min. So sit your ass tight or we can test how strong you think you actually are. And don’t.....” her eyes might have been glowing white, but there was something blood chilling in them that made even Dean take a step back “...don’t even THINK of ruining that girl.....like me.” the alpha was left alone in the dark to his thoughts.
  Oblivious to what was happening behind you, you kept talking with everyone. Swift like the dance of a fire, you felt something brush against your cheek.
“Scarlet...” you averted your gaze when she sat next to you “I-”
“I know. It’s not your fault, I should have thought it through.” she smiled melting the concern in your heart.
“Did Scarlet do something stupid again?” a tall boy with pitch black hair grinned at her 
“Shut up Luke!” she grabbed a random object and threw it at him “Don’t listen to this idiot!”
  The way everyone was mingling and fighting reminded you of your own home. You could remember exactly what everyone in your pack was doing on a normal night for you. It really felt like a place you wouldn’t mind being stuck in at all. They really were a bunch of crazy wolves, that probably anyone would kick out of their pack, but the way they smiled and laughed together ,would make anyone feel nice.
  Staring at Dean’s pack you couldn’t stop your mind from drifting to that one time Hyungwon and Kihyun were tugging a pillow with their teeth. Hyungwon really gets hyper when it comes to sleeping. That thought and the scene in front of your eyes made you laugh out loud. Almost immediately everyone stopped moving and looked at you.
“Hey!”April clapped her hands together “ You laughed!” Zoe sat down next to you and with a little smile asked what made you so happy all of a sudden.
“ You guys remind me so much of my own pack, but 10 times more tame to be honest.” you giggled under your nose, when another thought hit your mind.
“Come to think of it, we know you from Dean.” the boy speaking was hugging Myla and sitting on a couch away from you, apparently he was her mate “For neighbors we don’t know a lot about you.”
“We aren’t anything special, just a pack of 8.” 
“8 damn! That is a lot of people. Good thing we have omegas to help, right?” he pecked Myla’s cheek fast making the girl blush
“Oh, my pack is 7 male wolves and me actually. We don’t have an omega...ugh, technically.” which was true, there weren’t any designated omegas, but there was a lamb in wolves skin hidden between the wild dogs.
“Wow, that is a lot of testosterone.” someone commented smugly “I don’t mean to be rude, but aren’t you supposed to be with your pack right now? Full moons are usually when a lot of others travel through our territory.”
“Yeah.”Luke added “A pack without an alpha is a pretty bad thing.”
“Don’t worry about them.” you felt a firm hand on your shoulder “ They have a half-turned alpha anyways.”
“Yeah....half-turned.” your throat became dry as his words hit your ear, the glass in your hand rose to your lips. You took one sip from it, when a scent hit your nose. Both your head and Dean’s shot to the side. 
“What is going on?” April looked at both of you
“Dean!” Scarlet perked up from her position, focused on her alpha. Everyone was staying silent, waiting for clarification, only she had a hunch what could possibly be happening. The pack alpha soon relaxed and exhaled deeply.
“Nothing.It was just a fake alarm.” 
“I don’t mean to question you man, but i don’t think she is on the same page as you.” Luke pointed at you. Your hand was gripping on the armrest of the chair, the glass was starting to crack. Your hair was standing up, as your eyes were beginning to slowly glow. You couldn’t move your head from the direction you smelled that awful scent. 
“No.”Dean said, squeezing your shoulder. Ignoring him, your body stood up swiftly. The glass in your hand shattered, sprinkling shards the size of snowflakes around the ground “I told you your are NOT GOING!” the alpha hormones suddenly pushed everyone on their knees, the wolves couldn’t breath.
“ Let go....” only the whisper could be heard as no one was breathing from the pressure
“You will sit back down and listen to me!” he was holding your shoulder.The scent was getting closer and closer, but in the opposite direction to this house. And you knew very well what was on the other side of the forest.
“I said, let go Dean.” 
“Either you make me, or you listen to me like you are supposed to.”
 You took a deep breath and turned around with a smile on your face. Taking his arm off, you held it there for a second “See it’s not that hard to listen for once.”
 You were trembling when a sudden surge of hormones hit you. It was a whole damn cocktail. The house started slowly shaking, your chest was going up and down as you were staring at Dean. Everyone could hear your breath. “You can’t do anything to me. Your hormones aren’t strong enough.” the gold in your eyes was royal, it was strong and so pigmented that no one could see your pupil anymore. 
“Y-You aren’t going to them!” he growled in your face,so close you could see the whites of his eyes.Two alphas fighting for domination and a pack caught in the backlash “I am a pure breed and you are a mutt, you CAN’T overpower me Y/N!!!” 
“I might be a mutt Dean, but I have something you don’t.” you pulled his arm down,dropping him to the ground.Before he attempted to get back up you locked him in a begging position “Stop.” and his body did “I may submit to you as an omega, but don’t forget I am a strong beta and a even more dominant alpha.” the door flew open, making way for a battle
“You were right.”your words rang in his ear as you were walking confidently “If i wished, I could tear you up into pieces. I am not afraid of myself anymore.” you looked at the now weak pack on the floor “I am a mutt and don’t you ever forget it.”  
  The wind was strong against your skin, but your eyes were wide open, countless scenarios going through your head. Your nose could smell every last creature in a 100 mile radius. The forest around you was slow in your mind, you could see anything and everything, the light from the moon, the dust in the air, the insects. The adrenaline rush was astonishing to you.
                                    Johooney get up!           
       I can’t feel my leg, but I can still beat yall asses!
                   Everyone run! Y/N left me in charge so I will stay behind
                     Wonho you are not used to your body yet!
 NOOOO! Kihyunnnn!         
  Voices, they were everywhere. It was like that was the only thing you could hear anymore. You could smell blood and it was from your own. Unacceptable! With a small pause, you flew out of the forest and onto the red tinted grass.
 Your head was high, mouth screaming to the moon and back. You took a beep breath that turned in a low growl when it left your lungs again. Your fangs exposed to their full capacity, eyes so bright they illuminated the intruders.  
 The boys were staring at your back, a strong aura emitting on waves from you.
“Who the fuck are you and what are you doing on MY territory!?” you growled again 
“You the alpha of this group?” a man asked
“That is none of your business trash!” you crooked your head, striking a dose of fear in him “Shownu!” the boy was holding Hyungwon’s head “Tell me what happened.”
“They attacked us out of no where. Hyungwon noticed them and threw himself to protect us. Wonho isn’t fully turned yet so he couldn’t do much damage, plus they were holding Chang Kyun as a hostage.” 
“We were meat punching bags is what he is trying to say.” Minhyuk coughed in his hand
“Who is your alpha you bunch of trash?” you yelled out
  In front of you stepped out a man, tall, visually strong.You could easily tell he was a pure breeder alright. He wasn’t scared at all, no trace of any emotion except delight. 
“Look sweetie, it’s obvious that you are an alpha, but don’t forget that males have a hormone advantage. I can...” his lips cracked a madness filled smile as he clenched his fist in front of you “...crush you.So don’t even t-” it took a blink, for him to realize how fast you appeared in front of his eyes, there was no distance anymore
“Can you shut up?” you landed a fast and strong punch, sending him back into a tree. It took a second to knock his breath out “ Take your pack and leave before I do to you all, what you did to my wolves. I am done being the shy one.”
“Y-you bitch!” he stood up slowly, holding onto his left arm
“Take your asses back where they came from, or live your whole life with a memory that a female alpha beat you into a bloody mess.”
“What are you fools standing around for!” he growled at his pack, no matter how much they didn’t want to, their alpha made them fight.
 They had mixed scents. You....smell like Jooheyon. you remembered the voices you heard before. The male looked scared, but you didn’t even skip a beat for that, since he touched your pack. You grabbed his hand a basked your knee into him, breaking his arm clean in half. The pack stopped in their tracks as their brother screamed on his knees still on the ground next to you.
“I told you. I will do to you what you did to my pups.If you didn’t touch them you are safe, but if you did....like YOU!” the wolf didn’t even see his head getting crashed into the ground. As you were scanning the territory your nose picked up a rose smell. Moving a bit to the left you felt it get stronger.
“You!” the alpha looked at you “ Grab your dogs and the two omega hiding behind that tree and leave.” there was a sudden rumble from the bushes and two girls came out, running behind their leader, helping him stand up. Both were really pretty, but one of them was staring intensely at you.
“Y/N!!!” Minhyuk yelled out from behind 
“Wonho stop.” you were calm as the hand of the pure breed alpha was hanging above your head menacingly “Get up.” the grass behind your back rustled as the dogs got up  “Leave this territory at once and don’t come back.
“What are you doing you mutts!” their alpha pushed one of the girls to the ground aggressively 
“Shut your filthy mouth and don’t use mutt as an insult. Leave!” 
“Alex, lets go.” the woman still holding the man pulled him back as he was screaming that he was going to make you pay for this. They dashed through the forest as fast they could until no sound came from their direction. 
“Y/N...I-” leaning you picking up Joohoney and Hyngwon from the ground “Shownu.”your back was facing the scared wolf “You did great.” flashing him a warm smile, you walked into the house and placed the two boys on the couch. 
“What happened here?” you dropped your body onto the carpet, looking at the mess of a pack in front of yourself 
“They came in like they own the place and started demanding we give them the omega they keep smelling.” Minhyuk explained “When Chang Kyun told them we didn’t have any they attacked Joohoney. Shownu tried to be the leader and buy us time to run away, but for a second we couldn’t more. Wonho was the strongest, but he isn’t used to his alpha power yet.”
“By the way he turned apparently last night.” Joohoney patted the boy, proud of him
“Yeah I noticed already.” you knew immediately it was your fault but they were gone already so it was time to forget and deal with the injured ones.
“Hyung.” Wonho threw bandages at Shownu. His eyes wondered down to you, when he saw a wound pocking out of the top part of your shirt.His hand slowly reached down, grabbing the fabric. You suddenly felt someone behind you and jumped, hitting the arm away “Why are you acting like a brat!” 
“Don’t touch me without permission!” you hissed at his comment 
“Since when do I need permission to get close to you?” he laughed out, placing his arms on his hips “ Get over here and get that thing checked by Chang Kyun.” 
“No.” Wonho sat on the big chair and looked straight at you
“What is up with you Y/N? You still mad about what I said?”
“I don’t care about that unlike you.” leaning onto your bent knee, you swiftly moved some hair behind your ear, dismissing eye contact as much as possible ”You think you are strong, but if it wasn’t me you would be hurt or even dead. So at least be thankful a little. Such a d-” 
“Don’t talk to me like that!” your mouth shut itself in seconds. Your eyes became  wide as the skin on your neck and thighs started heating up. You got up in seconds and turned your back on everyone, running up the stairs to your room.
“Hey! Get back here!” he yelled out and it hurt so much disobeying his words
“Wait, I will go you are the worst person to talk to her right now.” 
 Chang Kyun walked up to your room after you. He stood in front of your door and knocked on it a few times, but you didn’t answer him. He was about to leave when he saw it was open. As much as it was against his code he was too worried to leave you be and decided to go in. His hand was gripping the handle when he stopped dead in his tracks. Chang Kyun’s eyes landed on your skin, as you pulled the shirt gently off your body.
  He was about to avert his gaze respectfully, when he caught a gimps of the would on your neck. The darkness in the room and the small opening the the door muddied his sight, but Chang Kyun didn’t need to see, since he could smell that familiar scent.  
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jooheonspinky · 5 years
Lure of the Lore 8
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Word Count:1.7k
With eyes still glittering from joy paired with the warmest smile I’ve ever seen, Minhyuk officially introduces himself. His hands are warm and gentle as he gives mine a quick shake.
“You two were the ones that left the note.” It’s more of a statement than question as he looks me up and down. “Did you bring proof to show you really know where Wonho is?”
I pull a plastic sandwich bag out of my pocket and open it up. He leans over a smidge and sniffs the air near the bag. Minhyuk’s smile widens the instant he catches the familiar scent.
“Come on,” he grabs my back pack from the ground. “We have tons of questions. Everyone else should still be home.”
We follow him the last bit to his cabin. I catch Minhyuk glancing over at Changkyun every few minutes as if he still didn’t believe he really was there. As we walk, he explains the same thing Wonho had; that usually someone stays behind when they are searching for a missing family member, but Jooheon had been paged to come in to work that day for an emergency.
“If you’d gotten there ten minutes before, you would have met our youngest.” Holding his finger up, he chuckles, “Well, our second youngest. Changkyunie is our youngest. Ok. We’re here!”
I can feel my heart pick up speed as nervousness settles in. I’ll be meeting the remainder of Changkyun’s family in just a second. If I’m nervous, how must he feel? I give him a side hug, letting him know I am there. He lets out a shaking breath, before we follow Minhyuk up the steps and in through the front door. I immediately here soft chatter coming from the right.
“This way,” he points towards where the sounds are coming from. “You can usually find us in the kitchen or the living room.”
The kitchen is spacious, an open plan giving the person cooking the ability to move dishes loaded with food straight to the dining table. An island bar with three stools sits in the middle breaking off the space from the kitchen and the dining room. This also gives us an unobstructed view of four young men wrapping up the prepping of breakfast. There’s eggs and sausage patties, a pile of buttered toast, milk and juice splayed out on the table. Everyone is now seated, save for a mahogany haired guy who has now paused transferring the coffee to the awaiting three.
“Uh…hello?” he offers an unsure smile as his eyes flick from me to Changkyun and then to Minhyuk.
“Guys, these are the ones who know where Wonho is,” Minhyuk supplies as he urges us forward. Instantly the room erupts into boisterous chatter. It’s difficult to make out any one question and soon Minhyuk is ordering all to calm down. “Guys, guys! Just a minute. Introductions first.” He goes around the room introducing the guys to us. “And fam, this is Y/N.” I give them all a quick, bashful wave. “Now this here,” he starts, hands on Changkyun’s shoulders as he forces him gently closer to the table. “This here is someone we’ve been looking for…for quite some time.”
I watch Shownu’s eyes widen. Minhyuk’s words trigger recognition in him. Hyungwon and Kihyun wear matching pensive looks as they try and determine who he is. Jooheon looks around questioningly, confused as to what is going on.
“Well,” Jooheon speaks up. “Don’t keep us in suspense, hyung.”
“It’s our little Changkyunie!” he exclaims as if it were the most obvious thing in the whole world.
At first there is complete silence as jaws damn near hit the table in shock. But seconds later, chairs are scraping across the floor, feet thundering over the wooden planks as the pack bum rushes Changkyun. I take a few steps to the side, giving them space, as they all talk over each other.
I can only imagine how he is feeling there amongst the hugs, pats on the back and ruffles of his hair. For so long it had just been he and I. I was the one who looked after him and hung out with him. He said I was his only family. Then suddenly he’s surrounded by five guys that are his blooded kin. He has to be pretty overwhelmed right now.
“Come, come,” Jooheon interrupts the thrilled chatter. “We were about to eat. Why don’t you and your girlfriend join us?
“Oh no, no,” Changkyun is quick to correct. “Y/N is not my girlfriend. She’s my best friend. She’s practically my sister.”
“Ok, ok,” Jooheon nods with a chuckle. “Well, any sis of yours is welcome here.”
“Thanks,” I smile humbly.
Shownu brings an extra chair for me and we all sit. Plates are served and passed around and soon everything quiets down as mouths and bellies are filled with the breakfast foods. As the eating slows down, Hyungwon asks how we met Wonho.
“You’re cousin, Changkyun,” I point my chin at him as I continue speaking. “He’s an avid fan of the…supernatural.”
His eyes widen as he glares at me and I can’t help but grin mischievously back.
“Real-ly?” Hyungwon cocks an amused eyebrow Changkyun’s way before returning his gaze to me.
“Yes, he’s always dragging me to these exhibits that have creatures and such on display. We saw Wonho at the last one we went to.”
“Did he happen to say where he was going?” Shownu asks from the head of the table, eyebrow arched in question.
“Well,” Changkyun looks over at me and then over to Shownu. “He wasn’t going anywhere. Uhm… he was part of the exhibit.”
Shownu shakes his head slightly in confusion, his eyebrow arching ever higher.
“What he’s trying to say is…” All eyes swing towards me and I can’t help but gulp nervously. “Uhm…the owner of the traveling exhibit uh...captured Wonho and has him locked in a cage as part of his werewolf display.”
“Seriously?!” Kihyun exclaims, guilt flashing in his eyes. “This whole time…I just thought he was out with a…”
“There’s something else,” Minhyuk cuts him off abruptly. Standing up, he rushes around from beside Changkyun to stand beside me. “She brought us proof they know where he is. Go ahead, Y/N.”
I eye him curiously, but pull out the ziplock bag and hold it up.
“May I?” Kihyun asks, holding his hand out towards me. The bag crinkles loudly as the room quiets down to a hushed silence. He takes a quick sniff and is about to hand it back to me when suddenly he freezes. Kihyun’s eyes widen slightly as his mouth lets out a shocked, “Oh!”
“What is it?” Hyungwon quips from beside me.
Kihyun doesn’t say anything, only passes over the bag. Hyungwon looks into it giving it a tentative whiff. A second later, his expression mirrors Kihyun’s. I’m not sure whether to be impressed that Wonho was able to pass along a message via scent or if I should be freaked out.
Jooheon rushes over, “I want to know!”
He pouts, giving Hyungwon puppy eyes. I see that runs in the family. How many times has Changkyun pulled that look on me, I muse.
“Here,” Hyungwon offers it to him.
Jooheon wastes no time bringing it up to his nose.
“I don’t believe it,” he grins before bringing it to Shownu.
Shownu eyes Jooheon questioningly, but the younger male only shrugs, still grinning. After smelling the contents, an amused smirk crosses his plump lips.
Minhyuk laughs, “I was shocked, too.”
“Can I be let in on the joke here or is it an inside thing?” I quiry from my seat.
It was hard to keep a smile from tugging on my lips as well after seeing their amused expressions. Somehow, though, I felt there was an inside thing going on here that they were not going to let me in on. Jooheon starts to open his mouth, but Shownu stops anything he may have wanted to say.
“That’s for Wonho to divulge if he wants to,” Shownu tells me with an apologetic smile and then shoots a warning look to Jooheon. I nod, disappointed, but don’t insist they tell me why they had reacted as they did. Changkyun comes to stand next to me, giving me a reassuring side hug.
“So riddle me this,” Minhyuk asks. “You know you’re our family. Is there anything else Wonho told you?”
“We know,” Changkyun and I say at the same time.
“Know what exactly?” Kihyun eyes us cautiously.
“It’s another reason we’ve been desperate to find you all,” I confess. “Not just for help busting Wonho out, but also to help Changkyun with his first transformation.”
“Ah, you know know,” Kihyun nods, impressed by how calm we look.
“We’ll be happy to help out with that,” Jooheon beams. “You’ve got a few years so it’s not-“
I cut him off somberly, “Not really.”
“What? What do you mean?” Jooheon questions.
“Wonho accidentally bit Changkyun in his wolf form,” I tell them.
“Ohhhhh,” they collectively murmur.
“Well, either way, you don’t have to worry,” Hyungwon pats Changkyun on the shoulder. “We’ve got the best facility, technology and medications to get you through your first time and any time after that.”
“And we also have Dr. Joohoney here to help out medically, if needed,” Shownu adds.
I can sense Changkyun relax, extremely relieved to have found his family especially at such a crucial time in his life.
“We’ll give you a tour later,” Kihyun starts heading back into the dining room. “But first, I want to discuss Wonho. Let’s get this cleaned up and then move to the living room.”
Everyone pitches in, even Changkyun and I and it’s not long before we’re all in the living room sitting around on the couches or rug. We would go tonight just to scope out the place, that way the guys would have an idea of the surroundings and how to easily get away. It was decided only Shownu, Kihyun and Minhyuk will go tonight, along with myself. Jooheon and Hyungwon will stay with Changkyun.
Once all is talked through and the guys are chatting, getting to know each other, I feel that I can finally breathe. I know everything is not resolved, but knowing that we would finally be getting Wonho out and Changkyun wasn’t alone…I felt like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I felt safe here with these strangers and before I know it, my eyelids droop shut and I welcome sleep knowing all will soon be ok.
Part 7 | 8| 9
14 notes · View notes
btswishes · 5 years
I am not good enough.
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Werewolf Au (Wonho)
Part1 / Part2 / Part3 / Part4 / Part5 / Part6 / Part7 /
A/N: Part three here we gooo, hope I don’t fuck it up midway. I still have no idea where I am going with this Au, but guess we will see🤷‍♀️. Sorry for any mistakes made hope you like it.
Word count:  2,610
Warnings: Dirty, flirting, suggestive language, cursing
 It was cold outside, but the speed at which Dean was running ,made the wind sting at your cheeks even more. You tried to snuggle up in the jacket as much as you could, but it wasn’t of much help at this point. He was looking down at you, but your exposed skin kept his head moving away. 
“Hold on, I am going down.” his pack house was deep in the forest. Judging by the front door ,his pack knew you were coming, since almost all 4 of them where outside and waiting. As careful as he could, Dean let you down.
“April.” a timid looking girl with short brown hair in a bob style, pushed through the boys “Take her to the girls and help her out.”
 The girl was gentle, she held your hand and walked slowly next to you. She took you to another house next to the main territory.
“My name is April, nice to meet you.” she smiled and you did the same back, trying to be polite even if you were feeling just drained, emotionally and physically 
“My name is Y/N.” you introduced yourself
  April didn’t say much after that, noticing your exhaustion. The moment you walked into the house ,out of no where 3 girls jumped on top of you.They seemed excited to meet the new comer, but after what happened you pulled back and growled, flashing them the dominant gold, making sure they knew to be careful. 
 After a split second you recovered your sanity and calmed down. 
“I am so sorry.I-I didn’t mean to react like this.” you bowed a few times, thinking they were angry for some reason
“Hey now, it’s ok.” you felt a gentle hand on your shoulder ”We should have known better than to surprise an alpha like that. My name is Scarlet, you can remember me by my red hair.Easy right?” she pointed at her head and gave you the biggest smile “The pigtail blondie over their is Myla and the girl with short black hair is her sister Zoe.”
“It’s nice to meet you.”they smiled at you
“My name is Y/N, it’s nice to meet you too.”
  The girls took you to the bathroom upstairs to try and help you calm down and relax ,since you had this frightful and confused aura around you.
“Dean left you in our care so don’t worry, we will do our best.”said April
“But damn girl, what happened to you? I have never seen an alpha in a state like you.” Scarlet eyed you up and down.
“Guys!” you could hear Myla yelling from the bathroom “The bath is ready, she can come in.”
  You got up and walked with a trembling step. At this point you were left alone, so you undressed now fully and slowly stepped one foot after the other in the warm water. Your body was able to relax finally and your alpha instincts subdued.
*knock knock*
“We are coming in.”April announced before you could cover yourself 
“Y/N we got some clothes for- “Myla dropped everything out of her hands and covered her mouth, eyes wide in shock. 
“W-who did that to you....?” Zoe’s voice trembled as she stepped closer, her hands reaching out towards your skin. Last to enter was Scarlet still not knowing.She confidently strode in when a particular sweet smell hit her nose.
“Guys, did someone use some kind of candy shampoo? I swear it smells like an omega in here.” she laughed out .When she saw the girls frozen looking at you, her mind couldn’t compute  “What happened in here?” her eyes moved towards you ,as your head slowly turned to look at them. Right in front of them the gold faded to white, so bright and pure. Her breath stopped. No one moved, the air was thick and only the dripping water showed that time was still moving.
  As the oldest, Scarlet got a grip on herself and straightened her back.
“April go lock the doors and pull the curtains, no one comes in.” the girl nodded and ran “Myla cover her and help her get to the bedroom ,now!” she picked up the towels and made sure you were ok enough to get up“ Zoe get the boxes and bring them here.”
“Rodger.” you were looking at the organisation these girls had, everyone knew what they were doing. You soon found yourself sitting on the bed ,towel around your body and one on your hair. Zoe was sitting on your left, Myla on your right, Scarlet was positioned, legs crossed in front of you and April standing next to her. It was silent for a bit as you looked at the ground, not knowing whether you could talk to them after what happened.
“So you mean to tell me that sweet smell was from you?” she asked getting a nod as a reply “ We all saw her golden eyes right?” Scarlet looked around the room and the girls agreed with her
“But...we also saw the white in the bathroom.”Zoe placed her hand on your knee “You don’t have to talk to us if you don’t want to.”
“My sis is right.”Myla jumped in “But please keep in mind that here we are all omega, we can help you. Just tell us.”
  You took a deep breath and decided that it was the best option you had, since this was the first time you were around so many omega of similar age as you. Looking up ,you leaned onto your arms and made yourself comfortable on the bed. 
“I am a mutt. My mom is an omega and my dad is a beta.” 
“That doesn’t make you a mutt.”April looked at you trying to reassure you
“That doesn’t make sense.” Scarlet pulled everyone’s attention, as she waved her hand in front of her dark completion “You should be either an omega or beta.Alphas aren’t born from two betas nor two omegas. Yet here you are, both none the less.”
“The truth goes deeper than that.” you flashed the white color of your eyes “I am an omega obviously, but.” you covered your eyes for a second and looked back up “I am also an alpha and beta.”
“Silver and gold!” someone in the room gasped if not all 
“How is that physically possible?!” Zoe kept rubbing her hands together uneasily 
“Ok let’s forget about he origin,alpha and beta stuff for a second.”Scarlet’s coolheadedness kept amazing you, no wonder they all listened to her so carefully “Seems to me from my senses that you are an extremely powerful alpha, but for someone as mixed as you, mating season must be awful.” she pointed at your neck “Let me guess, a sudden moment of weakness? Omega nature? Or something else?”
“One of my pack memeb-” Scarlet bursted out laughing, cutting you off mid sentence 
“A member from your pack? I thought they were supposed to be tame.”
“He is older than me but a pure breed alpha, like his parents.The thing is, he was half transformed, never had teeth to prove it.I never expected him to overpower me.” you continued 
“Judging by your neck he sure does have a nice pair of fangs on him.Probably matured already.” Zoe looked over the bite mark
“Since you seem new to...umm our side of the spectrum I should explain somethings to you.” April gently placed a strand of hair behind her ear and began “ Omegas are submissive, yes, but only to their mate or someone who they have feelings for. If the mate’s hormones suppress the omega a lot, that means they were specially made in his/her body for that particular omega in mind. In a way mating season works only for mates and fated mates. Others just roam around getting beat up. Most of us are pretty strong and smart, so a horny alpha or beta isn’t a problem, plus our pack leader keeps us safe during the season.”
“In other words.” Scarlet cut April off suddenly and leaned onto her knees, looking straight at you “Your under pup has a mighty big crush on you and it seems that so do you.” she pulled out some creams out of a wooden box “Lay down.We need to clean those out.”
“Who knows how it looks, he was pretty drunk.” you sighed as you positioned yourself on the bed and let the girls do what they knew.
“For someone drunk he made clean and careful bite marks.” Myla laughed out. Placing the cream on the bite mark, she ran her finger over your skin and looked down at your legs “I wonder...” she mumbled 
“Is something wrong?” you asked
“Umm I am was just a bit surprised at how fast you heal, but I forgot you were an alpha.” she giggled 
“What is actually on your mind?”Zoe looked at her sister with serious eyes “I know that face very well.” the girls were waiting and Myla had no other option but to speak up
“This bite is clean and precise, too precise for a male in heat. I think he was planning this. “
“What do you mean.”you lifted your head up to look at her properly 
“He wasn’t trying to get with her just for the season or because of her sent. He was marking her.” the silence in the room was making you uneasy until she continued again “This is just a theory of course.”Myla rose her hands in the air and shook them in front of her face 
“But?”Zoe pushed her sister further 
“But...”the ‘t’ letter on the end came out together with a sigh “ There is a way to find out and I think if I am right Y/N would know already what to show us.” she was looking at you trying to see if her hunch was correct. With a swift move you sat back up 
“I don’t know if this is what you want to see...” you stood up and went to the bathroom to put on the clothes left there for you. Coming back out, everyone was staring at you. Slowly you reached down and pulled the fabric up a bit exposing your thighs. Scarlet grabbed your hand and pulled you on the bed.
“Don’t worry sweetie, we are all women here, don’t be shy.” she winked at you and began examining your thighs.You were so embarrassed ,but couldn’t do anything about it. “Hahaha!” the red hair just swung over you like a flame “We got a real lover boy here.Yo Zoe check it out.”
“Guys...” you almost whispered 
“Can we NOT stare so intensely at my.....lower region?”
“Ok ok, you can get up.” 
  In a way the mood had lightened up a lot since you first came in. Which was really good.
“So, who is the lucky guy?”Myla asked you 
“I don’t know what you are talking about.He is a rude and stuck up idiot.Lucky my ass.He was probably just horny.”crossing your arms in front of your chest you pouted 
“Girl, the bite marks are carefully placed not to hurt you, if he wanted to fuck he would have done it. He was marking you, he likes you obviously.” you felt someone poke your side “You got a pic of him?”
“OMG yesss, do you?”
“I wanna see too!!!” 
  The girls started talking one over the other, the room filled itself with random words and voices mixing up with each other. You were used to a commotion. Living with 7 wild wolves got you trained, but you felt this strange excitement you never knew until now.Was it because they were like you?You weren’t one to bend easy under pressure, but you decided to repay them a bit like this.
“I have pictures of my pack on my phone. You pulled it out of the pants that were on the floor. Who knew putting it in your pjs would be useful for you someday. The girls piled on top of you on the bed and you pulled out a random pick.
“Is it this one!The light brown hair?”Zoe pointed at Shownu
“No, he is a beta.” they were guessing but not landing it correctly “It’s actually him.”
“The pink haired guy?” Myla squinted her eyes “I don’t see him well.”
“Wait I have another pic from last summer when we went to the beach.”you clicked fast and found the summer 2018 folder, filled to the brim with pics you got from the guys and ones you took yourself.
“Oh lord!”Zoe screamed out 
“I must say.”Scarlet’s eyebrows shot up “Even for an alpha he is bigggg. His arm probably is as big as April herself.”
“I agree and I am not that small.”
“And here I thought Dean got you, but judging by the difference in the level our pack leader got out shined.” locking the phone you looked at Scarlet 
“Enough fun. I need your help.” she eyed you and nodded 
“You want to learn what we can do as omegas, right?” making yourself comfortable, you  showed her that you were ready for anything they threw at you “Ok let me tell you something interesting.” she leaned back in her chair and looked at you with a cat eyes and a smirk “ What would you say, if I told you that omegas can wrap any alpha around their finger with their scent.” 
“Scarlet is right. Every omega has a particular scent too.” April added “Mine is lavender for example.
“ Thanks April. The thing is, you don’t have a scent that I can identify. It’s sweet and strong.It could be a flower, candy, possibly something else. Maybe because of your other natures.I don’t know if this is possible and it’s just a theory i thought of right now, but if you use alpha power and omega manipulation ,you could be pretty formidable enemy for many packs.”
“How do I do that?” you were on the edge of your seat, just waiting to learn the uses your other selves could have
“April show her.” she walked over and opened the window. Reaching outside her arm was flocked with birds almost immediately “I call this the Disney princess skill, since animals are easily attracted.Since we are a type of animal as well, makes the process the same.” 
“So I just have to think what I am trying to control and it happens?” you looked at the small sparrow on April’s hand, it seemed to notice you since it’s two little eyes were looking right at you. It wasn’t moving, no matter how much you were focusing. Telling it to come a few times didn’t help as yell.
“Hahahah.”Zoe grabbed her stomach and started rolling on the bed “I can tell from 10km away that you are an alpha.” she wiped away the tear on her eye “You don’t use verbal commands stupid.Think what you want it to do and send the message. Remember we omega are supposed to be timid. If we continue to act like that, the wolves underestimate us and it’s easier to manipulate those idiots.” 
“I see. So I just think.” April relaxed and the birds flew away ,even the sparrow you were in a way practicing with 
“Aw, it flew away.” she smiled at it 
* Screech *
“Wow wow.” Scarlet stepped back as a hawk flew in the room and landed on your shoulder 
“That was....harder than I thought to understand.” you were taking deep breathes to try and regain some energy.A bit more excavating than you thought.
“IDIOT”Scarlet grabbed your cheeks with one of her hands, squeezing hard “TURN ALPHA RIGHT NOW!” she almost screamed in your face.
39 notes · View notes
jooheonspinky · 5 years
Lure of the Lore 12
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Word Count: 3K
It’s nearing lunch time and as I await a call, my mind drifts to this morning…
My alarm had chimed loudly in the room and arms tightened around me just as I began to stir. I couldn’t help but snuggle back into the warmth that cocooned me, smiling blissfully as I tried to block out the alarm that insisted on pulling me out of that perfect moment. I was surprised to find how comfortable it felt to be held by Wonho…to wake up next to him. I was reluctant to loosen myself from his embrace, but alas, someone needed to shut off that freaking alarm.
“Do you HAVE to go?” he murmured groggily as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
Turning off the alarm and then clicking on the bedside lamp, I turned to look at the half awake Wonho in my bed and smiled fondly. Hair helter skelter on his head, cheeks slightly flushed, and eyes bleary from sleep…he looked cute and cuddly propped up on his elbow. It had taken all the mental strength I had not to lean down for a morning kiss. But refrain I did, and not long after he’d walked me to my car and sent me on my way.
And that was the question…Did I really have to go? Do I really need to be here taking these calls? It wasn’t something I loved and it wasn’t like there weren’t other jobs out there. Changkyun was more important…not that I could do much. But what if there was an emergency and I was hours away?
Just the thought of it made me shudder with fear. In this moment I made the decision to quit. I had enough saved up to cover me for the year, not that I planned on being out of work that long.
I call my manager after I clear my computer and clean out my desk. I hand over my badge and desk key, apologize for the short notice and then I’m on my way back to the boys.
Changkyun is on the living room couch watching tv with Kihyun and Minhyuk when I step into the cabin. He fills me in on the whereabouts of the rest of the guys: Shownu and Wonho were working out while Jooheon and Hyungwon were working.
“Why are you here so early?” he asks looking me over. “You aren’t sick are you?”
“No, no,” I pat his hand to reassure him. “I quit.”
He recoils in surprise. “You what?!”
“I know,” I sigh.
“What were you thinking?!”
Changkyun instantly goes into full on big-brother mode, his features stern as he shifts to glower at me. I lean back into the couch trying to get out from under his piercing stare.
“Minhyuk, help me get dinner started,” Kihyun hops up and extends a hand to the taller male.
“I’m good right here,” he blinks his eyes up at Kihyun innocently. Kihyun purses his lips as he glares down at him unamused. “Alright, alright. I’ll help you get the stuff you can’t reach.”
Kihyun shakes his head in annoyance as he stalks out of the room. I cover my mouth to keep from laughing out loud. Minhyuk follows the other, a mirthful grin on his face. Changkyun clears his throat, bringing my attention back to him. My smile instantly fades.
“Don’t be mad, Changkyunnie,” I pout childishly. “I just need to be here for you. I need to make sure you’re ok. You’re my oppa, how can you expect me not to worry so much for you.”
His eyes thin out into slits as he stares me down.
“I hate when you pull the oppa card,” he tsks at me. I grin, hugging his arm. “It’s hard to be mad at you for too long.”
“I know,” I agree with a smug smile. Pulling back, so that he can see me, I assure him, “Don’t worry. I’ll be ok.”
“Werewolf or not, I’m still your oppa. I will always worry. But I also know you are strong and resilient. I know you’ll be alright.”
I smile fondly then hug him tightly. His arms encircle my waist, returning the hug. It’s in moments like these that I believe him. I’ll be alright because he says I will be. He’ll be alright because I say he will be. It’s always been that way.
Shownu and Wonho’s voices carry over into the living room and I freeze, subconsciously pulling away from Changkyun. I hear him chuckle and I turn to face him.
He smirks as he fills me in. “You know...my Spidey-senses, or should I say my were-senses, have been getting stronger.”
“So!” I scoff defensively knowing exactly where he’s going with this.
“So?” Changkyun laughs. “So I can totally hear your heart beat. If it goes any faster, I’m thinking you’ll be having a full on heart attack here.”
“Shut up!” I punch him on the arm and scoot away from him. “It is not beating that fast!” I argue, my hand now over my chest as if that would make my heart rate slow down.
“It’s not the first time it’s happened when you’re around Wonho,” he points out.
“Hey guys!” Wonho greets us as he and Shownu appear in the living room.
Both of them look hot with their hair damp and shirts clinging to the slickness on their skin probably left their from their shower. It’s quite difficult not to blatantly stare when the white t-shirt leaves very little to the imagination. Changkyun makes galloping sounds on his thighs with his cupped hands and I’m semi-grateful for the distraction as I peel my gaze from Wonho only to glare red faced at my best friend. He only laughs, finding my uncomfortableness hilarious.
“Hey, you two,” Changkyun calls back. “Wanna hang here with us?”
“Sure,” Shownu nods and plops down on the empty couch on the opposite wall of the room.
Wonho stays put and Changkyun cocks a questioning brow at him.
“Actually, do you mind if I borrow Y/N for a bit...if she wants that is,” Wonho queries looking from Changkyun to me and then back to Changkyun.
“Of course,” he smiles knowingly at me and I have to look away from Changkyun or I’m sure my face will burst into flames.
“Great,” Wonho claps his hands together as he walks towards me. “You wanna take a walk with me?” He asks offering a hand to help me up.
I accept it without hesitation, holding my breath as I wait for the familiar zap to shoot through us. He tugs me up onto my feet and I wave to Changkyun over my shoulder as I follow Wonho out of the room and into the kitchen. Minhyuk and Kihyun are still in there prepping meat.
“Hey,” Minhyuk beams as we approach him.
He throws me a conspiratorial wink and I have to press my lips together to keep from smiling too widely. He makes it way too obvious that he likes the idea of me and Wonho.
Wonho opens the refrigerator and Kihyun is instantly hovering.
“What are you doing? You’re going to spoil your dinner!” he chastises as Wonho grabs fruits and cheese from the drawers.
“Believe me, I won’t,” he grins, closing the door. “It’s early still. This is just a snack.”
Washing the fruit, he tosses them in a small lunch bag along with the cheese while Kihyun looks on in disapproval. He ignores him, grabbing 2 water bottles and an icepack as an afterthought before returning to my side.
“Kihyun doesn’t look too happy with you,” I whisper.
“Because I’m not!” Kihyun affirms loudly.
I giggle while Wonho locks his elbow with mine and gently tugs me towards the door.
“Let’s go before he snatches our goodies!”
I burst into laughter as I try and keep up with Wonho’s hurried steps.
Once outside, I’m surprised by the quietness that surrounds this area. Sure there is the chirping of birds and the hissing of various insects and crawling things…but the noises of the road are pretty much non-existent here. Coming here is almost like stepping into a hidden world.
Our elbows are still interlocked as we make our way deeper into the forest. Our sneakers crunch over fallen leaves and twigs as we meander around trees and roots. The woods certainly were peaceful and I enjoy the scents and the feel of the air on my skin. A pleased smile seems permanently fixed on my face the longer we are out here.
Wonho’s curiosity breaks the stillness as he asks, “What are you thinking about?”
I glance at him briefly, my eyes returning to the ground lest I trip over a root. I shrug, wondering how to even put it all into words.
Sighing, I finally reply, “I was just thinking how peaceful it feels here.” I extend an arm out to signify the expanse of the forest around us. “No wonder you all chose to live here.”
“Yes, it is one of the many points that drew us here,” he admits. “Plus, the fact that we’re pretty secluded here means we can run around freely whenever we turn.”
“Hmmm,” I hum.
I think back to the first time I went to Monsters, Mutants, and Oddities with Changkyun. I remember how captivated I had been by Wonho in his werewolf form. He appeared larger than any dog I’d ever seen. Even caged up and surrounded by silver he appeared indestructible with his lustrous black coat.. Just as in his human form, he looked powerful and thick with muscle. I couldn’t help but wonder would he look even more stronger and larger without the weakening metal surrounding him?
“We’re here,” he announces breaking into my thoughts.
“Oh, I didn’t know you had an actual destination,” I muse aloud.
The tree line opens to reveal a few feet of flat land that gently slopes down into a significantly large lake. I can’t help but rush forward in a jog, a huge pleased grin on my face. The water laps gently at the sandy bank and I wrestle with the thought of whether I should take my shoes and socks off so I can dip my feet in or not.
“Come on, Y/N!” Wonho calls out to me. “We can sit up on the dock and put our feet in the water.”
To the left there is an old, long wooden dock. Many of the planks look rotted, some are even missing. There isn’t even a railing! I look over at Wonho skeptically.
“Is that thing even safe?” I ask as I catch up to him.
“Yes. Don’t worry,” he reassures me. “Just watch your step. Let’s go.”
I follow behind, surprised to find the dock is sturdier than it appears. At the end we both sit down. When he starts pulling off his shoes and socks I quickly do the same. Peering over the edge, I stop my feet from breaking through the surface as I wonder what creatures lurk beneath the dark waters.
“There’s nothing big enough in there to drag you under,” Wonho chuckles from beside me as he bumps my shoulder with his own playfully.
I look over at him while struggling to keep my feet hovering over the lake.
“Can you read minds, too?” I scoff.
“What if I said yes?” He smirks at me.
I swallow hard, eyes widening slightly as I imagine the thoughts about him that I would definitely not want him to freely know. Talk about awkward.
“Stop messing with me,” I smack his shoulder while letting my feet plunge into the cool water.
He only laughs as he, too, drops his feet in. He leans back on his hands, face turned up to the sky and eyes closed. It’s hard not stare. The sunlight washes over him and I marvel at just how gorgeous he is. The change must certainly be something harsh to go through, how does his skin stay so...pristine?
One eye pops open and I startle quickly looking away.
“Wanna eat?” He asks as he sits up. “It’ll be a few more hours before dinner is ready.”
“Sure,” I shrug dusting my hands off.
Rummaging through the bag, he pulls out a red apple.
“Want this?”
I nod putting out my hand to take it. Rather than give it to me whole, I watch as the muscles in his biceps and arms flex while he uses his bare hands to cut it in half.
“Wow!” I exclaim giddily clapping as if I had just seen a magic trick. “That was awesome!”
“It’s nothing,” he says with a chuckle.
A dust of pink colors his cheeks as he hands me half of the apple. Small moments like these remind me just how human he could be.
For a while we munch quietly on the fruits and cheeses. It reminds me of the times I would come visit Wonho at the exhibit late at night. It was nice to be out together again, but in the daylight and without a wall between us.
“Thanks for bringing me out here,” I say, breaking the silence. “It’s so pretty.”
“You’re welcome,” he smiles fondly. “It’s one of the places I like to come to think. Or just to get away.”
“I can only imagine how crowded it must feel living with five other guys.”
“Yes, it can be a bit much sometimes, but you won’t hear me complain about that again after being away from them for so long.”
Though he laughs at his statement, there is a hint of fear that I catch in his tone. It’s only been a few days since the breakout, but he’d been gone for a month or so. Richard must have done a number on him to make such a strong young man hold such fear in his voice at the mere idea of being taken away from his family again.
Taking his hand and clasping it between both of mine I try my best to offer him some comfort.
“You are all back together. You are out and safe now. There is no need to think of that place anymore.”
He turns to face me, a small smile on his lips as his eyes flit over my face. He brings my hand up, our fingers laced together, and drops a kiss on my knuckles. A blush creeps onto my cheeks as his eyes lock on mine. If his widening smile is any indication, he is pleased with my reaction.
Releasing my hand, he starts to get his socks and shoes on, saying, “Come on. We should get back before Kihyun sends out a search party.”
Looking at my phone, I’m surprised to find we’ve been out here a few hours. Time always seems to pass so quickly whenever I’m around Wonho. I get my socks and shoes on as well and accept Wonho’s hand when he offers it to help me up. We walk side by side off of the dock and back into the woods towards his house.
The sun has lowered some in the sky and to me it seems as if the forest is not as bright as when we’d come out. I inch a little closer to Wonho and he smiles down at me, liking that I’m nearer to him. After a bit of walking, paranoia sets in and I begin to hear extra crunching on the forest ground. I try to push the idea out of my mind that someone may be behind us because I know that Wonho would have heard them much sooner than me. When a branch snaps somewhere not too far from us, my heart rate picks up an even swifter beat.
I stop and instinctively reach out for Wonho, yanking his wrist and forcing him towards me. A semi amused, semi confused expression is on his face when he whirls around and stumbles a few steps towards me. With a grimace, I shuffle back, my rear and back colliding with the rough bark of a tree. Wonho’s eyes widen in surprise and his hands shoot out to either side of my face, dropping the lunch bag in the process, to keep from crashing against me and squishing me further into the trunk.
“You ok?” he whispers, his face a tad bit too close to mine. I can only nod as his steely eyes look deep into mine, searching for any pain reflected there. “You know, if you wanted a hug, you could have just asked.”
He chuckles as he begins to straighten up, but I wrap my fist into his shirt and pull him back towards me forcefully. With my free hand, I bring a finger to my lips, signaling him to be quiet. Then I tap my ear indicating that he needed to listen.
At first he just stares at me completely confused at my behavior, but then he stiffens, his nose sniffing the air. His eyes turn into slits while he turns his back to me. Wonho’s demeanor turns protective and is on high alert instantly. A rumbling growl percolates from his throat and goosebumps spread across my skin. It was clearly a warning to whoever...or whatever, was nearby to stay away.
We both remain still and soon we can hear footsteps departing quickly away from us. I let out the breath I wasn’t even aware I was holding and push myself away from the tree.
“What was it?” I ask quietly, my eyes darting around just to make sure we really were alone again.
Wonho cracks his neck and rolls his shoulders as he tries to relax again, while replying in disgust, “BTS.”
My eyes widen. Maybe coming out here was not such a good idea now that the BTS clan knew where the Monsta X clan lived.
Wonho snatches up the lunch bag and then threads his fingers with mine.
“Quickly. We need to get back now.”
Part 11 |12| 13
12 notes · View notes
jooheonspinky · 5 years
Lure of the Lore 9
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Word Count:1.8K
Today we have spent the day eating (my God but these guys can put away food!) and talking. Every once and a while Changkyun gets a glimmer of a memory and everyone gets excited. He was so young, but Shownu explained that his kind develop a tad more advanced than a regular human. They are faster and smarter, so the fact that Changkyun can recall memories of when he was merely two is not unusual.
  If that’s true, I hope soon he will be able to pull memories of his parents as Minhyuk let us know that all photographs taken before that…that invasion and massacre…all had been destroyed. There were no images for him to have as a keepsake. Nothing for them to offer him but verbal descriptions and stories of their time together.
  As they say, ‘time flies when you’re having fun’, and the time for me to take them to Wonho has come. By now Changkyun is sleeping. Some of his symptoms had flared up not long ago and Jooheon had made him some of the tea to help him rest.
  Shownu, Kihyun, Minhyuk and I wave to Jooheon and Hyungwon as we walk out the front door. I follow the guys to their seven passenger SUV, my heart already racing at the anticipation of seeing Wonho. Kihyun is driving and insists I sit in the passenger side. He pulls out smoothly and as I look back I see Shownu has reclined his chair, folded his hands over his abdomen, sprawled his legs and has closed his eyes. I can’t help but chuckle softly. Minhyuk has gone all the way to the back and is scrolling through his phone. I straighten up, giving Kihyun a fond smile before gazing out the window.
  “Have you and Changkyunie known each other for a long time?” Kihyun asks as he speeds down the dark road.
  “Ooof,” I giggle. “A really long time. We were in Kindergarten when we first met. We’ve been stuck like glue ever since.”
  Kihyun smiles wistfully, glancing my way quickly before returning his eyes to the paved road ahead.
  “On behalf of the Monsta X clan, I want to thank you for taking such good care of him all this time. I’d hate to think how things would have turned out for him without you in his life,” he says soberly. “I can tell you’re very special to him.”
  I feel my face heat up as i take in his sincerity.
  “He’s special to me, too,” I shrug, but my heart feels warm at his words.
  “And what about Wonho?” Kihyun adds, his tone a bit too neutral to gage his intentions with that question.
  I can’t help but clear my throat as I straighten up in my seat, my fingers nervously tucking strands of hair behind my ears.
  “What about him?” I try to sound casual as well.
  “Has he been ok? Do you know if he’s been eating?” Kihyun frets. “We’ve been so worried about him. He’s been gone for a month now.”
  “Really? Wow?” I let out a surprised breath of air. I thought it had only been two and a half weeks. “Well, I can tell you, I come visit him every night and I bring him food because Richard, the douche who captured him, only gives him sandwiches. Like what is a sandwich supposed to do to a guy as ripped as Wonho? Ugh!” I practically spit in disgust. Kihyun smirks in amusement beside me and I clear my throat again, trying to reign in my emotions. “Anyway…sometimes Changkyun comes with me, but usually he’s not feeling well enough to come out too long, so...yea. I do what I can to keep him company and cheer him up,” I shrug.
  “So you and Wonho have grown pretty close then?” he probes.
  “I guess, yes,” I look down at my hands.
  “Well, I’m happy you’ve been there for another one of my family members,” he nods. “I’d hate for him to have felt alone while in there.”
  “It’s no biggie,” I mumble.
  “Oh, but it is.”
  He glances over, catching my eyes and I can see an intense knowing look in his own eyes before he focuses on the road again. Again I get that feeling that there is something he’s not telling me, just like at breakfast, but as before, I don’t push for clarification.
We make small talk and I guide him towards the exhibit. Once there, I direct him to my hiding spot. It’s a bit of a tight fit for their SUV, but he manages to squeeze in far enough to conceal the vehicle from view of the road.
“Just a bit of a hike up this way,” I tell them after everyone has gotten out and stretched.
“We’ll follow you,” Shownu points to me with his chin. “Kihyun, you got the food?” Kihyun holds up a plastic bag they had put food, water and tangerines in for Wonho. “Then we’re good. Let’s go.”
I had made this trip so many times, I could make my way up to the exhibit without a flashlight. As usual, butterflies began to flutter in my stomach at the anticipation of seeing Wonho and his infectious smile. Tonight he would be reunited with some of his family members, and my heart thrummed an excited beat behind my ribs as we finally reached the tree line.
Whispering, I turn to the fellas, “This is where I sit and wait to make sure everyone’s gone. The staff should start heading out in about thirty minutes. Richard leaves an hour after that.” Now that we are here, I can point out some of the information I had given before so they have a visual. “The only way in and out is through the front, which is that way,” I signal to the left and they each follow the direction of my finger. “The parking lot is also that way, which we can mostly see from here.” There were only a few cars left now that closing time was soon approaching. “When we go see Wonho, we’ll be going this way, around to the back. It’s also butted by the forest, so we don’t really need to watch our back. If anyone would be approaching, they’d be coming from the sides.”
“Ok,” Shownu nods pensively. “And I don’t mean to doubt you. I just want to be triple sure that we can get him and get out with no issues.”
“I get it,” I reassure him.
Shownu is generally quiet after that while Kihyun, Minhyuk and I chat sporadically. He is vigilant, taking everything in and most likely taking mental notes. He looks down at his watch when the staff leave and again when Richard leaves. It matches the times I had told him before and he nods at me.
“Ok. Are we ready?”
I place my finger over my lips, asking the pack to be as quiet as possible as I scope the area one last time. All I hear is the sounds of nature. Wanting to be sure it was just us out here, I turn to the guys for confirmation.
“Do you sense anyone else here?” I ask in a hushed tone.
Their heads cock from one side to the other as they concentrate. They even sniff the air to be double sure.
“Clear,” Shownu announces in a whisper after looking at Minhyuk and Kihyun.
“Then let’s go see Wonho,” I beam at them.
I speed walk around to the back of the tent, unable to contain my eagerness. Before I even have the flap up, Wonho discerns I’ve arrived.
“Y/N?” he calls from within, a smile evident in his tone. “Back so soon?”
Pinning the flap up, I shine my phone light into the darkness and let a pleased grin bloom across my lips.
“Yes and I’m not alone!” I gush.
“You found them?”
It would be difficult to miss the relieved expression on his face. He cranes his neck to get closer to the hole, but the bars limit his reach.
“Don’t strain yourself,” I worry when I see him grimace from pain. “I did find them and I have three of them here.”
“Wonho!” the guys call joyfully in unison.
They fight over each other to peer into the darkness with in. Shownu cocks an impatient eyebrow and the other two back off.
“Wonho,” he calls again as this time he looks in through the opened flap. “You ok in their?”
Wonho chuckles, extending his arm out to shake Shownu’s.
“Yeah. Y/N’s taken great care of me, but I prefer to be out there with you guys,” he admits.
“I know. Tomorrow night we’re getting you out,” he fills him in. “Just hang in there one more day.”
Giving his hand a squeeze, Shownu lets Kihyun take his place.
“Hey,” he looks into the opening.
“Kihyun.” Wonho sounds surprised to see him there.
“I’m so sorry. This is my fault. Maybe if we would have started looking for you sooner instead of assuming you were mad at me…maybe you wouldn’t be here.”
“Don’t do that,” Wonho warns. “It is what it is. Anyway, you shouldn’t be the only one apologizing. I over reacted and you were right. I do shut you all out, spend most of my time at the gym or away from the house. Family is important. I should spend more time with you guys.”
Kihyun swallows hard, his eyes glassy with tears he refuses to release. Truly, he is just grateful that he’d gotten through to Wonho and that his last memory of him would not be of them fighting.
“My turn!” Minhyuk playfully shoves Kihyun out of the way. “Hey there, Wonho! Looking good…considering…” he teases.
“Hyukie, glad to see you haven’t lost your humor, despite my predicament,” Wonho feigns annoyance.
“Ah, you know you love it.”
They chuckle and Minhyuk grabs the bag of food from Kihyun and passes the contents one by one over to Wonho. As he eats, Shownu fills him in on the plan.
“Y/N already told us about the cameras, so we’re going to have to do this from out here. Remember the electric hand saw Kihyun and Hyungwon had worked on?” Shownu asks.
“Yeah, the one with the special blade made with some secret something something that makes it stronger?” Wonho quips.
“Exactly. Well, we get to put that puppy to use on these bars,” he grins conspiratorially.
Kihyun elbows Shownu, rolling his eyes though his lips are turned up into a smile.
“Anyway, we’ll cut a bar or two and you can slip right through and then we’ll have you out in now time.”
Minhyunk sighs, “I wish we would have brought it with us today, but we really came out here more to assess the situation and confirm our plan. I’m sorry.”
“It’s ok,” Wonho reassures him as he swallows a bit of rice and beef. “I’ll sleep great tonight knowing I’ll be a free man tomorrow.”
After staying a few hours, we leave with the promise to return the next night to free him.
Part 8 | 9 | 10
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jooheonspinky · 5 years
Lure of the Lore 7
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Word Count: 2K
I tried to get another week off at work, but my manager reminded me that I didn’t have enough hours to cover the time and also I was a point away from getting a write up. It was frustrating to say the least, going in to work, feeling that time was being wasted while I sat there taking phone calls from strangers who were upset about one thing or another. Things that seemed so frivolous compared to what I had going on in my life.
I’m exhausted. While I have to be up at 5 am to get ready for work, I still have been going over to check on Changkyun each night. After, I head out to go see Wonho. I can’t stand the thought of him being there alone. Changkyun comes with me sometimes, but as the days progress some days the wolfsbane tea doesn’t help him much and he’s stuck at home with those flu like symptoms. The fear of killing him accidently keeps me from making any changes to the dosage.
It’s Friday evening. Two weeks since meeting Wonho and two more weeks before the next full moon. It’s as if time has accelerated, the urgency of Changkyun’s situation becoming more dire as the days pass. It’s overwhelming, to say the least. For once, I am unable to help my best friend, and it’s a bit difficult putting my sole trust in a group of guys I’ve never even met. Only they could help him. And only they could help Wonho.
I am lying in the grass, my hands behind my head as I gaze up at the glimmering stars above me. The night is clear and the wind that meanders around me is cool and gentle. The night bugs chirp nearby and I’m not surprised to find my eyes have fluttered shut while Wonho tells me stories of his childhood.
“Y/N? You still awake?” Wonho calls through the hole and my eyes immediately flit open.
“Yeah, yeah,” I mumble through a stretch and then sit up. “I was starting to fall asleep. Guess I’m more tired than I thought.”
“You should go, get some rest,” Wonho urges with a wide smile. “I have a feeling tomorrow you guys will find my family.”
I kneel so that my face is level with the cutout. The moon’s light glints off of Wonho’s grey eyes, emphasizing the jovialness in them which in turn draws a mirthful grin from me. I can only pray that there is truth to his intuitive words and not just wishful thinking.
“We’re going bright and early, taking food and planning on camping out there until we find one of the guys.” I nod emphatically, but then add, “At least until Sunday. I gotta get back to work on Monday.”
“I understand.” The look in his eyes softens. “I really appreciate all you’ve been doing. You don’t really have to keep me company every night, ya know.”
My face heats up, embarrassed to be so pleased by his gratefulness and I look away, fidgeting with my shirt bashfully.
“I know,” I shrug, looking back up. “Honestly…I just… I really like talking to you, so…”
“Me, too.” There is a rosy blush across his cheeks and I find comfort in knowing he feels the same.
Holding up a finger, he stands up and I hear the sound of a rip.
“Uh, Wonho…What are you…”
“Give me your hand, please,” he asks when he’s sitting again.
“I’m not gonna bite…promise,” he chuckles.
I rub my thumb across the pads of my fingers nervously. Standing, I open up my hand and offer it to him through the opening. I brace myself, just in case, and only jump a tiny bit when his warm hand takes mine so that his hand is under mine and his thumb is pressing gently at the center of my palm. There is a slight crackle and the barest of flashes of light. He then tugs lightly, making me step closer.
My face scrunches as I look down, unsure of what he is doing. I don’t have to wonder too long. Soon I feel him tying something onto my wrist. My frown deepens as various questions crawl over themselves, unsure of which to ask first. I open my mouth, but then I freeze in place. His lips, soft as a roses petals press a firm kiss at the center of my palm. I swallow hard, the gesture something so sweet, too sweet, that I am at a loss for words.
I simply stare down at the black space, my arm partially inside the tent, imagining his expression. His eyes must be narrowed, an alluring smirk on his lips because he must know just how much this would affect me. I can tell his emotions are heightened based on the green illumination splayed across my forearm.
My heart is drumming so fast within my veins, I fear my heart will burst. God, can he hear it? Yes, he has said so before. I take a few deep breaths trying to calm myself before gently withdrawing my hand from his.
A neat bow rests on the inside of my wrist now. The black material feels weightless, soft, comfortable. I kneel to peer in the hole, my eyebrow raised questioningly.
“It’s from my shirt,” he laughs quietly, his mercurial eyes glittering. “For when you find my pack. It’ll have my scent and they’ll know you speak truth.”
“Smart,” I concede.
Ah…so that’s what that was for…Not him wanting me to have something of his. But the kiss then…what was that all about? Embarrassed to have read too much into it, I don’t say anything about the gesture.
“Well, keep your guard up, just in case the BTS clan is there,” he warns. “Fingers crossed the guys are there tomorrow.”
“Definitely,” I agree, crossing my fingers superstitiously. “I’m going to go ahead and go. Sun should be up in a few hours.”
“Alright. Good night,” he waves from the opening. “See you soon!”
“Yes, see you,” I wave back before I close up the hole.
I gather my stuff and head back to the car. Once inside, I stare fondly at the strip of shirt tied around my wrist.
I slide a finger over the material, whispering, “Soon. Soon we’ll have you out.”
Letting out a puff of air, I start the car and drive to Changkyun’s home.
We’d packed a few snacks, lunch, and water bottles in a backpack. We are determined to stay camped out on the cabins property until late tomorrow, so we also had two sleeping bags. It was crazy, but desperate times and all that.
Being so early, the morning air was still cool, especially under the canopy of the trees, even though the sun has already begun it’s ascent. We chat to help the time pass quicker as we step over large roots, crunch over long since dead leaves, all while carrying our backpacks and sleeping bags. I notice Changkyun’s breathing becoming heavier, his speech stumbling frequently and I call for us to stop.
“The cabins not too far, but we’ve been walking for just about two hours...non-stop. We should hydrate,” I suggest.
I set my sleeping bag on the ground and shimmy the backpack from one of my shoulders. Unzipping it to take two bottles of water out, I hear a thud and look up to see Changkyun has dropped everything to the ground unceremoniously. I let my own bag slip to the floor once I take in his demeanor.
His chin nearly touches his chest as he stares at me through eyes thinned into slits. Emerald light streams from them as he breathes through gritted teeth. The hair on the back of my neck stands on end as I gulp audibly.
Wetting my lips, I try to find calmness as I call his name, “Changkyun. It’s ok. Try and relax now.”
His head tilts leisurely this way than that, ever so slowly and it reminds me of a dog when you speak to it. I feel myself involuntarily shiver. The decision not to give him the tea this morning may just be coming back to bite me in the ass right now. We thought it best that he be alert in case he needed to defend himself or me. Since it makes him sleepy, we just thought he could hold off a little to drink it later.
Obviously we were wrong.
Changkyun takes a step forward and I take one backwards. If I turn and run now, would I really have a chance of getting away? I don’t have the opportunity to even finish the thought as he takes two more steps so preternaturally fast that he’s right in front of me before I finish a blink. His arm snakes around to my back, dragging me against him in one smooth motion.
“Ch-Changkyun,” I stutter as my hands land on his chest.
I only receive a growl in response. From this proximity I can see his canines have elongated, not as long as Wonho’s had, but still it was noticeable to me. His neck extends forward bringing his face closer to mine. I recoil, pressing hard against his chest, trying to put space between us. But he’s much too strong.
“Please, Changkyun,” I implore. “It’s me, Y/N.”
He sniffs a few times and I can’t keep the tears from filling my eyes. If I can’t get through to him and he hurts me in anyway...he would never forgive himself. I have to do whatever I can to cut through the haze in his mind.
Placing a shaking hand to his cheek, I offer him a quivering smile, “Hey, you’re ok. Try to relax. It’s just me, your best friend. I’m not going to hurt you.”
His grip loosens the slightest bit as I stroke his cheek and I know I’m finally getting through to him.
“That’s it. Just calm your heart. You’re ok,” I croon.
The light in his eyes gradually dims and his teeth slowly return to normal. He releases me abruptly and I let out a groan of pain as I land on the hard ground beneath me. A confused Changkyun stares at me still dazed for a few moments, but once realization hits, he falls to his knees in front of me, a look of horror on his face.
“Oh my god, Y/N! Did I hurt you?” he probes as he looks over me desperately.
His hands reach out tentatively, unsure if he should touch me or not.
“I’m ok,” I reply with a reassuring smile. “Look, I’m fine,” I add opening my arms to show I had no injuries. Changkyun stiffens, his head snapping to the left then tilting just the slightest. He must have heard something that I hadn’t even noticed. “What is it?” I whisper, looking in the same direction.
“Come out,” Changkyun calls as he stands. I follow suit, staying behind him. “I already know you’re there. Come on out.”
I hold my breath expectantly. If Changkyun heard something and insisted someone was there, then it was so. I could feel my heart pulsing in my throat as I wondered who would reveal themselves to be there: one of Wonho’s…and Changkyun’s family members or someone from the BTS clan?
From behind a bush, a tall lean figure presents himself, arms wide open with his palms up, indicating he was unarmed. His magenta hued hair gleams in a light beam that has broken through the canopy of trees and my shoulders literally sag with relief. He was one of their pack members…Minhyuk if I remember correctly.
I squeeze Changkyun’s shoulders and feel him relax beneath my fingers as well. The young man’s eyes are on Changkyun, a hesitant recognition flickering in them as his mouth hangs open slightly in bewilderment. I can’t help but smile, a lump forming in my throat as I try to hold back the tears.
“Changkyunie?” the young man finally speaks, doubt evident in his tone.
I hear my best friend swallow roughly before nodding. And this is all Minhyuk needs to shoot forward and throw himself at Changkyun, grabbing him tightly in a bear hug as he weeps, murmuring broken words of disbelief, surprise, glee and happiness at having found his long lost family member after so, so many years.
Part 6| 7| 8
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