#wonwoo x male reader x minghao
Best Friends? ;Woohao
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Wonwoo is in love with his best friend, M/N, and decides to distance himself from him to get rid of his feelings. Meanwhile he gets a new friend, Minghao, which Wonwoo introduces to M/N. What Wonwoo doesn't know, is that Minghao falls for M/N too.
Contains: male X male X male, mentions of family issues, homophobia, fighting (Wonwoo gets hurt slightly), some angst, bad words/cursing, underage drinking, alcohol, mentions of alcohol, mentions of drugs, bullying (M/N gets bullied because it's funny),
Genre: Fluff, Angst
~Not requested but 100 follower special~
High School AU
A/N: Thank you so much again for 100 followers and maybe someday i'll get 200! Who knows? But i am so happy for this and i love you all so much for showing your love for my writing and this motivates me to keep writing! Thank you all and enjoy reading!
Wonwoo POV:
I felt my lips curl up into a smile while i was looking through my gallery. There was a certain folder for photos that i have captured. But they aren't just some random photos that i have moved to the folder, no. They are photos of M/N. So many memories of him. I keep looking at the photo where we are at the beach. He was about to go swimming and the sun hit his skin perfectly, making it shine. His perfect body looking even more perfect with his smooth skin under the sunlight.
I wish he could've stayed longer at my place today, but he had to go study for the upcoming exam. I understand him though. His grades aren't that good and if he fails this test, he might actually have to be held back. I kept looking at the photos. I wish i could hold him right now. Have him next to me, cuddle while watching movies. It would be a dream come true. If only he was here with me still...
Which made me look at the time. 1.35 am... I better get some sleep.
~The next day at school~
I was sitting in front of the door to our classroom, when i spotted Wonwoo. He was wearing his usual white headphones and he had a smile on his face as he was looking at his phone. I wondered about what he was smiling at, but brushed it off when he walked up to me. "Good morning" He said as he sat next to me and put his phone away. "Morning" I answered, but after that i remained silent. I was still a bit sleepy because i didn't get much sleep last night, but i was happy to hear that Wonwoo slept well. Or i believe he did, given his energetic looking eyes behind his glasses.
"Did you study for long last night? You look tired" Wonwoo asked, looking a bit worried. "I stopped studying at about 11 pm, but i couldn't go to sleep yet, because of my parents. They were fighting... again" I said the last part quietly, so other people around us wouldn't hear it. "I get it." He stayed quiet for a bit before speaking "Would you like to come over tonight? It's Friday so i thought you would want to" I thought about it for a moment. "Sounds fun, i'm in!" I said and smiled slightly. We walked into the classroom and sat down on our spots.
Unfortunately, when the teacher picked our seats, me and Wonwoo didn't get to sit next to each other, but i'm fine with sitting next to Joshua. He's from LA or something but he's a cool guy.
~After class~
I walked out of the classroom and started complaining to Wonwoo about everything. The previous class, the next class, the whole school.. But he seemed to be understanding and threw a couple comments and agreements here and there as i spoke. Wonwoo and I walked in the hallway towards our next class, but i suddenly felt a foot kicking the back of my knee and making me fall forward.
"What the hell?" I exclaimed in annoyance and when i turned around, i saw no one else but Lee Hae Kwan. (Just a random name, no one specific) He had been a little full of himself always and his way of thinking is that the whole world is above him, and he is the king. I think it's pretty childish, and i am not the only one who thinks that way, but he doesn't seem to get it.
He let out a laugh when i got annoyed and the rest of his "gang" laughed along. Wonwoo helped me up and looked at Hae Kwan angrily. "Oh is the little gay boy gonna cry? Maybe you can cry at your little boyfriend here" He and the rest laughed again. "This is seriously getting out of hand. You need to calm down." I said as i regained my balance, grabbing my back pack and putting it on again. "How dare you tell me what to do? If we weren't in school i would beat your ass!" He raised his voice a little "Are you afraid of getting detention?" Wonwoo questioned and shook his head slightly. "What? NO! I'm just concerned about your little boyfriend who might not be able to walk anymore after i snap his legs in half!" He said and walked away past us with the rest of the "gang", pushing me off from the way.
"I wonder when he realizes that he is the most childish person ever." I said quietly and then continued walking towards our class. "I'm sorry you have to go through that... But i'm right here for you, okay?" Wonwoo said comfortingly as he grabbed and squeezed my hand a little, before letting go. I smiled slightly at the nice and comforting action.
~Time skip, after school~
Wonwoo POV:
When i got home, i immediately ran upstairs to my room and started cleaning it up, so it wouldn't be so messy. I know that M/N doesn't mind it when my room is a mess, but i want it to look good for him, and maybe i want to seem like a clean person for him.
For him... Sounds funny when you think about it. I'm doing all this for him. I should not have these feelings for him, i shouldn't. We have been best friends since forever... I can't afford to lose him after everything we have gone through.
i stopped cleaning, and was about to grab my phone to text M/N not to come, but i heard the doorbell ring suddenly, so it's too late for that now.
I also heard my mother open the door for him, and i quickly rushed downstairs, so my mom wouldn't embarrass me somehow like she always does. As i got downstairs, i shooed my mom away. I greeted M/N and grabbed his arm, pulling him up to my room quickly. I heard him let out a laugh as i did so, and i suddenly felt embarrassed, but i didn't let go of his arm as i still kept pulling him upstairs. I let go of him when we made it to my room, and i closed the door.
"I have a surprise" M/N suddenly noted, and i couldn't help but be curious. "What is it?" I questioned as i sat down on the edge of my bed. He opened the plastic back he was holding, and it had 2 six packs of beer inside. "i was thinking that maybe we can go out tonight and have a little party of our own." He said as he set the plastic bag down. My mouth was wide open and my eyes wide. "Where did you get those?" I asked him and when i saw his little guilty face, i decided that he probably doesn't want to answer. "I mean it's Friday, we don't have school tomorrow.. Why not" I said and smile slightly. I was so happy to see him smile at my agreement, and it made me smile even more.
Eventually night came, and my parents went to bed at 11 pm. But now it was 1 am and we were ready to go out. "Make sure your phone is charged" M/N mentioned and i looked at the battery of my phone. "Yup! 78%" I said and he smile. "Great! Let's get going then." I opened the window of my room and slowly climbed out. M/N handed me my back pack, his own and the beers, before climbing out too.
He took his stuff and then slowly climbed off the roof. I followed after him and we both made it to the ground safely. "should we go to that one flowery garden where we aren't supposed to be allowed, but the owner doesn't give a fuck?" M/N asked me and i only nodded. I have never done anything like this. It was new to me, but i enjoyed the thrill of all this. The feeling of getting caught was present at all times, but i felt good.
We eventually got to the garden and we climbed over the locked gates and sat on the middle of it. M/N pulled out two beers from the bag, handing me one and taking one for himself. He opened it immediately, but i hesitated. M/N looked at me concerned. "Never drank beer before?" He asked and i nodded slightly. He chuckled.
"Go on then. Try it, it's good!" He said as he kept drinking it. I opened the can and too a sip and my face twisted to confusion and disgust at the same time "what do you think?" M/N asked and had a slight smirk on his face. "It's.. weird. I have never tasted anything like this before, but i guess it's drinkable." I said and M/N laughed slightly.
"I'm glad you at least tasted. If you don't want to drink it, it's fine." HE said as a reminder, but i shook my head. "It's okay, i can drink it." I answered and sipped on the beer again.
~Time skip~
It was currently 4 am? 5 am? I wasn't sure about it. My phone battery had died and so has M/N's personal battery. He had his head rested on my lap as he was scrolling through his phone. We were sitting in a park on the grass and more and more people started to pass by. There were some people who were walking their dogs, running, on a walk or jogging.
I looked down and saw M/N slowly put his phone down and he looked at me. I couldn't help but smile when he stared up at me. I know i shouldn't be feeling this way, but he looked so handsome when the morning sun hit his face in a perfect angle, making his smooth skin look more beautiful than ever. He slowly lifted his head and sat up, stretching his limbs. He had drank at least 8 beers during the night. I, myself, had 3, so i wasn't that drunk. But M/N was, and still were. He opened the last beer and was about to drink it, but i stopped him. "Maybe you have had enough. And there are some people who might know that you are underage and might call the cops on us or something." I said as i snatched the beer from him and pouring it on the grass, emptying the can and putting it back inside the plastic bag. "Fine, whatever." He mumbled as he stood up, taking a hold of a nearby tree so his balance would stay.
I got up too and then helped him walk to a bench in the park. We sat down on it and he let out a huff. "Tonight was fun, even if i don't remember some parts from it" M/N said and chuckled slightly after. "Yeah, it sure was. Maybe we should head back to my place. My parents will probably wonder where i am if they see i'm not in my room. And my phone battery died so we have to go."
"Will you get me something to eat from the store before we go back?" M/N asked and smiled slightly at me. "sure, let's go" I grabbed his shoulder with my other hand and i took a hold of his hand with my other as i helped him stay balanced. He could still walk, but it would look pretty weird if he did try to actually. We managed to get to the small store in the corner of the street, and walked inside.
I immediately took a bottle of water. I saw M/N take some chips and a chocolate bar. He walked to me and placed the items in my hand. "Could you please pay? I don't have my wallet" He asked and looked up at me. I couldn't say no to him, even if i wanted to, which i didn't. I would do anything he ever asks of me. I really gotta get myself together. I can't love him, it's wrong.
We went to the cash register and i paid for the stuff. "Is your friend alright?" The cashier asked and i turned to look at M/N, who was staring at the small toys and laughing at them. "Uhh.. he probably just needs some sleep." I answered and grabbed the stuff, then M/N and walked out of the store.
We got back to my place and i somehow managed to get a drunk person to the roof and inside my room through the window, without him falling.
M/N immediately laid on my bed and closed his eyes. "Ugh it's so soft!" He said as he hugged one of my pillows.I let out a chuckle and gave him the bottle of water. "Here, drink this. You need it" I said and he sat up and drank some of the water that i bought. "Mm it tastes so good!" He said happily and he set the bottle on the nightstand before laying down and closing his eyes. "Good night" I said as i turned around on my chair to look at the PC. I hear a humming sound from behind me, and then i start playing.
~Time skip to Monday again~
I was running on the streets, quicker than i even knew i could. I had a reason for this. Today at school, Wonwoo wasn't being his usual self. He was more distant. He looked really uncomfortable and uneasy whenever i tried to talk to him. Every time i tried to talk to him, he didn't even react. He was just on his phone, pretending to ignore me. I wonder if he's mad at me for the drinking... no he can't be. I never pressured him to drink.. I need to know what's going on. But not now. The reason i am running is-
"WHOA!" i was pulled into an alleyway. "You really think you can run away from us?" Hae Kwan said and one of his gang members held me in place. I stayed silent, thinking that maybe they won't beat me to death if i just stayed quiet. Hae Kwan walked towards me and grabbed my chin. "I asked a question." He stated and let go of my chin before taking a step back. "Fuck off." I tried to stop myself from saying anything, but failed miserably. "Oh? The little fairy boy has some nerve doesn't he?" I wanted to attack him. Punch him, kick him, make him suffer in the most horrible way possible. If only i wasn't being held in place by two people, then i would do it.
Hae Kwan let out a laugh, then stepped out of the way and nodded. One of his "peasants" waked closer to me and punched my stomach hard. I let out a breathy groan and the two people who previously held me let me go and i fell to the ground, holding my stomach in pain. The person who kicked me lifted my head by my hair and kicked me in the face. I felt my nose start to bleed and Hae Kwan walked to me and grabbed my hair too before harshly slamming my head against the ground and then kicking my stomach again. I felt like i couldn't breathe and i held my stomach and nose in pain.
"HEY!" Hae Kwan and the others heard someone and they decided to run off, not wanting anyone to know it was them. The said person ran up to me and pulled me into a tight hug. "Wonwoo?" I asked and i lifted my bloody face to look up at him. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry that i wasn't here when you needed it! I'm so so sorry!" He apologized many ties but i shushed him. "It's not your fault. And i'm sorry for anything i did! I felt like you were mad at me for something because you were so distant in school today. But i actually would understand why you are mad-" "I'm not mad at you, okay?" I looked at him and he helped me up. "Thanks" I said and saw some movement and turned to look at the person who was standing there. "Oh right! This is Minghao. I met him after you left my place. My mom told me to go to the store to buy some stuff and we bumped into each other accidentally and then started talking and- you know what, i don't think you care" Wonwoo said and let out a laugh.
"Hey! I'm M/N. Nice to meet you!" I reached my hand out for Minghao to grab it. He shyly took my hand in his and shook it. "Nice to meet you too." He said and put his hand back in his pocket.
Minghao POV:
When Wonwoo introduced M/N to me, i couldn't help but feel my heart flutter. His hair looking so clean and soft, and his smooth skin looking perfect in the sunlight. I wanted to smile at the sight of him, but i held back. I couldn't help but stare at him. Is it even possible for someone to look that hot or am i dreaming? I swear i have never seen anyone like him. Someone who is so perfect in every way and- My thoughts were stopped when he gestured for me to shake his hand. "Hey! I'm M/N. Nice to meet you!" My cheeks turned a slight color of pink after hearing his voice, but i quickly composed myself and shook his hand.
The rest of the school week went pretty fast. Me, Minghao and Wonwoo became great friends and we already had a couple inside jokes among the three of us. It was Saturday currently, and we were all at my house, because my parents were out for the whole weekend. They told me not to have any friends over, but i never listen to them anyway.
We were all chilling in the living room, listening to some music and talking now and then, but most of the time we were on our phones. Suddenly Minghao got an idea. "Should we go out? Like just hand around and do something? Maybe we can get some spray cans and spray some walls!" He said excitedly, and i lifted my head from the couch cushion. "That sounds great!" I answered almost immediately, but i saw Wonwoo hesitating. "But it's illegal. We could get in some serious trouble for it." Wonwoo said, a tiny concern evident on his quiet voice. "It's only illegal if we get caught" Minghao said and got up. "I think we have some spray cans in our garage. Let me go find them real quick." I got up and started to walk to our garage, but Minghao stopped me "I'll go with you!" He said and i nodded.
Minghao POV:
Me and M/N walked into the garage to find some spray paint cans and i couldn't help but stare at his back when he walked in front of me. I wanted to grab his hips, pull him close to me and kiss his neck. I was fighting the urge to do it actually. We got to the garage and started searching for the spray paint cans.
I couldn't help but stare at M/N as he was searching. His body looked so good even when he was wearing over sized clothes. His face looked so handsome and pretty at the same time. I couldn't hold back my urges anymore. I walked up to him and..
I was so focused on finding the cans that i didn't notice Minghao walking up to me. I felt him wrap him hands around my waist and pull me close to him. My eyes widened and i almost jolted away, but he kept me close. I felt like running away, but i didn't know how to. Running has been everything i have ever done and now would have been the moment.. but for some reason i couldn't do it. He leaned close to my ear and whispered "Let's stay like this for a while, please?" I felt my cheeks flush and felt him turn me around so i was facing him. "Your face is red, you seem to enjoy this" Minghao said with a slight giggle. My face turned even more red and i looked away in slight embarrassment. I saw from the corner of my eye, that Minghao was staring at my lips. I started to panic from the inside when i saw it and i slightly pulled away.
"Maybe we should go back... Wonwoo must be waiting for us" i whispered quietly and not waiting for a response as i walked out of the garage and back to the living room where Wonwoo was waiting. "What took you so long?" He questioned and looked at me and then Minghao who walked in after me. "Guess we lost track of time trying to find them..." i said awkwardly and sat back down.
"We didn't find them. Maybe we should just go to the movies or something." Minghao said and avoided eye contact with me. He must feel guilty for what he did just a few moments back. Wonwoo nodded and i agreed too. So we decided to go to the movies then.
~Time skip~
After some movie we had watched in the movie theater we were walking back to my place, all three of us. I, for some reason, was walking between the two taller boys and i couldn't help but have a slight gay panic. I was talking about the movie when suddenly Minghao interrupted me. "I need to use the bathroom, is there any nearby?" He asked and Wonwoo pointed at the public bathroom stall nearby. "Oh god no, not the public one" I said and punched Wonwoos arm playfully. "There is a way better one in there" I pointed at the store that was at the corner of the street. "Isn't that the store where we went when you were drunk?" Wonwoo asked and i smile. "Yup! The bathroom is the best in there" I said and Minghao nodded and walked in the store.
"Hey M/N" Wonwoo said and i turned around to look at him. "What is it?" I questioned and looked at the taller boy in front of me.
Wonwoo POV:
There is something very important i have to tell you.." I said hesitantly and when i saw M/N nod, i took it as a sign to tell him. "I don't want to ruin anything that we have between us. I know that we have been best friends since forever, but i can't help but feel like i want to be more than friends with you. I always feel more happy when i'm with you and you make me feel like the happiest person on earth. I know i shouldn't feel like this because i might lose you for this, but i needed to tell you." I took a deep breath after i was done and i waited for any kind of reaction from him. I stood awkwardly under the gaze of the shorter male and i felt myself grow more nervous when he didn't respond. "Wonwoo.." M/N said suddenly and i looked straight at him.
"yes?" "You do know that we can't go back to what we were now that you told this, right?" I nodded slightly and looked away. "I know. But i can't live with the fact that you don't know about my true feelings"
Wonwoo looked somewhat guilty and I heard Minghao approach us again and that's when i remembered what happened with Minghao earlier.
"This can't be happening... This can't be true" I think to myself and i start to panic again, not too much but slightly. "Is everything okay in here?" Minghao questioned and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I blinked a couple times before pushing Minghao away.
"I need.. some time alone. To process things.. I'm sorry" I said and i speed walked away from the two boys as fast as i could.
Minghao POV:
Me and Wonwoo watched as M/N almost ran away from us. He was more speed walking but he left fast. I turned to look at Wonwoo who looked guilty "What did you say to him?" I asked and looked at the direction M/N went and then back at Wonwoo "I told him about my feelings towards him.. I knew i shouldn't have done it. We have been best friends for a long time and i except that everything will go well if i tell him? God i'm so stupid." Wonwoo explained and looked down embarrassed, sad and guilty. "You.. like him too?"
Wonwoo lifted his gaze from the ground and looked at me "Too? What do you mean? You don't.. do you?" Wonwoo looked a bit shocked, but i nodded slightly. "I do.. i somewhat told him when we were in the garage looking for the spray paints.." I said quietly and looked away, still feeling bad about what i did then.
"So if we both like him.. and we told him at the same day.. He must feel overwhelmed and anxious. We should apologize" Wonwoo said and i nodded. "Yeah, we should. Let's go back to his place and talk to him." I said and so me and Wonwoo went to M/Ns place.
Wonwoo POV:
Me and Minghao arrived at the house and knocked on the door. We waited a couple minutes, but there was no answer. I knocked on the door again but we still got no answer. Minghao decided to just open the door and walk in and I hesitated, but followed after him.
We walked upstairs to M/Ns room. I went first and Minghao followed. I knocked on his room door before opening it slightly and walking in "M/N? Can we talk?" I asked softly as me and Minghao walked deeper into the room.
Minghao pointed at the bed and i looked over there and saw M/N laying there, back facing us. I sighed and walked closer to him. "Hey... We just want to talk, okay?" I asked and he turned around and looked at me.
"What do you want?" He said somewhat annoyed yet sadly. "We came to apologize." Minghao started, then looked at me and waited for me to continue. I nodded and turned to look back at M/N. "We are sorry for making you feel like that. You must feel overwhelmed from the fact that we both told you about our feelings at the same day, and we didn't even know that we both liked you.." I explained to M/N and i saw him nodding at my words.
"If i'm honest, i am a bit afraid.. Not about the fact that i don't know which one to choose but.."
M/N paused and looked away and I furrowed my eyebrows. "You can tell us" Minghao said and took a step closer. "I can't choose. I think i.. like you both. I can't choose between you two." M/N said and avoided eye contact with us.
My jaw dropped slightly and Minghaos eyes widened. "You- You like-" "Us both?" Minghao finished my sentence and we both stared at the shorter male who is now in a sitting position on the bed. He nodded slightly.
"I don't know why. I don't know how but i do. I fell for you both and i don't know what to do.." M/N said and pulled his knees to his chest and hid his face in his hands "I'm sorry.." He said and i quickly sat next to him and hugged him. "You don't have to be sorry. We can work something out. I know we can" I said in a comforting tone and Minghao nodded. "We can make this into something. We can work it out." Minghao repeated and sat down on the bed too and hugged M/N from the other side.
"Really? You aren't mad at me for running away like that? And you think we can work it out?" M/N questioned and looked up at me and then Minghao. "I know we can" I said and smiled at him.
"I really do like you both.. it's impossible to choose between the two of you" M/N said and let out a laugh. Minghao grabbed his chin and turned his gaze to look at him. "Can i now do the thing i wanted to do earlier?" He asked and M/N smiled. "I wouldn't mind it-" Minghao connected their lips and I watched it for a moment before i turned M/Ns chin to my direction and kissed him too.
When i pulled away, I saw that he was bright red and looked somewhat embarrassed and very flustered.
Minghao chuckled and i smiled at M/N.
"Let's make this a good relationship. If we all agree on it, then we can make it work" I said and M/N and Minghao both agreed. "Thank you" M/N said and me and Minghao hugged him again.
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eomayas · 4 months
his friends and his dad hate me • chs
pairing: non-idol!vernon x fuckgirl!reader, fwb
genre: smut 18+ MINORS DNI!!! angst
synopsis: you broke his little heart, he’s a cry baby. OR, reader excels in the male dominated field of being a female fuckboy! (based off ‘crybaby’ by megan thee stallion)
warnings: p in v, oral (m receiving), fingering, riding, vernon gets his heart broke, reader is not a good person
a/n: i’ve had this in my drafts for awhile and needed to finish it 😭 i love when readers are morally gray or just wrong & bad! pls remember this is just fiction ok thx!
despite the protests from his friends and the little (though extremely loud) voice in the back of his head telling him this is a horrible idea, vernon grabs his car keys and tries to slip out of his apartment. “dude, we didn’t even get to finish the game! get back here!” wonwoo shouts, frustration clear in his voice. it’s bible in their friend group to finish any smash tournament that’s started, and he’s breaking the one and only most important rule.
“later!” vernon says, hand on the door knob. he’s sort of stalling, sort of wants to be told that he has to stay behind. the thing is, he’s pathetic, especially when it comes to you. he’d cross all seven seas to get to you, if you asked.
“she doesn’t even like you!” soonyoung shouts. vernon sighs and rolls his eyes, walking down to the hallway and stopping at the entrance of the living room. five of his friends look at him with mild disappointment and he puts his hands up in surrender.
“first of all, she invited me over so you’re wrong—and secondly, you’d all do the same if you had prospects but you don’t,” vernon says, letting out a breath. it felt good for him to fight back like that, though soonyoungs comment does leave him feeling sort of doubtful. very doubtful, actually, because he knows there’s some truth in his statement whether he wants to acknowledge it or not.
minghao and joshua share a look and vernon sighs. “fuck you guys,” he says.
“yeah, whatever. but don’t come back here crying,” soonyoung says, a shit eating grin on his face. vernon flips him off, face flushing in embarrassment at the memory of him getting so drunk that he cried in mingyus arms at the club over you. they’ve never been able to let it go, bringing it up every time your name is mentioned. it’s mortifying, but a slight wake up call. except he’s not thinking with his head right now.
they all snicker, but minghao manages to give him a sympathetic shrug. it doesn’t do much to alleviate the doubt in his head, but the support is nice. simply put, his friends are not fans of you, and he doesn’t necessarily blame them. your relationship started out rocky and unserious—he was a late night booty call for you and a fill-in boyfriend without the title. he did boyfriend things with you—for you, thought you two were together until you dropped the bomb that you didn’t like him or want him like that. he was crushed, but he played it cool and told you that he wasn’t looking for a relationship anyway. that only made things worse, seeing that you only called him when you wanted some attention, and constantly made him feel like you wanted him.
the crying in the club bit was the straw that broke the camels back for his friends. they had a mock-intervention for him, urging him to delete your number and to find somebody else, but as if you were summoned at the mention of vernon moving on, you’d called him a few days later and got him back where you wanted him. he hasn’t been able to escape you since, caught in some spell or trap you put him under.
“whatever,” vernon mutters, pulling off his cap to run his fingers through his hair. “i’m leaving now.” he declares, urging himself to actually make the move to leave.
he’s halfway to the door when minghao calls out to him by saying, “my therapist would call this self-destructive behavior!”
vernon doesn’t have time to deeply evaluate his behavior as ‘self-destructive’, because he spends the twenty minute drive to your place psyching himself up. that alone should be indicative of the issue with seeing you, but he doesn’t pay it any mind. instead, he bumps his music and drums his fingers against the steering wheel.
it’s not lost on him that he was able to make it to your place without directions, though he forgot how complicated the apartment parking lot was. by the time he finds a spot that he won’t get towed and/or fined in, he’s much later than when he said he’d be at your place.
vernon sends you a quick ‘here’ text before making his way towards the door to your apartment building. he presses the buzzer for your unit, and his pulse skyrockets. in the few seconds that it takes for you to answer, he spirals thinking of every negative possibility of your encounter. what if you really do hate him, like soonyoung said? and, if not, what if he sucks in bed? what if he says something stupid? what if you find out he’s a complete and utter loser?
“vernon?” your voice crackles through the intercom and shoots straight to fast beating heart, halting his mental spiral of doom, and putting him back in the moment. he’s nervous in a different way now. he’s so unsure of himself around you sometimes—which is definitely a sign that he should cut ties with you.
“y-yeah,” he clears his throat quickly, trying to cover up his shaky voice. “it’s me.” his finger nearly throbs in pain from how much pressure he’s putting on the buzzer.
with a loud pop, the door unlocks and vernon enters. he hikes the two stories to your apartment, and by the time he’s at your door he’s mildly winded from how fast he got up there. vernon stalls a few feet from your door to regain his breath (and confidence). he chews on his bottom lip for a second and glances down the hallway and considers making a run for it.
there isn’t much thought put into that, though, because his feet take him in the other direction towards your front door, and he’s raising his fist to send three soft knocks your way. vernon shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans and sighs, dropping his shoulders and rolling them back.
you pull the door open and his eyes snap down to you, and he swears his hearing goes out for a split second, because his face feels like it’s on fire and his muscles feel heavy. and then you smile at him, and he thinks he may melt into a puddle in front of your door. “vernon!” you squeal, laughing yourself onto him, legs wrapping around his waist and arms encircling around his neck. “you took forever.” you mumble, capturing his lips in a kiss that he’s been dreaming of for weeks.
vernon silently thanks the universe that he didn’t collapse when you attached yourself to him, and that he had enough sense to hold onto the bottoms of your thighs for support. “traffic,” he lies, walking the two of you into your apartment and kicking the door closed behind him.
he stops walking and the two of you make out for a few minutes. his nerves disappeared the moment you latched onto him. granted, hes a bit nervous, but he doesn’t feel like he’s going to pass out, or like he wants to make a run for it. “you look good, baby,” you purr once you pull back from his lips to really look at him. you run your hands through his short, brown hair and smile at him, and he decides right then and there that all of the pain and suffering you’ve put him through might be worth it, if you keep smiling at him like that.
untangling you legs from his waist, vernon helps set you down and lets his hands drag up your bare legs. your skin is soft like he remembers, and he wants nothing more than to spend the rest of his life rubbing and touching it. but your hands make use of pulling down his jacket zipper and subsequently helping him out of his coat, so he unfortunately has to pull his hands away from your thighs.
“have you been working out?” you question, setting his jacket on the back of one of your bar stools. vernon looks down at his own biceps and shrugs. “i lift sometimes, yeah,” he says. you walk back over to him and shamelessly feel him up. he’s still skinny, but there’s muscle in places you don’t necessarily remember him having.
“hmm,” is all you reply—it does a lot to cover up how badly you want to tear him out of his clothes. you grab his hand and lead him down the hallway to your bedroom.
“how’ve you been?” vernon asks. you giggle at his awkwardness and give him a look over you shoulder as you pull him into your bedroom.
“really great,” you push him lightly towards your bed, and crawl onto his lap, lips finding purchase on his neck. you grind down onto him as you suck a purple mark onto his neck. “what about you?” you ask in between kisses, voice slightly breathless.
“uh, fine,” vernon spits out, mind a bit hazy when you slip off of his lap and onto your knees between his legs. “better.” you smile at him sweetly, but your hands make quick work of unbuttoning his jeans. he helps you pull them down to his ankles, along with his underwear.
a soft whimper leaves you mouth at the sight of his semi-hard dick. you press your thighs together and reach forward to grab ahold of his member and start stroking his shaft. vernon looks down at you with parted lips; he feels like he’s in a dream, watching you on your knees below him. you’ve given him head before, but it was conditional. usually, when you felt guilty for something, or knew you made him upset you would suck him off. he tries to push the thoughts away, and succeeds when you wrap you lips around the tip and attempt to take all of him. “fuuuck,” he groans, gripping onto the edge of the bed.
vernon is embarrassed at how quickly you draw out loud moans from him just by massaging his balls as you work your mouth on him. he hasn’t been with anybody else in awhile—and he’s too embarrassed to ever admit that he’s good with just having you, even if he has to wait for you to call him.
“oh, fuck, y/n,” he whines, thighs tensing. he lets go of the mattress to gather your hair and wraps it around one of his hands. you moan against his crotch when he pulls, watery eyes flicking up to meet his own. spit gathers at the corners of your mouth and vernon knows this is an image he’ll never, ever forget. “shitshitshit!” his hips buck upwards and he expects you to pull your mouth off of him to use your hands to get him to his release, but you stay put.
it drives vernon crazy. he comes fast, and he doesn’t have time to be embarrassed because you swallow, and then keep sucking after the fact. he’s never seen you act like this, and you’re a bit shocked at your own behavior—you hadn’t realized you missed him that much.
“y/n,” he whimpers, chin falling against his chest. you take that as a sign that he’s about to pass out, and reluctantly pull your mouth off of him with a pop. a trail of spit mixed with cum follows his cock to your mouth, and it makes you want to give him another blow job, but he looks too spent.
“vernon,” you start, getting off of your knees. he manages to sit upright before falling backwards onto your bed.
“give me a minute,” he croaks. you smile and take a few seconds of your own to catch your breath before you undress completely and crawl onto the bed next to him. vernon opens his eyes and looks over at you. “i wanted to do that.” he whines, referring to getting you naked, and reaches out for you.
you crawl on top of him and settle on his abdomen. his hands moves to your waist and his eyes stray trained on your breasts. you lean down a bit, practically putting your boobs in his face. vernon leans forward and wraps his lips around one of your nipples. he shifts the two of you so he’s sitting up straight, thus shifting you down onto his crotch.
you can’t help but grind yourself against him as he plays with your breasts. he fondles the own that’s not in his mouth, and keeps his eyes on you. you moan softly above him, light little pants leaving your mouth that only encourage him. “nonie,” you whine, running your hands through his hair and gently tugging on the strands. “touch me. i want you to touch me.”
vernon pulls his mouth off of your breast and slides his hand that was on your waist up your spine. he grabs the back of your neck and pulls your mouth down to his own in a messy, heated kiss. he manages to flip the two of you over, propping himself up on an elbow and slipping his other hand between your legs.
“all for you,” you purr when he drags his fingers up your slit, a look of disbelief on his face at how wet you are. “need you, nonie. your fingers, mouth, all of it.” you whine, spreading your legs open for him. vernon liked how vocal you were about what you wanted from him. he wished you were as vocal about other aspects of your guys’ relationship, but he’ll take what he can get.
vernon dips two fingers inside of you, your arousal acting as a perfect lubricant. vernon kisses your neck and chest as he fucks his fingers in and out of you. his thumb presses on your clit and you moan out his name. “more, vernon,” you breathe, gripping onto his hair tightly. “fuck, i want you to fuck me vernon. can you fuck me?” you ask, clenching around his fingers.
his cock jumps at your tone of voice and request. “i can fuck you,” he rasps. he’d rather make you cum on his fingers first, but you wish is his command. he lifts up from you and pulls his shirt off. you rake your nails along his exposed abdomen, applying light pressure. you smirk up at him and he grabs your hand and kisses your palm. it’s much too intimate, but you can’t deny the butterflies it gives you.
“grab a condom,” you remind him, pointing to your nightstand when he grabs onto the base of his dick. he quickly moves to open the drawer, and he tries to ignore the photobooth strip of photos of you and some guy he’s never met is the first thing he sees. he pushes it out of the way and grabs a stray condom, and slams the drawer shut.
he rips open the package and rolls the condom on before grabbing your leg and throwing it over his shoulder and lining himself up. vernon pushes his hips forward and sinks the tip in. “ah!” you gasp at the delicious stretch. quiet as it’s kept, vernon has a big dick and he knows how to use it. it’s unfortunate that he’s hung and is so shy about it—sometimes you wish he’d call you to fuck, rather than you doing it all the time. “fuck, vernon, you’re so big.” his body flushes with heat and he keeps pushing forward.
you suck him in welcomingly. he fits inside of you like you were made to be stuffed by him. he fucks into with a steady rhythm, and each time he pushes inside a moan is pushed form your lungs. vernon can’t keep his own moans contained, moaning our curses with each thrust. it’s dizzying, how turned on he is by you. he feels like he can’t think about anything other than fucking you and staying like this until eternity. he gets the morbid thought that he’d be okay if he died like this, buried inside of you.
“fuck, right there baby! you’re so good to me, fuck!” you shriek, mouth falling open as you look at there the two of you connect. you get lost in watching him disappear inside of you, by the white ring that’s formed at the base of his dick. the sounds vibrate off of the walls; squelching and skin on skin nearly deafening. “fuck me, vernon!” you cry, hips raising to meet his own.
tears brim in your eyes when he pulls your leg from his shoulder and shoves it up to your chest, spreading you open wider and fucking into you at a different angle. “i m-missed you,” he chokes out, shifting his weight to a single arm so he can grope your chest.
“me too,” you pant, chest arching up into his. you chase his lips with your own, wanting to feel as close to him as possible. your mouths press together, but not in a kiss. you pant and moan harshly against each other, his hips rutting into you at a faster, less rhythmic pace.
“i-im close,” he whimpers, placing an open mouthed kiss on the corner of your lips. you whine out his name as he speeds up his pace, your arms sliding up his back. you dig your nails into his skin, definitely leaving scratches. “fuck, you’re perfect.” he whispers, eyes looking into yours.
you whimper and squeeze around him before your release comes crashing over you. “nonie!” you cry, clutching onto him like a life raft as he fucks you through your orgasm. his strokes lose rhythm completely and moments later he’s coming into the condom, stilling inside of you as he does. you almost wish he wasn’t wearing a condom, so you could feel him.
vernon drops on top of you, his arms too weak to hold himself up. you cling to him, hands running through his hair absentmindedly. you don’t mind the weight of him on you, and you especially don’t mind the fact that he’s still inside of you. you have a soft spot for vernon, even though it may not seem like it. he’s the nicest guy you’ve ever been with—much nicer than the guys you’re typically acquainted with—and he’s sweet to you, even when you don’t deserve it. you know you should probably let him go, free him of your games, but something in you won’t let you. and that same something won’t let you like him—love him—how he deserves.
“vernon,” you murmur, rubbing his back.
“im hot, and you’re heavy,” you say with a soft giggle. he smiles into the sheets and lifts himself up and pulls himself out of you. both of you whimper pathetically at the loss of contact, and laugh at each other seconds later. he drops down beside you on the bed, rolling onto his back. you roll onto your stomach and rest your chin on his chest before resting on your cheek, and he wraps an arm around your waist.
vernon strokes your hair and keeps his eyes on you. if he was a cartoon, his heart would be beating out of his chest and hearts would be shooting out of his eyes.
“you’re staring,” you mutter, rubbing his side.
“because you’re pretty,” he says, hand sliding from your waist to your ass. you roll your eyes and sit up onto your knees and look down at him. you can’t contain the urge to smile or kiss him, so you do both. “you should go pee.” he mumbles, breaking the kiss.
“right,” you say, quickly getting off the bed. no other guy would remind you to pee after sex, but of course vernon does. every single time, too. you wish you could leave him alone.
vernon sits up and grabs his boxers. he pulls them on and stretches his arms above his head, sighing when he feels a pop in his shoulders. somewhere behind him, a phone buzzes once, then twice, then incessantly. he doesn’t know where his phone is, so he digs around in the bed until he finds the source, pulling out the phone from under a pillow. it’s definitely not his, so he feels sort of strange holding it as the name ‘seungcheol’ flashes across the screen.
“what are you doing with my phone?” you ask with an accusatory tone, eyebrows furrowed as you tie your robe.
“i couldn’t find mine, and it was ringing,” vernon says, holding it out to you. you snatch it out of his hand unnecessarily, ready to tell him to mind his business until you look down at the screen and see three texts and a missed call from a guy you’re seeing. it’s not super serious, but you feel bad for vernon having to see it.
“sorry,” you mutter, quickly typing out a response to seungcheol. you try to shove the guilt down as you set your phone down on your dresser. it’s awkward and tense, and you can feel him watching you as you mess around with things on your dresser.
glancing up, you catch his eyes in the mirror and sigh before turning around to face him. you crawl onto the bed next to him and sit on your knees. he won’t meet your eyes, so you try the only thing to bring him back to you.
you kiss his neck and run your hands across his chest. he doesn’t react so you pull your robe open and grab his hand, placing it on your chest and squeezing. “vernon,” you murmur, crawling into his lap. you kiss up his neck, to his jaw, and when you get to his mouth he pulls back.
it’s not his business at all, but he can’t hold back when he asks, “who was that?”
you bite your bottom lip and encircle your arms around your neck. you press your weight into his crotch and bite back a smile when he covers a groan with a throat clear. “he’s just a friend, nonie,” you lie, kissing his cheek. “you have me. all of me.”
he looks up at you with wide eyes, and you feel his cock twitch under your ass. he’s pathetic, and it’s never been more clear to him because he kisses you and palms your breast, pinching your nipple lightly and shoving off your robe. he knows he’s reaches new lows because he lets you push him flat onto the bed and pull his underwear down. when you sink down onto him—with no condom this time—he knows he’s fucked.
you ride him like your life depends on it, like him forgetting that seungcheol ever called is imperative to keeping this thing going between the two of you, because it is. you bring out all the stops, riding him on your toes and telling him things he definitely wants to hear, like how nobody feels better than him, and he’s the best you’ve ever had.
vernon leaves your apartment with clarity on one thing: he understands why his friends can’t stand you.
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rubyreduji · 2 years
the art of learning how to knock — csc
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summary: seungcheol really should learn how to knock
tags: smut (minors dni!), idol!au, 14th member!reader, male!reader, side kmg x reader warnings: explicit unprotected sex, walking in on, masturbating, sex toys, anal play, taking and sending explicit photos, butt plugs, daddy kink wc: 4.4k an: i’m going to be honest this is pretty mingyu heavy oops but they are not the focused couple my bad. also booooo cringey basic ending that yall cant make fun of bc i still kind of like it LOL
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Seungcheol wakes up and groans. Despite the rest of the group having a day off today, he, Soonyoung, and Jihoon have a meeting with the higher ups. Slowly Seungcheol gets up and starts to get ready.
When he’s just able to leave he goes to say goodbye to his dorm mates. Joshua bids him goodbye and good luck and Minghao just waves him off, too consumed in his book to truly say goodbye. That only leaves you now.
The little maknae who is far too adored by the group. Seungcheol can’t complain though as he probably dotes on you the most out of everyone. You deserve it though. Even though you’re the baby you make sure to take care of everyone and look out for them. In such a big group it’s natural that some people are closer to some than others, but it seems like you are genuinely close with everyone.
You’re probably still asleep but Seungcheol will just pop into your room and drop a kiss on your head before he leaves. He opens your door but you’re not sleeping. Instead you’re pressed against your wall, crowded up by Mingyu who has one hand in your pants while the other is trailing up your shirt. You gasp as Mingyu sucks at your neck.
Mingyu hears Seungcheol first and pulls away quickly. You whine as all contact is lost. Mingyu’s face is red as he stands, trying to put distance between the two of you like it will convince Seungcheol he didn’t see what he just did.
“C-coups-hyung!” Mingyu says. “That wasn’t- we weren’t- it’s not what you think.”
“So you weren’t just defiling our maknae?” Seungcheol glares at Mingyu, his voice coming out in more of a growl than he expects. Mingyu cowers away. “No, tell me Mingyu, tell me you didn’t just have your hand shoved down his pants.”
“Hyung, I’m so sorry!” You quickly stand and bow to Seungcheol. Automatically Seungcheol melts at seeing you.
“We’ll uh, talk about this when I get back,” Seungcheol tells you. He then turns to Mingyu. “Mingyu. Get out.” Mingyu nods and quickly scrambles out of your room and the dorm. You’re still bowed and Seungcheol walks up to you and lifts your body. He presses a kiss to your forehead. “You’re not in trouble. We’ll talk later, okay?” You only nod and Seungcheol leaves feeling a bit bad that he obviously scared you.
Seungcheol heads to the meeting, his brain still thinking about what he witnessed earlier.
Members hooking up wasn’t unheard of within the K-Pop world. Seungcheol has never experienced it in Seventeen but it was bound to happen. He just didn’t think it would be you and Mingyu.
Seungcheol lets out a long sigh. This is too much to think about.
“Are you okay hyung?” Soonyoung asks him as they ride together in the company elevator.
Seungcheol sighs again. “I caught Mingyu in Y/N’s room this morning.”
“Mingyu and Y/N?” Jihoon pipes up. “You’re joking.” 
“I wish.” Seungcheol drags his hands over his face. “I told him we would talk later but I honestly don’t know what I’m going to say to him.”
“Just tell him about the risks and how it’s his and Mingyu’s decision but to be considerate of the group and each other,” Soonyoung shrugs and Seungcheol can’t remember when Soonyoung became the intelligent one but he’ll take it. 
After the leaders got done talking to the higher ups they decided to have unit meetings but this now means that Seungcheol has to face you and Mingyu in a room together, along with Vernon and Wonwoo. You guys are all together in Mingyu and Wonwoo’s dorm but nobody has said anything yet as Seungcheol keeps glaring at Mingyu.
“So…” Vernon says. “What did you need to talk to us about hyung?”
“Right uhm, we have a few photo shoots coming up. The company wants us to split up into units to take them. They also want us to do unit songs for our next album so we’ll need to work on that,” Seungcheol says. He’s still glaring at Mingyu a bit and you sigh.
“Hyung, should we talk now?” Seungcheol glances nervously at Vernon and Wonwoo. “They already know.”
“What?” Seungcheol frowns.
“You told Soonyoung, who told Seokmin and Seungkwan, who then told everyone else,” you explain and Seungcheol internally curses himself. Of course. The three loud mouths of the group. “It’s okay Cheol-hyung. We already know everything you’re going to tell us. It’s nothing serious and we’re going to be careful.”
“Can’t you trust me?”
“It’s not that Y/N.” Seungcheol’s brow furrows.
“Then what is it? It’s natural to have…urges. Idols do it all the time.”
Seungcheol doesn’t know how to tell you he doesn’t have an issue with the members hooking up with each other. He has an issue with the members hooking up with you. You seem to come to this realization on your own though.
“Hyung,” you say it like you’re scolding him. “I’m not a baby anymore! I’m twenty-three now. I can take care of myself. You guys act like I’m some innocent child but it’s not like that anymore.”
In theory Seungcheol knows you’re right, but it doesn’t make it any better. Sometimes he wants to just bundle you and Chan up and hide you two away from the world. You’re right, you guys are older now, but that doesn’t stop you two from being his babies.
“Coups-ah.” You stand and walk over to him. You grab his face and squeeze his cheeks in your hands, grinning as you do. “It’s okay~”
“If it makes you feel better hyung,” Mingyu starts.
“Shut up,” Seungcheol growls, which would probably be more intimidating if you weren’t squishing his face right now. Mingyu still shuts up though.
You’re now using your hands to shake his head around. “Relax. We won’t let it get out of hand. Now, is this meeting done?” You drop your hands from his face.
“Well…I guess for now…”
“Okay great!” You lean down and kiss his cheek. "Since everyone knows now though, we don’t have to hide. So maybe uh, don’t come into Mingyu’s room for a bit. Okay bye!” With that you grab Mingyu’s hand and drag him to his bedroom. Mingyu’s face is red as you do but he doesn’t stop you.
Seungcheol glares at your retreating backs. He barely even got to say what he wanted to, but then again he didn’t even know what he wanted to say. Now he has to live with the knowledge that you’re in Mingyu’s room being desecrated by the giant. 
“Hyung? You’re a little red in the face,” Wonwoo says. 
“I’m fine,” Seungcheol snaps.
“I didn’t say you weren’t! I’m just pointing out your face is a bit red. You know they’ve been doing this for like months now,” Wonwoo says casually.
“No need to snap. Yeah Y/N typically comes up here. I mind my business but I had a hunch on what was happening.” Wonwoo is a little too calm for Seungcheol right now. “Why does it matter so much anyways?”
“Because, it’s Y/N.”
“Hyung…do you…?” Wonwoo doesn’t finish his sentence but Seungcheol understands what he’s implying.
“What? No!” You’re the maknae, that’s all. He doesn’t have feelings for you or anything. Nope, not at all.
“If you so say hyung,” Vernon and Wonwoo mutter.
Seungcheol really needs to learn how to knock.
The members are having a fourteen member dinner together tonight and you haven't read the group chat yet so Seungcheol volunteers to come get you. He thinks you’re taking a nap and he walks into your room to wake you up. But just like last time you are in fact not sleeping.
“Ah, ah, ooh~” your moans fill the room and Seungcheol stops in his tracks, his face turning red at the sight.
You’re draped across your bed, your shirt is pushed up so your stomach is revealed and your pants are just barely pushed down around your thighs. A clear dildo is being thrust into your wet hole and Seungcheol watches the way the puffy pink muscle grips onto the toy as it disappears in and out of you. Your dick is being gripped in your other hand as you pump yourself rapidly.
Seungcheol coughs a bit and you suddenly realize his presence. Seungcheol is looking at the wall by the time you pull the covers over you, face red.
“Oh my god Seungcheol! I’m so sorry.” You bury your face in your hands. “Why does this keep happening?”
“Uh, dinner’s ready,” Seungcheol mumbles.
“R-right. I’ll uh, be right there.”
When you finally sit down at the dinner table your face is still red and Seungcheol still has the image of your puckered hole burned into his brain. The only seat open is the one next to Seungcheol and you two can’t meet each other’s eyes as you sit down.
The rest of the night you two try to avoid each other and you even jump when his leg accidentally bumps into yours. After dinner is finished you split from the group quickly, stating you have a headache. Seungcheol wants to follow after you but decided against it.
Later while laying in bed Seungcheol can’t get you out of his head. The erotic noises you were making and the tantalizing pieces of skin he saw. He can barely fall asleep with his brain running so hard but he eventually is able to get himself to sleep.
Unfortunately for him while he sleeps his brain decides to betray him again. He dreams of your naked, flushed, willing body under him, panting as he runs his hand over your pliant flesh squeezing you in all your soft areas. Your eyes are begging for him to fuck you while small whines leave your throat. You need him. 
Seungcheol wakes up with a start, his body drenched in sweat, his cock uncomfortably hard in his boxers. What the fuck is wrong with him. He shouldn’t be having these kinds of thoughts about you. You’re the maknae, the baby. Seungcheol is the leader and the oldest. He was literally yelling at Mingyu the other day because of this.
Then Wonwoo’s stupid words creep into the back of Seungcheol’s head.
Hyung…do you…?
Does he?
Seungcheol has always had a soft spot for you, everyone knows this. It’s evident in the way he teases Chan but dotes on you. He’s close with the other members but he has a special bond with you. He’s never put too much thought into it but maybe now he should.
Seungcheol is aware he’s glaring. It’s not going to stop him though.
You guys are at the photoshoot and you’re waiting for Vernon and Wonwoo to get out of hair and makeup. Your body is pressed into Mingyu’s as he whispers something in your ear and Seungcheol has never wanted to strangle Mingyu more in his life.
Okay, so maybe Seungcheol likes you. Whatever. The realization just makes him want to kill Mingyu even more.
He also wants to kill whoever is your stylist. You’re in oversized black jeans with large rips in the knees, revealing just enough skin where it’s not too distasteful. Your shirt is a loose fitting mesh tank top with a blue cropped zip up hoodie over it. You look hot. Sinfully hot. You have black eyeliner smudged around your eyes and your hair is styled with gel to make it look wet as it hangs in your face.
“Coups-ah!” You call and Seungcheol meets your eyes. “Are you ready?” When he looks he sees that Vernon and Wonwoo are ready now. Seungcheol nods and follows the four of you to the photographer.
The photoshoot goes by fairly smoothly, other than the fact that the photographer is upping your sex appeal and it’s making Seungcheol’s dick hard. He catches a glance at one of the photos where you’re staring at the camera, your piercing eyes on display, your plump lips parted just slightly. You look like an incubus ready to pounce on your next victim.
“Are you okay hyung?” You ask him as you and Wonwoo switch out to take solo pictures. “You look a little flushed. Are you feeling sick?” You press the back of your hand to his forehead. “You’re hot too. Are you going to be able to finish the photoshoot?”
“I’m uh, fine. It’s just a bit hot in here,” Seungcheol lies.
“Hmm well if you get feeling worse don’t push yourself.” You smile kindly at him before going to sit next to Vernon, falling into a quick conversation.
The rest of the day Seungcheol tries to ignore how you and Mingyu hang off of each other and how at one point you take your jacket off so your whole arms and chest are on display and it makes Seungcheol feel like a pervert.
By the time the group gets back to the dorms Seungcheol is annoyed and sexually frustrated. He contemplates just taking a cold shower but he is just a man and instead he jerks off alone in his room thinking about you. Not that it’s anyone’s business.
Seungcheol is going to kill Mingyu. He’s actually going to do it.
Seungcheol is sitting in his room when he gets the notification that someone texted the Seventeen group chat. What Seungcheol sees when he opens the message makes his blood boil (and his dick stir).
Mingyu: Look at what a good boy he is
Attached to the text is a photo of you. No, not just a photo of you, a nude.
Your whole body is bare and your face is shoved into the bed as your ass sits in the air. The picture is taken from a back angle so your puckered hole is on display, one of Mingyu’s large hands is spreading your asscheeks to show it off. Between your legs is your hard cock, red and dripping, begging for release. There’s a white splatter of cum on the small of your back and Mingyu’s dick hangs just barely in frame at the bottom.
What the fuck. What the fuck.
Seungcheol is torn between being appalled and being turned on.
He decides he can be both and gets up to storm to your room. What is Mingyu doing pulling shit like that?
Without much thought Seungcheol barges into your room. Mingyu is sitting on your bed with his legs spread as you kneel on the ground, your mouth stuffed full of Mingyu’s dick.
“Kim Mingyu, what is wrong with you?” Seungcheol growls. 
“What the fuck hyung!” Mingyu squeals. Mingyu quickly pulls you off his dick so he can cover up his bare lap. You on the other hand take a second to realize what’s happening.
Your lips are swollen and a bit of spit drips down your chin. There are tears in your eyes as you look around confused. You're still naked and your cock is still hard, still not taken care of. Seungcheol pushes the thought that he could treat you better away in turn to glare at Mingyu again.
“Why did you send that picture to the group chat?” Seungcheol hisses.
“What picture? Oh shit. Did I send that to the main chat?” Mingyu scrambles for his phone. “That was uh, meant for just Chan.”
“Chan!?” Seungcheol whips around to face you. “Are you sleeping with Chan as well?”
“N-no,” you sniffle a bit. “Don’t be mad at me Cheollie please.”
“Shit baby, I’m not mad at you,” Seungcheol assures you.
“Chan wishes he was sleeping with Y/N,” Mingyu pipes up. “And it seems like some of the other guys do too.” Mingyu’s startled manner has been replaced with a cocky one as he scrolls through his phone. “Too bad I got to him first.” 
Seungcheol fumbles to pull his phone out and look over the chat. All of the guys seem to be responding positively to the photo. A little too positively.
“It doesn’t matter what the guys think. That was very stupid of you. What if the wrong person got ahold of that photo?” Seungcheol frowns.
“You can’t even see his face!” Mingyu argues back.
“Get out of this dorm, Mingyu,” Seungcheol growls.
“Who’s going to take care of poor Y/N then? Look at him.” Seungcheol does. You’re wiggling your hips around, your hands just twitching to be able to touch yourself. Mingyu pulls you up onto the bed and places you on his lap. He brings his hand down to finally bring relief to your aching cock. “Are you going to take care of him hyung? What were you saying the other day about ‘defiling the maknae’?”
You’re letting out small high keens as you Mingyu continues to work at your cock. You can barely pay attention to the conversation the two men are having, too busy burying your face in Mingyu’s neck. 
“You’re the only one who has a problem with this hyung. Why is that? It can’t truly be because you’re a prude. Are you just that protective of Y/N’s innocence? Or…are you just possessive of Y/N? Want him to yourself? Shame if that’s the truth because it looks to me like he’s under my thumb and not yours.” To emphasize his point Mingyu digs his thumb into the slit of your cock and you moan and grip onto Mingyu tighter.
Seungcheol can’t find his words. He can’t take his eyes off your leaking cock. His own cock stirs around in his pants, his anger at Mingyu the only thing keeping it at bay. Mingyu’s hand works at your fast, rougher, and soon you’re cumming, spurting your cum across Mingyu’s hand and your stomach. Your face is blissed out and you’re letting out the most sinful sounds Seungcheol has ever heard.
“Do you still need something Seungcheol?” Mingyu asks. Seungcheol tears his eyes away from you to meet Mingyu’s gaze. “Because if you don’t I suggest you leave.”
Seungcheol wants to yell at Mingyu. Curse him out and scream at him and go into a rage but he sees the way you’re starting to fall asleep in Mingyu’s arms and decides to hold off. Only because of you though. He’ll just yell at Mingyu later.
Y/N: gyu is on some date right now and im just so needy
Y/N: can someone please come help me 🥺
Holy shit.
The text throws Seungcheol off.
It’s sent to the main chat after practice one day. Seungcheol can barely even comprehend Mingyu going on a date because you just asked one of the member to come help get you off. Seungcheol knows the other guys find you attractive and he knows them well enough that a handful of them would gladly take this offer.
He rushes to your room to find he doesn’t even have to barge in, the door is already wide open. His initial idea was to stop any of the guys from going in, and to stop you as well, but when he peeks in from the door frame to see you fisting your cock all of his resolve brakes. Your breath comes out in small pants and a pink flush covers your body. When you look up and see Seungcheol you start to whine.
“C-cheollie~ help me,” you beg.
Swiftly Seungcheol closes your bedroom door and locks it shut.
“Wan’ you so bad. Wan’ed you even before Gyu,” you admit. “Touch me please.”
“Fuck baby, holy shit. You’re so pretty.” Seungcheol slowly approaches the bed as you continue to yank at yourself. “W-what do you need me to do?”
“Fuck me please. Touch me. Anything,” you beg.
Seungcheol hesitates for a second. Is this a bad idea?
Fuck it, he’s already come this far.
Seungcheol surges forward and pulls you into a kiss. Your skin is fevered and soft under Seungcheol’s hands and it drives him feral. God he’s wanted to touch you like this for too long. You kiss at his lips hungrily as he swallows up your moans and whines. Seungcheol drags his hand down your torso and to your crotch.
The wiggling of your hips spurs Seungcehol’s movements on even more and he grabs you in his palm and starts to pump at you. Seungcheol swallows up your soft pants as he kisses you even harder, getting drunk off just your lips. 
You break away for a moment so you can speak. “M-more. Please.”
“I’m already touching you baby. You need more than this?”
You nod. “Need something more inside.” You wiggle out of Seungcheol’s grasp so you can turn around, presenting your ass to the older man. There’s a butt plug seated in your hole and Seungcheol has never seen anything hotter in his life.
Seungcheol is barely thinking as he strips himself of his clothes and grabs the bottle of lube on your bedside table. He kneads at your ass with one hand while he pumps his own length with the other.
Gently Seungcheol removes the plug from your ass but you still whine at the feeling. Seungcheol tries to soothe you as he pours lube onto his cock. He lines himself up to your hole and starts to push in. He can barely fit his tip in to begin with. You’re tight even with all the preparation you did beforehand. 
“Shit Y/N,” Seungcheol groans as he shallowly thrusts into you, trying to get you to take more of him.
“H-hyung,” you whine.
“How are you so tight?” Seungcheol groans. “Mingyu not fuck you good enough?”
“Uh uh, not as good as you would,” you say. “G-gyu acts all p-possessive, but he isn’t. P-plays a part to r-rile you up.” You stumble through your words. “He was helping me get your attention.”
Seungcheol played right into you and Mingyu’s hand. Well shit.
“A-are you mad d-daddy?” You ask, the name slipping out of your mouth. Seungcheol embarrassingly finds it hot.
“Fuck baby. Could never be mad at you. Should have just told me though. Daddy would have come and fucked you nice and good,” Seungcheol tells you as he ruts into you even more. Your hole loosens a bit and he’s able to shealth his full length into you. “Good boy, taking me so well.”
Seungcheol’s grip on your hips is tight as he starts to fully rock into you. Your body is already trembling under his and you’re mewling out with every hit of Seungcheol’s tip. Seungcheol picks up his pace to something that could only be described as animalistic. His hand presses between your shoulder blades, pushing you down into the mattress even more. Your whole body is nearly pushed into the bed, your hips grinding up against the sheets.
You’re babbling nonsense as Seungcheol fucks you. Your drool is dripping down onto the bed and tears are starting to form in your eyes as well. Seungcheol can’t focus on anything other than the way you're wrapped around his cock, squeezing him so tightly as he pounded into your ass.
“So good for me. Such a pretty boy. Yeah just like that baby,” Seungcheol coos. He can feel his balls tightening the more he plows into you.
Everything about you is intoxicating. Your skin is soft and warm under his palms and he loves how it feels when he squeezes at the pliant flesh. The noises you keep making are doing nothing but spurring on Seungcheol’s orgasm, the high pitched whimpers going straight to his dick.
Seungcheol has never been an overtly sexual person but he thinks he might become one if you keep it up like this. His mind floods with different scenarios where he could have you. A quickie backstage before a performance. Crowding you up after rehearsal in the dance room. Bent over in the car right before you guys catch a flight. He wants to do everything with you. Try new things with you.
“Daddy!” You cry out. “Need’a cum.”
“I got you baby.” Seungcheol reaches around your body to grab your cock in his hand. It’s heavy and he can feel the veins along it as he starts to pump you in his fist. “Cum whenever you want. Shit. Gonna cum too. Where do you-”
“Inside!” You call out. “Please. Need to be stuffed full with your cum.”
“Holy shit,” Seungcheol groans and he releases right then, spilling his load into your hole. The feeling of his cum inside of you drives you over the edge as well and you’re cumming all over Seungcheol’s hand. When you come down from your climax your body slumps onto the bed, out of breath.
Seungcheol pulls out of you and flops down beside you. He brings his hands up to play with your hair as you shuffle around to lay on his chest.
“You okay baby?” Seungcheol asks in a whisper.
You weakly nod a bit. “Feel good.”
“I’m going to be honest I don’t think this can be a one time thing for me,” Seungcheol admits.
“Good. I like you Seungcheol. Like, I really like you. I thought you just saw me as some kid though,” you say softly.
Seungcheol chuckles at this. “I think you’ve proven that you’re not just a kid anymore. So…you and Mingyu really weren’t…?”
“Ah,” you hide your face in his chest a bit, “that. We were talking one day and I kind of brought up how it’s hard to do anything as an idol and he agreed and then offered to help me out if I ever wanted. Then I brought up my crush on you and he said he could also help with that and well, you know.”
“Wonwoo said you guys had been doing stuff together for months.”
“Wonwoo…may or may not have been a part of it as well,” you admit sheepishly. “Mingyu and I did do stuff, just not to that extent. Everytime you caught us it was on purpose. Gyu knows you’re awful at knocking and decided to uh, use that to our advantage.” 
Seungcheol stares at you incredulously. He has caught you guys…purposefully. That’s something he didn’t see coming.
“God you’re going to be the death of me,” Seungcheol mutters.
“Yeah,” you say sweetly, “but I think it's worth it.”
“Oh do you now?” Seungcheol teases and you nod, grinning back at him. “You’re lucky I think so too,” he says before swooping down to kiss you and he decides that yeah, maybe his habit of not knocking isn’t such a bad thing after all. 
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a/n 2: im not going to tag anyone for this fic just because most of my readers don't want to read male readers but i have updated my taglist to be more thorough so either refill it out or send an ask if there's content you do/don't want to be tagged for! thanks xx
join my taglist: here!
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zeroseuniverse · 11 months
The Change In You
WC: 1.4 K
Pairing: S.Coups X fem reader
Warnings: Body Image issues, mean mom
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Choi Seung Cheol, The man was the definition of husband material. So when he  finally settled down into a relationship you can only imagine both his and his members' excitement, especially when they saw his partner. She was the perfect mix of grace and chaos. The days spent watching her bickering back and forth with Minghao, Jun and Jeonghan were some of his favorites, or when she’d join in on the teasing of Mingyu and Dino, but his favorite thing about his love? She was so self assured, she had nothing to be insecure about of course, but usually women on the fluffier side of things in his experience tended to lean more towards the reserved side about their bodies.
The day he proposed he spent the night worshipping her beautiful curves, and he couldn’t think of a better way to spend the night honestly, he’d have spent the rest of his life in that moment if he could. He didn’t know if the high of being set to marry the love of his life would ever die down, until of course her mother had to start inserting herself where she didn’t belong.
It started small, miscellaneous things he would have never noticed if he didn’t know her inside and out. Her usual cropped tees and joggers were switched to baggier sweats and his large hoodies, her hair that was once always tied up to reveal her face started being worn down, looking dull and lifeless. He pulled her aside and spoke to her about her habits, but she denied everything; not trying to fight he stepped back to allow her to deal with her own issue, because she is in fact an adult who could make her own choices. It gradually got worse though, and his temper was flaring, trying to find any and every way to fix this situation without overstepping, But first he needed to know what was causing the situation. 
“Hyung, It could just be pre wedding stress.” Wonwoo advised, trying to reassure the frantic male.
“There’s no way! She’s excited and planning it seems to be the only time she feels alive, the rest of the time she looks so drained.” Seungcheol gritted out frustrated about the situation.
“Look how about you call her and we all go out tonight, maybe we can pull her out of this together.” Minghao offered, feeling sympathetic toward the elder man who was usually very composed, this level of discomposure was a new form of tension nobody was prepared for.
“I think she’s having lunch with her mom, today I don’t want to disturb.” Seungcheol sighed, brows furrowing in thought.
“You know she’s been spending a lot of time with her mom since this all started happening.” Mingyu noted, face stuffed full of chips, oblivious to the look of horror crossing Jeonghan’s face. 
The second oldest might be the only one who knows how bad her mother can get, while Seungcheol understood things weren’t the best he was still always optimistic and encouraging her to have a bond with her mother, meanwhile, Jeonghan absolutely refused to allow her to put effort into such a toxic relationship, anytime she was tempted to meet with her mother, Jeonghan “coincidentally” always had an emergency, but recently he had been way too busy with a comeback and hadn’t really noticed her going out. God was he annoyed.
“Call her hyung.” Jeonghan demanded, everyone looking towards him with confusion. Everyone was so used to the man being pretty much a tease 24/7 so the sudden narrowed eyes and the pull of his lips was strikingly stunning.
Realizing the severity, Seungcheol grabbed his phone and dialed his fiancee’s number.
One ring
His anxiety spiked a little as the second rang through and then the third, and finally on the fourth the call was answered and a familiar voice emitted from the call.
“Hi Love.” She sounded tired, and breathless, making Seungcheol even more confused about the situation.
“Hey Bub sorry for interrupting your lunch, I just wanted to know if you’d be up for dinner tonight with the guys, they really miss you!” He offered, pulling his thumb nail between his teeth, a horrible habit truly.
“Ah I don’t know, we had a big lunch today.” She responded softly, taking a deep breath.
“How about a game night then?”He tried again, only to earn a hum of indifferent in return.
Just as she was about to respond, he heard a door open and close behind her and the fumble of a phone, “Get back inside if you want to find a wedding dress that’ll fit you.” He heard his future mother in law’s voice chime, making his heart swell, they were wedding dress shopping?
The smile on his face dropped almost immediately after though as she continued speaking, “We can’t have you look like a cow, get back in there and run off those calories, then I’ll get you another salad after maybe if you work off enough.”
He heard the door open and shut after his fiancee asked for just another moment and received a scoff in return, before picking up the phone again.
“Baby…” He tried to speak but only heard her rushed words of “gotta go I love you.” before the call was ended, leaving Seungcheol in disbelief. 
“Hyung?” Dino asked, carefully leaning towards his leader who looked like he wanted to punch someone, there was some shuffling and a door opening before everyone heard a stern, “Let’s go Coups.” 
Everyone turned and saw Jeonghan standing at the door with Cheol’s keys in his hand ready to go, and before a breath passed Seungcheol took off, Jeonghan following shortly after. 
A few broken speed limits later the two were outside the gym, of course there are many gyms in Seoul, however, only one was owned by his partner’s family. 
“Are you ready?” Jeonghan asked, trying to make sure his leader wouldn’t completely lose his temper.
“I am.” Was all that came through the gritted teeth, before he pulled the door open. 
It didn’t take them long to find the mother-daughter duo, seeing his partner panting with a red face as her mother taunted her almost set him off, however he kept his composure and approached the two, Jeonghan following behind with a deadly glare.
“Cheol? Hannie?” She asked, looking embarrassed at getting caught.
“Hi honey.” Jeonghan smiled sweetly towards hisbestfriend before returning his eyes to glare at her mom.
“Well hello boys, how can we help you?” Her mother smiled sweetly at the two, only to receive deadpanned expressions in return.
“You’re the reason she hasn’t been herself in months.”Cheol simply stated, causing the duo to look at him in shock.
“Ah no need to thank me.” The mother teased, turning back to her daughter with a grin as if to say ‘I told you so’
“There is no thanking happening here, you body shamed the most beautiful and confident woman I’ve ever met. You tore down her strong beautiful self for your own benefit. She and I have discussed her weight before. It is absolutely normal and healthy, she will not be continuing these stupid diets, atrocious workouts and enduring you projectiong your own god-awful insecurities onto her. If she doesn’t want to work out she shouldn’t.” He spoke with dominance, not allowing her to believe she had power in the situation for a second.
“And how do you know this wasn’t her idea?”
“Because if it was, she wouldn’t be hiding her efforts, she’d be proud of it, you might’ve birthed her but you don’t truly know her if you didn’t see that you were quite literally draining the life out of her, so what's going to happen is. If she wants to work out she’ll do it at her pace, she’ll also choose what to eat herself and not try to function off of small salads. She’ll rest properly, eat properly, and even exercise properly if she wishes. And it’ll all be of her will. Do not mess with the love of my life again, I’m not as friendly when I’m crossed a second time.” He basically spat at the women, as Jeonghan helped his lover up off of the floor, helping stabilize her shaky legs from the intense workout.
The three turned, leaving the stunned elder, who frowned upon hearing, “do you think we could get some food?” uttered from her daughter followed by a round of fond laughter.
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bitchlessdino · 7 months
Our Bitchless Masterlist VOLUME II
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Favorites (🍬) Popular (🍭) Porn W/O Plot (😈)
scream your heart out (m) 🍬
[fem!reader x seventeen (???)] you and your friends get caught up in a classic horror slasher movie, only it's in real life. Now you're off to fend for yourselves in Seungcheol's million dollar home. The question is, did you keep them out, or did you just lock them in?
nobody's home (m)
(neighbor male nanny!seungcheol x afab maid!reader)Seungcheol and you have never crossed paths for long, but boy have you imagined it. Too preoccupied with your jobs working for some of the richest families in the city, you've sacrificed your grueling hours when you could've been fucked your brains out all this time. However, big risks come with big rewards when the holidays arrive. Then there's nobody home to stop you.
Would you like a receipt? Pt. 1 Pt. 2
(Childhood bf!junhui x working class gn!reader) Coming across a grade school ex-boyfriend while you worked a shitty seasonal job around Valentines was not in your 2024 bingo card.
Civil Affairs (m)
(husband of mistress!seokmin x fem married!reader) With the mutual understanding being cheated on, Seokmin finds solace in you, the beautiful stranger with ties to man that ruined his marriaged, Fortunately, light peeks out of the most inconvenient of circumstance.
reckless (m)
(Adult actor!mingyu x pervert afab!reader) Mingyu is a camboy and proud of it, as he should. Finally, he's getting the applause he deserves for his work and will be attending one of the biggest adult industry events to date. He just needs you to watch over while his house while he's gone. Easy enough, right? Unbeknownst to him, you happened to be a fan. A big one. One so big that you cant help but take advantage what Mingyu fans have only ever dreamed of.
Like I can (m)
(Older woman!reader x ex’s younger brother!chan)
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luvhhannie · 9 months
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“is that wonwoo hyung?” seokmin asked minghao as he sets his phone down. he nodded his head as he sighed. after he hung out with wonwoo at the library, seokmin suddenly called him to help him with his term papers, in which he agreed to do so.
“yeah, he was just asking about something…” minghao continued as seokmin eyes him, macbook on his lap.
“was it bad? you look stressed out.” seokmin asked minghao. minghao shook his head and smiled softly.
“no..no, i’m just being dramatic don’t worry about it.” he assured seokmin who hummed in response.
“also, hao. you should hang out with us sometime soon since most of us are basically in the same uni, like jungkookie, jaehyun, mingyu…and i mean bamie, yugyeom and eunwoo are attending another uni but it’s pretty close by.” seokmin suddenly said, earning a glance at minghao who was focusing on his term paper.
“mhm, sure. speaking of the 97z, what’s up with mingyu and his girlfriend? i saw his tweet but i think he’s just being dramatic.” minghao asked seokmin, who snorted at the comment.
“yves broke up with him and told him that she’s not interested in men anymore, it’s kinda sad and funny at the same time.” seokmin said as minghao stifled a laugh.
“no way?! poor mingyu, he always have bad luck with romance, even though he’s attractive.” minghao stated, turning his attention back to his term paper. seokmin hummed and suddenly looked at minghao.
“what about you? someone caught your eye lately? i’ve seen the art students in our campus and i can’t deny that most of them look cool.” he asked the male next to him. minghao sighed.
“hm…dunno.” he simply stated. seokmin looked at him for a few seconds and went back to his macbook.
“okay, let’s put our focus back to our term papers or else we’ll be failing before break.”
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yes or no I x. minghao x reader - yves’ boyfriend girlfriend
𓇢𓆸 synopsis: where jaehyun is forced to be yn's wingman for mingyu, but unbeknownst to him, mingyu is also getting some help from his friend.
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previous <- -> next | masterlist
𓇢𓆸 taglist (open!): @writingbarnes @90s-belladonna @leewonkyeom @to-mi-yo
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berriesandjunnie · 2 years
❝ make you bite your words ❞
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┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ ° synopsis all you want in the world is to make your rival bite his words when he gets too cocky at a competition. ┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ ° genre & tags fluff / gamer!wonwoo / gamer!reader / team captain!couple / cocky wonwoo / cocky reader / drunk seventeen, so alcohol is involved and boisterous behaviour / a little enemies to lovers vibe ┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ ° pairing wonwoo x afab!reader ┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ ° w.c 2.5k words
┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ ° author’s note the video game in question is overwatch because its the only thing i have common sense about // also this is fuelled by the fact overwatch league is happening right now
˚ ༘♡ ·˚꒰ now loading… enjoy! ꒱ ₊˚ˑ༄  
You tapped your pen against the desk, staring amongst your team as they sat idly waiting your decisions for the upcoming tournament. You were to yet again play against enemy schools’ Overwatch teams as usual and that meant you were also once more going to face your rival - Jeon Wonwoo. He was the team captain for one of the enemy teams and you despised each other thoroughly. It always became more than a competition between the two of you.
“What roster are we going to start with?”  Mingyu spoke up from your left, where he was chewing a piece of gum. The others proceeded to raise their heads, as if remembering why they were there. You hummed, pausing the tapping of your pen.
“Well we’re against Yonsei first,” you uttered, tilting your head back, “they’re strong on their supports so we need to counter them with damage, focus their supports and cut off healing.”
Mingyu nodded at your response, his eyes drifting around the team.
“That means Chan and Minghao would be our ideal damage picks, right?” Seokmin spoke up and there was numerous agreements amongst your team as you nodded.
“Yeah. Gyu, can I put you on the bench for damage?” You turned back to the tall male and he flashed a bright grin at you, nodding, “Seokmin, I want you and Vernon on tank so we can maybe run a dive comp.” 
Your eyes fell to Seungkwan and the corners of your mouth turned up as so did his. He nodded his head before the words even needed to come out of your mouth, knowing the two of you would be the team’s supports. The group turned back to talking amongst themselves, discussing comps you could use and which damage you’d like to go for. You watched before your eyelashes fluttered shut and you considered what it would be like to win against Yonsei again, to see that look of defeat on Wonwoo’s usually cocky face. The way he’d hold a smirk so surely during your matches up until victory shines in your face.
You could almost scoff at the thought. His ego was huge for such a quiet man, one that you would find attractive if it wasn’t for the rivalry and asshole attitude. You tuned into your team making dinner plans, arguing over whether or not to go for Korean barbeque. 
“I say we go but we make Mingyu pay,” you teased, opening your eyes to see Mingyu’s shocked face. When he said nothing, you stood up, “thanks Gyu!”
You threw the hand warmer back and forth between your hands, admiring the crowds of students and families that had come to watch the tournament today. You glanced back over your shoulder at your team, adorning their team jerseys as they chatted idly - waiting for the caster to begin to introduce the teams. As the caster greeted the crowds, welcoming to the tournament, you felt a wave of nausea wash over you that you couldn’t explain. Your hand shot out to the bottle on the surface beside you, taking a gulp of water anxiously. Vernon patted your shoulder.
“Nerves?” He kept his voice low, knowing how much you valued your reputation as the team captain. You flashed a meek smile, nodding with a defeated sigh.
“I always get them, even if I’m confident we’ll do fine.” You admitted with an embarrassed laugh to which Vernon smiled at, bringing his arm around your shoulder as Yonsei’s team were introduced, walking onto the stage.
“We’ll do absolutely fine, y/n.” Vernon reassured you. You watched the enemy team closely, from their supports - Lee Jihoon and Joshua Hong -, their tanks - Jeon Wonwoo and Choi Seungcheol - and finally their damage - Kwon Soonyoung and Wen Junhui. -
Another pat was felt on your back as Mingyu joined you and Vernon. He smiled, listening to the caster.
“Time to meet your opponents; Seoul University!” The caster yelled excitedly, causing a booming round of applause from the audience. You held your breath, “starting with their damage today, Lee Chan and Xu Minghao.”
The two walked past you, heading up onto the stage to stand in front of the row of monitors and gaming computers you’d be using today. There was more reaction from the crowds and you thought about whether your family had actually turned up. The caster called for Lee Seokmin and Vernon Chwe next, meaning you were left with no warmth around your shoulders as Vernon left your side. Your breath was laboured as Seungkwan moved to take his place, holding your clammy hand in his as he tried to break a reassuring smile at you but it came out just as nervous as the two of you felt.
“And finally, their supports Boo Seungkwan and y/n l/n!” Your hands parted as you let Seungkwan head onto the stage first, his smile becoming bright as he waved. You followed his steps, ignoring that your legs were absolute jelly as you waved towards the audience with your most confident smile, standing beside Seungkwan once more with a different atmosphere between you both. The caster requested the team captains met at centre stage before the games began and your breath hitched in your throat. Seungkwan flashed you a look and you nodded.
Your legs didn’t have to carry you far, so you had to watch silently as Wonwoo approached you, already wearing that smirk.
“Already confident you’ll win?” You muttered as he stood before you, towering over you like Mingyu would. Wonwoo scoffed.
“Sure thing sweetheart, don’t let the nerves mess you up too much.” He threw back, causing you to raise a brow as you eyed him. 
“Don’t worry, you’ll be biting those words by the end of this.” The words didn’t mean to come out in such a condescending tone with a low hiss but you were tired of the cocky male belittling you when your win rate was higher than his. You parted, heading to your seats to begin.
Things were going more than well amongst your team, as you’d manage to take two of the maps so far and were only in need of one more map for your well deserved victory. It was Route 66, not your favourite payload map but you’d take any payload map that you had a chance to play Ana on - and so you did. Yonsei’s Soonyoung had chosen Genji, causing issues for you as he lowered your health drastically and began to chase.
“They’re targetting me,” you told your team through the team voice chat, “by spawn, it’s their Genji.”
Vernon appeared on Rein, shielding you as you used your nade to restore your health. Wonwoo had also appeared on Rein to protect his Genji as your team had gathered to defend you. In between hitting shots on Vernon to heal him, you’d managed to shoot past him and one of your shots landed on Wonwoo who was already inexplicably low on health. The shot killed him, coming up in the kill feed seconds later.
You could hear your team laughing through their mics in the voice chat, giving you small praises as you continued to defend. Blood roared in your ears and you slyly took a glance at Wonwoo, watching his tongue poke his cheek as he looked incredibly annoyed at his monitor. ‘Biting your words yet?’ You thought to yourself as you focused once more. 
Your team took Route 66 with ease, leaving you with a 3-0 win in your honour as you removed your headset. The volume of the crowds suddenly enhanced as you were faced with the noise of reality, making you wince as your team gathered around your chair to celebrate with a hug. You let out a relieved sigh, laughing as the sweaty men engulfed you.
Backstage you sat alone once more on one of the couches, tapping through social media on your phone. Your team had all gone to speak to their families, leaving you with some peace to process yet another victory. You hadn’t expected for your team to roll Yonsei this tournament but they didn’t even manage to reverse sweep and take a win from you. Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t hear as someone approached you, with an iced coffee in one of his hands and his other hand shoved into his jean pocket.
“Good game.” His deep voice suddenly spoke and you almost dropped your phone as you jumped, your body jolting a little as he caught you off guard. Your eyes turned to look up at Wonwoo, slightly bewildered. He’d never came to say anything to you after a game.
“Hm. You too.” Your voice was low as you sat up properly, eyeing him. He didn’t seem to carry the smug attitude he usually had and he wasn’t exactly smirking either but you didn’t know how to process his kindness without being hostile. Wonwoo rolled his eyes with a small smile.
“I suppose you made me bite my words, huh?” He looked around the room, which was a dressing room used for the theatre kids. Your team had used it to chill before and after the tournament today, leaving their stuff here with you while they disappeared, “I suppose I deserved it.”
Your fingers fumbled nervously as you looked down, unsure how to respond for some time. This was unlike the relationship the two of you had, cussing each other out before every match your teams played, death glares and smirks galore.
“We’re going for barbeque and drinks, my team wanted to know if you and your team wanted to join. We’ll pay, you did win after all.” Wonwoo chuckled, sipping his iced coffee. You chewed your lower lip, feeling unexpected heat rising to your cheeks.
“We’ll have to meet you there, they’re all talking to their families right now.” You surprised yourself taking Wonwoo’s offer. Yet as he stood there, his hair looking oddly soft and his skin borderline porcelain, you didn’t surprise yourself - did you?
Even your team doubted you when you told them what had happened but as they sat amongst Wonwoo’s team, stuffing their faces and playing drinking games, that doubt had definitely dissolved. With red faces and slurred words, you could only roll your eyes as you texted your flatmate to let her know you might need a ride back - with multiple males, that is. She agreed to pick you up before she scolded you to put your phone down and socialise for once.
An arm was slung around your shoulder, pulling you into the male’s side. Vernon beamed at you, popping some beef from the barbeque into his mouth. You creased, slapping his chest.
“You reek, Hansol.” You whined, pulling away from him and making the others laugh as he pouted.
“You don’t drink, y/n?” Joshua asked from opposite you on the table - you shook your head at the older male, “neither.”
It was comforting to know there was at least one other sober person sat at the table with you however you were outnumbered by the amount of horrifically smelling males and Joshua was very aware of that as he rubbed his temple. 
“Yah, y/n do you like anyone?” Jeonghan spoke up with a slight slur to his words. You were way too sober to answer that, you thought as you sent a small glance in Wonwoo’s direction where he was staring at Jeonghan. Scared he’ll get embarrassed by his team’s drunken antics? You didn’t exactly get a chance to open your mouth and evade the question as Mingyu opened his loud mouth, making you groan.
“Y/n never likes anyone,” he huffed like a child, taking another shot of soju, “she wouldn’t even tell us if she did!”
Your team nodded amongst each other as if their minds weren’t fuzz from all the alcohol and they could actually understand the conversation topic. Soonyoung let out flamboyant gasp, his hands flying to his face.
“Really? Wonwoo tells us everything-” he was cut off by the man, who looked like the conversation alone had sobered him up.
“That’s enough guys...” He chuckled awkwardly, patting Soonyoung’s shoulder who was pursing his lips.
“What’s wrong Woo? We won’t tell them you like y/n, silly.” Soonyoung voiced explicitly loud and yet you froze on the spot, your cheeks flushing a bright red as if you had been drinking as much as your team. Wonwoo cleared his throat, looking down with a small sigh as he hid his face. Your team gathered to you, compiled with wolf whistles and odd comments that you could only assume was the alcohol speaking. 
The night began to draw to an end, your flatmate parking her car in front of the restaurant as you herded your wasted team into the vehicle. Your flatmate would make comments occasionally, especially at how boisterous they was. 
“Oh my God you guys stink,” she laughed and you groaned, “bet you regret agreeing now, don’t you?”
“In more ways than one, give me a moment.” You flashed her a smile through her open passenger window where she was waiting for you as you closed the back door. She nodded, watching as you headed towards Yonsei’s slurring team.
Wonwoo and Joshua were the ones clambering them into the mini van, occasionally cursing under their breaths as a member would escape as they weren’t looking. Joshua caught you approaching first, clearing his throat as he excused himself to end up wrestling Seungcheol. Wonwoo rubbed the back of his neck, refusing to look at you.
“I am so sorry for them, I-” Wonwoo began to spurt out words in an embarrassed panic and you shook your head, cutting him off.
“No, it’s okay, I knew I would never hear it from your own mouth.” You mused, wrapping your jacket around your body some more as a harsh winter wind blew around the two of you. Wonwoo stared at you, unsure how to process your presence after he was outed so casually by his own team. Yet as he watched the wind whip your hair around, your body beginning to shake a little as your lower lip trembled in the cold, he knew this conversation was on limited time. Boldly, he stepped forward towards you, his body blocking the gusts of wind as he towered over you once more as he had done on the stage earlier that day. 
You stared up at him, smiling despite the weather’s harsh conditions in the restaurant’s car park. Wonwoo let out a small, breathy laugh before he leant down and pressed his lips to yours, his arms finding their way around you as the wind almost knocked your balance. Your sweater paws reached up, grabbing handfuls of his shirt until your knuckles were white as you lifted yourself to your tiptoes, bringing yourself closer to Wonwoo.
As uncomfortable as you may have been that night surrounded by alcohol and drunken men, you finally got the reason behind Wonwoo’s asshole attitude and condescending smirk and it was all you could have wished for.  
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sw1mmingfoolz · 2 years
✨ sw1mmingfoolz' masterlist ✨
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☁️ = fluff |⚡ = angst | 🌧️ = suggestive
☆ when you have a nightmare ☁️
☆ when you're ill ☁️
☆ when they want comfort after a long day ☁️
☆ when you have a fear of crowds ☁️
☆ when you watch baby sensory vids to relax / fall asleep ☁️
☆ good morning texts with seventeen ☁️
☆ when you fall asleep on their shoulder ☁️
hiphop unit:
nothing to see yet!
performance unit:
☆ when they fall for their dance partner ☁️
vocal unit:
nothing to see yet!
choi seungcheol
nothing to see yet!
yoon jeonghan
☆ punk'd : fluff oneshot : 3.7k words : in which you and jeonghan love pranking one another
joshua hong / hong jisoo
nothing to see yet!
kwon soonyoung
nothing to see yet!
wen junhui / moon junhui
nothing to see yet!
jeon wonwoo
nothing to see yet!
lee jihoon
nothing to see yet!
lee seokmin
nothing to see yet!
kim mingyu
nothing to see yet!
xu minghao / seo myungho
☆ his eyes : fluff drabble : in which minghao wishes you could see himself through his eyes ☁️
boo seungkwan
nothing to see yet!
vernon chwe / chwe hansol
☆ marry me : 879 words : in which he proposes to you ☁️
lee chan
nothing to see yet!
☆ HYYH : in which vernon and fem!reader bond over their partners cheating with one another / angst and fluff, college!AU, SMAU / completed ☁️⚡
seventeen as your boyfriend:
choi seungcheol
yoon jeonghan
joshua hong
kwon soonyoung
wen junhui
jeon wonwoo
lee jihoon
lee seokmin
kim mingyu
xu minghao
boo seungkwan
vernon chwe
lee chan
nothing to see yet!
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nothing to see yet!
bang chan / christopher bang
nothing to see yet!
lee minho
☆ linstock : pirate!au, royal!reader x captain!minho : 15.9k words : in which being kidnapped might be the best thing to ever happen to you ☁️⚡
seo changbin
nothing to see yet!
hwang hyunjin
☆ the world : 1.5k words : in which you're overwhelmed and falling apart but hyunjin is right there to catch you and hold you together ☁️⚡
han jisung
nothing to see yet!
lee felix / lee yongbok
☆ bananas 4 u : 1.7k words : in which baking with your boyfriend always manages to make you feel warm inside
kim seungmin
nothing to see yet!
yang jeongin
☆ cocky : drabble game : 5, 29, 77 : 1.5k words : in which your hatred for jeongin might be a little unfounded, and you finding him cute definitely isn't ☁️
☆ BITE ME : in which felix wants to shake his reputation as a breaker of men's hearts and wants you to pretend to date him to achieve this... oh also he and his friends live on blood / fluff, lighthearted, college!au, vampire!au, SMAU / ongoing ☁️
☆ boyfriend!lee know headcanons
[1:36] - bang chan - 709 words - in which your boyfriend knows exactly what you need after a sleep attack (based on my own experiences with narcolepsy) ☁️
[19:24] - felix - 1k words - in which an evening drive allows you a little quickly assuaged self doubt ☁️
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nothing to see yet!
nothing to see yet!
nothing to see yet!
nothing to see yet!
nothing to see yet!
nothing to see yet!
nothing to see yet!
nothing to see yet!
nothing to see yet!
nothing to see yet!
nothing to see yet!
nothing to see yet!
nothing to see yet!
☆ cake : drabble (not really) game 24, 30, 77, 84 : 4.3k words : in which the man you hate the most is struggling as much as you are, whilst falling for you ☁️⚡
nothing to see yet!
nothing to see yet!
nothing to see yet!
nothing to see yet!
nothing to see yet!
nothing to see yet!
[3:48] - johnny - 850 words - in which he comforts you over video call after a nightmare ☁️
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☆ it's the way you learn to love / fluff / oneshot on learning to love healthily / bias insert; any (male) idol x you / 1.1k words ☁️⚡
652 notes · View notes
vernon-s-whore · 2 years
✅-Completed ❔- Ongoing
Multichapter fics (on AO3)
»❔Star Crossed-TXT »✅Artiste- Seventeen Mingyu x Fem!Reader x Vernon »❔Till Forever Falls Apart- Kim Taehyung x Original Male Character »❔Hiraeth- Enhypen »✅Nun Scio Quid Sit Amor- Seventeen Hoshi x Fem!Reader »✅Silent Night- BTS Mafia Au (Suga X Original Female Character)
Key 🍷-smut 🍡-fluff ⛔-angst ⚠️-gore+trigger warnings
Cockwarming 🍷 Boss!Kim Mingyu x Employee!Reader (fem)
My Side of the Bed🍡 Minghao x Gn!Reader (College AU)
Seventeen MTL- preference in oral 🍷
The Horangification of Us🍡 Hoshi x reader
Drabbles/ Timestamps/ And Other Depraved stuff
Things Seventeen does in a relationship (Joshua Mingyu Vernon) 🍷
Things Seventeen do in bed/relationship (Hoshi Wonwoo Minghao) 🍷
Joshua and his pretty boyfie 🍷
Joshua and his pretty boyfie but darker 🍷
Mingyu (+Namjoon) as soft doms/service tops 🍷
Seventeen Hard Hours #1 -Jeonghan and Shibari 🍷
Jeonghan and Shibari (Continued)🍷
Street racer!Wonwoo
[00:13] The yearning to see a handsome stranger at night who isn't a creep (Joshua)
[23:39] Joshua drabble
The Best Friend Chronicles- pt 1 🍡🍷, pt 2 🍡🍷 pt 3 🍡🍷 Best Friend!Hueningkai x fem!Reader
Remote Control- pt 1 🍷 Idol!Soobin x Employee!fem!Reader
Drabbles/ Timestamps/ And Other Depraved stuff
Perv!Yeonjun drabble 🍷
[16:42] Period fluff with soobin🍡
Soobin and the lactation kink 🍷
{00:57} Soobin fluff 🍡
Headcanons about Soobin in bed🍷🍡
MTL TxT with a pregnancy kink🍷
MTL vocal in bed🍷
Trigger warning on this one Till Forever Falls Apart- Masterlist ⚠️⛔ Kim Taehyung x Male!OC (College AU)
Drabbles/ Timestamps/ And Other Depraved stuff
Namjoon(+Mingyu) as Service top/soft dom 🍷
Just Words 🍷🍡 nerd!Jake x bag girl!reader
Stray Kids
Drabbles/ Timestamps/ And Other Depraved stuff
1:53 a.m. (Jisung x reader)🍡⛔
Drabbles/ Timestamps/ And Other Depraved stuff
MTL 3 scenarios (fluff, smut and slightly wilder smut)
234 notes · View notes
wonjns · 2 years
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( ★ note )
⌗﹐ most works 18+
⌗﹐ all works male / gn reader
⌗﹐ please do not repost my fics or post w/ translation without asking permission first !!
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⊂⊃﹒♡﹒🍥﹢ 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭﹒✩﹒ ⊂⊃
wonwoo - best boy
minghao - tamed studies
minghao + dk - their flower
jun - pipes
jun - fashionably
playboy series;
concept / teaser
sehun ver.
jaehyun - breakroom
sunghoon - please
jay - want
jay - finish
heeseung - uncanny || prt. 2
heeseung - y2kings
heeseung - jerk
ㅤjake - caught you
soobin - lips
hyunjin - gentle rendezvous
jooheon - honey money
changkyun - particular
enhypen reacting to a fanboy
straykids nicknames for their bf
• fav/recs •
347 notes · View notes
Best friends? ;Woohao
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A little sneak peak to the summary for my 100 follower special ;)
Wonwoo is in love with his best friend M/N and doesn't know what to do. He distances himself from M/N, and gets a new friend, Minghao. Wonwoo introduces Minghao to M/N, and Minghao falls in love with M/N too. M/N finds himself suddenly in a love triangle with the two other boys. What will happen to them and will they work out a relationship? Who will M/N pick or will he pick both?
Also it's going to be High School AU
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meltwonu · 3 years
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✦ 👻  𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖍 SEASON 2 👻 ✦
this chapter pairing; alien!wonwoo x reader
genre&warnings; alien!au, dom!wonwoo, softdom!wonwoo, [multiple wonwoos], double penetration, anal, dirty talk, degradation, fucking in public, size kink, tentacles, ‼️mentions of oviposition‼️, ripping clothes.
notes; No ‘cuz this… ☠️ first of all, I was imagining incomplete wonwoo with the blue suit and red hair with the cute lil hair swoop in the front cuz that shit had me droolin real bad 😭💕 so u know I had to incorporate it into the fic kdhfksjdhf also... 🧍🏻‍♀️I have no excuses for... the monster fucking going on in these chapters this time around okay kjfhskdh yall r just seeing little snippets of my mind and the nasty shit that I usually... keep to myself KJHKJHAK SORRY HAHA or maybe 😳😈🥴 oh also, if my fics aren’t showing up in tags, please lmk! I don’t normally post everyday like this so I’m not sure if anything’s getting lost or not 😭💕 Thank you hehe💕 Enjoy ch 10 and I’ll see you spooky-ooky ghouls tomorrow! 😇 😈 
word count; ~3100
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - x - x - x
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when I met him the stars were shining so bright;
in the heart of a club on a Saturday night.
i got out of a cab, waited at the door;
finally gonna burst to the dance floor!
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“I wish you’d stop using those weird websites to meet your dates…”
Minghao mutters; a delicate hand holding a glass of wine as he watches you slip your heels on.
“Didn’t you learn after last time when the guy asked for feet pics to stop messaging guys on there? Do you like the weirdos?”
You giggle in return, eyes rolling as you wave him off.
“Hey, Mingyu was a really nice guy otherwise, okay? And this guy seems really nice this time. Very polite and proper.” You shoot him a sheepish smile as he takes a sip of his wine with an unamused expression.
“Mmhmm, polite and proper, huh? So this one’s probably a serial killer. And if not, he’s probably got, like, a second dick or something. You don’t even know what he looks like - he could be an old geezer for all you know.”
“Oh my god, ‘Hao, please! I’m sure he’s a nice guy…” You text your date that you’re on the way to the club that you’d decided to meet him at - sighing as you give Minghao one final look.
“...And anyways, if he had two dicks I probably wouldn’t complain.”
“Alright, well it’s time for you to go and leave me in peace. I’ve heard enough.”
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You make it to the club in time - getting through security and trying to locate the spot where your date said he’d be meeting you.
And admittedly, you knew you shouldn’t have been meeting someone you’d never even seen a picture of but he genuinely sounded kind and caring through all the text messages the two of you had exchanged.
Even if Minghao’s words had lingered in your head a little longer than you cared to admit.
You feel a tap on your shoulder a few seconds later and when you turn to see who it is - you find your breath hitching at the red haired male wearing a crisp baby blue suit.
“W--Wonwoo…? Is that… you?”
He smiles and nods; reaching a hand out to take your own as he kisses the back of your hand.
“My, my, I didn’t realize I’d be meeting such a beautiful girl tonight. The pleasure is all mine, sweetheart.”
“I--wow, I’m just… You’re s-so handsome. I’m--I’m a little speechless. Handsome and polite.” You giggle nervously as he squeezes your hand; a deep laugh spilling from his lips as you find yourself clenching around emptiness.
Don’t get horny, you mentally yell at yourself, you just met this guy!
“Oh? Were you expecting otherwise?”
“N-no! Just… Sorry, my friend was making fun of me earlier for going on dates with random people on the internet.” You reply shyly, “He said I shouldn’t go if I don’t even know what the person looks like so I guess I’m just… Pleasantly surprised.”
Wonwoo smiles, eyes twinkling as he slowly starts to tug you into the direction of a table.
“Why don’t you tell me more about what your friend told you over some drinks, huh, sweetheart?”
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You find out Wonwoo is studying microbiology, has two cats and lives alone.
“Did you always live in this city? I feel like it’s small so I would’ve seen you around before…” You ask.
“Mm, no, I’m not from around here.” He replies easily, “I moved around a lot actually. This is probably the most time I’ve spent anywhere.”
“Ooh, a traveler, huh? That must be fun!”
He smiles a secretive kind of smile that has you narrowing your eyes slightly.
“Quite! It gets tiring though, I suppose. It’s nice to settle down once in a while, right?”
You nod and polish off your drink and Wonwoo is quick to offer to get you a new one as you stay in your secluded booth away from the crowds.
“Are you sure? I can go with you, Wonwoo, I don’t mind!”
“Ah, no, no, it’s okay! Your heels must be killing you, I don’t want to make you walk all the way over there. I’ll just be a moment, okay?”
He exits the booth as you silently wait for him, swaying to the music in the meantime.
Wonwoo, so far, had been exactly how he was over the text messages you exchanged - patient and polite as he gave you his undivided attention when you spoke.
Not to mention he was a complete gentleman and even looked the part in his pristine suit and slicked hair.
“Hey, I’m back.”
You blink curiously as he sets your glass down onto the marble table.
Were you that lost in your thoughts that you lost track of time?
“Wow, that was… Fast.”
Wonwoo smiles before taking a sip of his drink - his hair slightly out of place as you look him over again.
Why did something seem off?
“Yeah, y’know, just a short line at the bar.” He scoots in closer to you as your brows furrow slightly and his arm that comes around your waist as he tugs you in closer to himself has you gasping.
He leans in close, lips ghosting against your ear as you shiver.
“I don’t think there’s a line for the restrooms either, doll. It’s pretty quiet over there if you wanna get to know me a little bit better.”
You gulp before you’re pushing him away - shock written all over your features as your cheeks start to feel hot.
“W--what’s gotten into you? I--Are you… Okay? You weren’t l-like this earlier…?”
This time, Wonwoo smirks and the deep laugh that comes tumbling from his lips sounds much more sinister as he eats up your confused expression.
“Ah, he needs to be more blunt. He’s always making up some bullshit stories and overcomplicates this.”
“W-who are you talking about? Wonwoo, I’m--I’m not s-sure if--if I should… Maybe I should go.” You move to get up but Wonwoo’s quicker as he wraps a hand around your wrist and holds on tight.
“Aren’t you the least bit curious, doll? I can see it swimming in your eyes that you’re dying to know what I’m on about despite how confused you feel.”
And Wonwoo’s right as you stand in your place biting the inside of your cheek.
Because despite the odd shift in his behaviour - you quietly found yourself being attracted to both sides of him equally.
“I--m-make it quick… I don’t have time to be playing g-games, Wonwoo…”
He smirks as he tightens his grip on your wrist.
“Oh, but I do. And I guarantee you that you’ll be glad you did too.”
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The back hallways of the club are a lot more dimmed and quiet as he leads you down a few corridors - Minghao’s words, yet again, crossing your mind as you grimace.
Maybe you really should’ve listened this time.
“Ready, doll? I promise it’s worth your time.”
You swallow down all of your worries as he opens the door to the secluded restroom and at first you don’t see anything out of place.
Until he steps into view.
Another Wonwoo steps out from behind a stall - lips pressed into a firm line as he crosses his arms against his chest.
“Sweetheart, I’m so sorry. I didn’t want you to find out like this.”
“You have… a twin? You didn’t want to tell me that? And not only that, but the two of you even dress the same?” You reply in disbelief, “Is this some fucking joke? A prank you pull on your dates?”
The one who’d guided you into the room only guffaws at your words - doubling over as he slaps his knee.
“Oh, that’s a good one. Actually, one of the best reactions I’ve seen yet. You’re quite feisty, doll. I like that!”
“Will you stop? You’re making this harder than it needs to be.” The other Wonwoo replies.
“Well one of you better get to explaining or else I’m leaving!” You stomp a heeled foot as the more concerned looking of the two steps forward first but just as he’s about to speak - he’s immediately cut off by the other.
“Then let me get to the point. We’re the same person, doll. Just… Think of it as having our personalities split. He’s the nice and gentle Wonwoo and I’m the one who’s ready to ruin that cute ‘lil pussy of yours. Or your ass. Or your throat, really.”
You ignore the latter half of his comment as your cheeks burn from his bluntness.
“That… That doesn’t make sense. How can you be the same person but split? You’re--you’re really crazy. I’m--I’m leaving...” You’re turning to leave when you feel something slick wrap around one of your ankles - lips opened in shock as you shakily look down.
“Aww, c’mon, doll. Don’t be so hasty.” The second Wonwoo coos, “You were feeling attracted to both of us earlier so why not come play with us both? Don’t you want a taste~?”
“You--you can’t be the same Wonwoo! You’re two different human beings!”
The first Wonwoo sighs as he steps forward yet again.
“I guess to make a long story short - we’re not humans. We are the same person, just two halves of a whole.” He explains.
The slicked appendage slides up your leg as you let out a shaky moan; beads of sweat on your forehead from the odd position you were in.
Yes, you were attracted to both Wonwoo’s and despite the odd tentacle sliding up your leg - you were curious about it all.
Mostly how they could both pleasure you at the same time.
“Do you ever… become just one person? Or are you always like this?” You ask quietly.
“We can, we just don’t prefer to.” The second Wonwoo mutters. “He doesn’t like how crude I can get so we just agree to disagree. It’s usually not an issue, most people think we’re just twins - like how you thought. We usually leave it at that.”
“Th--then why did you explain it all to me?”
This time, both Wonwoo’s are exchanging a glance before they focus their eyes on the tentacle that’s already between your trembling thighs - the slicked appendage gliding against your panties as you moan and grind down against it.
“Particularly for this reason, sweetheart. You seem to enjoy the things we can bring to the table so why not let you indulge in all that we have to give… Right?”
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It feels weird at first - shaky cries leaving your lips at the tentacles that thrust into your pussy and your ass at the same time.
“I--ngh… w-what are they… l-leaking…? W-what the l-liquid, a-ah, coming out of them…?”
Your body is suspended in midair; their tentacles keeping you in place with your legs spread wide as both of them stand on either side of you.
“I wouldn’t say it’s an aphrodisiac but… I suppose it’s something like that.” The first Wonwoo comments, “It’s meant to relax you, sweetheart.”
You feel anything but relaxed as your body feels hot with the multitude of tentacles in and around your body - two of them sliding underneath your dress before tearing it into shreds.
“A-ah, Wonwoo!”
They immediately start teasing your breasts as you let out a sharp cry; the new sensations making your mind feel hazy as the two Wonwoo’s watch with fascination.
“We haven’t had a chance to play with our tentacles like this before, doll~ You’re doing us a kind service while we learn more about the human body~”
The second Wonwoo cackles as he steps behind you - kissing your naked shoulder as his large, warm hands slide down your arms.
“Think we can push yours to the limit?”
“Fuh--fuck…” Whimpering, you clench around the tentacles in your ass and pussy as they continue to thrust into you - their leaking tips oozing the warm substance that makes your entire body feel aroused. “I--I want to f-feel, mmnh, you b-both fucking me i-instead of these t-tentacles…”
The first Wonwoo steps forward as he leans in to caress your cheek with his own hand.
“I think you deserve it, sweetheart. You’ve been such a good girl for us both. And you’ve given us so much help for our research.” He smiles gently at you as the tentacles pull out of you at the same time - a disappointed cry leaving your lips at the sudden emptiness you feel.
“You think you can take our cocks, doll? We’re a lot bigger than those tentacles were, y’know~ I don’t know if your tiny ‘lil holes can take it.”
You hear the unzipping of their slacks as you mewl and thrash against the tentacles holding you up. “Mmnh, f-fuck, make m-me take it…! I--I feel s-so hot all over… I n-need your c-cocks…”
Your teary eyes flit from the first Wonwoo’s face down to his cock - eyes wide as saucers at his girth.
The drool pools in your mouth as you feel them both stepping closer to your body, their cocks positioned at both of your holes as they both sink into you at the same time.
“H--holy shit… Holy shit…!”
Your mouth is agape at the way they stretch you out - the fullness you feel completely new to you as you do your best to relax and take their lengths all in.
“Your cute ‘lil ass is so tight, doll~ I can feel his cock sliding into your tight pussy too~ Bet it feels so good, right?” The second Wonwoo chuckles darkly in your ear as you let out a whimper.
“I wish you could see how we’re stretching you out, right now… We can’t even fit all of our cocks into your tight ‘lil holes, doll~ Maybe we’ll have to train you to be able to take it, huh? You’ll be our little experiment~”
The first Wonwoo purses his lips as he focuses on the feeling of your walls clamping down onto his shaft and sucking him in deeper; the sweat beading up on his brow at how good you felt around him.
“Mm, he’s right, sweetheart… I can feel the way he’s snug inside your other hole with my cock in your pussy. You’re being so good at taking us both inside of you like this. I think she deserves another treat, right? It’s only fair~”
You’re about to ask what when they both start to thrust into you - alternating their movements as you’re reduced to garbled whines and moans at the mind melting pleasure.
“Oh, n-ngh, fuck… fuck, fuck, fuck…” You slur.
“You can barely fit half our cocks in your ass and pussy and you’re already losing your mind, doll~ I can’t wait to see how good you take it once we get it all to fit. You’ll feel us inside of you allllll the time, even when we’re not fucking you.”
“Nobody will be able to fuck you as good as we do, either, sweetheart~ Look at how much we can give you.”
“Fuh--fuck, Wonwoo… Wonwoo!”
The tentacles reappear to tease your breasts again and you mewl and arch your chest into the feeling as you get lost in the unadulterated pleasure that both Wonwoo’s and their tentacles give you.
With each snap of their hips, you feel them sinking in more and more of their thick cocks - drools dripping from the side of your lips as the first Wonwoo’s cock slams into your g-spot and the second Wonwoo’s cock is almost up the base in your ass.
“Mm, such a good cockwarmer~ I can fuck you all day, doll~ Couldn’t you, Wonwoo? She can sit on your cock while you read your books... Maybe even get on her knees and suck you off while you work.” He smirks as he looks over your shoulder to his other half - eyes twinkling mischievously.
“If given the opportunity, I’d love to, sweetheart. That is, if you’d like to see us again.”
You nod your head feverishly as your head lols to the side.
“W-want it… You ca--can experiment, a-ah, all you want w-with me…” You mutter; already slightly delirious with how your body jerks with each toe curling thrust of their cocks.
The second Wonwoo hums as he places a hand on your warm skin; his rough fingertips dancing across your skin before he’s gently massaging your stomach.
“Did you know some aliens lay eggs?” He whispers into your ear. “Right here~”
And you find yourself clenching around both of them at what he insinuates.
“You--you wouldn’t--I--Wonwoo--d-don’t--I--I---”
The first Wonwoo smirks at you this time too - amusement in his eyes at the way you simultaneously get wetter at the thought yet stumble over your words.
“Ah, just kidding, doll~ Well, not really. Some of them really do, y’know?” He licks his lips and watches as you shiver. “For the two of us though? We’ll just cum inside your ass and cunt until it’s spilling out of you, okay?”
“N-ngh, fuck… pl--please…”
“First, how about we give you one more treat, hmm, sweetheart? I want to see how well you do for me.”
Another tentacle slides against your hot skin before it’s tip is prodding at your lips - a tiny whimper escaping past before the tentacle is filling your mouth.
“Ah, there we go~ Now all your holes are being used like they should be~ How about we cut to the chase now, huh, Wonwoo? Let’s give her what her good human body craves the most~”
Their hips snap into you at the same time; both of their cocks and the tentacle thrusting into your mouth keeping you extremely full as your toes curl and you moan around the appendage.
You feel their cocks throbbing at the same time and it only takes a few more harsh thrusts before they’re cumming at the exact same time - soft and quiet grunts coming from the first Wonwoo as the second Wonwoo curses and growls from behind you.
A surprised noise comes from you when you feel the tentacle cumming too - a warm and sticky substance coating your throat as you do your best to swallow it all down while your ass and pussy get filled to the brim with their cum.
“Oho~ you’re quite the human, doll~ I don’t think we’ve had such good luck before~”
You let out a tiny muffled cry as you feel yourself start to orgasm - walls fluttering around their cocks as you ride out the spine tingling pleasure.
“We’ll have to bring her back with us for… extra research. I don’t think I’m satisfied with the data we’ve collected just yet.” The first Wonwoo mutters; barely loud enough for you to catch through the ringing in your ears.
Their warm cum fills you up and makes you feel sated and the tentacle in your mouth slowly starts to retract itself as you sputter and let the air rush back into your lungs.
“O-oh my g-god… I--I’ve, mmnh, n-never been f-fucked like this, a-ah, b-before…”
You sob quietly as you let your orgasm ebb way after a few tense minutes - their cocks still deep inside of your holes as you continue to tremble between their warm bodies.
“You can have more of it if you want, doll~ You’ll just have to come with us for a while.”
“A-a while…?” You let out a moan when you feel them both start to pull out of you at the same time; rivulets of cum dripping from both your ass and pussy as they both step in front of you and watch the cum pouring out of your spent body.
“Yes, sweetheart, a while. Not too long though. I promise nothing that your friend would worry about.” He grins and for a second, you can’t tell who’s the first one and who’s the second one.
“Yeah, doll, don’t you wanna ride our dicks a little longer? We can let it be a learning experience. You get to learn more about alien species and we get to learn more about you.” 
“D-don’t you want to learn about h-humans...? In general?”
They share a look; both sets of eyes twinkling with mischief as their tentacles tighten their grip on your body. 
“Nah, I think we rather learn more about you, sweetheart.”
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starryhyuck · 4 years
just like magic. (m)
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pairing: fuckboy!jaehyun x fuckgirl!reader
words: 4k+
summary: jung jaehyun’s body count is almost as high as yours. however, after yuta spreads a nasty rumor, you learn that jaehyun’s always imagined those girls to be you instead.
genre: fluff, smut
warnings: multiple sex partners, public sex, sex on the roof, multiple orgasms, degradation, wall sex, creampie
Your head rests on the bathroom mirror, inhaling and exhaling loudly as Mingyu finds a wipe to clean you up.
“Ugh. I can’t believe we did it in Bambam’s gross bathroom.”
Mingyu chuckles, the deep sound echoing in the small space. “Please. Don’t act like you’re so disgusted now.” You roll your eyes at his comment while he cleans the cum smeared on the inside of your thighs. “Besides, it’s not like you were having fun at the party anyways.”
You shrug and jump down from the sink, straightening out your skirt and trying to look somewhat presentable.
“True,” you murmur, fixing your hair in the mirror. “Jungkook couldn’t come tonight so it was way easier to find you.”
He scoffs. “As if Jungkook could fuck you better than me.”
You laugh and find the lipgloss sitting at the bottom of your bag. “Oh, he can. He’s not a little gym rat for nothing, you know.”
Mingyu huffs, leaning down to pull your panties back up and straightening your skirt. This scene isn’t unfamiliar to the both of you, although doing it in Bambam’s bathroom certainly was. You’re pretty sure Bambam smoked a shit ton of weed before his party started, and Mingyu opens the bathroom window to release some of the odor.
“See you in 104. Did you finish the extra credit paper already?”
You shook your head, opening the bathroom door and hearing the lively party continue downstairs.
“Nope, not planning to,” you give him one last kiss on the cheek. “Nice fuck, Gyu. Tell Jungkook to show up next time.”
He rolls his eyes again and you two depart, almost toppling over as you bump into Jung Jaehyun on the stairs. His arm quickly slides around your waist to prevent you from falling. He smiles at you.
“How was Mingyu?”
“How was Jennie?”
He chuckles. “Good. As always. You really have to start expanding your little black book. Mingyu and Jungkook aren’t always going to be around, you know.”
You raise an eyebrow and step away from him, shooing his arm away from you. “You don’t think I have backups, silly? Doyoung is at my beck and call, I assure you.”
He smirks, raising his red solo cup to you. “If you ever need me.”
You dismiss him, walking down the stairway of Bambam and Yugyeom’s place. You and Jaehyun had always been similar in many ways, especially in the way you ‘connect’ with other people. If you two ever had a body count competition, it would surely have Johnny’s head spinning all night at the numbers. You never fucked Jaehyun, however, simply because you had no desire to. You’ve known Jaehyun for as long as you’ve known Mingyu, but the only personality trait you’ve ever deducted from Jaehyun was that he’s excellent in bed.
That, and the fact that during your first year of college, Yuta spread some rumor that Jaehyun masturbates to the thought of you.
No big deal.
You find Minghao and Sicheng speaking in the kitchen, and you whine when you clutch Minghao’s arm.
“I’m tired, Hao.”
“You leave us to go fuck Mingyu for a hour and now you want to go home?”
You can hear the condescending tone in Minghao’s voice and you do your best to ignore it. You offer him your best toothy grin. “Come on, designated driver. You’re not even doing anything remotely fun!”
“Hey!” Sicheng interjects. “We were actually just talking.”
You lean over to pinch his cheeks and Sicheng nearly growls at you.
“You’re cute, but you and Minghao talk all the time. Nothing new. Plus, all of us are roommates, dumbass! We could talk at home any time we want to.”
“Fine, fine,” Minghao concedes, laying his cup down on the kitchen counter. You ignore the fact that Yugyeom’s tongue is shoved down some girl’s throat only five feet away from all of you. “Did you already clean yourself up? I don’t want any of Mingyu’s germs in my car.”
“Are we sure it was Mingyu?” Sicheng counters. “It could’ve been Jungkook or Doyoung or Wonwoo or Jinyoung or-“
“Alright, alright,” you glare at him. “And yes, it was Mingyu. He already cleaned me up so you won’t get any Gyu germs.”
Minghao still has trouble trusting you after that one time you wore a skirt with no panties and let Kun’s cum spill all over Minghao’s front seat. Sicheng is still extremely traumatized from the situation.
You exit the house party with your roommates, almost stopping at the sight of Kunhang looking like a fucking dream near the speakers-
“Come on, you horny asshole,” Sicheng grunts, pushing you out the door.
“Did you hear the news?”
Your eyes flutter at the sight of Nakamoto Yuta, who is leaning over your desk, smiling. You sigh and decide to entertain him.
“What is it now, Yuta?”
“A little birdy told me that a certain Jung Jaehyun has fallen for Mingyu’s girl,” Yuta’s smirk widens when you furrow your eyebrows.
“Mingyu has a girlfriend?”
He huffs. “You, dumbass.”
You giggle at the thought of dating Mingyu and roll your eyes. “You’re full of shit, Nakamoto.”
He stands straight, his figure towering over you. You peek your head out to see if the lecture has started yet so Yuta can get the fuck away from you.
“Then why did I hear Jaehyun calling your name when he was getting his dick wet this morning?”
The accusation has your eyebrows raising. You barely know Jaehyun, only from fleeting stories from Mingyu and Jungkook. You also know that Yuta’s always full of shit, spreading rumors about various people just because he can.
“Get your head out of your ass, Yuta.”
He laughs at your dismissive nature, leaning in again. There’s a troublesome glint in his eyes.
“And what if I told you Mingyu said Jaehyun’s loved you since you were five?”
You challenge him. “I would say that the cum in Miyeon’s panties say otherwise.”
He smiles and steps back when the professor finally enters the room.
“Whatever you want to believe.”
That conversation with Yuta was three years ago. He’s graduated long since, but the rumor about Jaehyun still pops up here and there. Jaehyun never addressed it with you, and when you asked Mingyu about it once, he just laughed.
“A lot of guys on campus jack off to the thought of you. Are you surprised?”
You think about the memory as you watch Soojin straddle Jaehyun, her hair falling over the side of her face as she leans in to kiss him. The rest of the party ignores them, mainly focused on how Bambam is nearly toppling over trying to do a keg stand.
A hand slides around your waist and you feel someone’s lips attach to your neck.
“Gyu told me you were looking for me the other day,” Jungkook murmurs lowly in your ear. “Did you miss me?”
You smile when you feel his fingers inch closer to your breast, hands roaming all over your body.
“Yes. Your absence made me fuck Mingyu in Bambam’s germ-covered bathroom.”
He chuckles lowly, and the sound shoots straight to your core.
“I’m here now, baby. I’ll take care of you.”
Your eyes drift upwards again, startled to find Jaehyun already gazing at you. Soojin’s sucking at his neck, but his eyes are locked on you, watching the way Jungkook paws at your breast.
Yuta’s voice rings in your ears. Jaehyun’s loved you since you were five.
You push the thought away as Jungkook’s mouth envelops yours. Jaehyun couldn’t love you, Yuta was just full of shit.
“You’re late.”
You narrow your eyes at Mingyu, who brushes off the time. He promised to meet up with you yesterday to finish your project for 104 and give you a quick lunch time fuck. You’re a little disheartened to see he’s tugged Doyoung and Jaehyun along.
“Don’t be so upset, frowning doesn’t look good on you,” Mingyu teases, sliding in the chair across from you. Doyoung sits next to him, and Jaehyun awkwardly takes the spot next to you. “We were just playing a little basketball outside. The time slipped my mind.”
“Well, I guess it slips my mind that I’m supposed to fuck you before your next class.”
Doyoung laughs and seizes the opportunity. “I, on the other hand, never promised anything and my schedule is conveniently free for the whole day.” He winks at you, his gums showing brightly as he smiles.
You smirk when Mingyu elbows him in the side. Jaehyun is oddly quiet and you turn to face him while Mingyu hisses at Doyoung.
“I saw you and Soojin getting it on last weekend. How was it?”
He smiles tightly. “Good, as always. Jungkook per usual?”
You nod. “The little gym rat won’t stop exercising. He was talking to me about his routine all night. I almost just got myself off instead.”
Something flickers in Jaehyun’s gaze, and it’s gone so quickly that you might’ve missed it.
“I can’t imagine why that would be preferred, especially when you have most of the male population lining up to get a taste of you.”
There’s a hidden implication in his words, and you take the chance.
“Are you part of that male population?”
He smirks at your question. Before he has a chance to answer, Mingyu’s voice fills your ears again.
“Anyways, my dorm is free and I can afford to miss my next class. Wanna head up? Promise I’ll go down on you as an apology.”
You scoff at Mingyu’s half-assed proposal, and stand to leave. “I’ll pass. Get a watch next time if you want your dick wet. I’m assuming you’re going to finish most of our project since I was waiting here for over a hour.”
Mingyu frowns. “But-“
“But?” You say, raising an eyebrow.
His shoulders slump. “Fine. I’ll finish the damn project.”
You lean over to pinch his cheeks. “Good Mingyu. I’ll see all of you at Minghao’s birthday bash.”
You depart without another word, ignoring the burn of Jaehyun’s stare. When you arrive back to your apartment, Minghao is organizing his wine cabinet while Sicheng talks to Tzuyu at the kitchen counter. You sigh and throw your bag across the island.
“Boys are dumb.”
Tzuyu laughs. “Did Mingyu forget what time it is again?”
“As always,” you confirm, searching for anything consumable in your fridge. As expected, no one’s gone grocery shopping in a week. Guess you’ll have to raid Wonwoo’s apartment tonight.
Sicheng huffs. “Good. I don’t need you getting any more Mingyu germs before Minghao’s party tomorrow.”
“And what does Hao’s party have anything to do with me getting laid?” Sicheng rolls his eyes at your question, and you smile sweetly at him. You decide to favor the leftover pieces of ham sitting at the back of the fridge. “Tzuyu, back me up here. Didn’t you have a good time with Jaehyun two weeks ago?”
Tzuyu’s cheeks flush as she recalls what you’re referring to. At Jungwoo’s party, she and Jaehyun were practically fucking each other in the middle of the living room.
“I guess. He was weird about some things.”
You frown, removing the lid off of the container and shoving a piece of ham in your mouth. “Like what?”
She looks embarrassed to be talking about such intimate things in front of Sicheng, but your roommate is unbothered. He’s heard enough of your escapades to be unfazed by any mentions of sex.
“He didn’t want to look at me when we did it. He told me I had to face the pillow or else he couldn’t cum that way.”
You shrug. “So he likes it from behind. Nothing too weird about that. Which way do you prefer, Sicheng?”
He glares at you. “None of your business.”
You giggle at how cute he is before Tzuyu continues. “I mean, it wasn’t just that. He didn’t really like it when I made noises. I had to be as quiet as possible.”
“Ugh, that’s fucked. Guys can grunt in the nastiest ways possible but they hate it when we make an ounce of noise. I hope you’re not that way, Sicheng.”
His glare burns. “None. Of. Your. Business.”
“Yeah, it was weird. He’s really good in bed though.”
You chuckle. “I would hope so. Anyways, who’s on the guest list for tomorrow night?”
Sicheng sighs, and you wonder if he thinks about moving out and living with a less horny roommate.
“Basically anyone you’ve fucked before since you’ve slept with all of Hao’s friends.”
You frown. “That’s not fun. I like someone new once in a while.”
“No funny business at Minghao’s party, I mean it. We can’t be cutting his cake while you’re getting railed in your room.”
You boop his nose. “No promises.”
Sicheng’s done this on purpose.
All of the men at Minghao’s party have flocked away from you, like Sicheng sent them all a mass text before the party started or something. You tried to slide up to Mingyu but then he was quickly taking the offer to do body shots with someone else. It’s as if you would bite all their dicks off with the way they’re running from you.
It’s the middle of the party when you grow tired of hearing Jieqiong’s banter with Jun.
You step out of the apartment for a few minutes and head up to the roof, arms wrapping around yourself to shield from the cold. You know you should’ve went to Wonwoo yesterday, especially since Sicheng has apparently made it a no fuck zone for tonight.
You jump when you feel a jacket moving over your shoulders. You’re even more startled to see Jaehyun next to you.
“Oh, hey. When did you get here?”
He smiles, and it hurts your eyes a little by how pretty he is.
“About a hour ago. I’m not surprised you didn’t notice, considering I could feel your rage from five feet away.”
You laugh dryly. “Did Sicheng send you a text too?”
“No, but Mingyu told me about it. I assume he only sent it to the guys you’ve slept with before.”
You nod. “Yeah, probably. I’m off limits to all males tonight.”
The two of you stand together in silence, gazing out at the view of your city. You’ve never felt an urge to get an answer from Jaehyun before about Yuta’s rumor, but now that he’s here, it’s all you can think about.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Why didn’t you say anything about the rumor Yuta spread around in freshman year?”
His back stiffens. The seconds pass in a deafening thump, and you’re starting to feel like you shouldn’t have brought it up.
He finally sighs. “How long have we known each other?”
You blink. Did he really have to respond to a question with another question?
You think back to when you first met Jaehyun and Mingyu. You were only five then, and you screamed in the middle of the classroom because Mingyu had spilled paint all over the front of your shirt. You remember Jaehyun handing you a wipe to clean yourself up, ears bright red.
You grin at the memory. “Since I found out Mingyu was the clumsiest kid on earth.”
He chuckles. “You never really saw it, did you?”
“Saw what?”
You’re even more confused by Jaehyun’s vague ass answers. He averts his gaze from you, and you suddenly feel a lot colder on this rooftop.
“How much I liked you.”
The statement causes you to freeze. So Yuta was right - Jung Jaehyun has loved you since you were five. Still, it doesn’t make any sense. You’ve been fucking Mingyu since high school and Jaehyun never seemed bothered by it, considering he and Mingyu were still best friends. In fact, you’ve been in bed with most of his friend group and he’s never said a word about it. His friends never even mention his liking for you, so you have to assume that they don’t know of it either.
As if he could sense your rampant thoughts running wild, he squashes them.
“I thought you loved Mingyu. I thought that when the two of you first started sleeping together, it would develop into something more. It’s why I never said anything to him. He knew, but I’m sure he thought I didn’t mind.”
You’re baffled. You don’t even know how to respond to this newfound information. Maybe you should’ve stayed downstairs at the party.
“Mingyu is an asshole,” you finally conclude. Jaehyun’s shoulders relax when you speak. “And so am I. I swear, I didn’t know, Jaehyun. I would’ve-“
“You would’ve stopped seeing Mingyu? And Jungkook? And Doyoung, and Wonwoo, and-“
“Okay, okay,” you raise a hand up to stop him before glaring. “You’re not entirely innocent either. I’m friends with most of the girls you’ve slept with too.”
His eyes darken. “And have you asked them what it’s like to be with me? How I have to turn them over and imagine it’s you before I can get hard? How I have to keep them quiet because their moans are too loud or simply because it doesn’t sound like you?” How-“
“Jaehyun,” you whisper, feeling like the wind has gotten knocked out of your chest. You’re also trying to ignore the wetness that’s pooled in your underwear. “Are you saying-“
“I’m saying that I’ve been running circles around you since we were five and you’ve never noticed. I’ve had to hear countless nights of Mingyu and Jungkook talking about how sweet your pussy is when they slide into you. How pretty you are when you’re stuffing their cocks far down your throat. How you let them take you anywhere, any time, because you enjoy it as much as they do.”
You swallow. He’s inches away from you now, hands dancing around your waist carefully. You quickly check the time.
One hour before Minghao cuts his cake. That should be enough.
You grab the fabric of Jaehyun’s shirt, pulling him to you as his lips crash into yours. He grunts, gripping your sides and pressing you against the railing. Your eyes glance down briefly to see how high up you two are.
“Drop me and I’ll kill you.”
He laughs, chasing you again and quickly moving to undress you. You ignore the goosebumps rising on your arms when Jaehyun nips at your neck, fingers dipping into your panties. “So pretty,” he murmurs, licking a stripe across your collarbones. You moan when he slides a finger into your heat. “That’s it, baby. Sound so fucking good.”
He slips another finger in, basking in the glory of your moans. “We have to hurry,” you mumble breathily. “Sicheng will come looking if he knows I’m gone for too long. It’s like he can sense when I’m fucking someone.”
Jaehyun laughs, moving back up to kiss you. “He can watch if he wants to then.”
“I wanna-“ you gasp when he curls his fingers. “I wanna suck you off.”
“Fuck,” he hisses. He’s fingering you faster now, and you can hear the squelch of your wetness fill the air. You gasp, desperately holding onto his forearm. “I’ll fuck your mouth next time, I promise. I need to see you cum now.”
You unravel in no time, moaning loudly as you fall apart on Jaehyun’s fingers. He coaxes you through your orgasm, murmuring praises in your ear. You whimper when he pulls away from you, licking up the remaining essence on his fingers.
“Jaehyun,” you say frantically, pawing at him. “I need you inside me.”
You turn over so that your back is facing him, and you think he’s about to slide your underwear down but instead, he swivels you around.
“Need to see you,” he whispers. “Jump.”
You do as he says, wrapping your legs around his waist and kissing him with much more fervor. You moan when his hands grip your sides roughly, pressing you against the concrete. You sit on the ledge of the rooftop, trying to ignore the genuine fear of falling.
He’s quickly shoving his jeans down his thighs and you whimper.
“Hurry, Jae.”
“Fuck, baby. I’m here, I’m right here,” he hisses, pulling out his cock and giving it a few strokes. Your eyes widen at the size — he was surely bigger and thicker than Mingyu or Jungkook. He chuckles at your stare, as if he knows exactly what you’re thinking. “Bigger than what you normally have?”
You narrow your eyes. “Don’t tell me you idiots had a dick measuring contest.”
He shrugs. “Maybe.”
Then, he’s pushing your panties to the side and sliding into you. You gasp, his fingers roughly gripping you in place to make sure you don’t fall. He doesn’t wait for you to adjust, thrusting rapidly as soon as he feels you.
“Good little slut,” he grunts. “So pretty and pliant for me. Is my cock too big for you to take, baby?”
“You’re gonna fucking,” you pant, whining when his cock hits you deeper. “You’re gonna fucking split me in half, asshole.”
He grins mischievously. “That’s the goal.”
You’re so lost in the feeling of him that the both of you fail to hear the door to the rooftop open. You’re startled when Sicheng’s voice booms in the air.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! We haven’t even cut the cake yet!”
“Sicheng, I-“ you shamelessly whimper when Jaehyun hits your sweet spot, not slowing down in the slightest despite Sicheng watching. “W-We’ll be d-down before Hao c-cuts the cake.”
“Horny assholes,” you hear your roommate mutter before the door to the rooftop is closing again.
Jaehyun chortles. “He should’ve sent that text to me too if he was so concerned.”
“Fuck him,” you groan. “And fuck me harder.”
He listens to your command, pushing into you so deep that you almost fall off the ledge. You scream as your upper body dangles off the rooftop, but you can hear Jaehyun’s giggle. Your fear is overtaken by arousal when you realize his cock is hitting you deeper in this position.
“Cum, cum,” you whisper. “I’m cumming.”
He groans when you tighten around him, convulsing around his cock. When you recover, he’s hoisting you back up, bringing your chest to his as he carries you. You have no idea where he’s going, but with every step, his cock slides deeper into your soaking cunt.
The door to the rooftop is opening again and you realize you’re in the stairwell.
“Get down, hands on the railing.”
You shakily follow his command, ignoring the wobble of your legs as you grip the metal bars. He’s pushing into you again before you can take a breath.
“I-I thought you needed to see me,” you say, your back turned to him.
“You’re right.”
Then, he’s pushing you against the wall with force and abusing your pussy. You practically scream, clawing at his back while he pounds you into the wall.
“Do you want to know exactly what Yuta heard three years ago?” He groans against your neck. You can barely form coherent sentences, and you’re pretty sure you had another orgasm that you haven’t even revived from. “He heard me desperately fucking my cock into my hand, whimpering your name. All I could imagine that day was the little short dress you wore to Yugyeom’s party, and how Jungkook’s hands were all over you as soon as you stepped through the door. I fucking came so hard that I had to wash my sheets before Mingyu came back to the dorm.”
“Jaehyun, Jaehyun,” you whisper frantically. You’re unraveling again — cumming around his cock while he fucks you hard. “Cum with me. Inside, cum inside. Please, please.”
He grunts lowly. “Yeah? You want my cum? What about the rest of them — how many of them have spilled inside you?”
“I’ll keep it in,” you promise him, just wanting your hole to be filled. “I’ll walk around Hao’s party with your cum dripping down my thighs. How does that sound?”
And he’s groaning, giving one final thrust before he empties inside of you. You gasp at how much cum he has to give you, some of it spilling down your lips and onto the floor.
The both of you are panting lowly, trying to recover from your orgasms. You faintly hear a chorus of people singing Happy Birthday two floors down.
“Fuck, Sicheng’s gonna kill us.”
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firetextskpop · 2 years
*spongebob voice* hi how are you
its the pentagon x tall male reader anon again!
could u make a fluff with poly!seventeen where the reader has a condition called gigantism, and has to go for a checkup at the doctors office?
-male and gn pronouns
-all members
again, no pressure :)
Hey! How are you <3 Of course I can do this for you. Sorry it took so long.
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Warnings: AMAB! Reader, Mentions of medication (An injection), mentions of a needle
 You were dreaming so peacefully. That is until Chan came in bickering with Vernon about something random. The more you woke up, you could tell that Vernon just wanted to mess with the youngest. Seungcheol's groan resonated in your ear, indicating that he was woken up by the bickering as well. "What're you guys in here for?" The oldest grumbled. "Hansol won't leave me alone." Dino whined, slightly irritated. The second youngest chuckled and hugged his junior. "Leave him alone, and leave us alone. Y/N has a doctor's appointment today. They need the sleep." The black-haired member said pulling you closer and stroking your hair. "Oh yeah, Shua told us to wake you guys up to come eat." Vernon mentioned and made his way back to the living room, the maknae following behind. You stretched out and looked at the man in your arms. "Oh, good morning." His lips met your forehead. "How'd you sleep, babe?" Seungcheol asked stretching himself now. "Pretty good, very comfortable." You responded and gave him a kiss. A smile cracked on his face. "Yeah? Me too. Let's get up and get ready." He suggests and you do as such. Once the both of you get up and make your way into the kitchen, Jeonghan, and Mingyu sat at the dinner table where 2 plates sat waiting for you and the leader. The boys faces lit up upon seeing you. "Cheol-ah! Y/N-ah!" Hannie exclaimed while putting his arms out for a hug. You met his hug and kissed his forehead before kissing Mingyu's forehead as well. Mingyu smiled and pulled you on his lap to sit, keeping his arm around you. Seungcheol took his plate into the living room where Jun, Dokyeom, and Jihoon sat. As you ate your breakfast, Jeonghan and Mingyu proceeded with their conversation, including you when there wasn't food in your mouth. Just as you were about to finish, Jisoo walked in on the phone. "Everyone's here. I'll tell them you said good morning, but you should get some sleep. Alright, Good Night." He responds to the person on the phone and then hangs up. "My grandmother said good morning everyone." Joshua informs all of you and then sits at the table with you and the other 2 members. "Y/N, Good Morning. Are you ready for your appointment?" He asked and held your hand, stroking the back with his thumb. You shake your head and cuddle into Mingyu a bit more. "I promise everything is going to go well." Joshua says and kisses your hand. "But it's a new doctor, and the medicine makes me sleepy and achy" You pout. "We'll be ready to take care of you, just like we did Hao and Seungcheol. You know Jun and Wonwoo will always be down for a nap with you." Just like he heard his name being spoken, Wonwoo emerged from his room. "Good Morning." You said the newly joined man. "Good Morning" He mumbled and fixed his glasses then gave everyone hugs and kisses before eating a bit off of Hannie's plate. "Hey! Get your own food." Wonwoo ate another bite before going to fix his own plate. "You're still taking Y/N to the appointment right?" Jisoo asked the younger, sleepy, chestnut-haired member. "Mhm. I'm gonna eat and then get ready." The third oldest nodded and then a slight commotion was heard behind him in one of the rooms. The door opened and it was Minghao fussing at Chan and Vernon for interrupting him. Vernon decided on going into Seungkwan's room, and Chan sat in the living room. You got up and washed your plate then went into the living room to greet the members, who were watching their favorite show. Dokyeom reached out for you to sit by him so you did. Next thing you know, you're being drowned in kisses. You chuckled and asked why he was doing that. "I heard you were having some anxieties about the appointment and I thought this might help." He says before just cuddling against you. "Thank you Min." You return at least one of his kisses. "Can I get cuddles too? Jun asked. "Of course, c'mere Handsome." DK flirts, making Jun flustered. He joins the cuddle and Jihoon tries to subtly take a photo of you 3. "Do you wanna join Hyung?" Seokmin asks Jihoon, who shakes his head. Jun stroked your hair and Seokmin drew shapes on your sides. Due to how comfortable you were and the calming actions of these 2, you ended up drifting into a nap. When you open your eyes again, you hear Mingyu and Soonyoung talking. "They have to get up now or they're gonna miss it." Hoshi scolds the taller male. "They're so comfortable. Can they reschedule?" Mingyu pouts "No, plus Wonwoo, Minghao, and Seungkwan are already in the car." Slowly you stretch as much as possible and release yourself from the grasp of Dokyeom and Jun (who just readjust to continue cuddling). Hoshi holds you up to support you to the car. You sat between him and Seungkwan. "You look great today, as every day." The blonde male says and puts his arm around you. "Thank you Kwannie." You respond and cuddle into him while holding Soonyoung's hand. It only takes about 10 minutes to get to the doctor. Wonwoo goes with you inside for comfort and 0 miscommunications between you and the doctor. They provided you with your shot of Octreotide. Since you weren't too fond of needles, Woo held your hand. The doctor put a bandaid on the wound and made sure all your questions were answered. After the appointment, the boys who were left with the car had returned with bags. "Where did you guys go?" You asked and took a bit of the food Minghao had on his lap. "Went to the mall nearby and grabbed some stuff. We got you something as well." Minghao said and handed you a small bag. When you opened it, it was a small chain necklace. Your face lit up and he helped you put it on. Minghao gave you a kiss and stroked your head a bit. The boys all held up to what Joshua said, when your body began aching, Woozi put his magic hands to work and massaged the areas. When you ended up really fatigued due to the medication, Junhui and Wonwoo held on to you as you drifted off peacefully and comfortably.

A/N Documenting this Beta Experience:(Tumblr is being weird and wont let me save this and keeps deleting so I'm hoping it goes through this time. Try number 6984385974398583025702758, switched from Chrome to Microsoft Edge, reported to tumblr that i was having errors and now have turned off beta. After turning off beta I was allowed to highlight and delete the draft I previously had finally.)
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letskookandbaek · 3 years
Rightfully Yours: Chapter 3 | Jeon Wonwoo
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Soulmates doesn’t necessarily have to be in the form of a romantic relationship.
But when feelings grow between two best friends, will replacing the friendship label jeopardize everything?
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- Wonwoo x Fem Reader
- feat Mingyu, Yeri (RV), Seokmin, Jihoon, Minghao, Soonyoung, Chan, Seungcheol, Jennie etc.
- Word count: 2464 words.
- Genre: Best Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Fluff, Non-Idol! au, College! au, Romance, Slight Drama, Slight Angst.
- Series Warnings: Cursing, Suggestive scenes, Insecurity, Family Issues, Food, Violence (let me know if there are more).
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The more the semester went on, the busier you and Wonwoo became. This meant less time spent with each other. It wasn’t like you didn’t see each other at all, in fact you had a lot of shared classes with your best friend. It was more of less time having fun and more time focused on not fucking up since the both of you were in your last year. Well, more of you trying not to fuck up while Wonwoo maintained his perfect grades. You loved learning, you really do. Not to mention the love you have for reading, history, and world issues. That was one of the reasons that attracted Wonwoo to you anyway but for the love of God, studying, memorizing and all of those formal shit were really not your thing. You only really do well in the subjects you really liked because you would actually put in a decent amount of effort for it. If not, getting average was fine to you. Wonwoo has never judged you for doing so, he understood your way of thinking.
While you were busy studying in the campus library around midnight, you suddenly felt a dull pounding pain forming on both sides of your head.  You tried to shrug it off as you continued to revise. Mid terms were not too far away and you figured a head start would be good. Wonwoo would be so proud of me you thought because truth be told, you didn’t usually do this. Wonwoo was out drinking with friends since it was a Friday night. At first he declined and wanted to burn the midnight oil with you but you encouraged him to go out and let loose since he has been working really hard the past week. It wasn’t a surprise that you were laughed at when the others heard you were going to study instead of drinking with them. But you were adamant on trying to get decent grades at least before leaving university for good. After writing down a few notes, the dull aching pain only got worse that it was hard to ignore.
You reached for the front pocket of your backpack but frowned upon realizing you were out of Paracatemols. You forgot to restock them, You cursed under your breath and dreaded the thought of going to a 24 hours mart just to get them. Without hesitation, you took your phone to call Wonwoo but you immediately stopped in your tracks before hitting the call button. You definitely didn’t want to rain on his parade since he worked so hard. Wonwoo deserved a good time. You realized you depended on him so much that calling him for help was such a natural thing to do. You felt bad for being so selfish, for thinking of yourself. So you decided to call Yeri instead but when you heard the booming music and loud male voices on the other line, you realized she was also drinking with Wonwoo and the gang.
“Yes babe~ “ Yeri greeted. From the way she slurred her words, you could tell she had a little too much of alcohol.
“Yeri, are you drunk?”
“Juuuust a little tipsy” she replied in a sing song voice. You were about to scold her since she had a paper to sit for the next day when you heard the phone being passed to someone else. Her boyfriend Minghao called our your name softly.
“Sorry about Yeri, I’ll take care of her”
“But her test, Hao!” you whisper shouted as you rubbed your temples.
“She said she has already studied the materials. Now what made you call? Are you ok?” There was a hint of worry in his voice as he tried calming his tipsy girlfriend. You knew how whiny Yeri gets when she was drunk so you understood his situation.
“I’m having a terrible headache right now and I was hoping Yeri could help me get some Paracatemols” you sighed. “Wonwoo is just across the table, I’ll pass the phone to him” but before you could protest, Wonwoo was already on the other line. “Are you okay? Do you need me?” hearing your best friend’s voice immediately calmed you down and you wished he was right beside you at that moment. “I don’t wanna disturb your fun, Woo” you replied softly, trying to mask the pain from him. “You don’t sound good. I’ll go over to library now if you need me to” Wonwoo was firm and adamant. You’ve always found his decisiveness extremely attractive but of course like many other things, you never admitted them to him.
“It’s just a headache, I’ll manage it”
“You don’t sound very convincing”
“Just go ahead and have fun”
“How can I have fun when I know you’re not feeling well?”
You were silent, slightly stunned at his words. Even though he has helped you many times, it still never ceased to amaze you what an amazing friend he was. “I’ll go over now, hang tight and I’ll be there in no time” he reassured before ending the call. You laid your head on the table as you waited for Wonwoo. You tried to take a short nap but the pain was too unbearable and only made the wait felt like forever. Fortunately, Wonwoo was already by your side before you knew it, arms immediately around you as he pulled down the hoodie that was covering your head to reveal your face. “You look really sick. Let’s get you home, I’ll buy the meds” he whispered his words like a bullet train. You pulled his arm and took a closer look at his face. “Jeon Wonwoo, are you wearing contacts?!” you gasped. “This is not important right now, hop on my back” his voice was dominant as he crouched in front of you. You gently wrapped your arms around his neck as he hoisted you up. “What would I do without you, Woo” you sighed in content when your face hit his back as he carried you to his car.
The smell of his perfume mixed with the laundry detergent made you feel safe and at peace. You felt at home. As he approached his car, he placed you on the passenger seat and strapped you in. While he was busy adjusting your seat, you realized how close his face was to yours and you couldn’t help but to feel a little shy. “I’ll go get your meds” he informed and quickly left after turning on the engine and air conditioner in the car. Once Wonwoo returned, you placed your hand on his. “Can I go back to yours?” you sleepily asked. Wonwoo didn’t bother to question and just gave you a nod before driving off. The car ride to his condominium was quiet, the comfortable kind that you always shared with him. While driving, Wonwoo didn’t fail to reassure you, using his free hand to caress yours whenever there was a red light. As cheesy as it seemed, there were times you questioned yourself; what did you do in your past life to have someone like Wonwoo?. He was more than a friend at this point. A soulmate?, platonic one of course. You always told yourself to never take him for granted.
You didn’t know how long you fell asleep in the car but the next thing you knew you were on Wonwoo’s bed with the blanket covering your body. A few minutes later, the door slowly opened with Wonwoo carrying medicine in one hand and a glass of water in the other. “Was about to wake you up” he softly spoke. You sat up and took the medicine from his hand and washed it down with the water. “Does it still hurt?” he rubbed your back in circles, studying your face. You noticed that Wonwoo was wearing his glasses again. As selfish as it sounded, you preferred him this way. There was no doubt he looked like the hot bad boy when he doesn’t wear his glasses but to you, glasses Wonwoo was the real deal. So sweet, kind… “Yes, but once the medicine kicks in I’ll get better” you laid down and closed your eyes. Wonwoo caressed your hair gently before leaving. “Wait” you called out. “Hmm? Do you need anything?” he asked carefully and despite you trying to fight back the pain and tiredness, you could see how much Wonwoo cared about you just by looking into his eyes.
“Sleep with me”  
Wonwoo looked stunned and kept quiet for what felt like a few minutes. Throughout this whole friendship, he has never once shared a bed with you, not even when you come over to stay the night. He always respected your boundaries, even if it was at his place. He was a gentleman like that. But tonight, you didn’t want to sleep alone. You couldn’t read his facial expression but he seemed unsure.
“You don’t have to if you don’t-”
“I’ll stay with you”
With that, Wonwoo walked over to the other side of the bed and laid down next to you. He was a little awkward, one hand under his head as he looked at the ceiling. You chuckled at how unnatural he looked. “Hold my hand, Woo” you whined playfully. He turned to face you and held your hand. “Go to sleep, dummy” he nagged, giving you a look. You half smiled as you closed your eyes, sighing in content. “I hope you had fun earlier” you whispered. You felt his hand caressing your head gently. “It’d be more fun if you were there, everyone missed you”. You managed to let out a weak smile. “Sorry you had to leave early” your voice gradually became softer as the tiredness took over your body. Wonwoo didn’t reply. Before he knew it, you fell into a deep sleep and started to snore softly. “Your worth it, you’re always worth it” were the words Wonwoo whispered to himself while looking at your sleeping figure. He gently placed a kiss on your head before falling asleep himself.
You woke up the next morning to the sunlight peeking through the curtains. As you stretched your arms and yawned, a frown formed on your face upon realizing that the left side of the bed was empty. Where was Wonwoo?. You checked your phone. 11am. You let out an “Oh shit” for oversleeping but then you realized that Wonwoo left you a message:
Hey, hope you had a good sleep. I had to leave early for dance practice but I bought you McDonald’s breakfast before you left. Reply me when you’re awake.
Your heart melted at his sweet gesture. It was a Saturday which meant that he had dance practice. Wonwoo was part of the university’s dance club which required him to attend practice every Saturday. You didn’t usually stop by to watch him but you thought of surprising him this time with food. That was the least you could do after all that he has done for you since last night, you thought. You happily walked to the kitchen island and ate your McDonald’s breakfast heartily. After showering and wearing back last night’s hoodie and sweatpants (you only wore it for a few hours before you had to sleep anyway), you made your way to the nearest bakery just beside the condominium and picked out Wonwoo’s favourite pastries. From there you walked to the nearest train station which was about a 5 minute walk. The train ride usually took about 10 minutes and what you liked most about studying at your campus was that the train stop was only a short walk away from it. It was really convenient especially on days when Wonwoo wasn’t around to pick you up. After the train stopped at your campus, you hopped off excitedly to give Wonwoo his food.
Halfway walking, you had to stop and recall where the dance studio was since you rarely went there. As you slowly approached the room, you could hear the speakers blasting a familiar song. Christopher’s Bad. It was one of your favourite songs because the first time you heard it on Spotify, you had it on repeat nonstop the next few days. Curious, you peeked through the small window beside the door to watch. You didn’t recognize who it was but damn the way he danced definitely impressed you. His moves were sharp yet fluid and his facial expression was charismatic. He had this enigmatic aura that you didn’t really know how to describe. All you knew was that whoever the hell that just danced was not only talented but also really hot. You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t realize that the mysterious guy had stop dancing and was looking at you through the dance mirror.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt” You opened the door slightly as you quickly apologized. The dancer then turned to look at you as he ran his fingers through his sweaty hair. Fuck, can he not? You thought as you mentally fanned yourself. “You’re welcome to watch if you’d like” his tone was teasing as he smiled at you with bright eyes. Too stunned to speak, you were so glad that Minghao had to appear when you needed saving the most. “What are you doing here?” he smiled as he entered the room, holding the door for you. You shyly stepped in and felt the mysterious guy’s gaze still on you. “I wanted to pass these to Wonwoo” you held up the paper bag filled with pastries. “He went to the toilet, he’ll be back soon” Minghao replied before stretching in front of the mirror.
“So you’re Wonwoo’s girlfriend?” the dancer asked. “Huh? No!, bb-est friend! You corrected him but ended up stuttering like an idiot. Minghao watched your interaction with him and gave a knowing nod, as if he knew there was something going on between the two of you. “Yes, I know of you. I’m Hoshi by the way” he held out his hand and gave you a warm smile. You told him your name and shook his hand. “I didn’t say this earlier but you dance really well” you complimented, looking at him for a reaction. He thanked you shyly. “You should come by more often , I could teach you if you’d like” Hoshi offered. You didn’t notice Wonwoo walking into the room as you were too engaged in the conversation with Hoshi. What surprised Wonwoo more wasn’t the fact that you were in the dance studio even though he knew you never visited him during his dance club meets. It was the expression on your face as you talked to Hoshi. You looked interested, and he didn’t know what to feel about it.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆  。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆  。・:*:・゚
Series Masterlist
A/N: If anyone wants to be in the future taglists, let me know! DM me, send me an ask, or comment 💫
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gamerwoo · 4 years
[Tales from the Pack] Joshua: Second Chance (Part One)
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Characters: Joshua x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, angst, possible character death, a little bit of fluff but it’s like angsty fluff
Word count: 1,837
Summary: After his mate died, Joshua always blamed himself and never wanted to imprint again. However, fate has other ideas when he meets you: a young, energetic werecoyote that’s quite the opposite of him. He insists he doesn’t want a new mate – nobody’s even sure if he’s ready for a new one – but he can’t ignore his instincts.
Next | Second Chance Masterlist
a/n: things in bold are in english. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY!!!! hi i know everyone has been awaiting this series from tftp in particular. and while i wish i could say im updating this regularly,,,,,i cannot. there’s no definite update schedule, im just doing it when i can. i wanted to wait until i had all the parts written but im impatient. but i hope you’ll enjoy this series even with the slow updates, and i hope it lives up to expectations 💜
“Where’re we going?” Joshua grumbled as he followed slightly behind Hansol and Kyung, the younger boy’s hand wrapped around hers.
Joshua was going with them to the doctor without actually knowing. Kyung knew better than to tell him before they left because she figured the grumpy werewolf would just tell her no, not really caring whether he was unable to heal or not -- even though that was very clearly a bad sign that he had overexerted himself.
Kyung thought maybe Joshua would be a little less...angry all the time once she got to know him, but Joshua was stubborn well before he’d even met her -- he was just bad at shoving his stubbornness and anger down.
“I promised I’d get my back fixed if Kyung decided to stay, and you said you’d go if I went, didn’t you?” Hansol reminded his brother with a smirk over his shoulder. “We’re gonna go see that doctor we were told about. What was her name again?”
“Minjee,” Kyung replied. “Not to sound rude but...Josh, why don’t you want to see a doctor?”
“I don’t really care if I can heal or not either way,” he replied flatly, “but I said I’d get help if Hansol did. So...here we are.”
“Here we are...” she repeated in a mumble.
Joshua simply followed the mated couple in silence as the alpha led them to Minjee’s, being the first to knock on the door. It was a girl -- as expected -- that opened the door, bowing politely to the group before smiling brightly at the darker skinned girl in front of them.
“Kyung!” she exclaimed as she gestured the three of them in. “I haven’t seen you in so long -- I suppose that’s a good thing, though. How’ve you been? Your pack hasn’t mentioned you.”
“I’m not actually in that pack anymore,” Kyung told her with a shrug, her ‘cool’ exterior coming back in the presence of an old friend. “I’m an alpha of my mate’s pack now.”
Minjee seemed impressed, eyebrows raising with a smile, “Wow, look at you. How’d the sudden change happen? Jiung must be proud.”
“He’s actually...passed away.”
The doctor’s face fell, placing a comforting hand on your upper arm, “I’m sorry for the loss of your brother.”
Kyung nodded, “I’ve been grieving, but it’s been easier with my mate. Minjee, this is Hansol, and his brother -- er, our brother, I guess -- Joshua.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Hansol said as he nodded to her. “Our brother, Soonyoung came in before with a human girl to talk about fixing us -- I’ve got silver burned into my back, and Joshua’s the healer that can’t heal anymore.”
“Ah, yes, the healer!” Minjee’s eyes lit up as she nodded excitedly. She looked to Joshua now. “Your power still hasn’t come back?”
“No,” he replied. “I thought just resting would help but...nothing.”
“I see,” she hummed, eyeing him over before looking back at Kyung like she was their mother that took them to the doctor’s office. “I’ll do a quick look over and then see what I can do. It’s almost time for me to close up, and I have to go out of town for a few days. I won’t be able to do anything until about a week from now, but they’ll be fine until then if they’ve been fine this long.”
“That’s okay,” Hansol shrugged as Joshua replied, “No worries.”
“Alright,” Minjee breathed with a warm smile, grabbing some gloves from nearby, “then let’s get started and see what’s going on.”
Even though you were never careful, you wanted to blame this on shitty luck. You were too carefree and excitable, so you ran and ran and didn’t see the trap. So with you trapped under a net with little prickles that you were sure were laced with wolfsbane from how fucking awful you felt -- that was an understatement -- all you could do was wait for hunters to come find you before death took you itself. Honestly, you hoped the latter would come first.
You faintly heard footsteps coming toward you as your vision went out of focus, your eyelids becoming too heavy to keep up. You sensed a presence beside you, the body crouching down to get a better look at you.
“What do we have here?” a female-sounding voice asked, but it sounded far away and muffled to you. “Is this another werewolf?”
“I can’t tell,” another female voice replied in a sigh. “Sura, do you have any ideas?”
“Doesn’t smell like werewolf to me,” a male voice said. “It definitely is some kind of were-creature, though. This thing wreaks of wolfsbane and it’s clearly affecting her. I’d say...coyote, maybe?”
One of the women sucked in a breath between their teeth before saying, “Prajya, help me get this net off of her -- it’ll be heavy but I’m afraid to let Sura touch it.”
Slowly, you felt the weight of the net being lifted off of you. You could also feel every little barb stuck in you being pulled out, and you whimpered softly from the stinging pain that covered your body.
“Minjee, will she make it?” the second girl asked as you were lifted into warm arms.
“No,” the male replied, “probably not.”
“The house isn’t far from here,” the first girl insisted. “We just have to hurry.”
But you were out cold before they even took the first step.
Josh and Hansol weren’t really sure why so many people wanted to go with them into town that night for them to finally get fixed. Suvi was understandable since she just enjoyed going into town, and Soomin made sense since she was basically their resident know-it-all when it came to werewolves. However, Wonwoo wanting to tag along was weird because Wonwoo didn’t like leaving the house, much less going into town. They figured maybe it was because he wanted to make sure Soomin would be alright, but she was already going to be with two werewolves and a girl who had gone into town plenty of times. She was in good hands, but whatever made Wonwoo happy.
“Are you nervous?” Suvi wondered, looking up between Hansol and Joshua as she walked.
“I don’t know how they’re going to fix my back, so that’s a little concerning,” Hansol decided, “but I’m more excited.”
Joshua just shrugged, “Eh, not really.”
“Try not to be so excited, huh,” Wonwoo commented.
Joshua did like his power. He liked that he was able to help people with it. However, it didn’t benefit him -- as in, it didn’t make his own personal healing any better than anybody else’s in the pack -- and it wouldn’t be needed if his pack wasn’t so stupid and got themselves hurt. It wasn’t fun like Seokmin’s or Chan’s or Kyung’s, and it wasn’t interesting like Jihoon’s or Soonyoung’s or Hansol’s or Minghao’s. It was boring -- kind of like Wonwoo’s or Seungcheol’s.
Suvi was the first up to the door, knocking before she took a step back to wait. The door was answered by Minjee -- as always -- who greeted them with an almost pained smile.
“Hello,” she greeted them. “Before you come in, I’d like to apologize. My partners and I have just gotten home, and one of our patients... Well, she won’t make it.”
Now that she’d mentioned it, the wolves could just barely hear the faint, slowing heartbeat from inside the house. But they could also smell that it wasn’t the typical werewolf. It was something they’d never smelled before, but it still wasn’t completely human.
Joshua also picked up on a scent that was very familiar but also so very different from anything he’d smelled before.
“We’re just trying to ease her pain until she passes,” Minjee continued, letting the small group into the house. She turned to look at somebody else who was helping with the aforementioned girl. “Sura, could you put a curtain up around her? Prajya, I’ll need you to help me with--”
Minjee stopped when she noticed Joshua stop in the doorway, his body going rigid. His golden eyes were spotting red and locked on you, hands balled into fists.
You were dying; his mate was dying. Again.
“Josh...?” Wonwoo spoke up, placing a hand on the older boy’s shoulder.
Joshua’s thoughts and opinions on re-imprinting were out the window when it registered that the girl quickly losing her life was his mate. The only thing he could focus on was you and saving you -- but he only knew one way how.
“She’s not dying,” he stated, walking straight through the small crowd and over to you where your pulse was just a moment away from completely dying out.
“What?” Minjee asked, watching him as he approached you with a set jaw and narrowed eyes.
“I’m not going to let her die,” he said louder, letting his hands hover above your body.
Joshua was too focused on trying to somehow get his powers to come back to him that he wasn’t paying any attention to Hansol and Wonwoo’s conversation over their surprise of their brother imprinting for a second time. Truthfully, nobody thought anybody would come after Lilly since Josh was so against it. But then again, imprinting wasn’t something any werewolf could control. 
Joshua mumbled to himself as he tried to will his power back. He was concentrating so hard but nothing was happening. No faint glow from his palms, no color coming back to your face, and your heartbeat was still rapidly decreasing by the second. It wouldn’t be long until it was gone all together, and then there would be nothing he could do.
“C’mon...c’mon...” he grumbled, closing his eyes as his eyebrows creased together in concentration.
“Your powers won’t suddenly work,” Minjee spoke up, watching from where she stood by his pack, wanting to give the werewolf space -- especially since she was preparing for him to be grieving for the mate he’d lose before actually having her.
“They have to!” he snapped.
He refused to lose you. If he lost two mates -- even if he didn’t properly meet or know you -- he was sure he wouldn’t be able to take it.
With his last bit of energy he had in his body, his palms faintly glowed to life, spreading a tingling warmth across your body. His healing power was starting to cleanse the wolfsbane from your system, and your heartbeat was starting to become stronger and more stable. Hearing your heartbeat louder in his ears made Josh want to cry. But he didn’t have the energy for it.
As you let out a cough and a girl with brown skin rushed over to sit you up so you could empty your system, Joshua collapsed onto the floor, knowing you were alive and would hopefully stay alive. He put his everything into saving you, and he didn’t know if that would kill him, but he knew it was worth it.
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