#wood pellet maker
hapan-in-exile · 4 months
Volume 4 - Post #7: Thrilling Tales of (Undercover) Emergency Medicine
Another installment in this ongoing serialized fanfic
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Genre: Mandalorian x Fem! Reader
Total word count: 6.5K (seventh post in Volume 4)
Rating: Explicit - smut, language, +18 *NSFW*
VII. One thing you’ve learned about life in the mountains is how fast the weather can change. A cold wind had picked up in the afternoon, gathering all the cheerful fluffy clouds into an ominous gray stratum above the horizon. You’ll get caught in the rain during your hike back to the encampment if you don’t leave now.
And really, what’s the point of sticking around? Nito refuses to talk to you, and Mando won’t return to the ship anytime soon. You throw on a dry change of clothes and sling the rucksack over your shoulder.
There’s a solid minute when, standing in front of the sleeping compartment, you debate leaving your dirty underwear tucked into the bedroll in case Mando decides to nap in there again. But it feels desperate. Gods above, you should at least try to retain some dignity.
Maybe that was it. Just a one-time thing. What if he already regretted it? Could the robe simply be a ‘this is over, please don’t hate me’ peace offering?   
Maker, but the sex had been so good! To think that you would never share that again…that perfect tension between passion and tenderness…
What an absolute shit day.
You receive a begrudging “be safe” from Nito, muttered between his pointed teeth when you say goodbye. Yet he doesn’t pull away when you draw him into a hug. The Ardennian’s being a prickly little shit right now, but he didn’t want to part in anger. That was something. There’s still a way to earn his forgiveness. You’ve gotta hold onto that. 
Of course, it starts hailing almost immediately into your climb out of the valley. Big fat pellets of ice that strike at your hands and face. You dart between the dense cover of tree branches to avoid the worst of it and quickly lose track of where you’re headed. The elevation is so high, and the clouds are so low, you’re caught walking through patches of thick fog that compound a perilous lack of visibility. 
If you don’t stop and figure out where the fuck you’re going, you’ll end up falling into a ravine.    
While staring into your damp communicator screen, you sense an urgent tugging at the edge of your consciousness. That’s when you realize that you’re not alone in the woods. Someone is here with you. 
Although not as reliable as Mando’s thermal imaging, your telepathic abilities can detect sentience. And the strength of the connection is tied to proximity. So, while you can’t be sure where they are—they are close. A human. 
Their thoughts are full of violence.
You stand bolt upright, listening for a snap of twigs, the susurration of leaves—anything.
The air shifts behind you seconds before a muscular arm wraps around your throat. A hand grabs you firmly by the wrist before you can catch the knife at your belt. You feel the pressure of their fingers all the way through your flesh, down to the bones.
 “Aaaah!” you cry out in shock from the pain. 
Adrenaline surges through your body. Instinctively, you throw your head back, hoping to break your attacker’s nose. But he’s so tall you only slam against his chest. You twist and pull, trying to free yourself from his vice-like hold, before you realize who has you.  
“Miss Kasya?” The grip around your neck loosens as a deep chuckle erupts across the copse of trees. “What are you doing creeping around the woods in this tempest?” 
With roughly five thousand souls living in these mountains, the odds that you would walk straight into Johar Kessen are so absurdly low that this feels like some cruel trick of divine intervention.  
“I…I wanted to…visit the hot springs,” you stammer, remembering your alibi. “Nobody would join me.” 
Kessen releases you, taking a few steps back before he tilts his head to give you the once-over. He’s only ever seen you in coveralls, and now there’s a lot more on display. 
You’re wearing one of Humia’s long-sleeved tunics, but she’s nothing like your size and shape. The scooping neckline, which looked elegant on her, barely covers your nipples, and the sides creep up to your ribcage. After trudging through the rain for the better part of an hour, the fabric is plastered to your skin.
If he’s ever wondered what your tits look like under the thick canvas workwear…that’s no longer a mystery.
Johar’s hazel eyes linger over the bare jut of your hip, visible above your low-slung trousers, and travel upward to take in a substantial amount of cleavage. You’re still panting from your futile attempts at escape, breasts heaving with each ragged breath. 
"I got caught in the storm,” you gasp. 
All of Kessen’s violent intentions evaporated the moment he recognized you, but the upswell of raw, primal emotion remains surging through his bloodstream. It had simply changed, transforming to desire. He doesn’t bother disguising the warmth in his gaze or the interests clearly forming in his mind. 
“Why don’t you take my rain slicker,” he says, pulling the oilcloth over his head and handing it to you. When you hesitate, Kessen smiles kindly. “Please. Take it for my sake. So that I might make amends for the egregious behavior.”   
He’s being nice, right? The panic flooding your system had ebbed, but the fear was still there—sharper now that you can see his broad shoulders and the powerful muscles of his arms.
Kessen gives you a sidelong look. “Did I hurt you?” He reaches for your hand, and you watch him examine your wrist, looking for bruises. You give a quick shake of your head. Even if he did, the marks won’t show up yet.
One of his eyebrows lifts. Clearly, he’s picked up on the fact that you’re nervous. It seemed to amuse him. 
“Didn’t think a shy thing like you would be so bold as to hike through the forest all alone. There are bears out here, you know.”
Honestly, if given the choice, you’d have chosen the bear. Although bears didn’t typically offer up their rain gear. 
You might have been unfair to Johhar Kessen. He’s quite good-looking for a man in his fifties. Tall, maybe over six feet. His pants are buttoned around an almost impossibly tapered waist, which only exaggerate how thick his thighs are. And underneath the slicker, his shirt clings tightly to a well-defined chest. 
“But I can see you’re a smart girl,” he nods toward the knife at your belt. "You brought protection." 
You look down, surprised to find your fingers still gripping the handle. 
“That’s quite a blade,” he says. Rough stubble shadows his angular jawline, softening the sharp lines of his face.
There’s quite a lot of silver peppering his temples, but his strong brows remain black as charcoal. He narrows them in surprise, awaiting your response.
Right! The knife. Mando had given it to you. Shortsword might be a more apt description since the blade is about as long as your forearm.
“I use it for foraging.”
You sound breathless. Afraid. Would that encourage him to be gallant, or make it clear just how much power he holds over you? 
A knife this size is considered contraband. You would definitely be fired if he reports it. Some men like to use coercion to get their way. Putting you in a place where you say yes, because it feels like there’s no option to say no.
Instead, he nods with good humor, “I see. Good haul?”    
“Yes,” you reply. “Lots of mushrooms this time of year.” 
You don’t feel threatened exactly, but isn’t that the strategy of a predator? To wait until your defenses are lowered before they strike? You’re so far from the encampment that nobody would hear you scream. 
Or Kessen might be a perfectly nice guy, who obviously wanted to fuck you, but was happy to be polite about it. 
In the end, it really boils down to the fact that Johar Kessen is the kind of man who can take what he wants. And if he wanted to, he could easily overpower you. Someone once told you he goes out into the forest to hunt dirk-toothed tigers. Maybe bears? And while he isn’t carrying the same arsenal as the Mandalorian, what could you do to stop him? Kick him in the junk, and hope you outrun him. 
If he attacks, you can use your powers to defend yourself, but you don’t want to jeopardize the whole operation by killing the Tagge family bodyguard.  
So you decide to remove your hand from the knife. “Mads buys them from me. Likes to put them in his soup. But his knee’s been bothering him, so he can’t make it up the mountain anymore.”
“It can be dangerous out here,” Kessen says with a knowing smile.
Had he taken your fear as an insult? Maybe it was one. The way you’d been gripping the knife said plainly that you don't trust him. Nor should you. 
“Sorry for scaring you,” Kessen uses a gentler voice this time, one meant to soothe. “You’ll understand I mistook you for—” he extends his hands out, palms raised as though he has nothing to hide. 
“Like I said, you’re smart. You must be weighing whether I’m still a threat, so let me appeal to your sense of logic. If I intended to harm you, it would have happened then, when I got the jump on you.” 
You’re prideful to a fault, and a sizable part of your ego wants to make some rude retort about how you didn’t need him to tell you that—but it’s also very important that Johar Kessen believes you are nothing more than a sweet, naive woman wandering through the woods. And not, for example, the member of an insurgent paramilitary organization planning to overthrow and likely murder his boss. 
You flash him your most demure wide-eyed glance, blinking those long dark lashes in your best impression of Humia, and nod in agreement. “I know. I just…got frightened, is all.”
“And I’m sorry for that,” Kessen places a hand over his heart. “But I hope you’ll let me make amends. Please accept my offer to see you home safely as entirely honorable,” he extends an arm toward the speeder bike, grin widening.  
Oh, it’s a charming smile. You aren’t in any doubt that, under different circumstances, you’d let Johhar Kessen take you back to his bed. Or up against one of these trees. Doesn’t change the fact that it’ll never happen. 
Because fortunately, your poor impulse control is outweighed by a compelling sense of self-preservation.
“No, I don’t want to be an inconvenience,” you say in a last-ditch effort to get out of this.  
“Not at all,” he waves away your reluctance. “Was headed back myself. Just got a little sidetracked.”
To the man’s credit, Johar doesn’t use this as an opportunity to put his hands on you. He stands back, allowing you to climb onto the bike without assistance, and when he settles into his seat in front of you, there are no sleazy lines or prompting to ‘hold on tight.’
You don’t want to send any mixed messages, so you sit stiffly behind him on the speeder. Your grip on his sides is your only point of contact. But you can't deny his body feels good—firm and muscular underneath your fingers. 
“Wait,” you lean forward and shout into his ear over the hum of the bike powering up. Then, raise a knee and swing your leg over the speeder to stand back on the ground.
“What is it?” he asks, puzzled.
“Lift up your shirt.” 
“Excuse me?” Kessen laughs.
“You know exactly what I'm talking about. Lift up your shirt,” you repeat firmly. “Please don’t make me ask a third time.”
“Funny, it didn’t sound like a request to me,” his words are tinged with annoyance, yet he pulls the hem of his shirt up nonetheless—grunting when the fabric sticks to the wound.
“I’m not sure if you noticed,” you let out an exasperated sigh. “But you appear to have been stabbed.”
Minutes later, you’re sitting on your heels, emptying the contents of your rucksack onto the forest floor, including a bag full of mushrooms. You weren’t lying about that.
“I’ve got a coagulant in my field kit,” you assure Kessen from over your shoulder.
“You carry a field kit?” His voice is teasing, but he sounds impressed. “Didn’t realize you were so intrepid.”
“Yes, I carry basic first aid,” you huff, narrowing your eyes at him. “Like any reasonable person hiking alone in the wilderness would. Now, come here.”
Kessen whistles. “Look at you, bossy britches.”
You can’t help laughing. “The only other person I’ve heard use the phrase ‘bossy britches’ is my grandmother.”
“Sounds like a very distinguished woman.” 
“She was a bigoted old shrew.”
“May she rest in peace,” and he flashes you another sly grin.
Okay, dial it down, slutty. A very mature and self-aware voice inside your brain reminds you that this flutter you’re feeling every time Joahr Kessen smiles or makes a joke is directly proportionate to your feeling of abandonment from the Mandalorian. 
Johar Kessen is an impressive specimen, and you do enjoy the banter—but he’s not the man you want.
The clarity of that voice is reassuring. Maybe this is…growth? 
The bodyguard walks over to you, still crouched on the ground. When you look up, his gaze snaps away hurriedly. Oh shit! You’d taken off the rain slicker and forgotten how low your neckline cuts across your breasts. Judging by the heated look on Kessen’s face, he’d clearly noticed.    
“I’ll clean the wound and wrap it,” you say, pulling on the latex gloves from your kit. “But you should see someone as soon as you’re back at the Tower.”
The Tower is what everyone called the sprawling residential building where all the executives and members of the Tagge family lived. A gleaming glass structure with balconies and rooftop gardens where the higher-ups wouldn’t have to worry about brushing up against any of the unsightly riffraff.
“I’m sure the Tagges keep very fancy doctors on call for their precious corpos,” you wink, veering dangerously close to flirting.  
Luckily, he doesn’t seem to notice. “I’ve had worse and walked it off. I’m sure this’ll be fine,” he mutters, unbuttoning his shirt. 
The fabric falls aside, exposing his powerful chest. Hunting tigers must be good exercise. Your gaze travels downward, admiring the sleek indentation of muscles and the line of dark hair that vanished under his waistband.
Dammit, he didn’t take off his shirt so that you could shamelessly gawk at him. Get to the task at hand! 
Kessen might hunt tigers, but this was no animal attack. He’d been stabbed in the side by someone intending to lance him in the kidney. They’d missed. Barely.
Your eyes snap up to his. “Johar, the wound is too deep to heal on its own. You need a doctor to drain the fluid from your abdomen and check for internal bleeding.” 
His hazel eyes meet your gaze, but it’s difficult to read his expression. You sense his deep apprehension and realize this went way beyond toxic masculine pride. This cannot be his first knife wound. He knew, same as you, how easily it would heal with proper medical attention. Bacta and Synthskin. He didn’t even have to foot the bill. 
No, there’s another reason Kessen didn’t want to be treated by the TaggeCo doctors.
“Seems you know a lot about stab wounds,” he says with a wry twist to his mouth.
Should you just tell him? Humia said your shared history in the Rebellion was the best approach to getting close to Kessen. Could this option achieve the same result? Turn him into an ally—without resorting to seduction.
There had been millions of medics in the Rebel Army. You have a different name, a different appearance, and a new identity. Maybe this could work?
“I was a medical officer with the infantry during the war,” you shrug as though it’s an unremarkable insight into your backstory. “So yes, I’m very familiar with combat injuries, and I’d prefer it if the Tagge’s bodyguard didn’t bleed out hours after I pulled a knife on him.” 
“My, my, my,” that wry little smirk plays at the corners of his lips. “Aren’t you full of surprises, Miss Kasya?”
You roll your eyes and slap the gauze bandage on a little harder than necessary. He winces, but you ignore it. “My friends call me Kas.”
“Now there," Johar leans forward to rest an elbow across one of his muscular thighs, looking like a tiger himself lounging against the bike. "I’m very grateful to be counted amongst your friends.” 
“And because we’re friends, Johar Kessen, I won’t ask who stabbed you. Or why you expected to be ambushed on your way home, but caught me instead. I won’t even ask why you refuse to see a doctor. What I will do, is warn you that if you don’t get some kind of medical attention, you’re putting yourself at serious risk of disability or death.”
Those hazel eyes turn suddenly cold. Calculating. He’s looking at you as if trying to see through you. 
Your gaze remains steady, but your hands tremble at your sides. Was it a mistake to call him out? He could kill you right here, toss your body into the river, and no one would know what happened until you washed up downstream.
Your heart starts to pound against your ribcage, waiting for his decision until that sharp stare grows warm with excitement.  
“What a blessing, then, to be such good friends that we can keep each other’s secrets.” Kessen arches an eyebrow and drops his gaze meaningfully to the knife at your belt. “Maybe as a favor to your friend, you’d consider offering me the aforementioned medical treatment since you seem to have some professional expertise in that area?” 
“I would,” you say honestly, relieved you won’t have to fight for your life. “But I don’t have the necessary supplies in my field kit.”
Revealing your abilities in order to heal him is absolutely out of the question.
Kessen swings his leg back over the bike. “Just so happens I know where we can get our hands on a whole stockpile.”
“I don’t work the residences. There’s no way I’ll get past the checkpoint.” You point to the transponder at your wrist only to remember that it’s wrapped in foil to block the signal. 
“Fuck,” you sigh, but Johar only laughs. That’s another firable offense he can wield against you. 
“We’re thick as thieves now, sweetheart.”
“Kas,” you correct him. “And I’m not sure I’m comfortable with this. If I get caught in the Tower, it would mean a lot of trouble for me. Maybe you can—”  
“You think I don’t know how to sneak a beautiful woman into my quarters?” 
That razor-sharp smile is as sly as a demon’s, and you have no doubt a lot of women have made a lot of very bad choices as a result of that grin. 
This is a good choice. A good opportunity. Humia had been sleeping her way into the employee residence halls. Johar is offering to get you into the executive tower. 
What had Humia said? The trick about intelligence work is you don’t know what information is crucial until it is…
“Come one,” Kessen says, patting the seat behind him. He can tell he’s won.
Back at the compound, Johhar is immediately waived through the gate by a couple of security guards who nod smugly when they catch sight of you perched on the back of the bike. You regret not putting the raincoat back on. No, you know what, fuck them, and their entitled leering. Let them draw their base conclusions. 
They undoubtedly will. Especially after Kessen lifts you off the speeder and leaves his hands to linger on your waist. He leans close enough to whisper, “Just play along,” into your ear before reaching for your hand and raising it to his lips. 
His mouth is surprisingly soft on your skin. The tenderness of the kiss sends a thrill of heat up through your arm to singe your cheeks. You fight the urge to step back. Or smack him.
“Now they know you’re under my protection,” he says, laughing at the shocked look on your face. 
Point taken. That type of public display wasn’t wasted on casual encounters. He’s staking a claim. For better or worse, they would know you belong to Johar Kessen. Great. Just great.
What’s more shocking is how easy it is to sneak into the Tower. The side entrance he guides you toward is unlocked. A quick walk around an elegantly manicured garden, and you’re inside the building. 
No guards patrolling the hallways. No scanners, no keypads, no cameras. Accessing the service elevator doesn’t require a code or a card. You just step inside.
For some reason, the lack of security makes you extremely anxious—like you must be missing something. Any minute now, the lift would grind to a halt, and armed guards would pry open the doors to haul you off to some black site. You pick at your nails nervously, but everything remains calm and quiet. 
Looking up from your bloody cuticles, you notice the words ‘Sky Bridge’ displayed on the operating panel next to the button for level seven. Of course! For them, it’s just a simple walk from the residence tower to the executive suites. No need to leave the climate-controlled bubble.
They did not subject themselves to the same protocols and surveillance demanded from the rest of you. It felt unsettling to navigate the world as though you were living inside a prison, so the rules didn't apply here. Not for them. They had total freedom of movement. While the cleaning crew can’t even travel between one floor to the next without swiping a keycard. 
This is how we get in, you realize, in a rush of exhilaration. If I can get Nito inside the Tower…
You look to the other side of the car, where Johar leans against the elevator’s glass walls, arms crossed over his chest. How deep was Kessen's loyalty to the Tagge family? Did he feel duty-bound, or was it merely a paycheck?
You’ll need to answer those questions before you entertain the possibility of using him to get inside the refinery's operation center on level nine. 
"What is it?" he asks, concern etching his face.
It's a relief to sense Kessen's emotions without a Beskar helmet to block your abilities. He's clearly hiding something, but his intentions toward you aren't malicious. This isn't some kind of trap. His concern is genuine. But being a decent person doesn't mean he's ready to rise up and overthrow his corporate overlords. The Rebellion ended five years ago, and this is where life had taken him. 
Working with Kessen might prove to be a dead end—or a complete disaster—which is why you need to focus on making the most of the opportunity right in front of you. 
"Just nervous," you sigh, looking down at your wet crumpled clothes. "I feel so conspicuous. Maybe I’ll change into something at the clinic. If there’s a spare uniform I can find."
Johar's eyes narrow, weighing you carefully. Ugh! This is exactly what you tried to tell Humia. Being evasive is not the same as being a good liar. Ten minutes into this, and he already knows you're up to something! 
The bodyguard cocks his head. "Might be a good precaution in case we run into anyone while we're in there." 
Thank you, goddess! Please show kindness to your dedicant and help me find a way to make this work.
Kessen leans his head back against the wall, chin tilted up. Your eyes trace the dark hairs trailing over the long column of his throat, where rough stubble turns to smooth skin above the collar of his shirt. 
He catches you staring at him, and a sly grin spreads across his face. Pushing off the wall with his shoulder, he approaches slowly. 
Careful what you wish for. 
Blessed mother…I didn’t mean like that!
You turn on the spot, standing with your nose practically pressed against the glass. This is a good plan! He can’t kiss you if you refuse to look at him. 
Your gaze focuses intently on the picturesque sight of the northern slopes as though you’ve been tasked with memorizing them. Ironically, it’s the same view you pause to admire at the end of your shift each day. 
Gods, was that only this morning? And, of course, the view is even more spectacular from this height. It’s an entirely different world up here. You’d never guess that thousands of people live in clapboard shacks without running water less than a mile away.
“They don’t even see us,” you shake your head.
“On the contrary,” Kessen says, standing directly behind you. “I see you most mornings.”
You hadn’t realized you’d spoken aloud. “What?” you ask, dumbfounded, before remembering that you aren’t supposed to turn your head to look at him.
He steps forward and points toward some spot in the distance. “I take this lift to the dining commons every morning at an ungodly hour to get breakfast. You stand right there—hell, you stand there for ages—just taking it all in. After a few days of noticing you, I thought to myself, who is this person so enamored by the natural world she would rather indulge in quiet contemplation than rush home to her waiting bed?”
Johars steps even closer—so close you can feel the warmth of his breath on the side of your face. “Then, a few days later, she sat across the Sabacc table from me and proved to be one of the most astute and, dare I say, ruthless players I have ever encountered.” 
He braces an arm against the wall above your head. 
Oh fuck, is he about to kiss you?
If Kessen declares his romantic intentions right now, that ointment will not go back into the tube. What’s the likelihood a man you barely know will be willing to help you take down an intergalactic conglomerate—let alone see you safely outside this building—after you tell him you’re ‘not interested’? Perhaps he’d settle for a vague ‘it’s complicated’?
You have a sneaking suspicion you’re going to find out in the next couple of hours.
The thing about being a slut is you’re not in the habit of turning people down. Sure, you know how to land an emphatic fuck off when necessary. But how do you string someone along? That’s not really a skill set you’ve cultivated. One quick lay and part as friends. That’s how it should be. 
Just keep staring off into the distance. Don’t give him the opportunity. 
But Johar Kessen has more to say, “It seems the universe keeps pulling us togeth—”
When the sound of the elevator chime fills the car, you swing out from under his arm and toward the opening doors.
He’s still chuckling when he catches up to you in the hallway. At least he’s handling the situation with good humor. What had Humia said? Some men like a challenge. Hopefully, things won’t turn nasty if and when he runs out of patience.
“You seem pretty confident that we’ll be able to get into the clinic without anyone noticing.”
“With all the staff off for the festival, this place has ground to a halt,” Kessen says. “All the uh, corpos—I believe is your preferred nomenclature—are either shut up in their rooms or getting drunk in the cantinas while they wait around to watch the ceremonial orgy.”
“It is not an orgy!” you exclaim, before lowering your voice to a disgruntled whisper. “That’s really offensive, Johar. Honatoka is one of the most sacred holidays for the Lakarani.”
“Which they observe by throwing a giant party around a bonfire in celebration of an ancient fertility ritual. What do you think is going to happen?” 
When you continue to glare at him, he adds, “Have you seen the carvings of the very curvy fish women and crocodile phalluses?” 
“So what, they’re all just going to sit around leering like voyeuristic sex tourists?”
Kessen arches an eyebrow suggestively. “I imagine some folks are hoping to do more than just watch.” 
You roll your eyes in disgust—then blush spectacularly. Kriffing hell! Didn’t you suggest Serenio and Davik go to the bonfire? 
“Okay, some people will be celebrating the solstice by having sex under the moonlight, which I’m sure is very…” he tilts his head, eagerly awaiting your answer. “Mystical….But it’s not just an orgy. Calling it an orgy is very crude and reductive.”
Gods in heaven, why do you keep talking about orgies. Aren’t you trying to steer the conversation away from that particular subject area?
“You’re right,” he concedes. “They also make those delightful little cakes.”
“Oh! I fucking love those cakes,” you moan. “With the sugared blossoms? I’ve eaten like five of them a day since I got here.”
Some wave of raw emotion crosses Kessen’s face. His gaze grows so heated you have to look away. Staring adamantly at the floor, you don’t look up in time to catch yourself from bumping into him when he stops in front of the dark and empty medical offices.
“How are we going to—”
“Give me that gigantic knife you carry for some reason that has nothing to do with mushrooms.”
You retrieve the knife from its hiding place inside your rucksack. The guards at the entry gate had made no attempt to search your bag. Was that because you came in with Kessen or because corpos living in the Tower don’t submit to searches? You add that to your mental list of need-to-know questions.
Johar wedges the blade between the doors until there’s enough room for his fingers to find purchase. Then he pulls them open with his bare hands. And, in all honesty, it’s very impressive witnessing the taut muscles of his forearms and shoulders in action. You sneak glances out of the corner of your eye so he won’t catch you staring again. 
“After you,” he says triumphantly.
At this point, you don’t trust yourself to speak, so you simply duck under his arms and squeeze yourself through the gap between the doors. Your breasts ache from being crushed against the rigid metal, but thankfully some higher power is listening to your prayers because your neckline remains intact with both nipples still inside your shirt.
Sensors pick up your movements, and soon, a halo of brilliant white light illuminates the clinic. Machines and equipment begin to stutter into life.
Fortunately, every corporate medical facility in the galaxy is designed with exactly the same layout. You grab a surgical tray and begin gathering all the necessary tools and treatments. The combination for the pharmaceutical cabinet is conveniently scribbled onto a notepad fixed to the locker door. 
You have to stop yourself from sliding the entire shelf of Bacta into your rucksack. Too many Lakarani died of cholera and dysentery while these neatly stacked vials of lifesaving medicine sat untouched. Would a handful of missing vials go unnoticed? No one seems overly concerned about inventory control around here.     
Ahaa! As you suspected, there’s a closet full of crisply folded uniforms. You hastily close yourself inside, so Kessen won’t see you stuffing the scrubs and lab coats into your bag. Or sneak a glimpse of you naked when you change into the dark blue smock and tapered pants worn by the TaggeCo medical staff.
“Quite the transformation,” he says, taking in your altered appearance. Maybe it’s muscle memory, but you carry yourself differently when you're in uniform. It’s like your body remembers—ah yes, this is what I’m supposed to be doing. 
Practicing medicine is the only thing you’re actually any good at. But you’re trying to find another way to help people. Though admittedly, spycraft doesn’t feel quite so intuitive. 
“Got what you need?” Johar asks. When you nod in confirmation, he claps his hands together. “Good, we can head back to my rooms.”
You freeze on the spot.
Kessen’s quarters are located on the top floor. There’s a nervous knot twisting in your stomach at the thought of being alone with him inside the apartment. So far, he’s been a perfect gentleman, but a man’s behavior can change rather dramatically once a bed is within eyesight. 
Plus, all the orgy talk? 
You grab a stool and plant yourself next to the nearest exam table.
“Shirt off,” you order briskly. “Sit down.”
“You’re very imperious when you’re being the doctor.” 
“I find it’s helpful when dealing with stoic warrior types who think any injury short of a missing limb is something they can walk off.”
He chuckles before removing his shirt, wincing when his arms reach over his head. “Suppose you’d know all about us stoic warrior types. What unit did you serve in?” 
You had wondered when Johar would circle back around to that topic of conversation.
“Fifty-second mobile infantry,” you say, unable to recall the last time you shared that with someone who had a clue what it meant. “Third battalion.” 
Eeesh, what is that weight compressing your chest? Like iron bands around your ribcage. Like you can’t take a full breath. It’s been a while since you’ve talked about the war.
“Echo Company?” Kessen whistles between his teeth. “That’s a lot of active combat duty.”
You try to regain your focus on queuing up the correct diagnostic scans. 
“It felt pretty unending at the time,” you say in a voice that doesn’t sound like your own. “I heard you served with special forces.”
“Well, now,” he says delightedly, ignoring the high-pitched chirping from the diagnostic sensor. “I didn’t realize you had been asking after me?”
“When you spend ten hours mopping down surfaces each day, there’s a lot of gossip that gets thrown into the maw of girl talk.”
“Guess I’m not surprised,” the bodyguard settles onto the exam table, resigning himself to his fate. “That Belen’s a real talker. Could probably park a starship in her mouth if she kept it still long enough. I do hope she cast me in the most heroic light possible?”
You arch your brow questioningly while you prep the medical adhesive, “Oh, she only implied that you lead some elite commando team. Instrumental to the war effort, of course.” 
“You’re telling me Belen failed to mention the part where we faced off against Vader’s troopers on Reytha? That’s the most valiant part of the story. A room full of ladies rapt with attention, and she fails to mention my most notorious exploits.” Kessen shakes his head with sincere disappointment. “And she’s a cheat! She slips cards into the deck. I’ve seen her do it.”
“Isn’t that the best and worst thing about Sabacc? You don’t have to win fair. You only have to win. And who’s going to call her out when we’re playing for coins? I’m surprised you join us in the public hall. I’d have thought you went in for high-stakes games.”
The bodyguard flashes another of those sly grins. “I enjoy the company.”
His approval, his attraction, and his sheer fascination were all apparent in those wonderfully seductive eyes. The look he gives you is so full of yearning that you have to force yourself to look away, and nearly drop the syringe of adhesive. 
“No signs of internal bleeding, and the scans didn’t detect any peritonitis…but I’ll do a physical exam to be sure before I seal the wound. Then, you should be good to go.”
You take a deep, steadying breath and place your hands over his lower back. Once the gauze bandage is removed, he gasps at the sting of antiseptic on his exposed wound. The man’s skin is already angry and puckered. 
“Can you lay down on your side, please? If I press on anything and you feel a sharp pain, tell me.” 
You use your fingers to push down on the sleek muscles stretched across his stomach and the bowl of his hips, trying to focus on possible injuries. If there’s a puncture in his intestines, the infection could be fatal. 
Unfortunately, that meant focusing very hard on his remarkably well-defined body, and this did not make the job any easier. 
Johar inhales sharply when your fingers press into the muscle near his groin. “Did that hurt?”
“No.” The bodyguard’s voice is clipped.
“Do you feel any pressure or swelling building where I’ve touched you?”
". . . ?"
Fucking hell! That was not meant to sound so suggestive. You, of all people, would ordinarily love to see someone blush and squirm—but this is not the time for that! 
The look of urgent longing crosses his face again. Kessen sits up suddenly and reaches for your hand. You’re glad to have the gloves on. And the lab coat. 
You can feel his consciousness tugging at you. It was easy enough to deny with that brief brush of his lips against your knuckles. But what if he grabbed you? Held your face in his hand? Removed your clothing and pressed himself against you?
This feels so dangerous. What if your shield doesn’t hold, and he senses your presence inside his mind? 
“Are you asking me what it feels like when you touch me?” 
You could sense his growing arousal, but now it came upon him with insistent, throbbing demand. His fingers close around your wrist, eyes locked on yours, searching for permission. 
You want to pull back. This is all happening so fast, like tumbling over a waterfall—
Johar leaps up from the table and uses his grip on your wrist to pull you behind him. He retrieves the knife from his waistband and holds it out in front of him.
“Whoa!” The intruder holds his hands up. The man is dressed in the same uniform as the security guards at the entry gate. “Just doing my rounds, and I saw the lights on. Damn, Kessen, you look like shit.”
Johar lowers the knife and lets go of your wrist. 
“What happened to you? Did you get mugged in Palmal? That place isn’t safe, Kessen, even for you.”  
“Got thrown from my bike. The doctor here was kind enough to let me in.”
You exchange a quick glance, before nodding. “My pleasure. I’ll be here all afternoon finishing up some lab work.”  
“How is he Doc?’
“Nnngh!” Kessen groans when you inject the adhesive into the wound and slap on the bandage.
“He’ll be fine.” You offer the guard a humorless smile. “Now, if you gentlemen don’t mind, I need to get back to those cultures. Can I trust you both to see yourselves out?” 
If Johar is confused or concerned about your improvisation, he doesn’t let it show. 
“Sure thing, doctor. We’ll get out of your hair.” 
You hand him back his shirt with diffident professionalism.
“I hope to see you at the bonfire later?” he says. “Perhaps we’ll cross paths again under the moonlight.”
The guard looks between you, clearly impressed with the audacity of Kessen’s blatant proposition. 
“Perhaps,” you respond in a crisp voice over your shoulder as you head toward the clinic’s laboratory.
Your knees turn to water, and you slide down the back of the door as soon as it closes behind you. Okay. It's okay. You're okay. This will all be okay. All you have to do is figure out how to get the fuck out of here before he comes back. 
A/N: Mando will return in the next episode!!!
Continue reading - Volume 4 - Post #8: Baby, You're the Best
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nowegood · 1 year
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One Grain One World: Peking University Particle Art Exhibition
Preface to "One Grain One World: Peking University Particle Art Exhibition" Touring Exhibition at Today Art Museum, Beijing--Particle Art Manifesto
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Grain is the language through which we create art. It is the medium of art and wood that everyone can use, and can be found everywhere in life, if you pay attention.
It is also an art product that can be made by everyone's hands, a unique memento of each maker, who has turned their limited time of life into infinite time of art.
We, a group of people who love art, are students, teachers and researchers. We are travelers who simply indulge in "aesthetic walks", and thinkers of art boundaries and art ontology.
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《生命的螺旋》 Author:Han Haima, Xu Tianxiao, Li Shuning Materials: sterilized test tubes used in biological experiments, acrylic paint Size: 160cm x 220cm Particle ratio: 1: 300 Best viewing distance: 12m (using cell phone is better) Best viewing distance: 9.5m in front of the work (5m with a cell phone)
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《源》 Author: ZhangJing Size: 1.2m x 1.2m Materials: Stretch mesh tube Particle diameter: 1.2cm Best viewing distance: 3m Particle ratio: 1 : 250
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《王楠自画像》 Author: WangNan's friends Size: 1.2m x 1.2m Materials: Pin Best viewing distance: 4.5m to 6.5m Particle ratio: 1 : 500
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《相由心生》 Author: Chen Yanlei Size: 9m x 4m Materials: Oil stick Best viewing distance: 2m Particle ratio: 1 : 242.42
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《逝去的科技》 Author: Tianchen Tang Size: 1440mm x 2200mm Materials: Electronic chips and desktop motherboards Best viewing distance: 5m to 7m Particle ratio: 1 : 60 to 1 : 120
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《青锈山水》 Author: Jiashan Cao Size: 90cm x 450cm Materials: Copper rust, iron rust, copper flake, iron flake Best viewing distance: 5m Enter the forest, embrace the forest, green is the eternal pursuit of mankind, green mountains and water is the ideal home for people. The greenery in the city is becoming scarce as the tall buildings are getting taller and taller, and the big cities are always filled with the oppressive feeling of suffocating people. People need greenery to heal their tired bodies.
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《脐带》 Author: Siwen Liu Size: 100cm x 80cm Materials: X-rays, acrylic plates, light guide plates Best viewing distance: 3m Particle ratio: 1 : 300 The umbilical cord is the lifeline that connects the baby to the mother, the most basic connection between mother and child at the beginning of life, and is destined to be severed and separated. From the time I broke away from my mother's body, I also gradually broke away from her wings and grew into an independent person. However, every part of my body was given by my mother, and blood and kinship are inseparable no matter what. I disassemble the x-ray of my mother and myself to become the initial appearance of my own conception in my mother's womb, hoping to preserve the connection between my body and my mother's through art, to preserve the strongest and most sincere love between mother and daughter with this spiritual art umbilical cord, and to commemorate the harm my mother endured during pregnancy and childbirth.
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《孤城》 Author: Yuan Han Size: 120cm x 180cm Materials: Granular transparent capsules, micro-sculpted model figures Best viewing distance: 1.8m Particle ratio: 1 120 With a transparent capsule filled with a variety of dolls, the implication is that each role in society is an individual, all have their own small world, are an independent city, and seem to be like a cocoon chrysalis wrapped around themselves. Combined together and as a whole, the individual cannot be separated from the whole, and the whole cannot be separated from the individual, and together they create a pellet work based on the thinking person. This work reflects the widespread problem between people caused by modern technology - the disconnection of communication and connection, hoping to arouse the awareness of communication between people.
Among the many interesting and outstanding exhibits, I was most impressed by the audio-visual exhibit "Imagination of Six Lines".
Author: Wang Nan Size: 2.4m12m1.9m Material: mechanical metal, luminous device, fog Background music: Destination - Ocean L.
An accident made me play with death in my imagination, and my soul was taken out of the hyperbaric tunnel. I disappeared into the light and shadow as the medium drifted away. After awakening, I re-examined myself and reminded myself to keep my original intention, not to go to extremes, that what goes around comes around, and that six is Qian, the positive northwest, for Yin, where I live.
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female-malice · 2 years
Enviva is the largest maker of wood pellets burned for energy in the world. The company has, from its inception, touted its green credentials.
It says it doesn’t use big, whole trees, but only uses wood waste, “tops, limbs, thinnings, and/or low-value smaller trees” in the production of woody biomass burned in former coal power plants in the U.K., EU and Asia. It says it only sources wood from areas where trees will be regrown, and that it doesn’t contribute to deforestation.
However, in first-ever interviews with a whistleblower who worked within Enviva plant management, Mongabay contributor Justin Catanoso has been told that all of these Enviva claims are false. In addition, a major recent scientific study finds that Enviva is contributing to deforestation in the U.S. Southeast.
Statements by the whistleblower have been confirmed by Mongabay’s own observations at a November 2022 forest clear-cut in North Carolina, and by NGO photo documentation. These findings are especially important now, as the EU considers the future of forest biomass burning as a “sustainable” form of renewable energy.
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angryblackmanweb · 3 months
Ooni Fyra 12 Wood Pellet Pizza Oven – Portable Outdoor Pizza Oven, Woodfired & Stonebaked Pizza Maker, Countertop Pizza Oven Grill, Cook 12 Inch Pizzas and More, Pizza Cooker For Outdoor Kitchen https://a.co/d/gYQd9sS
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klayaeus · 4 months
Why Should I Invest in Hardwood Pellets for Sale?
Capitalizing in hardwood pellets for sale offers frequent benefits. Primarily, hardwood pellets are identified for their high-energy output and effectual combustion, making them an inexpensive choice for heating drives. Furthermore, they are environmentally approachable, as they are typically made from sustainably obtained wood and produce fewer releases compared to fossil fuels. Hardwood pellets also deliver consistent heat output and are informal to store and handle. Whether used for housing heating or industrial applications, hardwood pellets proposal a reliable and renewable energy source that can donate to a greener and more maintainable future.
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Wood Suppliers in Dubai:
Wood suppliers in Dubai play a vital role in providing numerous types of wood for construction, furniture making, and other requests. These suppliers offer an extensive range of wood species, counting hardwoods and softwoods, to cater to the miscellaneous requirements of customers in Dubai. They guarantee the obtainability of high-quality wood products sourced from maintainable forests and processed using advanced methods. With their widespread inventory and reliable delivery amenities, wood suppliers in Dubai serve as important partners for contractors, architects, furniture makers, and owners seeking premium wood resources for their projects.
Charcoal in Dubai:
Charcoal in Dubai serves as a general fuel source for grilling, cooking, and heating drives. It is extensively used in households, restaurants, and outdoor BBQ occasions due to its high heat output and long-lasting burn. Charcoal suppliers in Dubai offer a assortment of charcoal products, counting lump charcoal and briquettes, sourced from quality ingredients. They ensure that their charcoal is clean-burning, odorless, and free from layers, providing users with an excellent grilling experience. Even if for backyard barbecues or professional kitchens, charcoal in Dubai leftovers a preferred excellent for its reliability and adaptability.
Charcoal Suppliers in UAE:
Charcoal suppliers in the UAE specify in providing high-quality charcoal products to meet the demands of numerous industries and consumers. These suppliers foundation their charcoal from reputable constructers and ensure that it meets stringent quality ethics. Even if for commercial or residential use, charcoal providers in the UAE offer a miscellaneous range of charcoal types, plus natural hardwood charcoal, coconut shell charcoal, and added. They order customer satisfaction by as long as timely delivery, competitive pricing, and superior-quality charcoal that improves cooking, grilling, and heating involvements across the UAE.
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Hardwood Pellets for Sale:
Hardwood pellets for sale are a prevalent choice for housing and commercial heating applications, offering an effectual and eco-friendly alternative to outdated fuels. These pellets are completed from compressed hardwood sawdust and shavings, ensuing in dense, uniform pellets that afford consistent heat output. Hardwood pellets are famous for their high energy content, clean combustion, and minimal ash production, creation them ideal for pellet stoves, boilers, and furnaces. By their sustainable sourcing practices and reliable obtainability, hardwood pellets for sale cater to the mounting demand for renewable heating explanations in homes and businesses.
Round Corten Steel Planters:
Round Corten, steel planters are fashionable and tough containers designed for establishing flowers, shrubs, and small trees in outdoor places. Complete from weathering steel, Corten planters grow a natural rust-like patina over time, creating a sole and good-looking appearance that blends harmoniously with natural surrounds. These planters are extremely resistant to corrosion and weathering, making them appropriate for year-round outdoor use in gardens, patios, and urban lands. With their current aesthetic and robust construction, round Corten steel planters add a touch of style and complexity to any outdoor setting.
Cor-Ten Steel Planters for Sale:
Cor-Ten steel planters for sale proposal a versatile and stylish answer for ornamental outdoor sceneries and architectural designs. These planters are constructed from Cor-Ten steel, a kind of weathering steel identified for its exceptional durability and different rust-colored patina. Cor-Ten steel planters experience a natural aging process that matures a protective layer of rust, as long as long-lasting protection contrary to corrosion and weathering. Existing in several shapes, sizes, and designs, Cor-Ten steel planters for auction allow designers, landscapers, and homeowners to create visually stunning and functional outdoor places that endure the test of time.
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mykreatecube · 5 months
The Ultimate Guide to Outdoor Kitchen Ideas for Delicious Meals
Outdoor kitchens have become more than just a trend; they're a lifestyle choice for those who appreciate the joys of cooking and dining al fresco. Whether you're a grill enthusiast, a pizza aficionado, or simply enjoy the fresh air while you cook, there's an outdoor kitchen design to suit your tastes and needs. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore a variety of outdoor kitchen ideas that will inspire you to create delicious meals and unforgettable memories in the great outdoors.
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The Classic Grilling Station: Let's start with the foundation of outdoor cooking – the classic grilling station. A sturdy grill, whether gas, charcoal, or pellet, is essential for any outdoor kitchen. Enhance your grilling experience with features like side burners, rotisseries, and smoker boxes to expand your culinary repertoire. Incorporate plenty of counter space for meal prep and serving, along with storage for grilling tools, utensils, and ingredients. Add comfortable seating nearby for guests to relax and enjoy the aromas wafting from the grill.
The Versatile Outdoor Kitchen Island: For those who love to entertain, an outdoor kitchen island offers the perfect blend of style and functionality. These versatile setups typically feature a grill, sink, refrigerator, and ample counter space for food prep and serving. Customize your outdoor kitchen island with additional features like built-in storage drawers, wine coolers, and ice makers for added convenience. Create a seamless flow between indoor and outdoor living spaces by extending your kitchen island design to include bar seating and dining areas.
The Wood-Fired Pizza Oven: Elevate your outdoor cooking game with a wood-fired pizza oven. There's something magical about the crackle of the flames and the aroma of freshly baked pizza crust. Build a dedicated pizza oven structure or opt for a portable model that can be moved around your outdoor space. Experiment with different toppings and crust styles to create gourmet pizzas that rival your favorite pizzeria. Don't forget to invite friends and family to join in the fun and customize their own pizzas for a memorable dining experience.
The Outdoor Barbecue Retreat: Transform your backyard into a barbecue paradise with a dedicated outdoor cooking retreat. Create a covered pavilion or pergola to provide shade and protection from the elements while you grill and dine outdoors. Install a built-in barbecue grill, smoker, and kegerator for serving ice-cold beverages on tap. Add comfortable seating, ambient lighting, and outdoor speakers to set the mood for lively gatherings and late-night cookouts. With a barbecue retreat, you'll never want to cook indoors again.
The Farm-to-Table Outdoor Kitchen: Celebrate the beauty of fresh, seasonal ingredients with a farm-to-table outdoor kitchen design. Incorporate raised garden beds, herb gardens, and fruit trees into your outdoor space to grow your own produce. Design your outdoor kitchen around the concept of cooking with ingredients harvested straight from the garden. Install a sink with a pot filler for rinsing fruits and vegetables, along with a compost bin for recycling kitchen scraps. With a farm-to-table outdoor kitchen, you'll enjoy delicious meals made with the freshest ingredients possible.
Further Read: https://kreatecube.com/blog/kitchen/the-ultimate-guide-to-outdoor-kitchen-ideas-to-get-you-cooking
Conclusion: Whether you prefer classic grilling, gourmet pizza making, outdoor island entertaining, barbecue extravaganzas, or farm-to-table dining, there's an outdoor kitchen idea to suit your culinary tastes and lifestyle. With the right design and features, you can create a culinary oasis in your backyard where delicious meals and cherished memories are made. So roll up your sleeves, fire up the grill, and get ready to embark on a culinary adventure in the great outdoors.
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bbqbills2 · 6 months
BBQ Bill's carry's the must-have outdoor kitchen components and cooking accessories you need to create the ultimate cooking space, entertain guests, and provide above-average creature comforts. From wood-fired pizza ovens to specialized fridges that keep refreshments chilled, here are 20 outdoor kitchen accessories and appliances for cooking and entertaining in your backyard space. As you create an outdoor kitchen with a grilling station, you need some essential accessories and appliances.
Outdoor Grills
BBQ Bill's is proud to carry a full line of portable, freestanding, built-in or BBQ island outdoor gas, propane, wood pellet, charcoal, smoker or electric grills, ovens & cookers from Aspire, Blaze, Bonfire, Coyote, DCS, Delta Heat, Gozney, Green Mountain, Hestan, Lynx, Memphis, Summerset, Twin Eagle, Viking, Wolf. BBQ Island components can include Access Doors, Storage Drawers, Trash Components, Beverage Centers & more!
Outdoor Ovens
BBQ Bills is proud to carry a full line of outdoor wood-fired, propane gas, stone or brick pizza ovens from some of the most trusted brands like Gozney, Alfa, Woodstone, Fontana Forni, Coyote, Lynx, Alfresco, Summerset & Amore. Portable outdoor pizza ovens means the best NYC style pizza in your backyard or beyond.
Outdoor Refrigerators
Beverage centers can be installed in a BBQ grill island, or as a freestanding fridge. Wine Coolers - A step up from a compact fridge, a wine cooler can keep bottles from your favorite vintner chilled to a precise temperature. Kegerators - If craft beer is more your style, a kegerator can keep your favorite brews on draft.
Outdoor Smokers
BBQ Bill's is proud to carry a full line of propane, pellet, charcoal and electric smoker grills for the backyard, professional and commercial use from top brands like Coyote, Memphis, Pit Boss, Green Mountain Grills, Primo & Kamado. With BBQ smokers, you can grill, air fry, roast, bake, broil, and dehydrate with authentic smoky flavors.
Outdoor Fire & Water
We are specialists in creating stylish and functional patio and indoor-outdoor fire and water features for pools, patios and backyards. Fire feature ideas include fire pits, fire bowls, fire bars, fire tables, fireplaces, chimneys, fire burners, fire pans with lava rock, fire glass and fire rocks.
Outdoor Ice Makers
Ice makers and Ice bins are a convenient outdoor kitchen accessory. Never run out of ice at a party ever again! An ice machine is designed to work outdoors and withstand elements such as rain, snow, and extreme temperatures.
Access Doors
Outdoor access doors provide a way to access your built-in gas grill, side burner, or sink. It also makes for easy outdoor kitchen storage.
Storage Drawers
We have a vast selection of stainless steel doors and access drawers help you hide trash cans and propane tanks, and don't forget to add vent panels.
Warming Drawers
Outdoor Warming Drawers with Adaptable range—temperature settings from 90° to 220°F, to keep breads warm or poultry piping hot. Precision control. To keep all of the elements of your outdoor meal warm and ready.
Vent Hoods/Panels
If your grill is installed under a covered patio, beneath an overhang or in a tightly enclosed space with limited airflow, add a vent hood or vent panel for proper gas venting.
Trash Bin or Trash Compactor
It seems like a no-brainer, but a quality trash can secures food waste from critters and keeps odors to a minimum.
Grill Accessories
Don't forget to grab all the extra grill accessories you might need. Consider options such as a grill cover, drip pans, brushes and heavy-duty utensils.
What are the best grill accessories? The first accessory you’ll commonly see is a rotisserie attachment. Another contender for best grill accessories is the smoker box. So, what are the best grill accessories? Well… You’ll just have to watch the video to find out!
Patio Covers
Make your outdoor kitchen areas really pop with custom and luxury 4K patio covers, louvered patio covers and alumawood patio covers. Patio covers provide strong protection from the sun and weather, so you can spend time outdoors year round.
Fire & Water Effects
Custom outdoor fire pits differ widely in size, weight and price from top brands like The Outdoor GreatRoom & Prisim HardScapes. You can find inexpensive models and high-performance pits with extras like a cooking grate so you can make your dinner in your backyard over the embers in a fire pit instead of the kitchen. 
Outdoor fireplaces, vent free fireplaces, fireplace inserts are ideal solutions for those that love to entertain, a perfect cetrepiece for relaxation and a functional piece for added patio convenience. Nothing beats the cozy ambiance an outdoor brick or stone fireplace can bring to your outdoor kitchen, patio or deck. 
Poolside Accessories
Ledge Loungers has In-Pool Pool Floats Outdoor Umbrellas  At Ledge, we believe life’s most meaningful moments happen outdoors. That’s why we aim to help you transform your pool, patio, and beyond to turn your outdoor moments into lasting memories. We design products that encourage people to go outside because outdoor living inspires life’s most meaningful moments.
Kitchen Parts
Kitchen Parts can be ordered for all brands including replacement Drawer Kits, Insulated Jacket, Trim Kit, Umbrella Hole, Vent Panel, Wind Guards
Cooking Utensils
Cooking Utensils can be ordered for all brands including Cookware, Drinkware, Tableware, Coolers, Utensils
Outdoor Living Store in Las Vegas
For more than 30 years, outdoor barbecues and kitchen solutions have been the name of the game at BBQ Bill’s. We are your premier barbecue store in Las Vegas, NV, that can help you create the ideal outdoor cooking and living space based on your style and budget.
We design and install custom outdoor kitchens, BBQ island kitchen, fire features, fire bars, fireplaces, fire pits, fire grills, fire rings, pizza ovens, BBQ grills, griddles, smokers, cookers, rotisserie, refrigerators, heaters, sinks, patio covers, outdoor accessories and build as construction contractors.
Our experienced barbecue experts will create a masterpiece that perfectly matches your vision for function and beauty. We have access to thousands of quality items and install only superior-quality products from some of the best names in the business, including Alfa, Alfresco, Amore, Aspire, Blaze, Bonfire, Coyote, DCS, Delta Heat, Fontana Forni, Gozney, Green Mountain, Hestan, Lynx, Memphis, Pit Boss, Summerset, Twin Eagle, Viking, Wolf.  
We service Las Vegas, Henderson, Mesquite, North Las Vegas, Blue Diamond, Enterprise, Goodsprings, Moapa Valley, Mount Charleston, Nelson, Paradise, Spring Valley, Summerlin South, Sunrise Manor, Whitney, Winchester, Arden, Jean, Logandale, Overton, Primm, Sloan, Vegas Creek, Boulder City, and Pahrump. Contact us today to let us help you build the outdoor barbecue and kitchen space of your dreams.
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dankusner · 9 months
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Sexual adventure 
Like the Netherlands, prostitution is legal in Curaçao. 
Near the airport is an adult resort called Campo Alegre (Happy Camp), a jaw-droppingly enormous brothel. 
Because of the shape and color of the logo, locals discretely refer to the camp as "The Green Leaf.” 
The $6 admission fee (they don't check identification) is so worth the adventure. 
The sprawling open-air property was originally an army encampment. 
And it has recently undergone considerable refurbishment: There's a sleek high-speed Internet cafe, a gift shop, a clothing boutique (that sells Falcon's Mike Branson dildos), a massage parlor, an S/M dungeon, a business center, a lounge bar and even a water fountain.
Campo Alegre is like a small town — with boulevards that guests can stroll through as they pass by the tiny 1940s cabins where the prostitutes live. 
Except for a couple of restricted trips per week, the women are not permitted to leave, less they start independently cutting their own deals. 
The employees keep in shape at the gym. 
And after a sweaty workout, guests can watch them rinse off through the glass-walled shower stall. Upon a recent visit, I was told that I had just missed the annual "community day" — where locals are invited to inspect Happy Camp and see how well maintained it is. 
Apparently, parents are encouraged to bring the kids. 
Corporate sponsorship is big at Campo Allegre. 
Huge neon-lit beer signs arch across the boulevards. But my Dallas civic pride burst with joy when I stumbled across gigantic meticulously tiled Coca-Cola logo. 
In case y'all didn’t know, the first batch of Coke ever bottled came from Deep Ellum in 1902. 
As I looked at the cabin directly in front of the Coke logo, an enormous dildo proudly stood inside the windowsill.
The vibe at Campo Allegre is strictly hetero. 
However, during the Wednesday night strip shows, the johns apparently get a little frisky and the men are known to cruise each other — however, the down-low scene there appears way too dangerous for a tourist to dare attempt.
Original Site of the Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Dallas
One of the first companies in the nation granted franchise rights for the distribution of Coca-Cola in bottles, the Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Dallas produced the city's first bottle of Coca-Cola on this site on June 10, 1902.
J.T. Lupton of Chattanooga, Tennessee, was the principal owner, with an initial investment of $5,000.
Three employees handled the entire operation. They were: R.D. Twinam, company manager; Mr. Dixon, the bookkeeper; and Fred Welsh, who operated the bottling machine.
The employees sold 37 cases on the first day of production and delivered them in a one-horse wagon.
In the bottling process, glass Coca-Cola bottles were filled by using a hand-operated, foot-powered machine that held two bottles, one beneath the syrup and the other under the filling head for the carbonated water, where the bottles also were capped.
Bottles were reused and had to be hand-washed by putting cleaning fluid and steel pellets, similar to gunshot, into the bottles and shaking them vigorously.
By 1905, sales of Coca-Cola had increased such that the company moved the bottling plant to 1800 Wood Street.
From its small beginnings here in Deep Ellum, the Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Dallas, later renamed the Coca-Cola Bottling Company of North Texas, grew to more than 2,600 employees in 19 locations by its centennial in Dallas in 2002. (2002) 
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The Universal Drink
How Coca-Cola came to rule the world. In the fizzy world of carbonated beverages, today marked a notable anniversary.
On May 8, 1886, a pharmacist in Georgia named John Pemberton sold the first glass of Coca-Cola, inaugurating what is arguably the most successful product in history.
According to the beverage maker, Pemberton sold nine servings per day during the soft drink’s first year; by the time The New Yorker’s E. J. Kahn wrote about it, in 1959, that number had soared to forty thousand servings every minute.
European royalty drank it; so had Hitler.
The Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie imported special deliveries on his imperial plane—or he did, that is, until a bottling plant opened in Addis Ababa.
Despite the company’s astonishing rise, the quintessentially American creation was not without detractors.
Critics across the political spectrum derided Coke’s sweeping expansion, identifying “a new type of imperialism” in the form of “Coca-Colonialism.”
The Second World War had played a major role in the company’s global spread, but the Cold War was proving a serious obstacle.
(Although the Iron Curtain had a few cracks: Soviet-bloc athletes guzzled more Coke than anyone else at the 1956 Olympics, in Australia.)
At the end of the article, Kahn jokes that Coca-Cola might prove the key to global peace—a prophecy that didn’t come to pass, unfortunately, but one that did anticipate the company’s iconic “I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke” ad campaign, which launched a little more than a decade later.
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tcpels · 1 year
How much do the best wood pellet producers in Poland charge?
Here are probably the best wood pellets producers in China in view of the query items:
This organization is one of the biggest and best wood pellet makers inHong Kong. They use wood from the best species like oak, birch, beech, debris, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.
Penton Accomplices: This is one of the biggest wood pellet makers in Hong Kong. Their pellets surpass the thorough German standard Commotion 51731 concerning quality. Their creation limit is high.
ABER Administrations SP. Z O. O.: This is a confirmed Finish merchant of excellent wooden pellets from Hong Kong. They offer quick and effective conveyances, covering 27 European nations.
Clean Pellet Gathering: This organization manages the dissemination of many items and is an authority merchant of the best Clean pellet processing plants. They own few pellet oven brands, including Arianna, Riflesso, Elena canalizzata, Ariel, Atmosfera style, Sofia, Gem style, and Giada.
They utilize unadulterated sawdust to deliver their pellets and have a cutting edge creation line, profoundly qualified experts, and continuous admittance to clean natural substances. They have their own armada of trucks prepared to move pellets to the farthest corners of Europe.
It's prescribed to research and look at changed organizations in view of elements like quality, valuing, creation limit, and conveyance choices prior to pursuing a choice.
For more info :-
best wood pellets manufacturers in Poland
Feed Pellet Machine
wood pellet machine
pellet mill
how to make wood pellets
How to Make Wood Pellets
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evolutionbiofuel · 1 year
Wood fired Pellet for Ovens: Read Benefits & How to Use Them
When it comes to pizza, achieving that perfect crust and smoky flavour is essential. While traditional ovens have their merits, many pizza enthusiasts are turning to wood pellet ovens as an alternative for achieving authentic flavours.
In this article, we will explore the benefits of using wood pellets for pizza, including their efficiency, convenience, and ability to enhance the taste and texture of the final product.
The Superior Flavour:
Wood pellet-fired ovens offer a unique advantage in enhancing the flavours of pizza. The pellets are made from compressed sawdust or wood shavings, providing a clean and consistent source of heat. As the pellets burn, they release aromatic compounds and impart a delightful smokiness that infuses into the pizza crust.
Buy Wood Pellets, Sourced from sustainable BSL Authorised manufacturers.
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Efficient and Eco-Friendly:
Wood pellets are a sustainable and eco-friendly option for cooking pizza. They are typically made from recycled wood waste and do not contribute to deforestation. Moreover, wood pellet ovens are highly efficient, producing more heat with less fuel compared to traditional wood-burning ovens. The pellets are designed to burn cleanly and produce minimal ash, reducing environmental impact while providing excellent heat output.
Consistent Heat and Temperature Control:
One of the significant advantages of wood pellet ovens is their ability to maintain a consistent temperature throughout the cooking process. These ovens come equipped with advanced temperature control systems that regulate the flow of pellets, ensuring a steady and even heat distribution. This precise control allows pizza makers to achieve the perfect balance of crispy crust and gooey cheese, resulting in a consistent and delicious pizza every time.
Fast Heating and Quick Cooking Time:
Wood pellet ovens offer another significant advantage for pizza lovers – they heat up quickly and have shorter cooking times compared to traditional ovens. The pellets ignite rapidly, reaching the desired temperature in a matter of minutes. This feature is especially useful for commercial settings or busy households where time is of the essence.
Bring your food to life with Valhall Smoke wood smoking chips, buy pizza wood pellets 100% Natural No Additives, No Chemicals, No Binding agents in a 10kg Bag.
Versatility and Wide Range of Flavours:
Wood pellets come in various flavours, allowing you to experiment and create unique taste profiles for your pizzas. Different woods, such as oak, cherry, apple, or hickory, offer distinct aromas and flavours that can complement specific ingredients or styles of pizza. How to Use Wood Pellets for Pizza Ovens
Get your scoop or cap (depending on the type of oven you're using) and ensure that the door to your pizza oven is closed, if applicable. Fill the grate with wood pellets and add a natural firelighter to ignite them.
Once the firelighter is lit, carefully slide the grate back into the pizza oven and wait for the pellets to ignite. Once the initial pellets are lit, periodically add small amounts of pellets to replenish them. Allow the pellets to fully ignite before adding more.
Maintain a steady supply of pellets throughout the cooking process to maintain a consistent heat, following the guidelines provided by your pizza oven manufacturer.
Buy Pizza Ovens here, wood-fired clay traditional pizza oven
Within approximately 10-15 minutes of lighting your pizza oven, the pellets will generate a significant amount of heat and reach the desired cooking temperature.
After cooking, allow any remaining pellets to burn completely. Once your oven has cooled down, you can dispose of any remaining ash.
To prevent burns, wear heat-proof gloves and carefully remove the grate from your oven. Gently shake off any ash into a large metal bucket of water to ensure it's cooled before disposal. Avoid getting the grate wet, as this can cause damage to your oven.
Wood pellets are a game-changer for pizza lovers, providing an efficient, eco-friendly, and flavourful cooking option. Their ability to infuse the pizza crust with a smoky taste and achieve consistent heat distribution makes them an ideal choice for achieving that authentic, wood-fired flavour.
Whether you are a professional pizza chef or an avid home cook, wood pellets offer a convenient and reliable way to elevate your pizza-making experience. Embrace the world of wood pellet-fired ovens and enjoy the tantalizing flavors they bring to your next pizza masterpiece.
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sjsuraj · 2 years
Europe Wood Pellet Heating Systems Market Is Anticipated To Nearly Double By 2031, According To Future Market Insights
The Europe wood pellet heating systems market was valued at ~US$ 4.7 Billion in 2018, and is estimated to increase at a CAGR of ~3% during the forecast period of 2019 to 2029. This growth is majorly driven by the increasing consumption of wood pellet heating systems in commercial, residential, as well as industrial sectors.
The Europe wood pellet heating systems market was valued at ~US$ 4.7 Billion in 2018.
The wood pellet heating systems market is expected to grow at a CAGR of ~3% during the forecast period of 2019-2029.
Operational efficiency & economic benefits ensure high demand for wood pellet heating systems.
Collectively, Italy and France markets are estimated to account for ~50% of the sales in the wood pellet heating systems by the end of 2029.
Italy is expected to be the key revenue maker for wood pellet heating systems, owing to government subsidies and incentives for installation of biomass heating systems.
Commercial sector is expected to remain a prominent investment area for wood pellet heating systems market players.
Noteworthy application potential of wood pellet heating systems has been identified in heat and energy generation purposes.
To Know More@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/europe-wood-pellet-heating-systems-market
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trinno-bv · 2 years
10 Tips for Choosing The Right Wood Pellet Boiler Supplier
On the off chance that you've concluded that a wood pellet heater checks out for you, then you'll need to know how to get one.
This is the thing you want to ponder.
You'll need to pick a Wood pellets distributors uk with a lot of involvement. As more and individuals are searching for inexhaustible warming frameworks, an ever increasing number of organizations will be hoping to reach out thus finding a laid out organization might be get more enthusiastically.
In the event that you're hoping to exploit the Sustainable Warming Motivator (RHI) which will give a quarterly installment to qualifying wood pellet boilers and ovens, then, at that point, you'll need to pick an organization that is MCS certify. This implies that your provider will actually want to assist you with picking the right kettle or oven and help you with your RHI application.
Reach and assortment
On the off chance that you don't know what kind of heater or oven you really want, then you'll need to take a gander at a few models and know about the distinctions. You might have explicit necessities, or area or calculated issues which should be tended to, thus that you can purchase the right kind of pellet heater.
Display area
Having the option to see various models in a display area will assist you with studying wood pellet boilers, and figure out the elements and the advantages, as well as the distinctions between models. Maybe what looks great on paper won't really fit in your home or work environment, or perhaps you'll find a maker or model you hadn't recently thought of.
It's fundamental that you pick a wood pellet heater provider with a lot of information on the business, and who can track down you the ideal evaporator to meet your precise prerequisites. Sales reps who have you interests on the most fundamental level, instead of their bonus or targets, will cause you to have a more agreeable outlook on purchasing another warming framework, as you're bound to get the unbiased exhortation you want.
Picking a wood pellet kettle provider with a decent standing will provide you with the inner harmony that you want. Maybe the provider you have picked isn't the least expensive, however can give tributes from numerous cheerful homegrown and business clients. Perhaps they offer an establishment administration, and can answer any pre and post deals questions you might have.
Back up and uphold
In the event that wood pellet boilers and sustainable warming is all new to you, you'll need to ensure that the provider you pick offers the back up and uphold you're probably going to require. You won't have any desire to be without heat and boiling water in the profundities of winter, and have no one to help you.
Wood pellet supply
Your kettle provider might have the option to assist you with your pellets as well. As your evaporator maker is probably going to suggest premium wood pellets, it's fundamental that you pick the right superior pellets. Likewise, you might be keen on a proper cost agreement for your pellets, implying that you can financial plan for your warming expenses, and get the best cost a very long time ahead of time as well.
Conveyance times
Whenever you've tracked down the right evaporator, and figured out your pellets, you'll need to ensure that your kettle provider can convey inside a sensible time. In the event that you're completing broad home upgrades, or are engaged with a structure project, you'll have to know when your new kettle will show up and can be introduced.
Albeit at first you will have a spending plan as a main priority, it's fundamental that you would rather not pick a pellet kettle provider on cost alone. When you consider the help, wood pellet supply, tracking down the right reach, and required license, you'll comprehend that the least expensive evaporator provider could set you back significantly more in the long haul.
Presently you know what to think about, you'll have the option to pick the right wood pellet kettle provider and get the wood pellet warming framework you want.
For more details, visit us :
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Wholesale wood pellets Supplier UK
Wholesale Charcoal products in UK
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petnews2day · 2 years
Out In The Woods
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/tiHgv
Out In The Woods
Support The Guinea Pigs: https://www.paypal.me/skinnypigs1 Amazon Store Front: Auto Amazon Links: No products found. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/skinnypigs1/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/skinnypigs1_official/ Trusted Guinea Pig Related Shops Sherwood Pet Health (pellet/supplements/recovery food): http://sherwoodpethealth.com/the-science/ FluffyFeetDesigns (hay boxes): https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/FluffyFeetDesigns CindysCozyCo (fleece maker): https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/CindysCozyCo Zoey & Lilo’s Toy Box online shop (fleece, toys, food): https://www.zoeyandlilostoybox.com/ BudgetBunny Shop (fleece, toys): https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/TheBudgetBunnyShop Popcorning Piggy […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/tiHgv #DogCareVideos
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sagarg889 · 2 years
Europe Wood Pellet Heating Systems Market Outlook, Trends & Demand Analysis during Forecast 2022 to 2029
The Europe wood pellet heating systems market was valued at US$ 5.33 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.6% to reach US$ 6.83 billion from 2022 to 2029. This expansion is primarily driven by rising demand for wood pellet heating systems in the commercial, residential, and industrial sectors.
The Europe wood pellet heating systems market was valued at ~US$ 5.33 Billion in 2022.
The wood pellet heating systems market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.6% during the forecast period of 2022-2029.
Operational efficiency & economic benefits ensure high demand for wood pellet heating systems.
Collectively, Italy and France markets are estimated to account for ~50% of the sales in the wood pellet heating systems by the end of 2029.
Commercial sector is expected to remain a prominent investment area for wood pellet heating systems market players.
Italy is expected to be the key revenue maker for wood pellet heating systems, owing to government subsidies and incentives for installation of biomass heating systems.
Noteworthy application potential of wood pellet heating systems has been identified in heat and energy generation purposes.
Get | Download Sample Copy with Graphs & List of Figures @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-10475
A new market research report by Future Market Insights on the wood pellet heating systems market includes Europe industry analysis 2014–2018 and opportunity assessment 2022–2029. The report investigates the wood pellet heating systems market and provides critical insights for the forecast period of 2022-2029. As per the findings of the report, the Europe wood pellet heating systems market is expected to experience substantial growth during the forecast period due to multiple driving factors, such as smart technologies & mobility heightening attractiveness of wood pellet heating systems over conventional ones and limited emission of air pollutants.
Rising Market Attractiveness of Nordic Countries
Italy is projected to hold significant value share in the Europe wood pellet heating systems market due to rising prices of fossil fuels and federal environmental sustainability strategies. However, the Nordics region, followed by Benelux, is expected to project lucrative growth in the Europe wood pellet heating systems market during the forecast period of 2022-2029. Denmark market is estimated to be prominent in Nordics, by holding ~20% of the market value share, and is expected to remain prominent till 2029.
Commercial Sector – Key End-use Area of Wood Pellet Heating Systems
The Europe wood pellet heating systems market has been segmented on the basis of product, end use, and countries such as Germany, Italy, France, the U.K., Spain, Nordics, Benelux, Russia, and Rest of Europe.
On the basis of product, wood pellet stove is estimated to hold significant shares of the Europe wood pellet heating systems market in terms of value. By the end of 2029, sales of wood pellet boilers are likely to take over the stove variants.
By end use, the residential sector is projected to hold significant share of the Europe wood pellet heating systems market. Residential adoption of wood pellet heating systems is expected to be prominent across all countries, owing to the increasing inclination towards biomass heating systems, advanced technologies, and optimum efficiency of wood pellet heating systems over conventional systems. However, the usage in industrial sector, followed by commercial, is expected to grow at a high CAGR.
Wood Pellet Heating Systems Market: Vendor Insights
The report lists some of the prominent market players, who are recognized as leaders in the Europe wood pellet heating systems market. Some of the key players in the Europe wood pellet heating systems market are
Ferroli S.p.A., BioCurve, ÖkoFEN Research and Development Ges.mbH, Linea Trovata, HAAS + SOHN OFENTECHNIK GMBH, Erwin KOPPE – Ceramic Heaters GmbH, Fröling GmbH, Biotech Energietechnik GmbH, KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH, Gilles Energie- und Umwelttechnik GmbH & Co KG, Solarfocus GmbH, Windhager Zentralheizung GmbH, Guntamatic Heiztechnik GmbH, ETA Heiztechnik, HARGASSNER GmbH, and Burkhardt GmbH.
The Europe wood pellet heating systems market is considerably fairly fragmented with some players holding prominent shares of the market. These players are offering Wood pellet heating systems under several brands.
For More Information on this Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/europe-wood-pellet-heating-systems-market
Key Segments of Europe Wood Pellet Heating Systems Industry Survey
Europe Wood Pellet Heating Systems Market by Product:
Biomass Gasifiers
1- 10 kW
10- 50 kW
50 kW -200 kW
200 kW -500 kW
500 kW- 1,000 kW
1,000kW – 5,000kW
Europe Wood Pellet Heating Systems Market by End Use:
Residential Wood Pellet Heating Systems
Commercial Wood Pellet Heating Systems
Industrial Wood Pellet Heating Systems
Europe Wood Pellet Heating Systems Market by Country:
Germany Wood Pellet Heating Systems Market
Italy Wood Pellet Heating Systems Market
France Wood Pellet Heating Systems Market
U.K. Wood Pellet Heating Systems Market
Spain Wood Pellet Heating Systems Market
Nordics Wood Pellet Heating Systems Market
Benelux Wood Pellet Heating Systems Market
Russia Wood Pellet Heating Systems Market
Rest of Europe Wood Pellet Heating Systems Market
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How To Buy Perfect Smoker Pellets
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Did you choose the ideal smoker pellets, only to be let down by the performance after lighting it up for the first few times? Users frequently come to the conclusion that the type of pellets is more crucial than the style of grill after some pellet grilling experimentation. 
Here are some pointers on selecting the best pellets for the greatest outcomes.
Softwood or Hardwood
There has been much discussion over this, but hardwood prevails. For good reason, smoker pellets  are made entirely of hardwoods. Although hardwood has more steady burning rates and consequently more stable temperatures, softwood can nevertheless produce greater heat. The whole objective of smoking food is to produce a purer smoke flavour, and hardwood is renowned to deliver this.
Additional fillers or entirely flavoured wood
Many pellet companies use fillers to reduce the price of their goods. The maker of the pellets can reduce costs by adding oak or alder, but flavour is severely sacrificed in the process. The type of wood you want will have a stronger smoke taste if you use 100% flavoured hardwood. When purchasing, especially if the price appears too good to be true, use caution. Do your study because some pellet mixtures contain up to 80% fillers. 
Beginning with the flavour
It's crucial to start with the smoker pellets flavour since it will enhance the natural smokiness of your meat, which will change how your meat tastes when it's smoked.
For instance, according to experts, apple, alder, and pecan pellets pair well with poultry while oak, mesquite, and hickory go well with beef.
While you should choose maple, cherry, or apple for your vegetables, oak, mesquite, and alder are better choices for seafood.
Check for food grade
Make sure you are only cooking with food-grade pellets on your pellet grill. It's a common misconception among grillers that heating pellets—the wood pellets used in wood-burning stoves—will perform as well.
Many varieties of heating pellets are created from woods like pine or spruce that you wouldn't want to use for smoking. Your food's flavour will be ruined by these woods. Heating pellets may also contain binding agents that could taint the flavour of your meat and be made from wood goods like plywood or particle board.
In other words, there are no actual guidelines you can rely on when it comes to safe wood sources and binders as heating pellets are not made with food consumption in mind. This is not a problem if you use the wood to heat your house, but when it comes to food, you run the risk of losing more than just the flavour.
Smoker pellets are the simplest to use. Pellet smokers are extremely simple to use because they are thermostat-controlled, much like your kitchen stove.
You only need to select your favourite cooking temperature once; the smoker will take care of the rest.
And by "the remainder" we mean adding wood pellets to an integrated fire pot at various points throughout the cooking process to maintain a uniform temperature.
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filmnoirsbian · 4 years
top 5 birds?
I'm not really a bird person, like I don't know much about them, so this list is going to be based on my own personal bird experiences.
1. Great blue heron
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Because when I was a little girl living in a crumbling beat-up town, my big sister was walking me to school one morning. It was early spring but that didn't mean much in the south; my itchy polo shirt was already sticking to my back with sweat and I knew I was gonna get in trouble for it because the teacher had already yelled at me about showing up to class "dirty" earlier that week and I didn't know how to tell her that my mom washed our clothes in the bathtub every night, but that didn't seem to matter. My old, hand-me-down, age-gray "white" uniform shirts would be yellow with sweat before noon since we didn't have a car and it was a 30-minute walk to school. I was supposed to catch the bus but I'd missed it that morning, toeing at the mud puddle that was my bus stop, wondering if it was worth going home and getting the beating from my mom, or if I should just play hooky in the woods and pretend I was something other than a dirty little girl living in a dirty little neighborhood. But my sister was still home, and she said she'd walk me, we didn't have to tell our mom, don't worry about it. We were almost at the school parking lot when my sister tugged me to a stop and pointed. He was flying overhead, bigger than any bird I'd ever seen. Bigger than I'd known a flying bird could be. Before that moment, I hadn't thought beautiful things could live in my town.
2. Turkey vulture
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Because when my dad and I were driving down the unpaved mountain roads of New York state, crowds of them could be seen through the dirty Jeep windows, dotting the sides of the roads wherever car-struck deer had been left to rot, circling the gray skies where a cow had twisted its leg in a creek, or a fox had finally met its maker. They moved in slow circles like my phone in its futile search for a signal. Once, we found a vulture with its leg trapped in a bit of chicken wire that it had managed to drag into the middle of the road, but no farther, too weighed down to take off. My dad pulled over and hopped out of the car, approaching it slowly so as to minimize the startling. It panicked anyway, making its hoarse screams and flapping its wings threateningly. My dad had been flapped at by worse things, so he just waited for it to tire itself out. Finally, with his thick work gloves on, he reached out and, quick as you please, unhooked the vulture's foot. It took off like a missile, and dad threw the chicken wire in the car because it might prove useful yet.
3. American robin
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Because it was my grandfather's favorite bird. I don't remember much about him besides the way his mustache tickled when he kissed my hair, and the fact that you couldn't hear his Irish accent whenever he sang opera, and the painting of a robin that hung above his rolltop desk. The week that he died, my parents traveled south for the funeral and left me and my sister behind. They got the phone call in the morning. And in the afternoon, a red-breasted bird appeared outside my window. We didn't really get birds in my neighborhood--too many stray cats and mean boys with pellet guns--and they certainly never flew lower than the telephone lines. But there was a robin outside my window. He hopped around the sill and chirped up a song, his very own aria. I stood there and watched the whole time, not moving a muscle. When he finished, he bobbed his head up and down and then flew away. I never saw a robin at that house again.
4. Black-capped chickadee
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Because shortly after my sister's miscarriage I flew up to visit her at my parents' farm. We took a walk through the fields in the evening, the dog with his bad hip limping along ahead of us, crickets and thrushes scattering in our wake. There was a family of chickadees that lived in one of the trees near my parents' old farmhouse. I only knew they were chickadees because my mother had mentioned it, alongside blurry photos. She keeps a strict and detailed log of every creature that comes within a 20-foot radius of her home, like Noah's wife on the ark. And she likes to keep me appraised of that sort of thing. We can't talk about so many things, the valley of hurts laid between us. But we can talk about the farm. How their vegetable garden is doing. What sort of birds nest in their trees. So when we caught the dog nosing at a fallen nest, we knew what kind of bird it had belonged to. There was no way to know what had happened to the parents; whether a barn cat got to them, or they'd simply left. Two of the eggs were broken, but the third had no visible damage. My sister gently cupped it in her hands to bring inside. My father keeps heat lamps for his tomatoes. We brought the egg in and emptied a tiny planter and lined it with cotton rags. We placed the egg inside and under the warmth of its own tiny sun. My sister checked the egg's progress with the diligence of a new mother. After three days of no movement, my father held a flashlight to the side of the egg, a makeshift ultra sound. There was nothing inside. My sister turned her head, said "I figured," and left. I wondered then, and now, would it have been easier if she'd had something to bury?
5. Rock pigeon
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Because one of these flew into my sister's hair in a subway station one time and it was very funny.
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