#wooden single drawer unit
utterlyinevitable · 2 months
Where It Begins (27/?)
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27. New friends (who dis)
Pairing: Colin Bridgerton x Penelope Featherington   Format: textfic   Chapter Rating: T+
Summary: Halloween came and went, Colin drops in a few days before Christmas for his first stay since their new arrangement.
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It's silly really.
How her first thoughts when dressing up (picking out this dress and persona, really) were to look good for him. To show off. To fish for a compliment and maybe something more she knew she wouldn't be able to devote time to tonight. She's insane.
How every time she uses her spare room all she does is think about him. The single bed he picked out, and the chest of drawers and desk too. The cleverly jenga'd storage units stacked up against the wall. Her kitchen with cookery she hasn't used because they feel like his.
What's the most silly of all is how Penelope didn't think there would be any weirdness with them becoming pseudo-roommates. She didn't realize she'd become weird about it. A handful of things he's left behind in her space - his pots and pans in her kitchen, briefs and joggers stored in the spare room, his smartwatch charger kept in her bedside table on the side of the bed that's somehow become his.
If Penelope was a smarter, more dignified woman, she'd put rules in place for this new aspect of their benefits arrangement. But for now (like always) she'll take any bits of him she's allowed. She's not ready to let go of all the comfort he brings.
At least not this year.
Her friends call out to her from their spot in the dark and dinghy bar - Mel seizing her wrist and forcing her out of her thoughts and phone to her clutch and out onto the dance floor. The music is loud enough to drown her thoughts but not the laughter; she's sandwiched between loads of bodies with Mel and Alfie and Sophie, and she forgets all of her Colin Bridgerton woes for a few hours.
As she moves and shakes Alfie stares at her tits and it’s all the vindicated validation she was searching for.
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The pub is old. So old the owners don't feel the need to install proper lighting. It's dark and atmospheric, with sconces and faux gas lamps on the tables acting as the only real sources of light. Colin can't see where he's going let alone where Penelope is. He's heading downstairs to the cellar space when he hears her laugh - wind chimes to his ears and a compass to his feet.
"Hey," he smiles once he's close enough to spot her blonde bob.
"Colin!" Penelope starts to stand, arms out and ready for a hug, but forgets she's stuck in the middle of the booth. Neither of her friends seem to be moving out the way, so Colin shakes his head with a small smile just for her (she's bubbly and happy and so obviously tipsy, it's endearing as hell) and pulls a wooden chair up. There's well more than four empty glasses on the table.
The olive-skinned brunette eyes him up and down, so intently Colin isn't so sure he should have crashed their drinks sesh. "So you're the elusive roommate."
Roommate. Is that how she introduces him now? It's true, in a sense. Colin's not quite sure why that label feels off-kilter, why it leaves a bad taste in his mouth.
"We've heard so much about you!" the smiley blonde says. "Where are you coming back from this time?"
"Arizona. The Grand Canyon."
His eyes fall to Pen.
"Col, these are Melissa and Sophie." She points to the brunette to her right first, then the blonde to her left. "Mel works in marketing and we were in the same onboarding group, and Sophie is the EA to my manager."
The girls are cute and the comradery between them radiates. He catches every look between the girls, some of which he knows is their silent assessment of him.
Colin schools himself, any weirdness he feels needs to be pushed away for the time being, his signature charm takes over. "Pleasure to meet you, ladies. Can I get anyone a drink? Pen, another?"
"Please." She smiles and his heart loops and swirls.
(and later when he's pulling the duvet around the two of them in her bed she'll ask him what he thought of her friends. he'll tell her that he likes them and how sophie looks familiar and happy he is for her. he'll ask her is she's happy and she'll nod emphatically as she scoots in closer to his hold. she'll tell him she knows why he's here and that he didn't have to come visit but she's glad he did. colin can't shake the feeling that something is irrevocably changing.)
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Moment of true happiness: 6 Nov. Destiel Month
s9 au, human Cas, deancas ust
The apples piled in the big metal bowl made a fetching still life, their green and mottled red skins a mirror to the leaves on the maple trees Cas knew were lining the streets of Lebanon. He hated to peel away the vibrant, cheerful colors. The recipe didn't say anything about the skins being poisonous, or even annoying. He ignored the peeling edict. 
He also discovered, quickly, that he didn't enjoy cubing anything. Who wanted to eat a mouthful of little cubes? Surely the apples would be soft by the time they were being consumed, but cubes still didn't seem appealing. He cut the apples through their cores and then made thin, or thinner, wedges of them. He liked the look of that.
He did remember to turn on the oven around the time he was slicing a lemon in half. The bunker oven tick-tick-ticked at him, like a scolding teacher. The lemon squirted juice onto his face, rudely, as he tried to douse the apple slices to keep them from turning a sad, bruised hue. He wiped off his cheek and tossed the slices with his hands, which is how he realized he had a papercut on one knuckle. 
Cas hissed and went to rinse his stinging finger in the sink.
Next, sugar. The recipe called for white sugar. In the sugar canister, only a half a cup remained. He'd make up the rest with brown sugar. Or would he… The brown sugar he took from the large shelving unit near the door seemed to be a solid brick in a plastic bag. When he dropped it on the counter, it thumped strongly and a skillet hanging above the counter dove off the rack as if fleeing a bombing. Cas broke a large chunk of the brown sugar into the apple bowl and poked it repeatedly with a fork; the chunk somewhat came apart, looking a lot like a toppled sand castle.
The recipe said ginger, nutmeg, and allspice were essential ingredients. Cas found cinnamon and guessed a sprinkling or three would be acceptable. The recipe said to add a fourth of a teaspoon of salt. Cas threw in two pinches, which were probably close enough. He flopped in a little flour and then a little more for good measure; the bag said the flour had expired almost a year ago but he didn't smell anything strange or see any bugs. He stirred everything in the bowl with a large wooden spoon and ignored the trickle of sweat inching between his shoulder blades.
Taking one of the pre-made pie crusts out of its box and unfolding it into a glass pie plate was one of the most nerve wracking moments of Cas's long life. The softened crust drooped disconcertingly like the hide of an animal. He patted it down and shuddered. He scraped the apples into the crust, shook them into a single layer, and unfolded the second pie crust on top.
He would have to keep touching the unsettling dough if he wanted to, as the recipe recommended, "flute the edges prettily." He used a fork to smush the edges together and found the little lines the tines made pleasing.
Cas made three cuts in the top crust, right in the center like a star or – and he thought this was charming – a cross-section of an apple. He put the plate in the oven and set a timer for fifteen minutes, which was when a necklace of aluminum foil would need to be placed around the edge of the crust, ergo he had fifteen minutes to find the aluminum foil.
He let out a long, shaky breath of relief.
Ten minutes later, he was halfway to genuine grief: if there was aluminum foil in this cursed kitchen, he had yet to see it with his own eyes, and he'd rummaged through every bin, drawer, and shelf five times already. He was kneeling on the floor, scrabbling through a cabinet full of dubiously dinged-up Men of Letters era pots and pans and lab equipment, when Dean yelled, "Holy shit are you baking a pie?" and surprised Cas so badly Cas banged his head on the cabinet door.
"Fuck, sorry, man," Dean said at a normal volume as he dove down to join Cas on the floor. His palm was as cold as an ice cube as he placed it on Cas's forehead. His other hand gripped Cas at the shoulder and he was looking into Cas's face like he expected to find a gaping wound. 
"I think I'm all right," Cas said, sitting back on his heels. 
"Yeah, you're good; no bleeding." Dean gave him a sheepish grin and lowered his hands with what seemed like reluctance. "What're you looking for?"
Cas sighed. "Aluminum foil."
"Kevin or Sam might have the roll. They've been up to something they think can help us track Gadreel." Dean glanced up at the stove. "You're making pie though?" His eyes were amazingly green.
Cas ignored the clench of his heart and started to climb to his feet. Dean helped him up and stood very near, as though worried Cas's skull was more damaged than initially assumed. 
"I saw a recipe and thought it sounded simple enough." Cas hoped his face didn't look as warm as it felt. "I wanted to contribute to the household."
Dean's smile was like a kid's, genuine and full of light. "You already have been, but don't let me stop you from expanding your roster." He seemed happy to keep looking at Cas. "Next time, I want in on the action."
"Help me find the aluminum foil and you can help this time." Cas took a chance at not breaking eye contact, even though he wasn't quite sure why saying something innocuous felt…coy.
"Sure," Dean said easily and took Cas's hand, like leaving the kitchen's safety required a buddy system.
Maybe lots of things did. Cas let himself be pulled along; by the time they located the roll of foil on a library table beside two rabbit skulls and a vial of crushed banshee teeth, he was gratified to note that Dean's hand was much warmer than it had been earlier.
The pie turned out to be edible. Kevin, Sam, and Cas each ate one piece, and Dean ate three. Cas wondered if Dean would taste of spice and apple and hoped nothing of the wondering showed on his expression.
(Later, he conceded it must have. But being softly kissed by Dean was well worth the failure.)
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alheria · 1 year
Off Duty (one-shot)
Ghost's unit has been on a mandatory leave for a week now, and for the first time in the history of having time off, the lieutenant was actually enjoying it.
As always, he was planning on going to Manchester to crash in his flat if it was still there, order takeout, crack some beers in front of a telly and patiently wait until it's time to return to action where he truly belonged. The usual really, been through it dozens of times. However, as they were packing before their flight back to Europe, König, with unusually high level of confidence and burning determination in his prone to avoiding direct contact eyes, said something absolutely unexpected.
Come home with me.
And that's how Ghost ended up in Graz, a big, beautiful city in southeast Austria, because for some reason he couldn't say "no" to this fucking kid.
The why was somewhere beyond his comprehension. König didn't ask for much, he was rather the type to do things for others, but every damn time he was brave enough to express his needs, the lieutenant would go out of his way to make that happen. Because it felt right. Strange as well, that painless heaviness of his heart that appeared whenever the Austrian looked happy was something Ghost didn't mind, but honestly did not understand and often got freaked out by. So, as a strong problem-solver, he decided to ignore this one until further notice, too busy relaxing right now. Because surprisingly, König owned a really cosy, truly incredible place.
It was a three-bedroom apartment on a fourth floor of a very old looking, yellow coloured building near the city centre. Every room was unique, although similar, as if designed by a bunch of completely different people who all loved some form of art. The master bedroom had a heavy, antique bed in the middle, two equally ancient bedside tables with several leather-bound journals lying on them and a definitely haunted, massive wooden wardrobe. The rest was paintings. Every wall was fully covered in colourful oil paintings showcasing portraits, landscapes, flowers, just everything really. The guest bedroom was a library with a bed in it. Hundreds of old books piled up on the tall shelves, ones that didn't fit were put in stacks on the floor. The third was obviously a workspace of sorts: a large desk cluttered with music sheets, dirty easels leaning on the walls, a brown piano standing in the centre surrounded by various instrument cases, a single bed pushed under the window. Even the kitchen and the bathroom were not spared, tiles obviously hand painted, shelves filled with handmade utensils and most random of objects such as a life-sized, pitch black goat statue lurking from behind the fridge that scared the shit out of Ghost one night.
König said this chaotic, amazing space belonged to his grandfather, a man of several crafts: composer, painter, sculptor, writer. True artistic soul. As a child he used to spent here every summer, immerse himself in old man's creative projects, especially eagerly in the ones related to music. He learned to play piano, viola, cello and oboe before the grandfather died three days after his twelve birthday. The Austrian never spoke anything about his family other than "they're all dead or dead to me". It felt precious, hearing something so...personal from a person whose real name was still a great mystery. The Brit suspected he could find it somewhere in this madness, perhaps written on the back of one of the photographs piling in drawers. He wouldn't though. Betraying König's trust was absolutely out of the question. Ghost couldn't risk breaking them apart.
What didn't seem to be a valid possibility, basing on how comfortable the younger soldier was around him. The second they turned into "civilians", the lieutenant became a victim to unfamiliar clinginess, constantly touched or in some way held by his teammate, both at home and in public. Which was yet another slightly troubling, newly discovered element of their unlabeled relation. 
For the first time, the owner felt owned.
If that was not enough, Ghost could sense his hardcore masculinity fade away, soak into the vibrantly orange, squishy pillows of the couch he was splayed on under a heavy, green knitted blanket, as he waited for König to come back from the bathroom, so they can continue watching some outrageous reality show on the completely out of place flat TV. It looked utterly ridiculous, a shiny, brand-new piece of technology standing on an upside down wooden crate in the middle of a literal museum with a whole mural representing a peaceful village painted right behind it. But as the Austrian said: "sometimes I need my brain off and only trashy shows can do that for me", thus he had to buy it and ruin the mysterious atmosphere.
-Argh! It gets so cold in that stupid bathroom in winter! -exclaimed suddenly the younger man upon returning, rubbing his large palms together. -I'm freezing! -he complained, pulling up the blanket and swiftly sliding into the empty space between Ghost's spread legs, leaning into the warmth pleasantly radiating from the Brit's skin. After spending months in hot climate countries, it was rather challenging to tolerate European weather conditions of late January. König was glad he managed to bring his current personal heater back with him.
-You're such a baby. -huffed the lieutenant, instantly wrapping the muscular arms around his partner's chest, because secretly, he enjoyed holding him close. It was the only time Ghost felt König was truly safe in their dangerous world, shielded from the harsh, deadly reality and protected from any harm. 
At least for a short while. 
-Your baby. -he murmured, happily wriggling around to make himself more comfortable in the tight embrace before resuming the show, completely clueless how much his blissful joy meant to his overprotective teammate.
-One and only. -Ghost hummed, resting his chin on the soft hair, inhaling the comforting scent of flowery shampoo, absently gazing at the screen, lost in deep thoughts warning over and over that he shouldn't be here. That he's becoming weak.
Those intrusive thoughts weren't even wrong. Recently, deep cracks appeared in his inhuman mask, possibly caused by the unexpected attachment to the scary on the outside, gentle on the inside Austrian soldier. And as day by day the bond grew in strength, the fractures kept spreading, threatening to break the once solid cover and reveal the person hiding behind it. 
Make his biggest fear come true.
But even though Ghost was scared of getting exposed, not for a second he considered retreat. Returning to familiar seclusion, distancing himself from the strange, new feelings would surely solve the problem, although somehow, the sole idea of leaving König behind made him sick to his stomach, unreasonably nervous and...miserable. How could he ever abandon this beautiful, fragile, warm ray of sunshine? 
He would rather fucking die.
-König, once we're back, I need you to be extra careful. Promise me you will be careful. I can't have anything happen to you. -Ghost blurted out of the blue, surprising both himself and the other man. His hold tightened unconsciously as this pathetic proof of utter vulnerability escaped his lips.
-What are you talking about? -the Austrian asked slightly confused, tilting his head up to send the Brit a questioning look.
-Promise me. -demanded the lieutenant, his gaze dark, dead serious. He already started the subject, could as well end it properly instead of brushing it off like he tended to whenever he said something weird.
-Gee, I promise. -König rolled his unamused eyes, completely unfazed by the sudden atmosphere change, already well-used to Ghost's frequent mood swings. -Nothing is gonna happen to me anyway, you've been watching me like a hawk ever since we started dating.
Since they what?
-Wait. You think we're dating? -he frowned. Never once they spoke about their relation in any concrete terms, there was no need. Maybe they were having sex and often spend time together, but...a relationship? Doesn't it require having fee...oh...dammit. 
-Surely feels like we are. -the Austrian replied nonchalantly. -You told me I belong to you, I am not allowed to fuck with anyone else and if this...-gestured at the two of them snuggling under one blanket-...is not what boyfriends do, then I have no idea what to call our status. Do you have a better name for it? -he wondered, casually averting his eyes back towards the TV, leaving his partner absolutely speechless. 
Of course he fucking didn't.
After all, he's never been in a romantic relationship before.
-I am...no good at it. -Ghost whispered, burying his nose in the fragrant strands. -I don't date.
-Huh? Does it mean I am free to do whatever I want? Flirt with other men? Fuck whoever I want, whenever I want? -questioned König, so calmly as if he already knew the answer, not a hint of hesitation or worry in his steady voice. He didn't even look at Ghost, that's how confident he was he would not get rejected. There was no doubt in his mind they were an actual, perhaps a little different, couple. No doubt.
-I would kill you. -he quietly answered, affectionately rubbing his cheek on the soldier's head, trying to not think about his precious possession being violated by another, curled up in someone else's arms, adoring some complete stranger. Unacceptable.
At those alarming words, with a heavy sigh, the Austrian pushed himself away and rotated towards his partner. The blanket fell off his broad back when he knelt and reached forward to squeeze the surprised man's shoulders.
-Then you have to make up your mind, Ghost. -he said, gazing coldly at the lieutenant as he towered over him, his voice firm, demanding even. -What. Am I. To you?
It was a very simple question with a very simple answer.
-Everything. -Ghost replied, tenderly cupping König's cheek. -You're everything I need.
Something flickered in the younger soldier's darkened eyes, a mischievous glimmer that quickly turned into raging fire. Which could only mean one thing...
-Prove it. -he smirked, wrapping his arms around the back of the Brit's neck, lowering himself onto his wide chest and suggestively rubbing their hips together.
-Don't get ahead of yourself, soldier. -the older man growled, sliding his hands under König's oversized hoodie that didn't belong to him. A small grin rose on his face when he heard a barely audible moan as he began to caress the warm, sensitive skin. -Or I'll be forced to remind you your place. -added, painfully pinching his side. The soldier gasped in shock, but the playful smile returned promptly.
-Please do. -he agreed, leaning down to press a short, sweet peck to Ghost's lips, who in response only deepened the kiss, pulled his lover impossibly closer, so close he struggled to breathe properly under the overwhelming weight of the tall, athletic body. He didn't mind. It was exactly what he always wanted - a large, scary, submissive guy to play with.
König ticked all those boxes.
In addition, was so beautifully responsive, gently thrusting into lieutenant's growing erection as the two tongues danced lazily, entangled inside their hot mouths. Ghost moved his palm down to that perfectly round ass, slowly kneaded the soft flesh through the thin sweatpants material, while the other hand resumed its previous course along the arching spine. The hardening shafts easily found the sweet spot in this familiar position, delicate friction generated sparkles of pleasure, increased the temperature of their already overheating bodies.
-Take it off. -huffed the Austrian tugging on Ghost's hoodie, his fingers sneaking under the clothing, seeking direct contact. The older man snorted but complied, struggling in the limited space as his lover refused to move, he got rid of the interfering sweatshirt and threw it on the floor.
-Happy now? -asked the lieutenant, watching König drag his fingertips along the defined chest muscles, circle around the stiffening under featherlight touch nipples. Tenderness was something he learned to enjoy only recently when they started sleeping together, previously repulsed by it, interested only in fast, rough sex, he now leaned into it shamelessly, letting himself soak in the arousal.
-Not yet. -he hummed, sliding his palm down, through the large pecs and strong abdomen, all the way to the obvious bulge in loose pants he fondled briefly, sending a vibrating shiver down Ghost's spine. He then threw one long leg over the wide hips and sat on the hard stomach, grazing that needy penis with his ass. -Don't touch. Watch. -ordered, with a teasing grin swiftly pulling the layers down, revealing the thick thighs and a fat, veiny dick twitching upwards in anticipation.
What a sight.
König looked like a fucking snack, eyes foggy, swollen lips parted, allowing quiet groans to escape them as his hand, firmly closed on the leaking erection, began to masturbate right in front of Ghost's tense face. It was hell of a challenge to stay still, observe the erotic act while his forgotten cock begged to be noticed, barely brushed whenever the Austrian withdrew before thrusting back into the fist, accompanied by now louder groans reflecting the rising arousal. Not breaking the intense eye contact or pausing the hand movements, he reached to the side table where a small bottle laid, discarded after last night. The lieutenant jerked when the cold liquid poured onto his steaming chest, pooled between distinct abs lines. He didn't even manage to ask what the fuck was this about. König instantly scooped some of it with his fingers that shortly migrated towards the back, pressed the needy, still nicely stretched hole, easily sneaked inside it to prepare for the beefy penis. The high-pitched moan that followed almost sent Ghost to an early grave.
-Babe. -he growled, his voice low, a starved purr. The younger man smirked, still pleasuring himself from both sides, two slick fingers pounded him eagerly while the hand slid on the hard shaft, making the Brit so, fucking, jealous. And so, damn, itchy. His dick impossibly strained, confined by the damp underwear, in desperate need to get some action. To fuck that slutty ass.
-Hmm? Is someone feeling neglected? -König guessed correctly, shifting his weight to put pressure on Ghost's twitching boner, twerking the hips to further tease the oversensitive flesh, forcing out a deep groan. He then took the fingers out, slowly lowered himself onto the man's hot, sticky chest, his erection pleasantly coated itself in the lube when their bodies collided, and blinded with arousal, whispered right into his lover's ear:
-I'm feeling kind of empty.
In a blink of an eye, like in some trance, the lieutenant violently pulled his cock out and slammed into the Austrian's hole, to the very bottom, nearly making him choke in surprise. Not giving him a second to breathe, he began roughly thrusting into those amazing, warm insides effortlessly swallowing him whole. König instinctively lifted his bottom to make more space, safely wrapped around Ghost's neck, rested a cheek on his head, feeling the ability to think fade away. When large hands arched his back inward, the leaking tip started rubbing the smooth stomach with each powerful push, sending ecstatic waves through his whole, shaking body.
-A...a little to the left. -he whined, needing the rushing cock to fully rub the pulsating prostate, not only graze it sporadically. The older man immediately adjusted the trajectory, now hitting that sweet spot with each thrust. 
-Like that, baby? -confirmed, pressing a kiss to König covered collarbone. He must have been burning, bent in such an exhausting position while dressed in warm clothing, but didn't seem to mind, busy chasing the evidently incoming orgasm. Ghost sneaked his palm under, seeking skin to skin contact and indeed, it was crazy hot, sweating profoundly too.
-Mhm. Faster. -mumbled the Austrian, with his eyes closed and nose comfortably burrowed in soft hair, beginning to go numb from the immense pleasure coming from every direction, patiently waiting to cross the edge he was already extremely close to.
And then it all fucking stopped.
-Aren't you awfully demanding today? -Ghost asked, fully submerged holding the younger man's ass firmly pressed down, preventing him from moving. A dark grin appeared on his face when König rapidly pulled away, completely shocked and utterly confused, his foggy eyes tearing up fast.
-What? No! Please! -he cried out, clawing onto his partner's shoulders in clear distress. -I'm sorry! Don't stop! So sorry!
Ghost smiled at that pathetic act of desperation. He cupped the soldier's blushed cheek, caressed it fondly as the man trembled violently from pure frustration, shedding silent tears.
-Good boy. -hummed the Brit, letting go of the impatient body. -Ride me.
König didn't need to hear no more. Supporting himself with both hands flat on the muscular stomach, he hesitantly started raising up and down, increasing the speed upon the arousal's blissful return. Moans came back as well, fueled by the strength of a building orgasm that, once interrupted, began rolling faster on the second approach. Ghost felt it too, watching his painfully hard penis disappear between his lover's trembling legs, all he wanted was to slam deep into that lovely ass and properly fill it up, coat those silky, fiercely contracting insides in his sperm. Close to crossing the line, he grabbed König's jumping, wet dick, making him whine loudly as he jerked it very, very slowly in contrary to the rushed, erratic thrusts.
-Come for me baby. -he ordered, simultaneously tightening the grip and shooting his own hips up to fully bottom down. Came instantly, with the first spasm of the Austrian's body, whose cock spilled heavily over the closed fist as his hole got thoroughly pumped. The lieutenant, blinded by his own orgasm, reached towards the euphorically shaking man, pulled him into a tight embrace, held close until their senses made reappearance, hearts stopped beating like crazy, minds regained some composure.
Through the still cloudy eyes, Ghost looked at his lover peacefully resting in his arms, smiling weakly, lulled to sleep by immense joy mixed with absolute exhaustion. Adorable, he thought, gently tucking loose, sweaty strands behind the dozing off soldier's blushed ear.
-Sooo...am I allowed to call you my boyfriend from now on? -König murmured, nudging the Brit's neck as he shifted into a more comfortable position, even though rather soon they had to get up and shower. 
-Whatever makes you happy. -Ghost sighed, pressing a tender kiss to his warm forehead. 
For you, I'd burn the world if you only asked me to.
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Things to Consider When Designing a Wardrobe
Designing a wardrobe is more than just picking out a few shelves and hangers. It’s about creating a space that’s functional, stylish, and perfectly tailored to your needs. Whether you’re renovating an existing wardrobe or designing a new wardrobe from scratch, there are several key factors to consider to ensure that your wardrobe serves you well for years to come.
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Here’s a guide to help you navigate the best wardrobe design process and make informed decisions.
Assess Your Storage Needs
The first step in designing a wardrobe is to assess your storage needs. Take a stock of what you currently have and what you’ll need to store in the future. Consider the types of clothing and accessories you own, including:
– Hanging Clothes: Do you have a lot of dresses, coats, or suits that need hanging space?
– Folded Items: How much space do you need for sweaters, jeans, and other folded clothing?
– Accessories: Do you need compartments for shoes, jewelry, belts, or handbags?
– Special Items: Are there items like hats, scarves, or seasonal clothing that require special storage?
By understanding your storage needs, you can design a wardrobe that maximizes space and keeps everything organized.
Determine the Layout and Configuration
The layout and configuration of your wardrobe are crucial for both functionality and aesthetics. Consider the following options:
– Hanging Rods: Install rods at various heights to accommodate different types of clothing. Double rods can help maximize vertical space, while single rods may be used for longer items like coats and dresses.
– Shelving: Adjustable shelves offer flexibility for storing folded items and accessories. Consider including shelves above hanging rods for additional storage.
– Drawers: Drawers are essential for storing smaller items like socks, underwear, and accessories. Soft-close mechanisms and dividers can enhance their functionality.
– Built-in Units: Custom-built units can be tailored to your specific needs and space, offering a seamless look and maximizing every inch of available space.
Choose the Right Materials and Finishes
The materials and finishes you choose for your wardrobe will impact its durability, style, and maintenance. Here are some options to consider:
– Wood: Wooden wardrobes offer a classic and timeless look. They come in various finishes, from natural wood to painted options. Ensure the wood is treated for durability and resistance to wear and tear.
– Laminate: Laminate is a cost-effective alternative that can mimic the appearance of wood. It’s easy to clean and comes in a range of colors and patterns.
– Glass: Glass panels or doors can add a modern touch and help to visually expand a small space. Frosted or tinted glass can offer privacy while still allowing visibility.
– Metal: Metal finishes, such as brushed stainless steel, can provide a sleek, contemporary look. They are durable and easy to clean, making them ideal for modern designs.
Consider Lighting
Lighting is often an overlooked aspect of wardrobe design, but it’s essential for both functionality and ambiance. Proper lighting helps you see your clothing clearly and enhances the overall look of your wardrobe. Consider the following options:
– Integrated Lighting: Install LED lights within the wardrobe to illuminate shelves and hanging areas. Motion-sensor lights can automatically turn on when the wardrobe doors are opened.
– Spotlights: Use spotlights to highlight specific areas, such as shelves or drawers, making it easier to find items.
– Ambient Lighting: Consider adding ambient lighting to create a pleasant atmosphere and make the wardrobe feel more inviting.
Plan for Accessibility and Flow
A well-designed wardrobe should be easy to access and navigate. Think about the flow of movement within the space:
– Door Style: Choose between hinged, sliding, or bi-fold doors based on your space constraints and personal preferences. Sliding doors are ideal for smaller rooms, while hinged doors offer a classic look.
– Accessibility: Ensure that frequently used items are easily accessible. Position high shelves or deep drawers in a way that doesn’t require you to stretch or bend excessively.
– Workflow: Design the wardrobe layout to support a smooth workflow. Arrange items logically, such as placing everyday clothing at eye level and seasonal items higher or lower.
Incorporate Personal Touches
Personal touches can make your wardrobe not only functional but also a reflection of your style. Consider incorporating:
– Color and Patterns: Choose colors and patterns that complement the rest of your room’s décor. Neutral tones offer versatility, while bold colors can add a pop of personality.
– Custom Details: Add custom features like built-in seating, a vanity mirror, or dedicated sections for accessories to enhance both functionality and comfort.
Budget and Professional Help
Finally, establish a budget for your wardrobe project and consider seeking professional help if needed. Custom wardrobes can vary greatly in cost, so it’s essential to balance your desires with your budget. Hiring a professional designer or contractor can ensure that your wardrobe is designed and installed correctly, maximizing both space and functionality.
Lecco Cucina: Your Partner in Wardrobe Design
At Lecco Cucina, we understand that a well-designed wardrobe is essential to creating a functional and stylish home. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing personalized solutions that cater to your unique needs and preferences. Whether you’re looking for a custom-built wardrobe or seeking advice on optimizing your existing space, Lecco Cucina, the best wardrobe designers in Bangalore offers a range of high-quality options and professional guidance.
Visit our Experience centres today to explore our wardrobe design solutions and discover how we can help you create the perfect storage space for your home. With Lecco Cucina, you can achieve a wardrobe that not only meets your needs but also enhances the beauty and functionality of your living space.
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falisha-enterprises · 1 month
Maximize Your Kitchen Efficiency with These Top Spice Boxes 
A well-organized kitchen is the cornerstone of efficient meal preparation, and one of the key elements in achieving this is having a reliable spice storage solution. Spice boxes are more than just functional items; they blend practicality with style, making them essential for any kitchen. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of using spice boxes, delve into the top options available, and highlight the artistry behind Pakistani spice boxes.
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The Importance of a Spice Box
Spice boxes, or masala dabbas, are an integral part of any well-organized kitchen. They offer numerous advantages that go beyond mere storage:
A spice box keeps your spices neatly arranged and easily accessible. Instead of fumbling through a cluttered cabinet or drawer, you can simply open your spice box and find the exact spice you need.
Proper storage in a spice box helps maintain the freshness and potency of your spices. Many spice boxes come with airtight compartments that prevent moisture and air from compromising the quality of your spices.
Space Efficiency
Spice boxes help maximize kitchen space by consolidating multiple jars or containers into a single, compact unit. This efficient use of space is particularly beneficial in smaller kitchens.
Aesthetic Appeal
In addition to their practical benefits, spice boxes can also enhance the visual appeal of your kitchen. Many designs incorporate intricate carvings and decorative elements that add a touch of elegance to your kitchen decor.
Top Features to Look for in a Spice Box
When selecting a spice box for your kitchen, consider the following features to ensure you choose one that meets your needs:
Spice boxes are available in various materials, including wood, metal, and glass. Each material has its benefits:
Wood: Offers a classic, timeless look and is durable. Wooden spice boxes can be intricately carved, adding a decorative touch to your kitchen.
Metal: Often more modern and sleek, metal spice boxes are durable and easy to clean. They are also less prone to absorbing odors.
Glass: Provides a clear view of the spices inside, making it easy to see what you have. However, glass boxes are more fragile and can be prone to breakage.
Number of Compartments
The number of compartments in a spice box determines how many different spices you can store. Options vary from simple single-compartment boxes to elaborate designs with multiple sections. Choose a spice box that suits the number of spices you use regularly.
Design and Aesthetics
Spice boxes come in a range of designs, from traditional to contemporary. Look for a design that complements your kitchen decor. Intricate carvings and inlay work can add a touch of elegance, while minimalist designs may suit modern kitchens.
Ease of Use
Consider how easy it is to access the spices. Some spice boxes come with removable compartments or easy-to-open lids, which make retrieving spices more convenient.
Top Spice Boxes for Your Kitchen
Here are some highly recommended spice boxes that combine functionality with style:
1. Traditional Wooden Spice Box
A classic choice for many kitchens, the traditional wooden spice box often features intricate carvings and multiple compartments. These spice boxes are not only practical but also add a touch of heritage to your kitchen. The natural wood finish and detailed carvings make them a centerpiece in any kitchen.
2. Modern Metal Spice Box
For a sleek and contemporary look, a metal spice box is ideal. These spice boxes often come with a polished finish and are designed to be both stylish and functional. They are easy to clean and maintain, making them a practical choice for busy kitchens.
3. Glass Spice Box with Removable Compartments
A glass spice box with removable compartments offers both style and convenience. The transparent design allows you to see the contents at a glance, while the removable compartments make it easy to access and refill spices.
4. Carved Wooden Spice Box
One of the standout options is the spice container with carving work and 12 movable boxes. This spice box combines traditional craftsmanship with modern functionality. The intricate carvings add an artistic touch, while the 12 movable boxes provide ample storage for a variety of spices.
The Artistry of Pakistani Spice Boxes
Pakistani spice boxes are renowned for their craftsmanship and artistic design. They often feature intricate carvings and designs that reflect the rich cultural heritage of the region. The attention to detail in these spice boxes showcases the skill and artistry of Pakistani Handicrafts.
Intricate Carvings
Pakistani spice boxes are often adorned with detailed carvings that can include floral patterns, geometric shapes, and traditional motifs. These carvings are meticulously handcrafted, adding a unique and personal touch to each piece.
Traditional Techniques
The crafting of Pakistani spice boxes involves traditional techniques passed down through generations. Artisans use hand tools and time-honored methods to create these beautiful and functional pieces, preserving the cultural heritage of the region.
Quality Craftsmanship
The quality of craftsmanship in Pakistani spice boxes is evident in every detail. From the smooth finish of the wood to the precision of the carvings, each spice box is a testament to the skill and dedication of its maker.
Choosing the Right Spice Box
When selecting a spice box, consider both functionality and aesthetics. Choose a spice box that fits your kitchen’s style and meets your storage needs. The spice container with carving work is an excellent choice for those looking for a blend of practicality and artistic design.
A well-chosen spice box can greatly enhance your kitchen’s efficiency and aesthetic appeal. By considering factors such as material, number of compartments, and design, you can find the perfect spice box to suit your needs. Pakistani spice boxes, with their intricate carvings and quality craftsmanship, offer a beautiful and functional solution for organizing your spices. Explore the selection at Crafts Emporium to find a spice box that combines traditional artistry with modern functionality, and elevate your kitchen organization today. For more information on Pakistani Handicrafts, visit Crafts Emporium and discover the finest in traditional craftsmanship.
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vmsplusblog · 2 months
Open Kitchen and Living Room Design | VMS Plus
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In the last few years, you can notice that modern spaces have changed due to the quickly evolving lifestyles of so many people. The new tendency in this change is the concept of an open-plan kitchen with a living room. The basic idea is to create an interruption-free atmosphere, free of the silos, and make a chance to be in both rooms — open kitchen and living room design space simultaneously. Even with the arrival of the worldwide pandemic, which forced people to stay indoors, cooking is no longer a gender-based role. Men and women alike cook at their convenience.
Read this article till the end to check out some fantastic ways to get on board with this stylish trend:
Involvedly Useful Room Dividers
Those days are gone when we had to serve with just simple screens as separators for the room. Dividers of the Room can be an intricate bookshelf that counts as a folding kitchen table’s counter. It permits the best utility of a single furniture piece for kitchen design ideas. As the situation demands, you can adjust the unitality and space for the entire unit.
The dining table is the attraction for the space
It is perfect for those who love to host guests and cook simultaneously. This kind of setup helps you cook and socialize with your guests at the same time. Now, what is the setup we are talking about? Let’s get into detail: Mainly, dining tables fit perfectly with L and I shaped Kitchen Design Ideas. In this kind of setup, necessary kitchen elements, like the sink, hob, drawers for regular storage, etc., are already in position, and there is open space remaining for just this one graceful addition. Even though wooden tables are considered timeless, quartz countertops are also quite fashionable these days. Even though wood is considered solid and maintenance-free, it offers a unique personality to the centre table of your open Living space kitchen.
Island Open Kitchen Living Room Ideas for the perfect balance of functionality and style
As an allowance for the earlier idea, the island kitchen is an instrumental piece. It can be made very functional by mixing all the essential parts of a kitchen in a single compacted unit. You can add more elements like the induction counter, sink, multiple drawers for proper kitchen storage, etc. in your island counter according to your taste and sensibilities. An attractive and simple addition of elegant bar stools or high-stand chairs turns the kitchen countertop into a classy dining area.
Here are some other things that you should remember to make your open kitchen and living room a masterpiece:
Use Repeat Materials With Best Kitchen Tricks And Tips
Repeating materials throughout the living room and kitchen will help connect the two areas. Use these room divider design ideas by selecting and utilizing one material in several ways.
This includes natural wood in the open area, the type of cabinets in the kitchen space, and ceiling shafts in the living area. Before proceeding, you should carefully evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of an Open Kitchen Living Room Design.
Choose a Perfect Colour Scheme
An organised colour scheme keeps a visually attractive space and naturally assists in connecting the living area and kitchen. To avoid a dull and flat look, use shades of similar colours and combine many textured finishes and design touches for a fascinating layered appearance.
Utilize Special Artwork
Check wall decoration for a simple and effective way to make a common attraction and tie open kitchen decorating ideas together. Pay special attention to scale and use artwork that suits a large area, as you must remember your drawing room and kitchen are visible simultaneously. So the design should be such that it doesn’t hurt the eyes of the onlookers but seems pleasing and soothing to the eyes.
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beds-divans · 6 months
Exploring the World of Divan Beds in the UK
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In the realm of bedroom furniture, divan beds have secured a special place for themselves. Offering both functionality and style, divan beds have become a preferred choice for many households across the United Kingdom. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the world of divan beds in the UK, exploring their features, benefits, and why they have become a staple in modern bedrooms.
Understanding Divan Beds
Divan beds are a type of bed base that consists of a sturdy wooden frame covered in fabric. Unlike traditional bed frames, divan beds are often upholstered, giving them a sleek and contemporary look. These beds typically come with built-in storage options, such as drawers or ottoman-style lifting mechanisms, making them an ideal choice for maximizing space in smaller bedrooms.
The Benefits of Divan Beds
1. Versatility
One of the primary advantages of divan beds is their versatility. With a wide range of styles, sizes, and storage options available, divan beds can cater to various preferences and requirements. Whether you're looking for a compact single bed for a child's room or a luxurious king-size bed for your master suite, there's a divan bed to suit every need.
2. Storage Solutions
In today's homes where space is often at a premium, divan beds with built-in storage offer a practical solution. The under-bed storage drawers or ottoman-style compartments provide valuable space for stowing away extra bedding, clothing, or other items, helping to keep your bedroom neat and organized.
3. Comfort and Support
Another compelling reason to choose a divan bed is the comfort and support it provides. The sturdy base of a divan bed offers excellent support for your mattress, ensuring a restful night's sleep. Additionally, many divan beds come with options for sprung bases or pocket-sprung mattresses, further enhancing comfort and reducing pressure points.
4. Style and Aesthetics
Beyond their practical benefits, divan beds also add a touch of style and elegance to any bedroom. Available in a wide range of fabric choices, from luxurious velvet to contemporary linen, divan beds can complement any interior décor scheme. Whether you prefer a minimalist Scandinavian look or a more opulent and luxurious vibe, there's a divan bed to match your aesthetic preferences.
Choosing the Right Divan Bed for You
When selecting a divan bed, there are several factors to consider to ensure you find the perfect match for your needs.
1. Size
Consider the size of your bedroom and how much space you have available for your divan bed. Measure the room carefully to determine whether a single, double, king, or super king-size bed would be the best fit.
2. Storage Options
Think about your storage needs and preferences. Do you require extra drawers for clothing or bedding, or would you prefer the convenience of an ottoman-style storage compartment? Choose a divan bed with storage options that align with your requirements.
3. Mattress Support
Pay attention to the type of mattress support offered by the divan bed base. Options range from traditional sprung bases to more advanced pocket-sprung designs, each offering different levels of support and comfort.
4. Design and Fabric
Select a divan bed design and fabric that complements your bedroom décor and personal style. Consider factors such as color, texture, and upholstery materials to ensure your bed enhances the overall look of your room.
In conclusion, divan beds have established themselves as a popular choice for modern bedrooms in the UK, thanks to their versatility, functionality, and stylish design. Whether you're seeking extra storage space, superior comfort, or a stylish addition to your bedroom, a divan bed offers the perfect solution. With a wide range of options available to suit every taste and budget, finding the ideal divan bed for your home has never been easier.
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Closet Clearance: Finding the Perfect Wardrobes for Sale in Wolverhampton
In the vibrant city of Wolverhampton, the quest for the perfect wardrobe becomes an exciting journey through a myriad of options. Wardrobes for sale in Wolverhampton offer a diverse range of styles, sizes, and features, making it essential to navigate this maze with clarity and purpose. Whether you seek a classic design, modern functionality, or a fusion of both, the options are abundant. Let's embark on a journey of closet clearance to uncover the key elements that define the perfect wardrobe for sale in Wolverhampton.
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Diverse Designs: From Classic Elegance to Contemporary Chic
One of the first considerations when exploring wardrobes for sale in Wolverhampton is the design aesthetic. The city's offerings span the spectrum, catering to diverse tastes and interior styles. For those who appreciate timeless elegance, classic wardrobe designs with intricate detailing and rich finishes are readily available. On the other end of the spectrum, contemporary chic options boast sleek lines, minimalist features, and a palette of modern materials. Wolverhampton's wardrobe market ensures that every individual can find a design that harmonizes with their personal style and complements their living space.
Size Matters: Choosing the Right Dimensions
Before diving into the sea of wardrobes for sale, it's crucial to assess the available space in your room. Wolverhampton's wardrobe market accommodates various dimensions, from compact units suitable for cozy apartments to expansive wardrobes ideal for spacious bedrooms. Consider the height, width, and depth of the wardrobe to ensure it fits seamlessly into your room without overpowering or underutilizing the available space. Size considerations also extend to the internal layout, with options for single and double hanging rails, shelves, and drawers to cater to individual storage needs.
Material Matters: Selecting Quality and Aesthetics
Wardrobes for sale in Wolverhampton present an array of materials, each contributing to the overall quality and aesthetics of the furniture. Traditional wooden wardrobes exude warmth and timeless appeal, while modern alternatives feature materials like metal, glass, and mirrored surfaces, adding a contemporary flair. The choice of material not only impacts the visual appeal but also influences the wardrobe's durability and maintenance requirements. Wolverhampton's diverse market ensures that individuals can find wardrobes crafted from materials that resonate with their preferences and lifestyle.
Functionality Features: Beyond the Basics
The perfect wardrobe is not merely a piece of furniture; it's a functional storage solution that enhances everyday living. Wolverhampton's wardrobes for sale boast an array of functionality features that go beyond the basics. Look for wardrobes with adjustable shelving to accommodate items of varying heights, integrated drawers for organized storage, and built-in mirrors for added convenience. Some wardrobes even come equipped with advanced features like LED lighting, sensor-activated mechanisms, and smart storage solutions. Assessing the functionality features ensures that your wardrobe not only looks good but also serves its practical purpose efficiently.
Budget Considerations: Finding Value for Money
As you navigate the options for wardrobes for sale in Wolverhampton, it's essential to establish a budget range that aligns with your financial considerations. The market caters to a broad spectrum of budgets, offering both affordable and high-end options. While it's tempting to focus solely on price, it's equally important to consider the value for money. Evaluate the quality of materials, craftsmanship, and features offered in relation to the price to ensure that your chosen wardrobe provides a satisfactory balance between affordability and durability.
Shopping Smart: Researching and Comparing
The abundance of wardrobes for sale in Wolverhampton necessitates a smart approach to shopping. Conduct thorough research on available options, read customer reviews, and compare prices and features across different sellers. Visiting showrooms, if possible, allows you to physically assess the quality and design of the wardrobes. Additionally, take advantage of online platforms where you can find a wide range of options, compare prices, and access customer feedback. Shopping smart ensures that you make an informed decision and find the perfect wardrobe that meets your requirements.
Conclusion: Tailoring Your Wardrobe Journey
In the pursuit of the perfect wardrobe for sale in Wolverhampton, it's evident that the journey involves tailoring choices to individual preferences and practical needs. Whether you prioritize classic designs, modern functionality, or a combination of both, Wolverhampton's diverse market ensures that your ideal wardrobe is waiting to be discovered. As you navigate the maze of options, consider the design aesthetics, size, material, functionality features, budget, and conduct thorough research. Closet clearance in Wolverhampton is not just about finding a piece of furniture; it's about curating a storage solution that aligns seamlessly with your lifestyle and transforms your space into a haven of organized elegance.
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interiorsstudioblog · 9 months
Wardrobe with Bed Design: Combining Style and Functionality
Are you tired of cluttered bedrooms? Do you dream of a perfectly organized and stylish space? Look no further than a wardrobe with bed design! This innovative furniture piece seamlessly combines a comfortable bed and ample storage, providing the best of both worlds. In this article, we will explore the benefits and design options of a wardrobe with bed, offering you unique insights into maximizing your bedroom space.
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The All-in-One Solution: A Wardrobe with Bed Design
What is a Wardrobe with Bed Design?
A wardrobe with bed design is a multifunctional furniture piece that integrates a bed frame and storage compartments, typically in the form of wardrobes or drawers, into one cohesive unit. It eliminates the need for separate furniture pieces, making it an ideal space-saving solution for smaller bedrooms or studio apartments.
Maximizing Bedroom Space
A wardrobe with bed design is the perfect solution for optimizing limited bedroom space. By combining the bed and storage units into a single furniture piece, you can free up valuable floor space, creating a more spacious and organized environment. Whether you live in a compact city apartment or simply crave a clutter-free bedroom, a wardrobe with bed design offers the perfect balance between style and functionality.
Customization Options
One of the most significant advantages of a wardrobe with bed design is the wide range of customization options available. From sleek and modern designs to rustic and traditional aesthetics, you can find a wardrobe with bed design that perfectly complements your personal style and interior decor. Additionally, these furniture pieces often come in various sizes and configurations, allowing you to choose the ideal combination of storage units and bed size to suit your needs.
Choosing the Perfect Wardrobe with Bed Design
When selecting a wardrobe with bed design, it's important to consider your specific requirements and preferences. Here are a few factors to keep in mind:
Storage Capacity
Evaluate the storage capacity offered by different wardrobe with bed designs. Consider your wardrobe needs - do you have a vast collection of clothing, accessories, or other personal items? Opt for a design that provides ample storage space to accommodate your belongings without compromising on functionality.
Bed Size and Comfort
The bed component of a wardrobe with bed design comes in various sizes, ranging from single to king size. Assess your sleeping preferences and the available space in your bedroom to choose the most appropriate bed size. Additionally, ensure that the integrated bed is comfortable and offers the necessary support for a good night's sleep.
Aesthetics and Material
Take into account the overall aesthetics and materials used in the wardrobe with bed design. Consider the existing decor of your bedroom and choose a design that seamlessly blends in with the surroundings. Whether you prefer the warmth of wooden finishes or the sleekness of modern materials, there is a wardrobe with bed design to match every style.
A wardrobe with bed design truly revolutionizes the way we approach bedroom furniture. By combining a comfortable bed with ample storage space, these innovative furniture pieces offer a practical and stylish solution for optimizing small bedrooms. With a plethora of customization options available, you can choose the perfect wardrobe with bed design that reflects your personal style and caters to your unique storage needs. Say goodbye to cluttered spaces and embrace the convenience and elegance of a wardrobe with bed design for your bedroom.
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zefurn · 1 year
Upgrade Your Bedroom with ZeFurn's Affordable Wardrobes
A wardrobe is an essential piece of furniture in any home, providing much-needed storage space for clothes, shoes, and other items. If you're looking for a new wardrobe, ZeFurn has a wide range of options to choose from. Whether you need a small wardrobe for a guest room or a large wardrobe for your master bedroom, ZeFurn has you covered. In this article, we will explore the different types of wardrobes available at ZeFurn and the prices you can expect to pay.
Types of Wardrobes
At ZeFurn, you can find a variety of wardrobe designs to fit your specific needs and style. Here are some of the different types of wardrobes you can choose from:
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Single-door Wardrobe: This type of wardrobe is perfect for smaller spaces or as an additional storage unit in a room. It usually has a hanging rod and a few shelves.
Double-door Wardrobe: A double-door wardrobe is a popular choice for most bedrooms. It has more space than a single-door wardrobe and is available in different designs and sizes.
Triple-door Wardrobe: If you have a larger bedroom, a triple-door wardrobe may be the perfect fit for you. It provides ample storage space and often includes multiple compartments and drawers.
Sliding Door Wardrobe: This type of wardrobe is ideal for those who have limited space in their room. The sliding doors save space and give a modern look to your bedroom.
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Spacious Storage: 
With ZeFurn's wardrobe collection, you don't have to worry about running out of space to store your clothes and accessories. The wardrobes come with multiple shelves, drawers, and hanging rods to accommodate all your belongings. You can even opt for a wardrobe with a mirror to make getting ready in the morning a breeze.
ZeFurn's wardrobes are made with high-quality materials to ensure long-lasting durability. The wooden almirahs are crafted from sturdy wood, while the cupboards are made with premium quality engineered wood. This means your wardrobe will withstand daily wear and tear and last for years to come.
One of the best things about ZeFurn's wardrobe collection is its affordability. You can buy a wardrobe online without breaking the bank. ZeFurn offers wardrobes at various price points, so you can choose one that fits your budget.
Easy Assembly: 
ZeFurn's wardrobes are designed for easy assembly, so you don't have to worry about hiring a professional to set it up for you. The wardrobes come with easy-to-follow instructions and all the necessary hardware for hassle-free installation.
In conclusion, if you're looking to buy a wardrobe, ZeFurn's collection is worth considering. With its variety of designs, spacious storage, durability, affordability, and easy assembly, you're sure to find a wardrobe that fits your needs and budget. So, upgrade your bedroom today with ZeFurn's elegant and spacious wardrobe collection.
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vc212121 · 2 years
How to install the perfect Custom Office Cabinetry at home?
Home offices have garnered a newfound fan-following due to the pandemic-imposed work-from-home phase. A lot of businesses and employees have chosen to continue with this system. Even before that, most entrepreneurs and freelancers have preferred having a cozy little home office setup with elegant custom office cabinetry. Ideally, a good home office should be spacious and clutter-free to encourage productive work. How you design your office largely depends on the space available to you and your own personal needs. If you are someone who handles a lot of paperwork, you may need a lot more storage options.
Tips to install a bespoke custom office cabinetry
The perfect home office requires careful planning and attention to detail. You need to start with designating a corner (or a room) for your workspace. This should be followed by a careful assessment of your storage needs – do you have a lot of cables, devices, papers, binders, or post-its? Once that’s done, plan your office cabinetry. Here are a few tips on how to do exactly that.
What type of cabinet do I need?
While essentially custom office cabinetry is more about functionality, its aesthetics cannot be sidelined. Your storage needs and available space will determine whether you get closed-wall cabinets, custom vertical office cabinets, study table cabinets, or open shelves. 
Wall cabinets are perfect for smaller offices with less floor space and minimal storage needs.  A creative way to optimize storage would be to pair wall cabinets with some spacious office table cabinetry. 
If you have a lot of paperwork to be tucked away, consider getting a vertical cabinet that is almost like a wardrobe for all your documents.
Whether you get more drawers, large empty cabinets, or cabinets with more full-depth shelves is entirely up to you. While drawers work better for storing smaller, handy essentials, larger cabinets offer better long-term and customizable storage spaces.
To give your office cabinetry an elegant look, incorporate a few shelves, glass-paneled doors, or some crown molding. This will seamlessly add a touch of style without compromising on storage.
Match your office to your home’s style
Every home follows a certain decor style – it could be modern, traditional, vintage, retro, farmhouse, or a combination of multiple styles. Match your office space furniture to your home’s style to retain a sense of uniformity. You need a space that encourages productivity and feels comforting at the same time. Give it a structure, but don’t make it entirely foreign from the rest of your home’s design.
Opt for luxury custom office cabinetry
Wooden office cabinets are most preferred for home offices. Their natural design can make your home office look chic and luxury. Moreover, good hardwood cabinets if maintained well can last you a lifetime. As opposed to metal, they do not rust and their biophilic nature gives them an upper hand over plastic. If you pick sturdy wood like cherry or oak, they are also difficult to break into and can easily protect your precious items. If you consider using your home office to have in-person meetings, rich, stained wooden custom cabinetry can make a lasting impression.
Make your cabinetry design maintenance-friendly
It is human nature to allow things to pile up over time. Regular maintenance of your cabinets is essential to keep them clutter-free and clean. That said, there are some designs that are better at encouraging maintenance than others. For instance, if you have a single cabinet unit with no internal shelving, it can be difficult to arrange your essentials in it. Plan your cabinetry such that it accommodates storage baskets, pen stands, cable separators, and so on. This way you know what goes where which makes it easier to maintain de-cluttered office cabinetry.
If you plan on working from home, a custom cabinetry in your cozy home office can do wonders for your productivity. It separates you from the activity in the rest of the house and ensures you do not get distracted. An efficient home office starts with organized custom office cabinetry. Apart from keeping your office de-cluttered, it also gives it a chic and elegant look. An office that feels like you also encourages a positive attitude towards work which can exponentially improve your attitude.  
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Woody Furniture Is A Well-Known Brand in Furniture Category in Amazon We Are Working in Rajasthan. And We Deal In All Type Of Furniture Like Bed, Chair, Dining, Bedside, Coffee & Center Table, Night Stand, Rocking Chair, Iron Furniture, Dressing Table, Wooden Temple, Trunk, Bar Cabinet, Bar Stool, Bar Chair, Changing Table, Drawing Board, Writing Desk, Monks Bench, Folding Table, Wine Table, Workbench, Kitchen Cabinet, Vanity Set, Arm Chair, Wooden Rocking Chair, Wooden Designer Bed, Wooden Single Bed, Wooden Carved Sofa Set, Wooden Rack, Wicker Sofa, Bamboo Dining Table, Foldable, Longue, Balcony Furniture, Laptop Study Table, Garden Outdoor, Indoor, Kitchen, Hallway, Hotel Furniture, Cafe & Restaurant Wooden Stools, Console Tables, Sideboard & Bar Cabinet, Wooden Tv Units, Wall Shelves. | We Provide All Type Finish in Furniture as Per Your Requirement Like Rosewood finish, Honey finish, Liquor finish, Oak finish, Metallic finish, Glossy finish, Mahogany finish, Red Mahogany finish, Natural Wood finish, Teak finish, Mirror finish, Stained finish, Cherry Brown finish, Cherry Wood finish, Antique Pine finish, Tudor Oak finish, Black finish, Dark Oak finish, Rugger Brown finish, Teak finish, Old Pine finish, Wax finish, Brown Oak finish, Dark Oak finish, Maple finish, Natural Ash finish Etc. Primary Material: Sheesham Wood Style: Contemporary, Color:- Honey Finish Give Your Home A Luxurious Look With Sheesham Wooden Bedside Table | Fits In Your Space, Fits On Your Budget. Simple Stylish Design, Functional & Suitable for Any Room | Offers Surface Storage, Side Table for Bedroom & Living Room. The side table with utility design features a sliding drawer for additional storage. 10 Days Replacement Only: This Item Is Eligible For Free Replacement, Within 10 Days Of Delivery, In An Unlikely Event Of Damaged, Defective Or Different/Wrong Item Delivered To You. Please Keep The Item In Its Original Condition, Original Packaging, With User Manual, Warranty Cards, And Original Accessories In Manufacturer Packaging For A Successful Return Pick-Up. Wooden Bedside Table for Bedroom | 3 Drawer Storage Wooden Nightstand Lamp Table | Sheesham Wood, Honey Finish. [ad_2]
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bedsdivans1 · 2 years
Buy Latest Divan Beds & mattresses     Online at Low Prices In UK
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Divan beds
Divan beds are beds that consist of a base (known as a divan) with a mattress placed on top. The divan base usually consists of a wooden frame with a layer of cushioning material and a fabric cover. The mattress is placed on top of the divan base, allowing for a comfortable sleeping surface. Divan beds are available in a variety of sizes and styles and can be customized to fit a variety of needs. Divan beds are commonly used in bedrooms and guest rooms, as they provide a comfortable and supportive sleeping surface.
Divan beds come in a range of sizes, from single beds (3 ft) to super king sizes (6 ft). The standard UK sizes are as follows: • Single (3 ft): 90 cm x 190 cm • Small Double (4 ft): 120 cm x 190 cm • Double (4 ft 6”): 135 cm x 190 cm • King (5 ft): 150 cm x 200 cm • Super King (6 ft): 180 cm x 200 cm
Divan beds provide plenty of storage options. A divan bed with drawers can provide extra storage for clothes, bedding, and other items. If the bed has a headboard, the headboard can be used to store books, magazines, and other items. Many divan beds also have an ottoman at the foot of the bed that can be used for additional storage. If the divan bed does not have drawers, baskets or bins can be placed underneath the bed for extra storage.
Bed frames and headboards
Bed frames and headboards are essential components of a bed. Bed frames provide a sturdy foundation for the mattress, while headboards are usually decorative pieces of furniture that attach to the head of the bed and can come in a variety of styles and materials. Bed frames can range from simple metal frames to elaborate wooden frames, while headboards can range from simple fabric-covered pieces to elaborate wooden or metal designs.
Price range
Divan beds can range in price from $100 to over $1,000. The price depends on the quality of materials and features. Higher quality beds will cost more.
For help and advice on choosing your new bed contact us for any questions
 ADDRESS - Riverside Building, County Hall, London SE1 7PB, United Kingdom
 Phone – 01902405535
 Website - https://www.bedsdivans.co.uk/
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Garage Storage Cabinets
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If you are looking for a way to organize your garage and keep everything neat and tidy, you need to get some garage storage cabinets. They are great for keeping tools, cleaning supplies, and other equipment organized. Plus, they look great in your garage. You can find a variety of different cabinet sizes and styles to meet your needs.
Garage cabinets indianapolis are a good option for those with limited space. The drawers are easy to open and close, making it easy to access your belongings. This type of cabinet is also convenient because it doesn't take up a lot of room underneath.
A tall cabinet is ideal for storing lots of items. It's a great way to maximize your garage space. Also, these cabinets are sturdy and can hold a lot of weight. These types of cabinets are usually mounted on the wall. That means you don't need to worry about them swaying around or falling down.
Another good option is a KETER Storage Cabinet. This unit is affordable and easy to assemble. Even if you don't have a lot of experience assembling cabinetry, you can use this product to get organized in your garage.
Steel storage cabinets are durable and can store a lot of items. In addition, these cabinets can protect your valuables. Some even have locking systems. Other cabinets include makeshift metal shelves to give you maximum storage space .Know more about garage at https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/read-this-before-you-paint-your-kitchen-cabinets_us_59384fefe4b014ae8c69dd37.
There are a few things you need to consider before choosing a garage storage cabinet. First, you should decide what you need to put into it. For instance, you might want to keep gardening supplies in a separate area. Or, if you have an air conditioning unit, you might want to put it in an enclosure.
Garage storage cabinets with doors are great for storing sports equipment and tools. You can also prevent unauthorized access to small children and pets. But keep in mind that these units aren't water proof. However, they are designed to protect your belongings from the elements.
Heavy duty steel construction is another consideration. Each unit can handle 950 pounds of weight. Furthermore, if you buy a high quality model, it's likely to last longer. Additionally, you should make sure the doors are lockable. Your valuables and other items are at risk of damage if you don't lock them.
Garage storage systems come in various colors. Choose one that matches your home's style. Most garage cabinets have multiple shelves. Depending on your needs, you may want to use a single shelf or several.
For those who prefer a classic look, a wooden corner cabinet is a good choice. It features an interlock system for added stability.
You can even choose a floating cabinet. It can be easily anchored to the wall or moved around the house. The only downside is that you may have to re-do your paint job to match the material of the cabinet.
Alternatively, you can use a canvas organizer. However, a canvas organizer doesn't have any metal details. Using a canvas storage cabinet is a good alternative if you don't want to deal with the maintenance of a wooden storage unit.
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Wooden Desk Organizer w/ Drawers Office Desktop Stand Tabletop Rack File Holder.
Desk & Drawer Organizers Wooden Desk Organizer w/ Drawers Office Desktop Stand Tabletop Rack File Holder Office Business & Industrial Wooden Desk Organizer w/ Drawers Office Desktop Stand Tabletop Rack File Holder
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