bidragonmachine · 5 months
Disposable wood spoon fork hot pressing machine spoon and fork cutter machine#spoonmoulder #bidragonmachinery #woodspoonmachine #woodforkmachine #woodspoonmaker #disposablespoonmachine #woodspoonmakingmachine #woodspoonpressmachine #spoonpressmachine #woodspoonformingmachine
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andry-lakou · 8 months
Ice cream stick chamfering machine to make the stick smooth for usage.
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sacredfolly-blog · 1 year
Grey Day, Blue Night
Grey Day, Blue Night
The Colony Every time my friends play at the Colony, I am out of town. January 4, 2023 Woodstock, NY
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firstindesigns · 1 year
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Sticker Design
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localfandomhipster · 10 months
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another INCREDIBLE commission by @ikuuyyuki ! I realized there was like no Wendip art (that wasn't strictly platonic) in their woodstick outfits, and I needed to fix that ASAP
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So here are some TFP X Gravity Falls crossover starter ideas I am yet to do something with (I want to write this I swear) I think I talked about this before: nevertheless my ideas.
1) Miko wants to go to a Slash Monkey concert: their next concert is at Woodstick festival . (The one from the love god episode)
More to come- I made the notes on my laptop and I’m typing this on mobile at a pub
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another gravity falls thing is that you can actually see sevrl timez in different scenes, like the woodstick scene, rooting through the garbage.
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georgi-girl · 1 year
GF AU Idea
Here’s an au that’s probably been made already, but I have my own version of it. Partly based on the Feral Ford au and the fanfic Watching Always on ao3.
Stanley doesn’t immediately leave after getting Fords’ postcard. While waiting for him, Ford is possessed by Bill who tries to use his body to activate the portal. Ford wakes up just in time to get sucked inside. Stan arrives to an empty house. After months of searching, Ford is declared dead. Since Stan is literally Ford’s closest living relative, the place goes to him (much to the ire of their dad, who wastes away in a nursing home)
Stan opens the shack, goes on searches to the woods, and finds the machine in the basement. He scraps it for parts and uses the remains to build upgrades for the Shack (he still gets his brand from leaning against the panel). He gets married twice (once to a drag Queen, once to a tree spirit)
Meanwhile, Ford’s time in the portal is a lot less swashbuckling than in canon. He spends many years as a “guest” in Bills’ realm (which is about as awful as you expect) but while there, he learns to hijack the mind scape and see through all the eyes that Bill sees through. That way he sees his family mourn him, he sees Stan mourn him, and he becomes filled with all these tender brotherly feelings that he thought were gone forever. (he may or may not still get a metal plate in his head)
First season goes a lot like it does in canon, with a few changes (particularly in Headhunters, Carpet Diem, and Dreamscapes) but the second season is a total roller coaster, for everybody.
Stan shares Journels 1 and 2 with Dipper, who’s ecstatic to learn he’s related to the mysterious Author and performs all these rituals to try to contact his spirit. 
Mabel adopts a more Kosher diet for the sake of her beloved Waddles. 
Pacifica gets an official crush on Dipper and tries to ask him out; first by following bad advice given by Gideon, then by following good advice given by Wendy.
Soos and his gf Melody have their own couple’s adventure at the Woodstick Festival. 
The Society of the Blind Eye is a somewhat bigger threat. 
I don’t know yet how Ford comes back, (maybe MkGucket builds a portal in his sleep) but when he does come back, Stan is utterly wreaked, blubbering that this can’t be happening. Ford strokes his face and says that he (Ford) isn’t the same weak little boy that Stan always had to take care of. And from now on, Ford will be the one taking care of the family.
Fords’ personality often switches between cool survivalist to feral doomsday prepper. When not hunting monsters, he’s bringing home bizarre foods and concocting strange medicines.  If you’ve seen Orphan Black and are familiar with the character of Helena, you’ll get a good idea of what he’s like.
And don’t count out the kids. They have some intense storylines too. At one point, Mabel tearfully tells Dipper that she doesn’t want to grow up if it means growing apart from him. Dipper (equally tearful) promises her they will never grow apart.
At some point, Dipper and Mabel’s parents may show up. I have some great headcanons for them.
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ukiyo101 · 1 year
Ever eaten these babybel cheeses? Well there always is some kinda "clayish" shell around the cheese right? Well my friend brings these daily and the shell is very fun to play with. So i made some silly things out of it like
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A lil rat ,
And alsoo
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These silly figurines haha
They took me a while to make tho, and i used some woodsticks so they dont fall apart like boneless structures.
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viky2318 · 2 years
Underground, Tem shop
The human was finally gone. Temmie sighed looking at all the stuff she bought from them, just because they offered her those things. Some of those things were completely unuseful, like a pair of ballet shoes, or a woodstick. Others were more useful, like Temmie flakes. She organized everything in her shop, then opened a trapdoor under her feet. She went down the long stairs, and reached the secret room. The other members of the group were waiting for her. There was White Dog, a very powerful living being; there was Fairry, flat and pink as always, that was trying to convince the Riverperson (a huge walking hood) to step on their face; Yellow Bird, the strongest of all; OnionSan, coming out from his little puddle, talking to their honorary member, a 90's skeleton with a pair of colorful sunglasses. When Temmie sat in her chair, the reunion officially begun. "Dear friends" White Dog started. "Today we're all reunited because of an important problem. Today we're reunited becouse of... Him". People started muttering, and questions assaulted the members of the coven. White Dog spoke again. "In the last 17 resets, the human found all if his followers and the door. He was about to appear in this world. Thankfully, the human tried to interact with him, interrupting the process. You all know what would happen if he comes, and that's why we created this group". They all were perfectly aware of what would happen if He found a way to come back in this level of existence. They banished him by throwing him in the CORE, and they were now the only ones to remember the atrocities committed by Him. All those innocent souls, sacrificed for his own experiments... He was foolish. And now his foolishness was finding a way back to this world. Riverperson raised a floating glove. "Sir, me and Fairry recently found something. It's an interdimensional wormhole, near the Prince's Statue". White Dog went silent. Everyone went silent, waiting for Riverperson to complete their report. "We tried to cross it, and we found another world. There was the Surface, but the Underground didn't existed. There were curious black pillars, called by the locals "Dark Fountains". Many, many things that we didn't understood, or didn't explored. We think that He wanted to use this world as a bridge between his and our level of existence". Silence. White Dog's voice was a little unsure now, maybe because of the fear. "Did you... Closed the wormhole?" "... No sir" Riverperson answered. "SHEESH!!" Temmie exclaimed out loud. Everyone looked at her. "You think He found a way to come in this world, and you let it there?!? Were you even thinking??"Riverperson was clearly terrified. Not everyone knew how was going against a mad Temmie. She took control over the situation. "OnionSan, go with Riverperson and Fairry to the place and try closing the portal. Yellow, warn Mk that we may need his help. White, come with me. And skeleboi" Temmie took a little breath before telling him what to do. "Don't do anything stupid". With that said, Temmie got back at her shop, while the others did what she told them to do. She got in the crack on the wall, where Temmie was waiting for her. He looked at her and asked: "Temmie, olD friEnd! What U doing hre??". Temmie looked at him with a very serious face. "Not now Temmie. We have to reach the Prince's Statue right now,but keep the portal open". Temmie, understanding the gravity of the situation, immediately opened the portal. "Here you go Temmie. Come back for dinner, Temmie is going to make Tem Flakes" he added kindly. "Sure, sure. Follow me White". They crossed the portal and... It was too late.
Her friend were trying to survive His attacks, but he was too strong. Mac' and Cheese was all around the place, fusing everything it touched. He was grinning widely, laughing maniacally. Their worst enemy, the reason of their efforts, was now in front of Temmie's own eyes. He noticed her. "HAHAHAHAHAH! Thou have finally appeared! But thou are too late!! I Rouxl Kaard, Duketh of Puzzles, am here!!! This worldeth is doomed!!! Thou cannot stop Mac' and cheeseth's power!! Prepare, worms!!". With that said, He attacked her with a plate of Mac' and cheese. She couldn't resist the power of that demoniac weapon, and succumbed under their power. So everyone ate Mac'and Cheese together, then threw Rouxl back in his world. The end.
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bidragonmachine · 5 months
Wooden spoon and fork press machine operation making disposable spoon #bidragonmachinery
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ifwebefriends · 2 years
Gravity Falls Rewatch S2E9 The Love God and S2E10 Northwest Mansion Mystery
The Love God
Oh boy if I remember correctly this is the episode where Alex wanted to put in direct LGBT rep but Disney of course said no
Well Mabel’s rainbow sweater is cool tho
Woodstock reference!!
Damn Thompson deserves better he gets treated kinda shitty
Ok how long were Wendy and Robbie together and how long have they been broken up at this point?
Dipper remembers his lesson from Boyz Crazy!!!!!
Man remember those theories that Robbie was an actual zombie? Good times
Soos and Melody are still in contact!!
“Putting a rainbow wig on a white gorilla” Alex is this an allegory for something?
Robbie’s parents seem sweet but like a little creepy
Multibear x Robbie best ship
I want to know the story behind Love God’s necklace….
who voices Love God?!
That cook does not give a fuck about anything
Tambry just leaves her phone at the restaurant???? Bro???
A couple of Sev’ral Timez members are still alive at the Woodstick festival!!
I think that Love God and the groupies were doing some very not S&P approved things in that van
Alexander Hamilton has entered the building y’all!
“Oh I sure hope someone didn’t die!” Okay yeah Robbie’s parents are weird
Okay Robbie and Tambry are kinda cute together ngl
Is Grunkle Stan ordained?
Northwest Mansion Mystery
Okay this is where the Pacifica sympathy really kicks in
Okay that diversity joke at the beginning is golden
Holy fuck I hate those parents I hate that bell they treat her like a goddamn animal fuck them eat the rich
Okay we’re speed running the intro that’s cool
“The used to be about history channel” OH MY GOD
Damn Dipper is savage dude
Pacifica got Dipper some drip fr
The animators went fucking wild for this episode huh? There’s some spooky shit here
Dipcifica shippers come get your crumbs
Holy shit people fucking DIED building Northwest Manor and they were still like “yeah no fuck the common folk you can’t come in” yeah fuck them eat the rich
Dipper Pines and class solidarity
Oh yeah Pacifica’s cunt mom was like “it’s sea foam green not lake foam green change your dress” and then Pacifica wears fucking purple and she doesn’t say a word
Okay but why would they have paintings of all the awful shit the Northwest family has done it they want to seem so good?
The Northwest parents would rather let everyone else be wood forever, INCLUDING THEIR RICH BUDDIES, than have the “commoners” see them in a bad way. FUCK. THEM. EAT. THE. RICH.
I love how Grenda’s confidence won in the end
Ohhh boy apocalypse/Ford foreshadowing I’m on the edge of my seat yall
This episode was great but yeah I guess it kinda struck a nerve with me
I want a 2-hour video essay about this episode and how it correlates to Capitalism and the growing American class divide
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skara-da · 6 months
Some poor lady is getting as a Christmas present by her mother in law the insane bundle of a woodstick air freshener, a big bottle of intimate detergent, and two (2) packs of slip liners, and I had to wrap the present with a straight face.
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ajoytobeheld · 7 months
Charity Auction
August 13th, 2010
Hello there,
How is everybody?
Thought I’d alert you all to an eBay auction that’s a-happening…
It’s on behalf of the good people that organise Cardiff’s Woodstick festival. That took place last weekend and raised a load of cash for the charity Cardiac Risk in the Young (www.c-r-y.org.uk), and we thought we’d chime in and try and help a little ourselves by, er, exploiting you and your generosity.  Which is kind of altruistic, right?  Either way, it’s for a great cause, so please feel free to tuck whatever cash you have in our filthy g-strings of charity as we wiggle and grind our philanthropic foo-foos in your face.  Yeah!
There are two auctions, one for the vinyl test-pressing of our last album and the other for a test-pressing of our most recent EP… These are genuinely really rare as there’s only a few of them in existence, so hopefully at least one of you will find them attractive…
Thanks guys!
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Latest South Africa Music
Mp3 Music Download · Album Zip Download · Biography · Lyrics · Mp3 Music Download · Video … Latest South Africa Music
The audio of Africa is arguably the absolute most powerful audio in the real history of the world. Nonetheless it didn't originate in a vacuum. The reality is that various elements of Africa were inspired by a number of foreign musical traditions. For instance, several countries in North Africa can track their audio lineage back to the Greeks and Romans who once ruled the area. Later there clearly was also an amazing Center Western influence on the music.
The rest of the African continent were likewise suffering from foreign music. Elements of East Africa and the offshore islands were inspired by Arabic music and Indian music. While Southern, Key and West Africa have been affected by the music of North America and Western Europe. Other African-american music can be related to unique party forms such as the rumba and salsa, of founded by African slaves who resolved in Latin America and the Caribbean. In this informative article we will be discovering the different varieties of African music and wherever it originated.
North Africa
The music of North Africa was clearly influenced by the audio of old Egypt and the first Arabs. Though it is one of many least common kinds of contemporary African-american audio, it's traditionally significant and merits examination by all those thinking about old-fashioned music.
Sub-Saharan Music
No audio is more purely African-american than music that started in Sub-Saharan Africa. Nevertheless many parts were influenced by other nations, Sub-Saharan music stays quintessentially African. Because writing and studying came late to elements of Africa, this audio was created as a questionnaire of communication. In time, it became a fantastic, communal way to celebrate and mark the major milestones in a person's life. For instance, you can find virtually hundreds of African songs that observe marriage, childbirth or even shopping parties.
Audio is also played to ward off noxious tones and to pay for homage to dead ancestors. African-american audio of this sort is almost always along with a specific dance or ceremony. It's often performed by skilled musicians who have experience with ceremonial music.
Because music from Sub-Saharan Africa dedicated to communal singing, it was one of the earliest to highlight the usage of harmony and organized singing. These singing practices ranged from simple rhythmic structures to incredibly complicated and elaborate structures based on improvisation and variation.
However stringed tools, bells, flutes and also xylophones were all utilized in old-fashioned African audio, there's nothing more crucial than the essential African give drum. Actually, you can find practically lots of drums that are played on different occasions. Some of the most popular drums which are used in a normal African-american audio include: bougarabou, tama talking drums, djembe, water drums and a many different varieties of ngoma drum which can be performed in elements of Main and Southern Africa.
These drums are more often than not accompanied by performers or choruses who frequently hold time with rattles, shakers, woodsticks, alarms or by simply clapping their hands' or stumping their feet.
You can understand more about African-american music and African audio and hear free for some Afro talk overcome music: Naija music download
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liefhebberdesign · 5 years
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Made this limited edition silk-screened shirt for the Everpress X Woodstock collection. Inspired by “Orange Sunshined” the purest acid sold on the festiva. Front and back screenprinted and only available for 16 days: https://everpress.com/woodstock-store/sunshine-flooded
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