#word class hair treatment in bangalore
hairline91 · 2 years
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Losing hair is a complex health condition which leads to life altering changes. The impact can never be measured and therefore it needs medical attention from the time the symptoms appear. It can change an individual’s behavioral pattern thus affecting the personality of the person. It can alter a healthy lifestyle drastically and make anyone get into a shell.
It is one of the best Hair Clinic providing services like Hair Loss Therapy, Hair Graying Therapy, Hair Weaving & Bonding, Hair Transplant, Wigs Cooling Caps for Chemotherapy patients, Hair Extensions, Skin Treatment & Platelet Rich Fibrin Matrix.  We have the best Dermatologists & Trichologists who are highly qualified, experienced, experts in hair restoration & scalp treatment, they suggest effective hair fall treatment, treatment for grey hair. We use advanced technology to treat all kinds of major or minor hair or skin disorders.
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seerofmike · 4 years
31 Days of Apex: Day 5 (Family)
relationship: (non-romantic) Bangalore & Mirage & Octane
tags: ptsd (implied), found family, humor
word count: 1.4k
fic summary:  Bangalore looks at them—Octane's teasing and Mirage's stuttering—and she sees her family.
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Spending time with the other Legends was not something Anita often did willingly. She was an introvert, and many of the others often described her as 'bossy' and didn't like hanging around her, which was fine. But she did occasionally leave her room to chill with everyone else, because she needed to be reminded every now and then that she was on a dropship with real, living people, and not just the ghosts in her head.
Currently sitting on a couch next to Octane, who was kicking his legs around and rambling about some sort of video game, she leafed through the weapons magazine she'd snagged from a late-night convenience store run the other night, a mission to get some cheap beer and a few snacks. There was nothing too fancy about the magazine, and she was getting thirsty, so she stood up from the couch and tossed the thing aside.
Anita stretched her arms above her head, feeling her back audibly pop and crack as she did so. She winced, and thought about what one of her brothers would say—that she was getting old. Isaiah would probably be the one to say it, being the little shit he was, the spoiled youngest brother of the Williams family—and she would probably clock him on the back of his head for that comment had she been home.
But she wasn’t. She was on the dropship, waiting for another day, another fight, to begin, and her family was far, far away.
(Or dead.)
(No, they're alive. They have to be.)
“Man, sounds like you’re getting old,” Octavio said from beside her, and she scowled at him, though she was glad for the brief distraction from her own thoughts. He looked up from his phone, and mirrored her expression. “What?”
She popped him then, a brief smack from the back of her hand against his mouth and chin, and he recoiled with a sputter and then a laugh.
“Okay, sorry for being honest, amiga. That shit just sounded like it hurt.”
“We talking about Bangalore’s back breaking every time she stands up?” A new voice cut in, and she scowled once again as Elliott leaned over the couch, smiling in that dumbass way of his. He had three older brothers, and was used to making fun of his siblings, so he usually jumped at any opportunity to make fun of her.
She liked returning the favor.
“At least I’m not getting gray hairs, Witt,” she mocked, thinking back to the panicked sputtering she had heard from the men’s room weeks ago—I’m thirty oh my god I’m not old yet what's happening—and his face flushed at her words.
“I d-don’t know what you’re talking about,” he stammered, and Octavio laughed, sitting up properly so he could twist in his seat on the couch and face the other man.
“You have gray hair?!”
“I don’t!” Elliott shouted, before quieting his voice, self-conscious and eyes darting around. “She’s making it up. She’s lying.”
“I bet you dye your hair,” Octavio teased.
“I do not!”
“Sounds like what someone who dyes their hair would say.”
Elliott crossed his arms then, petulant, and Anita was suddenly brought back to family dinners, and the back-and-forth accusations and lies and half-truths, exaggerated to embarrass the subject to the fullest extent. A ruthless exchange—being the only sister and middle child certainly hadn’t helped. These two clowns exemplified that same energy perfectly.
Anita left the room to grab a bottle of water, and when she returned they were still going at it. Octavio was an only child, so she wasn’t sure where he had built up his repertoire of remarks, but his relationship with Lifeline seemed brother-sister like, and those two couldn’t stop taking the piss out of one another, so that was probably where he got it.
Elliott was usually a 50/50 shot. Sometimes he was able to keep up, and other days, he wasn't. It's what made him so fun.
“At least—at least I still have my legs,” Elliott was saying weakly, definitely a day where he wasn't able to match pace with the others.
“Your legs are boring,” Octavio replied without missing a beat. “Can your legs do this?”
He proceeded to pull one right off, and Elliott rolled his eyes at that, as did Anita.
(“Must suck that you can’t eat popcorn,” Zeke told Isaiah, who kept running his tongue over his braces.
“Must suck that you can’t get a girlfriend,” Isaiah said back without much pause.
“Wh—that was uncalled for!”
“Your face is uncalled for,” Isaiah said, Anita and Jackson howling with laughter across from them, and Zeke responded by flicking an unpopped kernel at him.)
“I think having my legs attached to my body is a good thing, actually.”
“You would, wouldn’t you? You’re boring like that.”
Elliott did some more sputtering, which was becoming a common sound on the dropship, and Anita laughed at his expense. His face was getting more and more red, causing the scars over his eye and nose to stick out like a sore thumb. She almost felt bad for him, and because she often played mediator when her brothers were fighting (despite starting a fair few herself), she chided,
“Ah, leave him alone, ‘Zaia.”
It took her about five seconds to realize what she had just said. Octavio’s head had swiveled towards her, eyebrows raised, and Elliott jumped at this chance to take the attention off of himself by asking, “Who’s ‘Zaia’?”
Anita was cool under pressure—it was one of her defining traits, what often got her high marks back at the IMC Military Academy; Level-headed. Cool under pressure. Follows orders to a T. Yet she felt her face heat up, but thanks to her dark complexion, the boys couldn’t tell. She cleared her throat, and said, “Slip of the tongue. Don’t worry about it.”
They both kept staring at her, Octavio still with wide eyes and raised brows, but Elliott’s face was starting to scrunch up into a look she didn’t like—one of realization. They’d touched upon the subject of brothers before, sibling to sibling. He knew about her family, and despite the way he acted, he wasn’t a complete dumbass.
Before he could come to any conclusions, she excused herself, and left the room. Ran a hand through her hair with a sigh, trying not to think about the last time she’d seen her family—Monty, his wife, and their two kids, both military hopefuls. Zeke on his second deployment, and Isaiah about to graduate, top of his class at the academy. Zeke’s girlfriend used to write her letters while she was at her Gridiron post, not too far to not have them delivered, but not very close either.
And Jackson...
(Jackie’s alright.
He’s alright.)
Mom and dad were getting pretty old. Nana had passed away not that long before she’d gotten that mission with Jackie to retrieve the Mercenary Fleet. She wondered how they were handling it.
Anita allowed herself to think about it for a minute. Just one minute of pure, unadulterated feeling. Regret and sadness and longing, on her lonesome in the big ‘ole solar system, and then she swallowed it down, like it had never happened, and lifted her head again. Cool under pressure.
It was harder to not think about them these days. Octavio acted like a spoiled little brat, and sure, Isaiah had never been spoiled (coddled, maybe, but they were a military family, and he eventually got the same treatment as everyone else) but he certainly had the attitude of one. Elliott acted like Zeke—Isaiah’s own personal punching bag, and it didn’t help that he too wasn’t the best at comebacks, but they were both smart where it mattered. Books and gadgets, that’s where they shined.
Her heart gave a pang in her chest, and she felt her eyes burn.
Stop thinking about it, she told herself, in her own special Sergeant Williams voice. Harsh, commanding, with a ‘get the job’ done sort of attitude. Keep it cool.
This was why she hated being around these two clowns in particular. Hated the way they made her feel, hated the memories they brought up, hated that they made her feel soft. She wasn't supposed to be soft. She was supposed to be hard, streamlined and rock-solid. The perfect soldier.
One who missed her family.
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drarunamuralidhar · 4 years
Best Obstetrician in Jayanagar, Bangalore | Dr. Aruna Muralidhar | Shree Clinic
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A significant number of women in India have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, a hormonal disorder that’s perfectly manageable when treated correctly. Around 12-15% of the women in India have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), but the information remains limited. One of the foremost indicators for women with PCOS is that they have irregular cycles — cycles which are less than 21 days or over 35 days. When a woman or a young girl realises she has PCOS, the word ‘polycystic’ triggers off alarms. However, PCOS is a hormonal disorder, and a manageable one. During a woman’s period, an egg is released by an ovary, cuing the start of her menstruation cycle. However, polycystic ovaries occur when the egg is not released by the ovaries. To detect if a woman has PCOS, an ultrasound test is usually conducted. Women with PCOS tend to present with slightly larger ovaries along with follicles. The follicles, which are essentially nurseries for the eggs, release an egg every 14 days. Fourteen days later, a woman has her period. If that egg is not being released for some reason, these follicles resemble a pearl necklace, which is basically unreleased eggs. When this happens, the period either gets delayed, or it doesn’t occur at all. A woman’s body has both oestrogen, the female sex hormone, and the testosterone, the male sex hormone. Testosterone is usually present in a smaller amount. Essentially, PCOS is a hormone disorder where women produce a higher-than-usual amount of testosterone. So, what symptoms should you be looking for? The clearest indicator for women with PCOS is that they may have irregular cycles. However, while it may be the most obvious indicator, it’s not the only one. “When we say PCOS, it is a broad spectrum. It can start with just slightly regular cycles or it can be full-blown PCOS, where there are no periods unless she takes tablets; a lot of unwanted hair growth on the face like a male pattern, and a lot of pimples and a lot of outbreaks of acne which are really bad, and, of course, weight gain issues,” says Dr Aruna Muralidhar, a senior gynaecologist, and obstetrician at Fortis La Femme Hospital in Bengaluru. While these are the main symptoms which may point to the problem, not everyone may have all of them. “As far as PCOS is concerned, it is important to diagnose it right. So not everybody who has irregular cycles has PCOS, not everybody who has pimples has PCOS, not everybody who has unwanted hair growth has PCOS. So PCOS is a combination of at least two of the three factors,” says Dr. Aruna. The weight ‘myth’ A symptom of PCOS that many gynecologists point towards is erratic weight gain in a short period of time. It leads to a misconception that the weight of women with PCOS lies on the heavier side of the scale. This is not true, says Dr. Aruna. “It’s not necessary that everyone who has PCOS is on the obese side. They can be thin as well. There is thin PCOS and obese PCOS and in general, a woman with PCOS puts on a lot of weight around her middle,” she says. In fact, Dr. Aruna says that thin PCOS is something that needs to be watched out for since this is a case where the woman or the girl has a lot of hidden fat. It may also happen that other symptoms are ignored, often being attributed to their habits or the usual broad term, ‘lifestyle’. There are dangers of PCOS going undetected. “Not having cycles every 40-45 days puts you at risk. The inner layer of your uterus can become thick and can lead to abnormal growth in the endometrium. It is also a predisposing factor for endometrial cancer. You cannot go for months on end without periods,” Dr. Chitra Selvan, an endocrinologist at Bengaluru’s Ramaiah Medical College. “Is this PCOS?” The most important thing before a diagnosis of PCOS, Dr. Chitra says, is to eliminate the conditions the symptoms could mimic. “There many conditions which look like PCOS. The most common of these is hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is extremely common and it can mimic PCOS but the thing is, if you correct the hypothyroidism, your PCOS should become normal,” says Dr. Chitra. “Another (hormone disorder) is hyperprolactinemia. This is also very common these days, most probably due to medicines which are taken very commonly for gastritis, any other headache, antidepressants or antipsychotics. They can all cause prolactin to increase and can present symptoms that are exactly like PCOS.”
This is where a visit to a gynecologist becomes important to diagnose PCOS correctly. “I think the most important thing that most patients with PCOS don’t get is that just having PCOS itself is a risk factor for developing more dangerous disorders in the future, like diabetes, hypertension or dyslipidemia. There is also evidence to suggest that women with PCOS are more at risk for heart disease,” Dr. Chitra adds. It takes around two years from the time of a girl’s first period for her cycles to settle down. If she faces irregularities during the first two years or gets pimples that are associated with that age, it is not called PCOS. According to Dr. Chitra, every woman above the age of 20 should get a test done. “Anybody who is more than 20 years [in age] should get their sugars, cholesterol and blood pressure checked annually. If you have a member in your family who has thyroid disorders, I would throw that in every year as well. If you have a child who is chubby and has not started her cycles till 15 years of age, then you’ll have to get the child tested. But probably the most important junction where you should get all your tests done is before you plan your pregnancy,” Dr. Chitra says. PCOS, unfortunately, is not curable. A woman diagnosed with PCOS has to deal with the symptoms through her reproductive years and the next step is to make active changes in order to bring the symptoms under control. Measures Every woman who has been diagnosed with PCOS needs a long-term follow-up, both doctors maintain. They suggest that the woman keep her lifestyle as a priority to make sure that she doesn’t lose track of what she needs to achieve. The first thing that both doctors suggest is mindful eating. “You stick to a staple food but the quantities can be changed. More than anything else, it’s the importance of regularity that needs to be emphasized. So, it’s not completely cutting off what you’re used to but making certain changes in the proportions and being regular with it and being mindful when you’re eating,” Dr. Aruna says. To start off, Dr. Chitra says that one should make small changes in their food intake, starting with the meals that can be fixed easily — breakfast and snack at 4 pm. “4 pm is what I call the weakest time of the day. It’s when you make the most stupid food choices for the day. You’re exhausted from the day and you know that your dinner is going to be very late, around 8-9 pm. And to think that you can get through that hour without a snack is never going to happen because at 5 pm you are going to get hungry and then grab the next thing which is available, which is mostly not healthy at all,” she says. A solution to this, she says, is to carry a nut box or a fruit that can be consumed at 4 pm to take care of the hunger pangs. The next step that patients need to take is physical activity and an attempt to be more active during the day. For this, Dr. Chitra suggests that instead of taking on draining workouts which can hamper functionality during the day, it’s better to take a walk each day for around 30–45 minutes, and some classes of something a bit more intense (like Zumba) during the week. While these are measures that most patients of PCOS are advised, many women who have been diagnosed with PCOS are prescribed Oral Contraceptive Pills (OCPs) to tackle the hormone imbalance. OCPs pause your body’s hormone production and oestrogen is supplied to the body through these pills. While these pills are prescribed, “we wouldn’t start the pill on every person who’s been diagnosed with PCOS. It depends on what is the issue. Is it regularisation that she requires pills for, is she sexually active, does she need contraception, is she having a lot of acne for which she needs a certain kind of pill to reduce it? So all these have to be taken into consideration,” Dr. Aruna says. Typically, OCPs are initially prescribed for around three to six months. Both doctors say that PCOS is not something that affects a woman’s libido, and while it is a factor that affects the chances of pregnancy, it can be mitigated. Dr. Chitra says that the tests must be taken before one plans their pregnancy, rather than after. But PCOS doesn’t necessarily vastly limit a woman’s chances of getting pregnant.   “With PCOS, the chances of getting pregnant are fairly good because some of the cycles are ovulatory. It is not that all the cycles are anovulatory in many ladies with PCOS. But, it is the best problem of infertility to have —  to get the proper treatment to get positive results. Not having a baby can be because of many different reasons and PCOS is only one of them, the most common one of them,” Dr. Aruna adds.
For more visit my Website : http://drarunamuralidhar.com/   or  Contact No. : 08067454444
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elajyoti-blog · 5 years
Best IVF Centres in Noida | Metro India IVF Clinic | Elawoman
Best IVF Centres in Noida
In vitro fertilization (IVF) assists with fertilization, embryo development, and implantation, so you can get pregnant.
How does IVF work?
IVF represents in vitro fertilization. It's one of the more generally known sorts of helped conceptive innovation (ART). IVF works by using a combination of medicines and surgeries to enable sperm to prepare an egg, and help the treated egg embed in your uterus.
To begin with, you take drug that makes a few of your eggs develop and prepared for fertilization. At that point the specialist removes the eggs from your body and blends them with sperm in a lab, to enable the sperm to prepare the eggs. At that point they put at least 1 prepared eggs (embryos) straightforwardly into your uterus. Pregnancy occurs if any of the embryos embed in the lining of your uterus.
IVF has numerous means, and it takes a while to finish the entire procedure. It in some cases takes a shot at the primary attempt, yet numerous individuals need more than 1 round of IVF to get pregnant. IVF definitely increases your odds of pregnancy in case you're having fertility issues, yet there's no assurance — everybody's body is unique and IVF won't work for everybody.
What's the IVF procedure?
The initial phase in IVF is taking fertility drugs for a while to enable your ovaries to deliver a few eggs that are develop and prepared for fertilization. This is called ovulation induction. You may get standard ultrasounds or blood tests to gauge your hormone levels and monitor your egg generation.
When your ovaries have created enough develop eggs, your specialist expels the eggs from your body (this is called egg recovery). Egg recovery is a minor surgery that is done at your specialist's office or at a fertility clinic.
You'll get medicine to enable you to be loose and open to during the system. Using a ultrasound to see inside your body, the specialist puts a thin, empty cylinder through your vagina and into the ovary and follicles that hold your eggs. The needle is associated with a suction gadget that delicately hauls the eggs out of every follicle.
In a lab, your eggs are blended with sperm cells from your accomplice or a giver — this is called insemination. The eggs and sperm are put away together in an extraordinary container, and fertilization occurs. For sperm that have lower motility (don't swim also), they might be injected legitimately into the eggs to advance fertilization. As the cells in the prepared eggs partition and become embryos, individuals who work at the lab screen the advancement.
Around 3-5 days after the egg recovery, at least 1 embryos are put into your uterus (this is called embryo exchange). The specialist slides a thin cylinder through your cervix into your uterus, and inserts the embryo straightforwardly into your uterus through the cylinder.
Pregnancy occurs if any of the embryos connect to the lining of your uterus. Embryo exchange is done at your specialist's office or at a fertility clinic, and it's normally not painful.
Plan on resting for the remainder of the day after your embryo exchange. You can return to your typical exercises the following day. You may likewise take pills or get day by day shots of a hormone called progesterone for the initial 8-10 weeks after the embryo exchange. The hormones make it simpler for the embryo to get by in your uterus.
What amount does IVF cost?
IVF will in general be entirely costly. A couple of states have laws that state medical coverage organizations must cover a few or the majority of the expenses of infertility treatment in the event that you meet certain prerequisites. However, numerous insurance plans don't offer any fertility treatment inclusion whatsoever.
You can find more information about insurance inclusion of IVF and other fertility medicines at The National Infertility Association.
The charges for 1 cycle of IVF include medicines, methodology, anesthesia, ultrasounds, blood tests, lab work, and embryo stockpiling. The definite expense of a single IVF cycle changes, however it tends to be up to $15,000 or more.
The rundown of 12 Best IVF specialists in Bangalore incorporate Dr. Archana Agarwal, Dr. Asha S Vijay, Dr. Sunil Eshwar, Dr. Rizwana Tasneem, Dr. Kamini Arvind Rao, and Dr. Vijaykumar PK to give some examples. You can discover other best infertility specialists in Bangalore with progress rates and IVF bundle costs.
IVF is a strategy for treating infertility-powerlessness to consider following a few years of endeavoring. This is a reality that the two people have an equivalent probability of experiencing infertility issues. Because of expanded work weight, wild and quick paced urban way of life with stress, ecological contamination, and postponing eligible age - the odds of infertility are rising essentially.
Some of the time, it might occur with numerous couples that infertility can cause more disappointment and sadness in a couple. Along these lines, it is imperative to pick a fertility treatment process that gives you affirmation. Infertility specialists are called Gynecologists who have been uncommonly prepared in the propelled methods in helping generation in barren and sub-ripe couples and give best IVF treatment in Bangalore.
We have recorded some Best IVF Centres in Noida:
Metro India IVF Clinic
Metro India IVF Clinic is a Best IVF Clinic in Noida. The administrations given by the clinic are Early Fertility treatment, IVF, Infertility Counseling, Onco Fertility, Reproductive Medicine, Gynae Problems Care, Laparoscopy Surgery, Egg/Semen Freezing and IUI. Their viable approach towards your condition and the pledge to providing the best administration and care with most extreme sincerity and untiring endeavors from our side makes India IVF the best IVF clinic. Our labs at India IVF are all around prepared using the most recent strategies. We likewise have a group of remarkably capable and qualified doctors. We give customized fertility program to each couple and discourse for any issue identified with the treatment. Their main goal is to An enormous number of couples worldwide are unhappy because of their inability to conceive. We accept this issue as our motivation and plans to bring the grin back on the essences of childless couples like you by giving you reasonable and effective techniques that guarantee you to appreciate parenthood
Cloudnine Hospital
Cloudnine Hospital is Gynecology and Fertility Center in Noida. The Services given by the inside are IUI, IVF, Infertility Evaluation medicines, Gynecological Problem Care, Obstetrics Care, Pediatrics Intensive Care and High-Risk Pregnancy Care. Cloudnine furnishes you with world-class restorative mastery, cutting edge offices, a space loaded up with adoration and chuckling and staff devoted to the all encompassing prosperity of you and your child. Cloudnine has expanded its range to various offices crosswise over India while continuing to maintain and exceed expectations international standards of consideration and is as yet going solid with designs to arrive at each lady and youngster in India. Our therapeutic ability and complete consideration expands well past maternity administrations
Medicover Fertility Clinic
Medicover Fertility Clinic is the Best IVF Clinic in Noida Sector 18, UP. The administrations offered by the Clinic, IVF, IUI, Surrogacy, Pregnancy Care, Laparoscopy, Infertility Treatment, Laparoscopic Myomectomy, and Normal and High-Risk Pregnancy. Medicover is currently present in 14 nations: UK, Germany, Sweden, Poland, Turkey, Belarus, Bulgaria, Georgia, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Moldova, Ukraine and India. Word related wellbeing is a noteworthy focal point of Medicovers business, and we work with huge and little organizations to create programs custom-intended to address their issues. These range from yearly wellbeing tests to Medicover-staffed, nearby organization clinics. For more information about the medical clinic and doctors, visit elawoman.com. Snap on the guide to find the headings to reach Medicover Fertility Clinic.
Fortis Hospital
Fortis Hospital is a unit of Fortis Healthcare Limited situated in Sector-62 Noida, Uttar Pradesh. It is a leading integrated medicinal services conveyance specialist co-op in India. Built up in 2004, the emergency clinic has been serving the patients with infertility or other gynecology issues with most extreme devotion and sympathy. At Fortis, emergency clinic staff and doctors guarantee that the patient gets auspicious and appropriate direction, consideration and care all through their medicines and strategies. Till date, Fortis medical clinic positions among the top emergency clinics in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. The emergency clinic gives a wide-scope of Gynecology and infertility treatment administrations including Infertility Assessment, Cryopreservation Embryo, and Egg Freezing, Sperm Retrieval Techniques including TESA, MESA, Radiation Oncology, Testicular Biopsy strategies. The other therapeutic treatment administrations offered are Dermatology, for example, Skin peeling, Acne, and Pimple treatment and Hair Transplant Surgery. The social insurance verticals of the organization fundamentally involve emergency clinics, diagnostics, and childcare strength offices. The emergency clinic is comprehensive of the most recent restorative hardware and gadgets for precise analysis and treatment.
Gaudium IVF Centre Noida
Gaudium IVF Centre Noidais the Best IVF Center in India Delivering Precious Little Bundles of Joy Since 2009. Established by the all around acclaimed Infertility Specialist and Laparoscopic Surgeon Dr. Manika, Gaudium IVF and Gynae Solutions Center is a leading supplier of the most astounding nature of infertility treatment in India.
In the wake of serving as Senior Consultant at leading Indian emergency clinics for more than 9 years, Dr. Manika established Gaudium IVF and Gynae Solutions Center with a dream to bring the best of cutting edge fertility care to India. Her steady endeavors to increase present expectations for IVF treatment in India combined with a profound pull worry for her patients' wellbeing have earned Gaudium IVF the distinction of the world's leading IVF and Gynae Solutions clinic.
From the first IVF focus in Delhi built up in 2009, Gaudium IVF has developed to 9 best in class fertility clinics crosswise over North India, with a few additional focuses arranged dish India in the coming years. Gaudium IVF appreciates the trust of fulfilled patients from more than 30 nations, whose generosity has set Gaudium as the favored destination for world-class infertility treatment in India.
If you have any double about Best IVF Centres in Noida. You can contact us
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hairline91 · 2 years
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Non-Surgical Hair Fixing in Bangalore at Hairline International Clinic:
Normally Hair fixing is a non-surgical hair replacement Procedure. In common man’s parlance this refers to Hair Weaving or Hair Fixing or Hair Bonding. Hair fixing gives you exact natural look, which is more cost effective procedure. For Hair fixing takes less time than hair transplantation. Hairline international reside with specialists does hair fixing in Bangalore. Hair fixing is the best solution for the people with complete bald head. Hairline International provides customized solution for hair fixing in Bangalore to meet the individual’s requirement and to match the colour and characteristics of the real hair.This process commensurate with a general evaluation of the extent of baldness. Some observations are made on evaluating existing density, thickness of the retained hair, and comfort on ambient temperature for the patient and the patient’s expectations.
There are broadly three methods that are normally adopted to fix a Hair unit
Hair Weaving Methodology Hair Weaving Treatment - A track is prepared with one’s own existing hair, reinforced with a medicated thread and used as a base to weave the external attachment or the hair piece which is the same colour, density and thickness as the original hair. Then it is cut and styled based on the inputs from the patient maybe his previous photographs or a style that suits his current look could be implemented. This client needsto visit the clinic maybe once in 30 or 40 days depending on how fast the hair of the patient grows. Then on his subsequent visits the unit is nicely cleaned serviced and restored in the same form again.
Hair Bonding In Bangalore - As same as Hair weaving and Hair Fixing, Hair bonding comes under non-surgical hair replacement/hair restoration procedurewithno side effects and less time it takes. Hair bonding also less costly. In this procedure the patch will be attached to the existing hair and it completely gives natural look.
Silicone Gel Adhesive System  People who prefer not to remove these hair toupees/hair wings, methodology of measurements and base selection being the same opt for this more for convenience and lesser management issues. These clients must visit the clinic regularly for a follow up service where the adhesive is reinforced every second month depending on how much the condition of scalp. These people are also given an option of buying the silicone gel separately in case of home use.
The client generally has a host of options to choose from the hair toupee base perspective:
Hairline International Hair & Skin Clinic super soft original A classic all weather kind of unit which is prepared solely on the basis of the grade of hair loss. The design is impeccable with extreme ventilation and designed so scientifically in such a way that it just covers areas of baldness only. This stylistic hair toupee is a rare piece made and found only at this special facility. Super fine Californian This base is a fine filament with single knotting looking extremely real and scalp like is available in all colours and sizes and is an all-time unit in demand. Heavy welded A special innovation with incredible breathability considering the base, firm and sturdy underlying structure; option of refilling hair is very possible in this case. The duration and life of this toupee is long with complete dependability. Custom made Hair toupees  We generally give all our patients a choice of bases and we can create fusion inputs depending on the design a client prefers like typically bleached knot, full lace in the front or fully bleached unit giving a scalp like look this laces with the option of a parting. Incredible permutations can be created based on the specific inputs from the clients undergoing this Non-surgical hair fixing procedure. At Hairline International Hair & Skin Clinic we have incredible offerings in this section of Non-surgical Hair fixing. For women, our latest on the anvil is the fringe which conceals only the area around the parting besides ladies toupees with hair as long as 36 inches in human hair. Anything over and above the 24 inch length needs a period of 6 weeks order time. The method of fixing the hair units are similar to the methods mentioned above as in the case of men with a selection in terms of colour shades curls waves length and density. Hairline International Hair & Skin Clinic is known for the best Hair Weaving, Hair Bonding and Hair Fixing in Bangalore along with Hair loss treatment, Hair transplantation in Bangalore.
Hair Fixing FAQ’S
Q. What is Hair fixing? A. Hair fixing is non-surgical Hair replacement technique. Q. Give us detailed process of hair fixing? A. This process commensurate with a general evaluation of the extent of baldness. Some observations are made on evaluating existing density, thickness of the retained hair, and comfort on ambient temperature for the patient and the patient’s expectations. Q. How much time takes for hair bonding? A. once after deciding texture and measurement, hair bonding takes a maximum of 1 hours. Q. Is there any side effects with hair fixing? A. No, there won’t be any side effects with hair fixing because it is non-surgical. Q. Can I use normal shampoo and conditioners on this patch? A. Sure. It is like normal hair and it gives natural look and you can treat it like normal hair. Q. Is there any chance of getting allergy inside the hair patch? A. You need to have regular maintenance for your patch, which helps to prevent skin issues.
Hair Fixing Reviews: I have been to hairline international Bangalore for non-surgical Hair Fixing. After scalp analysis doctor suggested me to go for Hair wig. They have different types of patches starting from low end to high end patches and they have customized patches too. We can choose color, shape of patch and the quality of hair wig. I have chosen medium-range hair wig and the looks like premium one and given me great look. Thank you hairline for the best services. Name: Arhan Treatment and location: Hair wig Bangalore
Hello, I am Ravi Chandra and I’m from Hyderabad. I have had hair fixing in Bangalore by Hairline international hair and skin clinic BangaloreSince it’s been 1 year I’m done with hair fixing and they provided best services until. I’m still continuing their services and I’m very happy with my new look. Name: Ravi Chandra Treatment and location: Hair fixing Bangalore
Thanks! Best care is taken by Hairline International for my Hair fixing. Since 2 years I Have been using their hair patch and regularly I’m visiting hairline clinic for servicing my hair patch.Staff Cooperation and responsibility towards customers was good. I’m one the happiest customers of hairline international. Name: Probin Biswas Treatment and location: Hair fixing Bangalore.
Hi, I am Preeti , I took hair fixing service from Hairline International clinic, In accident I lost my hair and my beauty as well, and I got to know about Hairline clinic’s hair fixing and skin service from one of my friend. I consulted doctor, since I do not have follicles on my scalp they suggested to go for non-surgical Hair fixing, and I got my hair back, I’m very happy to thank you hairline. Name: Preeti Treatment and location: Hair fixing and skin treatment Bangalore
I’m in the film industry and we use different hair wigs based on the character demand. Hairline international clinic providing us with the best wigs and patches which look very natural. Hairline has best waivers for hair weaving and hair bonding in Bangalore. Thank you hairline for the best support.
Name: Diwakar Treatment and location: Hair weaving Bangalore
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hairline91 · 2 years
PRP Hair Fall Treatment In Bangalore
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PRP Fall Hair Treatment
Platelet rich plasma, PRP Treatment for hair loss is a very promising treatment and in certain cases has seen reversal of miniaturized hair in the vertex area of the scalp. It is extremely safe since it is drawn from the patient’s own blood centrifuged and then the concentrated platelets are injected into the affected region of the scalp. This treatment is done once a month has seen promising results from hair fall control and re-growth perspective. PRP for Hair Loss Treatment enhances the hair follicle viability by the growth factor molecules (PDGF, VEGF which promote blood vessel formation, cell replication, skin formation) present in the platelets thus reducing hair loss to some extent.
Platelet Rich plasma promotes hair growth from follicles by the action of platelet derived growth factors on the hair follicle. The platelet growth factors induce follicle to shift from a dormant state to an active state that starts the process of hair growth, enhancing the hair growth and hair thickness from the dormant follicles. Even-though PRP is an advanced treatment, growth factor results in the form of hair -loss control and hair re-growth is certainly dependent on multiple factors like grade of alopecia, underlying medical conditions, nutritional health etc. and hence a multimodality approach is preferred to get a better outcome. Earlier grades of alopecia with thinning hair respond well to PRP given monthly when combined with supplements and topical medications. Best results of this treatment have been seen as re-growth in the vertex area of the scalp.
Q:What are the new approaches and treatments available for arresting hair loss and promoting re-growth?
Platelet rich plasma for hair loss is a very promising treatment and in certain cases has seen reversal of miniaturized hair in the vertex area of the scalp.
Q: What is PRP treatment for hair loss (platelet rich plasma), how does it work?
PRP therapy for hair loss is extremely safe since it is drawn from the patient’s own blood centrifuged and then the concentrated platelets are injected into the affected region of the scalp. This treatment done once a month has seen promising results from hair fall control and re-growth perspective.
Q: How Many PRP therapy Sessions Require to see the Improvement?
Based on the Scalp condition it need 4-6 sessions. One session can be taken for one month.
Q: Does Platelet Rich Plasma treatment reduce hair loss?
Yes, Platelet rich plasma enhances the hair follicle viability by the growth factor molecules (PDGF, VEGF which promote blood vessel formation, cell replication, skin formation) present in the platelets thus reducing hair loss to some extent.
Q: How PRP treatment helps in re-grow your hair?
Platelet Rich plasma promotes hair growth from follicles by the action of platelet derived growth factors on the hair follicle. The platelet growth factors induce follicle to shift from a dormant state to an active state that starts the process of hair growth, enhancing the hair growth and hair thickness from the dormant follicles.
Q: How much time required to see the result from PRP Treatment?
Based on how body responding to the treatment, it will take minimum 6 month.
Q. What is the Procedure for PRP Treatment for hair loss?
In this ProcedureBlood is drawn from the vein in the patient’s arm (which is about 20 to 50ml)Blood is processed through centrifuge machine and then creates the centrifuged platelets for Injection.Bald area on your head or the area having thin hair will be cleaned with alcohol or iodine.Gel will be used, if any ultra sounds is being used, and ultra-probe will be applied on gel covered area and live image will be projected for the doctor.Doctor will injects the platelets into the bald area with injection.
Q : Is it safe to opt PRP Treatment for hair re-growth?
PRP Procedure for hair loss and hair regrowth clinically proved and US FDA Approved.
Hairline PRP Hair Treatment for hair loss in Bangalore Reviews:
Hairline is the good place for PRP hair fall treatment in Bangalore. I underwent the prp treatment in Indiranagar hairline branch. Staff was very cooperative. They guided me before and after prp treatment. Overall its good experience.
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hairline91 · 2 years
Hairline International Hair and skin clinic
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Hairline international Hair and skin clinic is a state-of-the-art hair restoration facility and international hair loss referral center dedicated to the treatment of hair loss in men and women using the most advanced technologies. Hairline Clinic is located in Bangalore and Mumbai
Hair transplant surgery is performed using the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) techniques that Hairline International is pioneered. And we are the first clinic to introduce the ARTAS® Robotic Hair Transplant system in Bnagalore. And also we will provide all type Skin treatment, non surgical hair patches and wigs; we take pride in providing the highest level of treatment and care for our patients.
Services We Provide
Physician Consultation & Diagnostic Evaluation of Hair Loss
Robotic Hair Transplantation in Bangalore
FUE Hair Transplantation in Bangalore
FUT Hair Transplantation in Bangalore
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatments
Scalp Micro-Pigmentation (SMP)
QR678 treatment for Hair loss
All types of Skin Treatment
Botox and fillers
Laser Hair removal
CNC Hair patches in Bangalore
Hair fixing, Hair Bonding, Hair Patches, and Wig
Beard Transplant in Bangalore
Eyebrow and Sideburn Transplantation
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hairline91 · 2 years
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