#hair clinics
dermapuritycare · 4 months
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scoredoc · 1 year
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lotus-pear · 4 months
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HIII SORRY FOR NO NEW ART have some concept sketches for the fic i'm working on instead
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feroluce · 4 months
For some weird reason, I've always been fascinated by how wildly different Sampo operates in the Underground vs the Overworld.
Sampo is present in both places and even in official sources, he's not really counted as one side or the other- now that the theory has been confirmed in-game, he's generally just lumped in with the Masked Fools.
But there really is a big difference!
Probably the most obvious and well known instance of Sampo's...business practices *cough burglary and fraud COUGH* in the Overworld is from the Belobog Museum event. In it, you don't find out Sampo is the main culprit until near the end, because Pela has to set up a sting just to catch him in the act. And that sting is necessary all because the initial suspect they arrested, Norbert, had pretty much no idea of his partner's identity. Sampo wouldn't even speak to him face-to-face.
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And whereas Sampo is normally very pleasant and friendly with the trailblazer...when he thinks he's talking to Norbert here, he straight up says that they are NOT friends. Like he really shuts that shit DOWN.
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There's also an Overworld NPC, Chavez, who heads the "Dark Blue Scam Support Group." And he. Really really really does not like Sampo fjkdasjklfdj
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Chavez clearly wants Sampo caught, and has literally no positive feelings about him. So. Why call it the Dark Blue Scam? Why not just out him by name? Chavez obviously doesn't give a single shit about Sampo's dignity or privacy. But he never once refers to him as "Sampo," and even the pamphlets he passes out make no mention of it. No one in the entire support group seems to know how to identify him or how to refer to him except by his hair color. If the trailblazer says his name, Chavez reacts as though he's never heard it before.
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(I've seen people say this means Sampo Koski is an alias and not his real name? But Ray pointed this out, and honestly I agree; even the Fools call him Sampo, after all. I think it's just that Chavez never knew Sampo's name in the first place, and given his immense distrust, immediately assumes it's an alias.)
And then there's his characters stories, where he proceeds to pull off a heist in the Overworld while in disguise as Brughel Poisson the entire time. Literally his own stories don't mention Sampo's name even once.
So anyway, all this shows that when he's up in the Overworld working cons, Sampo is incredibly slippery and secretive about his identity. The only people who seem to know him are Pela, Serval, and Gepard. He doesn't get close to anyone else, and is even surprisingly unfriendly. Nobody knows his name. No one knows his face. He has zero qualms about backstabbing or double-crossing, and even plans for it in some cases.
Meanwhile, down in the Underground, I'm pretty sure literally the worst thing we hear of him doing is scalping tickets in front of the Fight Club. Which isn't even illegal in a lot of places (although it's certainly a dick move).
In Hook's companion quest, a vagrant miner steals Fersman's equipment and tries to sell it to Sampo. Even before the trailblazer and Hook jump in and out the vagrant as a thief, Sampo hesitates to buy it because it sounds like stolen goods, which he doesn't want any part of.
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Even knowing that a geomarrow detector is rare and incredibly valuable in the mines, Sampo makes no attempt to double-cross Hook or profit off of her loss, and even tells her who to go to to get it fixed.
And my favorite example of Sampo in the Underground is the Survival Wisdom adventure mission. In it, Sampo starts up a business with Peak, another miner. And like. In wild contrast to all the cons he pulls above ground, Sampo is actually super nice and helpful here.
Just the same as with Hook's quest, Sampo talks to Peak face-to-face, with no disguises or barriers. When the trailblazer finds them, they're just in the Great Mine, no secretive meeting places. Peak knows Sampo, is familiar with him, and calls him by name. It's not even a con! There's nothing illegal going on; it really is just a business partnership. Peak is more than happy with their deal, he's even pretty enthusiastic about it, because thanks to Sampo he can now make enough money to get by while also accommodating his chronic fatigue.
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The only person Sampo lies to in this whole ordeal is the trailblazer, who he manipulates into getting Peak's mining equipment back from the vagrants that stole it in the first place. And when it's done, he rewards them with a legit treasure map.
So when he's working in the Underground, Sampo is MUCH more upright and lawful. Part of this is probably to do with his "business" model- Sampo only takes advantage of the wealthy, and poverty runs rampant in the Underground. When he charges Peak an extra 30% (the same percentage he charges Norbert as a consultation fee in the museum heists- Sampo seems to go by percentage instead of a flat rate, which means his prices are more fair for lower incomes) for carelessly losing their supply, Peak literally starts counting out pocket change.
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Dude's working for pennies and good will down there dknsmdmd
And you can twist this into a Robin Hood thing if you want- Sampo IS technically working to feed orphans and heal the sick. He says himself he's more than happy to make up the shortfall between the greedy and the marginalized- I mean he says it in the shadiest way possible, but I doubt the people benefiting from his work really care that he's a slimeball if it means they can survive another day. Even the two heists he pulls in his character stories are literally just him stealing absurd amounts of food.
Personally though I think it is solely because of Natasha, and Sampo is hilariously well-behaved specifically for her, because she keeps him on a short leash JSKZJMSMSKS
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satsuha · 28 days
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assorted doodles
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blackhholes · 2 months
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teen wolf meme: [3/5] motifs -> resurrection
It's different now. I think dying did something to him. It did something to me, too. But none of it was good.
#teen wolf#lydia martin#kate argent#tracy stewart#scott mccall#peter hale#jackson whittemore#derek hale#hayden romero#twedit#twgifs#mine#my gifs#twmeme#yes i'm aware that it can definitely be argued whether resurrection is a motif in teen wolf or just a recurring plot device#and while it's certainly not a symbolic motif like fire and water was previously#the way it's utilized within the show does make me read it moreso as a motif than just plot#like water it's used to communicate an internal change but the ways it differs from water is that it usually occurs at the end of a#narrative arc whereas water typically appears at the beginnings#water is used to signify a character's beginning descent into something new and the resurrection is once that change is completed#jackson's arc in season two is started with his submersion in water and it's ended with his resurrection#and lydia's arc in eichen house in 5b is much the same with her in the river in her mind at the beginning and then her dying and coming bac#at the animal clinic#even lydia's arc in season two can be read within these parameters#it begins with her in the hospital shower as she digs hair out of the water and ends when she resurrects peter#so while yes there is a reversal there and lydia isn't the subject of the resurrection she is the agent of it#which honestly the same can be said for theo in 5a#basically what i'm getting at here is that my reading of the resurrections in teen wolf as a motif is very valid and you should all agree#also i completely forgot about jackson's resurrection until i was literally writing these tags so i had to go back and make a gif for that
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toiletwipes · 11 months
Whenever I'm Alone (With You) | clinic!wilbur
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5k words. / [Two months after the festival you're left in the dust of what to do with yourself when you've been ghosted by a really cute guy. Depression hits and it's not a good mix.] [watch out for self-deprecation, slight suicidal ideation, kind of an unhealthy relationship brewing out of pain]
Part 1 — Masterlist
fic title from Lovesong by The Cure but the chapter title is from Cut by The Cure
thank you @drop-of-void for proof-reading!! and i'm tagging some lovely folks now. @sleeby-anon @loversj0y @struggling-with-delia @l0veb0mb1ng @boiled-onionrings
After the first month, it’d been easy to slip into the same old routine. Wake up too early, stare at the wall until your alarm goes off, manage either the longest shower ever or brush your teeth, then go to work and come home exhausted. Maybe eat. Stare at the wall a little more, go to bed. Music was optional.
And Seff wasn’t having it after the second.
“If men do this to you, then they don’t deserve you.” You grunted, listening to him ramble as you sat on the couch, arms feeling like noodles as you fold towels that sat on your bed a little too long, with Seff mopping your floor, the rugs rolled up and against the wall. The room smelt like fabuloso. “I’m serious. They don’t get to have a great night, express that they want to get to know you more, exchange numbers and then do jackshit with it.” He stops mopping, opting to lean against the length of it, eyes staring straight at you. You don’t make contact.
“Well it’s not up to me what they do, remember?” It’s hard not to be mean about this, you’re all too aware that when men do this, it’s not your fault. (...Entirely.)
“Vividly.” He says, before finishing up the last corner and putting the mop back in the bucket and putting it off by the laundry room. When he joins you, you’re halfway done. He helps you with the rest of the towels, getting you off the couch and forcing you to tuck the towels into the cabinets. When you get back almost ten minutes later, you find the living room fan turned on high and the floor drying faster, Seff himself back on the couch with gummy candy. He offers some to you when you join him on the couch. You dig a hand into the bag and pop them into your mouth, chewing on them as you let the cleanliness of the place wash over you.
“Doing anything feels like I’m moving through- through a thick goo, like tar. And I can’t get out of it.” The words come out only a smidge louder than a whisper but it was so loud between the two of you. Seff doesn’t say anything. So you continue. “It wasn’t… just him. It was all of those guys. Like, how could all of them have one night and change their mind so fast, like it wasn’t real for any of them.” But it was him. He was the last straw. He made the choice to come up to you and spend the last of the festival with you, it was him that wanted your number. It was all him and then- and then- tears prick your eyes again.
And it was him again, ghosting you, just like the others. They were so different from each other, how could they all do the same thing? There had to be a reason and the only logical one is that it was you. They regretted what they did, what they said, and they regret you.
You feel the hazy feeling wash over you, the tar-like substance coating your limbs and mind as Seff hums, wrapping an arm around you. He knew you so well, you wondered why he stayed. “They’re jackasses, don’t forget that, no matter how nice they were or how they smiled at you, they decided that being a coward was easier, it had nothing to do with you.” You nod, not really listening… but still, it’s a little nice to hear the words. Even if they didn’t stick like they should’ve.
He rubs your shoulder, offering you more candy and letting it sit in his lap when you decline. “Here, let’s finish up cleaning and then you hop in the shower. Vick wants you over for dinner tonight, she’s making your favorite, okay?” You nod, Vick was always so nice and sweet to you, snarky towards her husband. And on good days it didn’t hurt to be around them, to see them in love like crazy people.
“How’d you do it?” You don’t recognize the words coming out of your mouth, foreign and sickly tasting. He hums, sighing as he breathes out while he looks around the apartment.
“How’d I do what?” He asks.
“How’d you know it was her, I mean, you guys moved so fast, how did you- just- how?” Words failed you and you wanted answers but even on autopilot, you’re unsure of what you want to know. Of what you want to hear.
Silence grows as he mulls over the answer. Then he starts standing, getting you up on your feet with him, speaking as he pushes you to the shower, “I’ll tell you when you’re done, how about that?” He smiles as you reach the middle of the tiled bathroom floor, turning to him helplessly as you shiver.
He’s about to close the door when you stop him, reaching out with a hand. He stands there, unmoving, eyes moving up to meet yours and you gulp.
He smiles and he shuts the door with a click.
You undress, making no attempts to look at the mirror as you step into the shower, closing the curtains. The water hits your scalp and you try to picture your ails being washed away with the oils in your hair. You try to follow your old routine as best as you can but when thirty minutes pass and all you have to show for it is clean hair and nothing else, you turn the shower off. You’ll take a win where you can. You don’t entirely know it’s been thirty minutes to be fair, but when the water turns from hot to cold you can take the hint it’s time to get out.
Getting dressed and drying your hair with a shirt, you exit your room to find Seff on the couch, finishing the bag of gummy candy off. The corner of your lips twitch up as you toss the shirt at his head, snorting when he shouts and somehow falls onto the ground. “And after all that I’ve done for you!” He says as he wrenches the shirt off his head, throwing it right back at you. “I’ve rolled the rugs out AND I’ve got your bag and keys, and this is the thanks I get?!” A small smile plays on your face, wrapping your arm around his neck in a limp headlock as he continues to mumble about how unfair it was.
“Come on, you big baby, let’s get you back home to Vick,” and at the mention of his wife, he perks right up, handing your things over as he rushes to the door. You follow after him but as you lock the bottom lock, you hear a banging on your window. Your head snaps to the living room, just barely catching the dimmed blue sky of the night, nothing to be seen in the glass. You’d check it out but then you hear Seff call for your name. Turning away, you finish locking your door, following your best friend down the stairs and breathing in and out as your thoughts try to race ahead of you. Despite the genuine fear of a burglar… you couldn’t be bothered to worry too hard about it. One, there wasn’t a thing you could do now, pulling the seat belt over you as Seff started the engine. Two, and you’re sure it’s a bad thought but your mental health has never been known to be particularly okay, but you almost hope there’s somebody waiting for you. Whether they’d kill you immediately or to kidnap you, you’re clueless to which you want more, both are fine options. Maybe torture. Maybe you’d come out of this haze your mind seems to be stuck in.
You hardly notice the car parking, only when the door unlocks and you, automatically, take your seat belt off, opening the door and watching with blinking eyes as Vick, the beautiful woman she is, finds the two of you and hugs both at the same time. It’s a nice hug. Her soap smells nice. Makes you feel sleepy again.
Dinner is filled with laughs and despite your small fears, she doesn’t bring up Wilbur and she doesn’t bring up anybody and she doesn’t say that you deserve better. She just finds ways to make you laugh, make you gasp with the drama she’s heard, helps you with setting the table as Seff finishes off the toasted bread.
Wine is poured in your glass and Vick’s, juice for Seff. You quirk an eyebrow at him and he raises both in return, “what?” he asks as he lifts the fancy glass to his nose, swirling the liquid and then smelling it, with a satisfied nod.
“Pregnant?” He hangs his head in shame as Vick snorts, getting the salt and pepper from the kitchen.
“We wanted to be sure it was hers,” he sends a wink your way before beaming at Vick, accepting the bowl being passed for bread.
The night passes fast and before you can soak the warmth and happiness in for the long run, Seff is already dropping you off, double-checking that you’ll be okay for the weekend. “We’ll be at her mom’s place and you know her mom, middle of nowhere. No signal and—” you cut him off with a tight hug. He doesn’t say anything else until you let go. Until you’re sure the wine isn’t the only thing warm in your chest and belly. You’re slow to pull away but when you do, you walk backwards into your apartment, hand tight around the doorknob. The fear from before is back and though you know he has to leave, you wished he would stay. But that would mean asking. And you can’t ask that of him, not when he’s done so much for you already.
“See you when you get back.” He nods, tight-lipped.
“See you.” He starts the walk back to his car when you call out to him.
The words choke up in your throat but you manage to force them out, tasting bitter like vomit, “love you, be safe.” He parrots it back and tears blur your vision as you wave, watching as he disappears down the steps and then out of sight when his car drives away.
You swallow the lump in your throat, hoping you wouldn’t throw up on the floor after he mopped it, the fear of a familiar pit in your stomach as the door closes behind you. It’s quiet.
Way too quiet.
You turn your TV on, just loud enough to cover the ringing silence in your ears as you sit on the couch, not daring to check your bedroom or the kitchen for any intruders. You’re not sure what you want to find.
Head falling to your lap, phone open, your hand trembles as you press the icon for Wilbur’s contact. Despite him not answering before, you kept texting him and everyday it would stay on delivered, nothing would change. It felt maddening. Lonely. Desperate. You start typing a message out, speaking as your fingers moved, “Seff came over… helped clean and everything. I don’t know… where I’d be without… him.” Tears dripped onto your cheeks as you felt stupid and pathetic and- and- you couldn’t breathe, not around the sobs that escaped your mouth, covering it with one hand as you sent the message. He was just a guy and he only spent one night with you. It wasn’t even that special- you weren’t that special- why would he ever think-
It’s hard to focus but when the tears stop falling and you can breathe, at least through your mouth, you wipe the snot off with your sleeve.
Burglar be damned, you walk into the kitchen, tearing a paper towel off the roll and blowing your nose. It’s loud and it’s warm when you pull it away, groaning at the sight. “Fucking hell,” you mumble, tossing it into the trash.
The floor is cold beneath your feet walking back to the couch and when you sniff, you catch a whiff of that fabuloso again, pressing a hand to your forehead as you reach down to grab your phone. Your breath catches in your throat.
They’re- the messages- they’re not delivered anymore. He’s opened them. Thousands of emotions run through you in the matter of seconds. Air lodges itself in your throat, leaving you dizzy and unable to breathe as you think about it. Shame, humiliation. He’s seeing this pathetic, sad and lonely person vomit in his messages. Shock. Did he- did he lose his phone? Briefly angry, why couldn’t he just open it that night why did he have to wait till now? Staring down the phone screen, you can hardly recognize your thumb pressing on the call button. Without question, the cold press against your ear brings you to the moment, your mind clears of the haze as you’re forced to think, in milliseconds of a game plan. You thought of one over the last two months, wondered what you’d say to him, given the chance, but with your self-deprecating ass it was hard to think at all right now. Taking him back so quickly definitely was wrong, as was assuming he wanted you at all. Oh what to say?
As the call goes through and rings, hearing a vibrating noise outside the window you stiffen up. The one where you heard a noise from-
And the phone picks up, the vibration stops and all you can hear is the distant city noises, and perhaps the quietest panting you’ve heard. You approach the window, holding both hands at your phone, clutching as you whisper, “Wilbur?” Turning around until your back meets the wall beside it, you try to see if looking out would do anything. It doesn’t. It’s just as dark as it is inside of your living room, the only thing disturbing that inky blanket of darkness is your TV. You’re almost scared to turn it off. “Wilbur, what- are you there?” You didn’t know if you meant in general or right outside your fucking window but you can only imagine the answer when you see a phone drop onto the fire escape, a body falling to its knees, you can barely make out the silhouette. You drop your own phone when a hand smacks against the glass, dragging down as it smacks again and again. The shake in your hands makes it hard for you to flip the locks and you slide it up, just barely asking the question: just what in the hell are you doing??
But the hand falls off and a head of fluffy brown hair sticks in and he falls in with as much grace as a limp noodle, groaning all the way. You move him enough only to reach out and grab his phone, looking around to make sure nobody caught him sneaking in. You hope that in the case they do, they assume you’re only sneaking in a boyfriend— even if the assumption hurts to ache for.
“Fuck, Wilbur, what happened to you?” You hiss as you close the window, crouching as you help him sit against the wall, trying to look over him as his head rolls back. His eyes stare up at the ceiling as you look back at the window, catching sight of the red tint dragging down in the shape of his hand. Picking his wrist up, you do see the drying blood coating his skin. Your chest coils tight, thinking the worst of the worst. You try asking him what happened, where’s he hurt before his eyes drift down and find you, his face softening and a deep sigh rattles out of him, interrupted by a hiss and an attempt to press against his ribs. You need to call the ambulance, hell, take him to the hospital yourself but the way he’s sitting on your floor, already adjusting himself seems a little too… relaxed. As one can be relaxed when, no doubt, pain is at the forefront of your mind. “Wilbur, say something,” you beg with gritted teeth. You need a reason to not kick him out, to not pull him into your arms and kiss the wounds away no matter how tempting and how useless it would be. “Say something before I kill you myself.” And then he passes out.
You groan out in frustration, having caught his head in a panic when his body slumped over again and making a dive for the tile. “I cannot be doing this, Seff will kill me-” and then the sudden reminder, of oh yes, as of right now, you cannot call him. Despite more than likely being in the city together, you didn’t want him worrying over you again. You cannot keep doing that to him, he has a life of his own, Vick needs her husband and they’re going to visit her mom— and in your panic, a minute has passed and his head is still in your hand. You, out of nerves, started carding your free fingers through his hair, finding it… wet. You sniff close to his head and nearly groan again, yeah, his hair is wet with sweat.
You push his head back and reach around him, mumbling to yourself about how you should do it. Picking him up by the waist doesn’t do you any favors, neither does pulling on his arms. Bad idea in the first place. Sighing, you make a note to apologize later if he doesn’t die on you when you drag him to your room. It’s no question that he lies on your bed- after a towel has been laid out for him. If he’s bleeding, you don't want too big of a stain. You had considered leaving him on the floor… but then you couldn’t do it.
You check his arms, pushing his sleeves up and finding none of that. You check his head, nothing bleeding there. You take his shoes off but… that’s about all you do besides getting the first aid kit and setting it next to you, along with water and painkillers. If he was bleeding in the legs or chest or hell, even his feet, you needed him awake for that. And despite him literally being on your fire escape, which raises all sorts of questions mind you, you couldn’t undress him. You couldn’t.
After a few minutes, you shake his shoulder, giving his face a few smacks when he wakes up with a jolt, looking around until he finds you and then he groans, clutching at his side again, eyes shut tight. Then he tries to sit up. “Hey slow down there,” you say, holding onto his shoulder when it seemed he would stand up.
“Please, I should-” he swallows and you despise yourself for looking at his throat move, “I should go.”
“You shouldn’t be moving at all, now where’s the blood?” You speak fast, hoping to hide the shake in your voice if you were mean about it. He tried to fight you on it but when you pushed on his chest, stepping between his legs, he couldn’t move, head flung back as he tried to reel the grunts of pain in, trying to be quiet. “If you needed the hospital- or- or a clinic, you should’ve gone there first. But you didn’t, so you’re gonna tell me what’s hurting so I can help you.” He lays limp on your bed, unable to look at you as his mouth dropped open and snapped shut several times. “If you don’t tell me where it hurts, I’m going to stab you and then stitch you up myself and then throw you out my window so fucking- say something.”
It’s silent. Until it wasn’t. “Everywhere,” he rasped, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. “It hurts everywhere. I can’t-” he gasps, hand coming up to where your own still processes, in the middle of his chest and over yours“-think.” You retract your hand immediately, backing up as you give him space. Space for yourself.
“Is there anything bleeding?” You ask and when he shakes his head, you think back to the clear blood on his hands, on your window. It doesn’t add up but taking it with a generous fistful of salt, you want to scream. “Okay- okay. Fuck.”
In the end, you have him sit up, half-apologizing for the pain and the other of you lets him have it, he can handle it just this once. He could’ve called, he could’ve texted, anything, but no, he had to wait until he was literally too hurt to move.
“Did you break anything?” You ask, digging through the first-aid kit while you waited for him to take his shirt off, “because with the way you’re bitching about these bruises—”
“—bitching?” He cuts you off, shirt halfway over his head.
“— yes, bitching, you’re not bleeding, if anything was broken you would’ve, surely, gone to a clinic. A healer, just, fucking anybody. No, you had to come to me.” You say, pulling out the self-adherent wrap and opening it up, unable to fault yourself in finding a battered, bare-chested Wilbur on your bed and losing your voice for it. The hair on his chest that leads down his stomach that leads further down into his pants… you breathe in as he himself is quiet. Starting at his ribs, you have him hold it down as you begin wrapping it around his torso, dedicated to ignoring the heat of his skin, how close you are to him. How you have to stand with one leg between his and lean into his space.
With each go-around, you make sure it’s not too tight, just enough to keep pressure and when you tape it down, you have him lay back down, gathering the first-aid kit to put on the nightstand. Heading into the kitchen for an ice-pack. In the middle of making one in a ziploc bag, you wonder what the fuck you’re doing. You’re patching up a guy who fell into your living room after having ghosted you for two months.
You want to be mad at yourself, you want to punish yourself so badly for letting him in so easily.
“Listen, I just wanted to say—” he says when you walk in and you couldn’t help yourself, you chucked it at the bed and snatched the throw blanket on your dresser, ignoring any other attempts at conversation.
“Get some rest, don’t call for me unless that bag is melted.” You say over your shoulder, closing your bedroom door shut and you can’t help the pathetic slide down against it. Tears try to fall but you wipe them furiously. He does not get to wander in and fuck everything up. For goodness’ sake, you’ve just mopped.
Setting up camp on your couch, you lie down with the knowledge that yeah your neck will be shit in the morning, but you don’t care. You don’t care. It won’t matter in the morning because in the morning, he’ll be okay enough to get up and stand somewhat straight and maybe without help and he’ll insist on leaving. That’s just how it’ll go. He’ll say he never meant to end up on your fire escape and in the morning, he’ll apologize for taking up your bed. Because that’s just how it’ll go. And then he’ll go. And you’ll never see him again.
That’s how it’s going to be. It’ll never be anything more. You sniffle, can’t even stop crying for a night. How fucking useless. You bury your head into the throw pillow and shiver under the thin blanket. It’ll be over soon. It’ll be over and he’ll be gone and you can pretend that you never intended on letting someone murder you. You can pretend that you’re normal and pretend everything is okay. Breathing out, you let sleep fall over you.
You rub the ache in your neck, grimacing as you flip another pancake, successfully burning it. It goes onto a stack of burnt pancakes. Turning off the stove, you don’t even pull butter or the syrup out of the fridge. Maybe your bitterness will fade away with time… maybe you’ll be able to look back in time and say, it’s okay. It just wasn’t meant to be. For right now, you get to be petty and serve your bruised guest burnt food.
Opening your bedroom door, you halt in your footsteps; finding him fast asleep. The ice-pack is nowhere to be found. A sigh falls out of your mouth, the sound of the plate that knocks against the dresser is almost as loud as your defeat. You take the blanket you’d slept with and drape it over him, tucking the edges under him. The idiot slept on top of the cover. Standing up straight, you look at him. This is the first time you’ve seen him in two months, and you feel hopeless. He looks so peaceful, so handsome, so pretty, so helpless you can’t help but want to stay. But he’s hurt you. No matter what he has to say.
You breathe in deep before turning to leave and you would’ve made it out the door had he not reached out for you, grasping your wrist with cold fingers. You shiver under his touch as his head falls to the side, his hair falling into his closed eyes. “What you do to me is cruel,” you whisper, sliding down to the floor and letting him hold your wrist. You don’t know how much I regret meeting you and you don’t know how much I cherish meeting you at all.
It takes twenty minutes for him to wake up, two minutes after that for him to let go. You stand up, throwing a new shirt at him. This one happened to be completely oversized and old for you, perfect for him. “Get dressed and eat, I’m either taking you to a hospital or a healer you know, fifteen minutes.” You don’t give yourself time to loiter in the room, you don’t give him time to explain himself. (You know that maybe, just maybe, he didn’t mean to ghost you but let’s be real, you’re you. And he’s Wilbur. The math isn’t adding up. He just wasn’t that interested.)
About ten minutes after you walk out of your room, he stumbles out, gripping onto the walls and he groans with his mouth closed. You don’t let him see your flustered face at the sound, just walking out and letting him follow you to the stairs. You pull one of his arms over your shoulders and make a point not to talk to him, even when he tries to get you to let go. Saying all about how he can walk on his own and stairs are no problem… you couldn’t resist it though, he was pretty insistent that he’d be okay and maybe you’re still upset. You let go and watch as he falls down one step, catching him before he scraped himself up even more.
“And you said you had it under control.” You mutter and you can see he wants to say more but you send him a look that has him clenching his jaw again.
“Look, you don’t need to take me to a hospital.” He begins after the two of you are settled in your car.
“So you know a healer?” You turn to him, giving him a blank stare.
“Well- maybe- I-” he stumbles over his words as you start the engine.
“You have very limited options right now. Either I take you to someone who will help you or I will dump your ass on the front step of the nearest doctor. Pick one.” His jaw sets and you make it a point to stare ahead as he gives you directions.
In no time, you find yourself in front of an apartment building, helping him get out of the car and into the lobby. You barely helped him into the elevator before turning to leave, watching as he leaned against the elevator doors. He stumbled over his words again.
“I couldn’t text you. I wanted to, so badly.” He says, with the wettest eyes known to man.
“So you’re telling me, you saw I was texting, couldn’t respond  for some mysterious reason and you expect me to tell you it’s okay?”
“I’m not saying it was.”
“Two months, Wilbur, you left me alone for two months.” You say, throwing it out there and he wants to say more, you can see it so clearly. You can see he wants to say why, wants to tell you everything. His big, sad eyes stare you down, tears close to falling. You look behind you, holding onto the elevator doors as you lean closer into the enclosed space. “And we’re only talking because you showed up at my window, bruised to hell and back with someone’s blood on your hands. Talk to me when you’re healed. Because yeah, I have questions. And if you can’t answer them when you’ve healed up, just go back to ignoring me. It worked perfectly fine for the both of us, didn’t it?” You don’t know why you said any of that, bitterness and hurt chokes you up, your words coming out stilted or too fast. Because no way in any version of reality were you okay. You wanted the truth. You wanted to know exactly what went wrong that night for him to ignore you.
And if he’s being honest with you right now, you’re not sure what to make of it.
But you’ve said your piece and the first tear falls down his cheek. So you lean in, palm smacking the button for the doors to close. You don’t wait a second before turning around and heading back to your car. Breaking down right in front of it.
You were so far from being okay, so, so fucking far.
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introloves · 1 year
i dont go into this realm very often but do you guys think satoru produces all boys but wants to be a girl dad so bad
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kuromi-hoemie · 5 months
i love looking down or catching my reflection in a window and being like oh i forgot I'm hot today
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schrodingerscal · 8 months
Everyone always forgets Tubbos blond hair when drawing ‘Tommyinnit’s Clinic for Supervillains’ fanart and it makes me so sad :(. Like let the silly nuke boy have his shitty at home bleach job :(((
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somerandommess · 1 year
Maxiel au.
Almost 2000 words
Inspired by something I had quite the laugh about ‘help I accidentally called my potential sperm donor sobbing and now he doesn’t want to do that anymore. What do I do’
content warning: mention of mpreg
As it neared the end of Daniels 30th birthday, he found himself sitting on the floor of his kitchen with his back to the cupboard. Micheal and Blake were there too, passing a bottle of scotch between them. Daniel stopped drinking a while ago but still had that level of drunkenness where his tongue was loose .
“Do you guys ever think about having kids?”
Blake, who was bringing the bottle to his lips paused and watched him dead on. Micheal did the same.
He felt uncomfortable under their gaze and shifted, trying to play it off as the cupboard handle digging into his back.
Blake put the bottle down, “What?”
Daniel looked away, “I mean children. Little sticky hand, snot nosed kids.”
Micheal grabbed the bottle and passed it to him, “Where’s this coming from DR?”
Daniel picked at the label on the bottle.
“I don’t know, I mean I’m getting older. I know my mum wants more grandchildren and I just- I thought I’d be married with at least two kids by now”
Micheal and Blake said nothing, the silence made him uncomfortable.
He likes children, he knows that much. He loves being an uncle, but sometimes he thinks about having his own little child to laugh at when they fall down. He was in a relationship before and they talked about children. He and the guy had been together for four years but he left when Daniel brought up kids. Daniel was going to propose, so guess he dodged a bullet there.
Sometimes he dreams about curly haired children running wild in his mother’s backyard. In the dreams they look like him but in a weird distorted dream way. There’s also a guy there with them, tall and blond. His ex was blond so he thinks it was him. Ironic.
He always wakes up sad from those dreams.
“You could get a donor,” Blake says. Micheal finishes the bottle and nods his head aggressively.
Daniel watches them wide-eyed.
“A sperm donor, there are clinics in Monaco that do that.”
Daniel laughed, “You’re joking,”
Blake fixed his stare on him, “I’m serious”
“Mate I’m not having some random guys baby just because I want kids. What if he’s a ginger?” He tries to joke but his heart is racing a mile a minute. All of a sudden he’s stone cold sober.
A sperm donor? Really? Actually, it’s not the craziest thing. He’s not drunk enough for this.
Micheal chimes in, “Maybe you could have a F1 drivers baby. I heard some of them have done it. Or a doctor,”
“What if he tries to, I don’t know, reach out? Isn’t the point to be anonymous?”
Blake fixes his glasses, “Actually, some places ask if you want to meet the person. Or if you want to be totally anonymous. It’s up to you.”
“How do you know so much about this shit?” Micheal asks.
Blake shifts and tries to stretch out his leg, “I just do.” He pulls out his phone and starts typing something.
Daniel watches him cautiously, “What are you doing?”
“Sending you clinic options for you to research or go to, incase this isn’t just a drunken confession and you actually want to do this,”
His phone pings and he sees that he sent him three clinics close to him to try. His heart pounds. He’s just a semi decent artist, whose work has been featured in museums. He can’t even make a proper omelette without burning the sides, and he’s thinking about children? Christ, what was he thinking?
Micheal seems to sense the mental battle that he’s having and places a hand on his knee. “Hey, we‘ll support you no matter the choice”
“Yeah. You don’t have to go or do anything,” Blake puts the phone away, “but if you do, you’ll have Micheal and I to help”
Daniel feels his eyes watering. “Thanks guys,”
They sit in silence for a while. He checks the clock on the wall, 12:10 am. His birthday is over.
“I think I’ll go,”
“I’ll obviously be the favorite uncle,”
“I think Scotty just shuddered at the thought of that actually, and he’s like halfway around the world right now”
Two weeks later he goes to one of the clinics. It had the best reviews out of the ones Blake sent.
He meant to go earlier but a museum called and asked to feature some of his work in an exhibition. He couldn’t say no. They also said they’d pay extra if he could procure a new piece so he spent many nights coming up with something perfect.
He walks in and goes to the counter. The receptionist is an old lady with…brightly colored hair. She smiles up at him and he explains why he’s here. He’s given some forms to fill out and he goes and sits in one of the chairs.
As he’s filling out the form, his stomach twists. He’s actually doing this. He considers just running out but he made up his mind. He wants the sleepless nights and the early mornings. He wants this. It doesn’t help that he and Michelle spent an entire two hour call just looking at baby clothes.
A nurse comes out from the back and calls him into one of the rooms. The receptionist, Gertrude as her name tag says, smiles at him as he goes inside.
When he enters the office, the doctor gets up from her chair to shake his hand.
“Good afternoon Daniel, I’m Doctor Felix but you can call me Janine if you’d like,”
He shakes her hand and greets her. She has a warm smile and kind eyes. He sits in the chair and relaxes immediately.
They start talking about why he’s here and other important stuff.
Financial and living situation, the procedure, and the donor process.
“Some donors actually leave their name and contact info just incase the recipient wants to meet or needs support,”
She types something on her keyboard,
“Though most just stay anonymous. Are you interested in keeping contact with your potential donor?”
He shrugs and looks off to the side. He hadn’t thought of it. He thinks he’s capable of raising a kid on his own. And it’s not like he’ll be completely alone, with his Mum and Dad, Michelle, Micheal, Blake, and Scotty.
Maybe he’ll keep the number, just incase.
When they’re done, she sends him off with some pamphlets and a date to come back.
He heads out and even though Gertrude is attending to another person, she waves him goodbye.
When he comes back, he ends up getting the contact number for his donor.
Max V.
He doesn’t plan on using it. He knows the clinic will notify him something along the lines of ‘Hey, this random guy is taking your sperm thx for your service’
So he doesn’t expect to contact him or be contacted.
His plan doesn’t completely work.
He’s been taking these supplements to do something. He can’t remember. Increase the chance of it sticking he guesses. It makes his hormones act up and sometimes, like tonight, makes him bawl hysterically.
He calls Micheal crying and doesn’t even give him the chance to speak before he’s rambling.
“Mikey I can’t do this. A child? What was I thinking! I can’t even cook! What am I meant to feed a baby?,”
He hears as if he’s about to say something but continues talking, “And don’t say that omelettes and oatmeal is cooking. It’s not! What about my art? I’m going to have to stop painting. The fumes Mikey!”
He pauses
“I’m going to have to go back to traditional!” He sobs some more.
“Or maybe photography. I always liked that,”
He collects himself. Micheal stays quiet. He takes a deep breath,
“Im just overthinking, the stupid hormones. It’s only going to get worse when i actually get pregnant. Let’s hope this Max guys sperm knows what it’s doing,”
Micheal is still silent.
He checks removes the phone from his ear checking to see if he’s muted. That would be embarrassing.
The phone screen lights up and-
This is not Micheal.
The name reads Max V.
He blurts out a quick ‘sorry’ and hangs up.
He opens WhatsApp and creates a chat with Max V.
Hey, I’m sorry about that. I thought you were my friend Micheal.
This is the guy who’s going to take your sperm btw.
He cringes. So much for no contact. The message gets blue ticked and then Max V. Is typing.
Are you okay?
And. Ok, rude. Just because he had a crisis over the phone doesn’t mean he’s not ok.
He responds
Yes lol.
Max V. Is typing. But then it goes away.
Daniel locks his phone and runs a hand through his hair.
When he goes to follow up with Dr. Felix, she tells him that his original donor declined.
“He says something happened recently and now he’s no longer a potential sperm donor… for you”
He blinks.
“Excuse me,”
He pulls out his phone and opens his chat with Max.
Did you really cancel my appointment just because I accidentally called you crying?
You called at 1 am, crying hysterically. Forgive me if I’m having second thoughts
Fuck you
He locks his phone.
“He really did that?”
“YES! So what if the hormones made me cry? That’s normal. Ugh. Asshole.”
Daniel shoved a piece burnt toast in his mouth. He chewed on the charred bread. He should really learn how to cook properly. But what do Babies know? They drink milk for like…ever! He has time to figure it out.
Blake watched him and cautiously drank his orange juice.
“I swear, if I ever meet him, I’ll give him a piece of my mind,”
Blake set the cup down and looked like he was going to speak before taking another sip.
Daniel narrowed his eyes, “What?”
Blake shook his head but mumbled something under his breath.
Daniel raised his eyebrow and kicked his shin under the table.
“Ow. I just- What if you…met him? Not to argue but to hear him out? Make him reconsider?”
Daniel pondered the idea. He took another bite of his burnt toast.
It’s not the craziest idea he’s had. No, that was moving to Monaco.
“Yeah, I could do that,”
Yes. He’ll meet Max and demand his sperm back.
He’ll word it better.
He pulls out his phone and opens the chat.
probably many errors in here
Can you tell I know very little about this topic? lmao
Max is still an F1 driver, Daniel is an artist.
Maybe I’ll do a part 2 lol
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stormyrainyday · 6 months
harvey sdv would be the perfect spouse if it wasn't for that fucking mustache
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bunnihearted · 7 months
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willowser · 11 months
willow!! u can write exclusively assistant reader fics and I would read every. single. one.
u can keyboard smash and I would be like yesss 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 they deserve whatever the Oscar equivalent is to writing 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
excited for all ur wips!!! I hope ur week just gets better and better 💖
WAAAAHHH tysm 🥺 what a blessing from you 🥺 i just love the angle, you know ?? bc it puts you directly in his path just about every single day. it's like. you're holding a piece of him together and it's not about whether he's allowing you to or wants you to; that's your job. and somewhere along the way 🥺 i think it could be easy for those lines to blur 🥺
another agency wants to talk with you about coverage and emergency patrol shifts, so you're going to have a sit-down meeting with them thursday. don't forget. you have late patrol that evening, so you'll have to come in a little early, unfortunately, i'm sorry. i'll have all the paperwork made up when you come in and we can go over there together. i'll bring water or tea. maybe we can get lunch afterwards, and then we can talk about the schedule for next week. how is your arm, by the way, from when you hurt it? do you need me to call the clinic and get you a refill on your pain meds? what about your inhaler or your heart med? are you feeling okay lately? your dad called about next tuesday but that's your only day off so maybe you should just rest. i don't mind coming in saturday to help you catch up with paperwork, it's no problem. don't stress about it, we'll get it done. you can walk me home if it makes you feel better.
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californiaquail · 1 month
i bring a sort of not wanting to do pointless waste of time shit to the job that employers really don't care for
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lacallemojada · 2 years
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Dr. Carina DeLuca // Pick Up the Pieces
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