#wording and strategic use of placement and font styles are used to convey a specific feeling
isekyaaa · 2 years
Flow is the worst part about writing, but definitely the most tedious one is finishing a story and then having to nitpick every single sentence to ensure the wording has the most accurate vibes to the vibe in my mind. If I don't have fun reading my story then it's not a story worth posting.
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kzoos4g-blog · 6 years
4 Visual Website Elements that Promote Lead Conversion
New Post has been published on https://kalamazoo.seoforgrowth.com/4-visual-website-elements-that-promote-lead-conversion/
4 Visual Website Elements that Promote Lead Conversion
So you have a website that looks great. You believe the colors and graphics are appealing and easy on the eyes. But you’re not getting many responses or inquiries coming from visitors—how can that be?
A visually appealing website is more than just a pretty digital replica of a brochure.  A strategic website design can go a long way in converting visitors to actual customers. It should be directed toward the user experience (UX); enhancing engagement and increasing leads from those who visit it. Here are some tips on visual design elements that will help you achieve that goal.
1.     First Impressions
Studies have shown that you have about 50 milliseconds (that’s only .05 seconds!) to make an impression on a visitor, especially a first-time user. During that extremely brief period, they will do a scan and determine whether they want to stay or leave. Talk about pressure!
Some elements that can help retain their interest are compelling visuals, professional-looking photos and videos, and an overall web design layout that appeals to your target customers.
For example, a clean and modern aesthetic reflects a business that is modern and organized. A classic design conveys that your business is solid and will stand the test of time. Your design and aesthetics should reflect the values and qualities of your business that you want to convey to your visitors to pique their interest and make them want more.
Are you using the Hero Section of your site to its fullest potential? The Hero Section is the main visual area of your site that everyone sees when the page loads. Use large and clear visual imagery. The text should let visitors know right away that they are in the right place and that you know their pain or have a solution they could be looking for.
2.     Colors
There is a psychology behind the colors you use on your website. Each color projects an emotion; choosing the best ones to convey your message can help increase conversions.
Neil Patel advises about using the colors that will attract and convert your customers, “When you understand color psychology, you can use that knowledge to boost your conversion rate. Psychology of color scheme allows you to predict how your customers respond to your marketing messages, based on the color of your copy, call-to-action buttons and links. It’s all part of understanding customer psychology.”
There’s also a great Kissmetrics article explaining the use of color psychology in the design of a website in order to improve your conversion rate. Let the data be your friend here and consider applying some of the findings to your site.
3.     Format and Size
The placement of your design elements is an important factor in conversions. Having legible, clear and high contrast typography with a logical hierarchy of information will make it so that your readers can skim the content more easily. Most first-time visitors don’t spend the extra time actually reading all of the information.
Making your headlines and sub-headings clearly differentiated from the body of your content helps increase skim-ability. Again, consistency is key. Sticking to one or two fonts and using them consistently helps increase usability and readability.
Size is also important when it comes to the relationship of one website element to the others surrounding it. The larger the element, the more it stands out. Use it to define importance, generate visual interest, attract attention, and guide focus. To make a headline, link or call to action stand out, use a larger and more appealing font than the other text on the page.
Luckily, most of today’s website editors and creation tools provide built-in word processing tools. They allow you to easily adjust your text as needed to fit your style. Gone are the days of needing to know how to code to spice up a wall of drab text.
4.     Whitespace
Whitespace refers to the blank areas surrounding the elements on the website. The right amount of whitespace puts more emphasis on the visual components that are important on the site. It provides for a cleaner and more appealing look.
The whitespace can separate elements or groups of elements. Breaking up the text into smaller paragraphs with line breaks provides better readability. It gives the reader’s eyes a rest. If you put enough whitespace around an object or image, it places more importance on that element, catching the reader’s eye.
Kalamazoo SEO for Growth Can Help You
Visual design elements are just one way that your website can promote lead conversions for your business. Kalamazoo SEO for Growth can determine the specific elements that work best for your business to maximize your conversion rate.
Contact us today to learn how we can help your business in all areas of its online presence!
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