peacemore-springs · 9 months
Wordo (the word game of champions)
a game for five contestants
round one
the game begins with the questioner giving each contestant a short definition of a seven letter word. the questioner then gives the contestant the first three letters of the seven letter word. the contestant must guess the word. each correct answer gains 4 points.
round two
the questioner gives each contestant a short definition of a seven letter word. then questioner then gives the first two letters of the seven letter word. the contestant must guess the word. each correct answer gains 7 points.
round three
the questioner gives each contestant a short definition of a seven letter word. the questioner then gives the first letter of the seven letter word. the contestant must guess the word. each correct answer gains 10 points.
round four
the contestant is asked to choose between either a three, two, or one letter option for the next short definition they are about to receive.
one letter gains 10 points
two letters gain 7 points
three letters gain 4 points
the game continues for three choice rounds
if the game is tied at the end of this round the game goes into an elimination round. the elimination round is one letter definitions and continues until 'You Are Todays Wordo of The World' is heard.
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buscandoelparaiso · 1 month
as roma vs fenerbache in europa league probabilitá: +2000
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turbobyakuren · 2 months
my IQ decreases to 10 the moment i hear fuwawa and mococo speak. cocomelon for my adult brain
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akalikai · 6 months
The game "That's Not My Neighbor" is Stranger coded I dint nakeitbb rial
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myremnantarmy · 1 year
𝐀𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐥 𝟏𝟖, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑
Tuesday of the Second Week of Easter
Gospel Jn 3:7b-15
Jesus said to Nicodemus:
"'You must be born from above.'
The wind blows where it wills, and you can hear the sound it makes,
but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes;
so it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit."
Nicodemus answered and said to him,
'How can this happen?"
Jesus answered and said to him,
"You are the teacher of Israel and you do not understand this?
Amen, amen, I say to you,
we speak of what we know and we testify to what we have seen,
but you people do not accept our testimony.
If I tell you about earthly things and you do not believe,
how will you believe if I tell you about heavenly things?
No one has gone up to heaven
except the one who has come down from heaven, the Son of Man.
And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert,
so must the Son of Man be lifted up,
so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life."
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violeblanche · 1 year
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Hey cob how many spider am I holding rn
I can't tell from this far but I can tell the spiders like you!
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les-mis-in-space · 2 months
MAHONRI: You speak, old man, as though you knew Yrphax. If this be true, pray tell me, goodly sir.
KITORA: 'Tis true indeed that I know many things; On that subject, I can expound at length: The Zarfels have three hundred on their heads, While Humans have but two upon each side. When we do sleep, they gather ev'ry sound, Although we are but hardly conscious of 't. And furthermore, the lobes cease not to grow E'en if the Death-Lord Hovis took thee not Until thou reached ten thousand years or more. But let us to a diff'rent subject turn: That of thy father, him whom I know well.
MAHONRI: My father who is Yrphax.
KITORA: —Aye; whom else?
Excerpt from The Tragedy of Yrphax at Vontor by Wordo Shivrestav
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
Just Sam and Bucky, kind of too into facing off with the living crossword villain Cross Wordo, continuously solving the crossword puzzles the being becomes over and over again until Cross Wordo admits defeat.
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inzaghismo · 1 year
mi a-wordo
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mianmimi · 2 years
I was going to say "Happy anniversary to the ONLY Doctor Strange live action film" because I hate MoM, but... 838 Strordo is the gift that keeps on giving and also there were cute Wonrange moments in MoM. If my laptop wasn't busted, I'd make a supercut of MoM with just the good stuff and upload it to youtube or twitter. I'm not rewatching a 2hour film just for 10 minutes of goodies at most :/
The best part of MoM wasn’t even in MoM. It was in all the theories and fanon that came from those good ten or so minutes 🤣
Worange is grossly underrated! I can’t believe that they aren’t shipped as much as they should be. Actually yeah I can believe it cause fandom has a history of pairing white men together while ignoring the poc characters that their favs actually interact with. Thor/Heimdall, Ned/Peter, Sam/Bucky, Tony/Rhodey, Strordo, Wordo, Worange, etc….all should have gotten a lot more love than fandom gave them. Sorry for going on a tangent there. The pattern is just so blatant at this point it’s sad.
And YES 838 is absolutely the gift that keeps on giving 😍😆🥰🤣 And the gifts are all coming from fanon tbh. I’m still amazed how despite 838 Stephen and Mordo never sharing screen time, shippers have woven together a love story for them. Not only that, but we also profess hopes that they’re reunite somehow 🥹
I mean look at them
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They deserve happiness damnit! 😭 I need 838 Stephen to show up at the Sanctum and crawl into bed while Mordo’s already laying there. Can you imagine sweet Nonny? Mordo waking up to his love beside him again 🥹❤️ Or maybe he returns in a more dramatic fashion. Like saving Mordo during a fight and telling their enemy to keep their hands off his husband 😍
Honestly it’s so much fun to imagine the different ways 838 Stephen could reunite with his Mordo. Whether it be simple, sweet, funny, or dramatic and violent….it’s gonna be tearful and beautiful when they reunite.
Side note, I think 838 strordo has a huge appeal amongst strordo fans because they’re the closest we’ll get to strordo having a happy life together. Sure it’s completely fanon, but right now 838 strordo’s relationship is the closest we’ll get to them working/living together. And Mordo was clearly upset when 616 accused him of murder and told him he knew nothing on his world. Also there were little bits and pieces that imply that Supreme Strange and Master Mordo had a much better relationship than 616 Stephen and Mordo, for me it’s Master Mordo saying “I can see why YOUR Mordo didn’t like YOU very much.” For me that implies a distinction between the two dynamics.
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kikotapasando · 2 hours
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buscandoelparaiso · 7 months
l'intero roster di conduttori rai che smentisce la propria partecipazione a sanremo2025 perché nessuno vuole prendersi la responsabilitá di fare un disastro dopo i festival di amadeus
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poliversearuba · 1 month
Dilema Etico di Periodista Emplea door di Partido Politico: E berdadero conflicto di interes
Den e mundo di politica, comentaristanan politico ta tene un posicion basta unico. Na Aruba, asina un isla asina chikito ta haci cu nan influencia ta grandi. Nan ta boz cu ta yuda e publico nabega e complehidad di decisionnan y ideologianan politico.
Sinembrago, den un conferencia di prensa ultimo, Minister Arends a kibra e glass cu ta proteha paar di periodista.
“Bo ta of bo no ta riba payroll di Fractie AVP?”
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Esey tabata e pregunta cu a laga tur hende babuca. Minister Arends a lansa un pregunta directo na e representante di 24ora cu tabata na beurt pa haci pregunta. Segun Arends ta cu e lo kier sa di cua angulo e preguntanan ta bini. Apart di ta miembro di prensa di 24ora, e ta co-host di e programa Enfoke.
Awo e dilema etico mes: Un miembro di prensa ta emplea door di un partido politico, un di e partidonan cu e ta suppose di critica y analisa imparcialmente.
E practica aki ta lanta preguntanan serio riba e integridad di e periodista cu ta enfoka su mes riba comentario politico. E rol di un comentarista politico ta pa presenta pueblo cu analisis imparcial y obhetivamente.  Pero ora un miembro di prensa ta riba payroll di un partido politico, e obhetividad aki ta fundamentalmente comprometi. No solamente e ta un conflicto di interes, e ta violacion claro di e standard di etica cu como persona bo mester, pa por practica e profesion di periodismo.
Pa sigui splica e red flag, un miembro di prensa emplea directamente riba payroll di un partido politico obviamente no ta di confia pa duna un analisis imparcial. Paso na fin di dia, e fuente di su salario ta un partido cu tin interes pa promove e partido su narativa y agenda.
Esaki ta crea un situacion unda e miembro di prensa aki su lealtad ta cerca su dunado di trabou, y no e berdad y mucho menos e pueblo.
Den e caso aki partido AVP tin un dede den tur loke e miembro di prensa aki ta trece dilanti pa pueblo. Den tal caso, e ta probablemente ciega, presentando un bista cu ta sirbi e interes di e partido AVP enbes di ofrece un punto di bista honesto y critico.
E practica aki ta bolbe pone un mancha riba e confiansa cu pueblo tin den media en general na Aruba. Y no ta solamente e fractie medewerker di AVP/Miembro di Prensa di 24ora/Co-host di Enfoke ta e problema, si bo pone atencion y ripara kende ta presenta na ruedanan di prensa y con consistente nan ta, bo lo ripara mas media comprometi. Un cos si, e sala di prensa dia 7 di augustus tabata yen yen, y con cu bai bin tog a keda falta paar di cara. 🤔
Awo laga nos hacie facil pa esnan cu ta yama nan mes periodista na Aruba: Di ora bo ricibi un mensahenan di miembro di partido politico, pa bo trece tal pregunta dilanti, bo ta un periodista comprometi. Den analisis di data, bo pregunta lo wordo considera como invalido.
No compronde malo, claro como un profesional bo mester por duna bo servicionan na un partido poilitico por ehempel, eventonan, website, relato, design etc. Sey no ta e problema. E problema etico ta ora boso ta halsa bo mes riba un pedestal, tilda otro di conflicto di interes y falta di integridad... y na mes momento boso ta presenta boso mes como un miembro di prensa a fabor di e pueblo.
Cua pueblo esey? E geel of e berde?
Of e blauw? Paso esey tambe ta purbando di resusita.
Awo loke pueblo dilanti dje ta miembro di prensa den saco di partido politico. Naturalmente esaki ta pone tur duda riba tur locual ta wordo bisa den media. Confiansa den prensa y institucionan politico ya ta fragil, awo cu e ultimo noticia aki, e ta peligroso.  
"Peligroso dicon? E ta djis haciendo su trabou tog? E semper tey."
Ojo, no ta bisando cu e no ta apasiona pa su trabou. Esey sigur nan ta, pero tin un impacto mas amplio pa considera.
Miembronan di prensa ta hunga un rol sumamente crucial den e proceso democratico di un pais. Nan ta yuda informa e pueblo, tene lidernan responsabel, y contribui na e discurso politico. Ora un miembro di prensa ta den saco di un partido politico, nan no ta sirbiendo interes publico mas; nan ta sirbi un agenda partidario.
Esey ta un hecho y coleganan por por grita y sapatia cu no ta asina pero e echo ta keda cu e ta un conflicto di interes. Falta di etica di uno no ta hustifica falta di etico dibo.
Si como miembro di prensa bo ta emplea door di un partido politico, esaki ta un conflicto di interes directo y no tin discusion valido pa defende.
Bo ta of bo no ta boz di pueblo?  
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moonilit · 8 months
Moved from typos to wordos, bro im forgetting whole words
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violeblanche · 5 months
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io per loro due mi a-wordo ⭐️⭐️
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