enjoypositiveliving · 29 days
Waiting on the driveline
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soloyatra · 8 months
Work Camping Belize: A Complete Guide
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Explore the allure of work camping in Belize with our comprehensive guide. From visa requirements to top camping sites, our 'Work Camping Belize: A Complete Guide' ensures you have all the information for a rewarding experience in this tropical paradise.
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rvtravelswithmike · 1 year
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itsdetachable · 2 years
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My young-teen grandma after she stole tomatoes in the night from the Nazi farm her work camp was next to, and realizing she should've listened to the adults when they tried to tell her how to differentiate between green and ripe tomatoes in the dark.
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cienie-isengardu · 5 months
Zuko’s stealing habits: Additional observation 
I have already talked about Zuko’s stealing habits in second Book and came to the conclusion that, narrative and visually speaking, he stole food and money primarily for Iroh’s sake. Even stealing the ostrich horse from the kind Earth family that fed Zuko and Iroh seen at the beginning of the season (something I did not include in the previous part) was done for pragmatic reasons rather than out of spite or for fun. As in, the ostrich horse gave them additional advantage to avoid or run away from pursuit. Iroh was not happy about Zuko’s choice but he ultimately accepted it and never again scorned his nephew for taking that animal - the later episode showed the ostrich horse was vital for their escape from Rough Rhinos. 
Interestingly, Zuko wasn’t that much prone to stealing and/or appropriating someone’s property in the previous season either. Especially not for a petty reason. The three examples (or as close to stealing it could be) that comes to my mind happened in:
Avatar Return, when Zuko took Aang’s staff that the young airbender used in fight against him and then offered willingly as a token of his surrender in exchange for leaving Katara and Sokka’s people in peace.
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On his ship, the Banished Prince said:
This staff will make an excellent gift for my father.
What A) shows he didn’t think of keeping the last airbender’s weapon for himself and B) is a similar gesture done by Iroh, who sent little Zuko a knife of an Earth Kingdom's General that surrendered to him during the siege of Ba Sing Sai.
The Waterbender Scroll, during confrontation between captured Katara and Zuko:
Zuko: Tell me where he is and I won't hurt you or your brother. Katara: Go jump in the river! Zuko: Try to understand. I need to capture him to restore something I've lost, my honor. Perhaps in exchange I can restore something you've lost. Katara: My mother's necklace! How did you get that? Zuko: I didn't steal it, if that's what you're wondering. Tell me where he is.
And yes, Zuko did not steal the necklace, as Katara lost it when she helped imprisoned earthbenders to free themselves and Zuko found it in ruins of the workcamp. But he was willing to use it as a bargain chip and later, to track Aang with the help of June. From this episode he knew the necklace meant a great deal to Katara but for him it was a tool to fulfill his mission. 
The Blue Spirit, we can assume Zuko, as the Blue Spirit, was infiltrating Fire Natin’s stronghold to steal information about Avatar and/or Zhao’s plans, as said knowledge was denied to the banished prince. And mind you, the first time we saw Blue Spirit at the fortress was long before Zhao’s people managed to capture Aang. 
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During the first season, Zuko may not have a strong moral opposition to destroying other people’s villages or pursuing Aang from one end of the world to another, or keeping Katara’s necklace but in general he does not steal unless it is necessary. He does not even take trophies from defeated enemies and/or attacked villages (Water Tribe and Kyoshi Island were left immediately once Aang either surrender or escape) with the exception of Aang’s staff that Zuko wished to give his father, no doubt to earn his respect. Which is something fitting the theme of the second Book.  
But the most ironic thing about Zuko’s stealing habits? Iroh’s reaction. Our dear uncle Iroh was not happy that his nephew has no problem stealing - and is stealing to either provide them food and comfort to the level Iroh was used to (book II) or to fulfill his mission of capturing Avatar (book I). I mean, that is a reaction we should expect from a responsible adult and the fatherly figure, right?  However in "Bato of the Water Tribe", Iroh himself was shown stealing perfumes while everyone was busy fighting
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just because it smelled nice and there was no one to stop him. And from “Waterbender Scroll” episode we know Iroh had money to buy himself nice things on whim.
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But nope, stealing from people that he helped Zuko and June to attack is all right yet he will be upset that his nephew is desperately trying to please his father by capturing Avatar by any means AND Iroh, by providing him food and comfort the older man was used to.
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goneahead · 5 months
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definitely not the view I wanted😆
Heading north to workcamp for the summer, and Old Faithful began having trouble starting. But my little caravan refused to strand me, so she finally turned over and then I had to backtrack to the only RV shop that could squeeze me into their schedule.
Turns out the solenoid was going bad. I went ahead and also had Old Faithful's (original!) starter replaced as well. And the job doesn't start until next month, so um yeah. maybe I should've start a gofundme...🙃
Nomad living. Every day is a new adventure!!!😂😂😂
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golden-bubblebee · 4 months
Just finnished series 4 (modern) dr who)
Holy fuck I am a wreck
Donna has really grown on me. Seeing her in the 'the whole world went to shit because she turned left' situation, not very nice.
'Workcamps' my heart broke.
Did I mention I love her granddad? Make him a companion.
Hmmm excuse me evil doctor guy killing all the daleks? That's not very 9 of you.
I love the scene where they are all towing earth. Very christmasy. It's adorable
Why did mickey say he'd miss jackie most of all? Weirded me out a bit.
The doctor really had to see the women he loves kiss, well, himself, and realise that she could settle and be happy and I can't imagine the pain it must have cost to give Doctor 10² to her.
donna noble. My heart breaks. Her desperation. Her anger. How horrible she is without him.
Grandad being amazing, again. This guy has a great face of making me cry. He cries, I cry.
'And I will look at the stars every night, looking out for you. In her place'
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horsesarecreatures · 1 year
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Book review: The Overstory by Richard Powers
This is a collection of short stories and novellas with the theme of trees. It was well written and won the 2019 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, but I wasn't crazy about it. To me, being around nature is a source of happiness, but the stories were just depressing.
 The first story follows immigrants named Jorgen and Vi Hoel who move to Iowa from New York to start a farm. Joel brings along a bunch of American Chestnut seedlings and plants them, but over the years they die off one by one until only one remains. This tree, however, becomes massive and is a local landmark. Subsequent generations of Hoels begin photogating it every season. Nicholas Hoel, an artist, keeps the tradition going. One winter the family gathers back at the farm, most of which has been sold off, for Christmas. Nicholas decides to brave a snowstorm on Christmas Eve to go to an art exhibit in Omaha. The rest of the family stays put. Nicholas almost dies in a car wreck on the way back. When he finally arrives home, he is greeted by silence. He enters the house to find his entire family dead from carbon monoxide poisoning. But guess what remains? The chestnut tree!!! Its “...profligate twigs click in the breeze as if this moment, too, so insignificant, so transitory, will be written into its rings and prayed over by branches that wave their semaphores against the bluest of midwestern winter skies.”
The next story is about another immigrant named Ma Sih Hsuin. He is a Chinese Muslim from a immensely affluent family who leaves for San Francisco to escape the communists who will descend on his family in another 6 months and send them to workcamps. In the US, he becomes a successful engineer who develops an early version of the cell phone, marries a southern woman named Charlotte, and has three daughters. He enjoys camping and has a happy life. He plants a mulberry tree in his yard because one of the things his father gave to him before he left was a ancient painting of Fusang, a magical mulberry tree from the far east where the elixir of life is hidden. But as his daughters grow up, the mulberry tree grows sickly despite all the care he gives it. Despite his phone becoming licensed, when he realizes he cannot save the tree, the normally cheerful Ma Sih Hsuin becomes depressed and “puts a Smith & Wesson 686 with hardwood grips up to his temple and spreads the workings of his infinite being across the flagstones of the backyard.”
I get that Powers was emphasizing the theme of nature being infinite in comparison to individual humans, but the heavy mood and imagery in this book just seemed over the top to me. Stylistically, I also found it to be very similar to The Dubliners by James Joyce, which I read once in high school, again in a Cultures of Colonialism class at Stockton, and a third time in a James Joyce class at Montclair State, and at this point I’m sick of it. For these reasons I found this book’s 500+ pages to be repetitive and tedious, even though in the end Powers did a somewhat unique thing where the 9 characters from the short stories came together to protect the forests. 
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gonturan0 · 10 months
For the AO3 wrapped: 12 and 20?
Hello! Thank you for visiting my humble blog and sending an ask. 12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
Let's see... Hopefully I finish my current WIP by the end of the year. But for next year, I've got 2 medium-sized fics, a longfic, and two oneshots. who knows if I'll get to the longfic. 20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
It's a tossup between The Gulag and TSMOT. The Gulag is short and I'm proud of the prose (and I was eager to write something about the Soviet workcamps). But TSMOT is the longest thing I've ever written so far, and I loved making my main character regret his life choices, and I loved exploring his psyche. He's capable of being a noble person, but his mentality is so warped by his job as a spy and his trauma from WWII that most of the time he's cynical and paranoid, even viewing his son as a potential enemy.
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g0om · 2 years
my useless class wasnr useless bc we learned abt the guy who hid from the nazis made a girl killherself like instructed her then was part of the socialst government then went to the union got sent back for calling someone an idiot then went to recs for a workcamp then got a job snitching on his friends family then went to the uk and revolutionised science philosophy and became a far right thinker
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iowamedia · 2 months
Catholic Heart Workcamp returns to Marshalltown area for third straight summer
For the last three summers, hundreds of teenagers from states across the country have descended upon the Marshalltown area for four full days of hard work and good old fashioned community service, and the participants in the annual Catholic Heart Workcamp have once again completed a litany of projects during their stay in 2024. On Thursday morning, one of the breakaway small groups — there are…
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iomontecillo · 1 year
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Jobcenters, deportation-centers, workcamps, re-education-camps, lebensborn camps, slaveships. It’s the same being described in different ways, & the public slander is just the public & State flogging Assyrian style.
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eazy-group · 1 year
Work Camping Tip for Beginners #shorts #workcamp #fulltimervlife #rvlife
New Post has been published on https://eazycamping.net/work-camping-tip-for-beginners-shorts-workcamp-fulltimervlife-rvlife/
Work Camping Tip for Beginners #shorts #workcamp #fulltimervlife #rvlife
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goneahead · 1 year
Seven Specifics: Fill out the seven questions, tag others
I was tagged by @m-b-lynch- thank you❤️!
Relationship status: Yes, much to the detriment of my long-suffering partner🤣🤣🤣
Favorite color(s): steel blue
Song in my head: Currently? Death, Oh Death by Vera Hall. Last week it was Bunkhouse Orchestra’s unique take on Turkey in the Straw and Johnny Adams’ Hell Yes I Cheated. Those D&D randomizer charts? are for noobs😂
Last song listened to: been on a JD Jarvis kick lately, so Palms of Victory. Small aside—is it just me, or is listening to JD sing like, a whole other level? JD’s troop was one of the first to storm the beaches on D-Day, he was shot several times, and there is just no effing way he should have survived. But—he recovered from his wounds, worked in coal mines and as a house painter/contractor, recorded a couple of dozen records, and lived into his eighties😳
Last thing googled: I can neither confirm nor deny that I may have recently gone down a rabbit hole on the different bits of art that have survived depicting Harmodius and Aristogeiton.
Who are they? So—gay couple assassinates a tyrant. Gay couple are executed. Greek artists keep putting the now martyred gay couple on stuff, and also create kickass sculptures which the Romans then copy. Flustered art historians dub these two ‘the tyrancides’ and hope nobody actually looks up the story. Oh and the sculpture is flat out wrong, because Harmodius was basically the Athens equivalent of a twink😆
And yes, I have now babbled about both **checks notes** LGBTQ Athenian art history AND bluegrass gospel history🤪
oh look! squirell!!!
moving on…
Favorite food(s): Salsa, coffee, fresh cookies, anything with jalepenos😋
Dream trip: I would love to camp in the general vicinity of North Dakota/Montana/Idaho but all the workcamping gigs seem to be on this side of the Mississippi. Admittedly, my caravan might possibly-potentially-if-I-am-really-lucky get 11 miles to the gallon* so this is not necessarily a bad thing😁
*with a stiff tail wind. downhill.maaayyybe
tagging @cowandcalf @distilled-prose @distancebetweenpages @pocketfullofpoesies @wordrummager @oddman-the-oldman @itwoodbeprefect @teruel-a-witch @torrentialmonsoon
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smilengoblog · 1 year
SMILE NGO is a non-profit organization in India that works towards providing education, healthcare, and livelihood opportunities to underprivileged communities. The organization offers summer workcamp opportunities for individuals who are interested in making a positive impact in these communities.
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As a summer workcamp participant with SMILE NGO, you will have the opportunity to work on various projects such as teaching English, computer skills, and life skills to children in rural areas, promoting health and hygiene practices, and supporting community development initiatives. You will also have the opportunity to immerse yourself in Indian culture and learn about the challenges faced by marginalized communities.
To participate in a summer workcamp with SMILE NGO, you can visit their website and fill out an application form. The organization may require you to provide information about your skills, experience, and motivation for volunteering. Additionally, you may need to pay a fee to cover your accommodation, food, and other expenses during your stay.
Overall, participating in a summer workcamp with SMILE NGO can be a rewarding and life-changing experience that allows you to make a positive impact while immersing yourself in a new culture.
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theresah331 · 2 years
Author Mark Redmond Writes Western Middle Grade Fiction and Western Stories for Grownups. Redmond and his wife Susie were workcampers, who lived in their motor home for eight years and enjoyed exploring the West. Author’s Page At Book Marketing Global Network: https://lnkd.in/evaaxgQZ
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