#worked here for months but nah all they know is i play viddy games do cosplay and watch wrasslin
prehistorictriforce · 2 years
had a coworker today ask what flavor of cake we all would be if we were cake. based only on the flavors we sell. and i was like dude i dont fuckin know sorry so i was kin assigned cake flavors and here were the results
-key lime cake, because we havent made it yet but its scheduled as a summer flavor so it’s a total mystery, apparently “just like [me]”
-carrot cake, because our carrot cake is notorious for not being consistent and therefore “some days it’s good, some days it’s bad, it’s a toss up! who knows what you’ll get!”
-blueberry, cause it’s surprising and unexpected, just kinda happened and no one really asked for it but it’s there so like hell yeah alright
i feel like i should be very very offended by these answers but honestly im just glad to see that ive succeeded in giving them as little information abt myself as physically possible. good, thank you. please DONT perceive me. dont know me. dont have thoughts abt me in ur heads. as far as you’re concerned i dont exist outside of these walls
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femme-is-my-gender · 4 years
Lesbian ask game 5, with a twist 1-50 👀
OK BABE YOU CAN'T FOOL ME but you're cute and ily so
(I know you sent this like 5 days ago but this was a lot to answer and I wanted to get them all right because HAPPY 6 MONTHS BABE IF WE CANT GO ON A TRIP THEN THIS WHOLE DAMN MONTH IS OUR 6MO CELEBRATION 💕)
1. Their hair is fucking gorgeous I love the texture and its teal (I did the dye and cut!!!)
2. Their eyes are beautiful mid tone brown i love seeing the way the sun reflects off them 💕
3. Their age? Either a wise elder stuck in a teenagers mind stuck in an adults body or did you mean like in dog years?
4. We met on an app 🤷‍♀️ love finds you when you're not looking
5. S is very ticklish I don't even have to touch just wiggle my fingers in their direction and they fall over giggling
6. Their favorite song??? Idk if they have a #1 fave but their fav band is Mickey Darling
7. Their fave movie is avengers we watched it the other night at a drive in:)
8. Their fave book... idk babes a dork Harry Potter probably :P
9. Their fave TV show is She-ra honorable mentions for Avatar and My Hero
10. Their celebrity crush is........... me 😎
11. Babe wants a cat but allergies make that a uh problem (still trying to convince s to get a naked cat we will see how successful I am!!!)
12. There are SO MANY songs that make me think of them heres a whole Playlist but #1 is smother me and I'll follow you into the dark
13. Does s play sports.. well. Do you count the bedroom?
14. My favorite things about their body.. their dimples! Their hands! Their smile and the way their eyes crinkle when they do, the sound of a big belly laugh, their soft tummy and thighs to lay on, their butt is pretty cute too idk
15. My favorite personality traits! Don't get me started! The way they can uphold their boundaries firmly but not unkindly. The way they will get rude if needed to get someone to listen, the way they listen so intently when I talk about the Deep Stuff and the way they listen to my suggestions on the bad days even when they don't want to do what I suggest. The way they look at a new leaf unfurling on one of our house plants and the way they will talk and sing to my bird, the way they care so deeply for their loved ones and would do anything for them, the way they hold me almost every night bc its easier for me to fall asleep since I work early even though their work day ends right before I have to sleep. The way they rub my head and my back when I can't sleep and the way they absent mindedly rub their thumb on my hand or say I love you for the millionth time or do the arm jerk robot arm dance when they're excited or nervous and so many more i gotta go lay down....
16. Their style is emo boy/tacky 80s dad and I love it!
17. Our first date we went to a little vegan restaurant/bar then to an emo night at a bar! The bar double booked though so we didn't get the emo night we anticipated but thats okay!
18. A tiny detail they don't know I notice... idk I say most things I'm thinking outloud so if I notice something i say it lol no secrets here
19. Their talents! They are good at viddy James and they are good at cooking especially seasoning and just throwing random things into a meal, they are good at planning down to details, also the talents don't stop in the bedroom I'm just sayin
20. A tiny poem about S
Ways I say I love you that aren't outloud
Making sure you drink water
Scooting closer
Making you laugh
Asking how's your day been
Tracing my fingers on your skin
Giving us a clean place to spend our time
Encouraging you to try something new
Opening the blinds
Being your cheerleader
Baby you're my sunshine
You shine so bright and even on the cloudy days you're what warms my soul.
I love you.
Have you had any water today?
21. Do they have a tumblr? Yeah! Baby come off anon lol
22. What makes them laugh? Well any goofy noise or silly song i make up usually will get them, they're pretty ticklish so that works too also memes and cat videos
23. S is a Taurus sun with dominant Aries chart and im a sag sun with dominant Capricorn chart depends which app you ask but I say we are pretty damn compatible
24. Babe has always wanted to travel in general. I know Colorado was a plan for a while, Germany has come up before. I think as long as we are together and near a beach we both would be happy to go anywhere
25. Things that are interesting to baby are heros/magic people, babies, animals, romcoms and anything to do with live music
26. I realized I loved them like on our 2nd date! I was so stressed bc I had just gotten out of a toxic relationship and while I was totally over the romantic connection to that person I was still feeling alot of hurt and trying to recover and I met S while I was slutting it up on tinder and I was Not Ready to be in love again like I WAS but I was so scared of fucking things up between us by committing "too soon" but S was so patient and never pressured me but I could tell they had feelings and so did I but like I was better at hiding them. I love them so much I'm so glad we met.
27. Their favorite food group is comfort food/toddler menu: grilled cheese, nuggs, pizza, also their top fave is fideo
28. Babe hates alot of foods I don't know them all yet but bell peppers, onions, also new foods are scary but they will try something if I make it/want to eat somewhere they've never been which just makes me 🥰
29. Hogwarts house is slytherin!
30. Babes element? Well their chart is fire/earth heavy. I say earth is their element!
31. Something that makes baby angry is people being rude for seemingly no reason also people who don't respect boundaries
32. S is taller than me by like 5 inches i think
34. Idk if they want their name on here so
35. Their aesthetic is like kitchy/goth/boho vibes. Dark vibrant colors, lots of plants, lots of art, skulls, comfortable space with blankets and pillows that's pretty and interesting to look at
36. Well the first thing I bought them was a drink lol but the first proper gift was a stuffed sloth they had wanted for a long time bonus facts I had to snoop on their insta to find a picture of the sloth and zoom in/brighten the picture to read the tag and did some sleuthing online but I found it! His name is theo
37. Baby is def a night owl
38. I brag the most about babe's just general goodness. I tell anyone who will listen how good they make me feel and how they listen and give good advice even when I don't want to follow it, and their top priority is keeping me safe and secure and also they're really fucking hot but I can't say that normally.
39. S has some rings and a necklace they like to wear if they're looking Certified Fresh
40. I'm a vegetarian, babes not
41. Oh fuck idk what their fave school subject is I would have to guess lit/reading??
42. Their clique is skaters/emo/scene lol
43. We have been together 6 months almost exactly!! 😍
44. Describe their laugh. Oh my God, well there's the cute nervous/goofy laugh they do most the time, there's this snort/chortle they do when I'm being extra goofy that I love, and sometimes I get them to do the whole throw head back full belly deep laugh and my heart goes 🥰🥰🥰🥰!!!!!!!!!!
45. Nah they don't wear makeup
46. Favorite art medium? Like to do? Painting I think.
47. Babe plucks around on bass and ukulele sometimes and they're a PRO at belly bongos
48. S identifies with cats the most
49. Babe likes the outdoors but it's not their comfort zone so there's resistance when I suggest it but if I insist they end up having a good time. Idk if s would like camping though.
50. This picture is my wallpaper I love them so much and bought this shirt for them!!! (Fun fact I left the store and went home and later decided to go back and get the shirt bc I LOVE them and their tacky 80s dad vibes)
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