yurionicebigbang · 7 years
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shower me with your affection (or let me wilt)
author: @plotmaster artist: @gairanelixir beta: @sinkingorswimming, @icanhinatashouyoutheworld rating: M warnings: murder word count: not given summary: Victor and Yuuri meet in a summer of earthquakes, shower duets, musical filming, and figuring out whether they should suspect each other to be a murderer or not.
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daiyabigbang · 7 years
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author: @hiddentwister artist: @saionjiakane beta: @theotherpolitegirl rating: Mature warnings: Non-con, drugs, underage, child abuse, Sawamura had a girlfriend word count: 44,015  summary: Sawamura Eijun worked in the marketing department in one of a company in Tokyo. While being an ordinary worker, actually Sawamura had once lived in an orphanage which from there it affected his personality. From the people who had taken care of him in the past, he learned that helping someone in need was heroic thing to do and he vowed to help everyone in need as much as he could.
Until in one night when he came back late from overtime, he encountered a bunch of suspicious people surrounding a defenseless man into a corner. Because of his ‘vow’, he decided to save the man from the punks, despite being outnumbered and a bit scared. He ended up making his hand injured and he was lucky enough some policemen were patrolling around the place before the fight went too far. After the event, he didn’t know the man that he just saved actually would change his life drastically.
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obikinbigbang · 7 years
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Thank you to all the artists and writers who participated in this years big bang! Thanks for your patience and dedication and amazing work. And without further ado, the Big Bang.
✿✿ ArchiveOfOurOwn Complete Collection. ✿✿
★ We’re Not Written In The Stars (But I’m Okay With That)
Word Count: Estimated 30+k
Rating: Explicit
Trigger Warnings: Rape/Non-Con (not explicit) Implied/referenced sexual assualt, self harming, eating disorders, attempted suicide, victim blaming
Other pairings: Padmé/Sabé
Description: Obi-Wan is a professor and Anakin is his new TA, Anakin was in a long term abusive relationship with Sheev Palpatine that he managed to get out of. Anakin slowly starts to heal and trues to find trust and happiness again.
Arthur url: @darthvders 
Artist url: @coppersky
★ Linger
Word Count: 5,479
Rating: Teen and Up
Common Trigger Warning Tags: Death, Violence, Mention of Suicide, Blood, Injury, Angst
Other Pairings Included: Possible Barrissoka mentions, past Quintress
Description: In the wake of his premature death, Anakin is left trapped in the physical realm as a Ghost. All the while watching helpless as Obi-Wan begins to succumb to the fate that should have been his.
Author url: @askgrelf
Artist url: @lethalsaber
★ the world, nothing less
Word Count: 6,174 (WIP)
Rating: T
Common Trigger Warning Tags: –
Other Pairings Included: –
Description: Modern day London; Anakin Skywalker, a young man who’s accidentaly always in trouble with the law, is in bigger trouble than usual. He’s about to get his ass locked up when a fancy, suit-wearing stranger arranges for him to be discharged. The stranger introduces himself as Obi-Wan Kenobi and leaves Anakin with more questions than answers as well as an address of a tailor shop on Savile Row.
But not before he takes Anakin for a drink at a local pub and, after they’re rudely interrupted, proceeds to beat up five grown men into unconsciousness without so much as breaking a sweat. “Fuck me,” Anakin whispers in shocked awe. “At least invite me to dinner first,” Obi-Wan replies, grinning.
Author url:  @imaginaryanon
Artist url: @ohbuckle
★ Lost in the Galaxy
Word Count: 6896
Rating: E
Common Trigger Warning Tags: N/A
Other Pairings Included: N/A
Description: Recently knighted Anakin Skywalker is assigned to transport a dangerous prisoner to Coruscant where he will be safely contained in the Jedi Detention Center. However, not all goes as planned, and as Anakin finds out, not everything is quite as it seems concerning the prisoner who calls himself Obi-Wan. Whispers of the Sith’s return do nothing to quell the situation, and somehow, Anakin finds himself falling not to the darkness, but for Obi-Wan.
Author url: @grayjedii
Artist url: @jerseytigermoth
★ Open Court
Word Count: ~30,000 (Rough Estimate)
Rating: Mature
Common Trigger Warning Tags:N/A
Other Pairings Included: N/A
Description: Anakin was a freshman at Coruscant Republic University with a full ride basketball scholarship. His skills had been rumored to have been the best in the area, but of course, only by high school standards. Anakin quickly discovered that the head coach, Obi-Wan Kenobi, was the most attractive man he had ever seen in his life. He only intended his coach to remain just that; his coach. Too bad that didn’t work out like he planned.
Author url: @anibun-skywalker
Artist url: @alyruko
★ Appetence
Word Count: 5.5k
Rating: M
Common Trigger Warning Tags: Implied/Referenced Dubious Consent
Other Pairings Included: N/A at this time
Description: Anakin Skywalker is a cloaked force-sensitive working in the Senate as the new Coruscant representative under Palpatine’s guidance. Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Senator shortly returned from a leave of absence, can’t stand him, with Senator Skywalker’s reputation being that of a morally grey, pleasure seeking, bribe taking scoundrel. When the threat of the Sith becomes evident in the galaxy, Senator Kenobi sets to researching. He soon finds himself put on senatorial assignments with Anakin Skywalker.
Author url: @autisticanakin
Artist url: @twinion
★ Like the Foam on the River
Rating: mature
Common Trigger Warnings: none
Other Pairings: none
Description: “You don’t want me to stay?”
Kenobi takes a step closer so they are near to each other. He attempts to summon wisdom that any other Jedi of worth would bestow in such a moment. All of their platitudes and dogmatic tripe hammer at his heart; meaningless and unsubstantial. Instead, all he has are his feelings; feelings that would have been better left on the floor of the crèche. “I want you to do what you think is best.” He slides his hand up Anakin’s arm and feels the unyielding metal beneath his sleeve. “That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you. For you to make your own choices.”
Except now that he’s said such things, a lump forms in the back of his throat like a gag and his eyes grow hot and prick with pain. He looks away from Anakin’s face. “I think you’ve already come to a decision.” He keeps his gaze firm on the ground “I will miss you.”
Anakin’s hands settle on his shoulders and he has to look up when he feels the rush of Anakin’s feelings through the Force, amplified by the very ground they are standing on. His joints ache under the pressure. Anakin’s limbs weight heavy on his shoulders and he slumps under the weight. “Master. Obi-wan. I will miss you as well. More than I should.”
Author url: @selcier
Artist url: @alyruko
If your art is not on here, or your summary or you have not yet submitted your fic to the AO3 collection please contact us! 
For art: we will link the separate pieces if you submit (NOT ask) the links to them along with the fic name! Thank you!
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saysillyah · 7 years
In the Light of Twinkling Stars
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beta: spoopy and doki
rating: PG
warnings: Underage
word count: 16369
summary: A coming of age story of how Yuuri and Viktor meet at a young age and learn from each other what Iceskating, dance, and love mean to them.
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Thank you all for waiting! I’m sorry it took so long! It’s rushed at the end but I hope you all liked it. ;;_;; 
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yurionicebigbang · 7 years
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i was yours before i knew (and you have always been mine too)
author: @katsukifatale  artist: @rynyn  beta: @aarondotburrsir  rating: eventually explicit warnings: eventual smut, canon compliant up to the sochi banquet, universe alteration - flower shop word count: 20,000+ summary: “Ah, I’m sorry, let me –” Viktor looks up. Viktor stares. “Oh, wow,” he breathes. He’s wearing an ugly green apron with smears of dirt and wet patches, a pair of dirty jeans, and a very alluring light pink blush. His black hair sticks up on the side and his glasses sit askew on his face, probably a result of Makkachin’s exuberant kisses. He looks about as dazed as Viktor feels.
katsuki yuuri, former skating prodigy of japan, has come back home after a couple failed seasons to work at his childhood friends flower shop. viktor nikiforov, five time figure skating world champion and russias living legend, ends up in a small town in southern japan on his journey for inspiration and motivation. they cross paths for the first time on a cold day in mid-january, and nothing is the same again.
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yurionicebigbang · 7 years
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the most fun you can have with your clothes on
author: @forochel artist: @aprilshydoeden beta: @lesflammables rating: t warnings: none apply word count: 33k+ summary: Katsuki Yuuri, an archaeology post-grad, gets drunk on a remote beach on Rebun Island, Hokkaido. t’s sunset, and he’s about to discover a whole new world.
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yurionicebigbang · 7 years
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Soulmate Intimates
author: @pokesleepingangels  artist: @shortprints  beta: @shortprints  rating: T  warnings: none  word count: 5,844 summary: ‘Show the strength of your bond by wearing the same color underwear as your lover. Surprise them with a little extra junk in the trunk next time things get spicy. Flaunt your love!’
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yurionicebigbang · 7 years
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and this is the wonder (that’s keeping the stars apart)
author: @abrcmhatford  artist: @yinseii artist: @rymyanna  beta: n/a rating: teen and up warnings: ptsd, graphic desc. of violence, copious amounts of political intrigue word count: 22,388 words summary: " here is the deepest secret that nobody knows ( here is the root of the root, the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than soul can hope, or mind can hide ) and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart - i carry your heart ( i carry it in my heart ) “ - e.e. cummings, i carry your heart ( i carry it in my heart )
viktor nikiforov, son, warrior, and now, ambassador finds that peace is harder than war - the war sings through his blood, his bones, his mind; never quiet, never silent, a constant scream in the back of his mind. katsuki yuuri, son, outcast, prince, finds that quiet and secrets are hard to keep, when you encounter someone so determined to draw them out.
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yurionicebigbang · 7 years
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desserts is stressed spelled backward
author:  @evangelinesinclair author: @cary-onmywaywardson  artist:  @cymeteria-pencils beta: * rating: * warnings: no warning applies word count: * summary: Victor is an insomniac lured to the door of his mysterious neighbor who likes to bake at night. One night, when Victor takes his dog out for a walk, he smells cookies and leaves a note on his neighbor’s door saying how good it smells…
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yurionicebigbang · 7 years
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This Curious Condition Called Love
author: @blackidyll artist: @art-rmlb beta: n/a rating: T warnings: Some references to Yuuri’s anxiety; copious amounts of fluff and adorkableness word count: 16802 summary: Yuuri has done the transcontinental uprooting of his life twice before and it’s never easy, but this time there are photos plastered all over Victor’s social media, explorations into Russian cuisine, shenanigans with the Russian figure skating national team, calls and messages from friends and family, and Victor, always.
Victor, on the other hand, mostly copes by watching Yuuri adapt to life in St. Petersburg.
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yurionicebigbang · 7 years
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The Muse on the Bus
author: @afternoonteawithme artist: @theexitgarden  artist: @hannpaints beta: n/a rating: G warnings: None word count: 13578 summary: Yuuri is under pressure to draw - something, anything - and the only place he seems to be able to break through his artist’s block is on the bus.
And one day, the most beautiful man he’s ever seen steps onto that bus, and nothing will ever be the same again.
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yurionicebigbang · 7 years
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author: @yurionmagic artist: @g-oto-art beta: N/A rating: Mature warnings/s: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings word count: not provided summary: Three years ago Yuuri made a mistake. He tried to sneak his name into the Goblet of Fire to impress his long time idol, Victor Nikiforov, and had to face the consequences of his failure.
Now, three years later, the tables have turned, and he gets chosen to be part of Mahoutokoro’s delegation to Hogwarts despite his wishes to stay behind, to stay invisible, to be forgotten. Despite memories and his past failure haunting him, Yuuri has to stay strong and face not only Victor but also his fears, and find his true value as a person and as a wizard if he wants to survive what awaits him in Hogwarts.
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yurionicebigbang · 7 years
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Paint Your Way to Me
author: @n3rdlif343va artist: @poot-draws beta: @fullmetalkarneval13 rating: M warnings: The One where Victor is Clueless - mentions of anxiety/depression and sexual humor (no explicit content); The One where Yuuri is Clueless - mild cursing; The One in St. Petersburg - explicit Yuuri anxiety, briefly implied Victor depression, minor unspecified injury, mild language summary: A three fic series where Yuuri and Victor find their way to each other through painting.
The One where Victor is Clueless: (alternate first meet) The coaches (Yakov and Celestino) enroll Victor and Yuuri in a one-week paint therapy class in Detroit ahead of the Sochi GPF series. When they find themselves sitting next to each other, they bond over their mutual sarcastic humor. The only problem being Victor doesn’t recognize Yuuri as a fellow competitor.
The One where Yuuri is Clueless: (alternate first meet) Pining Victor has driven Chris to the end of his rope, so Chris forms a plan to help Victor reunite with Yuuri. With Phichit’s help, Yuuri and Victor are enrolled in a celebrity paint off to benefit a Detroit children’s hospital. Victor remembers the Sochi banquet, Yuuri is clueless, and everyone is adorable (and slightly tipsy).
The One in St. Petersburg: (post-canon) Yuuri falls during practice and is forced to follow a reduced training schedule which causes his anxiety to crash around him. Luckily, he doesn’t just have Victor to help him, but the love of the entire Russian skating family is behind him. Together, Yuuri and Victor find something that can help them both.
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yurionicebigbang · 7 years
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author: @francowitch artist: @5inbinary  beta: phayte rating: e warnings: n/a word count: 15829 summary: People are born with tattoo-like marks on their skin, in the centre of every design is an eye that will only open when you find your soulmate. Thesis student Yuuri Katsuki has never had his eye open, and does not really have time for soulmates. That is until he bumps into visiting professor Viktor Nikiforov.
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yurionicebigbang · 7 years
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Charmed, I'm Sure
author: @adjit  artist: @joelsweet  beta: @cieratroyart  rating: G warnings: none word count: 15814 summary: Yuuri has always believed in the little moments, and maybe that’s why he’s so unprepared when a big moment throws itself through the door and practically collapses against the counter and asks for help. Or, rather than a moment, a man who makes a moment. Yuuri is just a witch working in a small magic shop when suddenly, Viktor Nikiforov throws himself into his life asking about a charm, of all things.
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yurionicebigbang · 7 years
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sin from they lips
author: @velvetcovered-brick artist: @katsukifatale  beta: jz rating: m warnings: au, student/teacher (ta and professor), anxiety, nsfw word count: 12,002 summary: Katsuki Yuuri knows he's a different person when drunk. Why he let's Phichit peer pressure him, hell never know. Despite the rocky road and all the terrible Shakespeare, Yuuri’s glad he ended up wasted and flirted with his teacher that first night.
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