#workshop latrrrrr
rye-kin · 4 months
I know writing this is gonna upset me because I’m going to snowball into a few other thoughts and headcanon I have that I haven’t quite been able to articulate yet/in a way I would like!
But recently, I had a convo w a friend on how I believe Hyde functions in relationships, particularly with JEKYLLS loved ones… and in the case of this convo, while I’ve talked about victor in my AU (which is a complex paternal sort of relationship between the two), I want to focus on S/O. I’m gonna try to do this, again without snowballing too much about other ideas, like how I think of Jekyll in relationships, or about how Hyde might process emotions (or lack there of).
I think people tend to place mr. Hyde in the “hyper sexual” category, with being more expressive of his desires than Jekyll is. But in my interpretation he’s pretty sterile. Robert Louis Stevenson expressed that Hyde was not a sexual being, and I have never read him as such. Sexuality and romantic desires are not inherently evil, and in all honestly I don’t think Hyde expresses them at all! Making him basically aroace in practice.
There is a more loose way of expressing this I feel, where the only reason Hyde would appear to “desire” anybody is out of greed. He just has to have somebody for the sake of having them. But again, I don’t think there’s any desire there of any kind. The only people he would have this response to, I feel, are people Jekyll is in a relationship with. Jealousy, betrayal and frustration are emotions he can def feel imo, but again, very loosely applied to any relationship he might have w someone as Jekyll.
I’m a bit lazy to look it up verbatim, but there is a quote in jnh where Jekyll expresses “hyde would not be aware of all he had lost”. The only reason Hyde would have this response is because he was already with them as Jekyll, and he only feels the betrayal of them leaving him. Not the loss?
I’m pretty sure I yapped a bit, but I wanted to write ts out lalz
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