sillovn · 2 months
Marika, Messmer and the Hornsent World
OK, finally collected and wrote up SotE lore thoughts. Specifically, want to talk about godhood and details of Marika’s ascension. There's a lot to cover...
1. Divinity and Order
Godhood and the Elden Ring now appear to be entirely separate concepts (though it’s still likely that only gods can use the Elden Ring). Ascension to godhood seems related to accessing a skyward divine paradise, the ‘Higher Spheres’ as the Grandam states. Meanwhile, the Elden Ring appears to “only” be a tool a god uses to create Order.
This is significant, as it now appears that Marika is the first god in many ages (possibly ever) to wield the Elden Ring. The pre-Erdtree Hornsent make no reference to it in their belief systems or visual culture. Her ascension thus represents a major shift in the world’s history, rather than simply being the passing of ages (which was a fair idea pre-SotE).
As a side, SotE also introduces a new class of divinity; the ‘Old Gods’ who seem to be long buried and gigantic in size. The single known weapon related to them appears inspired by IRL stone-age arrow points? (Yes, I know it’s referred to as meteoric ore. But AFAIK, the practice of using meteoric metal seems to predates the ‘formal definition’ of metal ages.)
2. What is the Original Sin?
It is something kept in the Land of Shadow and then what? Marika’s Gold-Shadow creation event would make thematic sense as the Original Sin, again lending credence to the idea that Marika represents a significant break with tradition.
Its notable that Enir-Ilim remains untouched by the razing of the surrounding country, also it was already shadowed at the time of the crusade. As others have stated, there’s an intentionally concealed past here.
3. Marika and the Hornsent
There is a specific relationship here – abandonment and betrayal (ie. Marika was known to the Hornsent and they expected her to uphold something). This is to say that narratives where Marika is ‘a survivor who slipped away and returned with vengeance’ don’t add up.
Instead, Im going to suggest that Marika’s godhood was supported by the Hornsent. Firstly, Enir-Ilim is held by the Hornsent to this very day, Marika ascends using their rituals and Divine Gate. Next, note the religious similarity between the Hornsent and Marika.
Tree Worship and accompanying ideas (gold is holy, sap blessings, fear of Fire Giants).
Note how compared to the present day Erdtree, the Scadutree is a physical sap-dripping tree.
Crucible worship (fades away in the Erdtree faith over time)
Jar Sacrifice. The Hornsent create Saints, the Erdtree followers use gladiators to make gargoyles (again, fades after Godfrey)
Shared motifs with dual meaning (punishment vs. fertility). Barbs vs. Arcs, Crucifixion vs. Dripping sap.
Marika’s braids and jewelry are spirals
Point Im trying to make is that the Erdtree religion is an evolution from the Hornsent one – especially when considering the initial ‘Age of Plenty’ of Marika x Godfrey.
Maliketh’s existence also complicates any idea where Marika and the Hornsent were enemies from the start. A Shadow is tasked with safeguarding their Empyrean; Marika’s only use for Maliketh was to seal Destined Death, suggesting the path to the Divine Gate had little resistance. Lastly there is also no mention of any Hornsent divine candidate, so consider – it was always meant to be Marika. As you can imagine, this changes the relationship between Marika and the other Shamans significantly (but note how Godwyn’s assassins were Numen).
So, what did the Hornsent want out of their god? Perhaps it was the ability control the Elden Ring?
The Scadutree’s asymmetrical shape is blamed on a lack of ‘capital O’ Order. The Elden Ring as is known, can be used to create Order. I bring this up because there is a symmetrical ‘Spiral Tree’ motif that appears in Hornsent culture.
Did the Hornsent plan to create a god because the Scadutree failed to achieve its prophesized form? Was the hope that Marika would succeed with a new order-infused tree? If true, then the Serosh-Godfrey conflict was likely about claiming the Elden Ring from Farum (note; you can find Crucible Knights and Beastmen fighting there).
The elephant in the room for this theory is whether Marika was ever subject to the Jar-Saint ritual? It certainly gives a neat explanation for Radagon’s origin (a Lord is needed for a god to incarnate, and Marika stands alone at her own ascension). I don’t have a good answer, but (as stated earlier) we can rule out ideas where violence was forcibly inflicted on Marika. This leaves 2 options…
Marika was the only Shaman never put in a jar. She rose to power off the sacrifice of her kin.
Marika willing chose the jar. Which sounds completely insane, but religious ordeals seem commonplace in pre-Erdtree religion (see. Curseblades, Lamenters, Tutelary Deities).
4. Messmer’s Crusade is later historical event
Consider the following.
Messmer is familiar with Tarnished as a concept
Messmer is a demigod, but has no Great Rune
Messmer’s relationship (in terms of seniority) to Rellana, Gaius and Radahn
Messmer’s army includes troops that are standard of later eras; Perfumers, Omenkillers, Tree Sentinels, Abductor Virgins and various Carian troops. Which could be over-interpreting game-assets, but eh?
Ritual combat exists in the Land of Shadow
This is to say; Messmer’s Crusade occurs after Godfrey’s exile, but not too far into the Marika-Radagon era.
If revenge was the motive, why wait for the passing of an entire age and the exile of the land's foremost military leader?
5. Messmer’s Crusade is about Purity
Its explicitly stated that Messmer’s Crusade was about purity (see. Crusade Insignia, Queelign and the various ghosts). With regard to the timeline above; the rationale for exterminating the Hornsent is simply the emerging Crucible taboo put into action (see. Crucible Talismans). This also explains why the Hornsent were not attacked during the Godfrey era.
So what changed? Perhaps Radagon returning to Marika created Golden Order Fundamentalism and all its present-day taboos?
In fact, the crusade as a whole seems to be a bloodbath between the Golden Order’s rejects - Messmer the serpent, Gaius the Albinauric and the Crucible worshipping Hornsent.
Couple more points...
Prejudice vs. Albinaurics might be an emerging opinion at this time, Gaius is both second in command but also a subject of mockery.
Messmer and the crusade are such a dishonor in Leyndell that it is later covered up. Again, if the motivation was to avenge Marika, then why such attitudes?
Belurat does not have a standing army. Sure, the tower has guards, but Ritual Dancers had to be repurposed to fight the invaders.
What Im saying here is; rather than being a foreign nation, Belurat was simply a city within Marika’s empire. Purged for practicing the ‘old ways’ (ie. Crucible worship).
6. Messmer’s Curse?
What is the Abyssal Serpent? What is Messmerfire? Other than the general Erdtree taboo, each of the other ‘flames’ have a distinct property (both in gameplay mechanic and lore) - Blackflame can kill divine beings, Frenzied Flame melts anything into primordial elements.
Messmerfire has a unique aesthetic, and that’s it?
7. A Tower to Heaven
Some ideas about the nature of Divine Ascension.
As per SotE; there seems to be an implication that the sky above holds a tangible divine paradise; the ‘Higher Spheres’. Ascension to godhood quite literally involves reaching into heaven via. Divine Gate.
The building of a Divine Gate also seems to merely be the final step in the process, establishing a connection between Higher Spheres and the mortal world.
Enir-Ilim provides a template to how the whole process might have worked. Firstly, the Divine Gate must be positioned to reach the sky – in the case of the Hornsent, a tower was used (though there might be other options). Vast amounts of sacrifices are also needed, potentially related to the earlier point as throughout Enir-Ilim, architecture is blended with bodies (are corpses used to make buildings fly?). Given that the Divine Gate continues to function at present, long after becoming petrified; Id’ argue that the sacrifice was about creating said gate, rather than a repeated ritual necessary for achieving divinity. I think it’s also safe to say that the main reason for making Jar-Saints was to provide said sacrifices.
The main point however, is that this ‘Corpse Architecture + Sky’ template can be found in 2 other instances – Farum Azula and The Eternal Cities.
This is not a comment on timeline, just shared goals in creating divinity. In Farum Azula’s case, it suggests that the city has always been airborne, flying due to the numerous Dragons and Beastmen entombed within the city (as opposed to meteor aftermath). Also note that Maliketh’s room (which holds a depiction of the Elden Ring and a statue of an unknown woman) sits at the top of a vast spiral stair where the lower part has since been lost.
As for the Eternal Cities? They seem to be attempting divine ascension without finger influence (see. Fingerslayer Blade), with the sky and lord both being ‘created’. Recalling the Nox-Numen-Black Knife-Marika connection, the Eternal City version of this ritual might very well be direct response to Marika’s own ascension.
8. Great Chain of Being
Next, I want to talk about the nature of the paradise. Rather, the idea that Paradise, The Crucible and the Primeval Current are elements within a larger system (if not entirely synonymous).
SotE gives a glimpse into the Crucible’s appearance: it’s an outpouring of ‘golden stuff’ (see. Divine Bird Feathers) that can be stabilized into a spiral column that links gods and humans (see. Spira). With this in mind, take note of the form of Elden Stars. Compare with the creation account (both Ymir and Hyetta versions); The Greater Will fractures the One Great, spilling stardust (carrying life and souls) across space.
Sure, this is *very handwavy*, but one can imagine a cosmology where life is carried in stardust (Primeval Current), reaches physical worlds and pours from sky to earth (Crucible current, also Bird Warriors are closest to the Crucible). A chain linking back to the very origin of all things.
As commonly noted, ER is known to homage old ideas with regards to philosophy/science. Consider here the ‘Great Chain of Being’, an idea that classifies things on a descending scale of God>Angel>Human>Animal etc. Under this classification scheme, a chain/ladder motif is used to depict these relationships (see. Spira), but more importantly; Angels are thought of as beings of pure spirit (more on this below).
Usual disclaimer that history is not my expertise.
9. God Incarnates
Given the Divine Gate does not seem to lead anywhere physical, are the Higher Spheres a realm of pure spirit? The Sculpted Keeper custom (incl. Lion Dancers, Bird/Beast Warriors) involves the invoking/possession of mortal beings by spirits from the Higher Spheres. The whole practice of horn cultivation exists to enable this.
Going further back in time, the Rauh society had a practice of carving stones to act as homes for spirits. Rauh also seems associated with Golems, Ruined Forges and Divine Towers (details on this culture are for another time) 
You could argue that invoking divinity is the connection across time between Rauh, the Hornsent and then finally Marika.
The passage of history is: God inhabits a statue (Idols), God can be channeled (Mediums), God walks among man (Messiah).
Thanks for reading.
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weditchthemap · 8 months
Should You Sell Your Home to Travel the World?
In a world where experiences often outweigh possessions, the idea that you can sell your home to travel the world has gained notable traction. This growing trend reflects a shift in priorities, where individuals are opting for the richness of life's experiences over the permanence of material possessions. If you need some help in making the right decision, you are in the right place since we will delve into the pros and cons of this life-changing decision. Join us as we explore the financial freedom selling your home may offer and the emotional considerations that accompany such a significant change.
The Pros of Selling Your Home for Travel
Selling your home to fund travel can unlock a significant financial windfall, offering a substantial boost to your budget. The proceeds from the sale can serve as a practical means to finance an extended period of travel, allowing you to explore new destinations and immerse yourself in diverse cultures. Beyond the financial gains, this decision presents an opportunity to declutter and simplify your life, shedding the weight of material possessions and embracing a more minimalist lifestyle. Anyone who has been traveling for an extended time knows that you can’t bring everything with you. Being on the road necessitates reevaluating what is really important for you and what you can do without. This practical approach funds your adventures and allows for a more intentional and liberating lifestyle while you are exploring the world.
You should also consider the financial freedom that selling your home can provide. On our travels, we’ve met many people who had enough of stationary living and opted for a nomadic lifestyle. You can even purchase a campervan and call the road your home. With the proceeds that come from selling your real estate, you can embark on a journey and immerse yourself in enriching experiences that resonate with the essence of travel.
The Emotional Considerations
Leaving behind a home is not merely a logistical challenge; it's a huge emotional decision involving detaching from a place with memories and sentimental value. We have always tried to bring at least part of our travel back home with us, and we have decorated our home to reflect this. However, recognizing and addressing your emotional attachments to your home is crucial. Many individuals form deep connections with their houses, and contemplating a sale may stir sentiments of nostalgia and attachment. Acknowledging these emotions and assessing your readiness for such a significant change is essential.
Moreover, thinking about the decision to sell your home to travel the world demands a candid exploration of potential regrets. While the prospect of new adventures beckons, there's a chance that selling your home could lead to remorse down the line. Evaluating this possibility beforehand can help you make a more informed choice, considering the long-term implications on your emotional well-being. Additionally, consider the impact on personal relationships. Selling your home may alter your living situation and affect your connections with family and friends. It's crucial to communicate openly about your decision, gauging their perspectives and addressing concerns to maintain healthy relationships.
In contemplating the sale of your home, it's equally important to ponder the value of having a stable home base. While travel brings exhilarating experiences, having a place to return to provides a sense of security and familiarity. This stable foundation can anchor you amid the uncertainties of life on the road. Before deciding to sell, weigh the emotional significance of a home base and consider whether having a familiar place to return to is integral to your sense of well-being.
Financial Risks and Challenges if You Decide to Sell Your Home to Travel the World
Before taking the leap into selling your home for travel, it's crucial to acknowledge the potential financial risks accompanying such a decision. Market fluctuations can be a huge stressor for anyone. Sudden changes in the real estate scene can impact the selling price of your property and directly influence your travel plans. Understanding how economic conditions can influence real estate values will help you make an informed decision about the timing of your sale. Research the current market trends and consult with real estate professionals to gauge the optimal time to sell, ensuring you maximize the return on your investment.
Beyond the initial financial gain, consider the challenges of re-entering the housing market after a prolonged period of travel. The real estate landscape may evolve during your absence, presenting hurdles when you decide to settle back down. It is entirely possible that you get priced out by property appreciation, making it impossible to purchase another home in your old area. However, you can follow in the footsteps of many expats and settle down in a country like Turkey. The cost of living there is much cheaper than what many expect, and you will easily be able to afford real estate after selling your home.
Therefore, you should assess the potential changes in property prices, mortgage rates, and overall market dynamics to prepare for the intricacies of re-entering the housing market. Additionally, anticipate unforeseen expenses that may arise during your travels. Whether it's unexpected medical costs or a change in travel plans, having a contingency fund will provide financial security, minimizing the impact of unforeseen circumstances on your long-term travel plans.
Alternative Options to Selling
If the idea of selling your home feels too drastic, there are alternative avenues to fund your long-term travel goals. One viable option is to explore the potential of renting out your property. By converting your home into a rental, you generate a steady stream of income that can contribute to your travel fund. However, if you want to go down this road, you will also need to find some solution for your belongings. We suggest reaching out to a moving and storage service like miraclemovers.com. They can offer long-term storage for your furniture and other possessions, letting you declutter your home before renting it out. Ensure thorough research on rental market conditions in your area and familiarize yourself with landlord responsibilities before embarking on this route.
Another practical approach is to leverage your property as a source of passive income. Investigate ways to create passive income streams, such as investing in dividend stocks, real estate crowdfunding, or utilizing other investment vehicles. This can provide financial support for your travels without the need to part ways with your home. Additionally, consider the possibility of downsizing to a smaller property while retaining a home base. This allows you to maintain the stability of a familiar environment while still indulging your wanderlust.
Closing Thoughts
Many people dream of taking the big leap, but only you know if you have the courage to sell your home to travel the world. The potential for financial freedom, emotional considerations, and various challenges and alternatives all play critical roles in shaping this significant life decision. Every individual's situation is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all answer. You will need to weigh the pros and cons against your own aspirations and commitments. How much do you love the road and travel versus having a permanent place to call home? We hope this blog post gave you some relevant points to research and think about so you can make an informed decision.
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creativelitlover · 7 years
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This is such a nice easy read.... but seriously why I do it to myself, I don't know, my maternal instincts take over when reading "Dr Anna Wesley's story" and it hurts so bad!!!! #fangirl #theendingseries #worldbefore #heartwrenching
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donman2112 · 6 years
I spent a minute and hope you will too.I LOVE THE OPENING SENTENCE:With what is going on in the world these days, Heaven could end up aghost town. My name is GOD. You hardly have time for Me. I love you and willalways bless you. I am always with you. I need you to spend 60 seconds of your time withMe today. Don't pray, just praise. Today I want this message to go across the worldbefore midnight. Will you help? Please do not delete it and I'll helpyou with something that you are in need of. Just dare Me! A blessing iscoming your way. Please drop everything and pass it on. Why are prayers getting smaller, but bars and clubs are expanding? Why is it so easy toworship a celebrity, but very difficult to engage with God? Think about it, are you going to forward this or are you going to ignoreit because you think you will get laughed at? Forward this to all yourfriends, (I did), or just delete it. GOD said if you deny me in front of your friends, Iwill deny you on the Day of Judgment. When one door closes, God opens two. If GOD has opened doors for you,send this message to everyone... Forward if God's been good to you!
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kammartinez · 7 years
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The Most Interesting Camel in the World
Before she retired to L.A.’s Griffith Park Zoo, Topsy was a soldier, a builder, a miner, and a movie star.
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#Nanda Devi Mandir Pooja Belapur Navi Mumbai Devbhomi Lok Kala Udgam Cha...
https://youtu.be/EBd00vsl1V0                                                       #Nanda Devi Mandir Pooja Belapur Navi Mumbai Devbhomi Lok Kala Udgam Charitable Trust 4 November 2017 #राजराजेश्वरी नंदादेवी डो़ला यात्रा महोत्सव,कलश यात्रा,छलिया ढोल दमाँऊ की धूम उत्तराखंड राज्य दिवस 2017 Nanda Devi Nanda Devi is the second highest mountain in India, and the highest located entirely within the country. (Kangchenjunga, which is higher, is on the border of India and Nepal.) It is the 23rd-highest peak in the world. It was considered the highest mountain in the worldbefore computations in 1808 proved Dhaulagiri to be higher. It was also the highest mountain in India before 1975  #राजराजेश्वरी माँ भगवती नंदादेवी राजजात मुंबई 2017 DEVBHOMI LOK KALA UDGAM CHARITABLE TRUST PRESENT UTTARAKHAND RAJYA STHAPANA DIWAS 2017 नमस्कार  देवभूमि लोक कला उद्दगम मंच के मुख्य उद्देश्य  देश विदेशों में उत्तराखंड एवं देश की संस्कृति को बढ़ावा देना!आपदाग्रस्तों भूकंपग्रस्तों एवं असहाय जरूरतमंदों की यथासंभव आर्थिक मदद करना  बच्चों पुरुषों एवं महिलाओं का मनोबल बढ़ाने एवं लोक कला संस्कृति को बढ़ावा देने हेतु प्रेरित करना एवं उचित ट्रेनिंग देकर मंच प्रदान करना  देवभूमि लोक कला उद्दगम मंच उत्तराखंड के मुंबई प्रवासी कलाकारों का एक संगठित मंच है जो समय समय पर देवभूमि उत्तराखंड की लोक कलाओं एवं संस्कृति को विकसित करने हेतु मुंबई में धार्मिक सामाजिक एवं सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमों का आयोजन करते हैं इसके अलावा देवभूमि लोक कला उद्दगम चैरिटेबल ट्रस्ट टीम आपदा पिढ़ितों अनाथाश्रमों एवं वृद्धाश्रमों में जरुरतमंदों की मदद के लिए सामाजिक कार्यक्रम करते रहते हैं! मुंबई महानगर में कई पीढ़ियों से बसे उत्तराखंंड़ी बच्चे जो अपनी लोक कला संस्कृति के प्रति रुझान बढ़ा रहें हैं 200 से अधिक अनुभवी बच्चे, युवा एवं बुजुर्ग कलाकारों के संगम से देवभूमि लोक कला उद्दगम मंच को संजोया है उद्दगम मंच में उचित रियाज़ एवं रियलशल देने के बाद कलाकारों को मंच प्रदान कराते हैं जो गायन एवं नृत्य में बेहतरीन प्रस्तुतियाँ देकर अपनी संस्कृति को बढ़ावा देने में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान दे रहे हैं! देवभूमि लोक कला उद्दगम मंच द्वारा अब तक प्रस्तुति एवं आयोजित किये धार्मिक सामाजिक एवं सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम  1-16 अप्रेल 2016  2013 में केदारनाथ आपदा पीढ़ित बच्चों की मदद हेतु (महासंघ) के बैनर में भावनात्मक चैरिटी कार्यक्रम का ऐरोली नवी मुंबई में सफल आयोजन! 2- 30 जून 2016 पिथौरागढ़ के बस्तड़ी गाँव एवं चमोली जिले में बादल फटने और भारी बरसात से उत्तराखंड़ में भयंकर आपदा से ग्रस्त पिढ़ितों की मदद हेतु 30 जुलाई 2016 को नेरुल नवी मुंबई में भावनात्मक यादगार चैरिटी कार्यक्रम का सफल आयोजन! 3- 31 दिसंबर 2016 Mrs Uttarakhand 2017(Frist) (Pahadi Ramp Walk) (अंगुठी मोबाइल पहाड़ी नथूली) मुंबई महानगर में पहली बार उत्तराखंड़ी नारीशक्ति का मनोबल बढ़ाने और उत्तराखंड़ी लोक कला को बढ़ावा देने हेतु मिसेज उत्तराखंड मंच का निर्माण किया गया था जिसमें अपने परिधान लोक कलाओं एवं सांस्कृति का बेहतरीन प्रदर्शन एवं जानकारी रखने वाले 3 विजेता उत्तराखंड़ी महिलाओं को प्रोत्साहित करने हेतु अंगुठी मोबाइल और पहाड़ी नथूली उपहार स्वरुप दिये गये पहली बार मुंबई में 31 दिसंबर 2016 को Mrs Uttarakhand 2017 का ऐरोली नवी मुंबई में सफल आयोजन! 4- 16 अप्रेल 2017 भैटोली थीम पर बेहतरीन भावात्मक संगीतमय कार्यक्रम देवभूमि उत्तराखंड़ में बिलुप्त हो रही सांस्कृतिक धरोहर भाई बहन के पवित्र रिश्तों की ड़ोर उत्तराखंड की पोराणिक सभ्यता "भैटोली" पर आधारित संगीतमय नाटिका सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम का ऐरोली नवी मुंबई में सफल आयोजन! 5- नंदादेवी राजजात महोत्सव एवं उद्दगम उत्तराखंड़ राज्य स्थापना दिवस 2017 नंदादेवी राजजात यात्रा सी बी ड़ी बेलापुर से ऐरोली नवी मुंबई तक पहली बार उत्तराखंड से आये ढ़ोल दमाँऊ छलिया दल के साथ राजराजेश्वरी माँ भगवती नंदा देवी की ड़ोली एवं कलश यात्रा का सफल आयोजन! उद्देश्य  1- राजराजेश्वरी माँ भगवती नंदादेवी की ख्याति महिमा का एवं सांस्कृतिक धरोहरों नंदादेवी ड़ोली छलिया नृत्य ढ़ोल दमाँऊ कलश यात्रा का देश विदेशों में प्रचार प्रसार करना और अधिक लोगों को इस अभियान में जोढ़ने हेतु प्रयाशरत रहना है  2-उत्तराखंड राज्य बनाने हेतु अपने प्राणों की आहूति देने वाले अमर सहीदों को भावपूर्ण श्रद्धांजलि!  3- शिक्षा खेल कूद में देश विदेशों उत्तराखंड़ एवं भारत देश का नाम रोशन करने वाले बच्चों को प्रोत्साहित करने हेतु समस्त समाज के सम्मुख सम्मान एवं गरीब स्कूली बच्चों जटिल रोगों से ग्रस्त लोगों को आर्थिक मदद करना!   6- 16 अप्रेल 2018 उद्दगम दिवस  उत्तराखंड में बनने जा ऐसिया का सबसे बढ़ा बाँध पंचेश्वर बाँध बनने से पीढ़ियों से बसे उत्तराखंड़ियों के विस्तापन के दर्द को दर्शाता संगीतमय नाटिका सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम का सफल आयोजन!  7- "जागर" राजराजेश्वरी माँ भगवती नंदादेवी राजजात महोत्सव मुंबई उत्तराखंड़ राज्य स्थापना दिवस 2018 उत्तराखंड़ का धार्मिक एवं सांस्कृतिक धरोहर "जागर" का लोक गायक जागर सम्राट श्री नैननाथ रावलजी श्री प्रकाश रावतजी एवं श्री रमेश जागरियाजी द्वारा मुंबई में पहली बार ढ़ोल दमाँऊ और हुड़कों में मंचन किया गया माँ नंदा भगवती की भव्य झाँकी ढ़ोल दमाँऊ छलिया नृत्य एवं कलश यात्रा के साथ सी•बी•ड़ी बेलापुर से ऐरोली नवी मुंबई तक सफल आयोजन! आप सभी के स्नेह एवं आशिर्वाद से देवभूमि लोक कला उद्दगम चेरिटेवल ट्रस्ट भविष्य में मानवहित एवं देशहित में धार्मिक सामाजिक एवं सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमों का आयोजन करने की योजना कर रहे हैं आप सभी के साथ एवं आशिर्वाद हेतु बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद! Contact No+9184510 70587 Contact no +919820617937
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sillovn · 7 months
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First Sentience
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sillovn · 30 days
Some very interesting excerpts from 'The Catalpa Bow: A Study of Shamanistic Practices in Japan'. I've tried to cut them down to the core point without losing much context - though highly recommend reading it up yourself (book is free on Archive.org).
Now, Im not saying SotE is explicitly about Japanese folk religion (the practices and stories here often don't match 1;1). But its interesting as to what the potential folkloric inspirations for certain things could be...
On women as shamans...
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On serpent gods, shamans and sacrificial architecture...
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On divine birds (Tengu) and the rivalry with serpents...
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On divine travelers from another world, and summoning of divinity from the worlds above...
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sillovn · 10 days
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Thinking about how the Inquisitors can use different colour flame. Orange (default), brilliant gold (after they self buff).
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sillovn · 5 days
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I just remember that near the Dectus Lift, there are 2 Misbegotten praying toward the empty sea. Then you realize thats in the direction of the Land of Shadow*.
*the direction isn't 100% correct, but its close.
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sillovn · 1 month
I think the 5 things from SotE that will haunt me to the end of time are...
Stone Heart
The Original Sin
Deathblight Lion
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sillovn · 2 days
The sun is the Fell God
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sillovn · 23 days
I forgot that the 'spiral' motif appears in one more weapon in the base game - Guardian Swordspear.
Erdtree Guardian equipment also has a distinct gold-green colour scheme, which also happens to be the sky colour at Enir-Ilim.
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sillovn · 1 month
Still chewing on ER lore but SotE is very frustrating to work with. It hits you with the triple threat of 'few hard answers' + 'context clues may mean nothing' + "The Shadow of Lore".
What is the Shadow of Lore?
Well, its just the general observation that there are many things in SotE that while evocative, apparently have no explicit significance. The link between the 2 fiery serpent blasphemers is... nothing at all. The correct takeaway seems to simply be - serpents are fiery and blasphemous.
Similarly, the Fell God's fingerprints seem to be everywhere; which could be everything or nothing. At some point you gotta ask, is this an unspoken story? or is this the remnants of a cut story? (ie. Knight of GEQ, Empyrean Grandam vibes).
Also, think about the vast twin-stemmed gold and shadow tree, whose associated motifs are dark thorns and faded sunflowers. And the lore is "it’s the shadow of the Erdtree" and nothing more. Huh.
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sillovn · 2 months
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sillovn · 7 days
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The 3 'corpse types' that comprise the Divine Gate.
Horned, hornless and the (clothed?) amalgamation.
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