niteclubgirl · 5 years
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🤯🤯🤯🤯 Mindfulness. REAL self•care. (Exercise, discipline, taking classes/certifications/learn new skillset, 🔼🧭🌳time with nature...) Diet. (What I eat, watch and listening to in my playlist.) 🔮🔮🔮🔮 Remembering to remaining present. Spiritual connectedness. 👁✨👁 #empaths #hsp #healers #feelers #creatives #caretakers #oldsouls #selfiecare #L♥️VE #getyousomeofthat #getmore #worthinesswarrior #healingthehealer #tools #magnanimity #valueyourself https://www.instagram.com/p/Byl-_AVhapC/?igshid=1bs6mbbkys4ft
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jennboveecoach · 6 years
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A lack of joy and pleasure... When you are feeling unmotivated, frustrated by everything around you, or angry at the smallest things, it’s likely burnout is looming on your horizon (if it has not already taken hold of you!). Try to say no more, do more that focuses on YOU, schedule timeouts (because you’re allowed that, too), and go back to what put you on this path to start with, go back to your why. You cannot function in the space of “I’m going to spontaneously combust at any moment”, effectively. So you aren’t doing yourself any good by trying to push through it. Trust me. I tried. Raise your hand - this is a completely safe thread - if you are NOT feeling the pleasure any more. I will hold space for you. #worthinesswarrior #pleasureisimportant #invitingjoy #drivenwomen #powerfulwomen #wholenesscoach https://ift.tt/2DQZHDm
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