#wot book
toastandjamie · 11 months
Are we ready to admit that every character in WoT is polyamorous and bisexual or are we not ready for that conversation yet
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orbit-of-eternity · 5 months
Me: oh jeez another 90 page prologue for Knife of Dreams
Jordan: *Galad kills Valda in the 1st 15 pages*
Me: oh DAMN
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b1gg1e · 5 months
Robert Jordan has got to be one of the most insane writers to date. He’s one of my standing favourites, simply because of three simple things that he does right that I find more modern pieces of writing struggle with.
//Spoilers for WoT
In book one, Moiraine describes how people who use the One Power without guidance—kind of “in the wild” type channellers—end up feeling very sick or getting ill afterwards, which we see with Rand after the scene where he channels the lightening in the room. But this theme is recurring. Later on, in book 8-9, Rand begins to feel sick when he channels the One Power, the sickness and the power becoming combined like Moiraine said it would. She said Aes Sedai don’t get this sickness because they’re trained to handle the power safely. This is reinforced with Rand from book 12-14 when he and Lews Therin become one person. Lews Therin who, mind you, was a trained male Aes Sedai who could safely handle the One Power. Rand no longer feels that sickness from that point onwards.
Perrin, Mat, and Rand’s character arcs are written very well. The gradual change into the people they are by the end of the series. Anyone who has gone from book 14 back to book 1, there is an obvious transition. Mat, who was originally a big prankster, still has that joking side to him at the end of the series but he also has this maturity he didn’t have before. Granted, he still pisses people off frequently, but he isn’t as childishly naïve to his antics like he had been. Perrin grows into himself. He gentle in an awkward way and, though well aware of his strength and size, he grows into it and we see him become an almost more authentically gentle and tender person because of it. He gains this deep understanding of himself. Rand’s curious by nature and that doesn’t go away, but is instead presented through different ways. His interest in learning about the Aiel, his testing of how far he can push himself, his bafflement at the way other cultures and people work. He always had the makings of a leader in him, seen in book one with Shadar Logoth when he was working out how to lead the group out, with Mat on the way to Camaelyn. Rand has always had the makings of a king, it just became more apparent.
The world building. Every single country, nation, organization, gang, army, band of robbers on the street, cluster of hills, mountains, rivers, everything feels like a part of the world itself. Often times in fictional series, things feel condensed and like the whole world is in view when you read it. Robert Jordan brought a vastness to a world that is very rare to see in modern works. It felt like a real world, with uncertainty and events happening at the same time throughout the world, even off screen things happened. It’s clear that he put thought into how things worked and how to represent them and I will forever adore the series for that.
I love Wheel of Time, guys. It’s my favourite thing ever.
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aessedai-angreal · 2 months
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this shit since book 5 or 6
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rand-muadib-althor · 2 months
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I am looking forward to your answers.
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patchesofuniverse · 1 year
Hello fellow WoT fans! The new season is nearly here, so I'm going to repost this request.
Please use #wot book spoilers if your (original) post includes anything from the books!
Many of us have not read the books, and just want to enjoy seeing plots play out on the show. If you include any generic wot tags, including ships and character names, then those will show up in the site-wide search for that tag. Show-only fans deserve access to the site-wide search without encountering spoilers.
If you use the #wot book spoilers tag then you can post all the book spoilers you want, because we can mute the tag! (Just using #wot spoilers or #spoilers isn't enough because they're often used for show posts too.)
Thanks everyone who did this for season 1, and thanks in advance for helping all of us enjoy the new season together <3
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the-cosmere-blep · 1 year
Ok ok ok I'm calling three fandoms right now, a battle between all humans on Roshar (plus for radiants their spren, and the shard bearers deadeyes) and all humans in wheel of time. (They get to keep their angreal of all types) Everyone has their respective powers, and the factions on each planet have come to an alliance for now. And here's where it gets interesting. We drop them on Ann McCaffreys Pern. Yes the dragons are there and so are all the people. And yes, the radiants have an infinite supply of storm light without the high storms. Who would win? Would they come to an alliance? (After the war ends we will ship them back to their respective planets) no, they don't get to have Hoid, Hoid is a completely neutral element.
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sapphistaedine · 10 months
this is so wheel of time coded
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notsopersonalcharlie · 7 months
i can’t believe Lan and Nynaeve talk about getting married in The Eye of the World
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mellifiedfemme · 22 hours
nynaeve my love you can do no wrong in my eyes
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No no but if I was Faile and I learned that Perrin’s first thoughts of my looks were “I don’t know if she is pretty or not” “I don’t know if her nose fits her face or not” I would literally feel like trash 😭
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radianttchild · 11 months
its kinda cute ( n a bit sad ) that lews therin can draw, its a small detail but makes him and rand & of their destiny of being the dragon just a bit more depressing, that in one turning of the wheel they couldve just been normal people with hobbies and skills and normality, makes me wonder if he drew pictures of ilyena when he was alive : (
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orbit-of-eternity · 8 months
This is a PSA from ya boi, Lews Therin, telling you to
kill him
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b1gg1e · 5 months
Daily WoT brainrot:
Sometimes I think about Perrin and how he’s the balance for his two larger-than-life friends. He balances out Mat’s chaos and teasing personality and keeps a level head (most of the time) and jokes with him. He offers a second half to Rand’s batshit ranting and devious ideas by simply listening to him and offering pieces of advice here and there. He’s literally perfect and I support his rights and his wrongs. <33
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cervinelich · 10 months
My Wheel of Time hot take is that I liked Robert Jordan's writing more in a lot of ways and I felt like Brandon Sanderson dropped the ball on many of the characterizations (*especially* Mat).
I think Sanderson certainly wrote the fights in a more cinematic and cathartic way - a talent he definitely has is that all battles have layers to them that tie into peoples arcs and the overall theme and are not just "a fight has to happen now" (looking at you RJ).
Sanderson's characterization outside of that leaves much to be desired, though, and imho he flat out ruined some of my faves (Elayne, for instance). I think while he cut out some of the sexist faults of RJ like the constant spankings and "folded arms under the breasts", he also seemed to struggle with relationships between characters feeling real rather than like movie archetypes.
But I think some of this may boil down to him struggling to pick up arcs that he hadn't built from the ground up himself - and this is most evident in the fact that Androl and Pevara are AMAZING and he was responsible for them from inception.
In the end, I think Sanderson's strength was also his weakness. His ability to paint movie-like images in the mind is also why his characterizations felt a little too tropey sometimes for the sake of getting a good visual "shot" or a tongue in cheek "oneliner".
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rand-muadib-althor · 2 months
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There are a few moments we would have liked to have seen in the show.
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