#wotlk tailoring
warcraft-guru · 1 year
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WotLK Classic tailoring shop.
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swampgallows · 2 years
dragonflight is a masterpiece so far btw. it is so charming and beautiful, and im having so much fun. the world itself and the characters in it have always been my favorite part of wow, and dragonflight definitely delivers on the exploration theme of the xpac. so many wonderful little side quests make the world feel vibrant and alive and every npc, no matter how minor, feels like a unique character with a history and a family. i absolutely love the amount of props and doodads spread throughout that make habitats feel lived in, cities and towns populated, and add to the overall landscape. paintbrushes, teapots, baskets, rugs, cooking tools, books and letters, potted plants—these are some of the reasons suramar felt like a real lived-in city in legion, and why boralus and dazar’alor had so much color and life. the differences in architecture and all of these cultural assets further flesh out the races we meet in the dragon isles, and feel natural to their environments and lifestyles. further environmental details like all the flower clusters on the plains, the kelp and chunks of ice in the floes, the bright lichen and fungi in the zones with decay give the land itself even more identity and character. it’s all gorgeous, imbued with love, and most of all, alive.
it feels like wotlk in many ways, and not just because the tuskarr are here: the threat is formidable and present, but manageable, perceptible, domestic. the lich king was a threat, and his touch was felt everywhere, but there was still a visible and familiar world all around us worth saving. the land felt old and new at the same time. the dragon isles seem to borrow from this ethos and have rolled everything players loved about wotlk into the new zones. the azure span is by far the most “mini northrend” of all these: a pine forest that slopes from autumnal down to wintery lowlands and arctic shores, topped off with a nyckelharpa soundtrack. considering that the main antagonists of dragonflight are the primalists who want to throw the elements into chaos, it makes sense that there is so much focus on the beauty of the natural world and the order needed to maintain it. 
the story is cohesive and woven so well into preexisting lore. so many names and places are being dropped that haven’t been talked about since the original rts games and their books, and it’s nice to see the return of so many old faces. even the most minor npcs are someone’s favorite, and it’s been a blast seeing all the cameos of characters from previous expansions, some even as far back as tbc and vanilla. i’m not big on dragons or their lore, but as a longtime fan i can palpably feel the influence of other longtime fans on the development and structure of the story. terran gregory’s hype alone on twitter feels like the metzen days where he is genuinely excited for others to enjoy the expansion and “geek out” alongside him. 
mechanics-wise im really loving the expanded professions; professions are one of my original loves in wow, and it’s been a thrill to return to the days where being a tailor meant i could craft gear that was actually useful. i like the specializations too and their mini talent trees; it’s been fun coordinating with other people in the guild to see who will prioritize what so we can cover all the bases. this might be an unpopular opinion, but i love the explosion of reagents, especially things like meat and plant and animal parts; it feels better to craft something where you can trace it back to where it came from, versus the esoteric gold-sink reagents of shadowlands that called for things like “orboreal shards” and “progenitor essence”. it was more thematic for the xpac, yes, but as a matter of preference it feels more productive to skin an animal and be able to loot meat, skin, and fur or feathers from it. not to mention the profession equipment is a cute, immersive touch that adds more personality and identity to crafting, and it’s given major boosts to “secondary” professions of fishing and cooking (my favorites in any video game). my top priority, of course, is that the cooking recipes in dragon isles are cute and silly and sound delicious, which sold me on dragonflight from minute one.
anyway, i’m having fun. i hope the rest of you guys are too. i have both laughed out loud and cried during several different quests and i’m still not even finished with the main campaign storyline (i’m trying to get there though... i want world quests!!). this is wow that feels like wow without relying on the faction war to do so, which is new territory for me. the truce is tenuous, but not on the shores of the dragon isles. it feels amazing. i want to avoid saccharine words like “wholesome”, so all i can say is that the love is definitely there. there is love and hope in dragonflight, which is all i have ever wanted, and gotten, from wow.
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shadowsblades · 5 years
̗̀  world of warcraft player stats  ̖́-
A Q&A meme for World of Warcraft players! Fill in your information (or add an N/A if you don’t want to look up the answer!), bold the relevant answers where applicable, and tag your friends! Please copy and paste the meme into a new post.
Faction: Horde Race: Blood elf Class: Mage Favoured Specialisation: Frost Primary Professions: Skinning & Tailoring Secondary Professions: Fishing, cooking, archeology, first aid (rip)
Number of alts: 4, but I don’t take any of them seriously Race/Spec of alts: Blood elf/Demon Hunter, Nightborne/Hunter, Blood elf/Death Knight, Void elf/Rogue
Number of mounts: 243 Favourite mount: Drake of the East Wind Number of toys: 140 Favourite toy: Anglers Fishing Raft Number of pets: 230 Favourite pet: Li’l Ragnaros named “Lava Daddy”, gifted to me by @lightsblade <3 Favourite title: Starcaller Rarest item: idfk Do you still have an item that is no longer used? (ie. sigils, spellstones, etc.): probably not Mount/toy/pet you are trying to get: Pureheart Courser
Achievement points: 16,510 Achievement you are most proud of: Loremaster Achievement you have that can’t be acquired anymore: A bunch Achievement/s you are currently working on: 100 Exalted Reputations, Glory of the Legion Hero, Glory of the Legion Raider, Glory of the Pandaria Raider Number of exalted reputations: 90
Favourite battleground: Ashran Least favourite battleground: Isle of Conquest Favourite brawl: Cooking Impossible Least favourite brawl:  Packed House Favourite dungeon: Grimrail Depot Least favourite dungeon: Shadow Labyrinth Favourite raid: Black Temple Least favourite raid: I just found out I have to run Molten Core at least 20 more times to get exalted with the Hydraxian Waterlords, so Molten Core Favourite quest/quest chain: I’m obsessed with uncrossing ley lines for Nazjatar World Quests, but also that one questline where if you leave your headlamp on a shark will eat you Least favourite quest/quest chain: All the dailies I have ever done for rep Favourite zone: Uldum Least favourite zone: Tol Barad
Favourite expansion: Legion Favourite moment in canon: Lorash Sunbeam ripped Malfurion a new antler hole in A Good War and even though it makes no sense I laugh about it all the time Favourite 5 canon characters: Sylvanas, Valeera, Jaina, Liadrin, Anduin Least favourite 5 canon characters: Malfurion, Vereesa, Malfurion, Malfurion, Malfurion Expansions played live: Warcraft I | Warcraft II | Warcraft III | World of Warcraft | Burning Crusade | Wrath of the Lich King | Cataclysm | Mists of Pandaria | Warlords of Draenor | Legion | Battle for Azeroth Encyclopedias: Chronicle Volume 1 | Chronicle Volume 2 | Chronicle Volume 3 Novels: Dawn of the Aspects | War of the Ancients: The Well of Eternity | War of the Ancients: The Demon Soul | War of the Ancients: The Sundering | Rise of the Horde | The Last Guardian | Tides of Darkness | Beyond the Dark Portal | Day of the Dragon | Lord of the Clans | Of Blood and Honor | Arthas: Rise of the Lich King | Cycle of Hatred | Illidan | Night of the Dragon | Stormrage | The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm | Wolfheart | Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects | Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War | Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde | Traveler | Traveler: The Spiral Path | War Crimes | Before the Storm Short stories: Death From Above | Apocrypha | The War of the Shifting Sands | Road to Damnation | Cut Short | Code of Rule |  Blood of the Highborne | Trade Secrets of a Trade Prince | Unbroken | The Judgment | The War Effort | In the Shadow of the Sun| Glory | Heart of War | Lord of His Pack | Fire and Iron | Seeds of Faith | Edge of Night | As Our Fathers Before Us | Prophet’s Lesson | Blood of Our Fathers | The Trial of the Red Blossoms |  Li Li’s Travel Journal | Charge of the Aspects | Over Water | Quest for Pandaria | Bleeding Sun | The Strength of Steel | The Blank Scroll | The Jade Hunters | The Untamed Valley | Hellscream | Dark Mirror | A Good War | Elegy Comics: Blackhand | Blood and Thunder | Ashbringer | Death Knight | Dragon Hunt | Shadows of Ice | Ghostlands | The Sunwell Trilogy | The Comic | Legends | The Shadow Wing | Mage | Pearl of Pandaria | Shaman | Dark Riders | Curse of the Worgen | Bloodsworn | Gul'dan and the Stranger | Twilight of Suramar | A Mountain Divided | | Fault Lines | Son of the Wolf | The Speaker | Reunion | Three Sisters | Mechagon Audio dramas: A Thousand Years of War | The Tomb of Sargeras
Alliance or Horde? Horde PVE or PVP? PvP Raids or dungeons? Raids Battlegrounds or arenas? Battlegrounds Classic or retail? Retail Ranged or melee? Ranged Tank, heals, or DPS? DPS Search for spoilers or wait for things to unfold? Look for some spoilers Sell items on the AH one-at-a-time or in a stack? Stack
When did you start playing? The day before Cata was released Owned memorabilia: WotLK poster of the Lich King pointing Frostmourne at me Favourite world event: Darkmoon Faire Add-ons you can’t live without: Recount, DeadlyBossMods, TomTom Things to do to kill time: Achievements | Reputation grinds | PVP | Mount hunting | Pet collecting | Play the auction house
Tagged by: ;) Tagging: @lightsblade, @weavefate, @terraforged, @holyforged, @sunrunnerrs, @diguerra, @embercrested, @redeeming-sun and anyone else who is interested!
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ingloriousbi · 5 years
Classic thoughts so far:
Way too many people to make questing a genuinely fun experience since everything is always dead and theres no loot/experience sharing. but in between everything I’ve found questing to be the most fun and relaxing part of vanilla thus far. Its way more grindy than it is now, which has its downsides (boring… drop rate is frustrating…) but also kind of fun and really inspires grouping up with randoms, even if just for 10 minutes to share the kill credit on whatever quest.
Old orgrimmar is literally better than I remember it. I love it, it’s easier to navigate then new orgrimmar, thrall is awesome (i forgot how much i genuinely loved the hidden enemies quest line and the text for it which probably sounds weird but i have vivid memories about it), the city feels lived in and real, like a much more worthy parallel to Stormwind despite its smaller size. My first character was an undead, so taking the zeppelin from brill, arriving outside orgrimmar, walking through the gates – that whole experience was really nice to relive after over a decade considering the first time I did that is a special memory to me
Old undead char opening monologue is v good and the current writers on the retail team need it tattooed in their eyelids for what theyre doing to sylvanas. classic is one big reminder to the fuck you the lore has become, even if gameplay has arguably largely improved
I knew a lot of shit – arrows, no hunter pet till level 10, weapon skills, being too broke to buy your class spells etc. – were waiting for me but there’s always another “oh ja kennis” moment and its really fun to re-explore everything I loved about classes back in the day, even if mana management is a pain in my ass and two spells into casting my mage is oom. I especially love that I have to read the quests again and how much more immersive the game is when there’s no icons on your map or blue areas marked for you. I think I read more quests than the average person and try to turn off icons on maps etc but the difference was v noticeable in a good way.
Professions are relevant again – this is prolly largely due to low level influx of players since no one is 60 yet, but the fact that I can make dresses and have them be useful long term and have the stats be meaningful is really… pure. It’s a pure experience and I enjoy being tailoring/enchanting; it doesn’t feel like a requirement to grind out useless shit until I can sell bags; I am using the shit I make, and if I don’t use it I know others will have use for it. Two out of three in my party are clothies also so the usefulness is exponential and It feels nice
Conjuring water/food and not being able to get rank 2 but having the rank 1 shit be useless, and then finally getting rank 2, costs half my damn mana to conjure water and I ONLY GET 2 WATER… boooooyyyyyy fuck you.
I forgot resisting spells was a thing mobs do and let me tell you I do not care for that shit
A lot of quality of life shit I miss (e.g. reagents, or just having a quest list right on my screen, even just “talk to dick mcdickerson” would be useful) but there’s something really charming about the barebones necessity shit of a lot of gameplay and UI. It might just be novelty, we will see if it wears off over time
i am embarrassed by the amount of fucking initialism i remember as i see it pass in trade. teen me was a loser and should be made fun of with the utmost prejudice for crystallizing this knowledge so good my adult ass still knows
People jerk off too much in the general chat of whatever place. Its nice to see the community alive again but they wont shut the fuck up and its all circlejerking abt who has the most vanilla knowledge vs “the loosers” that started in wotlk or after, and theres too much back-patting themselves for “being social again” bc general and trade chat isn’t dead anymore. Look, barrens chat was nice, but there was a reason it’s a meme and I sure as fuck don’t want durotar, or teldrassil, or fucking tirisfal glades to be full of non-stop shit in general chat. Every so often there will be a period of time where its really nice and just people grouping up, asking for and then receiving help, its really nice and talking about how fun it is, and then after those 15 min the Men come back and its all a circlejerk again abt whatever they can think of. haha mankriks wife jokes. haha mounts at 40. haha weapons trainer in UC for daggers, cant do it in org... shut the fuck up. we all remember - or are re-remembering - all this shit as we go. i do not need some dude with a stick up his ass who reread vanilla vs retail differences lists to give live-commentary on my rediscovery of a beloved childhood videogame.
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katieskarlette · 4 years
Other Characters
The characters I play the most are featured here, but I have many others that are either retired or don’t get played as often. 
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Race: red dragon
Class: priest
Status: OC, inactive in-game
Been around since: MoP
Story:  Cybela is the daughter of Rheastrasza.  Her clutchmates were the egg destroyed by Deathwing in Wrathion's place, and the egg the player gets as a trinket at the end of the quests.  Orphaned and alone, she sought out Wrathion as the only connection she had to her mother and ended up as a sort of adopted sister-figure to him in my fics.
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Race: blue dragon
Class: mage
Status: OC, inactive in-game
Been around since: MoP
Story: Cerulea hatched during the Nexus War, part of the last clutch of Saragosa and Malygos.  She goes around trying to convince mortals to be more responsible in their magic use.  Her heart is in the right place but she can be a bit of a nag.  I keep meaning to work her into a fic but so far haven’t.  I also have a human version of her in-game, but she’s inactive, too.
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Race: human
Class: hunter
Status: self-insert, inactive in-game
Been around since:  WoD
Story: At one point in WoD I wasn't enjoying playing my mage and my guild was crumbling, so I made this character on a server where some of my old friends from vanilla were playing.  I tentatively planned to make her my new main, so I gave her the same face and skin color as my mage, and the same hair color in a different cut.  The people I was going to play with more or less quit, and now she's all alone on a random non-RP server.  I may move her someday, but for now she's shelved.
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Race: night elf
Class: druid
Status: OC, sporadically active in-game
Been around since: vanilla (she was the third character I ever made)
Story: Selldorine doesn't have much of a backstory or personality. She's not on an RP server so that's okay, I guess. She likes small animals, tailoring, and doing the night elf flippy jump. She's usually balance spec but sometimes I get brave and try to heal with her.
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Race: night elf
Class: mage
Status: OC, inactive in-game
Been around since: Cataclysm
Story: She was raised in Dire Maul by her widowed father, who was one of the archivists in the Shen'dralar library there. When Cataclysm brought night elf mages out of the shadows, she ventured out to see what the rest of the world was like.  She's a little bit snooty, but also naive due to her sheltered upbringing.  She loves books and inscription.
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Race: night elf
Class: death knight
Status: OC, sporadically active in game
Been around since:  She was created on Day One of WotLK, then shelved between Cataclysm and Shadowlands.
Story: Kalizai's parents were Highborne who gave up arcane magic and assimilated into the general night elf society after the Sundering.  Kalizai is about the same age as Fandral Staghelm. She worked as an assassin-for-hire for many years, and Staghelm sent her on many missions to eliminate his enemies.  When word of the Scourge reached him, he sent her to Northrend to study their necromancy.  He hoped to somehow purify their techniques and bring his son back to life.  Kalizai learned far more about the subject than she ever wanted to, as her snooping around Icecrown resulted in her death--and reanimation as a death knight.  I have a really, really old fanfic about her, too.
After the events of WotLK she wandered around without clear direction in her (un)life until she got turned into a smudge of ash by Deathwing in one of his random zone burnings.  With her body thus destroyed, she was freed from undeath and able to ascend to the afterlife.  She was sent to Revendreth and immediately caught the eye of Sire Denathrius.  As a death knight she was very well acquainted with the art of pain, making her a great candidate for a becoming a venthyr after she had completed her own penance.  By the time of the Shadowlands expansion she had become a defender of Revendreth, occasional torturer of souls in need of humbling, and frequent guest in the Sire’s bedchamber.
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Race:  Void Elf
Class:  priest
Status:  OC, inactive in-game
Been around since:  Legion (She was a night elf with no story or personality circa Cataclysm, then shelved until Legion when I dusted her off and changed to a void elf.)
Story:  Full backstory here.  Short(ish) version:  Between the Scourge and the Legion, Thalari lost her entire family.  Terrified and desperate, she left her post as a priestess of the Light and became one of Umbric’s students in hopes that void magic would be the key to defeating the Legion.
Alas, it wasn’t, and she was no longer able to connect with the Light the way she had before.  By the time she arrived in Stormwind as an exile, she was on the verge of giving up completely.  Then a hooded stranger heard her crying outside the cathedral and stopped to comfort her.  He reassured her that the Light had not abandoned her, helped her find lodging for the night, and--most importantly--gave her hope.
Grateful beyond words, Thalari kissed the young man as he prepared to depart.  He was startled and shy, but graciously wished her well and disappeared into the night.  A few days later, she was gobsmacked to discover that her anonymous benefactor had been none other than King Anduin Wrynn himself.  Once she recovered from her shock and embarrassment, she vowed to serve the Alliance with all her might.  She may be a bit overzealous in her enthusiasm for her new faction, but it’s given her a desperately-needed sense of belonging and purpose.
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Race: blood elf
Class: warlock
Status: OC, inactive in-game
Been around since: the first day of TBC
Story: Villeshari's father was a high-ranking noble in Silvermoon before the Scourge Invasion.  She knew Kael'thas fairly well, as they moved in the same social circles, and she had a crush on him.  Her father hinted to Anasterian that their children would be a good match, but nothing came of it.   Villeshari's family owned a shipping company based out of western Eversong, and Villeshari was raised in luxury. She expected to study magic in Dalaran when she got old enough, but to her humiliation the Kirin Tor declined her application. She had some skill in fire magic, but the other schools of magic were beyond her abilities. When the Scourge came through she lost everything:  her family, their fortune, and her daydreams of being queen someday.  She turned to darker magic to survive and ended up becoming a warlock.  Her skill in the shadow arts isn't all that much greater than her skill for traditional magic, however, and the demons she summons are often inept.  (Her voidwalker, Sarvhug, is more apt to hug enemies than attack them.  Which does hold aggro, in a way, but is still embarrassing.) Her hobbies are tailoring, complaining about crude orcish architecture, and enchanting everything she can get her finely-manicured hands on.
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Race: blood elf
Class: paladin (blood knight)
Status: OC, inactive in-game
Been around since:  TBC
Story:  Shelkaena's mother was a ranger and her father ran an apothecary shop in Silvermoon.  They both died when the Scourge swept through.  She tried to run the shop by herself, but times were tough and she couldn't compete with the bloodthistle trade. She was on the verge of homelessness when she heard a recruiting pitch for the blood knights.  She enlisted, thus gaining room and board, armor and weapons, and the training she needed to defend her people. She's meticulous about her armor, making sure it's always polished and well-maintained.
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Race: blood elf
Class: mage
Status: OC, inactive in-game
Been around since:  WotLK or possibly Cataclysm, not sure
Story: The son of a Kirin Tor mage and a Silvermoon socialite, Zhelios was raised in Dalaran.  He barely escaped the city with his life when Archimonde attacked it.  His father wasn't so lucky.   Zhelios fled to Silvermoon, only to find his mother was missing and presumed dead. (I haven't decided if she ended up Scourge or not, but he doesn't know, either way.)   After the war he returned to Dalaran to help pick up the pieces.  The trauma he had been through, combined with the interruption of his studies, meant that he flunked out of mage training.  To make ends meet, he took a job cleaning and maintaining the city's fountains, instead.  He had a soft spot for the fish in the main fountain, and took home any who were injured or sick. He eventually met and fell in love with a Darkspear troll named Bridjin. They were forced out of the city when the Horde was purged from Dalaran.  Eventually they married and settled in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, where Zhelios works with the Golden Lotus in their efforts to restore the valley's beautiful lakes and streams to their pre-Garrosh glory.
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Race: troll
Class: warlock in-game, more of a generic shadowcaster in my mind
Status: OC, sporadically active in game
Been around since:  MoP
Story:  Bridjin was only a child when the Darkspear arrived in Durotar.  Shortly thereafter, her mother (the only parent she'd ever known) was killed by centaur, leaving Bridjin to be raised by her aunt. When she came of age she traveled around as an adventurer for awhile. She met and fell in love with a shaman while defending the Ashenvale/Barrens border, but he was killed by night elves shortly thereafter.  Bridjin returned to wandering Kalimdor, working as a mercenary but becoming increasingly dissatisfied with that life. When Garrosh turned against the Darkspear, she fled to Dalaran.  She had recently had a one-night stand with a blood elf there, and when she returned to visit him again things turned serious.  They eventually married and, after the Horde races were purged from Dalaran, they moved to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.  Bridjin currently works as a cook for the Golden Lotus.  Cooking has always been her favorite hobby.
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Race: troll
Class: rogue
Status: OC, sporadically active in game
Been around since: vanilla (the fourth character I ever created, and first Horde)
Story: Her name is Katie backwards, kind of an in-joke with the friend who got me playing WoW in the first place. Eitak's not on an RP server, but through the years she's taken on her own personality.  She's brash, irreverent, and outspoken, quick to say what's on her mind regardless of the appropriateness.  She loves to dance.  She does leatherworking.
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Race: troll
Class: mage
Status: OC, inactive in-game
Been around since: vanilla
Story: I haven't played Zarctica in years, but she was initially created so I could see what frost mages were like, back when my main was fire and switching spec was an inconvenient, expensive process.  She's considered weird by troll standards because she likes fuzzy bunnies and flowers, and she's creeped out by bones and dark magic.  She hates Undercity and prefers to spend time in Thunder Bluff instead.  My even-more-inactive troll hunter on the same server, Jinzakar, is Zarctica’s sister.
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Race: dwarf
Class: hunter
Status: OC, sporadically active in-game
Been around since: vanilla (second character ever)
Story: Tinneleva (Tin-ell-uh-vuh)  isn't on an RP server and just has a sort of generic dwarf personality.  Her main pet is an Ashenvale wolf named Rodolpho, which at least according to some sources means "wolf," or "wolf-like."  It seemed like a good name in 2005, anyway, and even though it's not the least bit dwarfish it seems to suit him.  She calls him Roddy a lot of the time.
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Race:  pandaren (Alliance)
Class: monk
Status: OC, sporadically active in-game
Been around since: first day of MoP
Story: Xinghongse isn't on an RP server so she doesn't have a formal backstory, but after having the pandaren monk mini-pet following her around all the time I developed the idea that he's her son, and she's a single mom trying to make the world a better place for her kid. She's cheerful, curious, and friendly.  (Xing hong se is "scarlet," at least according to some online Mandarin dictionaries I consulted.)
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Race: black dragon
Class: priest
Status: AU version of canon character, inactive in-game
Been around since: WoD
Story: This is my AU version of Wrathion's mother, to go along with Fahrad/Fahradion.
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Eaunyxia (AU Onyxia)
Race:  black dragon
Class: warlock
Status: AU version of canon character, inactive in-game
Been around since: the pre-Legion invasion events
Story: This is an AU version of Onyxia (her name is pronounced the same), from the "Draco ex Machina" continuity.
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Seraphelle/Seara Blackwing
Race:  black dragon
Class: priest
Status: OC, mostly inactive in-game
Been around since: vanilla (although I only decided she was a dragon in MoP)
Story: The in-game priest (Seraphelle) has always been the owner of my storage guild and the alchemist among my alts on my main server.  Eventually I decided to have her be a black dragon:  Nefarian's mate and the mother of the drakes in BWL.  She appears in the fic Draco ex Machina.  She's kind of taken a back seat since I started shipping Nefarian with Rheastrasza, but she's still around.
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Race:  half black dragon, half red dragon
Class: priest
Status: OC, sporadically active in-game
Been around since: WoD
Story:  Romatria's parents are Rheastrasza and pre-corruption Nefarian (Romathion).  She’s been living as a night elf priestess since the Sundering, hiding her true species.  She’s mentioned in my fic “By Any Other Name,” and stars in a half-finished fic that has been stagnating for years.
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Race:  chromatic dragon
Class: monk
Status: OC, inactive in-game
Been around since: WoD
Story:   Nith is one of the chromatic dragon whelps that emerged from Nefarian's laboratories at Blackrock Mountain, and the last surviving one of his kind.  He briefly appeared in my fic “By Any Other Name,” and would feature prominently in the fic about Romatria if I ever finished it.
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Race:  half blue dragon, half bronze dragon
Class: mage
Status: OC, inactive in-game
Been around since: WoD
Story:  Ephemeros' mixed heritage has cursed him with a strange predicament:  he randomly time travels in his sleep, and sometimes wakes up clutching objects which then have to be returned to the proper time/place by a full-blooded bronze dragon.  He’s also in the unpublished fic about Romatria.
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Race: half red dragon, half green dragon
Class: hunter
Status: OC, later turned into AU Sylvanas
Been around since: The character was created in TBC as a blood elf.  During WoD I decided she was a dragon.  Then in BFA I gave her a makeover and turned her into an AU Sylvanas.
Story:  Neblanca is a drake with the attitude of a snarky teenager and a menagerie of spirit animals drawn (sometimes accidentally) from the Emerald Dream.  And, you guessed it, she’s also in the perpetually-unfinished Romatria fic.
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Tailoring Leveling Guide
Fitting is a mainstream calling as when you're questing, you're gathering fabric drops from hordes, and with these will flexibly materials for fitting.
You can make some cool things with fitting including flying floor coverings, helpful things, for example, sacks which can be popular at the Auction House, just as material defensive layer and gorgeous things that a few people need, similar to tuxedos!
Here are a few hints on the most proficient method to step up your fitting in World of Warcraft (Wow):
1. See your fitting mentor when you're in a city or town and in doing as such, you will step up your fitting simultaneously as your character. Discover your coach with the smaller than expected guide or request that a sentinel get headings to the fitting mentor. These are the degrees of fitting, and the level and ability levels required for preparing:
Understudy Tailor - level 5/nil
Apprentice Tailor - level 10/50
Master Tailor - level 20/125
Craftsman Tailor - level 35/200
Ace Tailor - level 50/250 (Burning Crusade)
Amazing Master Tailor - level 65/350 (WOTLK)
Celebrated Tailor - level 425 (Cataclysm)
2. Gather fabric to cause jolts and different things in Beverly Grove  as you to experience the different territories when leveling your character. Continuously you have a lot of sack space before going on journeys for plunder things including material drops:
Material Cloth
Fleece Cloth
Silk Cloth
3. Make gear which can be utilized without anyone else, your attacking gathering or offered to other people. This is the place your Saxony Fine Clothing your ability as a tailor proves to be useful and to make gold.
Probably the most helpful and popular things are:
Packs - these incorporate the 32 space sacks that have higher limit with regards to conveying plunder and things accumulated with the social affair callings. These sacks incorporate the Abyssal pack, Mysterious sack and Emerald sack.
Spellthread - these are dress things which are useful as they improve the characteristics of spell force, endurance or soul of the wearer. Some can be profited by any wearer, which are the Azure, Shining, Sapphire, and Brilliant Spellthread. Some must be utilized by the tailor when applied to your shroud, which are the Masters and Sanctified Spellthread. You will require level 400 fitting to do these.
Flying Carpets - these are the quick Flying Carpet, Magnificent Flying Carpet and Frosty Flying Carpet. You should be level 60 and expertise of 300 for the Flying, and level 70 and ability of 425 for the Magnificent and Frosty to make these.
So as should be obvious, you can make some incredible rigging with fitting in WoW.
So go through these tips and level your fitting and get to the most elevated levels and advantage from the apparatus cap you'll be making.
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honestlyfullfox · 1 year
This will be a great farm
I'm actually going to transfer you to ice WoTLK Gold ground to one of my top spots to farm the cloth. This is likely to be extremely lucrative if you have a character who is able to both farm mobs that drop the frost weave cloth, as well as having that character as tailoring to earn more drops.
The mobs that you will be fighting are on an outdoor balcony, where they are fighting each other. This means that you are able to engage with them almost according to your own discretion and when you should serve your needs. And they drop cloth very often and aren't difficult mobs to defeat.
This will be a great farm if you have the option of tailoring even though it's not the person who will be doing the farming because of the fact that making bags that are custom-made for the individual is always going to be one of the highest-paying ways of making gold in while the WOW WoTLK Classic Gold farm is regular.
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honestlyfullfox · 1 year
You have extra mats to create a few parts of gear
It could be in quests or even playing level at dungeons in heroics that aren't faction-related. Tabare equipped WoTLK Gold. However, the most important one , and one that you're likely to expect is the forever belt buckle that everyone is wearing is playing, whether an old main second or 20. If you will wear an item of belt during your life, it's likely to have several belts with max levels and every single one of them has only a buckle up to provide an additional socket and material costs aren't too bad. All you need is an eternal Earth shadow and water.
In addition to saronite bars This can be simple when the time is right. simply purchase the mats, make the buckles and earn the profit obviously you'd always need to confirm this prior to purchasing or using resting XPS gold or a system that will reveal which items are the most profitable to purchase the materials from the Auction House and craft cheeky plugs in the description below for blacksmithing. However, belt buckles would be my priority. However, if you have extra mats to create a few parts of gear, make those also. The same is true for blacksmithing.
As with tailoring for our every tear, you'll be given some extra recipes such as belts at times during Ottawa or some forge braces in the course of a conversation that you can sell for an affordable fee if obtain them early, or actually cultivate the mats and then sell the big items, since buyers will surely purchase them to ensure not repeating the same things for different professions. Leatherworking shares the same aspects that apply to buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold it like tailor and and blacksmithing. Apart from the fact that gear is lever or mouth and aimed at specific classes and specifications like Elemental Shaman enhancement shaman hunters, rogues and Druids.
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