#wotna accepted
thetruthaboutnolan · 11 months
Isn’t it just a scare tactic to threaten legal action online?
It depends where you live. Many places around the world of these things called laws and sometimes they do adapt with the times. My state for example has anti bullying, harassment, and stalking cyber laws. It also has servers for tumblr. Why is that important? Because a great deal of these laws base jurisdiction not on where either the victim or perpetrator are but where the servers for the site are. Now they do take more time to process especially if the other party isn’t in the US and all that is needed to get the IP, subpoena websites for information like registered emails then get the personal info or even access to said email accounts etc etc. criminal and civil suits are different but these laws still allow for lawsuits. This is why I allow people to lie and tell their nonsense since I’ll just collect it and since my job deals in web design and coding and my small business uses these to help the RPCs I’m in I can also sue for damages it just takes a lot of evidence and proof of the damage. It’s costly and while I don’t have FU money, I have more than enough hold out til winning a case and have these people pay me and the fees. A certain someone knew this and that is likely a reason why they deleted or at least privated everything they ever posted about me.
What’s your opinion on those without evidence?
They are liars. I’ve seen the ‘maybe they just didn’t save/keep anything’ talk. Now that’s possible but not likely given how obsessed these people are with me. I’ve admittedly lost evidence with time and things simply breaking along with have had 5 PCs and like3 laptops not to mention all my moving in the last 8 years. But I still have a lot. This is the day and age where it’s almost impossible to NOT find something at all. In fact, you normally find one thing that takes you to another which takes you to another and so on and so forth. That’s how I get a lot of my stuff if I didn’t remember screenshot or log it myself. There are so many stories and tall tales of me that I don’t even know about. And you’re trying to tell me that not a single thing outside the three groups I bring up can be found when blogs and tags are scrolled through? That’s a little too far fetched even for me to believe. I got it, blogs are sometimes deleted to at random but you search the tags they used to post things like acceptances and follows and still nothing? Is it because there is nothing?
There are also those that lie to themselves so much and for so long they believe the lie and ultimately believe it to be reality.
My drama with WOTNA is an example of this. Even though I and the people there (save one) are on good terms again, admin M lied so long and so…. hard to herself she fully believes G was constantly telling her I was harassing and bullying him. Even though G repeatedly says to everyone that he never said anything like that. Lianne likewise is dead set that the hate anons she got were sent by me simply because she told herself they were and ‘during the time she got them’ my drama with G was going on, in her memory. She completely ignores that Sam admitted to it and that during the time they were sent according to the time stamps on them, I wasn’t in the group anymore for months and in fact was in the hospital. But she fully believes it and that’s the story she tells herself and others and why she continues to hate me to this day.
Can you link us to your groups?
No for obvious reasons. Don’t want anyone on them harassed and while I do get the random troll, they are pretty much drama free safe havens. Having said that, many of you have found them already as I wasn’t shy about advertising like crazy recently on specific discord servers.
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warofthenewage-rpg · 7 years
Congratulations Eden!
You have been accepted as Alrena Saltsman with the face of Ksenia Solo.
Name: Eden
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 19
Timezone: EST
Faceclaim Wanted: Ksenia Solo
Second Choice: Elizabeth Gillies
Name: Alrena Saltsman
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Metahuman
Affiliation: Nephilim
Rank: Loner
Powers/Abilities: Miasmakinesis
Weaknesses: Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power’s natural limits. Cannot harm those with foreign chemical immunity.
Para Sample:
The place felt alive with energy. The mansion seemed like something straight out of a lifetime movie, or maybe even something from her dreams. The entire area smelled like fresh cut grass and the multitude of flowers and that were strategically placed. The only bad thing Alrena could feel was the overwhelming anxiety of walking up to the door. She wasn’t even sure if this was the place. She had only heard through her pot dealer that this is where the nephilim were held up. Of course, held up didn’t seem to fit what was going on here. They were living the life of luxury. She spotted the several different sport cars out front and could even smell the chlorine- a scent which had become too familiar to the young girl.
She knocked on the door and waited a moment. Her heart was beating with excitement and terror. As the door swung open, Alrena burst out into a rant. Something about how she didn’t know if this was the Nephilim mansion and how she wanted to join to group for their “rad pool”. Quickly she was stopped by the woman at the door. She took a deep breath and stretched out her hand, “I’m Alrena and I want to show you what I can do."
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wotnahq · 4 years
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Hello players!
We’re sure it’s been noticeable that there’s been a lull in activity on our dash and our main lately. Rest assured, there’s no need to worry. We plan on keeping this group running so long as there’s continued interest from current and potential new members, regardless of how quickly or slowly our dash moves. We’re sure that the lull comes from the usual busy-ness that occurs around this time of year with jobs and school starting up. We believe our dash will return to its usual activity soon enough once lives start to settle.
We’re aware that our team also has been inactive ourselves. Real life has hit us hard with moving, new jobs, increasing workloads, and other responsibilities that have hindered our ability to be around more often and fulfill our duties here. We’ll still be accepting applications, conducting activity checks, and answering questions, however, we may postpone any events we thought of for this month for another time when we have the energy to devote to it. We hope that things will settle down for all of us soon and we’ll be back to admin business with a fun new “magic anon” event for Halloween. In the mean time, we’ll do our best to set up some fun tasks and anon hours for the remainder of this month.
That all said, if anyone needs a break from our group to focus on real life, we encourage all our members to request a hiatus using our form here. Real life should always take priority and we will understand if some time away is needed.
EVENT POLL. Speaking of events and tasks, we have come up with a poll we’d love for our players to fill out. We’ve developed some fun event and plot drop ideas over the next few months, but we’d love to hear what you guys would be interested in as well! If you have any plot, event, task, or anon ideas, please feel free to share with us HERE. Note: this is not mandatory nor is there any deadline – feel free to fill out whenever!
Thank you all for your patience with us and keeping our group going strong for five months now. We could not have gotten this far without our wonderful members.
– WOTNA Admin Team
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musepirations · 4 years
Hi Sien! I hope you're having a lovely day and staying safe! I was wondering if you wouldn't mind giving our group an opinion, please? Thank you in advanced and we appreciate the help!
❞ HI LOVELY !! I’m so sorry this is late, I hope it can still help you. Mind you that this is just my opinion, and you know these can differ. The last thing I want to do is criticize or be rude. I hope this may help you out, sweetheart !! Find the opinion on WOTNAHQ bellow the cut !! Xoxo ❞
RECOMMENDATION ? if you are into super human, futuristic type of roleplays, definitely check ‘em out !!
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* ✰. — icon & url ❞
i really like your url and in combination with your icon, it definitely raises my curiosity as to what your group is about. it makes me want to click on to your main and i guess that’s a good thing for sure !!
* ✰. — main ❞
i think you picked a really nice theme for your main -- it’s easy to navigate on and easy to read, which makes your main very accessible. i am personally not very fond of the image you used as a header, because i’m a big fan of a nice graphic for a theme header, but that’s just personal taste. perhaps you could ask a roleplay helper/graphic maker to put together a nice graph ?? or find an image that is a bit more hq ( considering it’s a pretty big image you need, you will definitely have to go on a hunt ) ?? i think that might be the main thing that bothers me a bit about it, that it doesn’t seem great quality due to using it for such a big header. but, again, that’s just my personal taste -- it doesn’t add to or take from the quality of your roleplay. i really do like your character and wanted connection graphics -- they’re great !!
* ✰. — pages ❞
i’m going to run over the most important pages here, dears !!
navigation: what a great navigation page -- i love how you have separate tabs for application, members etc... very nice !!
plot: your plot is very well-written and very extensive, which goes to show how much thought you have put into it and how it is executed to a t. great job there, lovelies !!
rules: this is probably the longest, most extended rules page i have ever seen before on a roleplay. but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing, because you just take your time to explain everything clearly which i think is a good idea. the only advice i would give is to look into a banned fc list -- look at who some really problematic faces are out there who you shouldn’t accept either. for example, i saw you used a holland roden faceclaim for a retired role ?? however holland should definitely be on your banned fc list because of the things she has said. just to make sure you won’t end up accepting faceclaims that are frowned upon and might make your members or future applicants uncomfortable !!
application & app count: i had expected a more extended application after reading your roles, if i’m honest ?? considering there are a bunch of things you ask from your applicants beforehand such as creating a blog and such ?? perhaps it would be a good idea to let your applicants write these things out in their app, rather than mention in your rules ?? or at least mention on your application form what is expected from the applicants before they should apply. i cannot find an application count, so it might be a nice idea to include one of those -- unless you accept applications straight away !!
characters: oc, so n/a !!
i think those are the main pages !! i quickly skimmed over your other pages, and i am seriously impressed by how well thought out everything is -- it is evident that you had a clear vision and you have executed it quite wonderfully. i think the wotna-inspired pages are definitely a bonus !!
* ✰. — over all impression & advises  ❞ 
i think you have put a lot of time and effort into this group, which i can only applaud. aside from the few details i mentioned ( the header graph, a banned fc list with problematic faces, a clearer explanation of what is required for applying ON your application page itself, not merely on the rules page ) i think this group is pretty good already. definitely keep it up, lovelies !!
* ✰. — recommendation ? ❞
if you are into super human type of roleplays, then for sure go check ‘em out !!
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wotnapromos · 4 years
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The human race has evolved quite drastically over the decades, to the point where “superpowers” are no longer just science fiction. They’re real. Those who are born with these powers are called “Metahumans,” and they were once oppressed within society out of fear, confusion, and hatred. A group known as the Rebel Army, a rag tag bunch of Metahumans, banded together to aid in a fight against what became a power corrupt, government organization C.A.R.M.A for equality and normal lives for all Metahumans. The war between Rebels and C.A.R.M.A lasted for years with hardly any progress for Metahuman rights. After a massive attack from the Nephilim, a Metahuman supremacist group, left the city in ruins, the majority of Metas who rushed into battle to defend Pansaw brought about a new view of these superpowered humans.
It’s been nearly a full three years since that dreadful day, and things have drastically changed. After finally winning their long battle for equal rights, the Rebel Army has disbanded in hopes of leading the normal lives they dreamed of. Of course, in Pansaw, it can never stay quiet too long. Both new and old enemies lurk in the shadows of the city, threatening to end the peace.
The only question is, WHAT’S NEXT for Pansaw? JOIN US and find out!
WOTNA HQ is an 18+ appless, multi-muse, superpower RPG currently accepting applications for original characters. This group is a revamp of our first incarnation War of the New Age, set in the same fictional city of Pansaw and taking place three years after our season finale event. The main plot here is now that Metahumans have won equal rights and the Rebels have moved on with their new, normal lives, they now have to face the dark side of humanity that disagrees with their equality.
Our group has plenty of history and subplots to work with that all connect with the main plot, giving every writer a vast world to explore in writing. If you’re looking for an RP that features action, adventure, drama, and romance, while also focusing strongly on character development, we highly suggest you come check us out!
Come join WOTNA HQ today!
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warofthenewage-rpg · 7 years
Congratulations Nat!
You have been accepted as Parker Morimoto with the face of Hayley Kiyoko.
Name: Nat
Pronouns: She/they
Age: 17
Timezone: CST
Activity Level: 7-10
Faceclaim Wanted: Hayley Kiyoko
Second Choice: Kimiko Glenn
Name: Parker Morimoto
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Human
Affiliation: CARMA
Rank: Soldier
Powers/Abilities: Technorganic physiology
Weaknesses: Vulnerable against technology manipulation, higher risk of electrocution or being deactivated, possibility of being hacked and being controlled by another person. User must also occasionally repair or replace parts as they break.
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warofthenewage-rpg · 7 years
Congratulations Sam!
You’ve been accepted as Archie Landry with the face of Harry Styles
Name: Sam
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 19
Timezone: GMT
Activity Level: I’d like to say fairly active, but my wifi’s slow so I may not be able to reply as often as I’d like to. I’ll be around, just might not be doing replies
Faceclaim Wanted: Harry Styles
Name: Archie Landry
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Metahuman
Affiliation: Rebel Army
Rank: Scout
Powers/Abilities: Typhokinesis - User can create, shape and manipulate smoke, collection of airborne solid and liquid particulates and gases emitted when a material undergoes combustion or pyrolysis, together with the quantity of air that is entrained or otherwise mixed into the mass. User can also transform their body completely into smoke.
Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power’s natural limits. Can be overpowered by Air Manipulation and Gas Manipulation. Effected by wind. Users that use thermal vision can see through the smoke and spot the user.
Para Sample: Pansaw was not like home. Definitely not the home he grew up in, but different still from the city he lived in now. Aunt Harriet always had been a city girl with expensive tastes, but nothing in her home could compare to the unnervingly clean and structured nature of Pansaw. His grandmother had been kind enough to help pay the rent for his apartment in the Elnora district, and for the most part it was actually a nice place to live. Or at least it will be once the numerous boxes strewn across the apartment were unpacked and everything looked more homely. Archie padded across the hard wood floors to the large window overlooking the district and rested his forehead against the cool glass. His eyes scanned his new home below him, quietly enjoying the way that, despite it being close to midnight, the lights from the city illuminated the sky like it was already dawn. It was strange, but he almost liked the way that he could still hear music and the faint roar of car engines in place of the chirping of birds. There was something human about Pansaw. The thought was enough to pull him from the window and bite softly on his lip: that was the problem. Pansaw was human. And Archie still didn’t know if Metas were included in this humanity.
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warofthenewage-rpg · 7 years
Congratulations Ellen!
You have been accepted as Mary “Polly” Allen with the face of Carey Mulligan.
Name: Ellen
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 22
Timezone: CST
Activity Level: I’m about to begin a new job, so I’m not 100 percent sure what my activity will look like, but I can tell you that I do get on almost every evening to check the dash and keep up with replies. ORIGINAL CHARACTER INFO:
Faceclaim Wanted: Carey Mulligan
Second Choice: Kiera Knightley
Name: Mary “Polly” Allen
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Species: Metahuman
Affiliation: Loner
Rank: N/A
Powers/Abilities: Radiation Generation
Weaknesses: This power is extremely dangerous to the wielder, and must be used sparingly, as it often results in radiation poisoning, burns, or sickness if used for extensive amounts of time, or under emotional stress. Time does allow for recovery, but cumulative usage can result in bone weakness, cardiovascular weakness, and anemia, and other negative health effects.
Para Sample: (Para sample from a previous OC who reminds me a bit of Polly.) The early August evening held the strange atmosphere of a dying summer. The warmth from the sun soaked pavement was slowly released only to meet with the cold of the early fall that was blossoming in the air. It was the sort of night that should have been a thunderstorm, but instead was silent save for the frantic chirping of crickets and cicadas. A fog was sure to coat the morning and the grass would be coated with dew. But that morning was far away, and the church towers chiming seven reminded all living souls that the setting sun was a beacon that would not soon return for far too long.
It occurred to Serena that she had always taken breathing for granted. It was incredibly easy to do. She sneezed loudly, causing a fresh cloud of dust to rise off of the cuckoo clock in front of her. Dropping the rag onto the clock face, she gave up for the evening. The old thing would never come clean.
In and out the air swishes through the lungs, and she had never even paused to enjoy the fact that it occurred. Not until she was sneezing so hard the air was forced painfully from her ribcage. Serena wondered what else she had taken for granted. Eyeing the setting sun she decided perhaps it was a good thing such mundane actions didn’t distract her more often. Perhaps she was just distracted tonight because of the strange tension that hung in the air. Flipping the faded sign from ‘open’ to ‘closed’ she let the bolt slide shut with a heavy thud. Stepping behind the counter she slid through the curtain of beads that hung in the doorway. The clattering wooden spheres tittered behind her like a group of scolding biddies, chiding her for working so late. The rotting carpet on the stairs complained at the weight of her feet. The twelve old steps seemed to stretch for eternity under aching calves. Alighting on the landing she slunk into her apartment like a shadow. Her eyes scanned the room out of habit. An empty vase, an old teddy bear, a bare old rocking chair, all of these objects stood in the same place they always did. Yet tonight Serena couldn’t help marveling at them, the setting sun had lent the room an otherworldly quality, a greenish orange light turning the room into a festival of shadows, an open window allowing the cacophany of cicadas to set the mood. She felt like an idiot the way she ogled the world. Children were allowed to hold such wonder, but in women such as herself, it was not only foolish, it was dangerous. Such amazement only led to disappointment. As Serena stumbled into the shower a new problem floated to the front of her mind. She tried her best to ignore it for as long as she could. She focused desperately on the shampoo bottle and the suds that it produced. She scrubbed her arms with such vigor that the bar of soap showed indentations from her fingers grip. It was only as the steam began to lift towards the ceiling that she allowed herself to think again. What was she doing? She was useless, she was stuck in this little apartment, as much a prisoner as ever, at least she would be. If she couldn’t convince herself to go on an adventure, she was a prisoner, even if it was to herself.  It was detestable, deplorable, and she felt the twist of loathing settling into the pit of her stomach. As the water began to take on the tell tale chill that told Serena she had stood too long in the shower, a bad habit she always had possessed, she stepped out from under the spray,and back into the reality she was forced to face. She was glad that the water droplets on her face covered any stray tears that found their way down her cheeks. She’d cried every night since that letter had found her way into her hand. This was someone mocking her. She knew it was. Who else would tempt her away from the happiness she had found? Knowing she couldn’t say no and stay happy, when she didn’t want to leave. It was cruel, and of course she would go. The House of Usher beckoned.
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warofthenewage-rpg · 7 years
Congratulations Nat!
You have been accepted as Bodhi Sampurna with the face of Dev Patel.
Name: Nat
Pronouns: She/they
Age: 17
Timezone: CST
Activity Level: 7-9
Faceclaim Wanted: Dev Patel
Second Choice: Suraj Sharma
Name: Bodhi Sampurna
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual
Species: Human
Affiliation: CARMA
Rank: Scientist
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warofthenewage-rpg · 7 years
Congratulations Lyndzi!
You have been accepted as Aliviana Blackwell with the face of Natalie Dormer.
Name: Lyndzi    
Pronouns: She
Age: 33
Faceclaim Wanted: Natalie Dormer
Second Choice: Demi Lovato
Name: Aliviana Blackwell
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Metahuman
Affiliation: Nephilim
Rank: Loner
Powers/Abilities: Succubus Physiology
Weaknesses: May not be able to engage in sexual intercourse with other females (even if they desire to), for fear of fatality. May be overpowered by Angel Physiology or other holy powers. May be powerless against users of Chastity Embodiment.
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warofthenewage-rpg · 7 years
Congratulations Kate!
You have been accepted as Ian Rylow with the face of Kevin McKidd.
OOC INFO: Name: Kate Pronouns: She/her Age: 17 Timezone: Eastern Standard Activity Level: On more on the weekends than weekdays, but pretty much always on. (You know me.) ORIGINAL CHARACTER INFO: Faceclaim Wanted: Kevin McKidd Second Choice: Eric Dane Name: Ian Rylow Age: 43 Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight Species: Metahuman Affiliation: Hero Squad Rank: Loner Powers/Abilities: Enhanced Vision Weaknesses: Vision is still affected normally by darkness; in pitch black or the dead of night, the eyes must adjust and the power is weakened by the dark. The user’s eyes are sensitive to light, but Ian combats this by often wearing specialized contacts or sunglasses. Seeing through multiple objects at a time requires focus and precision and may not allow the user to gather the “big picture.” Distance still affects vision as well, though not as drastically as normal sight.
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warofthenewage-rpg · 7 years
Congratulations Kate!
You’ve been accepted as Riley Badekker with the face of Blake Lively
Name: Kate
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 17
Timezone: Eastern Standard
Activity Level: On more on the weekends than weekdays, but pretty much always on.
Faceclaim Wanted: Blake Lively Second Choice: Amanda Seyfried Name: Riley Badekker Age: 36 Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight
Species: Human Affiliation: C.A.R.M.A Rank: Researcher
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warofthenewage-rpg · 7 years
Congratulations Emma!
You have been accepted as Octavia Karev with the face of Emilia Clarke.
Name: Emma
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 19
Timezone: Central
Activity Level: Due to adulting, my activity will be between 5 to a 7. ORIGINAL CHARACTER INFO:
Faceclaim Wanted: Emilia Clarke
Second Choice: Katie McGrath
Name: Octavia Karev
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Metahuman
Affiliation: Neutral
Rank: Loner
Powers/Abilities: Bone Manipulation.
Weaknesses: User can control both others and her bone alone, but when using her own bone, she will feel the pain and it can send her into agonizing pain. She can only control to two people at a time without feeling phantom pain of their pain of the bones breaking from her. If she feels her own pain or the phantom pain, it will cause her to pass out from the pain. Though before Octavia would pass out, the pain will make her break a few bones of her own at first which is why she steals bone medicine from the hospital she works at.
Para Sample: This para sample is from a inhuman roleplay I was a part of before it closed. In this, my character, Kara Shepherd, a human doctor had been poisoned by the enemy and it began to give her and every human in the town hallucinations.  
Walking down the long hallway, Kara’s eyes scans her surroundings. Her eyes were ringing from the constant screaming of those insane; some of them screams were those ignoring the voices while the others were embracing them. The voices in Kara’s head? They were all, but silent now for she has embraced them though not in the way others have through the violence. For Doctor Kara Shepherd, she embraces them as if she were in shock. The voices made the Doctor believe this situation is similar to the one back in Africa.
‘You took an oath to save people,’ the voice taunts the Doctor. ‘look at all the people you are not saving.’ As if on cue, her eyes went down to the floor at a few of the dead bodies lying there as if they were garbage.
Stepping over a dead body, Kara continues to walk down the hallway. The similarities being more obvious to her now. As the Doctor turned a sharp corner, her eyes took focus on a male laying on the floor. “Pl–Please,” the man calls out to the crimson doctor. “you gotta help me.” the civilian manages to speak. His blood pouring out of his gunshot wound to the chest.
Kara froze as she no longer saw the man, but a dying soldier with the same wound. Swallowing tightly, Kara kneels down to the ground. “I’m a Doctor,” she pauses as she looks over his wounds, clearly afraid of the soldier. “trust me.” Without saying another word, Kara quickly grabs the pillow out from under his head and presses it onto his face; suffocating him.
The Doctor is under the belief she is doing the world a favor by killing this soldier, when in reality it is just an innocent civilian.
Hearing a voice behind her, Kara continued to hold the pillow down onto his face. “He was already a goner.” was all she said.
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warofthenewage-rpg · 7 years
Congratulations Nathan!
You have been accepted as Harper Applegate with the face of Jason Ralph.
Name: Nathan
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Age: 30
Timezone: Eastern Standard
Faceclaim Wanted: Jason Ralph
Second Choice: Hale Appleman
Name: Harper Applegate
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Metahuman
Affiliation: None
Rank: Loner
Powers/Abilities: Mnemokinesis
Weaknesses: Users of psychic shield are either resistant or immune.  Particularly negative or traumatic memories may be overwhelming.  Memories must be well-defined or else the target may suspect that it is not their own. Overuse of his ability may manifest physical symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and (in extreme cases) loss of consciousness.  May need to have physical contact with target if the memory is difficult to locate or target is actively resisting.  It can be difficult to manipulate the memories of those who are cognitively impaired such as in cases of targets with traumatic brain injuries, dementia, or other organic causes of brain dysfunction.   May lose control of abilities in times of extreme stress and pose a significant threat to those in the immediate area who are incapable of psychic shielding.
Para Sample:
“So what brings you in today, Rebecca,” Harper asks as he takes a seat on one of the comfortable leather sofas in his office.  He never enjoyed sitting behind a desk when he was with a client.  It created a false sense of authority; made people afraid to open up.
The young woman sitting uncomfortably in the adjacent sofa lets out a deep sigh, “I’ve been dealing with this overwhelming sadness.  I can’t sleep well, and I have no appetite.  I can’t fucking stand feeling this way!”—she pauses—“Oh, sorry for the language.”
Harper takes a deep breath in and quickly analyzes the non-verbal cues the woman is presenting.  She’s sitting with her legs and arms crossed; an obvious sign of feeling uncomfortable and guarded.  Her brown hair is in a messy bun, and the white t-shirt she is wearing bears a few stains and discolorations.  She is obviously tired as her eyes are reddened and surrounding skin puffy and darkened from countless nights of insomnia.  There are gawdy rings on her manicured fingers and she’s carrying a designer purse-she must come from money.
“It’s perfectly fine, Rebecca.  It sounds like you’re having quite a difficult time.  Has anything traumatic or negative happened recently?”
“Well…yeah….my boyfriend cheated on me with some slutty freshman at Pansaw State,” she begins to choke back tears, “You know…I just thought we were meant for each other!  How could he do this?  I’m everything he wanted.  I’m pretty, I’m rich, and we had an amazing sex life.  I even learned how to cook soufflé for this man!”
“Sweet, Jesus.  Here we go,” Harper thinks to himself, “Standard case of low self-esteem and possible co-dependency issues wrapped in a wonderful spoiled-rich-bitch package.  I bet daddy gave her everything she wanted as a kid, and Miss Rebecca never learned her boundaries.  I wonder how long it’s going to take for her to rebound with another witless partner. Might be less time that I would have to spend with her, though.”
“So, Rebecca, what kind of goals do you want to set with these sessions?  I think we can both agree that you want to feel bett—“
“I’m just going to be real with you, Mr. Harper,” Rebecca blurts out. “I’ve been to a ton of shrinks in the past, and all of their psych mumbo jumbo doesn’t work with me.  The reason I’m here is because of that,” The woman points a well-manicured index finger at the tattoo on Harper’s right wrist. “I know that you’re meta, and the word on the street is that you can offer an alternative therapy.  I don’t want to waste time learning how to cope, that’s all bullshit anyway.  I just want to forget that asshole was ever in my life!”
“Rebecca, please.  It’s not that simple.  You’re only going to repeat this cycle even if I do use my abili-“
“I don’t care.  I can’t fuckin’ do this anymore,” she hurriedly grabs her purse and shakes a handful of cash inches from his face. “How much do you want?  I’ll pay you whatever you want to charge!”
Harper slams his open hand on the seat of the empty space beside him, “Rebecca!  Enough!  This is unethical and completely counterproductive.  I won’t do this.”
Rebecca’s voice raises to a shrill whine, “But why not?  This is bullshit!  You’re completely use-“
Her voice swiftly stops as Harper abruptly stands up and places a single index finger in the center of her forehead.  Rebecca’s eyes become completely dilated and fixed to a point in the distance; her body completely frozen.
Harper gingerly takes the money from her hand and whispers, “Let’s forget this ever happened.  Thanks for stopping by,” and places the wad of money in his back pocket.   He gently sits Rebecca down onto the plush sofa and quietly exits the room.
Seconds later, Rebecca comes back to reality, “…the hell am I doing here?” She looks around the room in utter confusion.
“Can I help you, ma’am?” Harper asks as he briskly re-enters the room.
“I…I don’t know.”
“Well, I think you came here looking for some counseling help, but I’m afraid I’m not accepting new patients.”
“Aw, are you sure?  I can pay you extra” as she hazily reaches for her purse.
“No, ma’am, I’m quite certain that my practice is at full capacity.  However, here is a list of some other people who might be able to help you.”  Harper gently eases Rebecca to the door. “You seem like a sensible woman.  I’m sure you shouldn’t have any problem finding someone to help you out.”
“Yeah…sure…sure,” she says in a daze.  Harper continues to gently push her past the threshold of the front door and breathes a sigh of relief as he makes his way to his laptop that is sitting quietly on a side table.
“This is going to be harder than I thought,” he says to himself.  “At least I got one-two-three-four-five hundred bucks for this total waste of time.   I really hope my next client is a little bit more…in depth.”
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warofthenewage-rpg · 7 years
Congratulations Dylan!
You have been re-accepted as Foster Grayson with the face of Sabrina Carpenter.
Name: Dylan
Pronouns: She/her/they/them
Age: 21
Timezone: cst
Faceclaim Wanted: Sabrina Carpenter
Second Choice: Dianna Agron
Name: Foster Grayson
Age: 19
Gender: female
Sexuality: pansexual
Species: Metahuman
Affiliation: Rebel Army
Rank: scout
Powers/Abilities: Psionic Manipulation
Weaknesses: User’s mental/psychic resilience; overuse can cause headaches, unconsciousness, coma, and even death. Using too much of her powers at once can drain energy quickly. User may be physically weaker than most due to mental strain. All psychic abilities are at a fairly more basic level. Psychic Energy Absorption can negate this power. May not be able to handle large amounts of emotions at once. Precognitive visions are uncontrollable and unpredictable, and are limited to seeing at most a few days into the future, can not predict events that will happen farther than a week. Telekinesis can not manipulate magic-based matters or other energies. Healing works better on others; healing can be used on self, but depending on the severity of the injury, it will be harder to properly heal and can result in causing more damage than fixing. Immense amounts of repetitive physical force can break through Tactile Telekinetic energy field. User’s Telepathy is constantly active and user is constantly hearing thoughts; power becomes ineffective in large crowds. Incapable of reading impulsive actions. Limited to a working within the range of a half mile radius of the user. The more targets the user is affecting (more than a few), more energy is required. Users of Psychic Shield are either immune or highly resistant. Powerful opponents may still be able to affect the user to some extent and break through Psychic Shield. Speaking Inducement requires user to be within 200 feet of the target. User must be close to the object that they are manipulating with Technokinesis. Force-fields require concentration, and can possibly still be broken down by stronger forces.
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warofthenewage-rpg · 7 years
Congratulations Kate!
You have been accepted as Cadence “Cade” Reynolds with the face of Holland Roden.
Name: Kate Pronouns: She/her Age: 17 Timezone: Eastern Standard Activity Level: On more on the weekends than weekdays, but pretty much always on. (You know me.) ORIGINAL CHARACTER INFO: Faceclaim Wanted: Holland Roden Second Choice: Katharine McNamara Name: Cadence “Cade” Reynolds Age: 21 Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual Species: Metahuman Affiliation: C.A.R.M.A Rank: Meta Squad Powers/Abilities: Sonokinesis (Sound Manipulation) Weaknesses: Distance and volume depend on the strength and skill of the suer. Controlling and manipulating extremely loud, high-, or low-pitched sounds is exhausting. All sound must have a medium to travel through, so if a certain medium muffles sound by nature (for example, water) it is more effort and more tiring to control sound through/in that barrier. Thus, other powers can be used to lessen or nullify the effects of sonokinesis. Cade is also not “immune” to her own sound - a particularly loud or high-frequency sound she produces can affect her own hearing as well as anyone struck by her power. Usually, she can counteract this with earplugs and focus on blocking out her sound, but the bigger the task, the worse the damage is. Fortunately, the damage doesn’t last for her as it might for her target.
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