wotnapromos · 4 years
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The human race has evolved quite drastically over the decades, to the point where “superpowers” are no longer just science fiction. They’re real. Those who are born with these powers are called “Metahumans,” and they were once oppressed within society out of fear, confusion, and hatred. A group known as the Rebel Army, a rag tag bunch of Metahumans, banded together to aid in a fight against what became a power corrupt, government organization C.A.R.M.A for equality and normal lives for all Metahumans. The war between Rebels and C.A.R.M.A lasted for years with hardly any progress for Metahuman rights. After a massive attack from the Nephilim, a Metahuman supremacist group, left the city in ruins, the majority of Metas who rushed into battle to defend Pansaw brought about a new view of these superpowered humans.
It’s been nearly a full three years since that dreadful day, and things have drastically changed. After finally winning their long battle for equal rights, the Rebel Army has disbanded in hopes of leading the normal lives they dreamed of. Of course, in Pansaw, it can never stay quiet too long. Both new and old enemies lurk in the shadows of the city, threatening to end the peace.
The only question is, WHAT’S NEXT for Pansaw? JOIN US and find out!
WOTNA HQ is an 18+ appless, multi-muse, superpower RPG currently accepting applications for original characters. This group is a revamp of our first incarnation War of the New Age, set in the same fictional city of Pansaw and taking place three years after our season finale event. The main plot here is now that Metahumans have won equal rights and the Rebels have moved on with their new, normal lives, they now have to face the dark side of humanity that disagrees with their equality.
Our group has plenty of history and subplots to work with that all connect with the main plot, giving every writer a vast world to explore in writing. If you’re looking for an RP that features action, adventure, drama, and romance, while also focusing strongly on character development, we highly suggest you come check us out!
Come join WOTNA HQ today!
0 notes
wotnapromos · 4 years
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H.A.M.E.R wants YOU to join today!
“There’s a reason why Metahumans were feared for so long by us humans. They’re dangerous. Threats to humanity. All this unbridled, godlike power contained within one person…obviously a lot can go wrong with that, from unnecessary “accidents” from loss of control to intentional terrorist attacks that destroy our homes and loved ones.
Look at what happened three years ago in Pansaw – that Nephilim attack. It’s pretty strange how that just suddenly happens when Metahumans were nowhere near winning equal rights, isn’t it? And suddenly C.A.R.M.A’s being run by the same thing it used to hunt down to lead the defensive against this attack? Everyone bands together to protect Pansaw and the Metas who fought earn their precious freedoms for a happy ending. BULLSHIT. Have you ever stopped to consider it all might have been a setup between Sinclair and the others like her to get what they so desperately sought? It’s almost too perfect thinking about it now, right? They can’t be trusted and they shouldn’t be equal to us. We need to control them before they control us.
That’s why I created our organization here. Humans Against Meta Equal Rights, or H.A.M.E.R. Whether you’ve lost someone you loved to a Metahuman, believe they’re overpowered freaks seeking to eliminate our kind, or whatever else – you have the reason, and we have the resources. So, what do you say, my friend? You ready to join up?”
Join H.A.M.E.R at WOTNA HQ today!
0 notes
wotnapromos · 4 years
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A lively city in California known for having one of the largest Metahuman populations in the United States. POWER is drawn here, and wherever power goes, CHAOS seems to follow.
Which side of it will YOU be on?
0 notes
wotnapromos · 4 years
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The human race has evolved quite drastically over the decades, to the point where “superpowers” are no longer just science fiction. They’re real. Those who are born with these powers are called “Metahumans,” and they were once oppressed within society out of fear, confusion, and hatred. A group known as the Rebel Army, a rag tag bunch of Metahumans, banded together to aid in a fight against what became a power corrupt, government organization C.A.R.M.A for equality and normal lives for all Metahumans. The war between Rebels and C.A.R.M.A lasted for years with hardly any progress for Metahuman rights. After a massive attack from the Nephilim, a Metahuman supremacist group, left the city in ruins, the majority of Metas who rushed into battle to defend Pansaw brought about a new view of these superpowered humans.
It’s been nearly a full three years since that dreadful day, and things have drastically changed. After finally winning their long battle for equal rights, the Rebel Army has disbanded in hopes of leading the normal lives they dreamed of. Of course, in Pansaw, it can never stay quiet too long. Both new and old enemies lurk in the shadows of the city, threatening to end the peace.
The only question is, WHAT’S NEXT for Pansaw? JOIN US and find out!
WOTNA HQ is an 18+ appless, multi-muse, superpower RPG currently accepting applications for original characters. This group is a revamp of our first incarnation War of the New Age, set in the same fictional city of Pansaw and taking place three years after our season finale event. The main plot here is now that Metahumans have won equal rights and the Rebels have moved on with their new, normal lives, they now have to face the dark side of humanity that disagrees with their equality.
Our group has plenty of history and subplots to work with that all connect with the main plot, giving every writer a vast world to explore in writing. If you’re looking for an RP that features action, adventure, drama, and romance, while also focusing strongly on character development, we highly suggest you come check us out!
Come join WOTNA HQ today!
0 notes
wotnapromos · 4 years
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The human race has evolved quite drastically over the decades, to the point where “superpowers” are no longer just science fiction. They’re real. Those who are born with these powers are called “Metahumans,” and they were once oppressed within society out of fear, confusion, and hatred. A group known as the Rebel Army, a rag tag bunch of Metahumans, banded together to aid in a fight against what became a power corrupt, government organization C.A.R.M.A for equality and normal lives for all Metahumans. The war between Rebels and C.A.R.M.A lasted for years with hardly any progress for Metahuman rights. After a massive attack from the Nephilim, a Metahuman supremacist group, left the city in ruins, the majority of Metas who rushed into battle to defend Pansaw brought about a new view of these superpowered humans.
It’s been nearly a full three years since that dreadful day, and things have drastically changed. After finally winning their long battle for equal rights, the Rebel Army has disbanded in hopes of leading the normal lives they dreamed of. Of course, in Pansaw, it can never stay quiet too long. Both new and old enemies lurk in the shadows of the city, threatening to end the peace.
The only question is, WHAT’S NEXT for Pansaw? JOIN US and find out!
WOTNA HQ is an 18+ appless, multi-muse, superpower RPG currently accepting applications for original characters. This group is a revamp of our first incarnation War of the New Age, set in the same fictional city of Pansaw and taking place three years after our season finale event. The main plot here is now that Metahumans have won equal rights and the Rebels have moved on with their new, normal lives, they now have to face the dark side of humanity that disagrees with their equality.
Our group has plenty of history and subplots to work with that all connect with the main plot, giving every writer a vast world to explore in writing. If you’re looking for an RP that features action, adventure, drama, and romance, while also focusing strongly on character development, we highly suggest you come check us out!
Come join WOTNA HQ today!
0 notes
wotnapromos · 4 years
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The human race has evolved quite drastically over the decades, to the point where “superpowers” are no longer just science fiction. They’re real. Those who are born with these powers are called “Metahumans,” and they were once oppressed within society out of fear, confusion, and hatred. A group known as the Rebel Army, a rag tag bunch of Metahumans, banded together to aid in a fight against what became a power corrupt, government organization C.A.R.M.A for equality and normal lives for all Metahumans. The war between Rebels and C.A.R.M.A lasted for years with hardly any progress for Metahuman rights. After a massive attack from the Nephilim, a Metahuman supremacist group, left the city in ruins, the majority of Metas who rushed into battle to defend Pansaw brought about a new view of these superpowered humans.
It’s been nearly a full three years since that dreadful day, and things have drastically changed. After finally winning their long battle for equal rights, the Rebel Army has disbanded in hopes of leading the normal lives they dreamed of. Of course, in Pansaw, it can never stay quiet too long. Both new and old enemies lurk in the shadows of the city, threatening to end the peace.
The only question is, WHAT’S NEXT for Pansaw? JOIN US and find out!
WOTNA HQ is an 18+ appless, multi-muse, superpower RPG currently accepting applications for original characters. This group is a revamp of our first incarnation War of the New Age, set in the same fictional city of Pansaw and taking place three years after our season finale event. The main plot here is now that Metahumans have won equal rights and the Rebels have moved on with their new, normal lives, they now have to face the dark side of humanity that disagrees with their equality.
Our group has plenty of history and subplots to work with that all connect with the main plot, giving every writer a vast world to explore in writing. If you’re looking for an RP that features action, adventure, drama, and romance, while also focusing strongly on character development, we highly suggest you come check us out!
Come join WOTNA HQ today!
0 notes
wotnapromos · 4 years
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C.A.R.M.A could use YOUR help!
“Welcome to the Collection and Rehabilitation of Metahumans Agency, most widely known as C.A.R.M.A. For those unfamiliar with us, we’re a national organization created in 2034 as a means to protect the human population from the threat of dangerous Metahumans. Comprised of the finest black OPs military officers, top notch field agents, and brightest scientists, C.A.R.M.A’s purpose was to find, contain, control, and – if need be – put down any Meta that endangered the lives and safety of the public.
Over the years, the leaders within our organization became corrupt. What was supposed to be a means for good became dark and hungry for power. Metas were captured regardless of their threat level and those who seemed useful were forced to serve as weapons or as lab rats.
As the new Commander of Pansaw’s headquarters, I can assure you those days are gone. I’ve vowed to cleanse our agency of the corruption from within and return C.A.R.M.A back to what its original purpose was to be. Here, Metas and humans work seamlessly together both in the labs and on the field, ready to defend against the Metahumans that truly pose a threat to our world.
We could always use more help. What do you say? Ready to join C.A.R.M.A and make a difference in the world?”
Join C.A.R.M.A at WOTNA HQ today!
0 notes
wotnapromos · 4 years
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C.A.R.M.A could use YOUR help!
“Welcome to the Collection and Rehabilitation of Metahumans Agency, most widely known as C.A.R.M.A. For those unfamiliar with us, we’re a national organization created in 2034 as a means to protect the human population from the threat of dangerous Metahumans. Comprised of the finest black OPs military officers, top notch field agents, and brightest scientists, C.A.R.M.A’s purpose was to find, contain, control, and – if need be – put down any Meta that endangered the lives and safety of the public.
Over the years, the leaders within our organization became corrupt. What was supposed to be a means for good became dark and hungry for power. Metas were captured regardless of their threat level and those who seemed useful were forced to serve as weapons or as lab rats.
As the new Commander of Pansaw’s headquarters, I can assure you those days are gone. I’ve vowed to cleanse our agency of the corruption from within and return C.A.R.M.A back to what its original purpose was to be. Here, Metas and humans work seamlessly together both in the labs and on the field, ready to defend against the Metahumans that truly pose a threat to our world.
We could always use more help. What do you say? Ready to join C.A.R.M.A and make a difference in the world?”
Join C.A.R.M.A at WOTNA HQ today!
0 notes
wotnapromos · 4 years
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The human race has evolved quite drastically over the decades, to the point where “superpowers” are no longer just science fiction. They’re real. Those who are born with these powers are called “Metahumans,” and they were once oppressed within society out of fear, confusion, and hatred. A group known as the Rebel Army, a rag tag bunch of Metahumans, banded together to aid in a fight against what became a power corrupt, government organization C.A.R.M.A for equality and normal lives for all Metahumans. The war between Rebels and C.A.R.M.A lasted for years with hardly any progress for Metahuman rights. After a massive attack from the Nephilim, a Metahuman supremacist group, left the city in ruins, the majority of Metas who rushed into battle to defend Pansaw brought about a new view of these superpowered humans.
It’s been nearly a full three years since that dreadful day, and things have drastically changed. After finally winning their long battle for equal rights, the Rebel Army has disbanded in hopes of leading the normal lives they dreamed of. Of course, in Pansaw, it can never stay quiet too long. Both new and old enemies lurk in the shadows of the city, threatening to end the peace.
The only question is, WHAT’S NEXT for Pansaw? JOIN US and find out!
WOTNA HQ is an 18+ appless, multi-muse, superpower RPG currently accepting applications for original characters. This group is a revamp of our first incarnation War of the New Age, set in the same fictional city of Pansaw and taking place three years after our season finale event. The main plot here is now that Metahumans have won equal rights and the Rebels have moved on with their new, normal lives, they now have to face the dark side of humanity that disagrees with their equality.
Our group has plenty of history and subplots to work with that all connect with the main plot, giving every writer a vast world to explore in writing. If you’re looking for an RP that features action, adventure, drama, and romance, while also focusing strongly on character development, we highly suggest you come check us out!
Come join WOTNA HQ today!
0 notes
wotnapromos · 4 years
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The human race has evolved quite drastically over the decades, to the point where “superpowers” are no longer just science fiction. They’re real. Those who are born with these powers are called “Metahumans,” and they were once oppressed within society out of fear, confusion, and hatred. A group known as the Rebel Army, a rag tag bunch of Metahumans, banded together to aid in a fight against what became a power corrupt, government organization C.A.R.M.A for equality and normal lives for all Metahumans. The war between Rebels and C.A.R.M.A lasted for years with hardly any progress for Metahuman rights. After a massive attack from the Nephilim, a Metahuman supremacist group, left the city in ruins, the majority of Metas who rushed into battle to defend Pansaw brought about a new view of these superpowered humans.
It’s been nearly a full three years since that dreadful day, and things have drastically changed. After finally winning their long battle for equal rights, the Rebel Army has disbanded in hopes of leading the normal lives they dreamed of. Of course, in Pansaw, it can never stay quiet too long. Both new and old enemies lurk in the shadows of the city, threatening to end the peace.
The only question is, WHAT’S NEXT for Pansaw? JOIN US and find out!
WOTNA HQ is an 18+ appless, multi-muse, superpower RPG currently accepting applications for original characters. This group is a revamp of our first incarnation War of the New Age, set in the same fictional city of Pansaw and taking place three years after our season finale event. The main plot here is now that Metahumans have won equal rights and the Rebels have moved on with their new, normal lives, they now have to face the dark side of humanity that disagrees with their equality.
Our group has plenty of history and subplots to work with that all connect with the main plot, giving every writer a vast world to explore in writing. If you’re looking for an RP that features action, adventure, drama, and romance, while also focusing strongly on character development, we highly suggest you come check us out!
Come join WOTNA HQ today!
0 notes
wotnapromos · 4 years
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The human race has evolved quite drastically over the decades, to the point where “superpowers” are no longer just science fiction. They’re real. Those who are born with these powers are called “Metahumans,” and they were once oppressed within society out of fear, confusion, and hatred. A group known as the Rebel Army, a rag tag bunch of Metahumans, banded together to aid in a fight against what became a power corrupt, government organization C.A.R.M.A for equality and normal lives for all Metahumans. The war between Rebels and C.A.R.M.A lasted for years with hardly any progress for Metahuman rights. After a massive attack from the Nephilim, a Metahuman supremacist group, left the city in ruins, the majority of Metas who rushed into battle to defend Pansaw brought about a new view of these superpowered humans.
It’s been nearly a full three years since that dreadful day, and things have drastically changed. After finally winning their long battle for equal rights, the Rebel Army has disbanded in hopes of leading the normal lives they dreamed of. Of course, in Pansaw, it can never stay quiet too long. Both new and old enemies lurk in the shadows of the city, threatening to end the peace.
The only question is, WHAT’S NEXT for Pansaw? JOIN US and find out!
WOTNA HQ is an 18+ appless, multi-muse, superpower RPG currently accepting applications for original characters. This group is a revamp of our first incarnation War of the New Age, set in the same fictional city of Pansaw and taking place three years after our season finale event. The main plot here is now that Metahumans have won equal rights and the Rebels have moved on with their new, normal lives, they now have to face the dark side of humanity that disagrees with their equality.
Our group has plenty of history and subplots to work with that all connect with the main plot, giving every writer a vast world to explore in writing. If you’re looking for an RP that features action, adventure, drama, and romance, while also focusing strongly on character development, we highly suggest you come check us out!
Come join WOTNA HQ today!
0 notes
wotnapromos · 4 years
Tumblr media
The human race has evolved quite drastically over the decades, to the point where “superpowers” are no longer just science fiction. They’re real. Those who are born with these powers are called “Metahumans,” and they were once oppressed within society out of fear, confusion, and hatred. A group known as the Rebel Army, a rag tag bunch of Metahumans, banded together to aid in a fight against what became a power corrupt, government organization C.A.R.M.A for equality and normal lives for all Metahumans. The war between Rebels and C.A.R.M.A lasted for years with hardly any progress for Metahuman rights. After a massive attack from the Nephilim, a Metahuman supremacist group, left the city in ruins, the majority of Metas who rushed into battle to defend Pansaw brought about a new view of these superpowered humans.
It’s been nearly a full three years since that dreadful day, and things have drastically changed. After finally winning their long battle for equal rights, the Rebel Army has disbanded in hopes of leading the normal lives they dreamed of. Of course, in Pansaw, it can never stay quiet too long. Both new and old enemies lurk in the shadows of the city, threatening to end the peace.
The only question is, WHAT’S NEXT for Pansaw? JOIN US and find out!
WOTNA HQ is an 18+ appless, multi-muse, superpower RPG currently accepting applications for original characters. This group is a revamp of our first incarnation War of the New Age, set in the same fictional city of Pansaw and taking place three years after our season finale event. The main plot here is now that Metahumans have won equal rights and the Rebels have moved on with their new, normal lives, they now have to face the dark side of humanity that disagrees with their equality.
Our group has plenty of history and subplots to work with that all connect with the main plot, giving every writer a vast world to explore in writing. If you’re looking for an RP that features action, adventure, drama, and romance, while also focusing strongly on character development, we highly suggest you come check us out!
Come join WOTNA HQ today!
0 notes
wotnapromos · 4 years
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H.A.M.E.R wants YOU to join today!
“There’s a reason why Metahumans were feared for so long by us humans. They’re dangerous. Threats to humanity. All this unbridled, godlike power contained within one person…obviously a lot can go wrong with that, from unnecessary “accidents” from loss of control to intentional terrorist attacks that destroy our homes and loved ones.
Look at what happened three years ago in Pansaw – that Nephilim attack. It’s pretty strange how that just suddenly happens when Metahumans were nowhere near winning equal rights, isn’t it? And suddenly C.A.R.M.A’s being run by the same thing it used to hunt down to lead the defensive against this attack? Everyone bands together to protect Pansaw and the Metas who fought earn their precious freedoms for a happy ending. BULLSHIT. Have you ever stopped to consider it all might have been a setup between Sinclair and the others like her to get what they so desperately sought? It’s almost too perfect thinking about it now, right? They can’t be trusted and they shouldn’t be equal to us. We need to control them before they control us.
That’s why I created our organization here. Humans Against Meta Equal Rights, or H.A.M.E.R. Whether you’ve lost someone you loved to a Metahuman, believe they’re overpowered freaks seeking to eliminate our kind, or whatever else – you have the reason, and we have the resources. So, what do you say, my friend? You ready to join up?”
Join H.A.M.E.R at WOTNA HQ today!
0 notes
wotnapromos · 4 years
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C.A.R.M.A could use YOUR help!
“Welcome to the Collection and Rehabilitation of Metahumans Agency, most widely known as C.A.R.M.A. For those unfamiliar with us, we’re a national organization created in 2034 as a means to protect the human population from the threat of dangerous Metahumans. Comprised of the finest black OPs military officers, top notch field agents, and brightest scientists, C.A.R.M.A’s purpose was to find, contain, control, and – if need be – put down any Meta that endangered the lives and safety of the public.
Over the years, the leaders within our organization became corrupt. What was supposed to be a means for good became dark and hungry for power. Metas were captured regardless of their threat level and those who seemed useful were forced to serve as weapons or as lab rats.
As the new Commander of Pansaw’s headquarters, I can assure you those days are gone. I’ve vowed to cleanse our agency of the corruption from within and return C.A.R.M.A back to what its original purpose was to be. Here, Metas and humans work seamlessly together both in the labs and on the field, ready to defend against the Metahumans that truly pose a threat to our world.
We could always use more help. What do you say? Ready to join C.A.R.M.A and make a difference in the world?”
Join C.A.R.M.A at WOTNA HQ today!
0 notes
wotnapromos · 4 years
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H.A.M.E.R wants YOU to join today!
“There’s a reason why Metahumans were feared for so long by us humans. They’re dangerous. Threats to humanity. All this unbridled, godlike power contained within one person…obviously a lot can go wrong with that, from unnecessary “accidents” from loss of control to intentional terrorist attacks that destroy our homes and loved ones.
Look at what happened three years ago in Pansaw – that Nephilim attack. It’s pretty strange how that just suddenly happens when Metahumans were nowhere near winning equal rights, isn’t it? And suddenly C.A.R.M.A’s being run by the same thing it used to hunt down to lead the defensive against this attack? Everyone bands together to protect Pansaw and the Metas who fought earn their precious freedoms for a happy ending. BULLSHIT. Have you ever stopped to consider it all might have been a setup between Sinclair and the others like her to get what they so desperately sought? It’s almost too perfect thinking about it now, right? They can’t be trusted and they shouldn’t be equal to us. We need to control them before they control us.
That’s why I created our organization here. Humans Against Meta Equal Rights, or H.A.M.E.R. Whether you’ve lost someone you loved to a Metahuman, believe they’re overpowered freaks seeking to eliminate our kind, or whatever else – you have the reason, and we have the resources. So, what do you say, my friend? You ready to join up?”
Join H.A.M.E.R at WOTNA HQ today!
0 notes
wotnapromos · 4 years
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H.A.M.E.R wants YOU to join today!
“There’s a reason why Metahumans were feared for so long by us humans. They’re dangerous. Threats to humanity. All this unbridled, godlike power contained within one person…obviously a lot can go wrong with that, from unnecessary “accidents” from loss of control to intentional terrorist attacks that destroy our homes and loved ones.
Look at what happened three years ago in Pansaw – that Nephilim attack. It’s pretty strange how that just suddenly happens when Metahumans were nowhere near winning equal rights, isn’t it? And suddenly C.A.R.M.A’s being run by the same thing it used to hunt down to lead the defensive against this attack? Everyone bands together to protect Pansaw and the Metas who fought earn their precious freedoms for a happy ending. BULLSHIT. Have you ever stopped to consider it all might have been a setup between Sinclair and the others like her to get what they so desperately sought? It’s almost too perfect thinking about it now, right? They can’t be trusted and they shouldn’t be equal to us. We need to control them before they control us.
That’s why I created our organization here. Humans Against Meta Equal Rights, or H.A.M.E.R. Whether you’ve lost someone you loved to a Metahuman, believe they’re overpowered freaks seeking to eliminate our kind, or whatever else – you have the reason, and we have the resources. So, what do you say, my friend? You ready to join up?”
Join H.A.M.E.R at WOTNA HQ today!
0 notes
wotnapromos · 4 years
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H.A.M.E.R wants YOU to join today!
“There’s a reason why Metahumans were feared for so long by us humans. They’re dangerous. Threats to humanity. All this unbridled, godlike power contained within one person…obviously a lot can go wrong with that, from unnecessary “accidents” from loss of control to intentional terrorist attacks that destroy our homes and loved ones.
Look at what happened three years ago in Pansaw – that Nephilim attack. It’s pretty strange how that just suddenly happens when Metahumans were nowhere near winning equal rights, isn’t it? And suddenly C.A.R.M.A’s being run by the same thing it used to hunt down to lead the defensive against this attack? Everyone bands together to protect Pansaw and the Metas who fought earn their precious freedoms for a happy ending. BULLSHIT. Have you ever stopped to consider it all might have been a setup between Sinclair and the others like her to get what they so desperately sought? It’s almost too perfect thinking about it now, right? They can’t be trusted and they shouldn’t be equal to us. We need to control them before they control us.
That’s why I created our organization here. Humans Against Meta Equal Rights, or H.A.M.E.R. Whether you’ve lost someone you loved to a Metahuman, believe they’re overpowered freaks seeking to eliminate our kind, or whatever else – you have the reason, and we have the resources. So, what do you say, my friend? You ready to join up?”
Join H.A.M.E.R at WOTNA HQ today!
0 notes