mashithamel · 11 months
WoTober Day 28
Prompt: Hall
The hallway to the room she shared with Lan was too bloody long. Nynaeve was far too irritated to notice her language. If just one more of the Kin or the Light-forsaken Atha’an Miere interrupted her she would explode.
This morning Lan whispered what he planned for tonight and her breath caught at the thought. He’d left dinner early, murmuring he would “prepare the room,” whatever that meant, and the rest of the meal had been endless.
She’d been stopped no fewer than three times since.
Her hand was finally on the latch.
“Nynaeve Sedai!”
She was going to scream.
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finalbossproject · 2 years
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Anoche se llevaron a cabo los Oscars y "Todo en todas partes al mismo tiempo" ganó como Mejor Película, mientras que Michelle Yeoh fue premiada como Mejor Actriz y Jamie Lee Curtis como Mejor Actriz de Reparto. Guillermo del Toro también tuvo éxito con su película de animación "Pinocho". Otros premios técnicos fueron otorgados a "Sin Novedad en el Frente", incluyendo Mejor Banda Sonora y Mejor Película Extranjera. Ke Huy Guan ganó como Mejor Actor de Reparto y Brendan Fraser se llevó el premio a Mejor Actor por "La Ballena". ¡Fue una gran noche para el cine! #finalbossproject #wotobe #cine #oscars #películas #actores #actrices #premios #cinematografía #directores #guionistas #historias #entretenimiento #cultura #arte #producción #mejorpelícula #mejoractor https://www.instagram.com/p/CpunYqQtUjG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mashithamel · 11 months
WoTober Day 17
Prompt: Corruption
“The fire keeps some away, but will attract others. I will keep watch.”
“How many times have you been here?” Moiraine was unsure she could sleep at all in the corrupted wasteland of the Blight.
“Many,” Lan replied with a grunt. “Survival requires luck as much as skill. But I will see you out, Moiraine Sedai.”
“I never expected otherwise.” She tried to imagine him as a boy, as young as ten, navigating the horrors here. That he was brave and skilled was not in question.
That he had survived such a childhood with sanity and integrity intact was impressive.
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mashithamel · 1 year
WoTober Day 11
Prompt: Tavern
“Must it always be the dirtiest tavern whenever we meet, Matrim?”
“You need variety. Aren’t the Seven Towers stuffy?”
“Anyway, ten this month, ready to go when you are.”
“Mat, does Tuon know?”
“Honestly, I think the number who take the offer shock her. Only two assasination attempts in the last six months? She’s practically giving her blessing.”
“This is too dangerous for you—“
“And sneaking along the Seanchan border isn’t? Lan knows you’re here?”
“He knows better than to interfere in Aes Sedai business.”
“Leave my luck to me. Get those women somewhere safe. Same time next month?”
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mashithamel · 1 year
WoTober Day 15
Prompt: Cloak
Nynaeve’s snore announced she was no longer listening. Lan gazed at her curled on the rugs in front of the fire, wrapped only in the unbound waves of her hair. She worked herself too hard. Up well before dawn and rarely back to their rooms before the torches burned low. The time they ekked out for each other was precious, hardly enough for a new bride.
Perhaps tomorrow he would keep her to their rooms, dedicating some real time to the proper practice of marriage.
He scooped her up to tuck her into bed. Yes, an entire morning sounded perfect.
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mashithamel · 11 months
WoTober Day 24
Prompt: Honeycakes
Egwene was trying so hard. “I saved you some honeycakes.”
The last time she had eaten honeycakes they had been made by Lan. He made them every year for Elnore’s name day. They were a family favorite.
Except they weren’t. They had never been. Not really. Even though she could remember sticky crumbs wiped from her daughter’s face, smell the delicious aroma that accompanied a special occasion.
She couldn’t forget. It had been so real. Even though it had never happened.
But Egwene was trying so hard to be a good friend. She should smile, and try too. “Thank you.”
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mashithamel · 1 year
WoTober Day 9
Prompt: Ruler
Nynaeve waited until the last of Lan’s advisors finally left the room. “You handle it all with such grace,” she murmured. “But as king, once we are alone you only need do what I tell you.”
She was pleased to see his fatigue lift. “What does my queen desire?”
Her hand slipped to his trousers. “For you to let go of the weight you carry and allow me to care for you.”
It was hardly the first time she had taken advantage of their vows to see to his pleasure. This time she was certain the table was sturdy enough.
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mashithamel · 11 months
WoTober Day 21
Prompt: Lesson
The Yellow Sister looked at her askance. “What under the Light are you doing, child?”
Nynaeve did not look up from helping a child swallow the tea she had prepared. “My job.” When the cup was empty she added, “You should not call me child, Larissa.”
“You have no need of such foolish tinctures and salves. And whatever the Amyrlin calls you, child, you are not fully Aes Sedai yet.”
Nynaeve sniffed tartly. This simple tea would make recovery from Healing quicker and easier. Someday she would teach these Aes Sedai manners as well as the wisdom of ‘foolish’ villagers.
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mashithamel · 11 months
WoTober Day 19
Prompt: Fade
“Tai’shar Manetheren.”
It was as much the way he said it as the words themselves. Elayne and Alise and the others faded away as she spun to face him. Not that she had any reason to doubt he loved her (not after this morning!), but any uncertaintly would have drowned in his look.
It was not just the love. He was proud of her. He knew all her flaws, and still he was proud of her, of what she was. He delighted in her success.
She had not realized it was possible to be loved so deeply and so completely.
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mashithamel · 11 months
WoTober Day 29
Prompt: Sniff
“Tell me, why does Moghedien want you, personally, dead?”
Nynaeve had been basking in the afterglow, enjoying being wrapped in Lan’s arms. The question was not particularly welcome.
“We had a couple of run-ins,” she replied carefully, trying to sound convincingly unconcerned. Lan raised an eyebrow. “She’s actually quite a coward.”
“She tried to balefire you.”
Nynaeve sniffed. “If she thinks I’m dead then she won’t be a problem.” She pressed him to his back and leaned over him. “I’d much rather use my mouth for things other than talking about that woman.”
Lan was not hard to convince.
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mashithamel · 1 year
WoTober Day 12
Prompt: Prophecy
“May I sit?”
Thom stepped away without a word. Lan didn’t know what to make of the gleeman. The Dragon breaks all bonds and forges new ones.
“I leave for Malkier in the morning.” It was a shame to be robbed of the chance to celebrate this world they had worked so hard for.
“It hurts to look at you,” Moiraine said without lifting her eyes. The words were a knife. “But I always wanted to see Malkier.”
“Come, when you can. You will be welcome.”
It was as much either of them could manage. But there was always someday.
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mashithamel · 11 months
WoTober Day 27
Prompt: Question
“That wasn’t what I asked.”
Nynaeve peevishly fidgeted with the silver bracelet on her wrist. Moghedien glared sullenly. Her hatred was almost completely drowned by stomach churning fear.
“Perhaps I should try the bracelet, if she won’t answer you,” Elayne offered.
“No,” Nynaeve growled. She prodded through the collar and Moghedien whimpered. It was revolting, but remembering what would have happened if she had not bested Moghedien firmed her resolve. “She’s afraid. She’ll help us if it means avoiding the executioner.” She poked more firmly and the woman moaned.
“Yes, I think we will come to a very acceptable agreement.”
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mashithamel · 11 months
WoTober Day 26
Prompt: Surrender
Lan had never wished more for Nynaeve’s bond. Of course the intimacy and reassurance of her safety was one reason (…or knowing immediately if the worst were to happen). But more importantly it would allow her to draw on his strength. Today she could use all of it.
He threw one last glance back up the hill, with the imposing shadow of Shadar Logath in the distance. She would walk through fire for Rand if needed; never once had she considered backing out.
He wished he had her confidence.
Sheepherder, you hold my heart in your hands. Take care with her.
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mashithamel · 11 months
WoTober Day 25
Prompt: Bow
Lan made a habit of admiring his wife regardless of what she wore (or didn’t wear), but for a woman who once turned her nose up at anything but “stout Two Rivers woolens,” Nynaeve had become quite the clothing connoisseur.
He’d not, however, appreciated the complexity of millinery until Nynaeve led him into a shop to haggle aggressively with the proprietoress.
“What do you think?” An absurd arrangement of feathers and bows perched precariously on her head.
“It suits you,” was enough to earn a beaming smile and her arm on his, and that was worth any amount of ribbon.
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mashithamel · 11 months
WoTober Day 23
Prompt: Initiate
Any fool knew an Aes Sedai was in no danger from a Warder. The most naive Novice knew it. Most importantly, Aes Sedai themselves believed it.
So when two Black sisters swept in and shielded Nynaeve, neither gave him a second look.
Lan had spent years avoiding women who used the One Power, then years learning to live with them. He’d had plenty of time to contemplate their weaknesses. A Warder existed to do the things his Aes Sedai could not. Nynaeve would only need a moment to break the shield.
Upsetting a Sister’s smug arrogance was only a bonus.
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mashithamel · 1 year
WoTober Day 8
Prompt: Borderlands
Lan stood watch while Moiraine slept under a late spring sky. He stood facing north almost by habit, although he felt the pull less and less.
He wished Bukama were here. The grizzled warrior might be appalled at his choice to pick up a new purpose at the expense of his destiny from birth, but it would be nice to hear his voice.
No, the pull was not so insistant as it used to be, and he was no longer sure that was a bad thing. It would be there if, in the end, it was still what he wanted.
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