#would also highly suggest installing shinigami eyes as a browser extension if u havent already
violentviolette · 1 year
a heads up to young people or people who've just not encountered this before but it is a very frequent and common thing for terfs and radfems to have "terfs/radfems dni" in their abouts/pinned. "dni's" are essentially useless, at best they're just meaningless virtue signaling and at worst they're actively used to hide ops bigotry
they do this specifically to lure people into a false sense of security so they can slowly feed them terf rhetoric without them noticing in order to slowly radicalize them. this is a known tactic that terfs have been using for years now. they're called crypto-terfs and they specifically hide their beliefs in order to trick people because they know that being openly a terf is not tolerated in most spaces these people will often say things like "u can use whatever pronouns and name u want, but biological sex is real" or "i support trans people but womens shelters and bathrooms need to stay afab exclusive. its just about biology" "lesbians are attracted to vaginas, u cannot be attracted to amab people and call urself a lesbian" "he/him lesbians do not exist, if u use he/him pronouns u are aligning urself with men and masculinity and cant be a lesbian" they will also often have lesbian seperatist views, this is the belief that afab lesbians do not have much in common with the wider queer community and should seperate themselves out and close in amongst themselves for protection. they have a very "us and them" mentality where they encourage distrust of other queer people, saying things like "the wider lgbtq+ community is obsessed with men. as someone who wants nothing to do with men i feel ostracized among them. the only place i feel safe is with other afab lesbians" "bi women cannot call themselves gay" "we have nothing in common with other gay women"
these things are gateway arguments that lead down a line of biological essentialist, racist, and conservative thinking and seek to normalize those thoughts and arguments in order to indoctrinate more people to their hate group. its very important to be mindful of these things and not just trust that because someone has "terfs dni" in their about/pinned/card means that they are automatically a safe person to be around and are trans inclusive/positive
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