#would be good seeing kouren again too
tsukiyon · 2 years
Everyone in the fandom do be going insane over Hakyona meanwhile i'm here like...where is my Yonalili crumbs it has been ages
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lunabear171015 · 4 years
I met Akatsuki no Yona thanks to the anime, and since then I got hooked on the manga, sincerely with the intention of seeing how the relationship between Hak and Yona was progressing. I desperately needed to know if she would end up falling in love with him. But I would’ve continued reading the manga even if Yona never fell in love with Hak, because I love Hak himself and he is reason enough to love Akatsuki no Yona. Though Hak/Yona atmosphere is what I love most about this manga.
When Kusanagi gave us that ch. 123 goodness me! An entire chapter dedicated to Hak/Yona. I loved it so very much. I was literally over the moon. We just did deserve that gift chapter after Hak/Yona separation during 11 long chapters. I wonder how Kusanagi will surprise us when finally Hak and Yona meet again, after so many chapters, now that they both know their love is mutual and they’ve already kissed before. I really hope Yona surprises Hak by taking initiative for the next passionate kiss! 😌 Sigh.
It’s true that I am curious to know what has really happened with Yona’s mom and Soo-Won’s dad, and the sword and shield from Ik-Soo prophecy 🤔 But I think the love story Yuhon/Yonhi is not necessary at all. Kusanagi could’ve shown us Yuhon and Yonhi already married, even as parents of baby Soo-Won. And she could’ve told us about Yonhi’s illness more briefly and quickly. What do we care how those two met and fell in love? Is Kusanagi also going to show us how Il and Kashi met and fell in love? 🙄 I don’t think so, and honestly, sounds boring as hell.
I get in a bad mood reading some comments on Facebook and Twitter in which there are people who say things like (WARNING: Here goes a long essay!):
"I love this couple" / "Their story is too cute" / "I can see Yuhon having many fans after these chapters"
Really?? I don’t love this couple. To me, it’s a forced romance and I clearly don’t like how Yuhon has authority over Yonhi 😑 I honestly don’t see any point to this romance.
It may be that I hate Yuhon because of what he did after the Xing Empire surrendered in the war against Kouka and how he ruined Kouren’s childhood 😠 He was probably who killed Hak’s parents 😠 There’s nothing about Yuhon that I like. Sorry, Kusanagi. Yonhi is very cute and nice. I have nothing against her. The physical resemblance between Soo-Won and Yonhi is extraordinary 😲 Lucky boy, Soo-Won. In the manga, Soo-Won has brown eyes, so I wonder if Yonhi’s eye color would be brown too 🤔
"Yuhon is Hak 2.0"
What?? 🤯 There’s no physical resemblance, and much less in terms of their personalities. Hak is infinitely more handsome and sexy. Also, Hak is such a good boy, not a wild beast. I really have nothing else to say.
"This is my favorite couple in the whole manga"
Every time new characters appear, they suddenly become favorites... 🤣 Right now it seems Yuhon/Yonhi is the favorite couple in the manga to many people 🤣 Suddenly Yonhi is the coolest girl ever (I bet the next will be Kashi 🤣), and Yuhon is also great 🤣 I will never understand 😶 People usually forget the bad things the characters have done before. See how dearly loved Soo-Won is, despite he gained the throne due to murder king Il with his own hands, and that night he would’ve had no qualms about assassinating his cousin Yona and best friend Hak as well.
"Yonhi is the most beautiful character in the manga"
Yonhi is cute, of course she is. To me, she is prettier than Lili, princess Tao or Ayame. But Kouren is really beautiful (even Yona mentioned it the first time she saw her), she has a precious face. And Yona? She’s the most beautiful girl in the manga, and I don’t say it because she is the protagonist, but because I really think it. Though this is not bothers me too much. Well, there’s no accounting for taste!
"This is my favorite arc in the whole manga"
How is it possible? 🤨 Everything happens by accident, the main characters are separated, Hak disappeared from the main plot and we have to read a love story as forced as Yuhon/Yonhi. It’s not my favorite arc, in fact it’s the worst arc in the whole manga 😣 What have we learned so far? Soo-Won’s illness and his parents’ love story... MEH! 😪 The only good things: Hak dressed as a sky tribe soldier, young Mundok and the illustrations 😍 (especially the full color spread ch. 191).
Well, I’m not going to continue replying around this. Has no sense 😅 Perhaps it’s normal that in such a long manga as Akatsuki no Yona, there is some arc that I don’t like 😕 Maybe the worst is yet to come 😞 Now we have to wait a month for the next ch. but I don’t mind, I’m not excited because am totally sure these flashbacks will continue during I don’t know how many more months 😭 I miss the main characters! 😭 I miss Hak so very much! 😭 This year has felt incredibly grim to me so far. Ugh! 😭
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inkblccded-moved · 5 years
9. why were you drawn to each one of your characters?, 11. is there another muse you’ve been thinking of adding or writing for? who?, 19. for each muse, is there a character you wish had a blog so you could interact with them?
multimuse asks ; accepting 
Jay i can’t believe how long this answer is about to get.
9. why were you drawn to each one of your characters?
Huaisang’s main draw for me was the fact that he isn’t some great cultivator or an amazing fighter? I have a weak spot for tacticians and family disappointments and he’s both so I treasure him.
I originally wasn’t going to pick up Jiang Cheng, but the more I saw of him the harder I fell for him. He’s full of rage and love and emotions, he’s very much like a storm. Also, he loves dogs and that’s super important to me.
I added Song Lan because he’s big, stoic and gay and that's all the reason I need.
Wei Wuxian was a MISTAKE, but now he’s stuck here 
Lan Jingyi was added because hes smol and loud and cute and he’s got that family disappointment energy that i’m super attached to
Ja’far is queen on my blog FOR SO MANY REASONS. His loyalty, his intelligence, his mom-friend energy, his protectiveness, hIS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT I COULD HONESTLY SCREAM ABOUT JA’FAR FOR HOURS
I added Kouha because i love that tiny, bloodthirsty shithead. He’s so ready to brawl but also he loves his family and friends so much im so weak what an angel
Masrur was purely an impulse add and he doesn’t say much but i love him? I love his pride and his sarcasm and i just,,,, my good red lion,,,,
Titus has that “fuck the rules, I do what I want” energy but he goes from using it to be an absolute shithead to using it to save people and adopt a small child who would have otherwise died from having her life-force siphoned off to power the magic city they live in and you can probably guess from that why I needed him on my blog
Soren is my absolute favorite FE character. My tiny gay dragon. so harsh, so savage, but cares so much about the people he loves. A work of art, truly a masterpiece.
I added Takumi because Tracie added Leo. Takumi drew me to him because he’s just,,,,he’s so many levels of Chaotic Stupid I treasure him, what a fucking idiot.
NILES IS HERE BECAUSE I GUESS I LIKE WRITING THOTS FOR SOME REASON IDK WHY. He has self-esteem issues and that makes him qualify as a muse of mine i guess
Ryoma is here because he’s a dumb spicy lobster boy and I cannot resist him.
Inigo/Laslow is here because again, I guess i just really like writing dumb slutty boys. But that aside I really enjoy his ‘keep smiling, even when life hurts’ mentality? Like? that’s so hhhhh,,,he’s a good boy.
Soo-Won is here because he’s complex and fascinating and also very very pretty and I just,,, I’m such a sucker for characters that play dumb only to be lowkey super capable. See: Huaisang
Again. Jae-Ha is,,,,everything I could ever desire in a muse,,,,HE”S JUST SO,,,, HHHH,,,,BOY,,,,,IM LOVE,,,
Yotaka is here because i loved the ONE ARC HE WAS IN SO MUCH and also he’s gorgeous and also also, i love picking up minor characters so I can flesh them out.
Hiryuu is, again, that kind of minor character that I love to love, but honestly I was super drawn to his? Loving nature? Like? what a good, affectionate dragon man,,, I’m crying,,,,
SANZO. Sanzo is a great example of my OTHER perfect muse type. See on one side you’ve got my thotty bard type and then on the other you have my spicy depressed bitch type and GOD. SANZO. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. He cares so more than he lets on, i’m weak. I love the gun monk
Kurogane is here because Kit’s Fai is here but also because I’ve had his muse for ACTUAL DECADES? So, yknow. he lives here. he’s such a good man, so loving and protective and his character development gets me so much hhhhhh
Johann is EVERYTHING TO ME. Minor character again, mom energy again, Loving and Protective again, BUT ALSO ADD TO THAT BEING 100% FLAMBOYANTLY, OPENLY GAY, i’m crying, he’s PERFECT. 
Vanitas is a fucking garbage shithead gremlin and i love and hate him in equal measure. He has been doomed to die since the first fucking chapter and i honestly can’t wait, put him down. (but also don’t, please don’t hurt my baby)
Jin is here because Samurai Champloo is one of my favorite shows ever and Jin has been my boy, like Kurogane, FOR DECADES.
Arslan is here because he is the goodest child ever to live and I needed a good son to balance out all these fucking AWFUL PEOPLE on my blog.
11. is there another muse you’ve been thinking of adding or writing for? who?
I’ve been thinking of adding Narsus from Arslan Senki, but I'm one of the only Arslan Senki roleplayer on tumblr and it brings depression ashgfkl
I’m also tempted by many book characters, including but not limited to Kaladin and Renarin, Elodin from Name of the Wind, and Childermass from Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell.
19. for each muse, is there a character you wish had a blog so you could interact with them?
I’m gonna actually just separate this into source material unless there’s a specific one that a muse wants.
My MDZS muses really aren’t craving anyone in particular but I’m always happy to see more blogs pop up.
Magi muses are pretty happy too, but again, more Magi peeps are never a problem
Soren wants an Ike REALLY BADLY, but that aside my other FE muses are pretty chill.
Gieve would love to have a Farangis, Jaswant and/or Daryun around. Arslan wants a Daryun and an Elam and Narsus, if I add him, also would love to have a Daryun and an Elam around.
Almost all of my AkaYona muses want more Hak in their lives!!!!!!!! Soo-Won would also like to have some of his generals around. He enjoys them. Jae-Ha misses his pirate mom. Yotaka would be really happy to have a Princess Kouren around. Tae-Jun wants Heuk-Chi and/or Kyo-Ga in his life, and Hiryuu would love to have Guen around he would be a very happy dragon king.
Sanzo says he wants no one around but thats a lie, i would kill for him to have ANY of the other Saiyuki boys around tbh
Kurogane would like the rest of his group around.
Johann and Vanitas are just happy with what they have, they don’t need to ask for more
Jin needs his dumb friends pls thank you
AAAAND that’s it!
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petri808 · 6 years
How We Got Here
The complete story from Hak/Yona Week 2018 in 1 post.  9K Words 
The battle over Kouka kingdom was finally over and while back at Hiryuu Castle, Yona and Hak reflect on their lives while awaiting the next step of their journey to begin.  This story starts off at the present but jumps back through time in a progression of age before coming back to it; Hak & Yona POV’s.  Some portions are taken from the anime/manga while others are totally made up.  
It had been 3 years since Yona or Hak had been forced to flee and now they were back at Hiryuu Castle surrounded by their friends, supporters, and the Generals of the 4 other tribes of Kouka Kingdom in the great meeting hall.  Anyone related to the assassination of Emperor Il were either dead or in prison awaiting their punishment.  
But to move swiftly towards reestablishing a sense of normalcy and peace in their kingdom, the Generals immediately approve to reinstate Yona as the Queen.  However, according to their laws, the Kingdom could not be ruled solely by a woman and so it was necessary for her to be married, and soon.  
“My husband has already been selected,” Yona states matter of fact, “Hak will be the King.  Does anyone disprove of my choice?”
The four generals look at each other and it’s Tae-Woo who speaks first.  “We already figured that out, so when’s the wedding?”  The crowd snickers and cheers.
“Little miss,” Zeno speaks up, “might I suggest a month from now?  That should be enough time for preparations to be made and enough time for guests to travel here.”
“That’s true,” she taps her chin, “because I would like to invite Captain Gi-Gan, and Princess Kouren, and Princess Tao, and…”
“We get it,” Geun-Tae laughs heartily, “if there are no objections from the other Generals, I move to set the coronation and wedding to be held one month from today.”  No one objects…
For as long as he could remember, Hak’s grandfather would drag him to Hiryuu Castle for visits, some time’s lasting days, other times a few weeks at a stretch to train the Sky Tribe’s soldiers or for other official duties as the General of the Wind Tribe.  At first, he didn’t understand why, considering it wasn’t necessary for him to be there, but when he’d question it, was simply advised to do as he was told and to go keep the Princess company.  
They were close in age, she being 2 years younger than he was, but she would often get on his nerves.  Yona could be a spoiled brat and yet other times, sweet and caring.  She’d want to play games, then throw a tantrum if she lost.  She was good at playing the cutesy act to get what she wanted and most of the time he would give in, but not always…
Stalking the young Princess, Hak, crept around the bushes he knew his friend was hiding behind ready to make his move.  The young boy of 7 grinned, as he sees her crouched into a ball and reaches out…  “Gotcha!”
“Ahhh!” Yona jumps up, turning around at both the sound and the way her friend’s fingers jabbed at her sides.  “Hak!” screaming at the boy who surprised her from behind.  “Don’t scare me like that!”
“Then Y-you shoulda…” clutching his stomach as he doubled over in laughter at her flushed and puffed out cheeks, “…hid better!”  
“Omph!” pushing him onto his butt, “you’re so mean to me,” flailing her arms at him in exaggerated swings.
Hak looks up a bit surprised at Yona’s burst of physical retaliation, “Princesses shouldn’t be hitting people.”
“And Princes shouldn’t be mean to Princesses,” crossing her arms in a huff.
“Then it’s good I ain’t a Prince,” he stands up, brushing off his pants with a smug look, “Princess.”
“Oooh, y-youuu!” shaking she’s so angry.  “I really… hate you sometimes!”  Yona storms away furious at Hak for making fun of her while he just laughs even harder.
“No, you don’t!” he calls after her.  “You’ll be begging me to play again!”
Too bad for the young boy that his grandfather had seen the ending of their argument and after a long-winded chastising and a few good cracks, dragged him to Yona’s room to apologize…
Being cooped up behind the walls of the castle, Yona didn’t have any other children her age to play with or talk to so visits by her cousin and or Hak were really the only times she got to just be a kid.  Her relationship with the young Wind Tribe boy was a love hate relationship, sometimes he was nice to her but most of the time loved to tease and toy with her and it drove her crazy.  
She would complain to her father, but he would just smile and tell her to be nice.  Hak was a boy and boys were often rough and tumble, it was just their way, but he meant no harm.  Yona would still whine and her father reminded her that him being around would always keep her safe and sound.  When she asked why, that was how she learned Hak was training to take over as General someday and that information did make her feel a little better…
Yona woke up with a start in the darkened room.  It was another nightmare but like always, she could never remember the dream, only the feelings of abandonment or being left all alone, were all that remained in its wake.  Getting out of bed, she walks to another part of the castle, seeking out the only friend she had.  “Hak,” kneeling next to his bed, pushing on his shoulder, “Hak?”
“UghHuh?” the boy turns over seeing the Princess sitting there, he rubs his eyes.  “What are you doing in my room?”
“I had another nightmare,” she sniffles and wipes the drying tears from her cheek, “I don’t want to be alone, can I stay here tonight?”
Conflicted at how he should respond.  He was pretty sure that it was not proper for a girl, let alone a Princess to be sleeping on the same bed as him, but if he told her no and she complained to his grandfather, would he be the one who gets yelled at for making her cry?  “Um, I guess so,” closing his eyes to go back to sleep.
“Thank you.”  Yona slips under the covers, lying on her back next to the boy.  It was a little weird to be sleeping this close to Hak, but she also felt safer, like he was going to scare away her bad dreams.  She turns her head and notices he’s already closed his eyes.
“Go to sleep,” he mumbles.
How did he know she was looking at him?  “C-could I hold your hand?”
“Ugh,” he grumbles but seeks out her hand and grasps it, “happy now?”
“Yes,” blushing as he squeezes slightly, his hand was so warm, his touch, gentle despite his grumpy attitude, and yes, it made her feel a lot better.  After that first time, Yona would often seek Hak out whenever nightmares plagued her…
As they grew up, it became harder and harder for Hak to be around Yona.  Call it adolescent hormones, but every time she was close by, no longer was she just the childhood friend he’d play games with or make snow angels with during winter. Still a spoiled, whiny brat, but as each year went by, her beauty grew along with the feelings bubbling inside him. Problem was, he also knew her heart belonged to another.
It didn’t help that his grandfather would often make comments or not so subtle hints as to whom he’d love to see together.  Pushing, dragging Hak to visit Hiryuu Castle, forcing him to stay for long periods of time under the guise that Yona needed a friend. ‘Get used to it,’ Mundok would say, because soon enough Hak will take his place as General and be one of the protectors of this empire, and of her.
But adding fuel to that fire, he is asked of by Emperor Il to become Yona’s bodyguard.  Was the Emperor conspiring with his grandfather to drive him into an early grave? Hak had declined but Emperor Il was not deterred, ‘think about it,’ was the response as he walked away.  What was there to think about?  Yona didn’t need a bodyguard, she needed a baby sitter!
Speak of the devil but who came running up to complain about the Fire General’s son, claiming he was harassing and trying to court her.  First off, Hak found it amusing, second why did she come to him, as he yelled at her to go tell her cousin and maybe he would help her before skulking away.  Okay that response had a tinge of jealousy, but he knew the clueless girl wouldn’t figure it out.
This was why he told the Emperor no, behaving professionally around the Princess always went right out the window, and any other person would be punished if they spoke to her in that manner.  But, even after she apologized and bribed him with fruit, that only made his head spin more.  No, what he really needed was a place to hide and calm down…
‘Tae-Jun is at it again…’  Hak closes his eyes trying to tune out the escalating argument.  He hears a couple of guards talking nearby, that’s the Fire Generals son, he’s grabbing the Princess, we can’t do anything against him, someone go get Emperor Il…  ‘Damn it… I need to leave it alone otherwise from now on I’ll always…  Exhale.’  The memory of her apology…  He hears Tae-Jun call her cute and that he wants to touch her…  
Hak stands up.
“No!  Stop!” Yona cries out for help, desperately trying to pull away from the older boy...  
It was hard enough to listen to, but the moment he sees Tae-Jun being handsy and rough with Yona, Hak is even more furious.  He knows that kind of reaction would be no good, so as he swiftly strides over, formulating the only plan he could think of, or rather use the one emotion she always created in him.
“That’s enough,” Hak swoops in, pulling Yona away from the man’s grasp.  “Who gave you permission to touch My Princess?”  Both Yona and Tae-Jun are shaken.  “The Princess and I made our life-long pledge to each other when we were kids.  Right Princess?” cuddling her close and teasing her hand, “What’s the matter Princess?  Don’t be so shy.”
She laughs nervously with an honest blush, partially caressing his chin, “Not in front of other people.”  And when she is asked if she loves Hak, responds with a straight face clutching at his arm, “Yes, I love him.  I really love him.”  Now Hak is the one blushing in surprise at how serious she sounded, almost wishing it had been true.
But Tae-Jun refuses to believe it could true, stating his own position with the assumption this boy was nothing special, and demanding to know who he even was.  “I am the Wind Tribe’s next General, Son Hak,” he asserts with more authority in his tone.  But, even after Hak states that the Emperor himself asked him to be her exclusive bodyguard, Tae-Jun challenges him and pulls a sword.  Thank the gods that the Emperor showed up at that moment and forced the Fire tribe’s son to back down and make a hasty retreat.  
Now Emperor Il turns to address the two kids now parted and standing several feet away from each other, questioning their true relationship. Of course, they both deny it, Yona with just denial and Hak his usual indifference that he thought the idea would keep the suitor at bay.  Now with Hak in a vulnerable state of mind, Emperor Il asks again, and the boy finally accepts the position formally, promising to always protect Yona.
Hak reflects on that afternoon later in the evening when he is all alone.  Despite their protestations, did the Emperor now believe that his daughter and the future Wind Tribe’s general may have feelings for each other?  He couldn’t tell by Emperor Il’s expression what he thought since he always maintained a smile.  But one would think that if he didn’t want Yona to be so close to someone like him, he wouldn’t have offered the position again, right?  
‘Ugh,’ this was exactly why he didn’t want it in the first place!  Yona’s presence always flustered him, made him loose his focus, and his mind.  The first time the Emperor had asked it was just him and his grandfather present but when Yona was around, he didn’t think twice about accepting.  It was bad enough that the girl he loved, was in love with another man, and now he had to live in the castle, watching over her.  Yup, he had lost his mind alright.
Hak flopped onto his bed with his arm over his face, grateful that his grandfather had returned home shortly after hearing the news.  The old man had been over the moon that his grandson was getting even closer to the royal family, not just because of nobility gains, but simply because it warmed his old heart.  Yona was like a grand-daughter to him, and to know that Hak would be there to protect her made him feel so much better.
Not that it made is grandson feel happy.  Hak had been trying to bury his 15-year-old’s emotions and hormones for the Princess and now, that was going to be ten times harder than it had ever been before.  
Once he had taken the position at the castle, and pledged to protect Yona, that promise became both his curse and his salvation; if he could manage to keep his emotions in check.  Sarcasm became his way of dealing with the Princess.  Hak knew she hated it, but what would be his alternative? Admit to being desperately in love with her and when she turns him down shattering his heart into a million pieces, run away to commit suicide, maybe jump off a cliff or run his own blade through his chest? Sounds drastic, yes, but a possibility when you know deep down there will never be another woman for you like her.
This situation was the ultimate torture that you could ever put any man through and not expect them to go insane.  Every day, week, year that goes by and you are forced by your title and position to be around the one person that your heart desires and the one person you believe you’ll never have.  To sit back and watch them fawning over another that wasn’t you, have to listen to them talk about it, ask you about it and why, because you are the only one they’ve told this secret to.  
Hak told her that he would be happy for them, would serve them for as long as he lived, and said that enough to where he had tricked himself into believing it too.  Her cousin wasn’t a bad guy, a little strange and airy, but they had all grown up together, played together on the castle grounds, and if it made Yona happy, then that was all he wanted for her.  
Most days he could keep his heart in check, and then there were days that the cliff sounded like a better alternative.  It was like being in an out of control carriage on a very hilly road and you wonder should I jump now, then talk yourself into believing that it will eventually get better.  He wasn’t sure what Yona saw him as, maybe a big brother by the way she behaved around him, but when she would act all cute and innocent, say things that could be misconstrued…  Yeah, those were the days he wanted to jump…  
After Hak helps Yona to get on her cousin’s horse, she makes a comment about his handling of women and that he must be entertaining many at home… “Don’t get the wrong idea,” Soo-Won tells her.  “We’ve been discussing who I’m going to be engaged to.  But, let’s stop talking about this, I can’t talk to you about this sort of thing.”
‘What!!!  And he’s still treating me like I’m some little kid!’   “Well,” trying not to seem flustered, “I’m about to be engaged too.”
“Huh?  To whom?”
“To Hak.”   ‘Did that just come out my mouth!  And Hak needs to stop staring at me like I’ve gone crazy, even if it’s true!’
“That’s great!  Congratulations...”
Once the horseback riding is over, and her cousin leaves them alone, Yona is sulking with Hak standing nearby.  “To think he’d believe such a lie,” she drops her head onto the railing.
Hak mumbles to himself, “You’re the one who’s cruel. And annoying…”  She has no idea how much those kinds of statements hurt him…
“But father this hair!  Why is it so red?  Even my mother had flowing black hair.  It makes me look weird.”
“It’s not true.  Right Hak?”
“Yes, Emperor Il, nobody has said that the Princess’ hair is strange.  But if I may be so bold to say, there’s definitely something wrong with her head.”
“Shut up servant!  Father do something about this guy!  Even though he’s my servant, he’s so arrogant!”
From all the work she put into preparing for her cousins visit, being harassed by Hak at every turn, being told by her father that she couldn’t marry who she wanted, scared by some strange stalker, and being somewhat rejected by the person she loves, Yona retreats into her room for the evening. She was confused, angry, conflicted, and frankly tired that everyone was treating her like a little girl, ‘I’m turning 16 in less than 5 days, I’m not a little girl anymore!’  Flopping onto her bed, part of her wants to cry, maybe scream, definitely scream but that would only bring people running to check on her.
What her father had told her had scared her as well, being the Princess, she would always be a target so whomever was around her could get hurt too.  Could she have been seeing things when she thought there was someone following her? Maybe her father’s words were still messing with her mind?  Yona curls her legs up, this was easier to deal with when she was younger, because whenever she was feeling scared she’d run to Hak and crawl into bed with him cause he would hold her hand and make her feel safer.  
‘Hak!’  Speaking of that man, ‘how dare he say I had a strange head?!  He’s always making fun of me, teasing me, taunting me…  Why is he so mean to me when we’re supposed to be friends!  I just don’t understand it.  I mean, he’s always been blunt and never holds back what he says, but the older we get the worse it became and now he’s such a sarcastic ass!
Ugh and now Soo-Won thinks we’re engaged no matter how I tried to say otherwise.  Okay, I guess I can see how it seems believable because Hak’s always with me, but that’s because it’s his job!  Great, that makes two men that think Hak and I are in a relationship, not that I care about what Tae-Jun thinks…  That’s totally not the point!  He didn’t even try to disagree when I said it, just stood there with his mouth hanging open catching flies!  Where was his stupid comments when I needed it?!’
She sighs, and closes her eyes, there was nothing more she could do tonight but hope that things will change...
In all his short 18 years, through fighting, political bickering, and battles with his own heart, never had anger or pain risen to the level of pure hatred, and all he could see was red as swords pointed at the girl he lived for.  It didn’t matter that these were soldiers he had fought with, trained, or that the man ordering their execution was the one betraying them all because in that moment, all that mattered was her.  The girl he had sworn to protect, she who held his heart, and more than his own life… he would kill for.  
Every, last one would die by his hand if need be, because Yona was the only one that mattered, the only thing so precious in his life that if she were to die here and now so would his soul, withering away like a dying flower in winter.  By the luck of the gods they still had at least one supporter and he managed to spirit the Princess away to the forest.  
“Princess Yona, do you need to take a short break?”
She sits down to rest.  “Hak, did Min-Soo die?  I wonder will I die too?  Will Soo-Won kill you too?”
“I’ll never hand my life over to that asshole.”
“Don’t die, Hak…” her eyes slowly closing, “because if you die, I will never forgive you…”
But now what?  As he watched the broken girl resting against the tree, Hak needed to focus on his survival instincts to get them through this, but his own heart was aching.  He loved Yona, but he thought he had loved Soo-Won too, and the Emperor.  He may have felt the Emperor Il was a little weak or naive but such a kind soul and to have been assassinated, in front of Yona.  ‘Leaving her all alone, you good for nothing King!’
Part of the aching was the guilt that he hadn’t done his job of protecting the castle.  The King had been killed and Yona was left unprotected.  Why hadn’t he investigated sooner when things started to seem uneasy around the grounds, the unsettling quiet that had descended.  ‘I promise you,’ he wipes her dirty, tear stained cheek, ‘one day we’ll be back at your castle…’        
‘Yona…’  The Princess was what he needed to worry about, especially since she had become a doll simply being led along with no mind of her own.  Told when to eat, to sleep.  If there were ever a time he was needed, it was now.  Hak clenched his fist.  Is this what Soo-Won had wanted?  Had he planned all along to draw her in close only to kill her and her father to take the throne by force?  
He was all she had in the world, the one semblance of normal still left in her life and he’ll do everything he can to protect the last of her innocence.
“Fire at the Princess!”  Upon those uttered words Hak stepped in to block, taking an arrow to his back.
“Hak!!  Hak! Are you alright?!  Hak…”
“Please don’t concern yourself, it’s making me uncomfortable.” Leaping away, he takes her to a secluded bush.  “Hide here, and please stay perfectly still.”
“Hak,” seeing blood, “You’re bleeding.”  ‘He was injured protecting me…’  Yona waits but, overhears that they are going to kill Hak. She is torn as to what to do until she remembers why she left Fuuga…  It was wrong to expect Hak to always protect her, she needed to do something.
Rushing out of hiding she slams into the soldier aiming for Hak and confronts Tae-Jun with a renewed fire in her soul.  All the domino effect of pain that Soo-Won’s actions had started, and now seeing Hak, a man she had once thought invincible being struck down… Yona grabs a sword and frees her hair from Tae-Jun’s grip before rushing to confront the soldiers with Hak dangling from the cliff.
“Get Away From Hak!!” swinging at them.  He screams at her to run away but she refuses, clutching at his arms.  “No! Never!  Hak…  If you die I won’t forgive you!!”  Tears stream down, dripping onto his face and it stops his resistance, but as the soldiers close in they slip off the cliff… falling…
The next thing Yona knows, she is waking up in a house of some sort, bandaged.  “Who are you?” she asked the boy sitting next to her and is reminded of the cliff. ‘Cliff…  Hak!’  “Hak! Where is Hak?!”
As she listens to boy named Yoon prattle off Hak’s injuries, what he has done to try to mend him, and that tonight will be critical to see if he even survives, Yona prays.  “Please save him!”
“That’s what I’m doing…  Don’t you think that helping you is what I’m supposed to do?  You still haven’t given a single word of gratitude…” Yona sits glassy-eyed as Yoon berates her.  “…Have you ever even said a word of thanks to this guy?  Even though he goes this far to risk his life to protect you?”  Yona thanks Yoon and apologizes, but even with Ik-Su’s assurance that this wasn’t Hak’s time to die yet, it left her worried…
She awakens in the early morning hours to find Hak missing and in a panic runs into the forest searching for him but trips.  Sitting up, tears rushing down her face, he finds her screaming about him.  
“…You seem fine,” he smiles, “what happened?  Did you have a bad dream?”
But she was too furious with him to deal with his sarcasm.  “Even when you’ve been hurt badly you still over do it!  I thought you were going to die!  Please,” more tears pooling, “don’t just leave on your own!”  Wiping at her face, “You’re the only one that must be by my side…”
And she meant what she said.  It may still be selfish of her but Yona never wanted to be without Hak.  She knew she didn’t understand what was going on, her naivety meant she needed him more than he needed her just to survive but frankly, it would feel strange not to have him around anymore…
“An earthquake!”  Hak jumps to his feet as the wall of rock tumbled down, blocking the entrance to the tunnel.  ‘Crap!’ He had heard her call out his name seconds before the collapse.  True and ultimate fear gripped his entire mind and body, no soul at the realization that Yona was trapped behind the cave in of solid rock.  ‘No, No, NO!’  This can’t be happening, after all they’ve been through till now for her to die from suffocation because of these backwards thinking mountain folk!  
Damn it, if, no, when she’s safe and sound she’s never to leave his side again!  He was an idiot to listen to her commands, this girl was great at getting herself into danger and he just let her do it this time like the good servant that he was. Hak pounded his fists on the boulders, dug stone after stone, swung his spear at it only to be laughed at by the unyielding force of nature.  
He prayed, begged to the gods, ‘Please don’t take her away…’  to the Emperor to bring her back to him.  He couldn’t lose her, just couldn’t even stand the thought of not having Yona by his side.  She was finally starting to grow, standing up, becoming the Princess he knew laid dormant inside, and his promise to get her home again, it wasn’t fulfilled yet!  Even after all the harrowing events that had led them to this point, this was the first time that Hak couldn’t breathe.
Why couldn’t he foresee these kinds of events?  Why can’t he seem to protect her when she needs him the most, first at the castle, the cliffs, and now here?  All he could ever do right was deal with the aftermath and consequences.  Yes, he’ll find a way to save her and he didn’t give a damn if anyone tried to stop him. He’d cut them down too.    
Hak unleashes his anger at the stone as soon as the villagers tell him where to dig and by god he was going to get to her in time!  ‘Hold on Princess!’  It was like an inhuman strength fell into his body as he bashed at the rock, swinging and destroying the wall that separated him from her and his friends. No matter if it was a few inches or several feet of rock, it would bow to his will.      
And when he finally broke through, the relief at seeing her unharmed let all the anguish drain away.  His ailing and aching body was heaving from the extraneous work, but it was over.  “Princess!” Hak drops the axe, rushing up and grabbing her, wrapping his body around her tiny frame holding so tightly she couldn’t move if she wanted to.  He didn’t even have the strength left to cry.  She was safe, that was all that mattered.
Each day that passed by on their journey through the Kouka Kingdom, she noticed that the way Hak was behaving slowly began to change.  He was always the sarcastic pain, teasing her and annoying her whenever the opportunity presented itself but still, the thing that confused her was his clinginess.  In the past, it seemed he did anything he could not to touch her or be too close and yet now, sometimes she couldn’t get rid of him.
Sure, after the incident at the Blue Dragon’s village and his promise to stick by her side, it made sense, but it had begun before that. And what about the way he touched her, grabbed her?  Like at the entrance of Fuuga when he had asked if she was ready to pay with her body, though she had no idea what he meant.  Or how about the cliff’s when he’d pinned her against the wall and she thought he was going to kiss her.  
The list could go on and on and slowly she began to understand what some of it meant, or at least the weird feelings it was triggering in her. In Awa, as he licked the honey from her hand, looking as if he was enjoying it way more than just for the sweet taste… Her body heated up and maybe deep down she was enjoying it too.  No, she shakes her head, Hak was just her friend, someone that protected her.  He was staying close just to make sure she was safe, that’s all.
Yona couldn’t fully grasp why he was behaving this way.  The others would sometimes make comments about it, they, even strangers asking, assuming she and Hak were together.  But she would deny it, and so would he, most of the time.  She remembered his reaction to Kija trying to pay him to leave, furious that the guy dared to separate them.  But things only worsened after Jae-Ha joined their little travelling band.  That flirty pervert really got on Hak’s nerves anytime he got too close to her.
But the one thing she did understand was if this was his way of showing he cared for her life and for her safety, at least it was comforting. She knew that no matter what lay in their path, nor battle they needed to fight, Hak would always be there to protect her.  And if that meant putting up with his bizarre behavior, well then it was a small price to pay.  
Okay, and maybe it wasn’t so bad to have his attention focused on her.  She may not know the ways of the world yet, but she was starting to see the way that women looked at him, or even looked at her with jealousy.  
Hak was getting tired of all of Jae-ha’s teasing.  Yes, he gets it, everyone can see how he feels about the Princess, except apparently her, but it’s something he’s been dealing with for… let’s just say too long.  It was all complicated, they had grown up together, practically their entire lives spent around each other so maybe it was simply a matter of convenience that he had fallen for her while she on the other hand still couldn’t get over her pining for the man who had tried to kill her.
That was a lie.  There were other pretty girls around him, willing to throw themselves at his feet but none of them had ever gotten him to turn his head in their direction.  He didn’t even know why he had fallen for Yona in the first place.  A childhood felicity turned crush became a deep seeded yearning for the Princess even though most days, she acted like such a spoiled brat.  Yona was beautiful, no doubt, probably the most lovely female ever to grace their kingdom.  
God help him every time Yona said something that could be misconstrued like oh I’ll just nestle closer to you if it’s cold, if only she knew what such words could do to a man.  But he couldn’t get upset over it when she was saying it with the childlike innocence that made her the sweetheart that she was.  He wished she could understand without changing that side of her.    
On the flip side, as much as he loved the purity, as her courage grew, and her individuality and strength increased, have mercy, this only served to drive his arousal up tenfold.  It was getting harder to hold back those feelings.  Hak was a man of action after all, and it only made sense that such métier would peak his interest, especially coming from her. And what he wanted, was to help her see her dreams through of serving her people.  To become the true ruler of Kouka with the grace that her father had instilled in her coupled with the fire her ancestor bestowed upon her by the Gods. A balance, a force from heaven so to speak to restore order and peace in their lands.
It might have been fate that brought them together.  The orphaned boy who because of who had adopted him led to his meeting the Princess.  A boy who became a general and tribal leader with the skills worthy of being deemed the protector of said Princess.  Did the Gods know she would need someone to guide her, care for her until she was ready to meet her destiny?  If one believed Ik-su, their lives had been pre-destined long before their births.
Either way, be it providence or simply luck of the draw, what was done was done and it boiled down to one simple fact, this boy was in love with this girl.
Yona wasn’t sure at what point Hak was no longer just her friend or bodyguard but something else entirely because there was no dramatic shift in their relationship, at least not one single point in time that she could say, there, that’s when it happened.  But it did change during their travels and by the time they had made it to Shisen, Yona was seeing him in a different light, one familiar and yet so completely unlike the feeling she was used to.
With Soo-Won it was almost as if she had convinced herself of being in love with him.  Fawning in a juvenile longing over a boy that really did nothing to reciprocate her feelings only treating her like the little sister he never had.  Maybe she had swayed her heart towards him, he being the only other royal she knew, and when you grow up being told you needed to marry a royal, it made sense to latch on to a convenient choice.  
Hak on the other hand was always around too, just as much and more than Soo-Won.  Why hadn’t she considered him?  Well, he wasn’t a royal as he had so bluntly pointed out in their formative years, but he had always been in line for General, the highest position in a tribe, wouldn’t that be similar, she had once thought so.  
Of course, he was always picking on her, making fun of her or teasing her…  but then again…  he still looked after her, made sure she was okay, safe, even kept her secrets.  Hak would whine and then do what she wanted, they would fight and then make up again.  Neither seemingly capable of turning the other away.  And, he was the one person she would always run to, even as a child…
She didn’t want to admit he had been right, what he had said at the gates of Fuuga, that once they became fugitives and he was no longer the General of the Wind tribe, he had no obligation to protect her.  She had forced herself onto him, but he could have refused, slipping away somewhere safe and sound, and yet he continued to put his life on the line for her.  
And now look at the situation, the one she had first given her heart to, killed her father and ordered her execution, but the one who deserved her heart, who showed time and time again how much he had earned it, was the one she hadn’t chosen.  Until now.  Her soul warmed to the realization that Hak was the one who truly deserved her heart and she was ready, at least on the inside, to give it to him.
But now she wasn’t sure what to do about these newly found emotions.  She wasn’t ready to tell him how she felt yet, when they had so many other things to focus on, like surviving.  Yona knew she was already a burden on Hak, and no, this just wasn’t the right time. Eventually she’ll have to, when she was ready, maybe, even if it had to wait until their Kingdom had been restored.
She knew it was necessary for them to go their separate ways, it would be faster in order to stop the attack on Xing, and it’s not like she wanted to be away from Hak, nor would he like the idea either.  If something were to happen to her he would no doubt tear this Kingdom apart in his grief.  But she couldn’t take him in case she ran into the one person she knew Hak wanted dead.  
“Hak, you go ahead over to the wind tribe first.  I will slow-down Soo-Won’s, the Sky tribe’s army’s.”
“You know you’re not going anywhere without me, right?” Min-Soo offers to accompany her and Algira but that isn’t good enough.  He reaches out, “Wait a moment, you think I’m going to let you go alone?!”
“Just go.  The Wind tribe is surely waiting for you Hak.  I might not be able to do much, but I’m going to try doing what I can so that I won’t have any regrets.  And, then we’ll go and meet with the four dragons, Yoon, and Ao.  Okay?” smiling big.  “I’ll just be gone for a little bit!”
“I,” lowering his head, “understand.  I’ll be waiting.”
“Hak…” clutching at his hood, Yona pulls him down for a quick kiss. Hak is so surprised that he can only stare down at her wide eyed, even after it ends, his mind blank.  “Well,” she blushes, stunned with herself, and turns to leave, “I’ll be going now…”
As soon as she was in the carriage heading to seek out Tae-Jun’s assistance, Yona puts her head down to mull over what she just did. Something in her body propelled her forward before her mind could even process why, she had reached out and pulled Hak into that kiss.  What was she thinking when she saw how sad he looked, that in case she never saw him again, he would hopefully know how she felt?  That she didn’t want to leave, and it was a promise to come back to him?  
In all the years she had been in love with Soo-Won never once had she even considered acting upon her emotions and yet today with Hak, she had done just that.  The inclination to want to feel his lips against hers flowed so smoothly and easily that after it was done, and her brain had caught up with her actions, only then did it hit her.  ‘Oh my god I kissed Hak!’  
What was Hak thinking now?  She hadn’t stuck around to find out but based on the stupefied look on his face, his mind had probably blanked out.  He was always the one to tease her, touching her, and doing other perverted things, but when the act was committed on him, he reacted strangely.  What if he didn’t like it?  He had pulled back didn’t he, ‘maybe he’s gonna be mad at me now!’ Clutching her face in horror, ‘No! I need to focus right now but, please don’t let him be mad at me because I…’  
Why was it so hard to admit it, to get the words, ‘I want to say out of my mouth?’  Maybe that was part of the reason for the kiss, to act without words, to convey how much she wanted him to always be with her, in any way, shape, or form, for the rest of their lives…        
“Hak I’m sorry about yesterday!”
“Why are you apologizing?”
“I’m sorry…  I overheard your conversation with the people of the Wind tribe.  I’ve always felt like I stole you away from the Wind tribe, and what’s more you have, you have a fiancée.”
“Fiancée?  Ahh, you mean Ayame.  I see, that’s why you were pushing me to go back, and said that stuff about returning my freedom?”
“Yeah but, I don’t think that you’re unneeded or anything like that, it’s just that, you’re very precious to me, so, stay with me…”
‘I can’t take this anymore!’  “What’s with that, I told you, didn’t I?  Many times!  I won’t leave you!  Like hell I’d leave you!!  And that’s not because I feel obligated not to.  Get that through your head already!!  The place I go home to is here!!”
“I’m sorry…”
“I accompanied you, was overwhelmed by your strength and passion, and decided to live for you.  The pride of serving someone…  The one who taught me that was you!!”
“Hak…” wiping away the tears.  “You might have been exasperated by all the things I’ve said but, can I ask you one thing?”
“What will you do about Ayame?”
“Ugh,” running his hand over his face.  “Look I don’t like being at the center of misunderstandings, so I’ll just say this…” Facing her directly once more.  “The one I like is you damn it!!!”
“Don’t ‘Eh’ me!!  I said Ayame has a partner already.  I like you and I don’t have a fiancée goddammitt!!  I'm tired out for today!!  Have you understood everything?”
“Great!  Ahhhh! Much better.”  Hak walks away standing tall and feeling lighter than he ever has after releasing all that weight from his heart leaving a bewildered and bright red Yona sitting there to process what just happened.
After wolfing down dinner, Hak settles onto his bedroll and closes his eyes.  He felt so much more relaxed that the burden of hiding his feelings for Yona would no longer be necessary.  It was out in the open, with witnesses, she heard him loud and clear, and it looked like she understood every word he had spouted.  Sigh, he had buried those emotions down for so long…  Would he be able to carry on as if nothing had changed?  
He still wasn’t sure what her opinion was or how she may feel now, even that kiss back in Saika, was there a meaning behind it?  Yona has kissed him so smoothly, casually…  He wanted to be angry that she had pulled such a thing on him but, it also didn’t make sense since she wasn’t one to act in that manner.  How many times over the years he would tell her to just confess to Soo-Won how she felt and yet she was too embarrassed.  
How, when did the Princess develop the courage to up and kiss him?  He could ask her, but chances were greater that she would clam up in embarrassment again. That girl, so innocent and childlike and yet for all his physical strength she was so much stronger than he. In a relatively short time, he watched her go from broken to a force of the heavens and it only made him want to be with her, in whatever capacity he could take, for the rest of their lives…            
Things couldn’t be more dangerous as they were right now for Yona and the growing opposition to Soo-Won’s position.  It seemed as his master plans slowly fell apart and the Princess’ supporters grew in both number and title, so too did the attacks in order to maintain the power he had taken by force.  And this latest battle was no different, with the resistance force defeating and pushing back the royal army but not without casualties… including Yona.
She had been hurt before in fights, but never this grave, and that left everyone on high alert for if the Princess were to die, so was the hope of saving Kouka Kingdom.  Yoon did his best assuring their group that she was by no means at deaths door, but it would be tenuous for some time, and that her unconsciousness was due to her bodies attempt at healing.  And so, they waited, the dragons taking turns guarding her tent and their campsite, Jae-ha, surprisingly falling back into a leadership role like he served in Awa. It helped to keep their spirits high, and their progress from slipping but Hak was beside himself and refused to leave Yona’s bedside.  
Two days later, Yona finally opens her eyes and turns her head to see Hak sleeping next to her, still clutching her hand, and a weak smile crosses her face.  All she can tell is it must be nighttime and if it wasn’t for the moonlight, Yona may not have known it was even him.  Who was she kidding, sighing in her head, who else would it be?  Slipping her hand from his grasp, “Hak?” she whispers caressing his face with the small amount of strength she can muster.
His brows furrow and eyes pop open.  “Princess?!”  Hak’s so happy to see she’s awake, he forgets himself and hugs to her prone body, repeating her name over and over as the tears he had been holding back finally stream down his face.  
“Hak…” she repeats, cradling and caressing the back of his head as tears of her own pool in her eyes, “it’s okay Hak…”
“No!” sobbing aloud, “it’s not okay!  You shouldn’t have gotten hurt, this is my fault, I didn’t protect you…”
“You know that’s not true,” voice soft and serene, “Hak you can’t be everywhere, I should have protected myself better.”
“Yes, it is.  I know Zeno did his best, but there were too many attackers, so I shouldn’t have left your side,” clutching at the bedding and burying his face deeper into the fabric. “What if…  There’s no way I could go on if I lost you…”
Yona’s heart skips and her body flushes, but unlike before, a sense of peace washes over her.  She stops caressing his head, “Hak, please look at me…”  A few seconds pass, but he finally lifts his face to look at her and what he sees is such a tranquil expression, it calms him instantly.  She smiles and places her hand against his cheek, “I love you.”
Like a repeat of their first, Yona clasps both of his cheeks and pulls the dazed man closer and settles her lips against his in a soft kiss, repeating those three little words upon their release.  Hak props himself up and rolls to his side, still stupefied, touching where her lips had left their lingering warmth.  Yona lightly giggles at seeing her tough man acting like a confused little boy.  “Hak, you’re not dreaming,” taking hold of his hand, “I said I love you, I have for awhile now, I just couldn’t get the words to come out.”
He looks at her, “You waited until you almost died to tell me this!” Face palm, “I swear you enjoy torturing me.”
Pouting, “I do not,” growing into a grin, “well maybe sometimes, and that’s only because you do it to me!”
Laughing, “we’re both kind of idiots aren’t we,” sigh, “you know if we hadn’t been pushed out of Hiryuu Castle, I would have taken my feelings to the grave.”
“And I would have never realized that it’s you who I should have given my heart to, not him.  I don’t know if I deserve you, but Hak, you definitely deserve me, a thousand times over for everything you’ve done for me.”
“Y-you want me to call you Yona?  But…”
“Hak, if we do take back Hiryuu Castle, and if I regain my position, will you… be my King?”
“You’re serious?” she nods.  “You can’t be…  I’m not King material...”
“Oh, so would you rather I marry someone else?”
“Well then, I guess you have no choice.”
“Why do I feel like I was just blackmailed?”              
“You don’t need to decide now, Hak…”
“Idiot, of course I’d marry you!  King or not, I don’t want anyone else to have you!”
“Then it’s settled,” patting his arm, “now go back to sleep.” She closes her eyes, a smile on her face.
Hak narrows his eyes, ‘this little…’  “Yona?”
“Hmm,” peaking at him.  “Did…” before she can say anything more, Hak had swooped in and crashed his lips roughly against hers, gaining a small squeak out of the young woman. After the initial shock, Yona melts into the kiss, lifting her head to add pressure, and her fingers threading into his hair while Hak cups the back of her neck to lend support and keeps himself propped up to her side.  
A deep rumble in his chest breaks the still of the air, to be answered by a purr of her own and when they finally break from the kiss, Hak keeps his forehead leaning against hers.  “Should we tell the others?” she asks quietly.
“We can worry about that tomorrow, but since it was droopy-eye’s turn to guard, he probably already knows.”
They hear a ‘Tch’ coming from outside and Yona giggles, “You’re probably right.”  
“Now,” he gives her a small peck, “time for you to get more rest,” settling on his side and closing his eyes.  “Good night, Yona.”
“Good night,” yawn, “Hak.”  As she closes her eyes, Yona utters a small prayer of thanks to the Gods for the angel beside her and for some reason, she knows everything is going to be alright.  
“Yona?” there is a knock at her door, “Are you ready to go down to the temple?”  Her mind is jostled out of the memories she had just been daydreaming about, their childhood, all the struggles, how they’d finally overcame their hearts…
“Oh, yes I am Yoon. Is Hak on his way?”
“Yes, Jae-Ha is escorting him.”
“Alright, I’ll be out in a minute…”
And now here they were, about to be married, a new Queen and her King.  Everything was ready for the wedding and coronation ceremonies happening that afternoon.  Guests had been arriving over the past week, all the food was being prepared, flowers and decorations set up.  But as excited as they both were for their future together, Yona and Hak were also nervous.  They each sit in separate rooms, their kimono’s on, Yona’s hair and makeup done, now all that remained was to wait until they were called upon.
This had been such a long journey for the two, if you counted back to the beginning.  So many memories stemming over their lifetimes starting as childhood friends and ending at the beginning of their adulthood. Good times, bad times, hardships, and times of happiness.  And while they sat in their rooms, awaiting the next step of this journey, the memories of how they got here flowed through like an endless river.  
Their childhoods filled with playing on the castle grounds, oh how Hak loved to tease her when they played, like that time he scared the hell out of her during hide and seek, and yet whenever she was scared, he was also the one she ran to for comfort.  It wasn’t until she was older that she realized how improper it may have been to sleep next to him, but at the time, if it helped the nightmares to go away, so it didn’t seem like that big of a deal.
It must have been inevitable that her father would choose Hak to be her bodyguard considering they were often with each other, and even from a young age, he had proven himself to be a skilled warrior worthy of protecting a Princess.  But if you counted the fact they also bickered constantly, no, back then it didn’t make a whole lot of sense to her and it was much later after the promise was made that she found out, Hak had originally turned down the position.  If he had said no once, what made him say yes, the second time?  Had that encounter with Tae-Jun made such a big impact on his decision?
All Yona knew, was that if Hak was a pain before that moment, she could have sworn his sarcasm and teasing only escalated after it, and it drove her crazy.  He was so quick witted, making fun of her looks, her size, her intellect, nothing got past him, and wasn’t afraid to say things even in front of her own father, the Emperor!  She had no idea why he would act that way.  Well okay, so maybe she fueled some of it, taking advantage and using him for her own devises.  Hind sight is easier to help one see why things may have happened a certain way.
But if there was one thing she was sure of now, is that when she needed him most, Hak was the only one to take her side, no questions asked, with a fierce loyalty that was unmatched even by the Dragons born to protect her.  That night of her father’s death, and when her innocence was shattered forever, Hak was the dark angel who saved her.  When the Fire tribe soldiers had them cornered on the cliffs, again, he put his own life before hers, and it ignited a blazing virtue in her own soul.
And yet, the first time she saw Hak truly get scared was not during an actual battle but when they were looking for the Blue Dragons and the tunnel had trapped them.  She herself was afraid of never seeing him again, but the look on his face when he broke through, and the way he hugged her so tightly afterwards, he really had been terrified.  It was a new side to Hak that was starting to draw her in closer.
Yes, somewhere along the way she had started to look at Hak through the eyes of a lover.  She wanted him, craved his company and attention. She would get irritated if other females were around or made any moves to get close to him, and when he’d turn them down it made her feel better, relieved.              
Having those feelings bottled up only made situations start get a little awkward or it would cause them to behave in ways that confused each other.  Like the first time she kissed him or when he confessed his feelings for her.  Actions triggered by raw emotions that bubbled in their hearts waiting for freedom.
Too bad it took a long time for them to adjust to these feelings.  You could blame inexperience, naivety, just the circumstances that surrounded them as the reasons.  I mean, it is difficult to worry about liking someone when you need to put more effort into simply surviving.  Now she can laugh about it, but it was a weird timing to tell a guy you loved him after you almost died.
But, looking back at it all, Yona, Hak, neither would trade those precious moments or memories for anything in the world.  Their lives before her Sixteenth birthday were fun times despite the bickering and the tragedy that came afterwards had led them to the greatest gift either could have ever asked for.  Lifetime friendships, adventure, and a love that will stand the tests of time.
“… I have waited so long for this moment little miss,” Zeno whispers, smiling as he guides Yona towards the man she was about to marry.  “I’m glad you are my new Queen.”  
“Thank you, Zeno,” taking a deep breath, Yona smiles at how regal Hak looked in his ceremonial kimono, flanked by the dragons and Yoon that is was all so surreal.  “It’s almost too good to be true but we made it here…”
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buri-art · 7 years
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I don't know what Kouren-sensei meant by that, but it was pretty scary. Almost as scary as when she gets mad at me for chit-chatting before practice. I should focus more. I'm still not very good at kyudo, but with her help, I'm starting to feel like I get it. I have to make sure I don't start thinking about anything else, or get distracted.
On those times when I manage to block everything out and focus, I feel like I can see something else in myself, like some kind of hot and fiery potential I never thought I had before. I wonder if I'll ever been good enough that Soowon and Hak will notice too?I guess not. They're team aces in sparring, which kyudo doesn't have. Maybe I should have practiced judo instead so I can sweep them off their feet! Kija-sensei has a reputation for being too strong with the students though. I'd be too afraid of breaking my bones.
"Yona, are you listening?"
"Ah!" I jumped. There I went, not focusing again!
Tao's little curls fell around her mouth as she sighed. "I know the political side of war isn't interesting, but that's most of what you're going to be tested on. The feelings of people in other times and places are similar to the feelings of people here and now. The more you understand history, the better you can understand and outwit your enemies."
"I'm sorry, I'm a little lost. Who is my enemy? My history teacher?"
"Nevermind, that's not a relevant analogy for you. Let's focus on how you can remember the dates and people's names instead."
She went on, going a little faster than her usual patient pace. We were nearing the end of the lesson, when she always got anxious to leave. Was it a boyfriend? Sometimes when she took phone calls and confirmed she'd be somewhere soon, it sounded like a boy on the other end. What was his name? Vold? Then again, I remember her saying the same things to another boy once named Algira, who she used a sweeter tone with. Maybe she wasn't committed yet to either one of them. But if she wasn't committed, why would she go out on dates so frequently? Was she in some hurry to get married? She didn't even look 12! "Tao!" I said.
She blinked. "Yes?"
"Don't... don't be in such a rush, alright?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. I must had been speaking too fast," she smiled. She was too sweet! My heart felt squeezed; I didn't want my dear tutor to fret over anything. What was it that made her so anxious?
A few minutes later came the phone call. She swiped it up before her ringtone had hit even three notes, and said, "Hold on, I'll be right there." I heard a buzz of the voice on the other side; it was a woman this time. Something about the tone was familiar, but I could not place how. "Yes, I'm ready," said Tao. "Leave the engine running. Bye." She clicked the call off and started swiping her books back into her bag, where I caught sight of silky fabric. "Sorry," she said. "My ride got here a little earlier than expected."  
"It's alright," I said. Why was it a woman who came this time? "I'll see you out."  
"Oh, thank you. Review the dates and I'll quiz you on them as soon as we start next week, alright?"
"You seem so busy--" I started to say, but I was cut off by the honk of a yellow convertible and a woman young woman calling out.
"Hurry up! Neguro's waiting for me to pick him up next."
"I'm coming!" Tao picked up her pace and ran around to the far side of the car so quickly I nearly thought she was going to hop over the door instead of opening it.
I did not notice if she did or not, because my full attention was caught by the face of the woman in the driver's seat. "Ko---K-K-K-Kouren-sensei!?"
"Oh, Yona," she looked up at me. She was wearing striking red earrings that accented the sharpness of her eyes. "Hi. I heard you're Tao's student, looks like this is your house."
"You--you two know each other!?"
Kouren-sensei and Tao both stared at me a moment, as though waiting for me to answer my own question. They then looked to each other, then back to me as they answered together, "We're sisters."
"Really?" I gaped with my eyes.
Tao smiled. "I never mentioned I had a sister, did I?"
"I knew Kouren-sensei had one, she mentioned you once," I said, and Kouren-sensei looked pleased that I remembered a little detail. That tickled another memory from that conversation, as well as all my ponderings over Tao's anxiety to hurry on to other matters. "It seems you both get along really well. Do you mind if I ask what it is that you and your friends are always doing?"
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^0^;;; Probably wasn’t quite what you expected, but I tried to use a few of your prompts, and they melded in well with how I always pictured Kouren and Tao having a modern day happy sister relationship (somehow it was the obvious thing that they’d do if they weren’t trying to run a war-threatened country) and with the modern day martial arts AU I wound up making a few months ago in response to another prompt. I hope it was surprising in a good way, I enjoyed making it!
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whereisvanderwood · 6 years
My Princess
Yotaka x Reader
My Yona of the Dawn x Reader List for more one-shots– Check it out!
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"Yotaka, I found your skin beauty medication!"
His head turned into (Y/N)'s direction a little way away, his lion mane of hair bouncing in the wind. It was very pretty hair. Everyone envied the mighty Five Star Yotaka's beauty.
He walked over, instantly picking up the little bottle of lotion, examining its contents to see if it very well is his medication.
"Do you think it could work on me, too?"
"What do you mean? You haven't need of it."
His face seemed so unfazed by his own giving of a compliment, (Y/N) could easily have missed it if she didn't do a double take.
"Th-thank you..." she blushed. "But I still want to try some."
"If you insist, but you really don't need it."
"We girls never accept our faces for what they are, and we will always try to make it prettier."
She wasn't expecting Yotaka to actually buy some of the highly-praised solution for her own personal use, and so when he handed it to her she promised herself she would try to make it last for as long as possible. She was very thankful.
"Didn't you buy yourself some?"
"No, I bought you one, instead."
"Did you waste your money on me!?"
"It isn't wasteful if it has been put to good use. Consider it a gift. The holiday season is approaching quickly, is it not?"
He was a man who never smiled; always that same stoic, expressionless, far-out look in his eyes. He always appeared to be in a daze. (Y/N) knew that his mind was constantly focused on the Princess of the Xing Kingdom, Kouren-- His commanding mistress and leader of the Five Stars. Definitely something (Y/N) wanted less of in their friendship, if you could call it that.
"Yoo-hoo, Yotaka!" His partners, Mizari and Neguro, jogged to where he and (Y/N) were strolling. "Princess Kouren wishes to see us!"
"Right now? I would have thought she was preoccupied in preparing for the war."
"She is. She requires our assistance in an errand she wants done," Neguro replied. His eyes narrowed when they met (Y/N), an outsider of the Five Stars. "You both should not be dallying about with war so close to our borders."
"Nice to see you too, Neguro." (Y/N) rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, giving up hoping to ever receive a friendly greeting from the burly man. "What's the errand?"
"It's to do with Kouka's monsters. We haven't yet been given word what we are to do, so we must make haste to Princess Kouren."
As joy-killing as ever, (Y/N) thought as Neguro turned his back and walked the opposite direction, Mizari, Yotaka and herself following suit.
A small tent had been pitched some distance away from the kingdom's populace. Inside was Princess Kouren pacing back and forth, whilst a member of the anti-war faction argued with her on Priest Gobi's behalf.
"Princess Kouren," Neguro announced his and his team's presence, interrupting the senseless debating.
"Thank you, Neguro." The princess smiled when she saw (Y/N) had tagged along. Though she wasn't an appointed 'star' of her majesty, she was strong and equally as loyal as the princess's own warriors. They might as well be called 'The Five Stars Plus One.'
The stranger was quickly forced to leave so the 'meeting' was able to commence in complete privacy.
"Yotaka, (Y/N), the monsters of Kouka kingdom are in my possession for now."
"You mean the dragons that arrived yesterday?"
"I'm sure they were sent on King Su-won's orders to invade our kingdom. I will not let them wreck havoc to my people. They are a threat and need to be dealt with accordingly."
"What would you have us do, Princess Kouren?" Yotaka knelt on bended knee, his hand on his heart. Why can't he be like that to me, (Y/N)'s mind echoed. She kept her focus on the princess as best as possible while Yotaka was in front of her.
"(Y/N), I would like you to guard them, please. They may hold information detrimental to our kingdom's future. Do not let anyone get through you."
"B-But what about me, your ladyship?" Mizari began to fret. "I want to be the one who watches them! I want to see their power again, especially the undying one. I want to see it again!" His face was becoming deranged, and (Y/N) became uncomfortable very quickly. She'd never seen him react like this to anything before.
"You'd most likely pull a foolish stunt like you did earlier. You need to be kept away from them," Yotaka sharply replied to his begging of the princess. "Not to mention how rude it is to question her highness' decision. Have you no respect for your master?
It was enough to shut up the childish warrior for the time being, his eyes keeping the dangerous craving of the dragons' powers to have all to himself. (Y/N) would have to watch that he doesn't approach too close.
"Thank you, Yotaka." The princess cleared her throat. "Mizari, I'm having you and Yotaka investigate Priest Gobi and the anti-war faction. Something tells me they're up to no good."
"Forgive me for asking, but will (Y/N) be alright on her own? These dragons hold power unlike any enemy we have encountered before," Yotaka asked hesitantly, Mizari quick to call him out on being a hypocrite.
"I'm sure I'll be fine, Yotaka. I'm tough! I can handle anything," (Y/N) puffed out her chest.
"There you have it. Neguro, you will keep watch around the local areas. That is all, everyone."
"Of course, Princess Kouren."
The three left the tent, leaving (Y/N), Yotaka sharing a last glance with her before they parted ways for, most likely, the rest of the day. She felt lonely very quickly, and she wanted him to be with her, especially for something as pressuring as this.
"Is there something wrong, (Y/N)?" Kouren asked.
"N-No, your majesty. I'll make my way to the dragons' cell now."
Thankfully a couple of guards under Kouren's name had been appointed with (Y/N). While part of her was glad she didn't have to take on this job alone, these guards weren't exactly as competent as the Five Stars of Xing. Physically, they didn't look like they'd be able to hold their ground for very long.
Finally reaching the cells where the strangers were being kept, two of the five prisoners were badly injured and bleeding heavily. Another had a bandage covering his eyes, whilst the fourth with bright yellow hair seemed completely fine. There seemed to be a fifth that had joined them; a much less intimidating boy (Y/N) could hear from a mile away with yelling and desperate cries
"Please, just give me my bag! My friends will die if I don't treat them!"
The boy's eyes eventually locked onto (Y/N), who was approaching closer and closer. For just a moment, she felt her heart being pulled to where the said bag was in possession of another guard. But she shook away the temptation and stood her ground, just as her princess had entrusted her to do.
"Hey, you! Can't you see they're dying!?" He shouted at (Y/N).
"I'm sorry. I don't help my enemies."
The androgynous boy eventually gave up, and went back to putting pressure on the bleeding wounds of his friends.
"Why did you come to Xing? To start a war for King Su-won?"
"How dare you..." the white-haired one grimaced. "We are no servants of that... monster!"
"As much as I would like to believe you, you are my enemies, and I choose not to."
"My my, what a stubborn little lady we have," the tall one with green hair spoke with a somewhat patronising tone.
(Y/N) turned her back to them, standing off to the side, keeping a close eye if anyone was approaching the restricted area too close. They chatted quietly amongst themselves, mostly consisting of the boy, Yun, fretting over the wellbeing of his friends. He might as well be their mother, (Y/N) joked to herself.
I hope Yotaka is alright...
Her mind began to drift as she spaced out with quick-coming boredom, and with it the uneasiness she was fighting back began to settle in much easier. Mizari was clearly unstable mentally, and keeping him away from the dragons may very well drive him furthermore to do something 'foolish.' The anti-war faction often did some shady business behind the princesses' backs, and could be a threat to her highness or the Five Stars that oppose them. Anything could happen when they're all split up like this.
A disturbing cry of pain made (Y/N) jump in surprise, her shock further escalating when she saw one of the guards crumpled on the ground in blood. The other drew his weapon, but was taking steps back to distance himself from the murderer in front of him.
"No one can keep me from my dragons..."
Mizari's head was crooked to the side, his eyes wide and smile looking abnormal. His sword dripped crimson droplets onto the ground as he prepared for the next kill. The remaining guard was trembling and turned to run, but was put an end to before he could take three steps.
"Sorry, (Y/N). I can't have anyone in my way."
(Y/N) drew her sword, holding it far in front of her in attempt to keep Mizari at bay. She should have known that he was not going to stay away from the dragons for very long, even if he was ordered to.
But... what about Yotaka?
Was he hurt? Did Mizari cut him down, too? If he's truly still alive then where was he?
"(Y/N), out of my way, please."
"I can't do that, Mizari. What's gotten into you!? This isn't like you at all!"
The prisoners watched intently and anxiously as they witnessed a protector of the kingdom kill one of his own men. They watched (Y/N) take slow steps back as the killer took slow steps forward.
"Uhm, I think you should run away," the young boy warned. "He looks like he's about to hurt you."
"Quiet! You're distracting me."
"Miss, you need to go!" The yellow dragon grabbed the prison bars in his desperate heeding.
Mizari's steps quickened very suddenly, his sword starting to come over his shoulder. "You shouldn't disrespect the dragons like that, (Y/N). They're important."
(Y/N)'s sword was useless at this point. She had more of a chance if she ran. But she couldn't abandon her post. What would the princess think of her? Or more importantly, what would Yotaka have to say? Would he call her foolish, too? A coward incapable of standing up for herself? Disloyal to her highness? An embarrassment? Maybe it would be all of those things.
Mizari's footsteps turned into a mad dash when (Y/N) stopped backing away. He was too fast for her to escape to see another day. She closed her eyes and braced for death.
But instead, a pair of arms wrapped around her tightly and held her close to a warm body. Then there was quiet.
When (Y/N) opened her eyes again, Yotaka's body lay at her feet. Mizari dropped his sword, seeing what damage he had done.
(Y/N) dropped to her knees, turning his heavy body over to look him in his eyes that struggled to stay open. "No no, Yotaka, stay awake!" She called for help as she held Yotaka's bloodied hands. "Mizari, how could you!?"
Tears were forming in his eyes, despite his murderous intentions only moments ago. "I... I didn't mean it! I didn't want to hurt Yotaka!"
"But... you'd hurt (Y/N)?" Yotaka forced the words out of his mouth as his strength was fading. "Over my dead body."
"Yotaka, don't say that!"
Soldiers ran over to the scene quickly, some ceasing Mizari and putting him in his own cell while the others got called for a doctor. As he was being carried away, Yotaka demanded that (Y/N) stayed by his side, not wanting to let her out of his sight.
He was set down in the medical tent on a stretcher, and the doctor prepared his medicine for treatment. The warrior's hand gripped tightly onto (Y/N)'s hand, making sure she stayed put the whole time.
"Why on earth did you do that!?" (Y/N) cried. "You could have died!"
"So could you... I knew he was up to no good..." His eyes pierced through (Y/N)'s heart. "I wasn't about... to let you get hurt."
(Y/N) closed her eyes as she took a deep breath. She had to tell him—she didn't want to just be 'friends' forever. It wasn't fair to keep torturing herself over whether or not her love would return her feelings, especially in this kind of circumstance.
"Yotaka. I... want to stay by your side." When she saw Yotaka's face seemed to search her eyes for answers, she continued. "I-I want to be more than friends. I want to be able to protect you, too! I want you in my life..."
She sat there in silence. After there was no response for quite some time, she pulled her hand out of is in rejection, only for it to be grabbed again tighter.
"I want that, too... I love you, (Y/N). All I ever want... is for you to be by my side in all my days... You're my own princess."
Neither could resist any longer. She knelt down and their lips met with love sprouting between them. It was soft, like the kind of heart she knew he had. She felt so much lighter after feeling so much weight in her heart, but it was all magically lifted now. She was happy.
They parted their kiss and Yotaka held her hand to his lips. "I love you."
"I love you too, Yotaka."
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hisazuki · 7 years
Yona ch.148 spoilers
Akatsuki no Yona chapter 148 “O light, please don’t fade away” summary
Please don’t repost/reuse my scans and translations without permission. Tumblr reblog is fine.
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Yotaka is still on the floor. Ayame says he shouldn’t move yet. Tae-Woo tells him to rest while he goes to meet with Soo-Won. Yotaka regrets not being able to fight or even move properly. He wonders if Neguro, Mizari and Kouren are all gone from this world already. He thinks his life/existence is meaningless.
As Soo-Won’s army march into the camp, Kye-Sook is silently looking for Yona. He can’t see her: does this mean she’s in Shin? Soo-Won greets Tae-Woo and asks if the situation in Shin is still the same. The general knows Yona spoke to him but he’s wary and doesn’t want to say too much to the king. He simply tells him there’s some kind of civil war going on right now. Soo-Won asks if the strife between the pro and anti-war factions worsened. Of course he guessed what happened...
A soldier comes and says they captured a suspicious man: it’s Yotaka!
Author notes: I’ve received my Blurays of Kodoku no Gourmet season 6! I’m watching it while working, it’s complete bliss~
He was trying to get to Shin, and since he didn’t look like someone from the Wind Tribe, they stopped him. They believe he’s a spy. Soo-Won asks him if he’s from Shin.
Yotaka: Are you... Soo-Won...? How detestable... I thought the son of that fiend would look much more unsightly...
He says he’s from Shin and he resents Yu-Hon. Now that Yu-Hon is dead, he’s been dreaming of beheading his son for a long time... If he had a weapon, he’d do it right now!
The soldier unsheathes his sword, but Tae-Woo intervenes: Yotaka is injured and in the care of the Wind Tribe. He’s not a spy. Kye-Sook glares at him. He’s from an enemy country and threatened to kill the king, yet he’s still in their care?! They should stop acting rashly. Or maybe they willingly brought a dangerous man to their camp and were waiting for the king on purpose?
Tae-Woo apologizes for acting rashly, but abandoning someone they previously rescued here would go against the Wind Tribe’s values. Yotaka is surprised. Soo-Won adds they can’t afford to randomly kill Shin citizens either. They won’t kill Yotaka. After all, they came here to open negotiations first, not (directly) for the war. Again, Yotaka looks bewildered.
Soo-Won: Haven’t you heard? I’d thought Princess Kouren would have been notified of this.
Yotaka: That’s right... I heard Princess Yona from Kouka requested Lady Kouren to wait before going to war because she wanted to negotiate with Soo-Won... I hadn’t paid any attention to this. Does this mean the negotiations went well?
Yotaka asks if Kouren accepted to go to the negotiations. The king replies he doesn’t know. There were some conditions so she might refuse. Once again, Yotaka laments he’s not by her side. Soo-Won asks his name then tells him to go deliver the news of his arrival to someone in charge. Yotaka can’t believe it: weren’t they going to kill him? Soo-Won says there’s no value in taking his head right now, and he’s not the type who would do pointless things. Kouka will not interfere with their civil war. He doesn’t mind if it’s not Kouren who comes to the negotiations.
The soldier releases Yotaka, and Tae-Woo helps him walk to the Shin side of the camp. Yotaka wants to know why he went so far for him. The Wind Tribe leader replies if he’s going to rescue someone, he’ll do it till the end without being half-hearted. And here Yotaka thought there were nothing but demons living in Kouka...
They join General Namsek. He scolds Yotaka for leaving and perhaps joining the anti-war faction. The 5 Stars are just a bunch of good-for-nothings! Once he learns that the Princess is missing, Yotaka retorts Namsek should be looking for Kouren and knock down the anti-war factionnists who are rebelling and hindering the search. Yotaka then thanks Tae-Woo for what he did for him. The general tells him to say hi to Voldo for him, but Yotaka is like “who’s that guy?”. Afterwards, he silently speaks to Neguro and wishes they had learned more things more quickly. Everything is falling apart, everything they built for 17 years... Is it because they were never able to mend all the old open seams? *flashback to Neguro telling him whatever happens, they must stay to Kouren’s side*. But Neguro, where is the one they were supposed to protect?
Yotaka is on his knees, panting. Namsek tells him it’s not the time to be kicking the bucket. Look over there! Sure enough, they can see people fighting in the distance. It’s Voldo, Argila, Mizari and Kouren! The 5 Stars must stay by her side at all times. He wills his body to move and appears behind Mizari right as he was about to stagger from exhaustion. He tells Mizari he did well. The youngster realizes it’s the first time Yotaka praised him. Gobi and Kouren see he’s alive. Voldo too, but when he adresses him Yotaka pretends not to know him again ^^;
Yotaka tells Kouren about Soo-Won’s arrival. He’s waiting for her at the border. Whatever she decides, he’ll follow her. Gobi orders his assassins to kill them. Kouren must not meet with Soo-Won!
The Princess sees a sword on the ground and picks it up. She gives Yona her bow back and tells her to protect herself. She thanks her for what she did for Shin. Yona asks her if she’s still undecided (about the war). Kouren says the hate is still burning within her, but she won’t hand over the country to Gobi. She orders Voldo and Argila to protect Tao, then takes Mizari and Yotaka with her to fight their way through to Soo-Won.
Their running and fighting takes them to Gobi, who tries to escape then uses a girl as shield when Kouren tries to strike him with the sword. Before anything bad can happen, an assassin sneaks behind Kouren and slashes at her back. The last panel is a close-up on a stunned Yona.
Hisa’s thoughts on the chapter: 
I didn’t think Kye-Sook would be the one scolding Tae-Woo, giving a chance for Soo-Won to show how forgiving he can be. Now that Yotaka understands a bit of Yona’s and Tao’s point of view, maybe he can be the bridge between the two factions. Soo-Won saying it doesn’t matter if it’s not Kouren who comes to the negotiations, then Kouren getting even more injured doesn’t bode well for her... I will be sad if she dies before being able to speak with him and properly decide what she wants to do.
I’m not sure what the “light” from the chapter title is. The obvious thing that comes to mind is Kouren’s life, but it could just as well be Yotaka’s hope that he can still get there in time to save her, or that there’s still hope for their country.
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yona-chan · 7 years
AnY Chapter 145 Spoilers ➸
Below the cut you will find my personal (and very sloppy) summary of chapter 145. There’s uhh... spoilers and stuff (duh) so be careful XD
Please take what you read here with a grain of salt. As a disclaimer I am not, nor have I ever been, particularly proficient in Japanese. I am still learning myself, so this is in no way a professional job. This is also my interpretation of the chapter, so even that could differ from someone else’s. But, all this being said, I hope you enjoy the chapter :D
Just wanna say to start off that the cover for this issue was pretty darn cool. But seriously, what colour are Soo-Won’s eyes? :P 
We pick up right where we left off with Shin-Ah having come to Yona’s side and used his powers against the men firing at Kouren and co. He basically collapses onto Yona: he’s okay, his legs are still working, but the paralysis kickback from using his powers is taking its toll. 
It’s then that Yoon, Kija and Zeno all catch up to the group. They’re all happy to see Yona’s not injured and they have a cute little reunion with Argila too ^ ^ Jae-Ha then realises that Hak is injured (his shoulder is bleeding badly where the arrows hit him) and has a little freak out and calls for Yoon. Yoon rushes over and immediately begins inspecting him. Hak’s not looking too good, but puts on his usual, “’tis but a scratch” air while Jae-Ha (with what seems to be a bittersweet(?) smile) points out that all of them are covered in wounds.
Meanwhile, some of the masked men are still flittering around. They’re very hesitant about attacking the group again: they just saw what Shin-Ah and Jae-Ha did to their friends and are wondering if they are part of the monsters from Kouka. If they are, Gobi needs to be informed. 
Kouren is also injured and Tao sees that she is in pain. Yoon tries to take a look but Kouren is being quite stubborn and plays the, “Why would you help me after I captured you?” card, to which Yoon replies that he doesn’t want to lose anyone. From what I can tell he makes out that in the war he heals without discriminating between ally and opponent. Having to take sides and fight is the job of the four dragons, not him. Kouren asks (with that in mind) if they will take revenge on Soo-Won. Yona answers that the four dragons are not tools to be used to settle personal grudges, and Kouren asks if the grudge has therefore been moved on from. Yona says she doesn’t know: she can’t easily forgive what happened on that day, but doesn’t want to live as a slave to that feeling. (This whole scene was kinda deep, so I have no idea how to interpret it, I might be way off, just a heads up.) Kouren and Hak seem to contemplate this deeply. Kouren then asks if Soo-Won agreed to Yona’s request for them to meet. Yona confirms he did and that he wants to talk with both her and Tao. She then discuss Soo-Won and Yu-Hon and the two nations for a little while Hak contemplates how Yona is finally facing Soo-Won head on. Simultaneously Kouren thinks about Neguro, and his belief that the heavens would support her victory if she faced Kouka in battle. The hatred and humiliation they remember is not so hard to forget...
Kouren, however, apologises to the group for capturing them and using them as hostages. Everyone seems a combination of surprised, pleased and accepting of her apology. Tao helps her stand and they prepare to leave when Tao starts to cry. If she hadn’t put any trust in Gobi/had stayed away from him, this wouldn’t have happened and Neguro wouldn’t have had to... like that. Kouren, Voldo and Argila all seem upset at her tears when Yoon asks were Mizali is: after all, he ran from his cell at the same time Yoon and the dragons broke out, and he was also shot. Kouren hopes both he and Yotaka will be okay. 
Meanwhile, back near the border, Yotaka speaks with someone called General Namsek (ナムセク na-mu-se-ku, I dunno, he just looks like a grumpy guy that would love to be literally anywhere else) about the state of the soldiers. I think (again, take this with a grain of salt) that Namsek says that they’re doing okay, but without the presence of the Five Stars/an important leader, their morale will start to drop. Yotaka knows that, but it’s not the only thing worrying him.  Suddenly a soldier runs towards them looking for Yotaka. It’s the anti-war faction...
They make their way over to find Gobi and his cloaked followers spouting out the usual to a group of scared civilians: blah blah God’s will, blah blah 17 years ago, blah blah following Kouren is the path to defeat, blah blah Tao should marry Soo-Won... wait okay that last one is different and maybe important o__O Anyways, one of the listening women is like, “But what about the Five Stars?” Gobi goes off again speaking out against them and now Yotaka is getting angry himself. It seems like he’s about to step in and say something when...
He is literally stabbed in the back. 
The man attacking him was a friend of a soldier that Mizali cut down earlier in his little attack on his allies. And Yotaka did nothing... nobody did anything. Yotaka tries to talk to the soldier when Gobi arrives and tells Yotaka that he is all alone. Yotaka demands to know where Neguro and Mizali are: Gobi states that it seems Neguro met a fitting end for the head of the Five Stars. Yotaka is furious. 
Close by, Tae-Woo’s having a ponder and Han-Dae is kinda just bugging him XD Tae-Woo’s still caught up over Hak telling him to protect the Wind Tribe in his place and all that jazz. Basically, things are changing and Tae-Woo’s all over the place about it. He’s walking along a fence taking out his frustration on it when, through the fence, he sees the confrontation between Yotaka and Gobi’s group. He notices Yotaka is badly injured and that Gobi’s men seem ready to finish him off. He immediately scales the fence and throws his spear into the crowd, breaking up the impeding attack on Yotaka. Gobi’s all, “The hell are you?”. Tae-Woo says that he is Kouka Kingdom’s Wind Tribe’s Tae-Woo, and wants to know if he can join in the conversation.
Next chapter: September 5th ^ ^
There was also a drama CD included in this issue, so be sure to grab a copy if you would like that. A drama CD will also be included in the next issue as well!
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simplicity1511 · 7 years
Make up???? How can they make up??? He betrayed her in the worst way, murdered her father, took everything she ever loved from her and you want them to end up in a happy little ot3, prancing away into the sunset? Fuck you. I could hate him until the day I die and feel not a single bit of compassion for that ass. Anyway, she's moved on. People like you make me sick. He can't love, he basically said so himself, so there's no way in hell that that douche will ever have any relationship
First off, it’s a headcanon and my opinion. That does not mean that it will actually happen but I feel for Hak’s character development, he needs to forgive him not for Su-won’s sake but for his own sanity. And making up doesn’t mean that the relationship will be the same as it was because that’s unrealistic. Having myself made up with my best friend after a year apart, the relationship changed because now I wasn’t blind to my friend’s faults. I saw her as an imperfect human and that’s the hard dose of reality that Hak was dealt. Having the picture perfect best friend betray his trust and hurt the women he loves simply to take the crown when he had other options is something that you will notice I don’t like about Su-won and if you have read my other posts, about these three, you will know that is the truth.
However, I have conflicted feelings about him. I am like Ogi in this. I do think that Su-won has done much good - however I am in the Happy Hungry Bunch Territory regarding whose side I would choose - I’m like protective big brother Kiji when it concerns Yona and Hak. I want to protect my babies but Su-won isn’t a black and white character that I can hate so easily as much as I want to.
I feel like you forget that in my first paragraph I say that Su-won could possibly die by the end of the series? This means that they won’t be a happily ever after because he will be DEAD meaning that he won’t die peacefully because it won’t be by natural causes - the whole theory that somehow Su-won is sick, I don’t by. However, unlike Hak, Yona clearly sees past the fog but understands that her people need a good ruler and that’s what Su-won is. His actions in getting the crown are irrelevant because to Yona’s people, Su-won is a savior and Il is the villain. If Hak and Yona had pursued revenge Yona would look like the villain if she tried to kill him so instead, she let him do what he wanted. Until now because she doesn’t agree with his course to go to war and hurt innocents (referring to the women and children that Kouren will have in her army) and the possible civilian casualties. A pointless war that will only cause further mistrust and hatred between the two countries.
I don’t really by the whole, he doesn’t love crap because we haven’t really gotten his side of the story, at least completely. We usually only have a few panels of him actually discussing his feelings and from the 140 chapter spoilers, it seems Yona and Su-won are going to meet and hopefully hash out their feelings especially considering Yu-hon is the direct cause to Kouren’s actions to go to war. Her hate for Yu-hon and her fear of Su-won has led us to a perfect way for Yona to finally get information on Su-won regarding Il’s supposed killing of her uncle which was another reason Su-won said to her the night he killed Il. Unfortunately, we haven’t gotten any information on that yet since the first chapter so maybe after 140, it’s finally going to happen. 
I want to understand his reasoning because he is very conflicting for me as a character - which I actually enjoy because most antagonists, I don’t care for like ever.  It was just indifference. Except for Su-won who I feel some sympathy for because if what he said is true, then Il isn’t blameless in all of this either. That doesn’t mean killing him was the right option but its about perspective and for Su-won a man that admired his father and wanted to be just like him, his uncle murdering him was a betrayal to him. 
Su-won loving his father enough for revenge (if that truly is one of the reasons he did it), is proof enough that he cared about somebody in his life. Him trying to save Yona from being discovered by Judo is proof as well because he didn’t have to. But he chose too. He was clearly shocked of about learning of Yona and Hak’s death and holding Yona’s hair close to his mouth, clearly, shows he cares because why would he do something so tender if he didn’t care at all.
I don’t think he is an emotionless robot. Yes, he doesn’t understand love but when he and Lilly were talking, it was of the romantic kind. The guy gets frazzled when that stuff is mentioned because he doesn’t know or understand it or perhaps desire it. Leads me to believe Su-won may be asexual on that front. However, when Gramps said he considered him to be like his grandson, Su-won was clearly happy to hear those words. It’s not like this guy doesn’t have emotions, he is just better at hiding them is all. Relationships outside the romantic kind he seems to show feelings for which honestly was what Hak was wondering about when he asked him, whether Su-won LOVED Yona the same way HE [Hak] loved Yona. The answer was no.
Honestly, we have only seen one perspective in all of this and that’s Yona’s and Hak’s. Su-won’s are up in the air. Feeling sympathy for a character and wanting my OTP3 to be happy again doesn’t make me a bad person. It just means I am willing to move beyond the past to see what their relationship could develop into in the future. 
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ehyde · 8 years
Was they the only one who was thinking fuck you SW in this chapter ? it became clear to me that SW is really into peace but want power and he wants Kouka to dominate the other countries and let's hope this pushes yona to see that perhaps SW isn't that great of a king because Kouka may gain power but it will also cause hatred that will probably come to bite it in the ass sooner or later .
It’s a good point–Suwon thought that if they achieved peace, Kouren’s resentment would simmer and erupt later, but it’s also true that Kouka’s victory would breed resentment as well. After all, that’s what happened last time and why Kouren wants war right now. Perhaps it’s a result of his personal experiences, having to pretend like everything was ok and live peacefully for ten years close to the one he wanted vengeance upon. Maybe he thinks that peace talks with Xing would lead to something like that on an international scale. Is it because he understands Kouren’s desire for revenge and recognizes it as valid, that he thinks this can only be solved through war?
I also thought it was interesting that Hak was the one to say that if Kouka overtook Xing, Suwon would have the strength to stand against the Kai Empire. Up until now Hak has always avoided speculating what Suwon’s plans are for the future, but maybe he has some idea after all. We haven’t been given any hints that the Kai Empire is planning outright war (as opposed to undermining Kouka with drugs etc) until this moment, I don’t think. I wonder if it’s something Suwon brought up with Hak before the betrayal. Suwon said that he didn’t want to be king for the sake of being king, just that he wanted to make Kouka great again strong. It always seemed like he had a specific reason why Kouka needed to be strong, but until we know what that reason is, it’s hard to judge if any individual action is going too far. 
Personally, I don’t really think that Suwon crossed a line in this chapter in particular. His reasons for taking action against Xing aren’t any more or less legitimate than they were in Sei. He has a history of taking small things and using them to justify large military actions, but in this case, Xing is planning a real war. The fact that Yona asked him to stop this time doesn’t mean it was a worse action on his part, rather, it means that she’s at a different point in her own development and how she’s willing and able to respond to his actions.
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petri808 · 6 years
Birthday Surprise
@hakyonaweeks 8/12 Bonus Day- Past  *This is submission 1 of 2 for the bonus day*  each day there will be 2 submissions :)
(AU Story)  Today is also my birthday so I decided to use that as the inspiration for this story.  Oh and the song used in here is “All of Me” by John Legend
Tapping the notepad in her lap, ‘I should put Aunty Gi-Gan on the table with Uncle Ogi, I think they’ll get along.  Kouren, Vold, and Algira might fit there too.  Ooops, almost forgot Tao.  Okay two more…  Oh, Uncle Geun and Aunt Yun-Ho.  Perfect!’ Yona looks over at her sleeping fiancée, ‘the guys have it so easy,’ chuckling, ‘then again, would we really want them helping to plan out a wedding? Nope!’ She’d bet anything that Hak’s response would be, ‘I did my part and put the ring on your finger, so you plan the wedding and tell us when to show up.’
As if on cue the diamond of her engagement ring sparkles in the lamp light.  ‘Yes, you did put a ring on it,’ lifting her hand, twisting it to make it sparkle again.  The ring itself was not some weighty bling, but Yona really didn’t care if it was a real diamond or a cubic zirconia, a carat or just an eighth.  She loved it more that he had remembered her favorite stone was blue aquamarine, like his eyes, she once equated it to, and had them placed as flanking stones around the diamond birthstone.  
Hak had really thought it out when he got that ring.  She smiles, and of course when he’d given it to her, it had been a surprise she’ll never forget…
Saturday, April 7th was going to be a fun night for Yona and her friends, it was her birthday after all and there was just one thing she really wanted to do, sing karaoke. Not that she thought she was some awesome singer, maybe okay enough not to shatter glass, but it was the fun of it, having a few drinks and hanging out with friends.  Her boyfriend Hak didn’t really care to sing, sometimes if they fueled him up with enough liquor they could get him to sing a song or two but most of the time he was just there to hang out which was fine as well.  
By 10pm, the vibe of the karaoke lounge was perfect, tipsy but not wasted, lots of laughter, and a few teasing, mellow and just the way she liked it.  Yona and Lili had just finished singing a song, returning to the table they shared with the rest of their friends.  Yoon, Kija, Shin-ah, Tetora, and Ayura were all there but two were missing, Jae-ha and Hak.  Not a big deal, maybe they went to the restroom or to grab drinks, Yona thinks as she slips into the current conversation.
A tap on her shoulder gains her attention and she turns her head to see Jae-ha standing next to her with a smile.  “Yona, could you come with me please?”
“Hak has a birthday present for you,” pointing at the stage where a chair now sits.  “He requests you have a seat there.”
The girls all giggle, “Is Hak gonna give you a lap dance?”
Yona’s eyes widen as she deadpans at Jae-ha, “He wouldn’t, right?!  Not in front of all these people.”
“No,” the older boy laughs, “he’s not,” turning to the others with a grin, “but if you girls want, I could give you a lap dance.”
“Not tonight playboy,” Lili chuckles, “but nice try.”
“Maybe next time,” Jae-ha winks at Lili, then turns back to Yona, “you should get up there, you’re making Hak wait.”
“O-okay…”  Yona walks with hesitation to sit on the stage as requested, flushing when all the eyes in the room seem to focus on her.  It wasn’t so bad standing on this stage when you’re singing and having a great time, but she swore the silence was making her anxious. What was Hak going to do?  She fiddles with the fingers in her lap, trying her best to not bolt from the chair when a song finally begins to play.
Yona’s lips part, and her hand covers her mouth in surprise when she sees Hak walk out of the shadows holding a microphone, stopping at the edge of the stage, and lifting it to his lips,
“What would I do without your smart mouth
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out
Got my head spinning, no kidding, I can’t pin you down
What’s going on in that beautiful mind
I’m on your magical mystery ride
And I’m so dizzy, don’t know what hit me, but I’ll be alright
My head’s under water
But I’m breathing fine”
Stepping onto the stage towards her beaming…
“You’re crazy and I’m out of my mind”
…And taking her hand into his…  Yona’s eyes are glazing over at such a beautiful and completely unexpected side of her boyfriend.  All the nervousness had drained away and all that was left was just him and her on that stage.
“'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I’ll give my all to you
You’re my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I’m winning
'Cause I give you all, all of me
And you give me all, all of you”
Hak continues holding her hand, squeezing, rubbing little circles in the webbing of her thumb and pointer finger…
“How many times do I have to tell you
Even when you’re crying you’re beautiful too
The world is beating you down, I’m around through every move
You’re my downfall, you’re my muse
My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues
I can’t stop singing, it’s ringing, in my head for you
My head’s under water
But I’m breathing fine
You’re crazy and I’m out of my mind”
He stoops down to her level on one knee, gazing into her eyes, transfixing them…  She didn’t know her heart could melt any more than it already had.
“'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I’ll give my all to you
You’re my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I’m winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all, all of you
Give me all of you
Cards on the table, we’re both showing hearts
Risking it all, though it’s hard”
Hak let’s go of her hand and reaches into his pocket, pulling out…
“'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections”
… a ring, holding it up to his girlfriend.  Yona gasps, as both hands now fly up to her mouth and a few tears begin to trickle down her cheeks.  “Oh, my goodness,” whispers from through the glowing smile that had bloomed on her face.
“Give your all to me
I’ll give my all to you
You’re my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I’m winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you
I give you all, all of me
And you give me all, all of you.”
Yona’s head is already nodding yes as the last words roll off his tongue.  “All of me,” forcing her words to get out of her head, “I’ll give you all of me Hak!”
“I’m glad you said yes,” he grins and slips the ring on her finger, “would’a been pretty embarrassing if you hadn’t.”
She nearly chokes at his stupid response, “Why wouldn’t I have said yes?!”
“You always say I’m a pain, that I’m always teasing you, and I think you said I was ugly once.”
“I did not…  did I?  Tch, that was when we were kids!  Ugh, you’re teasing me again!”
“I know,” Hak starts to laugh, “I’m sorry it just a habit…”  But Yona’s tired of him talking and cups his cheeks pulling him into a kiss.
“Just shut up for once,” she grins, adding a peck to his nose.  “Before I change my mind…”
the ring sparkling in agreement as she leans over and kisses her sleeping fiancé’s cheek. Hak may be a pain, and he loved to tease, but he’s never hurt her and has always been there for her through the worst of times.  
‘I wouldn’t change my mind for the world…’
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petri808 · 6 years
How We Got Here
9-chapter story, each day/prompt will be 1 chapter.  Some portions of the story chapters are made up and some are based from the manga/anime.  There is a reason for that but if I say more it may give away too much spoiler info.
@hakyonaweeks Week 8/12 Bonus Day- Past
Chapter 1
It had been 3 years since Yona or Hak had been forced to flee and now they were back at Hiryuu Castle surrounded by their friends, supporters, and the Generals of the 4 other tribes of Kouka Kingdom in the great meeting hall.  Anyone related to the assassination of Emperor Il were either dead or in prison awaiting their punishment.  But to move swiftly towards reestablishing a sense of normalcy and peace in their kingdom, the Generals immediately approve to reinstate Yona as the Queen.  However, according to their laws, the Kingdom could not be ruled solely by a woman and so it was necessary for her to be married, and soon.  
“My husband has already been selected,” Yona states matter of fact, “Hak will be the King.  Does anyone disprove of my choice?”
The four generals look at each other and it’s Tae-Woo who speaks first.  “We already figured that out, so when’s the wedding?”  The crowd snickers and cheers.
“Little miss,” Zeno speaks up, “might I suggest a month from now?  That should be enough time for preparations to be made and enough time for guests to travel here.”
“That’s true,” she taps her chin, “because I would like to invite Captain Gi-Gan, and Princess Kouren, and Princess Tao, and…”
“We get it,” Geun-Tae laughs heartily, “if there are no objections from the other Generals, I move to set the coronation and wedding to be held one month from today.”  No one objects…
For as long as he could remember, Hak’s grandfather would drag him to Hiryuu Castle for visits, some time’s lasting days, other times a few weeks at a stretch to train the Sky Tribe’s soldiers or for other official duties as the General of the Wind Tribe.  At first, he didn’t understand why, considering it wasn’t necessary for him to be there, but when he’d question it, was simply advised to do as he was told and to go keep the Princess company.  
They were close in age, she being 2 years younger than he was, but she would often get on his nerves.  Yona could be a spoiled brat and yet other times, sweet and caring.  She’d want to play games, then throw a tantrum if she lost.  She was good at playing the cutesy act to get what she wanted and most of the time he would give in, but not always…
Stalking the young Princess, Hak, crept around the bushes he knew his friend was hiding behind ready to make his move.  The young boy of 7 grinned, as he sees her crouched into a ball and reaches out…  “Gotcha!”
“Ahhh!” Yona jumps up, turning around at both the sound and the way her friend’s fingers jabbed at her sides.  “Hak!” screaming at the boy who surprised her from behind.  “Don’t scare me like that!”
“Then Y-you shoulda…” clutching his stomach as he doubled over in laughter at her flushed and puffed out cheeks, “…hid better!”  
“Omph!” pushing him onto his butt, “you’re so mean to me,” flailing her arms at him in exaggerated swings.
Hak looks up a bit surprised at Yona’s burst of physical retaliation, “Princesses shouldn’t be hitting people.”
“And Princes shouldn’t be mean to Princesses,” crossing her arms in a huff.
“Then it’s good I ain’t a Prince,” he stands up, brushing off his pants with a smug look, “Princess.”
“Oooh, y-youuu!” shaking she’s so angry.  “I really… hate you sometimes!”  Yona storms away furious at Hak for making fun of her while he just laughs even harder.
“No, you don’t!” he calls after her.  “You’ll be begging me to play again!”
Too bad for the young boy that his grandfather had seen the ending of their argument and after a long-winded chastising and a few good cracks, dragged him to Yona’s room to apologize…
Being cooped up behind the walls of the castle, Yona didn’t have any other children her age to play with or talk to so visits by her cousin and or Hak were really the only times she got to just be a kid.  Her relationship with the young Wind Tribe boy was a love hate relationship, sometimes he was nice to her but most of the time loved to tease and toy with her and it drove her crazy.  
She would complain to her father, but he would just smile and tell her to be nice.  Hak was a boy and boys were often rough and tumble, it was just their way, but he meant no harm.  Yona would still whine and her father reminded her that him being around would always keep her safe and sound.  When she asked why, that was how she learned Hak was training to take over as General someday and that information did make her feel a little better…
Yona woke up with a start in the darkened room.  It was another nightmare but like always, she could never remember the dream, only the feelings of abandonment or being left all alone, were all that remained in its wake.  Getting out of bed, she walks to another part of the castle, seeking out the only friend she had.  “Hak,” kneeling next to his bed, pushing on his shoulder, “Hak?”
“UghHuh?” the boy turns over seeing the Princess sitting there, he rubs his eyes.  “What are you doing in my room?”
“I had another nightmare,” she sniffles and wipes the drying tears from her cheek, “I don’t want to be alone, can I stay here tonight?”
Conflicted at how he should respond.  He was pretty sure that it was not proper for a girl, let alone a Princess to be sleeping on the same bed as him, but if he told her no and she complained to his grandfather, would he be the one who gets yelled at for making her cry?  “Um, I guess so,” closing his eyes to go back to sleep.
“Thank you.”  Yona slips under the covers, lying on her back next to the boy.  It was a little weird to be sleeping this close to Hak, but she also felt safer, like he was going to scare away her bad dreams.  She turns her head and notices he’s already closed his eyes.
“Go to sleep,” he mumbles.
How did he know she was looking at him?  “C-could I hold your hand?”
“Ugh,” he grumbles but seeks out her hand and grasps it, “happy now?”
“Yes,” blushing as he squeezes slightly, his hand was so warm, his touch, gentle despite his grumpy attitude, and yes, it made her feel a lot better.  After that first time, Yona would often seek Hak out whenever nightmares plagued her…
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buri-art · 7 years
Xing Drabble-y fics: #6 of 6
Title: Dear Diary, I Met My Angel Characters: Tao's lady-in-waiting whom Kija rescued in Sei, references to many others Words: 2,681 Description: A young girl in traumatic situations tells her diary about everything she has been doing in the background of canon so that she might once again meet the man she loves. Warnings: References to violence
Dear Diary,
It’s good to see you again, much less see any of Xing again. My hardships as a slave in Sei were immeasurable, but my joy at coming home outweighs them. Princess Tao has welcomed me back as one of her attendants and I have already shared many details with her, as well as with many other eager listeners, about our rescue.
I will not bore you with these details, Diary. But I will tell you about My Angel.
As the fort quite literally crashed down around me, and a soldier was about to whip me, My Angel descended in with glimmering silver-white hair, translucent skin, an elegant jawline, sparkling blue eyes, and a hand the likes of which have never been seen in our land. It had long white claws and shimmering white scales. I have tried to describe this to my listeners, but none of them can picture it, because they have seen nothing like it. But what I remember most, Diary, was how My Angel gazed at me with concern and spoke to me ever so gently. If I close my eyes I can still see and hear it clearly in my mind, and it makes me shutter at beautiful he was.
It’s thanks to him that I am allowed to return to my peaceful life here in Xing, but we met in Sei, and he was among the people from Kouka, so I am likely never to see him again. I so sorely wish I could, so that I might at least thank him.
At least.
Dear Diary, What should have been a wonderful night turned into a terrible night. I saw him, Diary! My Angel was here, in Princess Tao’s summer palace! He was far away, but I would recognize his stately posture and silvery white hair anywhere.
I saw him, and then I fainted. What’s worse, I was preparing food for the kitties at the time, and in trying to break my own fall, I knocked the plate off balance and wound up with fish guts all over my head. We’re light on staff here, so I do not know how much time passed before one of the other girls found me. By the time I came to, I reeked! There was no way I could see My Angel, much less anyone in that state. My friends assured me that the men he was with were all quite handsome, and that they at last understood what I told them about his hand, but they described it as something frightening attached to an otherwise attractive young fellow. To be quite honest, Diary, I was offended that they would find it repulsive, but also pleased that none of them especially had their sights set on him, especially since I needed time to make myself presentable.
It was already the middle of the night when I went out to bathe, and the bathwater was cold. I shivered terribly, but I could not get the stubborn stench of fish out of my hair! I was so anxious that it would stay like that and he would leave before I ever had a chance to thank him. But Diary, what happened was so much worse. Mizali-sama, one of the Five Stars in Princess Kouren’s faction, one strange young man who I particularly disliked all along, performed the most dastardly offense by attempting to murder Princess Tao, and then he set fire to the palace!
As I was still bathing when it happened, I put on my clothes back on while I was still soaking wet and ran back and forth carrying buckets of water to throw on the flames. Thankfully, what little difference I was able to make allowed the last few servants to escape before the structure fell, and all the summer palace fell to ashes. I was happy that all my hard work in Sei had perhaps made me strong enough to carry all that water so fast, but my body gave way soon as the palace did, and I passed out again.
I have now caught a terrible cold, and I can hardly move, and my nose is so stuffed I cannot even tell how terrible my hair still smells. I will go to sleep now, Diary, for if I am to have any chance to see My Angel, I must hurry and recover.
Dear Diary,
Something terrible has happened. My Angel and his companions were captured by Princess Kouren’s faction, where Princess Tao is also being kept under house arrest.
Diary, I’m scared, but I must go.
Dear Diary,
I managed to take up service in Princess Kouren’s residence. I insisted that so long as my mistress was there, she needed someone to serve her. Neguro-sama was impressed and praised me as a good servant, but you know my heart, Diary. That is only part of the reason I’m here!
I must find My Angel. I know he is being held in a prison cell, and Princess Tao tells me that he and one of his companions have been gravely injured. I feel ill with worry for him, but I do not know how to find him. He must be here somewhere. I must take heart and be brave!
Dear Diary,
I had my chance, I had such a good chance, and it was stolen!
Mizali-sama came and ordered me to prepare something healthy for the captives to eat, and I knew exactly who he meant. I had to swallow my squeal of excitement as I accepted his order, and I flushed so madly as soon as I went to the kitchen. No, not only was I flushed, I was giddy. My Angel was going to eat food that I prepared! I chose some fresh chicken both because it’s nourishing and because I’m especially confident in making it a tasty dish.
Diary, I will not lie to you. My mind was on anything but the chicken. I started thinking about how much nicer it would be to serve it to him on a lovely carpet with an array of fruits and nuts and nice wine, and how we might share it together while our children run around. Yes, Diary, I thought that far! I indulged in those happy thoughts, and I mustn’t hide it from you any longer.
I found as fancy a platter as I could for the chicken and plated it in an appealing way, and I checked to make sure my hair looked (and smelled) nice. If only I had moved a little faster, I wouldn’t have run into Mizali-sama as I carried the platter out. He took it from me. He said he’d take it himself, and I couldn’t protest one word against him.
I’m sorry for staining your pages with my tears.
Dear Diary,
I have decided that if I am in love, and I most truly am, then I must fight for My Angel.
Mizali-sama is being punished, rightly so, but there is now no one to take food to the captives. I saw this as my chance already, but Yotaka-sama told me not to, and that I should save food for the soldiers. I am sorry to say that I obeyed this order because I was scared, even knowing that my terribly injured Angel and his companions must be starving and suffering.
I am so grateful for all the harrowing experiences I’ve had so far, because something has made me come to my senses. I have prepared a meal, and I will take it to him now. If I am quick, no one will stop me. Even if they do, there is nothing they can do to scare me more than what I have already been through.
I’m coming, My Angel. Wish me luck, Diary.
Dear Diary,
Where should I begin. My hands are shaking so much that I can hardly keep my thoughts in order. I shall try to continue from where I left you last.
Something wasn’t right when I took the food. There were voices, too many of them. Just as I started to think it was strange, there I saw the tell-tale sign of My Angel’s right hand again. The sound of the crashing prison cells startled me so badly that I dropped the platter of food and covered my ears, and some masked figure in black (who I later found out was part of peace faction) pushed past me so quickly that I fell flat on the ground, all over the food. Mizali-sama leapt over me as he ran, and that was the last I’d ever see him alive.
When I turned back, it seemed all was dark, but there was a looming shadow of a dragon with blue miasma surrounding it; and for a moment, it struck terror through me. However, when a young man it was attached to passed me by, I only started to find it a curiosity, and I immediately looked back to see four more young men coming after him. I did not notice anything about the rest of them, for my eyes and my heart leapt straight to My Angel! He was hanging his head and looked like he had no strength left in him, and my stomach felt twisted when I saw all the blood dried on his collar.
All I could say when I stood up before them was, “Ah—um!”
“Oh,” the tall man with long hair carrying him said. “This isn’t a safe place for a young lady.”
“Get somewhere safe, alright, Miss?” one of the shorter ones said.
“Um!” I said louder, and then I felt my throat caught as My Angel started to stir. The little—truly, it was only the littlest!—glimpse of his shimmering eyes gave me the strength I needed to say, “This way’s faster.”
“Hey, Seiryuu! The Miss says to go this way!” the man who spoke before said, and I lead them through a short cut. Truthfully, I did not know if it was faster or not, but I sensed they would be in danger if they followed Mizali-sama and the masked man. I was with them not even minutes before we reached the outside, and the young man with the dragon shadow over him went on ahead, and the tall man supporting My Angel apologized to him and left him leaning against a wall, and then he jumped off into the air.
My Angel, looking so weak, started to slide to the ground. I moved as fast as very part of my being possibly could so that I could get to him. Alas, the short man caught him first, and I used that speed to slam myself directly against the wall. The bruises still sting as I am writing this.
My head felt dizzy on impact, and I started to slide too. The other one, probably the youngest in their group, helped steady me, and then my My Angel gazed at me.
For the second time in my life, he stared into my eyes and asked me if I was alright.
I was not, but I was did my utmost to smile and nod however much I could stand to, and I was too breathless to utter any sound. The moments after that were blurry, but the young boy helped me to sit down, and then they went on, toward the battle unfolding.
Neguro-sama perished there protecting Princess Kouren, and by the time I awoke, everyone had evacuated and the attackers were gone. I was at such a loss, Diary, that I cried very hard for a few minutes, and my head hurt terribly. However, I am proud to tell you that I soon recovered, took a drink of water, and then went searching for where everyone had gone.
I saw crowds gathering near the border and headed in that direction, and above their heads, I saw the strangest sight. Four dragons appeared and disappeared. It was quite honestly frightening, Diary, but it was also strangely beautiful. It is for times like this that people reserve the word “awe”, and that is truly what I felt. I found out later that these were the Four Dragons of Kouka, and that My Angel is the White Dragon among them.
Yes, Diary. Even knowing this, I find myself unafraid of My Angel, for I could never see him as a monster like so many others have described him.
By the time I caught up with the crowd, I saw that a battle had taken place, and those who were left there were shook. I screamed at the sight of My Angel lying on the ground, for I feared the worst. I truly believed the worst had happened, based on how the others lied around him, and how the boy with them cried while clinging to the blonde one. Soldiers who serve under Vold-sama stood around their bodies with their weapons poised for defense, and I could only assume it was so that no one would steal their remains. I collapsed the moment I saw him, and I was inconsolable as I sobbed, for heaven knows how long.
Now, Diary, you might be able to tell from my tone now that it was not as I had feared. My Angel was only weak and tired out, but to my knowledge, he is still alive and likely doing better now. But in my fretful state, I did not know this, and I did not even notice when he and his companions disappeared. When I started screaming for someone to tell me what had happened to them, someone told me that peace had already been negotiated with Kouka, and they had been taken back there and granted their freedom once again.
I was stunned and feeling the pains of my impact against the wall again, and Princess Tao found me on her way back into the city. She and Algira-sama told me that they saw him wake up and that he would likely be fine, and when I started crying again she encouraged me and told me I might still have a chance to see him someday.
Diary, my heart is so broken over all my spoiled chances so far, and it is only held together by the two memories I now have of him speaking to me. I’m so tired.
Dear Diary,
It terrifies me to tell you this, but am packing my things to go on a journey to Kouka, and quite possibly start a new life there. Princess Tao encouraged me to do so because she saw how sick and sad my heart had become after all the traumas I’ve suffered. Vold-sama will see me to the border, and after that I have been told to seek out the assistance of the Wind Tribe. I am assured that they are wonderful, as even Yotaka-sama—of all people!—spoke highly of them.
I may never see him again, Diary, but I look forward to the new hope that a quiet, new life in Kouka might give me.
Dear Diary,
My luck continues to be quite bad, as I immediately found myself lost, with no hope of locating the Wind Tribe. Based what I have heard since, their capital is notoriously difficult to reach, and their territory is filled with danger.
Thankfully, I was rescued by a kind, matronly merchant with a wide smile and oddly white hair for her age. She tended my swollen feet with some nice lotion she was selling, and she gave me some candy that brought me back to high spirits so quickly that it could be sold as magic medicine. Aunty—as I call her—thinks it would be too difficult to find my way to Fuuga, so she has invited me to go back to her village with her in Kouka’s northeastern mountains. The way she describes it makes it sound like a bit of a hermitage, but I think I could settle in nicely there.
Maybe my luck is about to turn around.
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hisazuki · 7 years
Yona ch.147 spoilers
Akatsuki no Yona chapter 147 “Awe” summary
Please don’t repost/reuse my scans and translations without permission. Tumblr reblog is fine.
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Right after the ethereal dragon appeared to protect Yona, we see bewildered looks from both sides. The dragon warriors apparently used the last of their strength and lost consciousness. Gobi is trembling... so these are the four dragons from the legend... The other priest-assassins (?) all heard the rumors but didn’t think they were true. One of them asks if they belong to King Soo-Won.
Gobi gets suddenly jealous and thinks it’s very unfair for Soo-Won to have the powers of the gods at his disposal. But it looked like they were protecting Princess Yona, who is currently helping the anti-war faction. He wonders what kind of relationship Soo-Won and Yona have. Still lost in his wild thoughts, almost crazed with bloodshot eyes, he adds he wanted to marry Tao to the King, but now that the dragons have appeared he wants to know more about them (and use them for himself). Ah, but he also needs to kill Kouren... There’s so many things to do! (it’s interesting to note that here he doesn’t use any honorifics for Kouren! He must really hate her, or he has a deeper bond than we thought)
Yoon calls the four dragons and begins to panic because they won’t wake up. He asks Hak what they should do. The soldiers on Gobi’s side poke Shin-Ah and say he won’t move. Gobi fears they’re dead, but the soldiers tell him they’re only unconscious. They began to touch Zeno and inspect him, marveling at the gods’ powers made flesh. Yona demands they let them go, as they’re very weak right now. The soldiers won’t accept: how come this power is Kouka’s alone? Would said it should be Kouka’s in the first place? The founding legend is already suspicious and they don’t know how much of it really happened. This is not a power a brutal country like Kouka should hold.
Gobi is happy, the stupid citizens are taking his side without him having to do anything. He wanted to surrender Princess Tao to Soo-Won as a hostage, but now that he has the dragons he no longer needs to suck up to the King. He pretty much believes the dragon warriors appeared here for him to use as he pleases. The high priest asks his soldiers to carry the dragons away so they can try to invoke the dragon god again (I believe he’s talking about the shield).
Yoon catches hold of Jae-Ha and says they can’t. Don’t they understand? The four dragons aren’t a tool for this war! As the soldiers try to pry him away, Yoon starts crying. Jae-Ha and Kija were badly injured. He doesn’t know what happened with the surge of power back then, but what if it meant the dragons will never wake up again?
One of the soldier is about to punch him, but Hak pretty much flings Yoon out of reach and cuts the ropes holding the dragons back with his spear. He hoists Jae-Ha on his right shoulder and carries Kija with his left arm despite his own injury, then starts walking to take them to safety. While some soldiers are trying to stop him, others take Shin-Ah and Zeno away to hide them.
Flashback to one of Tao’s informants telling Yona about the dragon warriors facing off Yotaka and Mizari in town, unwilling to fight back, then of Yona answering she won’t help them win the war since she doesn’t want people from Kouka or from Shin to suffer again. This is probably what Hak is reminiscing, because after that he silently asks Yona and Jae-Ha how they’re able to get rid of their hatred like that.
Hak: I want to kill everyone here. Soo-Won too. I want to kill each and everyone who hurts the people I care about. *angry look*
Just as he is about to swing his deadly spear (sorry about this sentence - this isn’t an M-rated fic ^^;), Argila appears to kick some ass. Voldo cuts the remaining ropes from Shin-Ah’s and Zeno’s necks and tells the citizens to wake up (and they began to wonder what the two of them are doing here). Argila thanks Hak. He knows the bodyguard has been holding back on fighting to free his companions because it would bring about the war, so he promises him he’ll give them a good beating in his place.
Gobi: Argila! Voldo! Aren’t you two members of the anti-war faction too?!
Argila: Shut up, old man! I will protect Princess Tao and little kitties’ happiness!
He adds the four dragons actually saved Tao’s life. Voldo says he will never forgive Gobi for what he did to Neguro. Gobi pretends he doesn’t know what this is about. Voldo notices Yotaka’s absence and asks the priest if he did something to him too.
Tao intervenes and tells Gobi he’s not worthy of the anti-war faction. He’s just a fiend poisoning people’s minds. Gobi replies her words have never reached them in the first place. Nobody is even looking at her right now.
Author notes: Thank you to everyone who went to the signing session on August, 26th! I’m quite shy so I couldn’t properly chat with you, but I’ve still enjoyed it a lot~!
Yona says she’s heard Tao’s plea, and she will definitely become the bridge between the two countries. She tells her about Soo-Won’s agreement to open negotiations with Princess Kouren. Gobi disagrees: he should be the one to take part in the negotiations if they wish for a peaceful resolution, not Kouren. That’s why Kouren should die right this instant, for the sake of this country!
The archers are pointing their arrows on her. Voldo shouts Kouren’s name, but Kouren simply calmly says to Gobi: “Above your head, watch out.” Mizari appears in the air and strikes down at the assassins, provoking quite a bloodbath. He stops when he sees Kouren and asks her how she knew he was there. She tells him she recognized his peculiar stealthy footsteps and bloodlust (how poetic!). Gobi is visibly annoyed to see Mizari is still alive. Kouren asks him to step back, he’s done enough. Mizari answers with an angelic smile that he promised Neguro he’d kill all her enemies for her so he came back to protect her.
Back in the Wind tribe camp, Yotaka wakes up to the sound of Tae-Woo cleaning (?) his spear. He asks where he is and tries to get up once he got his answer... but collapses from pain (he’s shown crying chibi-style). He asks the General if he’s their war prisoner, and Tae-Woo simply tells him they’ll return him once he’s nursed back to health. Once again, Yotaka stands up and tries to run away, then collapses right outside the tent he was in. Ayame who saw everything comments he’s a troublesome fellow. Other Wind tribe girls appear and start touching Yotaka’s hair, marveling and saying they’d love to make a fluffy scarf out of it. Yotaka somehow starts to panic, then becomes strangely interested as soon as they say they’ll give him oil to make it all pretty again :P.
Then we see Nobu running to Tae-Woo to warn him that Soo-Won and the Sky tribe have arrived.
Hisa’s thoughts on the chapter: 
Turns out we won’t learn anything about the dragon shield yet since our dragon warriors are out of commission. I can’t say I’m fond of Gobi’s new crazed side. I thought he would be an interesting character and contender, but his reaction to the dragons’ powers makes it look like he just took a shot of Nadai or something. Which I would be fine with if I didn’t believe it’s probably not the case. Come on Gobi, I still have hopes for you, show me that you’re not just another disposable villain like the Sei rulers!
We already had an inkling Hak wouldn’t be so forgiving from his thoughts in the previous chapters, and now we know he might actually endanger the peace negotiations. It makes it very likely he’ll tell Yona he won’t be there during the talks with Soo-Won.
Next chapter: Tae-Woo gets his ass kicked by Soo-Won, Gobi becomes the new worship-Hiryuu-through-Nadai lord and the Princess-trio must face him alone, possibly to be saved by Prince Charming Soo-Won on his white horse.
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hisazuki · 8 years
Yona ch.136 spoilers
Akatsuki no Yona chapter 136 “Message” summary with pics and color title page
Please don’t repost/reuse my scans and translations without permission. Tumblr reblog is fine.
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The chapter opens on the scene from chapter 2 where Min-Soo runs away wearing Yona’s clothes. Yona is relieved to see he’s alive and well, and wants to thank him for saving her life back then. But Min-Soo says she shouldn’t...
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Min-Soo hands Soo-Won’s message to Ogi so he can decipher it. When he sent his letter to the king, Ogi also mentioned Yona’s circumstances for wanting to meet with him. Soo-Won’s answer is...
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Min-Soo explains Kouren’s hatred will not disappear with a temporary truce and she will eventually go to war anyway. He thinks SW believes meeting with Yona wouldn’t change anything and they wouldn’t be able to agree on what to do with Shin. Furthermore, the king has already started preparing for the war. Hak says going to war is probably best for Soo-Won. That way, if they win against Shin, Kouka will become strong enough to oppose the Kai empire.
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He would chat with Kye-Sook when he came to the castle town, because Kye-Sook took care of him when he was at Soo-Won’s mansion. He divulged precious information to him and unknowingly helped him prepare the coup against King Il. That’s why he came to see Yona today: he wanted to tell her he had a part in sending Il to his grave.
Min-Soo doesn’t want to ask for forgiveness. On the contrary, he asks Yona to kill him if it can ease her mind. But Yona says he already atoned for his sins when he saved her that fated night. She’s standing here thanks to him, and as long as the feelings he harbored for her father were true, then she’s satisfied with that. She doesn’t want anyone to live a life full of hatred, and that’s precisely why she came here: she wants to stop the war, which is just another link in the unending chain of hatred.
She also tells Min-Soo about her friends held captive in Shin. They’re her family and also part of the reason why she wants to stop the war.
Min-Soo explains how Soo-Won plans to have the Sky and Wind tribes fight in the battle against Shin. Then he takes his leave, and Yona thanks him for coming to meet them.
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After everything that happened to her, Yona is such a bright person. Min-Soo can’t help but wonder what she’s been doing all this time, while he was being overwhelmed by guilt and despair. He wishes he could speak with King Il about the Princess.
Back in Hiryuu castle, Soo-Won asks Min-Soo how the meeting went.
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Soo-Won answers that a country ruled by a king who would give priority to one person in particular would fall to ruin.
Kye-Sook told Min-Soo he was saved because his mother used to be Yong-Hi’s doctor. But Min-Soo being on Yona’s side would probably not matter at all to Soo-Won. Min-Soo resented Soo-Won. He probably still does. But he also understands that embracing kindness isn’t what allows a king to move forward.
At Ogi’s place, Argila asks Voldo to explain what happened to him because he didn’t understand everything ^^; He’s worried about Shin-Ah and the others. Voldo tells him war will probably break out and Yona’s friends will be executed. Then Hak steps in and starts buttering Ogi up, saying he has informants all over the country and can spread information faster than anyone. Wary Ogi says yeah, he can. Hak asks him to get the Wind Tribe to help them. They have to stop them from taking part in the war before it’s too late.
Yona is worried. Going against Soo-Won’s royal decree will bring trouble to the Wind tribe. Hak tells her they will listen to whatever their former general orders them to do. Still, Yona knows it’s what Hak wanted to avoid at all costs...
Hak asks her if she remembers what Mundok told them when they left the Wind tribe. That, should they find themselves in a bind again and seek help, the Wind tribe will definitely side with them, no matter who becomes their enemy.
Ogi freaks out. Are they actually asking him to defy the King’s orders?! Hak says he’s just asking him to relay a message. Ogi says he finds Won cute. He believes he’s a good leader for this country. But at the same time, he can’t forgive someone who would betray his friends. He’s conflicted about “Won”.
Ogi: Would I... get killed too if I got in his way...?
Ogi’s man: Wanna test it? Won’s love. *I’m pretty sure it’s one-sided though.*
Ogi: So it’s something I have to wager my life on, huh? *falls apart down the table*
Then Ogi finds a way to settle his inner conflict: he acts businesslike and asks for money in exchange for his services. Problem: the gang is broke. Yona steps in.
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Hisa’s thoughts on the chapter: 
Haha like I thought, this is Soo-Won’s way of telling Yona to fuck off. I don’t know how much he was counting on Min-Soo to tell them, but surely he must’ve noticed his guilt about being part of the coup and sent him to meet with her knowing he might spill the beans about being Soo-Won’s “double agent”. Maybe it was a way to find out how deep Yona’s grudge is about that night. Thankfully for Min-Soo, she is very forgiving.
Now we’ve learned quite a few things about Soo-Won through Min-Soo’s and Hak’s perspectives:
- Min-Soo’s mom used to work for Soo-Won’s family. Used to. What could’ve changed her situation? Maybe she’s dead, maybe Yong-Hi’s dead, or maybe Yong-Hi is cured of her sickly condition. Is it related to Min-Soo leaving SW’s mansion at 14?
- Kye-Sook took care of Min-Soo when he was at Soo-Won’s mansion. He probably lived there as well. Is he more closely related to Soo-Won than we thought?
- Soo-Won seems sad that Yona’s group is involved in this mess. Yet he won’t go for a temporary truce with Kouren, even if it’d help save Yona’s friends. He uses the pretense of not prioritizing anyone for the sake of the country, but didn’t he use Lili as an excuse to attack Sei too? Hmm...
- Hak’s guess is that Soo-Won wants to make Shin a vassal state to gain the upper hand against the Kai empire should it attack Kouka again. Does SW also want to declare war on Kai? It seems very likely now.
And there’s Yona letting go of the hairpin. Finally! To be honest, I think she stopped caring about it quite a few chapters ago. And, of course, this might be her own way of telling Soo-Won to go to hell. The one who benefits the most from this is probably Hak. In case he still had doubts, now he can see she wants nothing to do with SW anymore.
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