#would go into a big whole rant but it’s 5am and my brain is gone imaoo
gregmarriage · 4 months
me reading fight club and the talented mr ripley, back to back: “getting a lot of weird toxic gay vibes from this.”
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drfm · 7 years
Love/Hate S3, but still want S4
I had a WHOLE two pages set up to rant about each episode but I decided to summarize it. This is still really long though I’m sorry ;A;
There was more Lance and Allura development, a smidge of Keith development and about 0% Pidge and Hunk. VERY little team development too, it’s a whole new team but the whole “coming together” and “working on it” was squashed into one episode. Which to be fair they did with the first season. But even then its more keith, lance, and allura development and oh hey pidge and hunk are here guess we can form Voltron. I do love that Hunk is attentive to Allura being new though. Even the bonding was only between those 3 really.
I don’t get how lions work, does this mean they more they develop as a person, the more options they have? Like will they eventually be able to pilot every lion? Because it feels like that.  And just imagine that? Like maybe Lance’s assault rifle changed more to a sniper rifle ONLY when he got was able to use red? So maybe at some point they are all able to pilot each lion and their weapons upgrade? But they will always have the lion that is their strongest.
I think Klance moments are going to be a bait for the viewers. Sorry. I love Klance, I ship it, but like…it just like any other show so far? I am also afraid for my blue boi Lance cuse, come on, just listen to him talk to Keith [which felt forced/awkward to me honestly but I still love it cuse I ship it]. But yeah, you heard him season season and now this season. He’s either going to leave or get hurt or die. Or maybe the VLD team is gonna be like HA GOTCHA BITCHES. But come on, when has that really happened? Or they’ll pull another KorraxAsami on us if they do fool us….IDK. DON’T HURT MY LANCE.
I love and …kind less love Allura. I think the alternate reality really made me go “wow, really girl?” Because you just…like I get you lost your whole civilization and like alternate universe where they became the empire…but you still activate the ship after learning how?? Like seriously??!?!? But her weapon is wicked. But here is a question for you, compare her reaction to black rejecting her vs red. Does this mean she doesn’t want to lead Voltron? Or Is she simply wanting to follow in her father’s footsteps?
And omg don’t get me started on Shiro. He is either a clone, or he is the original Shiro but is like a sleeper agent – or the shiro from S1 + 2 was actually the clone but the original shiro is corrupted [like how Zarkon and Haggar got corrupted]. Because that is shady af. I don’t know how long he was gone from Voltron, but hair does NOT grow that fast. It’s been MONTHS since I’ve cut my hair from super long [like small of my back long] to my shoulders and it has NOT grown that much. The Galra either have a GREAT conditioner for hair or he’s not shiro. Or is the original shiro. OR SOMETHING. I EXPECT TO SEE TWO SHIRO’S OR A CORRUPTED/MIND CONTROLED ONE.
IF not then I expect Shiro to actually support from the ship. It would be nice to have him not die and steps down from leading Voltron?
Lotor is smart and manipulative and I do not believe his goal is the same as his fathers. I don’t think he’s trying to open another dimension.
HIS STRONG LADY SQUAD THO. I LOVE THEM. NO FLAWS. BIG STRONG LADY REMINDS ME OF ZARYA AND JASPER AT THE SAME TIME. THE INVISIBLE LADY REMINDS ME OF SOMEONE FROM ATLA ALONG WITH THE BLUE LADY [less crazy Azula]. The blind woman, she doesn’t particularly remind me of anyone but….she’s interesting and there has to be MORE of her. Because isn’t her cat like the creature Haggar had in the beginning I mean something has to be up and she’s just so awesome.
And you know something weird. I was going to write a story about Zarkon’s decent. Something similar to what the show gave us. And I was like…I knew it. Because how would he had been able to pilot the Black Lion otherwise? So does this mean the REAL enemy of Voltron is that weird monster? Or quintessence? Maybe it is not what it seems? IS what Voltron made of, like what if it WAS like a Balmera – but a creature that kept that…black substance at bay? Or a guardian of sorts? But it was overpowered and broken into fragments. So Alfor making the lions just gave it another way of protecting the planet? What if it has its own objective? THERE HAS TO BE A REASON WHY THIS COMET SPLIT! But like HOW did the rift on Zarkons planet only appear upon impact the but one in the ship....was in the middle fo space? What activated that one? Was it the impact in the other reality? AJGEGHAELKGklegahewkgjel my brain
Like what if it was a hive mind creatures? Kind of just…IDK how to describe it. Kind of like the Geth from mass effect? Except had a single form at some point?
Because it can’t just be a sentinent rock.
I…don’t realy know what to think about the alternate reality episode. It just screamed filler and again…made me love Allura a little less. She’s okay with getting allies that take away people’s free will AND created an empire. How did she not realize that no free will meant slaves btw? Because Keith does say it outloud – like the pink hair lady might have prettied it up but he picked it up or something. So just…blah.
But it was kind of funny to see Sven and that accent. Omg. [also lance why are you in the frontline you dummy, you’re a back line character – YOU HAVE A GUN AND YOUR FRIENDS SHIELDS ARE UP I LOVE YOU BUT OMG. [and yeah I know it’s for the Sven thing. BUT COME ON]
But it does make me wonder if they will keep traveling into alternate realities. There has to be MORE of those comets. But mostly to support my theory on it being a Being like the Balmera. IDK I AM NOT GOOD AT MAKING THEORIES FOR FANDOMS BUT BUT…
Okay its nearly 5AM and sleep is for the weak but I need some sleep or I’ll be up all night thinking. SO YES I LOVE THIS SHOW and FEEL SO-SO ABOUT THIS SEASON BUT I STILL NEED MOAR.
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