#would have included more Kuwei ones but literally the only one i could think of that would kinda make sense was him and Kaz
bitchthefuck1 · 2 years
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bee-a-lover · 3 years
I am not completely against the possibility of Kanej having kids; I think it’s possible, but for it to make sense with their characters it would have to:
a.) be far into the future. Years and years from where they are currently in the timeline
b.) their characters would have had to actively been progressing in their healing process across the course of those years, which IS WHAT WE’RE HOPING TO SEE (cough cough SOC 3)
c.) I don’t think their child would be planned. That could mean two things, depending, once again, on where they’ve gotten in their healing process: sudden adoption (which doesn’t seem far-fetched for Ketterdam since the government doesn’t do anything to help its parent-less children) or the kid’s an accident
d.) Either way, Kaz would be the one to have a really difficult time wrapping his head around the thought of him being a parent. Inej might also struggle, but the support of her entire family would help (the kid would have some awesome acrobat grandparents). It wouldn’t really sink in for Kaz until he literally holds his kid for the first time, and then it clicks. He wouldn’t really know how to place the strong emotions he feels at first, but I rly think he would love their child more than he thought capable of himself loving anyone other than Inej
e.) AND THIS ONE IS IMPORTANT: they would move out of Ketterdam right after she (I see them with a daughter) is born, completing Kaz’s character arc because he’s finally leaving the city that he made (almost) everything to him because it took everything from him. Kaz Brekker achieved everything he sought out to do in Ketterdam. The only surprise is, that he now gets to be free at the end. So he sells the Crow Club, the Silver Six, and everything with it. And as he and Inej and their daughter sail away and he watches it disappear on the horizon, the city seems so much smaller than he ever thought.
f.) this is my personal take, but I think they’d join the Suli with Inej’s family in Ravka. It’s a life of movement (I can’t see them settling-down settling down) and Inej gets to raise their daughter the way she was raised, a childhood full of joy and love (that kid would also be a killer acrobat in the future) and Kaz and Inej would go to the ends of the world to keep her safe and protect her.
g.) And just like that, Kaz Brekker is dead. Not actually dead of course (pls, I’m not Leigh Bardugo writing SOC 3 (which better stay a joke)) but he dies when Kaz leaves Ketterdam, in the same way Kaz Rietveld died in the harbor
h.) Kaz and Inej didn’t plan on getting married. They’re already in love, everybody knows it, a ceremony won’t change anything. But Inej’s parents insist on a proper Suli ceremony, and Inej wants to humor them, Kaz is only a tiny bit horrified at the idea, but if Inej is in, so is he
i.) the wedding is small and low-key at the Suli settlement, but of course the guest list includes Jesper, Wylan, their family, everyone’s favorite DILF Colm Fahey (for legal reasons that is a joke), Nina, Hanne, and even Nikolai and Zoya BECAUSE KAZ AND NIKOLAI ARE FRIENDS I DON’T MAKE THE RULES. I also feel like Kuwei would somehow find out and crash the after party because…, he’s Kuwei? And obviously Inej’s parents and Kaz and Inej’s daughter
j.) Kaz hadn’t planned on taking another last name. He’d just been Kaz, but then Inej’s father, who’s conducting the ceremony, refers to him as “Kaz Ghafa” before they make their vows and yeah, that sounds right. He’ll stick with that.
k.) things aren’t perfect after that, but they do their best, for each other, for their daughter, to be people their teenage-selves wouldn’t recognize, would never have expected to be in their future. Their trauma doesn’t just go away. Kaz still finds skin-to-skin contact hard sometimes, but the gloves are long gone. Inej sometimes fears for their daughter because of what happened to her. But for every bad day, there are more good ones, and they’re still capable of getting better
Bonus: they name their daughter Kruge
For legal reasons, that is also a joke (but her middle name is Jordie)
Just…, Kanej happy and at peace. They could use some of that.
OH also, I should mention that this is all after Inej tears down the entire slave trade and Inej has convinced (with help from Queen Zoya of Ravka, King Rasmus and Queen Mila of Fjerda themselves) each country’s government to outlaw and place ample protections against slavery cause c’mon, we all know she could
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0itmelex0 · 3 years
galen and nikolai + 60 for the fluff prompts?
just a warning, this'll include what i consider major spoilers for the future of galen but let's be honest... most'll probably forget once the show gets to this point so it'll be fine. just letting people who have no clue what's in store know aka literally everybody except clary
aLSO there is some ✨angst✨ ahead... like more than i anticipated before writing. honestly there is no fluff to this now that i think about it.
60. taking care of them when they're ill/injured
"You're some how more of a nuisance when you're not yelling at me," Zoya huffed. She leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes.
Galen rolled over and looked at her, "Would you prefer if I did?" His voice was raspy with his vocal cords nearly destroyed. He tore more at his vocal cords in the last few days than he ever did over the course of life.
She opened an eye, her rich black lashes outlining it beautifully. Galen looked ghostly and sweat covered him. Never did she think a Grisha-- a Healer Grisha could look so sick, "No. I rather you be more of a nuisance than cause me another headache. You need to eat, Galen. It's almost been a week and it seems like starving to death would be a pretty shitty way for a Healer Grisha to die."
"Already told you, I don't feel hungry," he turned his back to her and rested his forehead against the wall. "My body only wants one thing and doesn't care about anything else. I'm surprised I'm able to keep water down."
"I'll be coming back with food and if you don't eat it, I'll force it down your gullet for you." The chair fell over as she stood. Galen could feel the intensity with each step she took towards the door. "Maybe you should have thought twice before willingly taking that drug."
Yes, of course I only thought briefly before taking a drug that's drains me as a back up plan to save the one person who could make an antidote. An antidote that could save all other Grisha affected by it. Totally didn't think about it for days on end. He groaned and softly hit his head in a mundane rhythm against the wall after the door slammed shut.
The burnt, sweet taste of the parem was all he wanted. He wanted the rush and heightened senses again. The itchiness and the feeling of disgust in his own skin didn't matter. That delicious taste would be worth it all. He could die from the withdrawals, or he could die from taking more. Either way, I'd be suffering. Why couldn't Kuwei have more? Why didn't Galen save at least a little of what he had gotten from that runaway? This exact moment is why.
Galen went to yell as the door creaked open, "Already told you, Zoya, I'm not hungry! Fuck off!" It only came out as a gravely whisper. He winced with his vocal cords screaming back at him in pain.
"Pretty rude greeting to not only your captain, but to somebody you haven't talked to in almost a week."
With a brief look behind his shoulder, he saw the fox-faced privateer with a small tray in his hands. Galen continued to lightly hit his head against the wall, "You come to berate me too? Just waited until I wasn't acting like a delirious fool, hm? Bring it, heard it all from Zoya."
"Zoya deserved a break and what kind of captain would I be if I didn't take care of my sick crew?" Sturmhond sat the tray down next to Galen's hammock before picking up the knocked over chair.
"A smart one," Galen muttered. "Especially when that sick crew could crush your heart like a grape if they were feeling extra moody."
"Galen," his voice softened. He took a seat right next to the hammock.
"What?" the voice was sharp despite the gravely texture to it.
"Why did you do it?"
Galen roughly turned to face Sturmhond, "Because I was an idiot who wanted a taste of being more powerful. Is that what everybody wants to hear, huh? Is that's what everybody believes?" Even clenching his jaw still hurt. "I just wanted to make sure there was a back up plan just in case getting rid of the poison didn't save Kuwei. He's the only one who has the potential of making an antidote for other Grisha who are suffering."
Sturmhond couldn't look away. Galen's eyes were sunken. Those ocean eyes were a dull and stormy sky. His curly mess of hair stuck to his forehead like a second skin. From what could be seen, his entire body was covered in scratch marks with a few running down his cheeks. Dried blood had gathered under his nails, "Well, then you're the most selfless idiot I know, Galen."
He picked up the tray, "Brought you some stew. Hopefully you can at least keep the broth down. But hey, I'm not competing for the best looking for the time being." He tried to force a smile on his lips.
"I said I'm not hungry, Your Highness. Give the food to somebody who needs it."
"You need it," Sturmhond's voice stiffened. "Now eat before I bring Zoya back to shove it down your throat. . . please."
"Fine," Galen's bones ached as he attempted to sit up.
"I got you," he scooched forward and with the stew in one gloved hands, he cradled the back of Galen's head with the other.
Galen's upper body felt as if it was on fire yet the feeling of Sturmhond's gloved hand holding up the back of his head was the only comforting part. Sickness rushed over him as soon as the broth that tasted of fish touched his dry tongue. He grabbed ahold of the hem of Sturmhond's coat and balled up his fist. Don't throw up. Don't throw up. The broth managed its way down his throat. He broke into a fit of coughs. His ribs ached more.
"You're okay, it's okay," Sturmhond pulled away the bowl and massaged small circles at the base of Galen's neck. "Can you drink anymore?"
"I haven't thrown it back up, so yeah." His grip tightened on Sturmhond's coat as he forced himself to let the broth fill up his empty stomach.
"Don't think you'll be able to handle more than the broth," Sturmhond admitted before gently laying Galen's head back down on the pillow. His fingers lingered as he brushed away the sweat-soaked curls off of Galen's forehead.
"Will you actually say what you're thinking?" Galen scoffed and pulled away. "Zoya's the only one who's been blunt with me since we left Ketterdam. Can't believe I'm saying this, but I rather have her around."
"You really want to know what I'm thinking, Gal?" He tilted his head and swallowed hard. "Do you really?"
"Just be blunt with me, Nik. I know you're thinking I'm the dumbest man alive, everybody does. They've just been too cowardly to come say it to my face like Zoya has. Everybody has been too scared. They've been too scared while I've wanted to do nothing more than claw my way out of this body. Not sure if it's because I want to find more parem or because I want the pain to just go away."
Sturmhond's voice was barely audible, "Yeah. . . I have been scared, Galen. I've been petrified, but not because I can't say that you're dumb to your face. I don't think you're dumb at all." His bottom lip trembled as he held back the tears with all his willpower. "I've been petrified because I wasn't sure if I'd be able to handle seeing you like this. I don't know what I was expecting, but. . . I didn't realize it'd be this bad."
"Saints, just leave then! You can ignore it like you have been! Next time you see me, I'll either be a corpse or have beat it! Either way, you won't have to deal with this." Galen's voice continued to raise despite it clawing at his vocal cords.
"I don't want to leave you, Galen."
"Then what do you want to do?" He slammed his hands down and ignored the sharp ache that stabbed at his shoulders.
"I want to kiss you! I want to be able to take away the pain. . . even just for a second." He exhaled shakily. Sturmhond sniffled and roughly wiped away the tear that ran down his cheek. "I'd kiss every inch of you if that could take it away. You shouldn't be suffering for your selflessness. You of all people don't deserve it."
Galen's stormy eyes glazed over, "You don't need to lie to make me feel bet--"
Sturmhond held Galen's face in his gloved hands. An exhale of defeat left him before leaning down and pressing his lips gently against Galen's. He reluctantly pulled away a few inches. The softness that washed over those eyes. . . no sense of that constant pain just for a fraction of a second.
"What are you doing, Nikolai?" Galen's raspy voice cracked. "Don't act like a fool."
His lips grazed Galen's to give him a chance to pull away. . . to help stop him from acting like a fool. No more protest came from Galen, "I started acting like one a long time ago." Sturmhond kissed him again with all the passion he could give.
The rush. The heightened senses. It all came back. Sturmhond's--Nikolai's--lips were a burning sweet. At least that what it felt like they'd taste like. Just for a brief moment, the pain didn't rattle his bones as he cupped the nape of Nikolai's neck. It was just as addicting as the parem. When the pain returned in full force, Galen didn't pull away to stop the ache. Instead, he welcomed the ache with open arms, no matter how much he wanted to scream or cry. Galen needed to be stronger than it. He needed to be stronger than the parem, if not for himself,
Then for Nikolai.
okay this gif i made of them is DESTORYING ME!
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