#would it just be short eps like 5min tops
kumapillow · 1 year
They just announced an anime adaptation of Atarashii Joushi wa Dotennen (My New Boss is Goofy)!! 😆😭🙏❤️
Yuusei Shirosaki (CV: Yuuichirou Umehara)
Kentarou Momose (CV: Koutarou Nishiyama)
Mitsuo Aoyama (CV: Tomokazu Sugita)
Aigo Kinjou (CV: Jun Fukuyama)
Hakutou-chan 🐱 (CV: Hiro Shimono)
Some of the VAs have changed from the drama CD, but I’m happy with the main cast ☺️ Tarori and Ume-chan together again 😊 as Momose and Chief Shirosaki 😊
I hope they’ll announce a release date soon 😊
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mysticdragon3md3 · 4 years
Reactions to Jujutsu Kaisen ep3-5; (half of ep6).
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7:35 PM 12/16/2020 Jujutsu Kaisen ep3
So...It's a it's a habit of Gojou-sensei to do people favors without them asking?  Like when he put Itadori's dorm room next to Fushiguro, because Gojou thought Fushiguro could use the "lively" company?  ^o^  ok.  But I have a feeling the hood on Itadori's uniform is going to turn out to be more to do with Sukuna, and we're just going to *think* it was because Itadori was always wearing hooded tops when Gojou met him.  lol  
I've been wary about getting into Jujutsu Kaisen ever since I saw a clip of Nobara Kugisaki, where she was just being really abrasive and representing that hackneyed stereotype of "girl of the group spoils everyone's fun and is just angry at everyone for no reason all the time".  I was not looking forward to her character.  But I finally managed to start watching this series anyway, and I loved it.  But now I'm at ep3, she's showing up, and I am not lookng forward to whatever stereotypes that Shonen Manga tends to slot girls into.  Shonen Manga, I love you, but 80% of the time you suck when it comes to women.  ~_~;  Either the girl is only cool if she's sexualized cheeesecake, or an ingenue (which I LOVE, but I do want more variety), or the abrasive, tsundere spoil-sport, which I am just _done_ with.  So please please PLEASE, Nobara, PLEASE don't be an abrasive annoying character!  ;o;!
And now she's asking some random guy to make her a model. (Why do I get the feeling her use of "watashi" is what got to the guy?) This is not a good start.  Please don't turn out to be some borderline himedere, all full of herself, and completely focused on her looks, because the only characteristic that some male manga-ka know to give to female characters is "obsessed with her appearance".  ;o;!?
"Be happy boys.  I'm the one woman in your group."  What the hell is that supposed to mean??  Is the manga-ka saying girls are trouble, so minimum number of them is better?  Or that "all guys are horny heteros who're desperate to be near any girls"???  Because either option sounds really bad. Unforunately, it's the type of thing I've gotten used to seeing in anime/manga.  ~___~;  (Just once, I'd love for some girl to be full of herself because she assumes the guys in her group are desperate heteros, but then it turns out they're all gay.  Knock those himedere's down a peg!)  But this is one of the newer Shonen Jump series I've seen in a long time.  Hopefully things have changed since years ago, when harem anime and ecchi Shonen series used to be the majority of series out there.  If Boku no Hero Academia is any indication, I've heard gender representation has been getting better.  And of course, the popularity precedent that Bleach's Rukia Kuchiki set has been great to see emulated (when a series doesn't misinterpret Rukia's appeal into "tusndere" anyway).  
Itadori is from Sendai!?  I should have paid attention!  I love Sendai because I'm a Date Masamune fan, but I'm wondering...This series and Haikyuu...  Is Sendai becoming a popular setting for manga?  I wonder if it's to boost interest in their tourism to help recover from the 2011 disasters.  I always thought that would be nice of the manga/anime industries.  ;u;  
Oh no...Itadori is a childish dork, buying weird souvenirs and eating up all the snacks he can...  Ya gotta stop being this cute, kiddo!  ;w;!!!  You already remind me of Ryuji Sakamoto, you don't have to score for the extra points with even more similarities to him!  ;w;  Gawd, Ryuji has made me weak for these adorkable boyish types...!  xWx!  
Ok.  Nobara is redeemed.  She's just as excited and adorkable as Itadori at the prospect of Gojou-sensei taking them sight-seeing.  ^o^  This is pretty hilarious actually.  LOL  Let me mention again that this series' humor is pretty great!  ^o^  
ROPPONGI?!?!?  Sensei!  Don't take a bunch of minors to Roppongi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ...Oh, it's a cursed, abandoned building.  Oh thank globs.  
8:14 PM 12/16/2020 Well, Crunchyroll kept crashing after I paused the episode to write reactions.  But let's try again.  
8:21 PM 12/16/2020 Aaaaaaand Crunchyroll crashed AGAIN.  It really doesn't want me to finish this episode, huh?  Fine.  I'll watch something else.  I got my Yuji fix anyway.  (Even though I wanted to watch more.)  ~.~!
2:25 AM 12/17/2020 I tried to watch ep3 again.  After 20min in, Crunchyroll crashed again.  I got so fed up, I went to finish the episode on some YouTube bootleg. But I felt bad about it and I couldn't really find the full ep at regular speed, so I guess I'll just try Crunchyroll another time.  I should really just connect my laptop to my Tv and watch from there.  This Amazon Firestick crashes too much whenever I watch anything besides YouTube (and Netflix).  Even Disney+ stalls on it sometimes.  
But I will say that the parts of the episode I managed to watch more of so far, included that clip of Nobara from Crunchyroll's Twitter, that gave me the bad impression of her.  Listen, I'm as tired of the "passive good girl" female character, as the next woman.  But I also dislik the abrasive tsundere, angry for no reason, looking down on everything everyone does as instantly inferior, and just needlessly over-reacting with anger.  I mean, the "over-emotional woman" stereotype is just as bad as the "passive, martyr, support" girl stereotype.  And is it wise to immediately have this new character just hate and physically beat up the protag that we're already invested in?  At least, I like him best out of everyone.  And then this girl comes in, calling his need to use a weapon lame, physically beating him for asking reasonable questions, and just being an asshole.  Not scoring any points here.  I know stories are supposed to run on conflict and each time a new character is introduced, they're supposed to clash with the previously established characters or protagonist, but if all the clashing gets annoying, I've got better things to do. The sad thing is that I see her short straight hair, and I can't help but think this is another case of Shonen manga trying to emulate Rukia Kuchiki's popularity.  After Bleach, suddenly these types of no-nonsense, competent warrior, without the cheesecake, girls were popping up all over the place: Buso Renkin, Otomen, Attack on Titan, etc.  I just really wish people would have taken the right lessons from Bleach's Rukia Kuchiki, that even the Bleach anime got wrong in some filler episodes:  She's not angry for no reason!  She's not unnecessarily angry/violent!  The anime fillers only crossed that line because tsundere were popular at the time!  But it makes for an abrasive, unlikable character, female or not!  If some bishie came in, acting that way to a protagonist I was already attached to, I'd still think of him as an asshole and consider dropping the series for it.  And I've dropped HeroAca---one of the best series in years---for that reason already!  Don't think you're immune, Jujutsu Kaisen!  Just because Yuji is a freaking delight, I will drop you if Nobara becomes a problem!  
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5:06 PM 12/17/2020 Tried again to watch Jujutsu Kaisen ep3 around 5pm.  5min into it, Crunchyroll crashed again.  Again at the commercial break.  What is it with the commercial breaks crashing everything?  It's happened on other websites with commercial too.  o.o?  Well, connected my laptop to my Tv.  I'll let my laptop handle the processing instead of my Amazon Firestick.  
5:07 PM 12/17/2020 Well, here we go again.  This must be at least the 5th time I'm watching this ep.  With luck, this time, I'll be able to watch the last 1/3 of the episode.
JUJUTSU KAISEN Episode 3 – Girl of Steel
5:14 PM 12/17/2020 Now it's either buffering for a long time, or frozen.  ~.~;  The universe really doesn't want me to watch Jujutsu Kaisen, huh?  Either that, or the universe really wants me to watch it thru bootleg sites/uploads, instead of thru Crunchyroll.  Damn it.  I hate doing that.  But I like this series, and Crunchyroll has been giving me problems for the past 2 days on just this ONE SAME EPISODE OVER AND OVER.  ~o~;;;;  Fine!  I'll go find some YouTube bootleg of this episode.  x_x;  YouTube never crashes on me.  
5:17 PM 12/17/2020 Ugh.  I hate watching on these tiny rectangles with giant random frames so the uploader can avoid copyright strikes.  Let me try Crunchyroll again.  
I had forgotten this.  I don't know why, but when another video streaming site had problems with buffering or being frozen, sometimes playing YouTube on another tab kind of "wakes it up".  
5:19 PM 12/17/2020 Spoke too soon.  Crunchyroll still isn't working.  Forget it.  I'll watch the tiny rectangle with giant distracting frames and muffled audio.  I just want to get through this episode finally!  It's been 2 days!  And the introduction of a character I've been wary of from spoiler clips, and now that I've actually been watching her introduction episode, I am NOT having a good time with her.  I want this over with.  
At least on YouTube I can skip through the parts of the episode I've already had to watch like 5 times already.  Adn it won't crash from searching.  
5:32 PM 12/17/2020 There!  Finally FINALLY finishedd episode 3!!!!!  
Shonen genre, I love you, but why do the female characters always have to be so annoying!?!  It's not an 1990's action movie!  They're just angry all the time and I feel like I'm spending time with an annoying asshole, when I watch series that forces me to spend time with characters unreasonably angry about anything and everything! And that's not even mentioning the horrible implication that females are all "moody and over-emotional". It's like, they know to set up protagonists as likable by demonstrating their compassion and warmth, but when it comes to the female characters, if she's not an ingenue passive hyper-fem support class, then she's an abrasive tsundere, because apparently it's still the early 2000s and all the horny fanboys want to get stepped on and yelled at.  -.-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  Fucking A you guys...There are better partners, better people to spend time with, than that.  x_x;;;;;;;;;;;;;  
On the good side, if Nobara turns out to be a deal breaker for me on this series, then I won't have to feel bad anymore for missing out on Nendoroid Yuuji's preorder.  
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1:23 AM 12/18/2020 Jujutsu Kaisen ep4
I"m gonna risk Crucnhyroll crashing (on my Firestick) AGAIN, because I really just want to watch more of this series.  
I love how Yuuji continues to be so enthusiastic about everything.  I know it's supposed to be "uncool" or humorously quirky while the POV "fish out of water" character learns about whatever "new world" they've gotten into, but it's endearing as hell.  When a character doesn't care about looking stupid, in favor of being unbelievably positive, I love it.  
Innate Domain.  I saw a clips of this earlier, and it reminded me so much of a Witch's Labyrinth, that I watched some Madoka Magica clips.  
I love when Nobara and Yuuji are in sync in acting weird.  
Does Fushiguro not know how to take compliments?  Was he never given any whiel growing up?
I know having a Shonen protagonist over-react to any little lack of empahy is a cheap trick of the genre by now...but I still love it.  ;u;  I know what you're trying to do, and damnit, it's working.  lol  
Gawd the animation in this series is so good.
I guess this is where we learn that Sukuna can regenerate his host.  
It's really unusual for a Shonen protagonist to despair this long in a scene.  I wonder what it's for.  
So using Cursed Magic is just focusing all your negative energy/emotions?  
Wow.  I guess this Curse can't think enough to know Sukuna's plan would be a good deal.  Or is it that Sukuna scares this Curse out of thinking clearly? I mean, they could think enough to play with their food.  
So it's true.  An OP character gets their appearnace earned after the protag/main cast gets put thru hell.  
"But healing with cursed energy isn't that hard for cursed spirits, unlike for humans.  Nither you nor this brat really understand what curses truly are."  I was going to speculate that a Curse is a "wish to destroy", but in terms of regeneration, it only makes sense for negative energy/emotions to rebuild a creature made of negative energy/emotions, like a Curse.  But does it make sense for humans?  I guess maybe considering humans can contain negative emotions/energies...  Well, I'm sure this series will have an interesting answer for their own world's logic.  
Ever since it was mentioned that Sukuna used to be human, and now he's talking about showing what "real sorcery" is with his "Domain Expansion" spell...  I wonder how a human sorcerer turned into a Curse.  Is this series going to eventually talk about humans turning into Curses?  I love when demon hunter series go into that territory.  
Oh.  This Curse had one of Sukuna's fingers?
Aw, it's over?  I think I kinda love this show.   But this ending theme is fun.  Tho I have to wonder how this concept fits into this series' tone.
1:53 AM 12/18/2020 Unforunatly, I can't watch more.  I should get ready for bed.
And hey!  Crunchyroll went thru a whole episoe without crashing!  ^o^!  
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10:09 PM 12/18/2020 Jujutsu Kaisen ep5
Is this going to happen a lto to Yuji's uniforms?  lol
He mentioned pacts.  Is a pact going to have to happen now to get Sukuna under control again? I mean, Fushiguro uses Shikigami, so he must know about pacts.  Is that what this next fight scene is going to be about?  
Healing is a "Reversed Curse"?
The more Sukuna talks in fights, the more he souns like a trained sorcerer.  
What?  HE stopped.  
Nothing wrong with Emotional reasons to save someone.  
Fushiguro is really kind when he thinks no one will hear him about it.  ;u;  I love when a cast is full of really compassionate characters. Add another one to the count for this series.  
Let him talk!  Even if you don't understand!
Beurocracy hierarchy bs at Jujutsu Tech, huh?  Ugh.  When the higher ups can't be trusted, it's trouble.  
Zenin doesn't like beineg called by her last name?  Odd.  
I thought the rule in Shonen genree was to lay off "tournament arcs"!???
"True, pure beings"?  ~.~;;;;;;  Well, that sounds like trouble.  The world, especially people are blends of dichotomy and gray, co-existing.  People who deny that end up in trouble.  Always chasing some false misunerstanding.  
And well, damn  Another episode ending too soon.  Well, if every episode feels too short, then I must really like this series.  ;u;  I'm so glad.  Because the last series I got thru was a slog at times, but I pushed thru it because it was a popular series and I at least liked the deuteragonists.  I'm really happy with Jujutsu Kaisen so far.  
Even all my earlier bitching about Nobara, that scene of her and Fushiguro at the shrine or temple(?) was better.  I liked that they were in sync in their resolve to get stronger, and that their overall dispositions while in mourning didn't clash into some kind of annoying drama.  
Panda should try a dry shampoo.  Sometimes Fabreeze just ends up mixing with old smells and making fabric smell like damp old towels.  
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10:42 PM 12/18/2020 Jujutsu Kaisen ep6
I should stop.  It's Figure Friday, I still need to do a photoshoot, I didn't draw yet today, and it'll be midnight soon.  x_x;  I'd love to watch more of this series instead tho.  ;o;  
I think it's saying a lot for this series that it's completely distracted me from DMCL even though I made it my static desktop.  lol  
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11:06 PM 12/19/2020 Jujutsu Kaisen ep6
Did the opening sequence add a lot more cast members.
Did I mention I love the humor in this?  Even during a fight it just flows perfectly.  lol  And that cartoony sound effect when Sukuna kicked Yuuji down---LOL  Endearing as hell.
Forget the promise?  What?  Won't it not work then?  
Well, that explains why Yuuji suddenlly accepted the geas.  lol  He just wanted to hit Sukuna again.  lol
I'm gonna guess some kind of guilt?
It's interesting to hear Gojou talking about thsi indirect, in-system way of fighting the stagnant top level of thier jujutsu sorcerer organization.  I've had FE3H on the brain lately and yesterday I was listening to a D&D story time vid that made me think about the same thing.  You can't just assassinate the problem authority figures because the structure is still in place to maintain the same problem.  Plus, you'll be easily framed as a "villain", then no one will listen to your criticisms about the former authority figures/structure.  After loving Code Geass and Lelouch back in the day, it's so funny how I'm much more inclined to support these strategies of working within a bad system to reform it from within, which was Suzaku's strategy, not Lelouch's.  But I guess even back when I was watching Code Geass, I knew that I would only go with Lelouch strategy in such a bombastic, hyper stylized world; it wasn't realistic, even if some if it had merits that could be more gently applied to the real world.  What was really strange about this scene in Jujutsu Kaisen was that such radical ideas about overturning and being aware of the current power structure's corruption, was given such little weight in the scene.  Like they wanted us to forget about this so that when it comes back later in the overall plot, we can be shocked, but still feel that bringing up these issues fit.  
Love Yuuji and Gojo's casual relationship. ^o^  They act more like friends than mentor/mentee.
I forgot how gorey this series can be until everyone lit on fire.  ^^;
11:22 PM 12/19/2020 Aaaaaand Crunchyroll crashed at the commercial again.  Just at well.  It's really difficult to eat, watch, and jot down my reactions at the same time.  ~_~;  A shame.  I really wanted to watch more of this series.  
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kwanfairy · 7 years
ahh i love these and i havent done any in so long so thanks so much for tagging me honey <3
The Last:
1. Drink - water (in case alcoholic was meant it was a berry prosecco)
2. Phone call - mum (which was a huge mistake btw ha)
3. Text message - july 4th to my dad: "i’ll tell you in 5mins” (that sounds so vague lol)
4. Song you listened to - Hyuna-Red
5. Time you cried - yesterday
Have You Ever:
6. Dated someone twice - i cant even find a person to date me once LOL
7. Kissed someone and regretted it - yes
8. Been cheated on - no
9. Lost someone special - yes (if pets count)
10. Been depressed - im diagnosed with it so :))))
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up - yes (and i promised myself it will be the first and last time)
12.-14. List 3 Favorite Colors: black, purple, turquoise
In The Last Year Have You:
15. Made new friends - no (but lost most of my old ones ha lucky me)
16. Fallen out of love - no
17. Laughed until you cried - yes
18. Found out someone was talking about you - no
19. Met someone who changed you - not personally
20. Found out who your friends are - ...yeah (and it was not in a good way)
21. Kissed someone on your facebook list - no
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: 99%
23. Do you have any pets: in my heart, yes <3
24. Do you want to change your name: no
25. What did you do for your last birthday:nothing (i dont usually celebrate it)
26. What time did you wake up: 9:30ish
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: was asleep
28. Name something you can’t wait for: nothing really
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: 1 week ago
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: LOL this would get too depressing so lets skip this one
31. What are you listening to right now: sistar - i like that
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: lol no!
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my depression esp right now
34. Most visited website: i guess fb, youtube and tumblr?
38. Hair color: top my natural dark blonde hair and tips are still the bleached remnants
39. Long or short hair: long
40. Do you have a crush on someone: no
41. What do you like about yourself: my height maybe?? nothing in particular tbh
42. Piercings: only ears
43. Blood type: A+
44. Nickname: nabu, nati (just a handful of ppl are allowed to call me that tho not a big fan)
45. Relationship status: single
46. Zodiac: libra
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite tv show: dont have one i think (i rarely have favourite this or that - if i like it i like it)
49. Tattoos: yes (6)
50. Right or left handed:right (eventho i use my left hand for certain things)
51. Surgery: not with general anaesthetic but technically yes
52. Piercings: still no
53. Sport: no (eventho i should)
55. Vacation: gonna go to berlin soon (not that i really want to tho..)
56. Pairs on trainers: what
More General:
57. Eating - just had pizza and arm choco cake (sometimes i know how to live life)
58. Drinking - water
59. I’m about to - prob watch an ep of goblin
61. Waiting for - nothing
62. Want - so many thigns tbh im a greedy bitch
63. Get married - yes
64. Career - behavioural scientist in a prison or so
65. Hugs or kisses - hugs
66. Lips or eyes - lips
67. Shorter or taller - i dont care
68. Older or younger - dont care either but just not too young/old
70. Nice arms or nice stomach - arms
71. Sensitive or loud - a bit of both
72. Troublemaker or hesitant - troublemaker
Have you ever:
74. Kissed a stranger: no
75. Drank hard liquor: yes
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: no
77. Turned someone down: yes
78. Sex on the first date: no
79. Broken someone’s heart: i think so
80. Had your heart broken: no
81. Been arrested: no
82. Cried when someone died: no one has died yet so
83. Fallen for a friend: yes
Do You Believe In:
84. Yourself: no
85. Miracles: no
86. Love at first sight: yes
87. Santa claus: no
88. Kiss on the first date: sure
89. Angels: no
90. Current best friend’s name: i suck at this ok gimme some slack..
91. Eye color: green
92. Favorite movie: none (but ‘the handmaiden’ was lit af i really liked it!)
i tag: @vikturikiss @kunpimoody (i know weve never talked but ive seen you in my notifications a lot lately and that makes me happy :) ) @awwfuckno (same here but youre my #1 block b source so!)
none of you lovely ppl have to do this ofc so no pressure!       
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