#yay 😆☺️
kumapillow · 1 year
They just announced an anime adaptation of Atarashii Joushi wa Dotennen (My New Boss is Goofy)!! 😆😭🙏❤️
Yuusei Shirosaki (CV: Yuuichirou Umehara)
Kentarou Momose (CV: Koutarou Nishiyama)
Mitsuo Aoyama (CV: Tomokazu Sugita)
Aigo Kinjou (CV: Jun Fukuyama)
Hakutou-chan 🐱 (CV: Hiro Shimono)
Some of the VAs have changed from the drama CD, but I’m happy with the main cast ☺️ Tarori and Ume-chan together again 😊 as Momose and Chief Shirosaki 😊
I hope they’ll announce a release date soon 😊
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m3-kk · 3 months
Sharing my TCF notes because sharing is caring 😬 ⬇️. (All of them… so far)
Ch. 086- sad time for Raon :(. REVENGE HAHAHA LETSGOOOO
Ch. 335- Eruhaben protect Roan & Cale from ugly WS 😆
Ch. 352- Cale’s greatest fear…😭
Ch. 378- Choi’s uncle (DS) left info book written in KOREAN?!?! 😵
Ch. 394- Letter from Death & shiz show😬
Ch. 395- CALE IS AFRAID?!?! 😱
Ch. 401- “Plavin was laughing on the outside but crying on the inside.”😌
Ch. 404- “And Miss Cage, please cuss out the God of Death for me.” -Cale 😇
Ch. 411- They were talking about the Lion King (person) and I thought they were talking about the movie 😭
Ch. 414- Choi Han woke up crying “Kim Rook Soo” 😰
Ch. 415- “What am I supposed to call the friend of my nephew once removed?” -Choi Han 😳
Ch. 423- “Oh, by the way, the original owner of your body is living well too. He said he is happy.” -Lee Soo Hyuk ☺️
“It's a new record! You were unconscious for 20 days, 1 hour, 32 minutes, and 19 seconds!”- Roan Miru🤠
Ch. 431-
“You son of a bitch!” -Bear King
"Why am I your son? Such an idiot.”
-Whale Archie🫡
Ch. 434- Which Henituse sibling wants to become what?🥱👑⚔️
Ch. 435- Sworn brothers 🤞
Ch. 455- Ron says he has a cute young master (Cale) who he doesn’t want to disappoint.🥹
Also that Roan is cuter than Cale 😂
Ch. 457- “This is nice.” Beacrox commented before swinging his greatsword horizontally.🙂
Ch. 461- Cale’s merchant name is Bob XD
Ch. 465- The Sound of the Wind was a top underneath a boulder surrounded by whirlpools.
The Indestructible Shield was a pit under the tree.
The Scary Giant Cobblestone was a stone in the Super Rock villa.
The Fire of Destruction was a sculpture at the center of the magma.
The Vitality of the Heart was a stone pillar at the center of a whirlwind.
The Sky Eating Water was a chained spear.
Ch. 476- More Dragon Family Drama wtf
Ch. 481- To the Fake World Tree
Ch. 501- Illusion of Other World..RAMEN!
Ch. 504- Stick from World Tree (Cale’s blood is special?!)
Ch. 515- Vampire Duke Fredo (seems nice)
Ch. 516- Demonic Race, Rosalyn, White Star after cookie prince?! NOOO
Ch. 520- WEAKLING. Alberu is a mage swordsman badass dark elf
Ch. 526- These brothers are so cute OMEGALUL
Ch.555- Sealed god test, wtf this is so sad I’m crying I’ve never been so genuinely sad
Ch. 584- Cale saying he could beat 3 strong peeps
Ch. 589- Alberu goes to Blood Boulder
Ch. 618- Cale explains to LeeSooHyuk the truth
Ch. 627- @Capital w/ Dad y Alberu YAY
Ch. 629- We are a big family!
Ch. 640- 2 Cats are Molan house’s future 🥹.. They can’t go berserk?..
Ch. 645- Roan & Cale Solo Fight letsgo!!
Ch. 646- Cale uses ‘instant’ to destroy 2 unranked monsters.. I’m crying actually..
Ch. 647- wtf I’m crying, goosebumps fr
Ch. 649- Roan has grown so much 🥹
Ch. 655- Cale is healing❤️ OG Cale!KRS
Ch. 656- SOO much info from OG Cale!!
Ch. 662- OMG Cale’s BioMom was cooking
Ch. 670- World Tree-nim
Ch. 677- Explaining ALOT lore dump!!
CB. 681- WOW the end of that chap tho
Ch. 682- I stan Cale’s hatred for the White Star. We love the PJs! Alberu is moon that’s so *legs in air kicking*
Ch. 683- So are we gonna kill WS or whatt?
Ch. 685- omg.. DANGGG!! Our Cale is truly terrifying! New Pokémon acquired! White star!! 😏 wait we have a tiny WS in our pocket how cute! 🥰
Ch. 688- Rashell says he wouldn’t be able to sleep if many humans died 🥰
Ch. 694- DEAFEATED! Alberu faints and thinks he’s like Cale now 😭
Ch. 700- This chapter is just amazing, these people are so smart ughhh I’m screaming! In a happy way tho
Ch. 701- OK we have Choi Han, Clopeh, Rosalyn and Cale so far.. MARYYY
Ch. 702- +1(Roan) Cale can use the cintamani to contact other world. PEOPLE CAN SEE HIM YAY!
Ch. 705- Talking with Cale & others through the Cintamani :>
Ch. 706- Tonka! And Dark elf Tasha&Alberu
Ch. 707- My heart, Alberu was so sad and lonely back then…
Ch. 709- Eruhaben! WS is badddd
Ch. 710- Whyyyy I’m actually feeling despair it’s so complicated ugh and no ones receiving correct info ughhhhh
Ch. 713- Mary is #GIRLBOSS for not being tricked! ❤️❤️
Ch. 717- So glad that was settled 😮‍💨
Ch. 718- So the test Cale was in wasn’t the original one so now we are doing the actual sadness test ok 👍
Ch. 719- WOW NOT CALE ALREADY FINISHING BLUE TEST.. also someone else?
Ch. 721- Toonka left the test, Cale met Choi Jung Gun, I’m I’m scared 😶
Ch. 722- Rosalyn finally put the tests goals into words! She’s so smart. I love herrr
Ch. 726- Cale confronts CJG and he’s being used as bait bc a hunter is here oh no. Cale is going to cause chaos ialrk
Ch. 727- WOWW Cale was about to be isekaied lol. Good thing we have ancient powers! 2 Hunters?! 🫣
Ch. 730- Cale actually skipped a level bfr
Ch. 731- Cale has to observe past Roan (during the night) and Alberu (during the day)
Ch. 735- Freeing Roan! Again Again?
Ch. 739- Still loving how Choi’s test is taking care of tiny KRS. Alberu test completed!!
Ch. 740- I’m loving Clopeh during this test so far. He knows his goals and he sticks to them. He’s crazy!
Ch. 744- Damn Dodam Miru. I think DM’s world is not an illusion. Cale “tricking” the Wrath test is crazy I love that sly bastard!
Ch. 745- Cale hates when the children hate their side dishes ahah! The Wrath test is actually really difficult it surprised me frfr! Clopeh & Cale are angy
Ch. 749- How dare this low-life Dorph ever consider sacrificing the great and mighty Roan Miru. I pour all of my hatred and anger toward him. He needs to die. 😡
Ch. 750- Finally! Flipping every over heh!
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Why Valentine’s Day Time! was so freaking wholesome
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! In February 😃
Koro being extra as hell
Mimura honey….
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Karma: “What could be sweeter than sailing by on an ocean of humilated faces for three whole years, right?”
Nagisa: “That’s a winning personality you got.” 😅
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“There’s tons of decent schools out there, if all you care about is your transcript. But, do any of them boast an arch-nemesis worthy of me? I’m inclined to say no.” - Karma referring to Shuu
Is it weird I found that sorta of wholesome?
Oh yay, Sakura’s back!
And more of Koro being extra as hell
Okajima: “And don’t worry, I’m not gonna eat any of that cheapo crap you give out!”
Megu: “Excuse me!?” Look, Maehara got his fair share of an ass-kicking last episode. I think it’s Okajima’s turn.
Rio and Karma sharing a brain cell is always a delight
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Kayano’s little screech
Karma+Rio: “We got a shiny new plaything!” Oh boy…
Sugino being very cool 🙂
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Chocolate bullets huh? Hm!
Both smooth as fuck 😆
Hazama’s cursed “Valentine”
Okuda: “Here’s your Valentine’s Day cyanide!” Get you a girl who can whip up a batch of poisoned chocolates 😉
Also, I love how Karmanami’s was considered a bonus case 😂
No comes my favorite part…
Isogai: “WOAH! All these for me!?” I freaking love you
Look at him
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Megu: “I thought you might like to share them with your brother and sister.” I freaking love you
The fact that Megu went out of her way to bike four hours and back for those chocolates
The fact that Isogai was worried about her not being able to study during that time
The fact that they’re going to go to the same school together
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Of course Koro’s being a snoop
And of course Okajima’s unlucky as hell
Now it’s time for some good old NagiKae
To be honest I completely don’t know what to say. This scene was adorable as hell but kind of bittersweet and mwah💕
Rio: “Well damn, now I feel guilty thinking about trying to steal from her.”
Karma: “Come again?” Karma that was loud as fuck I know you heard that.
Well, at least Koro gets to have something for Valentine’s Day. Can’t say the same about Okajima though 😗
Oh this episodes still going
Oh yay! KaraIri time!
And it takes a dark turn of course
And Gakuhou’s here now apparently
And he also somehow managed to hold a wholesome conversation with Koro
Now back to KaraIri!
Still with the dark shit huh. This was supposed to be a Valentines Day episode I thought 🥲
Again, don’t know to say but this scene was just Mwah 💕
Also; Karasuma: “There’s no church anywhere near my house, sorry.” With context, that was smooth as fuck!
So in short, this episode was wholesome as FUCK and MWAH💕
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone ☺️💜
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vendetta-if · 1 year
hiiii!! i just wanna say ive been salivating in excitement for both the main story of vendetta and the spin off (im all for luka and jackal i love them both AOUFDJFHE) though i just have one question- will sequel MC will be able to romance the four ROs featured in the main story? (totally not because i want my sequel MC to be with santana and/or skylar because i feel terrible leaving them out because i love all the ROs so much :,) ) and also because my MC is already getting wrecked with rin and ash AHEM ANYWAYSSS- sorry if i sound a little obnoxious WHSHSHS
Yay! I’m glad you’re looking forward to the sequel! ☺️
As for your question, I’m sorry, but Vendetta ROs will not be romanceable for sequel MC. The sequel is set around two decades in the future, and currently in Vendetta, sequel MC might only just got born somewhere 😆
But, you’ll have new ROs to pick for your sequel MC 😁 including one Yandere RO! A little bit more info about them here.
And don’t worry, you’re not being obnoxious at all! 🥰
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elodiah · 2 months
Seven Sentence Sunday
Getting in early because in my time zone, Sunday is nearly half gone. 😆
A very very randomly selected snippet of my current WIP that currently has me tearing my hair out (because I’ve made it way more complicated than it needed to be. 🙄)
“The energy signal is much, much higher, but I can’t see a lot. Can one of you throw down a flashlight please?”
Loki made a “gimme” gesture at the nearest of the two hunters, who unholstered and handed him a sturdy Maglite from his utility belt.
“Wait here,” Loki ordered. The pair frowned in confusion as Loki called to Mobius to clear the way below. Then he sprang into the darkness himself, landing in a graceful, catlike crouch in the small patch of dim light at the bottom.
“Show-off,” Mobius said with a smirk, “And why are you down here anyway, what if there’s no way out?”
Yay, for the first time ever I get to tag people! @kcscribbler , @lokimobius , @loki-is-my-kink-awakening , and anyone else who wants to join in ☺️
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dragondemoness · 2 years
Emotionless or stoic reader who's texts like an airhead but only they're s/o can understand them with Ibuki, Mahiru, Mikan, Kyoko, Peko, Miu and Akane
I knew this was coming 😆
Unfortunately, I ran out of 3:00 AM texts, so I couldn't do Akane. Maybe in a future part
Also I had way too much fun writing this, but putting this on Tumblr was a pain in the ass
Sorry if the text conversations look screwy
Emotionless Reader Who Texts Like a Crackhead Airhead With Ibuki, Mahiru, Mikan, Kyoko, Peko and Miu
Ibuki Mioda 
Oh she's 100% the same way
Except she's an airhead through and through
When she first met you, she thought you were really cool and really wanted to be your friend
Her energy complimented your stoic demeanor really well
And come to find out, you were more alike than she thought
But only on the phone
She loves that you text like an airheaded teenager who's probably on a sugar rush
She will appreciate your energy and match it tenfold
You: I LOVE YOU ❤️💕❤️💗💗 
You: OMW
Especially when you send her random texts at 3:00 AM
Nobody will appreciate it like Ibuki does
Ibuki🎸: YOOOOOO (Name) WASSUP🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Ibuki🎸: SAME
Ibuki definitely appreciates your texting energy more than anyone
You're both a mess, but she loves you to death
Mahiru Koizumi 
She is kind of exhausted by you sometimes
When she first met you, she thought you were really interesting
She wanted to get to know you, and help you try to get to know the others
You were a little shy with talking in person, but she didn't mind at all
Oh, but you were only shy in person
While on the phone... You very much weren't
Mahiru📷: (Name)?
Mahiru📷: Did someone steal your phone??
You: Nope! This is just how I text!😜
Mahiru📷: Oh, okay
You: Can I come over???!!!!🥺🥺🥺🥺 
Mahiru📷: Not now, I'm taking pictures
You: So what, your pictures are more important than meeee?!!?!? 😭😭😭😭
Mahiru📷: (Name)...
Mahiru📷: Fine
Mahiru📷: Love you too
Your random crackhead texts are exhausting and sometimes irritating, but at least she can understand them somehow
But if you text her at 3:00 AM, she will not give you the time of day
You: HEY
You: HEY
You: HEY
Mahiru📷: (Name), I love you, but it's 3:00 AM
Mahiru📷: GO. TO. SLEEP.
It's hard to keep up with you sometimes, but Mahiru still loves you
Mikan Tsumiki 
She found your stoic demeanor to be kind of intimidating at first
She didn't mind it, but she wished she could tell what you were thinking
But you were kind of shy about talking to others, so you spent more time with her
Which she loved more than anything
She was shocked and a little concerned about how energetic you were over text
You kind of reminded her of Ibuki
But she grew to love it more than anything
Mikan🩹: Yes, my dear?
You: I love youuuuuu!!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Mikan🩹: I love you too! 😍🥰💗
You: Can I come over????????😜😜😜😜
Mikan🩹: Well, I'm doing nurse work right now...
You: Awwww😞😞😞😢
Mikan🩹: Please don't be sad! You can come and see me if you want to!
Mikan🩹: Yay!☺️
She absolutely adores you
Even when you text her at 3:00 AM, she'll stay up with you as long as you want
You: Mikiiiiii🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Mikan🩹: (Name)? It's 3:00 AM... Is something wrong?
You: Nope! I just wanna text my baby❤️❤️❤️
Mikan🩹: Aww! Okay, I can stay up a little longer🥰
You: Yayyyyy😃☺️🥰
Mikan🩹: So, what did you want to talk about?
You: Y'know what's so creepy about Humpty Dumpty?
Mikan🩹: No, I don't. What?
You: They never said he was an egg 😨😨😨
Mikan🩹: Huh? What do you mean?
Mikan🩹: Wait
Mikan🩹: OH NO😰😰😰
You: Hey, since you're a nurse, let me ask you this: Why do our noses run, but our feet smell?🤔🤔🤔
Mikan🩹: Well, technically, our noses don't really "run". They drain, drip, or leak from the top down when there is excess “material” inside.
Mikan🩹: Certain feet smell because the average human foot sweats one cup per day, and when you add bacteria and shoes to the mixture, that becomes part of the recipe.
Mikan🩹: Oh, but there's certainly nothing wrong with trying to inject a little humor into these awful times.
You: Woah. Mind blowing😮🤯
It doesn't matter what time of day it is
She will text you back every time, no matter what, in just a few seconds
But girl, go to sleep
Kyoko Kirigiri 
She could guess the way you texted right off the bat
Don't ask me how
She just did
But she did enjoy that you had a similar stoic personality to hers
And when you text her, she understands exactly what you're saying
But she doesn't bother humoring you
Kyoko🕵️‍♀️: Yes?
You: I love youuuuu!!! 🥰🥰🥰
Kyoko🕵️‍♀️: I love you too.💜
You: Hey can I ask you something?????!!?!!
Kyoko🕵️‍♀️: Sure.
You: Would a fly without wings be called a walk? 🤔🤔🤔
Kyoko🕵️‍♀️: No. A fly is called a fly, with or without wings.
You: Damn, why you gotta shoot me down like that... I'm heartbroken😢😢😢
Kyoko🕵️‍♀️: No, you're not.
You: You're no fun😤😤😤
She doesn't mind the way you text
It makes you 'you', and if it makes you happy, then do it
But if you send her random bullshit, she will not humor it
Especially at 3:00 AM
You: A letter in an envelope is just paper wrapped in paper🤯🤯🤯
Kyoko🕵️‍♀️: (Name), it's 3:00 AM. Go to sleep.
She's usually awake during these times, but she's not taking your random B.S
As much as Kyoko loves you, she's gonna put her facts on every random text you send her
She'll let you have your fun, but sending her one of those texts is basically asking to get detective'd
That's a word now
I said so
Peko Pekoyama
At first, she thought you were easy to talk to
You were super stoic, and kind of quiet and reserved
Just like her
So you got along right off the bat
But she didn't expect to see the crackhead inside of you over text
Like Mahiru, she also worries that someone stole your phone
(I apologize to anyone who uses dark mode)
Peko⚔️: Yes, my young master?
Peko⚔️: Wait, was your phone stolen? This is very unlike you.
You: Nope! How I text is just different from how I talk!
Peko⚔️: Oh, I see. This was unexpected, but I don't mind.
You: Hey, did you know that horses run on their fingernails? 😮😮😮
Peko⚔️: Do they? Inever thought about that.
You: Can I come hang out????😃😃
Peko⚔️: I'm sort of in the middle of practicing with my sword...
Peko⚔️: But if you want to come watch me, I don't mind.
You: Yayyyyy!! I love yooouuuuu!!!😍😍😍
Peko⚔️: I love you too, young master.☺️
It's hard to keep up sometimes, but she can somehow understand your texts
She finds them very cute
Even in the early hours of the morning, she'll stay up to talk to you
Peko⚔️: Yes, young master?
You: I wanna talk!!!
Peko⚔️: It's 3:00 AM, is something the matter?
You: Nope! Just thinking🙈🙈🙈
Peko⚔️: I suppose I can stay awake a little longer. What are you thinking about?
You: Isn't butter just lotion for food?🤔🤔🤔
Peko⚔️: In some aspects, yes, I suppose.
You: Could a fork be classified as a dull four-pronged sword?🤔🤔🤔🤔
Peko⚔️: I say no. Forks are forks, and swords are swords.
You: What about knives?
Peko⚔️: Same with knives.
Peko may be able to understand what you're saying, but she doesn't understand why you say it
But she never questions it
And she'll stay up as late as you want, cuz she loves you
We love you too Peko, but please get some sleep
Miu Iruma
When you were starting to get to know each other, she tried to make your expressionless demeanor waver
By flirting with you and giving you pick-up line after pick-up line
And it never worked
But then she fell in love with you and boom! Relationship
Boy, was she in for a surprise when you first texted her
You: MIIIUUUUUUU😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Miu🔧: Are you high?
You: Nooooo!!!! How I text is different from how I talk!!!!
Miu🔧: How tf is that even possible
You: I LOVE YOOOOUUUU!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Miu🔧: But yea I love you too nerd
You: Can I come hang out?????!!!🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Miu🔧: I'm inventing shit
You: Pleeeeaaasseeeee?!?!?!🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Miu🔧: You're a trainwreck
Miu🔧: Lab door's unlocked
You: Yayyyyyyyy!!!!!!!🥰🥰😍🥰🥰😍🥰😍
Depending on her mood, she'll either match your energy or tell you to shut the fuck up
Sometimes, she'll be the one texting you at 3:00 AM
She's always awake anyway
But when you text her, this usually happens
Miu🔧: What do you want it's 3:00 AM
You: I gotta question
You: Why is the letter x used more in math than in the English language🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Miu🔧: I gotta question too
Miu🔧: Why tf are you texting me at 3:00 AM about math shit
You: You're an inventor, you should be good at math
Miu🔧: Answer me this then, smartass
Miu🔧: If you try to fail and you succeed, what tf did you do???
You: You would succeed, obviously
Miu🔧: Sick answer
You: If you're waiting for a waiter, that makes you a waiter
Miu🔧: OMG
You and Miu are in the same boat
You're both crackheads in love
Remember when I said Ibuki probably appreciates your energy the most?
Well, Miu is a close second
When she acts like your random thoughts are stupid, she's secretly thinking the same thing
Y'all are partners in crime
Y'know, this scenario would work really well with a lot of other characters
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ultramarykay · 2 months
The quickest way to a girls heart is through her sternum ❤️
with an axe 🪓
A fortnite big bad axe 😆 yay, thank you for the gift 🎁
Also, got my very first w with my new skin ☺️ ✨️
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I finally watched all the new Earthspark episodes! Yay! 🎉 And I have some thoughts from right after watching them to share. It will contain spoilers and it will be chaotic:
Before I started watching I was worried that I forgot the vibe of the previous episodes but I didn't have time to rewatch them so I decided to just watch the new ones... And I'm riGHT BACK INTO MY EARTHSPARK HYPERFICSATION YAY!
Megatron: No one has ever asked me that before.
My heart : *melts*
That scene reminded me how much I love this guy <3 Good to know more of his backstory.
They made Tarantulas... "Normal". And I actually like him. He's not my fave but I can't help but like him. I'm more familiar with BW Tarantulas but from what I know his Earthspark version is quite different from both IDW and BW. But that's cool. Nice to see new view on already existing characters.
Speaking of... I really enjoy Earthspark version of Bumbleebee. Usually he was the ''young and unmature one" but here he really has a vibe of a guy with mid-life crisis who doesn't want to accept how old he really is.
Thay scene where he was eager to be interviewed by Jawbreaker until JB mentioned thay Bee made the mistake and had to choose a new altmode again so he threw him out of the barn made me laugh out loud 😂 And the one where Bee was chilling with Alex during no-school-day was so sweet ☺️
I didn't expect Breakdown to be introduced as Bumblebee's "brother". And I didn't expect to feel all these feeling after watching that episode. It hit hard 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭
I like how the producers managed to balance having so many characters and giving them enough screentime to make them interesting and complex characters. Really good job. No one feels to be left behind in my opinion.
The bear episode was nice. Dorothy is amazing - a great mother and a great soldier. The whole Malto family is just amazing. I love them.
THE FLOWERS. THE FLOWERS. THE FLOWERS LIKE IN THE COMICS! That episode killed me. I loved it. More backstory. More Megatron. More feelings 🥺😭😍
The last two episodes... Woah. It's getting darker and darker... But the family gets stronger 💪 I can't wait to see where this story will go... So far it's just getting better and better.
And the last thing: Poor Bumblebee. I hope he will get his well deserved rest 🥺 his small snore at the end was kinda cute ☺️😆
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wangxianficfinder · 8 months
Hi again😆 I'm no. 13 and the fic is Until the End and yes that was the fic that I was looking for🥹I just wanna say Thank you for looking for my comfort fic 😅 THANK YOU AGAIN 😭🥹
Yay! Happy you found it ☺️
- Mod C
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dearweirdme · 11 months
Hello my dear (weirdme) 😄☺️! Happy Friday!
Well, I honestly have to give it to jkkrs, they will take whatever they can get and I understand why because they get very little. So if it brings them joy to gush over whatever j*kook content that comes about, so be it, because, to me, it still changes nothing about Taekook’s realness.
I still don’t understand how any taekooker can be insecure about Tae and JK after the Dreamers premiere. We saw the whole scene unfold right before our eyes in all the videos posted. Tae’s confident encouragement, JK’s hesitant shyness, it was a declaration. They can’t come out and tell us verbally “we’re in a committed relationship with each other” but the Dreamers premier was as close as they could get for now (maybe post enlistment and some years down the line they’ll tell us more, if they want to) to let us know that they are more than bros and band mates.
To me, the ring is also a subtle declaration, a “we’re apart for work but we’re still together” because like you’ve pointed out, JK knows that the ring will be traced back to Tae. I truly believe that’s exactly what his intention has been by wearing it, regardless of whose ring it is. As well as the “Kappa sweetheart” T-shirt and so many other subtle “hints” we’ve gotten.
Going to Yoongi’s concert together, leaving together, how can insecure taekookers not put faith in that? Again, a subtle indicator that they were TOGETHER 😆
I just don’t know what to make of a taekooker being so easily swayed away from the belief in Taekook by some cute j*kook banter in a live where JK was obviously giddy with excitement about life in general. Why would anyone believe Jimin and Jungkook interaction cancels out everything Taekook have shown us?
Why are there taekookers who think Tae and JK need to constantly feed their bond, closeness and love for each other to us? Because truth is, they don’t need to. They’re not together for us, for our benefit, for our entertainment. If you truly believe in Taekook then you don’t need constant, blatant “proof”. And if you DO need consistent validation then you need to reevaluate why you believe in Taekook in the first place.
Anyway, not really an ask, but wanted to add my thoughts 😁
I hope you get everything moved and it goes smoothly! Yay for saving the hedgehog 🥰
Hi @taekookibb !
So nice to see you back online! I was so happy to read you finally settled in your new place 😊.
It is so weird how sometimes something so mundane can become a whole thing. Like.. in a month or two we will still be like.. remember when Jk asked Jimin to go live together, what a day that was 😂🙈. When in reality.. it’s so meaningless.
I’m still trying to wrap my head around the ring situation, though it’s quite clear it’s a meaningful ring to him. The Dream premiere was reaaally something else. Whenever I come across that footage I just.. 🥰. And Tae’s pic of them together afterwards on his insta just before the Paris stuff.. yeah those things matter.
I’ve had plenty sane anons thankfully, who are all very sure about their believes. There’s always going to be insecure persons. It’s a complicated situation, so I can understand some.. especially when you allow too many Jkkrs comments to flood your social media accounts. I’ve not gone there yet.. gonna stay on my side of fandom for a while.
Thanks so much for stepping by 😊!
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iloveubepancakes · 3 months
Hello everyone so I made a emotion tickle thingy idk what it’s called-but he is the emotions! 😭= TOO MUCH! TOO MUCH! 😏=Sadistic Tickles today~ 🙄=Whatever! 🥳=Tickle fight! 😂=HAHA! 😀=Smile!😈=No mercy for you! ☺️=Kind tickles 😅Uhm 🤤=Are you drooling from tickles? 😠=Mad tickles! 😨=IS THAT A TICKLE MONSTER?! 😆=Yay your laughing! And I did not add all of the emoji’s so this is all your gonna get and it’s only Kny
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And a new outfit!
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jjungkookislife · 6 months
Hey 😊 I finally finished reading Home for the Holidays 😭 I saw it on the day you posted it, but only got to read small parts from time to time cause it was so hectic in our household. I just finally got the time to finish reading this, yay 🥳, so please bear with my all over the place comments 😅
Here goes:
First of all, may I just say how much I LOVE the chaotic friend group. I think this is a pattern with your writing. You ALWAYS make the friend group so fun and lively that it makes them so lovable to us readers 🥰
The scene where he put in Jin's number 🤣 I’d be pissed too, having randos blow up your phone? That’s like a nightmare to me 😱
I also love Jimin here, totally bff material. The perfect friend to share gossips with but also so dependable 🥺
I really love how his friends are so involved and committed on helping them both, so supportive. They got his back from the moment he told them his dilemma. Then they went all out with the planning and the photoshoot 😳
Jimin casually fixing her hair and feeding her snacks in between shoots 🥺
And Tae just casually teling them to kiss on demamd for the camera, not awkward at all 😅
And Jin telling Yoongi to "fix it" after finding out they haven't kissed yet and then ordering Namjoon to take them to the hall and he stands guard as they have their first makeout session with Tae taking pictures of it secretly. The whole scene was so hilarious 🤣
Jimin making sure she's caffeinated and her making sure he's eating during hell week 🥹
The flashcards are so cute ☺️ Asking questions to know more about each other. I feel like that’s something people should do when they're ACTUALLY dating but I guess this’ll come in handy when they finally make it official 🥴
Joon and Hobi crawling between Jin's legs when he and Tae get stuck at the door 🤣
The movie night scene where the others are watching them both be a natural as a couple 👀😏🤭
Joonie being extra and also making a ppt to help her "study" 🫣
They are all making so much effort so Jk can be gifted with an apartment, such great friends 🥹
Also, how he answered “What, baby?” to her call 🥺 it comes so naturally. Then he adds “Why would they hate you? You’re my girl.” 🫠 This whole interaction of her panic video-calling him but gets distracted by what she sees (cause girl, same 😂) is so cute and just 🥺😌☺️
And then the perilla leaf scene, my heart can't take so much fluff 😭
The scene where she sniffs his shirt 😳🥴
He has SQUISHMALLOWS 😍 and then her planning to take him to Build-A-Bear for a date 🥺 You know, when they finally make it official (cause who are they kidding with them being a “fake” couple 🙄) this would be an amazing future drabble 👀 just kidding 😆 (Unless.....👀 lol 🤣)
Also, is Hobi the only one that doesn't live in that town? Cause they dropped him at the train station so I'm assuming he's going somewhere else. Was it mentioned and my stupid brain didn't catch it? 😅
Aaaaaaaaand it’s stopped there 😫 I can’t wait to read the rest, she’s finally meeting the family 😅 Let’s see how this will turn out, I’m sure it’ll be as amazing as this first half. You did so well with this one as always. As weird as this sounds, I feel really proud of you for finally finishing writing this. I know how much you stressed over this story and whether or not you will actually complete it. And you finally did, all your efforts paid off cause this is soooooooooo amazing and well-written. Don’t feel too pressured to finish writing a story within a specific timeframe cause this story just proves how amazing the outcome is when you take your time to write it. Okay, this is getting really long so i’ll stop here. Just really wanted to tell you that.
I hope you enjoyed your holidays and are doing well 💜
Hello! 😊
I’m so glad you got to read it 😊 I was nervous about posting it and then tumblr and it’s new word count limit/line limit made it hard to post and it kept crashing or not saving 😭
I absolute love the friend group! The chaotic energy is so wholesome! It reminds me of my high school days 🥰🥹
Namjoon lives and breathes CHAOS as we will see in the next part 👀 he also didn’t want to put his number or Jungkook’s in case nobody was right for the part. He figured Jin would be a better person to sort through potentials but he could have used a texting app 😅
I adore my Jimin’s 😭 I usually make him love gossip or meddling bc that’s how I am 🤣 I can’t help it sometimes but I try 😀
I had so much fun writing the first kiss scene! I think it was bc though it was stated on the flyer that PDA was part of the gig, Tae just assumed they’d kissed by then 🤣 so when he realized they hadn’t it put the shoot behind schedule and Tae is a professional 💪🏼
But also it was a perfect opportunity to showcase more of their friendship 🤣 they’re problem solvers if nothing else and Jin likes to boss people around sometimes and to mess with Yoongi if nothing else 😅
Ahhh thank you for catching those little moments of Jimin and reader’s friendship. I didn’t want it to be too overshadowed by the scheme 🥹
Yes! They had to put it into overdrive and learn everything about each other in such a short time. From having crushes to lemme know absolutely everything is hard lol but I think they did pretty well 😊
The PowerPoint has to be one of my favorite parts! Who better than to teach you than someone who’s known Jungkook practically all his life and with visuals, you know he snuck in some baby photos in there 🤣
And the flash cards 🤣 ah I adore them all so much.
The movie night was fun! I did like writing Joon and hobi crawling to get inside bc they know well enough that once Jin and Tae start arguing there’s no end in sight 🤣 and then JK and reader being couple like in front of them definitely gave them the right vibes in pulling this off. Perfect practice 🥹
He’s so into her! Like sleepy!Jungkook just speaks freely with no restraint bc he just adores her so much already and she is his girlfriend even if it’s kinda fake 👀
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And the shirt sniff!!!! Ahhhh and the perilla leaf thing again lmao I watched it recently and it seemed like something Jimin would instigate to annoy Jungkook 🤣 we see a little more jealousy in the next part. Just a little if you squint though lol
I was thinking of writing a build a bear Drabble later on and maybe a spring break drabble bc I just love them so much 🥹 and JK can never have too many stuffed animals! He likes them and yes, he names them all
Originally Hobi, Yoongi and Seokjin were gonna live in different cities from the rest of the group but I ended up changing it. So Tae and Jungkook live right next to each other and Joon and Jimin live next to each other but right across from Tae and JK.
On the next block over (literally on the other side of Jimin and Joon’s backyard, Yoongi lives on the other side of Jimin’s backyard and Seokjin on the other side of Namjoon and then Hobi across the street from Seokjin. So in my mind, Hobi went to a sky resort for a few days before coming home for new year but he ends up coming home sooner when Jimin hunts at the plan failing though it’s not in the fic.
Here’s a snippet:
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Yes! I’m so glad I finally got around to it! It’s been 3 years of staring at the old banner that I didn’t even end up using 🤣
But yes I am working diligently to get the next part done. It is 14k as of now but I feel like there’s still something missing from it and I spent maybe 4/5 hours today just editing and proofreading 😴 and making sure the smut made sense and oof it took a lot out of me.
Thank you so much for stopping by! I always look forward to hearing from you! I hope you stay safe and healthy! Have a good day/night 💜💜💜💜
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theatrekidstatus · 6 months
Chapter 22
-1 month later- Y/n pov: "Anthony" "THATS MEEEEE" "i wanna introduce are baby to our friends" "ok" "lets invite the cast"
Mi nombre es Alexander Hamilton
                               Guys we opening up the option to come see our baby today
Jazzy poo bear😭🙄🔛🔝‼️🗞️🧍🏼‍♀️🫶🏾🤭🎶🗣️🪄✅😑👍🏾🩷😂👦🏿🖕🏾😘❕🔥😔👦🏾💞👹❗️🔊🎩👦🏽: IM SO EXITED i get to see my bby 💕💕
Pippy poo😀🥹☺️😃😅😊😄😂😇😁🤣🙂😆🥲🙃:YAY LIL EMMY
Mommy nèa(not dirty🙄)😉😗😝🤓😌😙😜😎😍😚🤪🥸🥰😋🤨🤩😘😛🧐🥳:I CANT WAIT TO SEE MY NIECE
Loser Leslie 🤫😐🙄😲🫠🫤😯🥱🤥😑😦😴😵‍💫😶🫨😧🤤🤐🫥😬😮😪🥴:what time
Weird David 😮‍💨🤢🤕👹😵🤮🤑👺😵‍💫🤧🤠🤡🤐😷😈💩🥴🤒👿👻🤖:your littarly my sister duh
ThEy DiDnT sAy I CoUlDnT sIng 🤝🏾🤛🏾✌🏾🤌🏾👍🏾🤜🏾🫰🏾🤏🏾👎🏾🫷🏾🤟🏾🫳🏾👊🏾🫸🏾🤘🏾🫴🏾✊🏾🤞🏾👌🏾👈🏻:duh bitch
Oakyyyyy the unfuckable tree👉🏾🤚🏾🫲🏾✍🏾👆🏾🖐🏾🫱🏾🙏🏾🖖🏾👇🏾💪🏾🫵🏾☝🏾👋🏾🦾🦶🏾✋🏾🤙🏾🖕🏾🦵🏾:you're littarly my twin bro stop playing with me
Christodontfuckme👶🏾🧑🏾👩🏾‍🦰👱🏾‍♂️👧🏻👨🏾🧑🏾‍🦰👩🏾‍🦳🧒🏾👩🏾‍🦱👨🏾‍🦰🧑🏾‍🦳👦🏿🧑🏾‍🦱👱🏾‍♀️👨🏾‍🦳👩🏾👨🏾‍🦱:duh girl😝😝
Loser Leslie 🤫😐🙄😲🫠🫤😯🥱🤥😑😦😴😵‍💫😶🫨😧🤤🤐🫥😬😮😪🥴 :what time
My mannn💀🎃😼🫶🏾☠️😺😽🤲🏾👽😸🙀👐🏾👾😹😿🙌🏾🤖😻😾👏🏾:we love yall please be there
We were in our room and heard a knock at the door and I got up to get it I awenser it. So It turned out to be jazzy "THERE MY oh it's you" "that felt purposeful" "donde esta mi esposa" "MI ESPOSA" "whatever" we walk to our room" hey y/n/n" "hey snazzy jazzy" "may i hold my niece" she says taking my spot "of course but be careful I cant stress that enough" "trust me" "hey emily" "co co" "emily can you say my dad sucks" "jazz" "the original version was dirty" we hear a knock on the door "jazzy apologize to ant ill get the door" "DADDY" "hey baby how you been""good" "hey sissy" "hi sebby" "hey Francisco" "co co" "CAN WE SEE THE BABY" "shhh sebby your gonna scare her" "im sorry" "its fine dad, come on lets see her" "hey lin" "sup lin" jazzy and Anthony greets "hey guys" dad greets "can i hold her" sebby ask "after the adults" mom tells him "well can i hold franny" he ask "not yet baby" he says a little "by the time its yet hell be to old to hold" mom ignores him and asks "may i pick her up" "yes" she holds her and starts talking to him "hey baby im your grandmother and ill love you so much" -15 minutes later- "sebby ask y/n if you can hold Emily" "may i hold emily" "of course bro" he held him gently "hi baby im your uncle and when you are 3-4 were gonna be best friends even when im a moddy teenager well still be best friends" "awww" "cocochhnxggx" "hwrhfdhdfjdghgdjgdjddjd to you two" we hear a knock a the door "aww no more emily" "you can hold fran" "hey bro here are my tips for serving the Miranda household" Lin ran to the door "HEY PHILLIPA" "hi wheres my sisters baby" "in our room" she runs to the room "number 47 DO NOT-hey pippa" "why you switch up" Anthony teases "shut up Anthony" "HEY we don't use those especially with adults SAY SORRY" nessa commands "I'm sorry Anthony for telling you to shut up" "it's ok I didn't really care" "may I hold the baby" "yes of course" "hi baby I'm pippa soo" "pghtghbth" "close enough" we all laughed we hear our door open Anthony grabbed a knife "que es 'wheres my granddaughter' en espanol" "donde esta mi chicos chico" i said with a questioning tone "what she said"she said with a chuckle "may i hold her" nea questions "you may" i awnsers  "hi baby im you second grandmother and im going to teach you how to be yourself when you are older"  les came in "yall just leave yall door open" leslie asks"oops" says renés "good thing i came before someone else did" Leslie diverts"right" i agree "im really sorry" nea aplogizes "its alright mistakes happen" ant comfront "hey i dont know if this is the right time but may i hold emily" leslie asks "you may" i say granting premission "hi baby im your uncle and im gonna teach you wait for it" les tells my baby "funny" lin chimes in then everyone else came and that was that
Dark bitchs in white girl
Who tryna meet my bby
Morgan Saylor:yes
Brian Marc:yes
Justin Bartha:yes
Bobbi Salvör Menuez;yes
Chris Noth:yes
Ralph Rodriguez:yes
                                                                                                                              Ok pull up
Y/n pov:-1 month later- Y/n pov: "Anthony" "THATS MEEEEE" "i wanna introduce are baby to our friends" "ok" "lets invite the cast"
Mi nombre es Alexander Hamilton
                               Guys we opening up the option to come see our baby today
Jazzy poo bear😭🙄🔛🔝‼️🗞️🧍🏼‍♀️🫶🏾🤭🎶🗣️🪄✅😑👍🏾🩷😂👦🏿🖕🏾😘❕🔥😔👦🏾💞👹❗️🔊🎩👦🏽: IM SO EXITED i get to see my bby 💕💕
Pippy poo😀🥹☺️😃😅😊😄😂😇😁🤣🙂😆🥲🙃:YAY LIL EMMY
Mommy nèa(not dirty🙄)😉😗😝🤓😌😙😜😎😍😚🤪🥸🥰😋🤨🤩😘😛🧐🥳:I CANT WAIT TO SEE MY NIECE
Loser Leslie 🤫😐🙄😲🫠🫤😯🥱🤥😑😦😴😵‍💫😶🫨😧🤤🤐🫥😬😮😪🥴:what time
Weird David 😮‍💨🤢🤕👹😵🤮🤑👺😵‍💫🤧🤠🤡🤐😷😈💩🥴🤒👿👻🤖:your littarly my sister duh
ThEy DiDnT sAy I CoUlDnT sIng 🤝🏾🤛🏾✌🏾🤌🏾👍🏾🤜🏾🫰🏾🤏🏾👎🏾🫷🏾🤟🏾🫳🏾👊🏾🫸🏾🤘🏾🫴🏾✊🏾🤞🏾👌🏾👈🏻:duh bitch
Oakyyyyy the unfuckable tree👉🏾🤚🏾🫲🏾✍🏾👆🏾🖐🏾🫱🏾🙏🏾🖖🏾👇🏾💪🏾🫵🏾☝🏾👋🏾🦾🦶🏾✋🏾🤙🏾🖕🏾🦵🏾:you're littarly my twin bro stop playing with me
Christodontfuckme👶🏾🧑🏾👩🏾‍🦰👱🏾‍♂️👧🏻👨🏾🧑🏾‍🦰👩🏾‍🦳🧒🏾👩🏾‍🦱👨🏾‍🦰🧑🏾‍🦳👦🏿🧑🏾‍🦱👱🏾‍♀️👨🏾‍🦳👩🏾👨🏾‍🦱:duh girl😝😝
Loser Leslie 🤫😐🙄😲🫠🫤😯🥱🤥😑😦😴😵‍💫😶🫨😧🤤🤐🫥😬😮😪🥴 :what time
My mannn💀🎃😼🫶🏾☠️😺😽🤲🏾👽😸🙀👐🏾👾😹😿🙌🏾🤖😻😾👏🏾:we love yall please be there
We were in our room and heard a knock at the door and I got up to get it I awenser it. So It turned out to be jazzy "THERE MY oh it's you" "that felt purposeful" "donde esta mi esposa" "MI ESPOSA" "whatever" we walk to our room "hey y/n/n" "hey snazzy jazzy" "may i hold my niece" she says taking ants spot "of course but be careful I cant stress that enough" "trust me" "hey emily" "co co" "emily can you say my dad sucks" "jazz" "the original version was dirty" we hear a knock on the door "jazzy apologize to ant ill get the door" "DADDY" "hey baby how you been""good" "hey sissy" "hi sebby" "hey Francisco" "co co" "CAN WE SEE THE BABY" "shhh sebby your gonna scare her" "im sorry" "its fine dad, come on lets see her" "hey lin" "sup lin" jazzy and Anthony greets "hey guys" dad greets "can i hold her" sebby ask "after the adults" mom tells him "well can i hold franny" he ask "not yet baby" he says a little "by the time its yet hell be to old to hold" mom ignores him and asks "may i pick her up" "yes" she holds her and starts talking to him "hey baby im your grandmother and ill love you so much" -15 minutes later- "sebby ask y/n if you can hold Emily" "may i hold emily" "of course bro" he held him gently "hi baby im your uncle and when you are 3-4 were gonna be best friends even when im a moody teenager well still be best friends" "awww" "cocochhnxggx" "hwrhfdhdfjdghgdjgdjddjd to you two" we hear a knock a the door "aww no more emily" "you can hold fran" "hey bro here are my tips for surviving the Miranda household" Lin ran to the door "HEY PHILLIPA" "hi wheres my sisters baby" "in our room" she runs to the room "number 47 DO NOT-hey pippa" "why you switch up" Anthony teases "shut up Anthony" "HEY we don't use those especially with adults SAY SORRY" nessa commands "I'm sorry Anthony for telling you to shut up" "it's ok I didn't really care" "may I hold the baby" "yes of course" "hi baby I'm pippa soo" "pghtghbth" "close enough" we all laughed we hear our door open Anthony grabbed a knife "que es 'wheres my granddaughter' en espanol" "donde esta mi chicos chico" i said with a questioning tone "what she said"she said with a chuckle "may i hold her" nea questions "you may" i awnsers "hi baby im you second grandmother and im going to teach you how to be yourself when you are older"  les came in "yall just leave yall door open" leslie asks"oops" says renés "good thing i came before someone else did" Leslie diverts"right" ant agrees "im really sorry" nea aplogizes "its alright mistakes happen" ant comfront "hey i dont know if this is the right time but may i hold emily" leslie asks "you may" i say granting premission "hi baby im your uncle and im gonna teach you wait for it" les tells my baby "funny" lin chimes in then everyone else came and that was that
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Re Dracula (Dracula Daily), Dracula
Bram Stoker (novel), Bloody FM (audio podcast)
Yay! I get to do Dracula Daily! I missed it last time so I'm hyped. 😆 I've not read any Dracula, my only familiarity with the novel itself being fanworks and Tumblr posts. I have of course seen Dracula inspired media, but nothing from the original source.
So this is basically completely new to me!
Instead of reading the daily emails, though I might refer to those, I'll be experiencing the story via the podcast made by Bloody FM. I'll be following their Spotify podcast but they're on other platforms as well.
Please take a look.
Let's have fun reading along ☺️
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vendetta-if · 2 years
Hello! I just found ur game today and i finished reading the demo <3 I LOVE IT AAAAAA here's the list of things i like:
1) Ash. ????? He's so sweet help?!?!?! I LOVE HIM. Dear ash u have successfully own my heart, u have them wrapped in ur pretty fingers the second page u appear
2) Dad, I love you w/ all my cold dead heart<3 DAD?! DAD!!! DON'T DIE PLS DAAAAAD NOOOOOOO tHE ANGST HELP ME I'm so sad now :( pls i need a snippet w/ happy moments to heal from this trauma :')
3) Uncle Luka strides across the lobby as if he owns the place. Oh wait, he does.
AHAHAHHAHAHA I'M DYING uncle i love you too :'D
4) Mom, respectfully, 🖕🏻
5) Also, mr. Takashi u r freaking me out a lil bit...... you're uh.... A little bit uhh... creepy...?
6) Well, actually, he has the bad habit of blinking in near someone without any warning and scaring the shit out of them.
😂Uncle u r my soulmate
7) oh no, there's rin!..... and they stole my heart too! What do i do?!??...... haaaaaaaaaa
8) oh god the fighting scenes are so cool!!?! perfercto<3 oh mc is so cool. I'm so glad we can be cool<3 hehe
9) awww yeah my first kill! Scratch that, it's five!!! I killed five people yall!
10) oh my god please stop flirting right in front of us! You guys r cute, really but gods,
Alright, that's already too much detail about your uncle's sex life for tonight.
Not for tonight yo, for ever.
11) #the reason why i killed 5 ppl bcz i rlly rlly don't want to disappoint uncle & grandpa help #cuz mc is morally dubious/grey character, yay? yay!
.... Hmmmmmmmm oh lastly!!!!!
Thank you so much for creating this
Magnificent, beautiful, absolutely trophy worthy game! I love it so much mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmh! I i love all the characters (oh they have so much life!) I love the fighting scenes (superpower badass?! Count me in!) I love how we can choose revenge as our main goal (f u distorted voice person. I will hunt u down to the ends of the earth. And I'll take everything u ever hold value, then let you live, cause life can be ur greatest blessing or ur cruelest nightmare, and I'll make sure you'll never have a peaceful dream for the rest of your counting days.), i love the family dynamics <3, i love how ur game can make me feel (oh the moral dilemma.... i almost almost let the cop live... but what abot uncle+grandpa disappointment?!?! I-i can't live with that! So off with ur head lil hypocrite police officer man!)
....sorry that's another paragraph......... I'll uh I'll stop now.... heheh... Sorry again if this bothers you, i won't send it again if it is.... :')
Okay! Have a good day/night/life dear author <3! Here have a 🍰🍩🎠 to light up ur time! Adios~
Aww thank you so much for the kind words 🥰 And don’t worry! I love reading these little snippets of comments on sections of the demo! 😁
Ash is only sweet for MC and Luka for now, of course ☺️ They’re mostly prickly and abrasive towards other people 😆
And yes 😭 Viktor… He’s such a good and loving dad 🥺 In case you haven’t read it yet, I recently released one of the Patreon side stories for public in celebration of hitting the 2K followers here! Here’s the link to the story! It’s a wholesome and fluffy side story, so hopefully it’ll help you recover from the angst 😆 I also have another 2-part side story from Viktor’s POV on my Patreon 😄
Please forgive Takashi, he’s just still a bit heartbroken about Viktor 😔 He’s usually a (pretty deadly and ruthless) himbo 😄 And glad you’re loving Luka as well 😂 He sometimes takes too much liberty with his teleporting/blinking ability 😆
It is indeed hard to not get charmed by Rin 😩 You might not have to choose between Ash and Rin 😉 (And yes guys, Ash and Rin poly is currently planned although might not get implemented right away yet since I’ll need some additional planning to accommodate it).
And yes, gotta make MC fight with style, you know? 😂 Gotta be cool and all, like Luka. Also, I’m a bit touched that your MC agreed to kill 5 people to make Grandpa and Luka proud 🥺 They would most certainly be happy to hear about it later on 😉
🤣 Luka agrees with your sentiment that it’s enough detail about his sex life for the entirety of MC’s life 😆
Ooh this is the second time I’ve seen someone wanting to let the killer live but not out of compassion and forgiveness, but to make them suffer even more 🤔 Interesting…
And wholesome family dynamics is just my weakness 😭 I have to include it in my first ever IF.
MC’s close bonds with Luka and Ash and Grandpa might be one of the little things left that MC really holds on to after the death of their dad, their mother figure (Cara), and their grandma. And loyalty to their remaining family is one of the core cornerstones that all MCs will share with one another no matter what.
I’ve always seen close family bonds between the Morozovs to be one of their most defining characteristics and strengths (and also weakness at the same time).
It’s the reason that Viktor couldn’t cleanly leave his past behind and sever Luka and Cara completely out of his (and MC’s) life after he ran away.
But at the same time, it’s also the reason MC survives the attack and is able to grow up to become the person they are today, loved, cared for, sheltered, and protected from the harsh underground world by combined efforts from Grandpa, Luka, and Ash.
This will also be the reason that Vigilante and Superhero MC won’t be able to turn against their own family. And the reason Luka and Grandpa and Ash wouldn’t leave MC behind and abandon them even when they chose those paths for themself.
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In or Out is OUT TODAY!🎉 YAY!🤩 Maki and Mew are pretty excited too😆 Thank you very much for all the nice comments about the development work for the book I’ve shared so far too!💕☺️ • • • • • • #newpicturebook #inoroutataleofcatversusdog #inoroutpicturebook #picturebookart #kidsillustrations #kidlitartist #kidlitart #creatingart #lifeofanillustrator #characterillustration #illustrationartists #dailyillustration #illustratorsofig #drawdaily #drawingoftheday #sketchoftheday #illustratorsofinstagram #sarahjenningsillustration #childrensbookillustration #artsharesinsta #characterillustration #originalcharacter #drawingsketches #justdraw #picturebookmaker #picturebookartist #picturebookillustrator (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpScAe1Mo4n/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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