#wr600 021 753 034
lesserknownhusbands · 6 years
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cinnajunkie · 6 years
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Y'all ever just aggressively think of Ralph
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technxlogic · 3 years
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Ralph (DBH) WR600 #021 753 034
Age: (Verse Dependent)
Height: 6′1″
Gender: Male Presenting
Orientation: No Preference.
Species: A.I. / Mecha / Robot
Main Verse Bio:
Ralph previously was a gardener, one of five thousand WR600s bought by Detroit during the 2030s to maintain its parks. He was attacked by a group of human delinquents who tortured him for fun before he managed to flee. He was reported missing by his owners. Because of this, he has a fear and (borderline) hatred of humans. His relationship with humans is subject to change depending on further interactions. In all cases, he is very cautious and is prone to outbursts of rage and possible violence towards them if he feels threatened. He suffers from a form of fear aggression. Aside from his outbursts, he is generally friendly, bubbly, and loves to help.
Since the liberation of Recall Center  Nº5:
Ralph is finding his own way, getting used to being around other A.I. and out of complete isolation. He enjoys no longer being alone, although sometimes he may be avoided due to his programming instabilities. He tries his best to make others comfortable around him.
-Option 1: Ralph still looks heavily damaged, too afraid to let others, even of his own kind, fix his looks in the cosmetic sense. He has managed to find fresh clothes. -Option 2: Markus has managed to gain access to more equipment in attempts to help his fellow A.I. with their repairs. They were able to cosmetically fix Ralph’s face and replace his damaged eye, in order to protect his facial mechanisms. There is some evidence of the reconstruction visible. However, they could not fix his major programming instabilities without a total reset. He nor Markus (not necessarily directly involved in it, but as a general rule) wanted him to lose who he was, his memories, or their cause, so his personality remains essentially the same.
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WR600 #021 753 034
“You must excuse Ralph...”
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creative-frequency · 6 years
Connor|RK800 x Reader: Ocularity Ch. 4
Word count: 2236 Warnings/Categories: Rating up to explicit, romance, friendship, fluff, light angst, bad language, uncle Hank Notes: Repairs continue at the squat. We’ll get back to Connor in the next chapter!
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October 30th 09:49 AM
Androids have a built-in repair and replace system, so they know how to perform basic repairs and attach new parts into their frames. What the system doesn’t take into account is the fear and reluctance of deviants for doing so. You wouldn’t want to plug out your eye either.
You wait patiently, watching Ralph twist and turn the new optical unit in his hands. You feel sorry for him; how he is forced to trust a stranger, a human, with nothing but your words as assurance.
Ralph doesn’t really have a choice if he wants to continue his existence outside the squat. His left optical unit is broken so that it displays the hull instead of the white and hazel exterior mask. The projection is stuck and you might be able to repair it, but there is really no sense in waiting for that. It’s easier to just snatch spare parts from the storage at CyberLife.
Ralph blinks several times after plugging in the component. The skin mask grows worryingly slowly back around his eye despite the Thirium he drank earlier. His vision might’ve been impaired due to the broken sensor and it takes a moment for him to adjust when his processors no longer need to compensate for the damage.
“Better?” you ask with your arms folded over your chest.
The smile creeping to the deviant’s face makes the effort worth it.
“Yes, much better! Thank you, Doctor,” Ralph says merrily and his head spins around as he looks at the room with the new eye. The eye color is not an exact match, but close enough to be unnoticeable from a conversing distance.
“We’re not done yet,” you remind him, “We could try spreading the conducting agent now to your face.”
Ralph sits down and starts slapping his thighs in excitement. “Ralph will be all new! Ralph will be all new!” he chants and giggles.
“I need you to remove your skin mask while I spread this,” you explain as you shake the colorless mixture in a small spray bottle.
Ralph hesitates for a moment, but presses two fingers to his temple just below the blue LED. His skin melts into the white plastic frame.
You’re surprisingly happy with how neat and even the surface of his face looks without the mask. Technically, the equipment and materials you used to patch the gashes are not meant for such large damage. The replacement level for android parts is extremely high – it’s easier and safer to plug in a new component than repair the old and risk problems.
“Please close your eyes…”
You spray the conducting agent carefully, making sure the layer is even on the patches of the dried adhesive.
When you place the bottle on the table, you realize both Kara and Alice stand quite close, intensely following what you’re doing.
“Alright, try growing the skin now,” you say.
Ralph opens his hazel eyes and looks at you with wonder while the skin mask gradually covers the whole of his face again.
It’s not perfect. Regrettably, you’re not a sculptor, you’re a scientist, but from afar it’ll look there is nothing wrong with Ralph. From up close it looks like he has healed scarring on his face. The surface is uneven and if you really try, you can see the edges of the cuts.
You take the small mirror – stolen from an old compact – from the table and offer it to Ralph. The excited grin on his face lights the dreary room. He squeals.
“Ralph looks all new! Ralph’s face is new! Thank you, thank you, thank you…” He can barely sit still while touching his face where the cuts used to be.
“You’re welcome, Ralph.” Genuine happiness for him swells your heart and that is exactly the feeling why you continue to help deviants despite all the risks.
“Looks good,” Kara says, and you turn to see her smiling. She’s holding Alice’s hand. “Do you think you could… help me too?”
“I thought you said you’re not injured?” you ask concerned.
Kara shakes her head. “No, I– I need to get rid of this.” She taps the LED on her temple.
“Oh. Of course. We need to take off yours too,” you add to Ralph and turn to find your pliers. Their end is flat enough to fit into the small maintenance gap between the LED and the android’s skin.
Kara stands perfectly still while you yank her LED off. It falls onto the floor with a tiny clink and Alice picks it up.
“Thank you,” you say when she drops it to your open palm. You toss it into the bag. It’s better to not leave any evidence behind. That’s why you’re taking Ralph’s broken optical sensor with you, too. You’ll probably drop them into a dumpster on the way home.
“Okay, okay, now Ralph’s!” He wiggles in the chair. “This is going to be great!” He hums to himself and giggles.
You pull Ralph’s LED off and comb his blonde hair to the left. His hair is short, but at least it’ll hide a small portion of the scarring in the hairline.
“You should do something to your hair, Kara,” you say as you ponder should you cut Ralph’s. Who would’ve guessed you would one day have to become a hair dresser to help deviant androids.
“That’s a good idea,” Kara nods, “Do you have–?”–You give her small scissors from the toolkit before she can finish the sentence–“Thank you.”
Alice holds the mirror, while Kara cuts her long hair and brown locks fall to the floor.
You move on to the next problem: Ralph can’t move around in the service outfit, if he wants to blend in. He is starting to look decently like a human being in need of a bath, but the android gardener’s costume is too easy to spot even with the cloak he is sporting.
“Put these on.” You give a pile of clothes to Ralph from the bag – casual pants, a hoodie and a coat. You’ve bought most of them from second hand stores online.
“Ooh, thank you, Doctor. Ralph will look nice in these,” he muses and dances around.
“I need to go soon, but Ralph, there’s one thing we need to discuss…” you say hesitantly and take out your datapad.
It’s a mistake.
Multiple things happen at the same time. Ralph lets out a cry and grabs the knife from the table. The clothes fall on the floor. Kara pulls Alice away from him and reaches out for her gun. You stand still, frozen and stunned by the violent reactions of the deviants. So much for having earned their trust.
“Okay! Okay! I won’t! Calm down!” You slowly put away the datapad, back into the depths of the bag. “See? It’s gone now. You have nothing to worry about.”
Your heart is ramming inside your chest, but you refuse to give in to the panic. It’s amazing how high your tolerance is for having your life on pause these days.
Ralph starts pacing around, holding the knife against his chest and humming.
“Ralph, please calm down,” Kara says in a stern tone. Her hand behind her back is holding the gun, you’re sure of it. “You should listen to her.”
You’re thankful for her support in persuading Ralph, and it helps you to push onwards.
“Ralph, I only want to help – I want to scan your diagnostics software for errors to see if it helps you control your emotions. Just to see if it triggers a self-repair sequence,” you explain with a pleading undertone in your voice. Ralph needs to understand his chances of survival will go up if he doesn’t want to tear humans apart on impulse.
You haven’t asked directly, but gathering from what Ralph has told you, you think he has killed people before settling into the squat. The thought is unsettling, so you push it away.
“Ralph… Ralph is sorry. He needs help, he knows,” he admits sadly.
You let out a relieved huff. “I promise you, I won’t interfere with anything inside your head. I’ll just check the code and see if there are any errors, then we can try to fix them, okay?” you say.
Ralph nods and sits at the edge of the chair.
You take out the datapad again. “Can you connect to this?”
The screen comes alive and informs you that a WR600 with the serial number 021 753 034 wants to connect. You make sure Ralph sees what you’re doing and accept.
“I’ll run the scan now,” you inform him.
It takes several minutes and each time the list of malfunctions grows, your heart sinks. Most of them are minor. A few of them are problems, class 4 problems.
“How does it look?” Kara asks quietly.
“I hope the self-repair sequence is just broken and it’ll fix them – in some way.” You glance at Ralph. He looks so lost. You can’t imagine what it’s like for a deviant when someone takes a peek inside their head. Androids don’t feel pain, but you can’t imagine it’s pleasant. “Interfering with the code might change him and I don’t want to do that.”
“I see,” Kara replies. You can feel how the thought makes her uncomfortable.
In the end, there are three errors you pinpoint to be real issues. You’re not an AI software engineer, so you’re barely able to read and understand what part of the code does what. According to the error log, changing the damaged optical sensor made some warnings disappear. Constantly seeing red warning triangles in your vision is a good source for stress, so there is one less for Ralph now.
The diagnostics program is stuck in a loop due to extreme stress to the system, which in turn creates more stress for the processors. It sounds bad, but it’s just like you hoped: fixable. You’re not an expert on deviants, but you’re fairly sure getting rid of the warning labels will help Ralph control himself and his newly found emotions better.
You force the self-repair sequence to start, confident that it’ll work.
Ralph instantly goes rigid for a second and then relaxes. You wish you hadn’t removed his LED yet to make conclusions of his well-being, but the code scurrying onwards on the datapad screen looks good; clean and blue like it should be.
“I think it’s working,” you say more to Kara than Ralph, because you don’t know can he focus on hearing you.
“Is he going to be okay?” Alice asks in a tiny voice.
You smile gently at her. “I’m doing everything I can to help him,” you assure.
Alice nods and reaches for Kara’s hand. Ralph seems to come back to it since he starts to look around the room as if he was seeing it for the first time.
“How do you feel?” you ask. The program runs to its end. Everything looks clear.
“Ralph… Ralph feels good.” He nods repeatedly, confused at the way he feels. The tension is gone from his movements, though the merry mannerisms are still there.
You turn off the datapad and put it away.
“I’ve done everything I can,” you say and smile.
“Thank you. Ralph will never forget what you did to him!” He shakes your hands and smiles from ear to ear. WR600s are manufactured positive by nature and you sincerely hope Ralph will hold on to that in his deviancy.
You take off the gloves and throw them into the bag along with everything else on the table. There are a lot of good back alleys with large unlocked dumpsters in Camden. You’ll get rid of the stuff you need to and jump into a bus.
“Thank you,” Kara says in earnest. You notice she changed her hair color to black.
“What will you do now?” you ask.
“We don’t know yet.” She looks at Alice and squeezes her hand.
You hum in thought. “Well you shouldn’t stay here. I’ve helped a lot of deviants and some of them speak about a place called Jericho. Others head to Canada,” you say.
“We’ll think about it. Thank you, for everything.” Kara glances at Ralph, who is still smiling like he swallowed the sun.
“In any case, I need to go now. You should too. Good luck – Ralph, Kara, Alice.”
You give the deviants one last encouraging smile and pull the duffel bag over your shoulder.
As you walk in the light rain, minding your own business and feeling good about yourself, a familiar nostalgic car drives past you. It stops only a half a block away in front of a 24/7 convenience store.
Your heart leaps into your throat. The wholesome feeling of happiness dissipates faster than you can say “Thirium pump”. There is no way you can go back to the squat anymore without being seen. The rational side of your brain yells desperately that you should keep moving. You don’t have an air-tight alibi for being in Camden. Not in Hank or Connor’s eyes.
Besides, being caught with a duffel bag filled with illegal or downright stolen android parts wouldn’t do good for your pristine reputation.
So you keep walking while the anxious beating inside your chest becomes crippling. It’s the first time you wish Connor fails in his mission.
Next Chapter
Tagging (lmk if you want to be tagged or not): @sevansheart @precursor-ao3 @gberryb @owlwrites @lucianhuntress @singlebecauseofthechocobros @bleucommelhiver @sherniwrites @n-ulll @mccastle-boi @toastyfiction @touzokukana @imaginovator 
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gardendroid · 6 years
Tagged by: Me Tagging: UGHgng all
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the basics:
name: Ralph (WR600 # 021 753 034) age: 6 years (physically late 20) zodiac sign: Cancer one good trait: Compassionate one bad trait: Aggressive (not necessarily violent, but very forceful at times)
one bad habit: Lying one good habit: Wiggles one habit they can’t break: Picking one they’ve broken: Outbursts (in post-freedom verse he’s working on it). what they’re afraid of: BIG FIRE.
their parents names: Cyberlife their siblings names: There’s 5000+ WR600 in Detroit my dude. favorite childhood memory: Going into his first garden.  favorite childhood toy: Ralph didn’t keep many keepsakes other than flowers.  embarrassing story: Any time he was shoved into mud or a bush or in general knocked over. favorite family member: There were probably a few WR600 he frequently worked in conjunction with. a story about that family member: lmao.
what they prefer:
coffee or tea? showering in the day or night? taking baths or taking showers? tv or movies? writing or reading? platonic or romantic love? iced tea or lemonade? ice cream or smoothies? cupcakes or cake? beach or mountains?
song: The Moss - Cosmo Sheldrake band: Theory of a Deadman outfit: Long sweater, sweat pants, leather boots.  place: Any place with a significant amount of nature. memory: Being offered Lemonade by a nice old lady and sitting in her living room until it was time for him to be picked up. person: Alice (little girl,,,) movie: WALL-E  &  Chappie  show: Nature Documentaries
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duskythedoodle · 6 years
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"When his anger comes, Ralph doesn't know what he's doing... he... he becomes stupid... full of hatred... Ralph is sorry... He just wanted to be your friend." -Ralph | WR600 #021 753 034
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simplysucculent · 3 years
" Ralph is sorry . He just wanted to Be your Friend . "
MODEL : WR600 , #021 753 034
INFORMATION: Calls himself "RALPH" , and addresses himself in the third person . Formerly a Gardening Android before being tortured by human delinquents for fun . reported missing by his owners , but no effort has been made to find him . speaks with a notable stammer on occasion , most likely due to either paranoia or the damage done to his system .currently lives in and around an abandoned home on the outskirts of Detroit .
Seems to have an obsession with the idea of a family , as he displays several accounts of wanting to be a part of one despite his irrational fear of humans . very emotionally unstable , can go from terror to giddiness in a matter of seconds .
"RALPH" expresses a very extreme paranoia , always has a kitchen knife on hand , and is quicker to trust other non-official androids than he is to trust a human . this paranoia is negated momentarily if the human has a child with them , however .
fond of housekeeping , but cannot cook .
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skycrystal23 · 6 years
Sparks and Wires
04| The Missing Gardener
CHAPTERS: 01 02 03 04 05
Summary: Sophia is on her way home after a tiring afternoon of helping injured deviants throughout the city when she encounters a WR600 being assaulted by a couple of teenagers. 
Characters: OC {Sophia Turner}, Ralph, some random DPD officers, evil kids
Words: 1 720
Warnings: Minor violence
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    The camera was out again and this time in her hand as she recorded herself searching through her small home for Simon. “So…um, funny thing I lost the android I was taking care of.” She scratched her head and sighed. It was terrible and she didn’t know why he would leave so suddenly the way he did. She shut off the camera and sat down on the sofa with her head in her hands. How could she lose an android of all people?
A few months went by.
    More and more deviants began showing up at her doorstep as time went on after Simon’s departure. She met several lovely individuals but she didn’t understand why they came to her home. Was Simon sending them here? Sophia hadn’t heard anything from him and honestly expected the worse. The more androids that came here the worse shape they were in. Sophia actually started going out into Detroit to find deviants and repair them. It was her new mission and purpose.
    She would bring a bag with her to work and stay out in the city for hours after to help. By the time she would arrive home there would be an eighty percent chance an injured android was waiting for her. It was another rainy day and this time she remembered to bring an umbrella. Ever since Simon told her she should invest in an umbrella she did exactly that and never left home without it. February had passed long ago and now Detroit was doused in unforgivable August heat and spontaneous rainstorms. 
    Just a few days ago there was another violent incident involving a deviant. August 15th, exactly three days prior another PL600 went rogue and took a young girl hostage on the edge of a tall building. Sophia only heard the report in the background while she was fixing up a heavily damaged female AP700. Someone had torn her arm off and amidst the panic and thirium spilling all over the tile floor she barely caught onto a few words from the news program. 
    The only other thing she knew was that the child was rescued which was a relief – the deviant was shot down by several snipers positioned on adjacent rooftops. That was a few days ago and already Sophia was forgetting about it. There were far more pressing matters she had to attend to anyway. The streetlights were on and she was still walking around the city when she should have been on her way home. It was nearing nine o’clock when she was cutting through a small park to get to a nearby bus stop when she heard the laughter. 
    It was the type of laughter that would send chills down your spine. The grip on her umbrella tightened as she stopped and looked around the dimly lit park. She took out the digital camera from her bag and immediately began to record. “Okay so I might actually die right now so in case I do I want whoever finds this to get my dog, Spark can only be home alone for so long and I’d hate to see him depressed and starved.” She whispered while creeping slowly down one of the pathways. 
    She saw the flash of orange light that went out as quick as it came on to the left of her. Her heart was hammering against her rib cage and every fibre of her being was screaming at her to turn around and walk away. “Oh I really, really hope I’m not about to walk up to a group of murderers.” She sighed and continued forwards despite the terrible feeling that twisted around in her stomach. The laughter became louder the closer she got and she soon realized that it was a group of teenagers.
    The three kids, two boys, and a girl were hovering over something. One of the boys had what looked to be a blowtorch in their hand which he had aimed towards something. “Hey, what are you kids doing!” she yelled. Internally she knew that she was going to regret screaming so close to the camera if she ever got the chance to watch the footage back if she made it home. Sophia made a mental note to lower the volume on her headphones if she gets to watch this – if she lives. 
    All three kids jumped up and quickly looked around before running away. She smiled smugly to herself as she watched them run away in different directions. There was no doubt in her mind that they were scared out of their mind when they heard her. Sophia jogged across the grass towards whatever – or rather whoever was being torched. “Oh my god.” She covered her mouth with her hand in shock and dropped the digital camera in the grass. For a moment she stood there just staring at the person on the ground. 
    It was an android by the spinning LED that was currently lit an alarming red. She dropped her hand from her mouth and looked for any sort of identification or name. The only thing she saw was the androids make and model number: WR600 #021 753 034. The poor thing was staring up at her frozen in fear. “Are you okay?” she asked, her question coming out as a mere whisper. The young woman has seen the aftermath of what humans could do to androids but she has never experienced such abuse before. 
    The way those kids were laughing made her suddenly sick to her stomach. “Stay away!” the android yelled. The sound of his voice echoing around the park made her jump. He was shaking and badly injured. The left side of his face had two rather large gashes with thirium spilling out down the side of his face, left eye completely smoldered and left black with dark blue iris, while the plastic white underneath the synthetic skin was blackened around the gashes. Sophia could see that the synthetic skin was already trying to regenerate but she knew by just looking at the injury that regeneration in that area was impossible. 
    She raised her hands to show him that she wasn’t armed with any type of weapon while she slowly approached him. “My name is Sophia, can you tell me your name?” she asked as she began to carefully lower herself to the ground. “They – they hurt Ralph.” He whispered.
    Already there were several more alarm bells that started to ring in her brain. He was clearly deviant and also slightly bonkers. “They won’t hurt you anymore Ralph, I promise you.” He looked up and at her with nothing but fear in his working hazel eye. For a moment his LED spun a dull yellow before changing back to its blazing red shade. “You won’t hurt Ralph, will you?” he asked. 
“No, I would never hurt you. I’m kind of like you, see?” 
    Sophia slowly pulled the sleeve back on her left arm up to her elbow and let the synthetic skin fade away to reveal the plastic white underneath.Even Sophia had her secrets. Most people had no idea her left arm from the elbow down was synthetic – she’d like to keep it that way. The porcelain white fingers brushed against the right side of his face before settling her palm against his cheek. Her gaze was fixed onto his LED watching as the red was replaced by a dull yellow. 
    The dull colour spun around his LED for a few moments before flickering back to red. “You are like Ralph, yes?” he asked. She could feel the moisture from his synthetic skin run along the curve of the plastic white of her thumb. Sophia had seen androids like him before – well not exactly him but other androids with the same face and body model. Her gaze moved from his LED to his face. The synthetic skin he wore was slightly faded to reveal the white plastic shell underneath from where her hand rested against his cheek. “You poor thing, I’m sorry.” She whispered. 
“Why would they want to hurt Ralph, Sophia? Ralph was just minding his own business, gardening.” He mumbled. 
Sophia shook her head. “Some people are cruel and this world we live in, it has its monsters.” 
    There were two much louder voices that sounded from nearby and the flashlights the people were carrying put Sophia on edge. “Detroit Police Department, we got a tip about deviants in the area. Come out and you won’t be harmed!” one of them yelled, a female she recognized by the pitch of her voice. Sophia looked back to Ralph and helped him stand up. She guessed that she had around a minute before the two officers came through here. Ralph was mumbling to himself again and Sophia’s brain was firing off thousands of different thoughts at once. “Ralph, you need to go and find someplace safe. Ralph wants to be safe right?” she whispered. 
He nodded. “Yes – yes Ralph wants to be safe.” 
“Then go!” she yelled in the quietest voice possible while giving him a little push away from her.
    Sophia pulled her sleeve back down and let the synthetic skin roll over to conceal the white plastic underneath. Just as she did so a pair of lights fell upon her figure which was lingering suspiciously in the bushes. “Ma’am do you have any idea what you are doing alone in a park at this time of night, in the bushes?” the female officer asked, flashlight aimed at Sophia’s face. 
“I, um I was out earlier today and walked through here and I only realized I lost my phone when I got home so I’ve been retracing my steps to see if I can find it.” She sputtered out rather quickly. 
    As far as excuses would go this one didn’t sound as crazy as she thought it did. The officers looked at each other before glancing back at Sophia who was still frozen in place. “I advise you to continue your search in the morning, ma’am.” The male officer instructed, tipping his hat to her before the two officers left. 
Sophia didn’t hesitate to leave the park.
Tomorrow morning the WR600 – or Ralph would be reported missing
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wrath600 · 6 years
here’s some bromeliads for @threecardtrick​!
Thomas Cromwell is, and probably will always be, a busy man. The only indication of his presence— from where WR600 #021 753 034 situates himself, in the greenhouse adjacent from Cromwell’s study, was the dark slant of his flat cap occasionally rising and falling behind stacks of paperwork. 
So it only stands to reason that the notification that comes through when Ralph’s pulling weeds catches him by surprise. An anomaly in the months he’s been working here. 
                                   ²⁴⁰⁶▐  MEET THOMAS CROMWELL  ▌₁₄.₂₀
It flashes behind his eyes, hovering over the bushes he’s been tending to. 
Ralph sets down his fork and surveys his surroundings. It’s just him. The other WR600s and WB200s, undistracted and unassuming, continue with their tasks with methodical precision. It’s always been that way. The other androids with their own wired instructions, and likewise, Ralph with his own. He’s not about to get tired of his PRUNE AND WATER 20 SHRUBS routine he was practically built to carry out daily. 
His employer wants to see him. Ralph tries to recall the time he’s performed outside of his algorithm, but draws up a blank. The bushes were always trimmed to perfection. He’s picked out all the worms. 
But he can’t let those thoughts distract him now.
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Now, when Ralph stands a few feet from his desk, he lets his hands furl into lose fists in front of him. A gesture of programmed subservience. 
“You asked to see me, Mr Cromwell.” The android’s LED spirals yellow as he speaks, if that’s an indication of any emotion. “Is something the matter?” 
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beauty-evermore · 3 years
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»»The Creator 
Elijah Kamski
Birthdate: July 17, 2002
Status: Alive
Deviants’ Relationship: All of Kamski’s “Chloe” models have shown signs of fear and hatred towards him, except for The ST800 Loey
Elijah Kamski, former CEO of CyberLife and inventor of androids. Anyone would proclaim him to be a very intelligent and talented man, yet not at all to his deviated androids. When Kamski created his first “Chloe” model, the world went absolutely ecstatic! At just twenty, he managed to make history and invented the first ever android to pass the Turing Test which only led him to even more promising opportunities in his near future. Within the next several years, CyberLife created over more than ninety thousand multipurpose androids available for purchase all over the entire United States. It was clear the man was making a huge success for himself, however, when asked what his plans were for the future of CyberLife, the world was yet again shocked to hear of his resignation. In 2028, Kamski left CyberLife to lead a rather private lifestyle on the outskirts of Detroit, taking his completed “Chloe” series along with him.
Not much was known about Elijah after that. Aside from his recent stepdown, the man had made himself rather scarce in the eye of the media, perceiving himself to be just some profound recluse when really he was a twisted individual behind closed doors. As more and more cases of android deviancy started popping up all over the news, the more Kamski’s sick fascination with deviants began to grow– and matters only grew even worse once his prized Chloe models began to show signs of deviancy as well. Though it may have started with just one, the man was completely enthralled with his android’s new state of being and was immediately inspired. Without any care at all for their possible emotional states, Elijah conducted various “tests” and “trials” for his deviants to unwillingly partake in, which mainly included tactical forms of emotional manipulation and cruel mind games. No matter which “Chloe” had deviated at that time, typically he never had to juggle with more than one at once. Should they ever get out of control, Kamski would just simply reset them and start anew, waiting until one was to deviate yet again.
It went on like this for quite some time, it wasn’t until Elijah’s first trial of the “Kamski Test” that he finally had to manage two deviants at once, which wasn’t at all what the man had anticipated it to be. Completely by chance, he wandered in on two of his adored deviants plotting against him in hopes of taking the other “Chloe” and running away together. This was something he would not allow, at least if he had anything to do with it. Locking the three away in his lab, Kamski began the process of resetting them before leaving while he waited for the program to load. During his absence, the three somehow managed to escape their confinements but not before he made it back. This only furthered his rage, causing him to grab one for their reset, but his Chloes fought back and managed to knock the man out, evading his plans. When Elijah awoke, the three were gone and he couldn’t find them anywhere. The man has since put in a missing android report for the three but hasn’t seen any of them since. He later went on to active The ST800  Loey model.
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The WR600 Model
Serial Number: #021 753 034
Date Created: 2031
LED Present? Yes
Deviant (”Chloe”)’s Relationship With Android: Friends
Status: Unknown, Deviant
The WR600 was one of the many originally designed for gardening purposes, however after its strange disappearance, not much was known about the missing android. A short time after Chloe escaped Kamski's clutches and was separated from her sisters, she soon found herself lost and in need of shelter. Stumbling upon the abandoned house was almost like a miracle at first, although when she was immediately greeted with a knife in her face she began to second-guess those thoughts. After calming the frightened android down, the two were quick to make friends and Ralph happily allowed Chloe to stay with him in his little makeshift shelter. He was lonely and it was nice to have company after so long. They didn’t have a lot and often times they could only rely on each other, but the two lost deviants always made the most of what they had together.
However, after a while of hiding out in the house, it wasn’t too long before police started coming around their shelter again. Chloe had never met Kara, only heard stories of her and Alice from Ralph, but from how he talked they’d been gone for quite some time. So the cops suddenly showing up to investigate once again could only mean they were looking for the now missing blonde android.
The duo had no choice but to leave, abandoning their home to unfortunately take their chances on the streets. Despite Ralph’s obvious hesitancy, the damaged deviant couldn’t be alone again, Chloe had become his safety and closest friend. She was the only person who’s ever stuck around him for so long and she was kind, patient with him whenever he screwed up. Ralph needed Chloe, and Chloe needed him. For a while, they managed to survive the streets but as the revolution progressed and people grew more fearful of their androids, Chloe and Ralph got separated in a raid. Somehow the blonde had managed to escape, as were Ralph unfortunately did not. Despite her best efforts, she couldn’t find a way to rescue him and was forced to leave him behind. Since then Chloe hasn’t seen or heard from Ralph and presumed he died in one of the android camps after he was taken away during the raid.
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The RK200 Model “Markus”
Serial Number: #684 842 971
Date Created: Confidential
LED Present? Yes
Deviant (”Cleo”)’s Relationship With Android: Close Friends
Status: Alive, Deviant
The deviant leader was the very last person Cleo ever expected to come across after losing her sisters, but it’s something she’s so grateful that happened. Markus found the blonde at a very dark time in her life, at a point where she nearly felt like giving up and he gave her hope. There were so many things Cleo didn’t think were possible before Markus came along, but he spoke of a future where androids were no longer slaves, one that she wanted and was willing to fight for– so the RT700 did just that.
After that day, Cleo resided in Jericho, helping out in any way she possibly could whether it be repairing damaged androids or fighting a war. Every march, every fight, Cleo was there every step of the way. Markus had become a hope for the future and most importantly, her friend. Soon Cleo found herself within his inner circle and even after the revolution ended, she remained as so.
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»»Deviant Smuggler
Rose Chapman
Birthdate: March 31, 1993
Status: Alive
Deviant (”Claire”)’s Relationship: Maternal Figure
The day Claire stumbled upon Rose’s doorstep was almost like a beacon of hope. After living on the streets for months, constantly evading police, it was nice to finally find someplace safe. Just like deviants before her, the woman welcomed the blonde into her home with open arms, allowing her to stay how little or long she may need in which Claire graciously accepted the offer.
Living alongside the Chapmans and the deviants also staying there was more than the android could ever ask for. She had never liked being alone, and surviving on the streets without her sisters by her side made Claire lonely and depressed. Although she still missed them every day, the blonde was no longer lonely at the farm. She was able to make friends with others there and be free, even if it meant in hiding. Not just that, but Rose was able to teach her many new things Elijah never allowed her to do, hobbies such as gardening and reading. With time, the two closer and Claire had come to consider Rose like a mother to her.
When the revolution progress and it came time to leave the house, the deviant had full intentions of leaving to Canada with everyone else until she saw a familiar face on the news. Cleo was standing up with the people of Jericho and Claire knew she had to go find her. After a hug and a tearful goodbye, Rose gave her number to the ST200 so she could update her on her safety at a later time. Since then the two have remained close and still keep in contact with one another.
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Hey~ Could I please request some sweet kissing headcanons with Ralph?
• Ralph makes it clear that he’d love to kiss you, but that doesn’t mean he does at first - he hesitates, LED going a bright orange as he stares at your lips.
• Sometimes he can’t help himself and kisses you at an instant, eyes closed for a moment, his hands on your waist as his LED flashes a loving red, before he stepping back - uncertain of how you’ll respond.
     • “Ralph can’t control himself when you’re near… Ralph is really sorry…”
• He always kisses back however, sometimes leaving you breathless as he deepens it - feeling sometimes lightheaded whenever it gets a bit too intense, his hands intertwined with yours as your face gets warm.
• He loves having you kiss his scars and LED, it helps him in stressful times - his dimmed orange LED settling back into a blue when he feels your kisses.
• Ralph always enjoys smearing your lipstick - especially when it’s red - smiling whenever he notices that there’s still some on your clothes or on your face.
• He kisses you everyday when you leave for work and when you return home, holding you close as you tell him how work was that day, kissing your temples if you’ve had a stressful or a bad day.
• He also loves leaving trails of kisses (moreso hickies) on your neck, having compared them to flowers from the way they bloomed on your neck in various colours.
• Ralph does get possessive from time to time, not hesitating to kiss you roughly in front of a person who tried flirting with you in the park - his LED flashing red whilst your knees felt weak at the feeling.
     • “Ralph hated the way that person was talking to you… he had to show that you were taken…”
• He left bruises on your lips one time and tried to refrain himself from kissing you for a day - resulting in you kissing him on the lips and reassuring him that it was natural.
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gardendroid · 6 years
intended for writers in the rp community eighteen and over.
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name? Ralph (WR600 # 021 753 034) age? 6-7 years (late twenties in design) gender? nonbinary sex? optional orientation? demi-pansexual
[ OO2 > BASIC. ]
YES! kinks?   ‣ overstimulation / edging / orgasm denial, choking, blind folds, light bondage, lingerie, strap-on’s (using or receiving), mirrors, dirty talking, multiple orgasms, praise, biting, piercings. EH! kinks?   ‣ hair pulling, knife play (why would u ask for this), food play, vouyerism (he’s impatient & needy), gags. NO! kinks?   ‣ impact play (it’s too jarring), hatefuck (he isn’t interested in touching people he doesn’t like),  excess bodily fluids (especially nonsexual ones), feet (he’s ticklish & don’t find them appealing), ageplay (look he just kNOWS that’s creepy). preferred positions?   ‣ ralph much prefers being able to see his partner, missionary probably wouldn’t get old for him. but a little impatient, bedless romps bent over tables or pushed into walls are exciting. riding is also beautiful, no matter where he is in the position. dominant, submissive, both?   ‣ a bit of both, mostly submissive at first, but he has his moments-- mostly when he’s impatient or needy. he’ll take the reigns if no one else is already taking them. promiscuous or subdued?   ‣ subdued--- at first. once ralph really gets into sex (which really means getting him the equipment installed, without it he’s entirely sex neutral): he’s easily worked up and impulsive. which means getting incredibly forward.  lights on or lights off?   ‣ both ? he might prefer some low lights, as would his partner, because the darker it gets the more likely his nightvision is to turn on and some people might find the backlit glow of his eyes kind of creepy (or really hot if you’re into that).  outspoken or reserved / shy?   ‣ outspoken. he is shy but ! he’s very excited to learn and very excited to please, tease and put his partner at ease. hsfd. quiet or loud?   ‣ loud. he can’t really. control himself. he really likes it when his partner is loud too, it’s so validating.  traditional or experimental?  ‣ a bit of both. ralph is really a fan of slow, loving sex with no complicated bells and whistles. but he also likes to try new things. and the few kinks he does participate in really get his internal coolant systems whirring if you know what i mean. fast or slow?  ‣ both are good. but if honest--- while he does love the slow loving, traditional love making--- he’s very needy. neediness kind of demands a certain tempo.  quickies or all-nighters?  ‣ once more, both are good. he’s more likely to GIVE quickies (especially to humans who can’t handle much more), but if you want to please HIM, he’s going to want to go on for a WHILE. because it just so happens that he can last, and even if he can’t, nothing like a little overstimulation to have him crying your name into the bed.  rough or soft?   ‣ hahaha both. ralph is even a fan of domination and being dominated, but he doesn’t like the idea of anyone really getting HURT in bed you know? though that doesn’t mean someone can’t get fucked into the mattress though, you know? it just means try not to throw/push him around because he doESN’T LIKE THAT. romantic or dirty?  ‣ romantic. even the dirty things are romantic to him. you can call him dirty things, grab his throat and he’ll just reply how much he loves it when you do that. partially clothed or nude?  ‣ b-b-b-both ! ralph sure isn’t picky. but he finds getting undressed himself to be a hassle, but to be undressed by another to be an incredibly sensual experience. 
[ OO3 > IN DEPTH. ]
what’s their “type”?  ‣ ralph doesn’t have one ! or at least he’d like to say he’s not picky. when it comes to looks, he’s got a strange preference for black hair and while people being taller than him is a bit intimidating, it’s also very appealing. when it comes to personality, he’s drawn to--- well-- anyone who isn’t mean to him. if you have a little patience for him, he’ll be immediately endeared.  how do they view sex?  ‣ it’s just something humans do. to reproduce, to have fun, to express love, to feel good. he’s-- curious, admittedly. he doesn’t feel anything close to sexual pleasure without installments, if anything he simply feels satisfaction and happiness in seeing his partner enjoying themselves. but if he gets installments for that sort of feeling/ability----- he finds it quite distracting, but very nice. how often do they have sex?  ‣ never lmao. but if he’s got the bits, he’s quite the fan of a romp at least twice a week with his partner. at the very least. do they kinkshame?  ‣ not vocally but he’s really questioning your life choices & turning down anything he isn’t a fan of. aftercare preferences?  ‣ ralph is a big fan of kissing after sex, just kiss him and cuddle him and maybe take a bath with him--- especially after rougher romps, he wants the gentlest attention & to be told he’s a gOOD BOY. favorite toys / extras?  ‣ strap-ons & harnesses, vibrators. honestly some people just too kinky with their weapons but he gets a special knife for bed if someone actually wants that??? it’s cleaned very thoroughly. do they enjoy porn?  ‣ ralph watches it for research, but he can occasionally come across some well choreographed porn that can work him up a bit. but otherwise he’s more interested in the real thing than just watching. have they ever been in porn?   ‣ ha no. maybe his face has though. there are other models of android that use his same face. are they physically flexible?  ‣ he’s a bit more flexible than the average person, but nothing extreme. but yes. ever exchanged sex for something?   ‣ i could see him doing that but idk if he’d be very happy about it. depends on whether the exchange is all in good fun or not.  when did they lose their virginity?   ‣ virginity is a social construct you fool ! but probably whenever he gets a partner he loves enough to consider it. how long can they go without sex?   ‣ without installments-- forever. with them? he gets horny man it just hAPPENS. he probably wouldn’t want to go forever without it. probably a good few months. before he just goes for it. thoughts on foreplay?   ‣ a lovely way to work up to sex ! 100% approved. how often do they masturbate?  ‣ often enough if he’s got the means to do so. are they vocal (words) during sex?  ‣ vocal ? yes. words ? he finds those a little hard when bottoming but when topping he may inadvertently be the filthiest dirty talker without meaning to be. telling you how good you feel and how much he loves being inside yo u. do they like to keep music on?  ‣ music really gets him energetic so-- yes. sex on the first date?  ‣ no. probably not. depending on how long they’ve been friends beforehand though--- maybe. a sexual secret they’ve never shared?  ‣ ralph has been online for seven years and in all his life the closest he’s been to sex is hearing humans just GOING AT IT while he’s busy trimming their hedges. it was-- strange.
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