palavapeite · 2 years
I am going to finish my pirate exchange fic tonight IF IT KILLS ME.
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clanoffelidae · 9 months
Finally restocked my first aid kit aye-yai-yai lol
I became painfully aware of not having done that yet every time I had something happen at work lol
Finally, ‘tis done
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heatherfield · 29 days
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Did you mean, very wrappable when it comes to Vivian Nightingale? [ templates 1 - 2 ]
It was times like these—and most other times—that I liked to pour a finger or three of the good stuff and regroup.
The Case of the Gilded Lily and The Case of the Greater Gatsby [x]
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mikan-angiekinnie · 5 days
Billie Bust Up Bandaid Headcanons
It came to me in the middle of writing fanfics.
Billie keeps those big tan bandaids that are usually in a square shape. Being so adventurous and rough makes them get bruises and cut a lot, usually more than just a simple prick. Therefore she’d carry around those heavy duty bandaids, even if it’s a relatively small cut, just because she thinks it makes her look much cooler.
Aristotle for sure has the bandaids you’d get at a doctors office. They might have patterns on them, or small characters, or just some sort of overall appeal design that makes them pop! They have normal ones as well, of course, but Aristotle personally prefers these cuter ones. Sometimes they may accidentally cut themself while prepping food so he likes to distract himself from the blood by looking at the characters or design instead. Besides, who doesn’t love cute patterns on bandaids? Absolutely loves to help patch others up with them if they can.
Barnaby barely has bandages, he has all out gauze. Being dead and all she can’t actually bleed or be bruised, since that requires a physical form, but she’s seen Barnaboos who suffered from injury upon death and helps them with that! For example, she might wrap up a beheaded ghosts neck in gauze either as a symbol of their death or an accessory, or maybe they’ll simply just play around with it because it’s fun! It’s also very wrappable! What isn’t there to love!
Fantoccio has basic ass bandaids. He will use them on himself, but moreso for enjoyment I presume? Unlike Barnaby, he can bleed, but given that it’s sap it’s very likely a bandaid wouldn’t hold it and it’s better to use something else instead. The bandaids were just left behind the theatre, so he will sometimes use them to fix props or just to add something to a characters costume to show they are a fighter. He has some just in case one of his many numerous hundreds of thousands of guests get injuries as well!
Dutch also has regular bandaids, but he additionally has those super special and specific ones that you need instructions to put on. Like the knuckle bandaids, the heel bandaids, the finger ones, all of them. He just likes to show off how rich he is by doing that because honestly nobody uses those stupid specialized bandaids because they are too hard to figure out. >:(
Elaine has a mixture of large bandaids like Billie and cute ones like Aristotle. Large ones for herself, but most of her crew likes cute things so she lets them use those bandaids. From time to time, she may also indulge herself in a little butterfly sticker on her wrist! Bring it up and you’ll lose your own though.
Bonus: Scrimshaw
This guy raw dogs it, absolutely nothing. Not even disinfectant. If the world wants him to die of infection, then it can try!
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dmwrites · 2 years
Joel was sweeping the snow out of his house (damn those snowmen that kept popping up, tracking snow into everyone’s houses), when someone landed behind him.
“Ah, Papa Cheeks, is it?”
Joel turned around to find a wide-eyed man standing before him. “Well, only Sausage gets to call me that- how on earth do you know it?”
“Ah, forgive me.” The man put his hand to his chest. “I am Keralis, I was one of the hermits who was in your wonderful empire lands. I stayed with Papi Sausage in Sanctuary, we had a wonderful time together.” Keralis held out a hand.
Joel shook it, squinting at the man. “You know, I don’t really remember seeing you about.”
“Ah, yes.” Keralis shook his head, cupping Joel’s hand with both of his own. “Well, if I am to be honest, and I am an honest man, I only stayed with the lovely Sausage for a week, and it was quite the pleasurable week, indeed.”
“Yeah, I bet.” Joel muttered, looking Keralis up and down.
“But then, I was called to another realm, as you all call them, and I had to go. But I am back, both with my hermits and new friends such as yourself, Papa Cheeks.” Keralis said, ending his statement with a wink. “But, as it were, I have some, ah, apologies to make. My princess is very upset with me, and I need a present to make it up to him.”
“Present? Well, you’ve come to the right god!” Joel said, breaking away from Keralis’ grasp and lead him over to a chest. “I happen to be quite good at making children. Head, armor stand, the standard stuff. And they’re gift-wrappable too, you just gotta make sure there’s a few air holes.”
“I heard of your skills from your baby daddy.” Keralis purred. “You are quite correct, I was looking for a child, as I’ve read that fixes most relationship problems.”
“You’re so right.” Joel said, lying through his teeth. He went through the whole process of making the child, including the running around and shouting. When the child was finished, Joel held them in his arms and held out his hand to Keralis.
“So, that’ll be three diamond blocks, please.”
Keralis made a tisk tisk noise. “Ah, well, Papa Cheeks, that is a mighty price… you are a guest in these lands, after all.”
Joel rolled his eyes. “Oh please, I know you hermits are all loaded. And no amount of sweet talking can change my mind. I’m not Sausage.”
“Ah, ah, ah, now, now, let’s not be rude or hasty…” Keralis said, taking a few steps forward, until he was uncomfortably close to Joel. “Look into my eyes, nothing but my eyes…”
“What are you- oh.” Joel couldn’t help himself. He looked right into those wide eyes, and they were mesmerizing. Joel couldn’t look away, didn’t want to look away. His mind felt floaty, and his jaw fell slack.
“Now, about that price…” Keralis said, voice low and dominating.
“Yeah. Free for you.” Joel found himself saying. He didn’t know why he said it, but it must have been the right thing to do. His hands moved of their own accord, handing Keralis the child.
“Clever girl….”
It was the last thing Joel heard before he passed out.
xB scoffed. “Don’t even, Keralis. I’m still mad at you.”
“But I have a gift for you!” Keralis said cheerfully.
“Bribery?” xB asked, looking up and almost choking on his own spit in surprise. Keralis was holding a child in his arms.
“xB. My princess.”
“What is that.”
Keralis set the child down, and they went off to investigate a small slime that was bouncing around xB’s cavern.
“That is a child. For you. And I. A present to you, Princess!” Keralis spread his arms wide as if wanting a hug.
xB stared at Keralis, then at the child, then back at Keralis, mouth open. “You’re kidding, right? I- where on earth did you even get a child? Did you steal it?”
“Well, no, well, yes, okay, listen, Princess. I knew you were mad, and I heard about a new shop that had popped up from one of the empires guys, a god named Joel. He makes children out of armor stands, and very kindly made one for us!”
“Very kindly… Keralis, did you use your eyes on him?” xB asked. The child wandered back over and tugged on xB’s pants. xB picked them up without really thinking about it, bouncing them around as he stared at Keralis.
“Ah, well, yes, I did. It was expensive! And it was Sausage’s baby daddy, so I felt it was only right.” Keralis replied.
“Oh, here we go again, Sausage this, Sausage that!” xB said, rolling his eyes. He wasn’t actually mad, but he couldn’t help yanking on Keralis’ chain about it.
“Ah! Princess, I am sorry! Let me- I’ll get you another child right now!”
“No, oh my god, Keralis good lord no!” xB tried to stop him, but Keralis was already gone.
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wishfulskinny1 · 4 days
It’s not fair that I’m fcking fat and there’s naturally skinny girls with their thigh gaps and wrappable-with-their-index finger and thumb type of skinny upper arms.
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sunnysnotebook · 2 years
Christmas Day
Author’s note: Merry Christmas! This is a poly nct dream fic dedicated to @apollos-son​ !! Do not interact if you don’t like kpop or poly fics and please note that this is just for fun! 
Warnings: none, tooth-rotting fluff
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Snow was falling softly outside. The fire was crackling in the fireplace. All was calm. It was Christmas morning, and seven witches were fast asleep under the soft blankets of their big bed. That wouldn’t last long, though. Jisung’s eyes blink open, looking outside to see the rather large flakes falling. It was a mesmerizing sight. His head turned to look at the male sleeping soundly next to him, Chenle. A smile formed on his face. He should let them all sleep a little longer. It is Christmas, after all. He managed to slip out of bed without waking the others and headed to the kitchen. His feet pad across the wood floors of their cottage. He used his magic to boil some water for hot chocolate silently. 
“Merry Christmas, Ji~” a voice cooed at him, nearly startling him into dropping the mug he was holding. 
“Merry Christmas, Hyuckie…” he replied, his smile returning when Donghyuck wrapped him up in a hug. “Are the others up? Or just you?” 
“They’re up~ Too cozy to get up yet, but they sent me to check on you~” Donghyuck explained. 
They shared a small moment before Jaemin came running in like a little kid, bouncing up and down on his heels. 
“It’s Christmas, babies!! Let’s open presents!!” Jaemin practically squealed. He had prepared a big present for all of them that involved a spa trip whenever they wanted. He knew they would love it, so he was vibrating with excitement. 
After everyone was fully awake and sipping hot chocolate, they settled into the living room around their magical tree. The lights twinkled with a soft glow. The wrappable presents were situated under the tree, bright wrapping paper contrasted against the delicate vibe of the room itself. Renjun was seated on Jeno’s lap because “there wasn’t enough room on the couch” when there was plenty. Mark’s fluffy brown hair was messy since it was so long. Donghyuck couldn’t keep his hands out of it. A box was handed to Chenle, who had seated himself on the floor close to the presents. 
“I hope you like it…” Jisung murmured, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. 
Chenle excitedly unwrapped the flashy paper to reveal a box with a handmade bracelet. His eyes nearly welled with tears at the sight of it. He could tell that Jisung spent hours on it. 
“Oh, don’t cry!” Jisung said as he rushed to Chenle’s side for a hug. 
“Hey, where’s mine?~” Jeno asked teasingly, not expecting to actually receive one too. Jisung had made one for each of them to show his love for them all. The only magic he used on it was a spell to make them strong, so they wouldn’t break, as well as an inscription spell to leave a little message with each of them. 
Once most of the presents had been opened, Jaemin rose from his spot. He walked in front of the tree to get everyone’s attention. 
“What is it, Jaem? I thought that was all the presents?” Renjun asked with a sparkle of excitement in his eyes. Everyone’s eyes were gleaming with anticipation. Jaemin swirled his finger in the air, creating a string of glitter in the air around him. He was always one for dramatics. 
“I have a proposal- No, not marriage, Jeno! Although… Anyway! A spa day~ It would be perfect for all of us to relax and get special treatment. I’m open to doing it whenever you all feel up to it! I know Renjun wants to get his nails done, and we can get that done there as well!” he explained happily, tapping his fingers together as if he were nervous even though he knew they would love it. He was right; it was well received. Coos and noises of approval filled the room within seconds. 
Renjun leaned his head against Mark’s shoulder and hummed. “You all are the best. How did I get so lucky?” 
A comfortable silence settled over the room for a while as they admired their gifts and just sat with each other exchanging kisses or other forms of affection. All was right with the world. Their hearts were warm with the holiday spirit surrounding each of them. The bitter cold outside couldn’t taint the warmth they were feeling. The fireplace certainly didn’t hurt. The brand-new potion bottles that Jaemin had been gifted from Donghyuck were as clear as could be. Chenle had picked them up at one point and pretended they were glasses. Jisung straightened his own thin-rimmed glasses on his face and acted like he was offended. His act didn’t last long though, because Chenle kissed his cheeks until he admitted he was fine. 
“The snow is so pretty…” Mark sighed. “I wish it wasn’t so freezing outside, we could go play in it!” he said softly. His statement caused many of them to giggle at his forgetfulness. 
“Mel… We’re witches…” Donghyuck snickered.
“OH! Right…” the poor boy giggled at his mistake. 
With that, they headed outside to play in the snow after getting dressed. Jeno took care of the spell that would keep them warm enough as they had their fun. The snow dropped delicately on their heads. Jisung sticking his tongue out to catch some made Chenle and Jaemin giggle at his endearing nature. Renjun clung to Jeno as if he were actually freezing. Mark and Donghyuck made snow angels until Jaemin came over and plopped himself on top of Donghyuck. Magic flowed through the ground as Mark raised a snowman out of it. The snowman had cute buttons for eyes and a carrot poking out of the center of its face. They dubbed it “Snowy,” courtesy of Chenle. With a bright smile, Jeno plucked two sticks out of the otherwise perfect snow and put them on Snowy. Daegal looked longingly at them through the window, drawing them back inside after spending an hour in the snow. 
“Guys, I’m freezing… Can we snuggle?” Renjun asked, even though they all knew that he wasn’t cold and just wanted an excuse for affection.
“Of course we can~” Jaemin cooed knowingly. 
Thus, they ended the day snuggling in bed. Under soft covers, they all held each other close with Daegal sitting at their feet. They whispered sweet nothings to each other and slowly fell asleep as the night came to a close.
“Merry Christmas” 
“I love you”
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purerunning09 · 2 months
Experience the Heat: Best Infrared Sauna Blankets Reviewed
In the pursuit of wellness and relaxation, the infrared sauna blanket has emerged as a game-changing addition to the home fitness and self-care arsenal. These innovative devices offer a convenient and immersive way to experience the benefits of infrared therapy, allowing users to enjoy the soothing warmth and detoxifying effects in the comfort of their own homes. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the world of infrared sauna blankets, highlighting their key features, the science behind their benefits, and the top-performing models on the market to help you find the perfect fit for your personal wellness journey.
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Understanding Infrared Sauna Blankets
Infrared sauna blankets are portable, wrappable devices that use infrared technology to generate heat and warmth. Unlike traditional saunas that rely on hot air, infrared saunas, and by extension, infrared sauna blankets, emit infrared light waves that penetrate the skin and directly heat the body.
The Science Behind Infrared Therapy
Infrared light is a form of electromagnetic radiation that exists in the spectrum just beyond the visible light range. This type of light has the ability to deeply penetrate the body's tissues, triggering a range of physiological responses that can benefit overall health and wellness.
Key Benefits of Infrared Sauna Blankets:
Improved Circulation: Infrared heat increases blood flow, delivering more oxygen and nutrients to the body's cells and promoting better circulation.
Detoxification: The heat generated by infrared saunas can help the body eliminate toxins and heavy metals through increased sweating.
Pain Relief: Infrared therapy has been shown to alleviate pain associated with conditions like arthritis, muscle soreness, and joint stiffness.
Stress Reduction: The calming, soothing warmth of an infrared sauna blanket can help reduce stress and promote relaxation.
Weight Management: The increased metabolic rate and calorie burn associated with infrared sauna use may contribute to weight loss and management.
Choosing the Best Infrared Sauna Blanket
With the growing popularity of infrared sauna blankets, the market has become saturated with a wide range of options. To help you make an informed decision, we've highlighted the key factors to consider when selecting the best infrared sauna blanket for your needs.
Size and Fit Infrared sauna blankets come in a variety of sizes to accommodate different body types and preferences. Consider your height, weight, and the available space in your home when choosing the right size.
Heating Technology Look for infrared sauna blankets that utilize high-quality heating elements, such as carbon or ceramic, to ensure even and efficient heat distribution.
Temperature Range The ideal infrared sauna blanket should offer a wide temperature range, typically between 95°F to 160°F, to cater to your personal heat preferences and wellness goals.
Timer and Control Features Opt for models that offer user-friendly controls, including adjustable timers and temperature settings, to customize your sauna experience.
Safety and Durability Ensure that the infrared sauna blanket you choose is made from high-quality, durable materials and includes safety features like automatic shut-off mechanisms.
Top-Performing Infrared Sauna Blankets
Integrating Infrared Sauna Blankets into Your Wellness Routine Once you've selected the perfect infrared sauna blanket for your needs, it's time to seamlessly incorporate it into your wellness routine. Here are some tips to help you maximize the benefits of this transformative technology:
Establish a Consistent Routine: Set aside dedicated time each week or month to enjoy your infrared sauna blanket session, making it a regular part of your self-care regimen.
Experiment with Temperature and Duration: Start with lower temperatures and shorter sessions, gradually increasing the intensity and duration as your body adapts to the heat.
Hydrate and Nourish: Drinking plenty of water before, during, and after your sauna session is crucial to replenish fluids and support the detoxification process.
Pair with Other Self-Care Practices: Consider combining your infrared sauna blanket experience with other wellness activities, such as meditation, light stretching, or deep breathing exercises.
Monitor and Adjust: Pay attention to how your body responds to the infrared sauna and make adjustments to the temperature, duration, or frequency as needed to optimize your personal experience.
Infrared sauna blanket have emerged as a transformative addition to the world of home wellness and relaxation. By harnessing the power of infrared technology, these innovative devices offer a convenient and immersive way to experience the numerous benefits of infrared therapy, from improved circulation and detoxification to pain relief and stress reduction.
Whether you're seeking a more accessible alternative to traditional saunas or simply looking to enhance your personal wellness routine, investing in the right infrared sauna blanket can be a game-changer. By understanding the science behind infrared therapy, exploring the key features to consider when selecting a model, and seamlessly integrating this technology into your lifestyle, you can unlock a new level of relaxation, rejuvenation, and overall well-being.
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thecrochetcrowd · 2 months
122 Crochet and Knit Shawl Free Patterns
Take the chill out of the air with a wrappable crochet or knit garment. These 122 Crochet and Knit Shawl Patterns may be next on your hit list of free patterns. Get to it and see different versions, such as triangle or flat rectangle pattern shawls. Crochet Workshop for New Crocheters + Tutorial Triangle shawls that are fashion-oriented tend to be 16″ down the centre of the back, whereas…
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starsonist-chaos · 9 months
I am stricken with the desire to wrap gifts, and regrettably lack wrappable boxes
what an upsetting reality
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bysumex · 11 months
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Look at The Sunset | Almeria (Spain) X JOBY 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMGjI_KxFtY
Almeria, Spain is indeed a popular destination for photographers. It's known for its stunning natural landscapes, unique architecture, and a combination of desert and coastal scenery that provides a diverse range of photo opportunities. Here are some aspects of Almeria that make it a great place for photographers:
Desert Landscapes: Almeria is home to the Tabernas Desert, which is often called "Europe's only desert." This arid landscape with its dry riverbeds, rocky formations, and vast open spaces offers a unique setting for desert and western-themed photography.
Coastal Beauty: Almeria's coastline is lined with beautiful beaches, cliffs, and coves. The contrast between the blue Mediterranean Sea and the arid desert in the background provides captivating photo opportunities.
Historic Architecture: Almeria has a rich history, and its historic architecture, including the Alcazaba of Almeria (a medieval fortress), churches, and old town streets, offers plenty of subjects for architectural and street photography.
Natural Reserves: There are natural reserves in the province, such as the Cabo de Gata-Nijar Natural Park, which boasts unique flora and fauna, along with volcanic rock formations and beautiful beaches.
Unique Locations: Almeria has been a popular location for film and television productions due to its diverse landscapes. Locations like Mini Hollywood, where many spaghetti westerns were filmed, provide a nostalgic backdrop for photographers.
Light and Colors: Almeria is known for its bright, clear skies and strong sunlight. This can create interesting light and shadow effects that photographers often find appealing.
Cultural Events: The province hosts various cultural and traditional events that offer opportunities for capturing the local culture through photography.
Whether you're interested in landscape, architectural, street, or even portrait photography, Almeria's diverse settings and natural beauty make it a great place for photographers to explore and capture unique images.
- JOBY -
Joby is a well-known brand that specializes in producing flexible and versatile tripods designed for photography and videography. One of their most popular product lines is the GorillaPod series, which features unique tripod designs that offer flexibility and stability in various shooting scenarios. Here are some key features and information about Joby tripods:
GorillaPod: The GorillaPod is Joby's signature product. These tripods have bendable, wrappable legs with rubberized rings and foot grips, allowing you to secure your camera or other devices to a wide range of surfaces. This flexibility makes them ideal for shooting in unconventional or challenging locations.
Variety of Models: Joby offers a range of GorillaPod models to suit different camera sizes and needs. They come in various sizes and weight capacities to accommodate smartphones, action cameras, DSLRs, and mirrorless cameras.
Ball Head: Many Joby GorillaPods come with a ball head for versatile camera positioning. This enables you to adjust the camera's angle and orientation easily, providing flexibility in capturing shots from different perspectives.
Compact and Lightweight: Joby tripods are designed to be lightweight and portable, making them suitable for travel and outdoor photography. They are often compact enough to fit in a camera bag or backpack.
Quick Release Plates: Some Joby tripods come with quick release plates that allow you to attach and detach your camera quickly and easily.
Compatibility: Joby GorillaPods can be used with a wide range of devices, including cameras, camcorders, smartphones, and even small lights or microphones. They are versatile tools for content creators and photographers.
Use Cases: Joby tripods are popular among vloggers, content creators, and photographers who need a tripod that can adapt to various shooting situations. They are great for shooting time-lapse videos, capturing self-portraits, and achieving stable shots in challenging environments.
Joby tripods are known for their innovative design and versatility, and they have become a popular choice for photographers and videographers looking for flexible tripod solutions. When choosing a Joby GorillaPod, consider the size and weight capacity that best suits your camera and the type of photography or videography you plan to do.
Info: https://bysumex.com/look-at-the-sunet-almeria-spain-x-joby/
#sunset #sunsetlovers #sunsetview #sunsetmagic #sunsetvibes #sunsetbeach #sunsetlife #joby
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hamtodaygames · 1 year
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Several extremely rare wraps were added with the wrappable outfits today!
- Mecha-Jolly (1,277 days)
- Modern Hex (1,395 days)
- Homescape (904 days)
- Arcade Kid (808 days)
- Bandage (1,269 days)
- Ms. Whip (954 days)
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celltophone · 1 year
Gorillapod is the most flexible and durable mobile and DSLR camera holder. It is best to buy products for those who have to use their camera holder roughly.
Product Description
The 13-inch mobile holder is one of the most heavy-duty products. The flexibility ensures safe shooting in the roughest conditions. The greatest thing is its capability to hold a great load of mobile and DSLR cameras along with an accurate angle lock.
Its portable design makes it easy to carry in your purse and small bag throughout the day and to long day Gorillapod tripod shooting. The clasp lock helps users to lock the angle as per their needs. The Marklif mobile holder is the best choice for people who love to capture landscape sceneries and different angled images.
Our team has found it as the best tripod to use with DSLR, action cameras, and mobile phones. The flexible, wrappable legs have over two dozen flexible joints, which ensures the safety of your expensive camera.
One can take awesome shoots by holding it in your hand and also gives the feel of a premium Gorillapod, which can be fixed to any pole by just twisting its legs.
Portable and lightweight tripod
12 joints flexible legs
13 inch larger size
Ideal for rough shooting
Joints are a bit hard to move
Bottom Lines
The Gorillapod 13-inch mobile holder comes with a premium mobile holder. Thus the buyer didn’t have to purchase a separate device.
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cxyotl · 1 year
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hes so silly and wrappable in this image. hello little gatito.
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spiderinthecupboard · 2 years
From now on I'm choosing gifts based on their wrappability
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shopsyplannet · 2 years
Zety Gorilla Tripod/Mini Tripod ( X25 ) 13 Inch For Smartphones With Holder and Remote (with cover) | Flexible Gorilla Tripod Stand Scalable Lock Accuracy For DSLR & Action Cameras | Tripod For Phone and DSLR camera - (Tripod Gorilla + Remote)
Zety Gorilla Tripod/Mini Tripod ( X25 ) 13 Inch For Smartphones With Holder and Remote (with cover) | Flexible Gorilla Tripod Stand Scalable Lock Accuracy For DSLR & Action Cameras | Tripod For Phone and DSLR camera – (Tripod Gorilla + Remote)
Price: (as of – Details) Angle Rhythm: For best position control, there is a 360-degree panning bed with a 90-degree tilt and a bubble level. Wrappable legs allow you to secure professional camera equipment to nearly any surface, whether you grip it, wrap it, or stand it. This also ensures that, regardless of how heavy your device is, the tripods are comfortable to use and can be used for a long…
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