outlawhqs · 6 years
you are two of the most amazing and dedicated admins i've ever seen and you deserve the reminder, so thank you for all that you do ( be it publicly or behind the scenes ) to make this group as wonderful as it is. it's all because of your efforts. love y'all
tbh we don’t even deserve all of the credit , but i won’t stand on my soapbox beyond just letting you know we appreciate you and all of our amazingly positive members so so much  this group has gone so far and everyone is just so wonderful xoxo
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sarpelui-saved · 6 years
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SHE’LL  LOOK  SKYWARD  before  she  even  thinks  about  glancing  into  the  past  ,  but    moments  in  a  country  as  ‘  small  ‘  as  the  one  she  resided  in  to  say  it’s  a  small  world  would  be  something  laughable  .  valdez  seemed  to  attract  all  kinds  of  characters  ,  it  should  have  been  no  surprise  that  axel  hawthorne  was  one  of  them  .  ❛    AXEL  ,    ❜  she  shoves  the  memories  of  the  way  she’d  ghosted  some  time  ago  down  to  the  pit  of  her  stomach  ,  a  smile  coating  over  the  distant  shock  of  seeing  him  again  as  she  rounds  the  bar  to  place  herself  before  him      ❛    long  time  no  see    ❜ @wrathfillcd   ❤ ‘d  for axel.
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hcneycakc-blog · 6 years
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aston was hurting. he just needed to feel something. what, he didn’t know. just anything. he had left the kids with his parents for the night and gone for a walk. of course, the walk was to clear his mind, and it must have worked. he found himself outside the moon motel. he had frequented it often in the past few years, it was no surprise his feet had just taken him there. with one last drag of his cigarette, aston flicks it onto the ground, pressing his heel against it to put it out. the smoke billows behind him as he steps inside. the contrast in temperature is almost biting, but the warmth is a comfort. he hasn’t been inside the motel in months, but it all feels the exact same and he almost feels at home there. he almost feels lost, though, unsure of where he should be, what he should do. he spots a familiar face in the form of axel and he relaxes a little. perhaps coming inside was a mistake, but at the very least, he could say hi to an old friend. he dodges another couple of guys who seem to know their way around perfectly and he laughs to himself. he must have looked like that to guys before when he could visit. his hand rests against the small of axel’s back as he settles beside him. “are you free for the evening?” his tone is teasing, but whether he is joking or not, the decision is yet to be made. 
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icegods-blog · 6 years
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jason had been cooped up inside mikaela’s for nearly two weeks now. ever since the fire at his home, ever since he nearly killed the youngest petran. it had been a slow week and a half, all things considered; he hadn’t shown his face at the mansion, hadn’t gone to the warehouses, hadn’t done any of his duties as a leader; and leaving it all to mikaela was starting to weight on the man’s shoulders. he needed a drink, needed a friend to confide in and in the moment of desperation, there was only one person in his mind. ❝ thanks for coming. ❞ he said once axel slid into the booth at the bar, two pints of beer resting on top of the table. ❝ i ... i didn’t know who else to call. ❞ jace offered the other man a somewhat sad smile. ❝ i ordered your drink, i hope you don’t mind. how have you been ? ❞ ( @wrathfillcd )
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vernaculare-a · 6 years
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“ i’m fine. ” ana swats away the hand of a paramedic adding a bandage to the slice across her cheekbone. there are people far more injured than her ( despite the tight splint wrapped around her wrist to hold it in place till she can get to the hospital ). it’s chaos everywhere --- bodies covered in makeshifts blankets lining the ground as identities are being discovered. some are familiar, some are not. in the sea of destruction ana searches for the ones she calls family and friends. brothers are accounted for but there is someone in particular she seeks and when she spots him it’s as if a weight is lifted. “ BASH –– ” the brunette runs towards him and almost skids to a stop as a hand grasps the side of his face where the injuries are less. “ you’re okay. tell me you’re okay right now. ” // @wrathfillcd
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svrrenders-blog · 6 years
sms: mariana ➝ bash
mariana: i haven't seen your name on any of the lists. i hope that means you're alright.
mariana: please tell me you're alright and you stayed far away from this.
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mavngata-blog · 6 years
⛈ Find my muse after some kind of trauma ( hawthorne sibs )
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her list of known kills is small. ONE for the savages and ONE for herself. the first time her hand s h o o k with uncertainty — should i really be doing this? is this the kind fo life i want to lead? it was another five minutes before she could pull the trigger, and she had cried and cried and cried for nights after. the second time her hand was steady as could be, no hesitance whatsoever, and she had fired and fired and fired until she’d unloaded the gun on him. it was the first time in her life that she couldn’t rely on her brother’s protection and she had lost control. she hadn’t even given herself enough time to flip that OFF switch before she fell to the ground, a crumpled mess of tears and dirt and blood. there are bruises that leave a temporary mark on her skin, but will forever leave their mark on her memory, even after she’s scrubbed herself c l e a n of it all. this is where axel finds her and she can’t tell him a damned thing that happened. the memory is so vivid and clear, but she can’t force the words out. this is where he scoops her up to take her home after making a call to ensure her mess would be cleaned up. once again taking the fall for a mistake she’s made. and this is the LAST time --- the last time she will waste her thoughts on the memory except for in her nightmares, the last time she will let herself lose control when handling the power of a gun, the last time she will allow axel to witness her downfall, to pick up her broken pieces and try build her back up. she’ll be long gone before he EVER has to do it again. or.. that’s what she tells herself.
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honevlove · 6 years
bash, axel, cassandra ( for all )
WED: axelBED: cassandraBEHEAD: bash
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WED: cassandraBED: bashBEHEAD: axel 
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WED: bashBED: cassandraBEHEAD: axel
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WED: cassandraBED: axelBEHEAD: bash
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dyingnwshes · 6 years
💪 Pick my muse up ( axel + teagan )
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❛  I told you i’m fine , axe .   ❜   ❛ telling him for what felt like the hundreth time as they walked together . side by side in netural area , so either one could casually see the other .  teagan hated that axel had a sense for something that was wrong with her . there was nothing wrong with her , but the fact she had a bab growing inside her .  ❛    you need t-   ❜  she cuts herself off as she feels light headed and suddenly falls to the ground . well almost - axel catches her and picks her up .  ❛  okay - so i might have some food poisoning. that’s it . ❜ a lie , but something to keep him off her radar .   ❛  so i guess - sometimes you can be right .   ❜  she confesses as she leans her head against his chest .  ❛  so i guess you wouldn’t mind carrying me home then , my knight in shinning armor ?  ❜  she teases him with a soft smile . 
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bencvolentways · 6 years
“ so , how does it feel to know me? a blessing , isn’t it? “ ( sofia + brooklyn )
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Brooklyn knew that Sofia was teasing but the question lingered in her mind longer than her best friend probably had intended it to. She smiles softly and walks behind Sofia, wrapping her arms around her frame, leaving a quick kiss on her shoulder. “You really are the blessing. I don’t think I’d make it through anything without you.” 
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ofgriffith · 6 years
💢 ( u know )
HE’S PLAGUED BY AN INFAMOUS TEMPER that blazes like a never ending fire under his skin, something so all-consuming that it uses his veins for gasoline and thrives off of the very oxygen he draws in with every breath. for all of the damage it’s caused over the years, since moving to valdez his anger has been relatively... tame. almost deceptively so. he can count on one hand the times it’s gotten the best of him since he tapped into a war not his own. after this little interaction, however, griffith knows and another finger will be joining the bunch. the conflagration F L A R E S, and the side of his curled fist slams against the table with enough force that the wood creaks pitifully. ‘ you give me one more FUCK OFF answer, hawthorne, and i’ll handle this myself. and t r u s t me when i say you won’t like how i do it. ’
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oftasmaniandevil · 6 years
✉ ( bash + tas )
send ✉ for an 2 am text
Text: I can text you what I’m doing right now or you can come over for a show...tough decision. I know. 
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tosinistolive · 6 years
bash, axel, cassandra
WED: Axel, duh.
BED: Bash, because… damn.
BEHEAD: Cassandra. (just because Nika’s straight, but otherwise, Cass is a hot piece of ass)
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hcneycakc-blog · 6 years
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“look, it’s not like i meant to hurt the guy. but if he’s going to keep grabbing my throat after i said i didn’t like that, what do you expect?” honey folded her arms over her chest, staring up at axel. she had perched herself on the edge of the bed, the knife laying beside her. her client’s blood had already began to dry at the tip. she hadn’t even cut him deep, it was just to get him to stop. why was he even causing such a fuss? it was like having a paper cut! “is this because i had the knife under my bed? ‘cause, you know, it was just for protection. and, i mean, look. it came in handy, didn’t it?”
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icegods-blog · 6 years
😠 bash + vanya.
😠 death glare at my muse.
vanya hadn’t seen bash in a while. he had sought the man out when he first came back into town, but sebastian had made his feelings for vanya glaringly obvious: vanya was a fed, no matter where his loyalties were, no matter how much he proved himself. he was the enemy now, and he would be as much until the day he died. it was easy to hate bash after that, their past completely forgotten to both men. overtime, bash slipped out of vanya’s mind: they were in the same gang, but it was easy to ignore each other----- now, with both of them working the same position ? it was like bash was everywhere. at the bar, at the estate, in the conference room. everywhere he went, bash was either there or would waltz into the room minutes later. he had been able to ignore it for the longest time, but the circumstances made it very difficult to pretend sebastian wasn’t sitting across the hall from him: the estate was nearly empty, both of them being left behind to the graveyard shift, having to stay awake and watch out for anyone coming or going. there wasn’t much to do other than brood, and vanya was incredible at that. so he sat there, scowling and glaring daggers at the other man’s face. ❝ stop breathing so motherfucking loud. ❞
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micahz · 6 years
groot: what is your favorite word? 
“seraph. it means angel.” 
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