#wreath of the bild
1tsjusty0u · 2 months
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face of a man that has 0 (zero) idea of whats going to be done to him
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discofaery · 2 years
Zegend of Lelda: Wreath of the Bild
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cometmystic · 3 months
wreath of the bild
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nebris · 5 months
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Heldengedenktag/Unter den Linden (1940-2021) Officially introduced in 1934, the "Day of Commemoration of Heroes" was the Nazi version of what is now known as Volkstrauertag ("People's Day of Mourning") and a significant propaganda event in the National Socialist calendar. In its modern form, remembrance day in Germany is a matter of mourning the members of the armed forces of all nations and civilians who have died in armed conflicts and sometimes is said to also include victims of violent oppression. During the Nazi period, however, the emphasis was on celebrating heroes, rather than mourning victims. When the Volkstrauertag was formally recognised in 1948 by the post-war West German government it was considered necessary to distance the commemoration from any connection to the Nazi Heldengedenktag. As such, Volkstrauertag instead takes place at the end of the year. Because of the relation to Christian Advent, the date is the Sunday nearest November 16th (somewhere between November 13th and November 19th). (1940) Nazi leader Adolf Hitler walks along Berlin's central boulevard - Unter den Linden - and inspect a Wehrmacht's honour guard before a wreath-laying ceremony in the Neue Wache as part of the Heldengedenktag memorial service on March 10th 1940. In his speech in the Berlin Zeughaus the same day, Hitler exclaims: "The war imposed by the capitalist rulers of France and England must become the glorious victory in German history." Behind him from left: Colonel General Keitel, Colonel General v. Brauchitsch, Grossadmiral Raeder and Generalfeldmarschall Göring, and Generaloberst Keitel General der Infantrie Reinhardt. (2021) A tourist bus and a city still under reconstruction. . Images: Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-L02368/Matt Robinson
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zelda-photography · 3 years
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All of these bad boys get to go together. Reading them makes me feel like I’m having a stroke 10/10 would play any of these games. What is a bild wreath? Can’t wait to find out.
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aurotoiras · 5 years
Zegend of Lelda Wreath of the Bild
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kindandhappy · 3 years
2 Timotheus 2:1,2
So, mein Kind, stärke dich daher in der Gnade die in Christus Jesus ist. Und was du von mir gehört hast vor vielen Zeugen, das vertraue treuen Menschen an, die da kompetent sind auch andere zu unterrichten.
2 Timotheus 2:3 (Luther 1956)
Leide* mit als ein guter Streiter von Jesus Christus.
* https://biblehub.com/greek/4777.htm, welches wir auch noch einmal in Vers 9 von 2 Timotheus 2 finden
(KJV) Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
(NIV) Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
Amplified Bibel (AMP) Take with me your share of hardship [passing through the difficulties which you are called to endure], like a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
Paulus stand für die Förderung des Evangeliums von Christus [Das Evangelium der Gnade und Herrlichkeit in Christus] und und kämpfte die vollkommene Darstellung eines Menschen in und mit Christus. In eines der Korintherbriefe weist er auf sein Vorbild hin, was letztendlich das Vorbild von Christus ist, dem wir folgen.
1. Petrus 2:21
Denn dazu seid ihr berufen, da auch Christus gelitten* hat für euch und euch ein Vorbild gelassen, dass ihr sollt nachfolgen seinen Fußstapfen.
* http://biblehub.com/greek/3958.htm
# 3958 paschó: zu leiden,  es soll gehandelt werden auf
Original-Wort: πάσχω
Wortart: Verb
Transliteration: paschó
Phonetische Schreibweise: (pas'-kho)
Kurze Definition: Ich handle auf, leide
Definition: Ich handle in einer bestimmten Weise; entweder gut oder schlecht; Ich erfahre schlechte Behandlung, Leiden.
Die Disziplin der römischen Armee war sehr schwer. Jeder Soldat war gezwungen Härte zu ertragen.
Die Waffen waren schwer, und zusätzlich war der gewöhnliche Fußsoldat gezwungen eine Säge, einen Korb, eine Pick-Axt, einen String aus Leder [Peitschenriemen] und einen Haken zusammen mit einer drei Tage Ration zu tragen. Er wurde eher wie ein Lasttier behandelt als ein Mann.
2. Timotheus 2:4  (Luther 1956)
Kein Kriegsmann verstrickt sich in Sorgen des alltäglichen Lebens, auf dass er gefalle dem der ihn geworben hat.
(KJV) No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.
(NIV) No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer.
Amplified Bibel (AMP) No soldier in active service gets entangled in the [ordinary business] affairs of civilian life; [he avoids them] so that he may please the one who enlisted him to serve.
Vom römischen Soldaten wurde erwartet, eine Sache im Auge zu behalten, und nur eine einzige: der Dienst seines Befehlshabers. Er durfte nicht heiraten, noch konnte er sich in der Agrarwirtschaft engagieren, im Handel oder in der Herstellung von Ware. Er war ein Soldat und konnte nichts anderes sein. Das Bild ist sehr eindrucksvoll für die Einzigartigkeit des Ziels, die den wahren Diener von Jesus Christus kennzeichnet.
Es war ihm nicht erlaubt in irgendeiner anderen Beschäftigung tätig zu sein, die seine Nützlichkeit beeinträchtigen würde, zu der es zu Verwicklungen kam. Das ist es, was Paulus im Text beschließt Timotheus anzuvertrauen.
2. Timotheus 2:5 (Luther 1956)
Und wenn jemand auch kämpft wird er doch nicht gekrönt, er kämpfe denn recht.
(KJV) And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully.
(NIV) Similarly, anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor's crown except by competing according to the rules.
Amplified Bibel (AMP) And if anyone competes as an athlete [in competitive games], he is not crowned [with the wreath of victory] unless he competes according to the rules.
Verpflichtungen des Gesetzes / legitim/ rechtmäßig
Kein Mensch kann hoffen, die Belohnung in den Spielen des Laufens, Springen, Boxen oder Ringen zu erhalten, es sei denn, er erfüllt die Vorschriften, die Bedingungen die vorgegeben sind; erstens in der notwendigen vorherigen Ausbildung (siehe Anmerkung zu 1. Korinther 9:25) und dann in der Durchführung.
Er muss rechtmäßig streben, sich befleißigen eine große Anstrengung zu machen etwas zu erreichen. Der Apostel Paulus sagt in 1. Korinther 9:24 ‘‘...lauft so, dass ihr erlangt.‘‘ Das heißt und ist, alle Regeln des Spiels einhalten, wenn du dir wünscht Erfolg zu haben.
Paulus verweist auf diese Regeln des Spiels, wenn er sagt, in 1. Kor. 9:26: ‘‘Ich laufe aber so, nicht als aufs Ungewisse ...‘‘ Das heißt, ich habe Kenntnis von allen Regeln, die das Rennen regulieren, und ich weiß, in was ich beschäftigt oder verwickelt bin.
Ähnlich vom Prinzip her in der Verpflichtung und den Regeln des Spiels und jeweiligen Zusammenhang der Schrift, sagte es auch Jesus Christus, der Sohn von Yahweh in Johannes 4:32-36; Lukas 2:49
Die Regeln des Spiels im Rennen werden uns in Yahweh Seinem Wort aufgezeigt. Wenn wir anfangen konsequent Sein Wort zu lesen, wenn wir Ihn bitten im Gebet, uns die Antworten auf unseren Weg zu geben, um frei zu kommen von den Verwicklungen, die uns die Welt immer wieder versucht aufzubürden, oder wir durch Unkenntnis zu lassen, dann werden wir die Antworten und eine klare Sicht erhalten, wenn wir zu Seinem Wort zurückkommen. Je tiefer wir graben, je mehr Sein Wort in unseren Herzen und Sinnen lebt, wirklich Sein Wort und wir es üben zu tun, dann werden wir frei und haben Kraft.
Der Widersacher möchte uns nicht frei sehen, da er weiß wer wir sind und was für eine Kraft wir erhalten haben. Aber Jesus Christus sagt, ‘‘Das wenn wir an Seiner Rede bleiben, wir in der Wahrheit sind und Seine Jünger.‘‘ Jesus Christus macht frei, wir müssen anfangen das zu glauben jetzt und hier, Ihm zu vertrauen, wenn wir einen Sieg erringen wollen.
Er hat ihn bereits für uns errungen. Wir brauchen ihn nur anzunehmen und danach zu gehen. Deshalb werfe dein Vertrauen nicht weg und habe Geduld, die wir alle nötig brauchen, Hebräer 10:35,36
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hyah-through-hyrule · 6 years
Legend of zegend
Wreath of the Bild
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1tsjusty0u · 2 months
can i present you with a random scenario. what would happen in an au hypothetical where only one of the champions survives the calamity. idk like what would happen for each champion im curious
ywah you can!!
ok this depends on if you mean like. taking links surviving role or surviving alongside link. in my au the former would be.. a bit more complicated? actually that could make for a really fucked up scenario of which i shant say as . probably spoilers? actually no . in wotb link actually dies early (a recent development meta-textually). so basically if hes already in there and a champion has to be put in their instead theres two routes. one he could never be put in there at all, already gone by the time they find the SoR. or two he Is in there but something just Fails Really Badly. it just.. wouldnt heal him. so its a last ditch effort to put a champion in there.
long text below Be Warned.
so while we’re on the topic of that scenario!!! lets start with it!! 1 mipha. she would send out an ok signal to the other champions, and she’d either check on her people first or try to get vah ruta to the nearest champion to help them. or hell she might check on zelda first. i think the plan without link would be to either say fuck it we ball and impa would take zelda to the castle, Or just go straight to kakariko instead as a safety thing. i think she’d actually check on zelda as she’s seen as the most important, then try to reach the champions. i think she’d have the same problems the champions descendants have getting into the divine beasts honestly, though vah naboris would be easy theres no water close enough. vah medoh is not only too high but has an actual shield. vah rudania walks around too much and causes way too much damage to death mountain. she could fire her shot at one of the divine beasts, but that would kill the champion inside it, wouldnt it? so she just resigns to help zelda and impa. she can take care of guardians well enough honestly. her cause of death would probably be either malice or trying to heal zelda or impa While Being Fought at. shes put in and boom 100 years later. i dont know how scales work but i think they wouldnt regrow in the SoR and she’d be left with scarred skin. either rhoam or a zora she knew would greet her on the great plateau. rhoam… wouldnt exactly be happy about. link not being there. mipha being able to defeat her blight is proof to him that shes capable, but also he really has no other options. who else is going to help zelda? mipha had defeated one of his creations.. so she could defeat him. she kind of has to, master sword or not- she’s the only one left. if a zora she knew was there instead i think itd reflect on her personally more? like her healing, her tendency to look after others instead of herself, how she’s dealing with this. the zora wouldnt force her to help zelda, maybe not even telling her. but yeag. still amnesiac, and things go mostly the same as canon besides some.. hiccups. going into zoras domain would have her literally not be able to leave, let alone go to zelda or any of the divine beasts. dorephan and muzu would gush over her because well. they havent seen her in 100 years!! and shes alive!!! she’s been martyred which would be. uncomfortable to her. because she doesnt know who that statue is, even if it looks like her. sure shes calm and nice, but the statues face.. it looks. serene almost. calm. lifeless, dead. vah rutas been protecting the place, and vah ruta would also say hi!! she’d get a memory of herself here which could include her little self or her pre cal self Hiding Things, like vulnerability. itd make her uncomfortable as well!! AND SIDON. sidon would have mixed feelings, but he would absolutely hang out with her in a more.. chill manner. just like. camping and eating. frog hunting. showing her how to ride a waterfall like she taught him. they get to know each other better like. well like siblings. she might do a pre cal and when she suggests leaving while doing a chill hangout she’d do That Smile. the hiding something smile basically, or ‘im the mature sibling’ smile. and sidon would be like ‘youre making that face’ >:( and shed go (sweating) ‘what’. but yeah. sidon would either go with her and travel with her or establish a mail system no matter the cost. They Will Talk damnit. going into other regions is hard when you cant really handle many temperatures that arent in the water. im ppretty sure zoras domain has chillfin trout in it so i think she’d do better in colder weather rather than hot, which sucks because two divine beasts are in hot weather. she’d probably still need at Least a ruby circlet though because hebra is probably too cold, or just sucks because of the snow. death mountain she’d have to put. so much flame resistance elixrs on. she’d also wear a sapphire circlet all the time there even if its not in the flaming zone. she doesnt like the hot springs </3. yunobo and her would-
-get along i think. she’d probably be slightly annoyed at how scared he is but other than that no complaints. he’d be really nice without being a pushover and i think she’d relate/admire that. she’d eat smotherwing butterflies. daruk would be really happy to see her. getting into gerudo town sucks so so soo badly. sand keeps getting under her scales, its Dry, its Hot (during the day), and theres not like. an elixr for her scales. the only real place sand Isnt on her is the lake in the kara kara bazaar. i think she’d put on flame resistant elixir there just so it protects her scales. or she gets some armour to help her with that. otherwise she’s let into gerudo town. vah naboris would be a nightmare for her. she’d have to have like. a hazmat suit for that one. and the yiga!! she wouldnt like them the moment she hears of them, which has to do with link pre cal but saying too much is spoilers. honestly though. i dont think theyd try to kill her, at least not Nearly as much. after all shes Just Some Zora. no sword, no divine intervention. after getting the thunder helm though theyd go after her probably. but yeah she does Not like them and will actually fight them the first chance she gets. this caused problems for the thunder helm stealth mission. urbosa and revali would be impressed to see her but also worried (revali) and defeated/giving up almost (urbosa). she and paya would get along really well and she’d clean with her Instantly. though paya would tell her that she doesnt have to + she should. be doing other things. she’d buy links house which. weird feelings about it so she doesnt really live in it but its just. There. like a memorial. she’d also be annoyed at purah teasing her about having to get parts but she’d mask it. she’d like indexing fish and birds in her compendium, and the sanke carp Fascinates her. she’d like kass’s music and really just sit and listen to him play. she’d also try to tell him what the shrine solution was once she figures it out. though i dont think he’d tell her the calamity legends. impa does however. she’d find lurelin and would So Badly want to go into the sea. however its too much salt. she’d probably fish there honestly, fishing rod and all. also though seafaring is dangerous for her so. no eventide unless a good boat rather than a dodgy raft. she.. tries to make it into korok forest. but she doesnt know how, and if link ever told her how he did it she cant remember. also its Super haunting for her i think she’d minorly see horrors in the mist so. yeah no forest for her. she’d defeat ganon though, and she’d probably live in zoras domain but take zelda with her. OH ALSO HER MEMORIES…. zeldas photos wouldnt help her too much. only 1 has her in it. so she’d get memories based on her surroundings, like how link gets snippets of the champions. seeing her trident would get a memory, the veiled falls shrine would have a memory, goponga village would have a memory, maybe the east post would have one?, and she’d have a zelda memory somewhere in zoras domain (maybe with those history tablets, or in an area with wildlife). and if link has a grave thatd also have a memory. she’d also get a memory of impa because hell yeah. im tempted to make link a spirit that follows her like the other champions honestly. but yeah post cal sidons been set as the ruler so. she can do what she wants. she’d mostly help zelda though.
in the scenario she lives alongside link, she’d tend to him on the great plateau and generally help out purah and robbie. she’d have to be at the domain most of the time though, and she’d be next in line for the crown rather than sidon. she’d grow older and do her best to help with the side effects of the calamity. she HATES yiga even more here than the last scenario. she also hates guardians, but she can take care of even the stalkers now. she’s there to greet link instead of rhoam, and helps him recuperate. she doesnt have a paraglider at first so for him to get down he’d need to climb down. or she couldve made a river system into the great plateau so if he holds his breath he can dive in and out. he still has to do the shrines zelda let mipha know that he has to. she might also travel with him honestly. she’d also spearhead the guardians on the great plateau when she finds out some are active. things would tense between them as time goes on but thats another story. basically old lady who may want to kill.
if revali survived!! uhh first scenario. he would fly all the way to the other champions first, and would check on zelda last. he’d also try to see how the village is doing before he flys to the champions. he cant get to naboris or ruta because he cant see anything, and rudania is at a Really painful angle, and with death mountain erupting.. its a pipe dream to make it there. he dies also to malice, or maybe to a guardian shot. same deal as mipha, either rhoam or a rito he knows greets him. rhoam has the same feelings (+exasperation because of all the champions, it was revali. and he’s a lot more of an old man to him with like changing the deal and teasing him. they would probably fight if not for the fact they dont hate each other). if it was a rito theyd focus more on flying than anything else. actually. he can get off the great plateau. i mean unless he forgot how to glide/one of his wings couldnt work he could. simply get down there. so for plot lets say he forgot how to fly and glide. once he learns how to again he goes to kakariko, and once he learns of rito village hes goes straight there and almost never leaves it. its His Hometown damnit!!! the nostalgia would get to him. though not knowing anyone would be… weird to him. but he’d still love the village. he and medoh would banter but theyd miss each other. he has to get to vah ruta by walking and hes SO mad about it. he would absolutely fight muzu if muzu hated him like he hated link. maybe muzu would doubt his skills and insist no outside help is needed. mipha would be sad probably. not to see him but just to see her family. but i think her and revali would be friends like pre cal and theyd have fun just with now looming dread. the flame resistant stuff would suck to put on, but he isnt going to drink it so he suffers instead. he would probably like yunobo. he’s able to reassure him better and yunobo is like you mentioned more reasonable in general so. yeah!! OH YEAH also he and sidon.. hm. i think sidon would tease him/punk him a lot. be more mean but thatd be why theyd get along in the end. frienemies. vah naboris. would be awful. sand in his feathers the same way mipha had sand in her scales. itd be Doubly hot for him, so he’d have to go at night but rito have terrible night vision so it sucks, and he cant even get into town. he spends a good minute arguing with the guard, not about wanting to be let in but to do Divine Beast things. eventually riju has been summoned and, while exasperated, she believes him. he still has to get the thunder helm, and hes more neutral on the yiga than mipha is. he sees them as a threat but like. he doesnt despise them. if they werent threats itd be fine. i think hes also slightly scared of them. he sneaks through, master kohgas defeated and the yiga are after him, and actually doing naboris hed also need a hazmat suit for. though its a bit better because ARCHERY YEEAAHH 🔥🔥🔥🔥💶💶💶🦅🦅🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹. urbosa would feel the same like she did with mipha, except more exasperated and defeated because Its Revali. daruk would be happy to see him though still. link may or may not be a spirit here? itd be tense at first but i think itd mirror their friendship arc pre cal (of which i need to answer that ask i am sorry) except the roles would be swapped. youll see. anyways yeah. payas meh to him, doesnt like impa a lot but doesnt hate her, would debate purah probably Somehow. he wouldnt buy links house probably. memory locations: his bow and arrow, the flight range, the tabantha village ruins, tanagaar canyon/dinraal, mabe village perhaps, one of zelda same with mipha, links grave, and maybe one of impa. also possibly one at the secret hot springs. post cal he’d constantly help rito village and thats it. Maybe help zelda if she sends a letter but yeah. he’d have to find a hobby though
living along side link. he would also help purah and robbie, though less so. he’d be forced to greet link but in the meantime he’d protect his village and basically become the elder. seeing a young link whiles he old would be… disconcerting. he’d probably feel a mixture of guilt and anger. same deal as mipha though he has a paraglider for him. he wouldnt kill the guardians however and would just find a route for him to avoid them. he’d also be straightforward about what happened to link as opposed to mipha, so their relationship would be less strained as time goes on. he travels with him up to rito village and no more. i think he’d also visit the champion descendants to do his best to help them out.
daruk!! he’d go to the champions straight away. vah ruta is isolated in water which he cant get to (and also has a shield), vah medohs way too high up, and naboris wont stay still, and though hes mighty he can absolutely get crushed by naboris’s legs. god how would he die. yiga misfire maybe???? malice once again?? probably just an accumulation of malice. hed try to instantly leave the plateau (no fall damage like majoras mask goron rock ball form) and while rhoam (if he was there) would try to tease him he’d have to just tell him ‘hey. you Have to do this. Its important. please’ or would straight away tell him the truth. if a goron spirit was there . shrugs. theyd probably focus on strength and building enough to get ganon. goron city, hailed as hero though hes a bit uncomfortable about that and tries to both take it and be mature(?) about it if that makes sense. like hes more comfortable with it than mipha, but it still puts him off a little. vah rudania would hate to see him (rudania missed him so much its unbelievable). vah ruta would be. one Hell of a divine beast to do. he’d have to use a thunder sword instead of arrows, and he’d be A Test to sidons strength as a whole. OH ALSO yunobo would love him !!!!! him bludo and yunobo would probably hang out post cal. anyways. vah naboris he would simply slam into their legs instead of bomb arrows. still would need the thunder helm. master kohga would respect daruk enough however business is business and right now theyre enemies. daruk would not like the yiga like mipha . closer to the hate scale than revali but less than mipha. he’d be pretty pissed at them and wouldnt realize why for a while. the yiga have to get inventive when he becomes wanted which means new weapons methinks!! also he’s let into gerudo town. gorons r genderless so. hell yeah. and. ok so daruk cant get up to vah medoh theres. not many options. either he’s chucked from hebra peak at all of medohs batteries and is finally chucked on board, Or if youve seen klerics 10 ways link can make it up to that divine beast on his own he does that. also also urbosa would have more hope with daruk than mipha and revali. revali would secretly be happy to see the guy. link might be a spirit as usual. memories! his stone smasher, death mountains peak, military training camp, the place where link saved him which he mentions in his diary, the hot springs/springs near the base of death mountain, honestly probably meeting mipha (maybe trading fish) ((where no clue, though he has memories of the other champions like all of them of which they arent the samw memory locations in botw. like miphas statue doesnt trigger a memory for daruk and anyone else ok sorry)), uhh zelda, impa?, links grave, and maybe some place in akkala.
the second scenario he would constantly try to help the descendants rather than link as he figures purah and robbie got it covered, but he visits them while they do great plateau things and they chat!! maybe try to take care of guardians. he would be the most straightforward with link, both in helping him gain strength but in his memories. he’ll offer to travel but wont force it on him. other than that he’d stay on death mountain with rudania. most things wouldnt be a threat with daruk around honestly. just a support beam basically. kind of sad because i. dunno what kind of character arc he would have in most of this. </3
urbosa!!! she’d take a quick glance at her people but go to zeldas and the champions aid. its hard to tell which she’d go for first.. like on one hand she’s biased towards zelda but she just went through a blight and can hear the SOS signals of the others. maybe multitasking? getting naboris to zelda as fast as she can, picking her up/dropping her off (which could lead to some chatting on the way), and then to a divine beast, maybe realizing about a quarter left of the way that theyre already dead and theres no point now. mipha would have a similar revelation probably just.. later. but urbosa dies helping zelda and impa, either distracting something or getting ambushed. great plateau, you know the drill. if rhoam was there theyd have some, “lovely” chats (theyd be So petty against each other. she’d find out her smiting power by trying smite him. though they are friends and have fun and would drink with each other.) and once her whole deal is revealed they have a little heart to heart, and this becomes even more serious to her. she’d go straight to the castle or would reluctantly go to kakariko taking rhoams suggestion seriously. if a gerudo was there it’d probably be more fighting training/regaining strength, plus. warnings of the world beyond this plateau. anyways. impa and her would be besties (though impa would be.. too lax for her). and she’d enjoy paya a lot, maybe try to flex on her to tease her. zoras domain dorephan and her would get along i think AND OH WAIT. SHE HAS LIGHTNING POWERS. if she can get the thunder helm she could finish vah ruta in one strike (though it Does worry the zora a bit). she may throw shade at muzu for his hate of hylians and of the shekiah tech (especially the latter i think). sidon and her would be battle buddies i think, theyd constantly try to outdo each other but still respect each other to have Actual Teamwork. dynamic duo that will kill you. also she makes fun of him sometimes. anyways. mipha would be pretty happy to see her! death mountain. either drinks the elixir first and then realizes most people apply it on their skin so. oops. but she doesnt really care so she keeps drinking it like its champagne. chugging. despite being used to the desert she still doesnt like the heat. yunobo and her would also get along i think!! she would just immediately kill whatever hes afraid of and he looks in. slight fear. though the mines was a workout for her and shes making sure he knows he Owes Her for that one. anyways daruk would be ecstatic to see her theyre Instant Besties. new ghost pal perhaps as well. he’d yell like a sports fan everytime she beats the blight/gets a hit. its chaotic that time the energy is just net positive despite the circumstances. hebra. honestly. she might be ok with it? the desert is cold at night and she lives next to snowy mountains. nice change of pace. teba gets her up there pretty easily, maybe bow troubles? slices the targets with her sword as teba watches in surprise yet defeat. revali and her would, once again, be very petty. however revali would still worry with the blight but she’s fine. i think she’d hate the rotating angle of vah medoh. aaand naboris!!! no freeing to do she just gets to see a long time friend of hers (naboris). she’d love riju and riju may feel a bit of pressure, but over all she’s welcomed back with open arms (maybe some new locals not recognizing her which would be interesting). though she’d have to clear the yiga. now on the hate scale, she probably wants them annihilated (i am so sorry). like riju would have to pull her back saying ‘heyheyhey yeah they suck but dont??? kill them??? or their entire clan????’ which would only barely stop her. she wouldnt even try to sneak through she’d fight them and threaten kohga for the thunder helm. kohga lets her have it without fight and makes a retreat, though he probably lays low? if he hunts her afterwards is debatable because on one hand she Is a threat to them and ganon, but also she Can kill them before they teleport and retreat. so a bit of a choice. also hateno, purah and her wouldnt be-
too much of friends but theyd get along well enough. same with robbie. she wouldnt get links house to her its not her problem. or maybe she does but because she’d think itd be a nice place for zelda. kass and her would just be diplomats to each other. link spirit maybe shrugs . memories!! sword and shield, kara kara bazaar, southern oasis?, shield surfing champion shrine that she did, patricia maybe?, digg dogg suspension bridge, a spring memory with zelda, flora and fauna with zelda, links grave, impa, the champions yadda yadda. the memory numbers probably dont match up between all the champions sorry
second scenario!!! exclusively helps zelda and either stops her from letting ganon eat her or tries her best to fight ganon before retreating and he eats zelda. then she just. wanders. purah probably helping her cope or just. do things. she might even stay in kakariko for a bit, and she moves out of gerudo town. she’d say goodbye to everyone of course. but ywah. also maybe guard kakariko from yiga of which cado would fear her immensely. she’d either greet link or let rhoam do it and just meet link at kakariko and be Cryptic and Vague like he was but push him towards helping zelda, maybe even traveling with him. however she’d probably try to have him stay On Track constantly which would go. poorly. either that or she silently judges him but doesnt say anything. she’d only really hammer in to Go To Castle once all the divine beasts are free. they probably split off though, urbosa going to either chill or help in some way just elsewhere. like helping robbie light his ancient oven and getting guardian tools. also she has more wrinkles now shes super super old
if link isnt revived but the champions arent put in the SoR itd just be a mix of the two scenarios, slowly chipping at the divine beasts while helping out globally and getting old and having to cope with everything afterwards because they still have their memories
this . may not have been what you meant. i am sorry. however. thumbs up
ALSOALSO wanting the yiga dead is not a morally pure/correct course of action for them. it is not morally right thing to annihilate an entire group of people this isnt a bug its a feature. them wanting the yigas dead is not good. just in case.
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mezitli33 · 5 years
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modekreativ-blog · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://modekreativ.com/2017/06/26/hochzeit-essentials-die-den-unterschied-machen.html
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1tsjusty0u · 14 days
hm. another. whats zeldas opinion of revali/vice versa?
alright so!! pre cal!!! revali likes/relates to her that expands into likes but also realized they are. Very Different People. and theres some issues about that. he also thinks shes really cheesy + is kind of dumbfounded by her sometimes. for zelda its Finally someone who doesnt like this twerp blindly (the twerp is link), to being, once again, different people but they can agree on One thing at least which depends from situation to situation. they dont argue but more passively disconnect from each other. unless they agree on something! also revali gets the whole powers deal with zelda and gets the struggle and all that jazz. well sort of. he understands the effort and not mastering her powers and the pressure that comes from that. but at the same time. wh. why is she the princess/why does hyrule have this grip if not for her powers. her interest in sheikah tech is probably why shes leading it but . why not an actual sheikah ………. he doesnt mention it mostly but its just a question of ‘why am i following you…’ . revalis american voice actor had that mindset except for link, which i get where hes coming from but i. do not think revali is following orders from link. that would be certain sheikahs as well as some of the guards. also revali is like. a teen to me. but anyways yeah!!! when they first meet they bicker slightly about the divine beasts but ultimately bond of their hatred of link. past this revali Does listen when she talks/rambles about the divine beasts. he doesnt really know how to do Conversation when she does it and either nods along or tries to relate it to something to not just Be Silent and have something to say. zelda sometimes gets annoyed by it but appreciates the effort. they dont really talk a lot save for champion meetings which at some point would escalate into a roadtrip at some point. revali and zelda would both be put off by each others social and rupee status. theyd probably like doing archery together! revalis issues later on kind of start when his opinions on link. dont change because fundamentally its the same just views it at a different angle. so the normal type of bonding is strained slightly. he doesnt know How zelda hates link as in the specific way she hates link not. how could she. thatd be kind of stupid. but like. her thought process. and when his has changed and hers has not he just kind of lies. i dont want link to be the only factor for this either; general things like once again the social statuses of the two and how that’d affect their views, just simply not getting the sheikah tech only really liking medoh, and just. not really knowing how to bond? revali has 0 hobbies. zelda tries to though it is hard when youve got to prioritize your powers. the sheikah tech is just an alternative method For her powers . she may have been genuinely interested in it if she hadnt had to worry about that but its more likely that it wouldve stayed buried. as of right now she Does like it but theres a more. desperate angle to it. shes less doing it because she wants to and more she Has To. plus she’d probably have shame about her ramblings, especially for things that arent Important like the sheikah tech. also she has no idea how to relate to revali at all. she doesnt get the training 24/7 thing and its like. ‘please tell me you do something. fun to do’ ‘ . ‘ . and then for her thered be the thing of when she doesnt hate link. no idea how i’ll make that work (im. Not doing the yiga memory for that one) or how gradually the change happens and whether she just kind of. projects onto him/just acts nicer or both. either way her opinion would have have to had changed from retaliation based on the assumption that link hated her to ‘oj he doesnt hate me.’ trying to make amends. but once that happens she doesnt really know how to feel about link. like on one hand the core issue of him not really being able to emote hasnt changed and cant change really. she has to be able to accept that or just. not care when people Do hate her. self confidence . especially consi
dering link didnt even hate her at first he just . Did Not Emote. gotta accept that people will think their things and move on. i dunno wording it it doesnt feel right but. yeah. anyways once that changes how does she. talk or relate to revali anymore. she doesnt hate link anymore what do they talk about. uh. so yeah! she’d probably try with chemistry and such but its a bit of a dead end. he’d be glad she’d appreciate rito culture and actively asks about things but theyve got to. talk to each other
post cal if revali and the others dont disappear!! he’d be pretty worried over all, and would Not approve of the whole reestablish the monarchy. zelda would uh. while she did in fact miss him and shes glad to see him shes not happy about the questioning of her life choices however she would be happy to see him. i think. gradually she starts the monarchy idea? because at first shes busy with living in kakariko and learning how to fight and exploring sometimes and helping paya and working on the slate/making a new slate with communications. this. this is actually furthering the they leave argument. however if they stay while wreath is doing fuck all then they can stay with zelda. also they could. just simply stay at their own regions and such….. they might as well be alive at this point. Anyways during that time she’d just be happy to talk and train with him. revali would elaborate on things wreath did so she Wouldnt do them (like getting hit by a boulder hypothetically). hes impressed by the machine guns she’d probably make at some point. however i think urbosa and mipha and daruk would take more of a lead on helping her. the same thing of agreeing on that One Thing pre cal would happen here too. but would probably openly disagree on some of the things she thinks during travels. i think she’d get more serious post cal though and he can respect that . more serious as in more willing to talk about things/snap. ts underswap sans is this a joke ruthless route
so basically ! mutual meh. more likely to get stuff done together but i dont think theyd know how to be friends with each other. zelda would Try at the very least its just hard. i dont know how well i explained any of this especially with zelda. also i dont think they could Not be friends its just they have very little commonalities. theyd have to be ok with that. also for more general observations revali thinks shes weird and zelda thinks hes weird firey flaming text the weirdos
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1tsjusty0u · 29 days
how much does wreath cook? does he like cooking
id say he does!! kind of. he used to cook a lot- both pre cal and post cal, but then eventually he just. stopped. he used to like the process and tasting the batter but now it just feels hollow to him. it only gets worse post cal as he goes on because of things </3. he likes cooking with his mom and aryll though (aryll doesnt initiate she only joins in when she sees link doing it Purely to lick the batter. based and batterpilled. also sometimes she likes to make abominations both as a prank but also to feed wildlife. i say abominations but really i just mean mildly weird food i dont think i can bring myself to make gross foods A Thing in general. like cat food milk. i would sob. they made star shape decorations in pie once)
he cooks a lot early on to make sure his stomach doesnt hate him, and also for status effects. spicy peppers he saves specifically for mt hylia on the great plateau and for the meat and seafood fry, but otherwise yeah!! until he can get armour he makes food purely for status effects in certain places like hebra and death mountain. speaking of death mountain he never got the armour for that he made a 30 minute (30 HOUR in-game time wise) elixr with a dragon horn. yes he drank it until he learned you should. put it on. but he still drinks it just chugs it with like. a normal/sweet drink so he doesnt puke from the texture and taste. he gets used to it eventually! also he cooks along with the champions (“for old times sake!”) because their ghosts follow him here. which is a recent development outside of the story wise. as time goes on though as he gets closer to freeing zelda and After he frees zelda he cooks a lot less. i am heavily debating whether the champions move on or not which would also affect it, and or if they chill with zelda. but yeah as time progresses he stops, opting to eat raw ingredients from the slate (that arent meat. he has standards that his stomach needs to remind him of), like radishes and hyrule herbs and nuts as a quick snack. sometimes he will if hes that hungry and or he just. wants something sweet. but yeah. he makes hot chocolate lot though still. and he also makes things when coming over like with purah or paya or teba and such, but its only for other people rather than himself. so . yeah. maybe he’ll be able to enjoy it again one day
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1tsjusty0u · 1 month
hm. horse names. does link do much with horses + what did he name any horses he has + any personalities? also what is zelda's horse named
hm!! id say he travels a bit with horses, its how he got to kakariko hateno and such. as time goes on he uses them less because they cant climb mountains well and he doesnt want to leave them in case monsters get to them/they wander off (despawn). also as time goes on he has fast travel so he doesnt have to use horses anymore which is kind of sad. he never uses the big horse even when he catches them
for names i like to think hes bad at naming things (shaking his hand) so you end up with names like twig or signpost. for his actual horses though id say he has all 5 slots; his first and main horse is Bug, shes probably gentle temperament because thats the type of horses that dont buck you off if you dont press L fast enough. he got zeldas ancestral horse and the big horse, zeldas horse having Saff as a placeholder name (safula reference), once zelda is freed though she names them Saffron + theyre now her horse. she keeps them. for the big horse, on one hand din is a fitting name, however thats kind of like naming your cat after a god that you believe in (like jesus.) it sort of works for greek gods and such but i dont think link would actually do that so. yeag. speaking of which while looking up where eponas name comes from possibly epona is actually the name of a celtic patron goddess for foals and horses so. snorts. ANYWAYS i think a kid would name the horse instead of link, and as such their name is Dinners. both in reference to din but also “how hungry” horse. for the other two horses, one would be once he finds out wild temperament horses have better stats (though how he finds this out is questionable, considering i dont think the horse facts guy mentions it + how i found out was from a croton video </3. pre calamity he probably found out by testing and researching/reading, so post cal is either a remnant from that or the horse facts guy Does tell him and we can ignore its not actually said in the base game 👍), and one is from just. not having a horse somewhere and temporarily taming it, however they follow him when hes not riding them and they go so far he just kind of. registers them. wild horse is named Clover and the following horse is named Jerry
personality wise Saffron is a bit what youd expect (stubborn and EXTREMELY UNHAPPY to be ridden as a horse.) he warms up eventually but sometimes he still just veers off the road/turns around at max bond just to be petty/prank them. that one horse post about horses adjusting to the people riding them and making their Own decisions when driving (biting off saddles i think? something about weight…), saff would do something like that. otherwise though number 1 rated grass eater and plant stomper, would be a pain for the stable owners and will pick fights with dogs. while he accepts being a transportation animal eventually he Will Not move cargo. that is his one rule, you will Not put on a wagon attached to his saddle he will make so many horse noises about it. Dinners is less stubborn and more blood thirsty. she Will run over herons without input from link. running over bokoblins is her favorite past time. however she also is a huge horse fan in general, especially with the little horses she can be found with. she doesnt really pick fights but she does bite sometimes. not out of malice but curiosity. or sometimes just because she can. get bit nerd. she actually likes having cargo it becomes a challenge to go as fast as possible without dropping it (which leads to stress inducing situations sometimes). otherwise she just chills mostly. would probably sleep in a weird position. she would run over donkeys if she could. Bug is just friendly. a chronic wander, but friendly! because she wanders if link isnt really telling them to go anywhere they just move on their own like minecraft horses. and because of this link cant leave them anywhere because theyll be on a completely different part of the map then where he left them. huge fan of flowers for food and also apples. to be fair all horses are but she gets the most apples out of all of links horses (favoritism). would probably eat a bee hive/wasp nest (fun fact!! beehives in botw are actually really similar to wasp nests rather than actual beehives!!). theyre indifferent to cargo. Clover is Fast. a bit less spurs but they are So Fast. constantly picking things up no matter what they are/the cons of quences. they are The cargo horse. like the name implies they like to eat clovers, and they also have like. grass in their mouth constantly like a cowperson. they would absolutely herd animals. big fan of ruins honestly they just smell weird. every time theres a split in the road they always go the opposite direction of what link needs and he has to steer them the other way around. would crash into trees quite a bit. also energetic constantly they Need to be doing something always. also yes this horse is a reference to clover undertale yellow. and finally Jerry. just a horse, no thoughts head empty. completely chill. stands there as link gets mauled by a moblin
pre calamity zeldas horse was named Selig (and named for her rather than by her considering the compendium entry states that the royal family rode them to display their “divine right”, so its less likely itd be named for fun and more named to be Official and OoOo Goddess Powers, so i like to think a priest named them), but in secret she named them Lilium Woodriff Orientalis (the scientific name for stargazer lillies, Woodriff being the last name of the person who bred them. this is a reference to silent princesses and Blue Heart Lillies- blue heart lillies often being cited as a real world counterpart to silent princesses, however those lillies actually dont exist. theyre always a scam and are actually photoshop recolored stargazer lilly. in universe explanation is that its just a scientific flower name she liked a lot and she wanted to seem cool for knowing it. post calamity she’d call them stargazer even though the horse is long gone. maybe she’d name another horse that in memory?) and uses their full name always instead of a nickname. and because of this she eventually forgets selig as a name and everyone either thinks its a new horse or is cool with it. the priest is kind of exasperated but cant do anything about it. links pre calamity horse is named Epona because im a sucker for that sort of stuff, however is not The Epona (like from the amiibo or oot or tp etc). its more of a name he liked a lot especially because of the epona legends (and also in the memories his horse has a different mane/coat color from epona herself so. yeag). he too wanted to be seen as cool. he’d use her like how merchants use donkeys . light storage system
also fun fact!! the stable has a corporation of sorts!! 50 years before the calamity the Epona Co. was established (creating a champion page with stable info), and it has a logo and everything. said logo is on the hats of stable workers and also on the blankets covering crates. the stable association is under that corporation but seemingly a different thing, and also on the sanidin park ruins you can actually see the logo on the base of the statue, so they had a part in that as well!! i dunno i just think its so neat and im so sad we dont know anything about the park ruins besides being a spot to view the castle. i like to think its a memorial to a horse (whether it be someones pet horse, or a horse who did something historical (like laika or balto, though laika and balto are dogs not horses), and also im not making this an epona statue i. it feels weird to clarify that however with all the epona talk . yeah. also off topic but epona and ganons horse being plushes in majoras mask is so cool and i really want ganondorfs horse to have a name now. like why dont they have one…). alsoalso you probably know this but the top of stables (horse heads) have malanyas face, implying its an effigy of sorts. alsoalsoalso theres an unused compendium photo for epona.
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theres also more horse variants (knight horses and festival horses) but. another time.
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1tsjusty0u · 3 months
also tarrey town
actually i dont have too many facts about tarrey town! i mean akkala as a whole has little pits on the map that fill up with water while it rains (one becoming octorock lack in totk), and in the files the town is sometimes called Ichikara (which from the fandom wiki nomenaculture means “from scratch.”
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the goddess statue is there before the town is ever created or youve talked to bolson, also not town specific but in the akkala wilds you can see dinraal and if youre at the top of the skull lake shrine eye you can even hear the music (maybe on ground level too!) however you cant reach it without moon jump or glitches because its as high as the peak of death mountain. thats not an exaggeration either. nice for viewing either way. based on a minish cap map overlay of botw i like to hc the veiled falls from that game are the akkala falls either in the future or in retellings + the veiled falls from zoras domain thats named after the mc is close by :]. also the little flower korok seems to lead link to the ancient ball near the rist peninsula! OH ALSO!!!! whenever you go into tarrey town it will Always be sunny!!! its also very rare in rito village After the singing rocks shrine quest/after vah medoh for some reason. theres also no night theme for it in totk. theres two dogs!!! bolson construction symbol is everywhere from the wood floors to the hylia statue backing, and its the same symbol on the hammer weapon you can use!! also the hylian script says “builders” . ALSO THERES A DOUBLE AXE THERE BY THE SIDE OF A BUILDING? also grante who is robbies son sells rare armour but you probably knew that. otherwise not much!
speaking of not much i think link wouldnt even finish building it after calamity ganon. he gets everyone there eventually but he takes his sweet Sweet time. and when its finished he wouldnt even visit a lot, unless Things Happen like maddison or helping grante move in. he can get arrows from the lizalfos guarding the road to zoras domains and until those guys move he’d have to start getting arrows at shops. despite the inn maybe being be free to use he doesnt ever use it. i Could see him clearing the guardians near the place each time they respawn though. he goes there soon after learning bolson is going there (he already has the shrine there and was confused about the land just. sitting there). but then he just never or rarely fills out the quest. he gives bolson wood once, doesnt speak to him for months or a year, brings another son, and the cycle repeats. he Would bring the wood all at once he’d just get sidetracked beyond belief. zelda discovers tarrey town while visiting robbie and sends Multiple Letters to link telling him to SPREAD THE WORD. FINISH THIS ALREADY. he might even just spread rumors so the sons do it on their own accord or just. ask the champions descendant to tip him off to any sons in the area (he wouldnt make them do the quest for him though.)
its kind of funny in that regard. like theres a whole lot of past motif kind of just by proxy considering how much i focus pre cal and how he’d look back on it, so lots of people seem to consider tarrey town an omen of the future, that things can and Will get better and they can shape it. if this wasnt an au canon link would probably like it and watch over it for that very reason. however here while it Is an omen of the future and a good sign my link just. doesnt interact/doesnt care. in a bit of a twisted way he might even be glad about a lot of civilization being destroyed (which makes him feel mixed things, with a tablespoon or two of guilt and fear and staying silent about that). he wouldnt want tarrey town Destroyed but he’d either see this as an omen and Panic at it, or would ignore it completely. its not his thing to deal with, after all. which is also kinda funny because i see lots of people view botw link view the world as His Failing, which to be fair i could see! but im honestly debating on if my link would see it that way. he’d feel wrong/guilt about the champions, sure, but if he doesnt see the ruins as a bad thing (besides the people being dead. he does feel Off when he thinks about how people used to be there. about how these werent ruins and someone was living peacefully here.) then would he feel like he failed. to him this world is full of opportunities Without . i dont think this is the right word , joker voice Society, to really fully stop him. there isnt widespread rules anymore that stops him from jobs or moving. he cant be hunted by the royal guard because there Isnt One anymore. he can do whatever he wants! and while i do want to emphasize that society does have its benefits (camping irl can really suck my mom got stung by bark scorpions 3 times at the colorado river while brushing it off and it hurt so bad that she wanted to go to the ER/helicopter outta there. she wasnt in life threatening danger and there was a pain medicine guy there but yeah. also have you heard about mormon crickets. they arent dangers except to crops but if you fear bugs i am so so so sorry. also also somethinf something hiking never gets easier, heat stroke can and will kill you and dont hike in the afternoon in the desert you will feel like absolute shit and always ALWAYS BRING WATER. also apparently my science teacher went to a different country with bugs that lay eggs inside your skin and hatch inside your skin. i dont think i’ll mention those things in universe or add them besides possibly the scorpions because i do actually have a fear of bugs and also i dont want this to mirror irl Exactly) the costs that come with society dont really apply anymore. as long as you know how to Not Die and dont have a debilitating fear of bugs nothing besides death can stop you. the question becomes was the means worth the end, do you want to go back to the past even though you hated it at the time, do you miss it, and is it worth it to stick around to a place that may revert in time and create the good and the bad of the past. you cant move to another country either- its all or nothing. you can either live here or. well. plus dealing with the fear of time just fucking go for it. also i think pre cal link would struggle a Lot with the all or nothing approach and the time going for it thing. uh. hm let me know if i should tag anything
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1tsjusty0u · 2 months
wotb link being called wreath is very funny and im probably keeping it now that its been uttered. i would call him laurels but it sounds like lauren which. doesnt feel right. so wreath it is
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