#write away bb cause I’d love to see them headcanons
ttuesday · 3 years
Hi there! It's not tuesday, but nevertheless is a good day to wish you the best in life, op! uwu
The trope enemies-to-lovers if one of my faves. This is an idea I saw on tiktok.
Character: *trying to be a smug little shit to tease reader* Oh, you wanna fuck me sooo bad it makes you look stupid.
Reader: *matching their asshole energy to not give them the satisfaction* If I wanted to fuck you I would've done it by now.
Can I please have some HC on the VLD boys reactions after being told this by their enemy they are so obviously crushing on?
Arthur was tipsy. He had a few drinks before bumping into you so he was feeling more confident than usual. He puffs out his chest as he says it, feeling uncharacteristically smug.
But my god, the second you snapped back that quick witted response, all that smugness disappeared in an instance. It was kinda like a metaphorical slap in the face that Arthur needed to stop trying to be a smug bastard.
"Right..." he said clearing his throat, suddenly feeling very awkward "well then I guess I'll be on my way". Honestly, he feels a little embarrassed that he said it and regrets it considering he now believes you have zero interest in him. But if you asked, then Arthur would be more than happy to buy you a drink to make up for it.
Dutch had thought about this many, many times. This whole back and forth thing you both have going on, constantly insulting each other and trying to one up the other. Oh yeah, Dutch sees all of that as some good ol' foreplay.
It was during a heated fight between the two of you when he finally decides to say it. He was so confident it was going to turn you in a blushing, flustered mess. He couldn't stop smirking after he says it.
But his face drops when you say your response. He wants you a lot more now but he knows that nothing is going to happen now. "Touche" he replies, squinting his eyes slightly. He knows you’ll fall for his charms some day but until then he’ll keep muttering curse words whenever he sees you.
Micah loves how good you are with comebacks. You don't take any bullshit and you're incredibly badass, and luckily for you both of these things are big turn on’s for him. When Micah said this, his plan was to see how you’d react to the idea of y'all fucking.
And your response? Damn, is it getting hot in here? After hearing your response now he's just horny. If anything, your reply has reinforced his attraction to you.
"How's about you give me the chance to change your mind, hm?" he smirks. Micah would love the chance to tell you 'I told you so' especially when it comes to the possibility of you wanting him too.
John was having a bad day so he wasn't in the best of moods when he ran into you. Normally he tries to be somewhat civil around you but today he didn't care anymore. When he said it, John tried to say it in the most teasing tone he could muster.
John expected you to come back with a quick witted response. If he was going to be honest with himself, your sharp replies is one of the many triats he finds so hot about you.
Surprisingly John smiles when you say your response and shakes his head slightly. "Sure, whatever you say" you can tell he doesn't believe you but you can't tell if he's saying it to get under your skin or because he genuinely thinks you're lying.
Javier had just messed up a robbery when he saw you. He was pissed off and once he spotted you, he was just waiting for you to make some snarky comment and so he decided he'd make a remark before you could. Javier knew he was being kinda petty but he didn’t care.
Though he'd never admit it to you, he was actually impressed with your response. If he overheard you saying that to someone else he probably would've laughed and thought it was really funny but since you were saying this to him, Javier didn't see the funny side of it.
Javier does love some angsty back and forth so he doesn't back down. Lowering his voice and gazing directly into your eyes, he says "We both know that's a lie, I've seen how you look at me".
Bill was drinking his sorrows away at the local saloon when you walked in and made his day a whole lot worse. You annoy Bill so goddamn much. Sometimes he'll even go on rants by the campfire late at night about how much you irk him but this has only led to the others teasing him about you.
He hates how the others could pick up that he has a crush on you and that's another reason why you annoy him. Bill just blurts it out, not fully thinking through the sentence before he says it out loud.
Bill creases his brow once you retort back your answer. "Well you... I, uh..." Bill's brain goes blank when he tries to think of something else to say. "Shit" he mutters, chugging the rest of his drink.
Sean was actually very proud of his quick witted comment. In his head, Sean was thinking 'oh yeah, this'll get 'em all flustered'. Christ, he was so goddamn cocky saying this.
He also really hoped you'd admit to being madly in love with him if he said this and then you'd both start ripping each other's clothes off and make some sweet sweet love... Sean has thought about this a lot.
But when you reply, Sean’s in shock and honestly he was trying his best not to pout. "What's that supposed to mean? You really don't find me attractive?" he's gobsmacked "Are you sure? Maybe it's the lighting in here”.
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letshaikyuu · 4 years
𝕊𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕖𝕞 𝕨𝕙𝕠'𝕤 𝕓𝕠𝕤𝕤 - 𝕂𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕠
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𝕊𝕪𝕟𝕠𝕡𝕤𝕚𝕤: ‘The once fallen crows have gotten themselves another manager. Are you truly ready for what lies behind the Karasuno gym doors?’ 
𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘: gender-neutral reader; lots of chaos and long writing cause i’m going crazy with these headcanons lol; i apologize in advance for the long-ass text, but im too hyped when writing this-
 𝕊𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕝 𝕠𝕦𝕥𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖 
𝕟𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕘𝕒𝕥𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕞𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥
𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕔𝕦𝕥 𝕔𝕒𝕦𝕤𝕖 𝕚𝕥'𝕤 𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕘 ;𝟛
Can I just say that Tanaka and Noya are the happiest people on Earth because they have not one, not two, but tHrEe managers?? Yamamoto called them the other day and whined about how unfair that is-and yes they are definitely friends and have each other’s phone numbers, fite me on this one
They’re such a pure and fun team to be around with. Filled with hard-working crackheads, there’s never a dull day with these people. When you first started working as their manager, you got mixed reactions from the team (none of them are bad tho):
The third years were glad they have an extra set of hands to help out when needed and an extra set of eyes that are observing practice. The second years, especially Tanaka and Noya, are hyped that they’re gonna be having a new face during practice now. The first years are acting normal lol. Yachi is kind of panicking because she will be the one teaching you the ropes because Kiyoko will be less active as the school year is coming to a close. And yes, she is scared she’s going to mess something up, poor bb
Ukai and Takeda just hope you’re less of a crackhead than their entire team. They don’t know if they can handle another crazy one on the team, so they just pray. But, trust me, you can’t stay normal with these people because they just emit this fun vibe that even if you’re introverted, you’ll quickly open yourself up to all of them
Ukai, as always, appreciates the fact you gather needed information for the team’s upcoming matches and help out with cleaning and closing the gym whenever Kageyama and Hinata stay late. Takeda makes sure you’re always rested and healthy, he worries a lot because he knows managing can be quite difficult. He definitely has some protein bars stashed in his bag and whenever someone needs some extra energy, he just goes ‘swoosh’ and a protein bar appears. They are the best people ever and I love them, and they’re so nice and take care of you omg
Now, Daichi is all over the place. From handling the team to focusing on his captain duties and school. He’d greatly appreciate it if you come up to him with a water bottle and towel during breaks. Gives you the best smile ever because he’s so grateful and probably talks about random things to ease himself up a bit. He’s the type to text you randomly to ask you how you’re doing and if you have any problems with the team. Probably asks you about how the team looks in other people’s eyes and on the sidelines. Treats you to meat buns as well because he’s the nicest person ever. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
Sugawara could kick me in the face and I’d say thank you. BIGGEST SWEETHEART EVER. Always wants to help out even when he has things of his own to do. The one to help you arrange the documents and clean the gym. Usually gives you advice on how to handle the first years and the crazy duo. Texts you all the time asking you if you’ve eaten and taking care of yourself. There’s no way he’s not looking out for you. I can imagine the two of you meeting up to bake something for the team or prepare food when they’re leaving Miyagi for a match. Such a baby that I’d die for any day because he deserves the world. That’s a fact.
Asahi hopes he won’t scare you away, so he isn’t as open as the other third years. He gets so shy and awkward when you come to him during practice to see how he’s doing, and he doesn’t know what to say. Always mutters out a thank you and tries to be as polite as possible by asking how you’re doing as well. If you shoot him a soft smile, that’ll probably ease him up and as time goes on, he gets more comfortable with you. Extremely protective and when you’re at tournaments, he always scares people away with his presence. That’s the only time he’s grateful of his ‘scary’ build and face. In reality, he’s just shy and really likes you, and he hopes you’ll notice that even though he’s awkward af
Kiyoko is extremely helpful when you first start out. She wants you to be capable as a manager, so she doesn’t have to worry about the team when she graduates. All-in-all, she is polite and nice with you. You’ll never notice when you two become friends because she keeps a low profile, but she likes that she someone else is there to help her and Yachi out. Would I become bi for Kiyoko? Most likely
TANAKAAAAAA. Tanaka is always in a happy mood when at practice. He has tHrEe managers ffs. He befriends you immediately and you two hype each other up. If you’re shy like Yachi, then he’d try to be calm and not scare you away because he tends to do that. On the other hand, if you’re as hyperactive as him, then you’re best friends for life and that’s final. When you vibe with Tanaka, you succeed in everything in life. Oh, he definitely flirts with you because he’s just like that. You three (including Noya) make practice more fun and interesting. Even if the team is tired, you three somehow brighten the mood and they’re really grateful uwu
Nishinoya can die happily now. Alongside Tanaka, he’s the one that talks with you the most and you become close friends the quickest. You two have your own inside jokes that nobody can understand, and in the group chat you two never fail to send memes. Daichi really wants to kick you two out, but he can’t oops- If you’re younger than him, he always treats you to stuff because he’s the ‘best senpai ever’ and probably spends his money a lot. Also, cries happy tears when you take care of his bruises because he has tons of them. Being a libero is tough my dudes and he loves when someone acknowledges that.
OK, but bby Hinata is...he’s just so hyped. He’s gonna have a new friend!!! Well, hopefully hehe. He’s always the first in the gym and when you come in the morning, everything is already set up. Greets you with the brightest of smiles when you come in the morning and most definitely a hug when you two grow closer. The brightest of sunshines and is always willing to help out. You need help carrying something? You need to go grab something? Hinata is quick to help. Baby definitely shares his food with you T^T Purest of beans ever and I’d risk my life for him. But then again, i kind of killed him in my angst oops
Yamaguchi doesn’t react specially at all. Kind of panicking because he has to make friends again. Not the best at that, but he’s extremely polite and more formal with you than anything. Always thanks you when you do something for him and doesn’t know how to react when you try to startup a normal conversation with him. He wants to be friends, but he’s not the most capable person for that, so he just hopes you’re going to break the ice instead of him. You’ll probably notice him the least out of all the members because he’s just quiet and doesn’t interfere with your work much. Still a precious bb and he has the cutest face ever
Tsukishima gives up all over again lol. He’s more irritated by the crackhead duo being all hyperactive again than your presence itself. At first, always thanks you with a curt nod and nothing else. Then slowly opens up more with a mutter and short answers. Fast-forward a few months and he’s completely accommodated with you. If you don’t get offended easily and have a sassy side, you two keep throwing comments at each other during practice. Doesn’t want to admit this, but he always keeps a close eye on you whenever other teams are around. He cares in his own, weird way ok ;3
Kageyama is an awkward bean that wants to be nice, but probably scares you away or makes you laugh with his awkwardness. Either way, he has the cutest blush on his face when you compliment him and his volleyball skills. Can hardly mutter out a ‘thank you’ and if I were the manager (and have been for a few months), I’d definitely ruffle his hair because Tobio wants that very much. So, please do that and he’s all yours. You’ll notice pretty quickly that he likes milk, so treat him with some from time to time. Helps you out all the time, but he never asks if you need help? He just comes and takes whatever he finds you have trouble with, and does it for you T^T
Yachi definitely wants to become friends with you. She wants to share her experience and stories as a manager with someone who knows what’s it like. Tries her best to help you when she can and is always eager to help. The three managers always share funny stories and let me tell you, there’s no way you don’t bring out how cool/cute/hot/all of the above all the members of the club are
You’re a great addition to the team and everyone thinks that. You’re welcomed with open arms and make life-time friends because it’s not easy to hide from these people, and they’d never make a reason for you to do such thing. Please take care of them well ;3
𝕋𝕒𝕘𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥: @nekoglasses​, @tendoki​, @brokutoforever​, @kashika​, @kawaiibaka96​, @death-waves-to-me​, @kenmamazing​ and if you’d like to be added/removed from the taglist, please contact me;3
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gayathreya · 3 years
leftist suriya characters appreciation post
since soorarai pottru, been thinking more about all the explicit leftist characters suriya has played in his career. and i actually mean explicit - characters that are supported by the narrative framing and structure and not just my own headcanons and stuff or a throwaway generic goody-shoe typical hero line. i have been itching to talk about this cos it’s obviously in my field of interests
suriya has played 4 openly various brands of leftist now, and that’s pretty cool! i love that none of them are cookie cutter personalities of each other, they all have their own select trait. this post is a toast to them;
michael vasanth (ayutha ezhuthu, 2004)
vimalan (maattraan, 2012)
iniyan (thaanaa serndha koottam, 2018)
maara (soorarai pottru, 2020)
[small write up on each character with pics behind the cut]
1. michael vasanth (ayutha ezhuthu, 2004)
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so michael was his first, said to be inspired by an actual university popular marxist student leader, george reddy. michael is very obviously somewhere along these lines - he himself is within the film known as the leftist student leader on campus with a huge following, much to the chagrin of his professors who want to stamp that out of him. he’s openly engaged in campus politics as well as politics outside, and he’s most definitely no weak willed liberal because he has no problems with violence or direct action, which he organises. he organises villagers to stand against others on their own feet, never once preaches about lying down and taking it easy or playing polite. which was nice to see lol i hate liberals who have morals about property damage but in ayutha ezhuthu, michael clearly doesn’t give a fuck. he and his group break things and smash cars and lorries on their way and threaten physical violence on their opponents too which is the way it should be because to him human lives are worth more than any property or vehicular damage. he never shies away from that. hell yes to violence and structural damage!
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probably the most definite trait of michael compared to other suriya leftist characters is that michael still believes in the establishment and electoral politics, which u don’t particularly see his other leftist ones talk about. but here, michael works within the system, and trusts it to bring change if u put in the effort into that. though, it’s not as frustrating as it sounds cos michael’s work is not geared towards other liberals, but in villages and rural districts where he goes to spread word, and makes them choose their own leadership to represent. it’s way more marxist aligned and ~rise of the proletariat~ here instead cos he bypasses liberal bougie nonsense and never once is his voice used for that, but used towards and for the working class directly to both take up arms and resist violently themselves + hold ranks for themselves and choose their own leaders to influence their local politics/protect their environment.  
michael is fundamentally very marxist, with a dose of direct action plus violent resistance if need be, and supports organised proletariat uprising within an established political system playing towards electoral politics
(of course, a point to note in why this isn’t as frustrating as it sounds as mentioned above is cos this film was released in 2004. would michael still believe in the establishment and electoral politics now? things in 2020 are very different with all of us more aware of things around us and globally, it’s definitely a debate to be held. i doubt he will, since he’s not a pacifist or liberal. he’d say fuck electoral politics, all my homies hate electoral politics)
2. vimalan (maattraan, 2012)
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second very openly communist character he played. prob gone a bit forgotten for others since he does die halfway through the film (which itself isn’t a favourite of anyone either, fans or neutrals) rip but can’t go by without mentioning cos i remember liking this character a lot and i teared up in the cinema first watch when he died. i was mad they killed the suriya i loved instead of the other one whom i found annoying lmao
vimal supports workers’ strikes and unions against bosses, even when that boss is their own shitty father. this automatically makes him stand out instantly considering he is sympathetic to the working class despite at the cost of his father’s annoyance with him. he’s also the first character suriya plays who’s explicitly anti-capitalist with line(s) about it, since michael had no canon lines regarding capitalism from what i recall. vimal outright does.
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the leftist imagery tied to vimal the most is che, which is a nice touch. his room has at least one poster of him, and his phone’s wallpaper is also him. u can also see bhagat singh and ho chi minh books on his shelf. so.. safe to claim where vimal’s political ideologies are. it’s both tied in pictures and him siding with workers for their rights against corporations, since he obviously likes revolutionaries. vimalan was a class traitor and a supporter of the working class poor bb tragically gone too soon. ilu u didn’t deserve your terrible fate, sweet commie good boi :(
3. iniyan (thaanaa serndha koottam, 2018)
iniyannnnnn i love him and i think it’s a suriya char with one of the best character arcs in his whole career. mostly cos he had a very distinct ‘’yes i want to work for the government and change things from within’’ phase which gets squashed over the course of the film. we see him start off obviously in a very blatantly communist neighbourhood in a song that is also very specifically anti-establishment/politicians with a lot of hard resistance vibes. the entirety of sodakku is a very good introduction to him and what he stands for - in general the film promises upon wealth disparity, useless bougie politicians, and the rest of us being crushed under them.
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what happens to him at the end of the movie is FANTASTIC because he no longer gels with what he wanted at the start of the movie. iniyan’s key leftist trait to me is that he’s the most anarchist of suriya characters, varying from other leftist suriya characters. he refuses to work with government powers and authorities, he looks down on their entire establishment and institutions (he does not at the start of the film, which is vital cos again, he wanted to work alongside them at first), and depends more on the good will of individual people over job titles, while clearly engaging in mutual aid and distributing wealth. these are very distinct anarchist ideals. i’d still peg him as anarcho-communist but would say he leans more towards anarchy and progressing on mutual aid over official state resources or state people for any kind of positive change since his faith in them has pretty much diminished by the climax. he does not give a shit about politicians, cops, or any kind of authorities at all, leaving them in the dust to raise his black flag and do his own anarchist hot shit.
iniyan is a good example of an anarchist arc for me in tamil cinema in simple commercial terms without heading too deep into actual words and phrases in a big hero movie, cos it’s also very easy to explain to anyone the shift in his ideas and his eroding faith in institutions with power. good for him!
4. maara (soorarai pottru, 2020)
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this should be fresh in everyone’s memory, but yes, a character who is obviously in your face about it since he has an actual line - ‘’you’re a socialite, i’m a socialist’’ which caused all of us with good taste to whoop and cheer. plus he was very sexy in this whole scene, so what a bonus. it’s the most explicit thing said by him in the film, but there are also other little things peppered into his speech and background imagery showing u the kind of person maara is.
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he gets married to bommi in a self-respect wedding ceremony. no priests or any kind of traditional hindu iyers/chants involved. u see it clearly with a periyar pic hanging behind him explaining who he is. he wears black a lot in the film, which fits him being a periyarist so i’d label him as such and consider it his standout trait from other leftist characters suriya has played previously because this is the only character with explicit periyar symbolism (i kid u not i saw multiple sanghis being very angry suriya dressed in black in this movie and were harassing him on twitter constantly since sp released. die mad, uglies). obviously, this also fuses well with the little things we see of him implying he’s ~lower caste~ like his in-laws being embarrassed about him on behalf of their own caste, and paresh sanitising his hands after shaking hands with maara on the plane, which is not subtle at all and trademark casteist behaviour about touching someone ‘’lesser’’ than you and u view them as ‘’dirty’’ or beneath you. as well as maara’s remark about breaking the class and caste barrier during his radio interview. being a periyarist fits seamlessly.
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there’s also a bts vid of suriya on his bike where you can see an ambedkar pic pasted onto the side. i can’t remember any scene in the film where u can see his bike from this angle but it doesn’t matter, cos u can definitely tell the kind of person maara is and how he was envisioned as a character - an explicit socialist and periyarist, with a natural fondness for ambedkar too since ofc they overlap as many do irl as well. it is very in tune with his background in the film and i liked seeing the tiny aspects of these things seeded within the movie throughout from beginning to end. it’s explicit in a way that isn’t jarring or artificial, and a nice layer to him and feel endeared to since maara is a great character. u support him all the way with him being unquestionable in his stance and ideology. the sexiest leftist suriya character, if i say so myself, ahem.
5. ngk (ngk, 2019)
it’s here cos damn, when they released that first look, i completely lost my shit cos that poster was sooo heavily che inspired and very, very obviously marxist. cue me thinking that holy shit suriya is openly playing some kind of marxist guerilla revolutionary in ngk and he’s gonna be some brand of violent radical leftist i’m gonna fall in love with. the beret, the raised fists, the red.. i was ready to be head over heels for this guy.
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except of course, none of this was true, cos once the film released, u know that poster was only meant to signify how his village looked up to him before he sold them all out. it’s literally just a mural on the wall where a kid stares up at him in a larger extended poster. he COULD have been that character, but ngk’s character arc was a negative character arc and his moral downfall from the start to the end of the film, sacrificing all he stood for to arrive at his end point which was just dragging his village and all the youngsters who believed in him to the pits before jumping party to the winning group and abandoning all of them after manipulating them to act in his favour to gain sympathy. not to mention, also selling out to corporate tools to harness their power and influence in order to rise to the top himself, something he very openly states at the beginning of the film to his mum and wife that working like that is no way to live. he has a full reverse by this point, compared to how ngk was introduced to us as an audience with that first look of him.
the marxist poster was a complete 180 to how ngk falls on the spectrum at the end, but it was a great ride nevertheless and at least one thing was still true - i still fell in love with him cos he was such an asshole bastard but still so hot i had to give in. biiiicchh. i love u, non-leftist regressive jerk. u may have pulled the biggest sike on me, but.. my heart is yours, slut <3
ok that’s really it and all i wanted to say so hopefully at least a few people read this lmafooo. i do think these characters and time have sort of seeped into suriya over the years as evident by his shifting left in the last couple of years, and openly also saying he has had a lot of perspective changes on things around him. he has been noted in recent interviews saying stuff like how he’s in favour of a cashless society, talking about a whole new level of poverty class being created during this pandemic. his written articles/statements/agaram related speeches takes jibes at india’s education system being brahministic/casteist in nature and how it creates barriers for the lowest strata of society while also being very sensitive about student suicides, showing understanding of it as a systematic failure and not an individual one, courts not functioning for justice, not demonising protests as it’s the only act left for the voiceless, etc. it’s nice. i wouldn’t go as far as to call him a leftist until he proves that to me (suriya is still very much in that liberal zone of appreciating the police and military institutions so i will never consider him one of us until he sheds these allegiances and rethinks his stance on them in society), but i’d say he’s definitely the furthest left of all prominent actors in tamil cinema as no one else really has said or written the things that he has, for which i’m very proud of him.
so keep up the good work and hot shit comments and ballsy articles, suriya, i look forward to u shifting further left and pissing off everyone from right wing patriotic assholes, to centrist bootlickers, and even cowardly liberal pacifists. i believe in u and i hope he crosses that steep liberal curve soon since we were all there at some point as well.
that’s all goodbye i love suriya thanks for reading 
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hypmicwritingbutbad · 6 years
What if back when TDD was still together each member took turns babysitting Ichiro and Samatoki's siblings? Also tysm for that bb vacation headcanon asdlkasdfnasdlf;kasdf >
Heya! I’m really glad you like the BB vacation headcanons aaaaa they were real refreshing to write!
NOTE: Since this is TDD era, ages here go roughly as such: Ichiro (15), Jiro (13), Saburo (10), Samatoki (21), Samatoki’s sister (10-12), Jakurai (31), Ramuda (20)
Samatoki would likely go to him first if he had to get his sister a babysitter
Mostly because of their senior-junior relationship, and also cause he knows Ichiro has two younger brothers (with the youngest being round his sister’s age too)
When he drops his sister off, he’d glare at Ichiro with the deadliest eyes and warn him of the dire consequences if anything happens to her (rip ichiro)
Ichiro would initially be very cautious and overly-antsy around imoutoki
But he’d definitely warm up to her quickly once he sees how nervous she is around him and his brothers too
Saburo and Jiro would watch enviously from the background as Ichiro’d play dolls with her
They wouldn’t approach her until Ichiro calls them over
But they’d refuse to interact with her, so Ichiro would just continue to play with her as the two of them huddled together
Eventually, they’d cave in from the pressure— partly cause their beloved Ichinii isn’t paying them any attention, partly cause they feel bad that they’re excluding this shy little girl, partly also cause the games just look so fun
And so the three Yamada Bros would just play game after game after game: house (imoutoki being the mom, saburo being the dad, ichiro the grandmother and jiro ~unwillingly~ being the baby), hide and seek (with ichiro hiding in the most obvious places on purpose), dolls (feat a highly dramatised re-enactment of a typical scene from a soap opera)
Once they’ve tired out Jiro, Saburo and imoutoki would fall asleep huddled together while Ichiro cleans up their now-disheveled apartment: his back sore and aching, his voice hoarse from all the over-enthusiastic yelling but with a huge smile on his face nonetheless
And eventually when Samatoki arrives up to pick his sister up, his heart melts a little when he sees the rosy flush in her cheeks and the sparkle in her eyes
“I haven’t seen her have this much fun in years. Maybe it’ll do her some good to hang with your bros sometime again in the future… I’ll give you credit for this one, kid— but don’t get too cocky, ya hear me!?”
Ichiro would have always told Jiro and Saburo good things about his delinquent-senpai-idol Samatoki
…but when they actually see him in person for the first time it’d be safe to say that they’d be terrified
Samatoki’s apartment would likely be small and messy, so the two of them would sit awkwardly on the edge of the sofa
Huddled together, with Saburo clinging onto Jiro for dear life (and surprisingly, Jiro doesn’t mind too much— or perhaps he’s just too scared to notice)
Samatoki would sit cross-legged opposite them, silent and glaring
With imoutoki between the two parties, shuffling awkwardly in her seat
And this continues for what seems like hours until imoutoki pulls at Samatoki’s shirt and says “lunchtime”
So Samatoki brings all the kids to the kitchen where he seats them at their small dining table and starts cooking
He’d start off by frying chicken skewers, then mixing sauces to make a light teriyaki glaze. While that’s cooking he’d begin chopping carrots, leeks and onions with surprising speed and precision into little flowers
all while imoutoki hums happily as she waits for another one of her big bro’s feasts, all while saburo and jiro watch with their mouths hanging open because who knew Samatoki could cook??
He’d leave the onigiri for last and when he does, he calls all the kids to help him with it
So they spend ages shaping the rice into different shapes, laughing as sticky rice gets all over their hands and face and clothes
When Ichiro comes to pick them up, they’re only starting to eat (because it took hours to get the rice off the floor and each other) so he joins them as well
And Samatoki sends them home with enough leftovers to last them a few days
When Samatoki asks TDD if anyone’s free to babysit his sister, Ramuda’s hand would be the first to shoot up to volunteer
On the day itself, Ramuda would greet her with a huge hug and she’d be startled
Because this man is around her oniichan’s age, yet he’s only a few inches taller than her??
Ramuda would have a whole assortment of activities planned in advance because he’d have been looking forward to this day ever since he heard Samatoki had a little sister
He’d spend hours doing her hair, sewing her new clothes, even pampering her with light makeovers fitting of a girl her age
Letting her dress up and feel pretty for once– an opportunity she’s always wanted but never asked for because she knows Samatoki tries his best already and doesn’t want to trouble him any further
All the while he’d chat to her like an old friend: asking her about school, what pop idol she’s into, which type of sweet tastes best with which kind of tea
And at the end of the day, Samatoki would nearly drop dead when he comes to pick his sister up and sees her all dolled up
He’d probably cry a little thinking that she’s growing up too fast
     Saburo and Jiro
Ramuda would seize the opportunity to babysit Jiro and Saburo, claiming that he’s always wanted little brothers 
But they’d have heard things about the infamous Ramuda and his clingy ways from Ichiro, so they’d formulate plans to evade him as much as possible 
Jiro would likely be rushing around Ramuda’s apartment trying to escape from his clutches of frill and satin, Saburo would hide away in the most obscure of places (and finding Ramuda’s secret stash of lollipops) and Ramuda would eventually collapse onto his sofa, uncharacteristically exhausted 
He’d lie there, seemingly asleep, for a long time 
Until Jiro and Saburo, out of both curiosity and guilt, are baited out to check and see if he’s alright 
…He’d then jump out, tackling them both to the ground and tickling them to no end as they shriek and struggle 
This match would continue for hours on end until they collapse into a sweaty, laughing pile on the fluffy pink carpet in Ramuda’s living room 
….Ichiro would come to pick them up, find them fast asleep in the same spot and end up putting Ramuda to bed too before carrying his sleeping brothers all the way back home 
Jakurai’s house is likely filled with all sorts of medical reports and supplies unsuitable for kids to play in, so he’d take her out instead
Most likely to the aquarium, where there’s much to be learned 
(Sensei is single and thus knows little about raising kids but he’s all about teaching them new things, like healthy foods to eat or how not to get cavities idk)
Imoutoki would be amazed by all the different types of fish drifting about like seven-colour-flags, the 
And if she had trouble seeing due to the crowds, Jakurai would lift her up on his shoulders to give her the best view of all 
Though he has to be careful to make sure she doesn’t bump her head on the ceiling
Halfway they’d be stopped by a few middle-aged aunties who’d tell him, “Oh my, what a cute daughter you have!”  and “It’s so nice to see a father spending time with his child on a quiet weekend like this.” 
He’d try to correct them first, but after seeing the bashful look in imoutoki’s eyes and remembering the Aohitsugi family situation, he’d simply smile and say “Yes, I’m very aware of that.” 
When Jakurai drops her back home at the end of the day and she’s waving goodbye, she’d tell Samatoki to “Say bye-bye to Father too”, which would confuse him greatly 
     Saburo and Jiro
Jakurai would go over to the Yamada bros’ apartment to watch over them for Ichiro
Jiro and Saburo would likely be very wary of this giant of a man at first due to his long hair, towering figure and stern-looking face 
He’d see them hovering in the distance, like cats on edge
But the moment he smiles at them in that gentle fashion of his, they’d instantly warm up to him 
Having Jakurai smile at you would be like having an angel’s face shine down upon you… anyone’d be at ease lmao
The boys would spend the rest of the day showing Jakurai around 
Jiro would be eager to bring him outside and show him all his ‘treasures’ and ‘landmarks’: the rock in the backyard where they buried their pet goldfish, the secret spot to the north of the entrance where the ladybugs thrive, even the hidden nest of bush warblers on the fourth branch of the highest tree 
Saburo would be more hesitant, but he’d shyly approach Jakurai with a thick book and quietly mumble something along the lines of “I’d like you to read this to me… please.” 
Of course it’d surprise Jakurai to see a 10 year-old with a book with the title “1001 Lessons in Social Psychology” , but Ichiro DID tell him that his youngest brother was a prodigy
Near the end, Jakurai would bring out a cooler box of Super Cup ice cream he prepared in advance as a secret treat
But Jiro and Saburo’d insist on saving their portions for Ichinii as well 
By the time Ichiro comes home, the ice cream is melted and Jakurai looks apologetic, but he eats it nonetheless 
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from Greece to London to Los Angeles, it’s been a year of growth and change and I’m astoundingly grateful for everyone who has been here from the highs and lows and the screaming fangirl fits. thank you for making my life better
my favorite people on the planet, the ones who make my universe brighter just by existing
@goodqueenalys Mere you are one of the smartest most genuine humans I’ve ever met. I am in awe of the way you have nothing but kindness in your heart and that at the same time your spine is pure solid steel. your strength in your convictions, your passion, your willingness to educate, your creativity, the way you listen, the way you care. I am so so glad to call you my friend and to have you by my side.
@blyedeeks SOUL TWIN!!! can you believe that we only met 3 years ago? it feels like we’ve known each other our entire lives. Sometimes you meet someone who can understand you in ways that don’t seem real because they get you on such a deep level. I think I said something like that for the past two years but it’s still so true. And you are the kindest more brilliant star in sky Cams. I truly don’t know where I’d be without you, definitely not as confident or as loud. I love you a lot and I am so blessed to have your kindness and positivity on my side.
@marauders-groupie Lana’s words are spun starlight, she just captures something so instinctively human and tender with her poetry. She’s one of the kindest people in the world and she serves the universe. Oh, and she is determined and dedicated and passionate and she just believes so strongly in the goodness of a single person, in her own value that I can’t help but believe in myself more because of her strength and courage and beauty.
@astranautics Caroline!!! my girl, my wonderful amazing girl. I cannot believe that I was your Tumblr crush. There’s such a softness to your words, a willingness to share and that all too familiar desire to love and be loved in return. the fact that you send me stuff about my hockey boys legit has made me cry because you take such an interest in me and I just I feel so warm when we talk, I love that your life is so wonderful and yet mundane, I love hearing about your day and I love watching you believe in yourself
@koridick BABE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the amount that I love you is beyond words. You are so passionate and sweet and if I could save your messages when reacting to my poetry to just constantly brighten my day I would because every time I remember how you react I feel so inspired and worthy. I feel like my life isn’t right when I don’t talk to you and I’m so grateful that we both shipped Poly Rangers and got to sharing headcanons and writing fic and you are so talented and wonderful.  Your willingness to put up with my rants and the way you support me and love me is the greatest feeling in the world. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!
@sometimesrosy there’s something to be said about having someone who has lived a life believe in you. I feel like I can go to you for anything, Rosy. You are so so smart that sometimes I read your answers and it takes me a minute to reorient myself.
@everybodyknows-everybodydies I’m so utterly proud of the person I’ve seen you becoming over the past year. You are so talented, so talented and you are so tiny and cute that sometimes I can’t believe how much passion you have in your body. Your art, your convictions, your passion, it’s so beautiful to see and I love you so so much
@thesnowyswan my darling Rae!!!! you have made me a so much better writer, a so much better person and I love you so so much. thank you for all your support and encouragement and I love talking any and everything with you. you are such an utter badass and passionate and dedicated
@bishops--knifetrick I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH BABE!!!!! we talk almost every day and I don’t even know what I would do without you! you’re so incredible and beautiful and amazing and truly someone special 
other people who are absolutely incredible and whom I adore so so much
@harpermcintyre (Al, babe thank you for always being kind and generous) @scodelariokaya (Nik is brilliant and beautiful and she deserves the universe) @wellsjahasghost (Jade is remarkable and funny and her words are spun gold) @mego42 (Meg is one of the smartest, calmest people on this site and she deserves only good things) @wellamyblake (MJ makes me laugh on the daily and her understanding of nuances is only matched by her passion) @thatonekimgirl (Kim!! when we met at HVFF I didn’t think that we’d end up linking back so soon, thank you for dragging me into the spiral that is loving VirtueMoir) @bellamysprincessa (Katie, I love you. I love that you are so supportive and I adore that we always seem to watch the same shows as you scream about something in the chat) @head-and-heart (Kate is a gem, a smart supportive gem of a human whose tags I live for) @deadshotbellamy (Grace is a gorgeous girl who has two of the greatest urls I’ve ever seen) @tybowen (Jen is a badass, a beautiful badass but yeah, her best quality is that she is strong in her convictions and passionate about the things she chooses to give her heart to)  @bb-8(Cody, you are so talented and smart and genuine and I love you so much) @montygreen (Leila, you are so talented and wonderful and I love you so much and your gifsets are so beautiful they take my breath away) @ohmypreciousgirl (to think that five years ago your blog was one of the first that I followed, that your passion and intelligence were a reason I even joined Tumblr in the first place, the fact that we are friends is incredible. I’m so grateful to you) @cllarkegriffin (Hannah, you are so incredible and I'm blessed to call you a friend) @clarkegriffintitties (Julia, I love you so much) 
the writers who own my heart, whose ao3 pages I’m constantly refreshing, who make me fall in love with these characters all over again
@deadcatwithaflamethrower (HER WORLDBUILDING IS TO DIE FOR, she just is constantly reinventing the universes that she plays in and reinventing my own opinions of characters by making them so much more complex!!!! she’s just so incredible) @so-caffeinated/ @dust2dust34 (their verse of FICON is one of the most awe-inspiring things I have ever read and it’s funny and sweet and action-packed and so full of family feels. I fangirled so much when I met Bre at HVFF, it was great and I just, they are so talented and I love writing poetry inspired by their writing) @rongasm (Rachel creates such works of art for Stydia and Percabeth and they are tender and touching and I could read the Harry Potter au for the rest of my life) @welllpthisishappening (Laura is a master at creating perfect pieces that I didn’t realize I wanted, she’s so talented and passionate and her stories just cause me to have such a massive grin on my face and she definitely reignited my love of CS) @ink-splotch(creates such masterpieces of Harry Potter and Marvel in terms of character study and what ifs and it’s just, I sometimes read them and cry but also rejoice) @lostcap (Phia’s poetry is pure spun sunshine and steel, there’s such a force to her words as though she is channelling the greek muses and the moment that she named me as one of her favorite tumblr poets is quite possibly one of my greatest accomplishments) @jasonsmclean/ @bipercabeth (have created one of my favorite series EVER, and are worthy of all the praise they’ve ever gotten) 
some other amazing people who have made this year spectacular
@bellameblake @bellsblake @bellblake @asexual-mechanic @apirateslifeforsmee @jahaliel  @molliiholmes @nerdybellamy @prosciuttoe @jbuffyangel @turtlejustice @junebugninja   @missemarissa @rashaka @griffndors @grumpybell @kindclaws @weirwolves @dreamcourtrhys @cath-avery @stydixa @ofnailbatsandaxefives @llysandra @whoeveryoulovethemost @impvlsivee @stilesprefers-screamers @readymachine @bellarketm ​ @warriorsaralance
thank you, if you’re reading this, for making my year truly special
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