#writers block wheee
the-shattered-dreamers · 10 months
it's time for Marcy Actually Writing This AU™️ part 1: fairy encounter wip
(ft. a wip from almost a month ago bc writer's block hit me like a truck. this isn't the main story, instead a side drabble featuring @ayyy-imma-ninja's fairy au Sun, Moon, and Lunar. i hope i haven't completely wrecked your boys lmao :3 ) ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯
All in all, it was a fairly normal night.
He wouldn't have gone so far as to say it was boring, as Solra often couldn't imagine anything being boring, but it was normal, falling into the usual routine xe and Lumin had. Sense a new M.I. in the area, investigate, either fight it or return it to its dreamer, rinse and repeat. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Until they showed up.
"Hey, Sol?" Lumin called to their brother, a slightly concerned note to his voice. "Can you, uh, come here for a minute?"
Solra shouted back in affirmation, making xer way over, and Lumin turned back to the source of his confusion. Two (three, actually, but one was asleep) fairies, staring at him with distinctly confused and apprehensive expressions. He could hardly blame them, moon was a good couple inches taller than the fairies, and while not being much difference to a human, it made the Remme seem much taller.
After a good 30 seconds of staring at each other, both parties turned to see Solra bounding over. "Minmin!! Are those FAIRIES? Ooh, I've always wanted to meet one, but we're always so busy, a-and I'm sure they're busy too, but woah, we finally get to see some! Hi, I'm Solra, this is my brother Lumin, and- oh! You," he pointed at one of the fairies, the taller one with a starry blue nightcap. "you're a Moondrop fairy, right? And your small friend here is your helper fairy? Oh, your kind have always fascinated me, see, because we have similar jobs. My brother and I are Remme! We kind of do the same thing you do, except we deal with, ah, nightmares, I suppose, that have escaped the dreamscape and are out here, in the waking world, and-"
Lumin delivered a swift elbow to xer ribs to make him shut up, then spoke softly. "I apologize for that. Sol doesn't quite know when to hush sometimes." Offering a small smile, they held out a hand to the Moondrop fairy. "I, as you may have figured from that little ramble, am Lumin. Good to meet you. And you are?"
"My name is Moon," the taller fairy-Moon-responded, giving the offered hand a shake. The one beside him cleared his throat pointedly, leaning on his staff with a smirk. Rolling his eyes playfully, Moon adds, "and this here is Lunar. Nice to meet you, too."
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heffrondriving · 3 years
I already sent you a review but I just wanted to say I love your new fic (your first one!?) and I can't wait to see where you take it! 😊
I'm probably wearing down your ears with the word thanks but you're super nice and I'm a very awkward sack of spuds so it's either that or just a whole bunch of delirious keysmashing so thank you again and snshslakslahdfb
Yeah, it's technically my first BTR fic, and I guess also first longfic in a sense because my lazy self can usually only pen in crack one-shots before writer's block bodychecks me into oblivion so I'm honestly really glad someone likes it so far <3
Also wheee first ask on this blog and from someone i follow too i am officially no longer simply big time yelling into the void haha jk (*´︶`*)。.:*♡
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smalltall · 4 years
What's going on? What did you do now?
I asked why Ao3 deserves 200k a year if they don’t provide any services or protections you couldn’t find elsewhere (which they don’t--your fic can be stolen and sold with no repercussions, despite clear IP violations, and despite Ao3 mods claiming to keep lawyers who specialize in that subject on retainer; writers are not required to specifically tag triggering subjects such as sexual violence; non-white fans' protestations against blatantly racist fics are ignored, but satirical fics referring vaguely to fandom racism are deleted with a quickness; and despite Ao3 positioning itself as the sole online bastion of non-profit literary freedom, there are dozens of small sites where you can write the most vile shit imaginable and it will never be taken down--the only thing Ao3 has that these sites don’t is popularity). 
For my crimes, I was blocked and threatened with getting my blog deleted for “threats of violence”. Just another ride on the tumblr merry-go-round, wheee.
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thesesoftboys · 6 years
yooo are you taking prompts?? I just saw your ae and Pete fic there and it was sooo good. You’re a really talented writer. If you would be up to it, would you be able to perhaps do the first time ae/pete call each other some kind of pet name like baby? Or their first I love you? I absolutely love “firsts”. This is totally up you, no pressure at all to do this!
wheee more prompts! send me MOAR im so productive…hope you like this, nonnie :)
The sudden rain forces nearly everyone to converge in the cafeteria, grumbling and changing lunch plans and flicking water out of hair. Ae wipes the drops on his phone screen, checking to make sure it’s fine. He should probably get a new phone, something water resistant, but it’s not a priority right now. He frowns as someone jostles past him and he takes a few steps back, then openly scowls when cold water drips from the ceiling down to his back.
‘Excuse me,’ he grumbles as he weaves in and around people until he’s standing just inside the cafeteria, by the entrance walkway.
Ae: It’s raining hard, maybe we should just meet up later. Pete: I’m already on my way. Ae: OK. Find someplace closer to park. Pete: :)Ae: Text me when you arrive.
Pond: Ae! I found a table! It was a bloodbath to get it! Ae: I’m waiting for Pete. Where are you?
Somewhere in the distance, someone shouts, ‘Shorty!’ A hand waves frantically in the air at the other right side of the cafeteria.
Ae: Fuck. You. Pond: Haha you found me anyway XD
Pete: I’m here, Ae. Ae: I’m right by the entrance.
He’s not ashamed to say he stands a little on tiptoe to find Pete, who’s easy to spot amidst the ceaseless flow of students trying to get out of splash zones, apologising and ducking his head as he bumps into every other person. Ae reaches out and snags Pete’s hand before Pete can pass him by, and Pete blinks and then smiles at him. Pete is slightly damp from the rain and Ae tugs him towards a less crowded spot.
‘Didn’t you use an umbrella?’ asks Ae, wiping at Pete’s brow with the heel of his palm.
‘I forgot where I put it,’ says Pete sheepishly. ‘It just started raining all of a sudden. I think I saw Can trying to make it somewhere dry under his bag. I was going to offer him a ride but he was too far ahead.’
‘Tin can fuss over him.’
Pete smiles. ‘Like what you’re doing, Ae?’
Ae, who’s busily wiping down Pete’s shirt, taps him lightly on the cheek. ‘You’re spending too much time with Pond. Come on, I’m starving. What do you want to eat?’
Pete startles again when Ae twines their fingers together, and Ae resists the impulse to bring them someplace private and kiss the daylights out of Pete when Pete bites his lip and looks shy. Pete is adorable and Ae’s heart clenches at this latest display of that. Not the right time, he tells himself as he leads Pete to their table.
‘Dude, what took you so long?’ Pond demands as soon as they arrive, dumping their bags on the table. ‘Do you know how many people I had to fight to the death to stop them from sitting down?’
‘There’s a lot of people here, we could share,’ says Pete, and as if summoned, three boys appear with their trays and hopeful smiles.
Pond rolls his eyes and waves a hand at them. ‘Fine, fine, you guys can sit with us. Save a spot for Ping!’
Ae briefly scans the food stalls nearest them and then turns to Pete. ‘So, your choices are rice or soup?’
Pete sneezes out of the blue, then looks sheepishly at him.
Ae laughs. ‘Soup it is, babe. I’ll be back.’
He heads towards the stall with the shortest queue, reading the menu as he plucks his wallet out of his pocket. Pond catches up with him, apologising and making excuses to the other people as he squeezes in behind Ae.
‘Ae, I can’t believe you!’ Pond exclaims right into Ae’s ear.
Ae elbows him away. ‘Shit, personal space, Pond!’
‘Yeah, as if you do that to Pete.’
Ae gives Pond a dirty look over his shoulder.
Pond points a finger at him. ‘Oh, my God, you don’t even know!’
They shuffle forward in the queue. ‘What?’
‘I mean, I thought you were doing that on purpose to tease Pete. Did you see how red his face was? It was amazing!’
Ae stops and turns around to look at Pond grinning knowingly at him. ‘What?’He tries to look back at Pete but there are too many bodies blocking his view.
Someone clears their throat behind them and Ai and Pond obediently move. Pond keeps smiling like an idiot and Ae resists stepping on his foot. ‘Just spit it out already.’
‘That’s what Pete said - fuck, OK, sorry!’ Pond flinches back away from Ae’s foot and laughs, limping in line.
Ae’s eyebrow twitches. ‘Pond.’
Pond corals his giggles and slaps Ae on the shoulder. ‘You called Pete babe. Do you even remember that? Like, it’s not a big deal, except it’s Pete who’s shy as fuck, and it’s you. This is hilarious. Wait until Ping hears about this.’
Ae scowls. ‘So, what?’ Even as he says it, he can feel the blush spreading on his cheeks, his heart pounding. Did he really call Pete that? He can’t even remember. It doesn’t sound like him. Ae says the word in his head and thinks of Pete. Babe. Baby. Somehow, though, it fits. An open show of affection, a declaration in itself. He wonders if Pete likes to be called nicknames, if his lips will curl just that little bit deeper until his dimples appear. What if Pete calls Ae something? He can’t help but run through the pet names he knows: baby, darling, sweetheart, honey. They all sound gross, to be honest, but one of those words coming out of Pete’s mouth in relation to Ae -
‘Dude.’ Pond’s pointy elbow brings him back to reality, where it’s still raining and the lunch lady is impatiently waiting for him. He gives his orders and moves to the end of the counter to grab some utensils and pay.
Pond smirks at him as he receives his plate. ‘I can see you thinking too hard about this.’
Ae grabs his tray and waits for Pond. ’What?’
‘My inexperienced friend,’ says Pond, and Ae would hit him with the tray if he could, ‘it’s no big deal. That’s just how relationship works. You call each other special nicknames.‘
‘Should I keep calling him that?’ asks Ae, side-stepping past a drenched senior cursing up a storm.
‘Up to you, Ae. You don’t force these things. Though, I suggest you do, because you have got to see Pete’s adorable face when you do it!’
Ae’s pulse picks up as they near the table, but Pete’s not there. He puts his tray down and looks around.
‘He’s buying some milk tea,’ one of the guys tells him. ‘Said he’ll be back real quick.’
Pond rounds the table and sits down with a smug look. ‘Pete knows you too well, Ae.’
Ae ignores him and places Pete’s tom kha gai on the table, then leaves his own dish on the tray because there’s nowhere to put it. Pond starts to eat and talks to the guys at their table, soon to be Chemical Engineers who play for the basketball team. Ae is distracted, watching out for Pete, and Pond nudges his foot under the table and gestures behind Ae.
‘You didn’t buy me anything?’ Ping asks as he squeezes next to Pond. He brandishes his drink in Pond’s face. ‘Pete bought me tea but you couldn’t get me some khao?’
Pete sits down beside Ae and hands him a plastic cup, smiling softly, the corner of his bottom lip caught between his teeth.
‘Thanks,’ says Ae, ‘Pete.’
It’s as natural as breathing; it’s not a nickname but it’s still a special word, the letters softened with fondness. It might as well mean babe or you’re important to me or I like you. He doesn’t have to worry about this sort of thing. It’ll happen naturally, like Pond said.
Across from them, Pond winks at Ae and makes kissy faces so Ae has to kick him on the shin.
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ultmelodies · 3 years
i tried to reply but writer block + exhaustion got in the way .. wheee
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ghost-it-notes · 7 years
For the writing thing; all the ones ending in 3 :)
♡ Wheee ilu!3. My least favorite part of writing is when something will just not come out right. It's like... you know exactly what you want to convey and how it feels and the power you want to get into it, but words are not wording correctly.13. I deal with writers block by first wallowing in self loathing for a hot minute and then getting the fuck over it. I have enough wips that I always have SOMETHING to poke at, so even if I only write a line every once in a while, as long as I'm moving forward that's okay. I also can beat writers block sometimes by watching movies somehow related abstractly to my stories, or by reading good books and fanfiction!23. Single or multi pov... por que no los dosssss? They both have their places! I think I tend to favor multipov sometimes just because I fall so in love with people I intended to be background characters and suddenly they're like "◕‿‿◕。)づ waddup. TURNS OUT I'M COMPLEX AND HAVE STUFF TO SAY."33. Do I listen to music when I write? Simple answer is... sometimes. I used to need it to get in the right frame of mind, but not anymore!43. Am I an avid reader? I LOVE READING AHHSIDHSJ. (Yes)53. What does writing mean to me? Writing is very important to me. Sometimes I have a hard time coping with how shit the world can be and how little I can do about it. Writing gives me a sense of escape, but also control of events and plots and outcomes while also allowing me to explore the world from the point of view of people from all walks of life, not just my own. I really couldn't live without it, and you can bet I'll be thinking of my fictional kids even when I'm on my death bed.
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flame-cat · 7 years
idk why im making this but its fun, maybe some fahc writers can use it
note- since im making these notes to fit into fahc-verse, i use she/her with jack. more to be added... uh... whenever
asset seizure and firewall protection
almost immediately- gavin calls money "bundts." ryan immediately understands what he means :25- jack points out ryans fish tank is broken. ryan insists its supposed to look that way, and that jack doesnt understand art :47- ryan insists everyone try on costumes. michael is the only one not upset about his fashion choices 1:10- gavin admits that "none of these outfits are more douchey than what i usually wear." michael agrees
1:50- michael explains jack is replacing jeremy. gavin says he feels sorry for jeremy. michael says "you feel sorry for him, but thats not stopping you from joining." gavin agrees 3:20- "michael, you wanna fistfight on the helipad?" gavin says, with no prompting whatsoever. michael nonchalantly agrees, but says he cant make it up there, and suggests gavin jump from the roof to the lobby below. gavin does so. jack immediately runs at gavin and punches him in the face. michael joins the brawl against gav soon after. gavin loses. ryan, meanwhile, just sorta lets them have their fun 5:20- gavin: "because this is the vehicle that most, closestly, resembles, my face, can i drive it?" *referring to the "nose car"* 5:30- ryan expresses discomfort at the others' revealing attire. michael jokes "you know you want it" 5:54- gavin: "oh, jack, nice pair of tits!" jack: "oh, thank you! ive been working out" 6:10- *no prompting* gavin: "oh, dude, im jumpin' out!" ryan *nonchalant*: "why?" jack: "bye, gavin!" gavin: "wheee!" ryan: "dont die this time." 6:20- ryan: "its on hard. cause we're hard... core." 6:35- gavin *confused and slightly disappointed*: "i dont think theres anyone to shoot" 7:05- michael: "oh, ryan, youre in the coolest spot" ryan: "yeah, no, this is the death spot" michael: "yeah, youll die, but youll look cool doing it" 7:15- jack *a little sarcastically* "good thing we all have body armor on" *everyone but michael laughs* michael: "i do..." 7:40- *gavin nearly flips the car, everyone yells* ryan: "gavin! this is why we dont let you drive the car!" michael *nonchalant*: "its ok, im still hangin on" noteworthy throughout- everyone appears to cringe and make distgusted noises at civilians being hurt, but laugh at the same time in a grotesquely fascinated way 8:40- *gavin crashes, everyone falls off* gavin: "ive found the first road block" ryan: "didjya??? is it your driving skills??" noteworthy- ryan always appears most peeved at gavins lack of driving skills. michael usually takes it in stride noteworthy- jack is usually the least vocal in times of crisis 9:20- gavin expresses pride in taking out some trucks and cars. ryan is preoccupied with the fact that he was shot multiple times. michael, indignant, says he "was bippin" noteworthy- michael and ryan tend to argue in times of crisis. its usually michael who starts it 9:40- ryan abandons the vehicle in favor of shooting people on foot, unhappy with gavins driving. he passes it off as "being able to shoot better" but its a thinly veiled passive aggressive jab at gavins apparent unconcern for his friends wellbeing noteworthy- ryan is the king of snark 9:45- gavin sends a car flying into the river, and cheers and hollers. michael nonchalantly says "that was actually... the was pretty awesome." he doesnt seem sarcastic 9:45- meanwhile, having said nothing this whole time, jack is on foot trying to actually complete the mission, probably aware ryan is also, but not with him. she launches an explosive and sets it off, very close to ryan, who appears alarmed. jack just intones "thats me dont worry," and ryan just responds "ok" and doesnt bring it up again noteworthy- jack likes to get things done on her own. so does ryan. ryan and jack appear to have a silent agreement not to get in each others way. ryan appears more forgiving to jack when/if she screws up noteworthy- gavin is always the first and loudest to react to things. ryan follows close behind, more agitated than elated, michael next, and then jack, who mostly seems peeved noteworthy- ryan always gets most agitated with gavin, but its usually when gavin comes close to hurting him noteworthy- though they go off on their own a lot, they keep up constant communication 10:20- ryan: "oops, i shot gavin a bit" gavin: "ah, thats alright." ryan: "dont die. nobody die" *sounding strained* 10:50- not planned, but ryan and michael end up on loading, gavin keeps cops off them with the truck, jack is on foot doing the same 11:40- ryan: "uh, probably someone else should drive... since gavins gonna have to hop out and get drugs" gavin: "nah, ill hop out when we get there" ryan: "...okay" 11:44- unprompted, michael checks to see if ryan is ok. which he is not. short while later, michael mentions hes not doing much better, to which ryan expresses a small amount of concern. no one else comments 11:48- michael falls out somehow. gavin just laughs 12:10- jack: "woohoo! bye, fuckers!" noteworthy- michael seems very subdued here 12:13- michael mentions inevitable failure. gavin: "dyou think we will?" *genuinely suprised* 12:25- michael eggs gavin on as he crashes into and flips cars. he then remembers that he should probably be doing something about the cops behind them. jack agrees, apparently not paying attention either 13:10- gavin makes zooming sounds as they drive off. this appears to be something he does a lot. no one else comments on it 13:35- *approaching a road block* gavin: "dude, which one should i hit?" ryan: "ALL OF THEM!" 13:45- everyone else yells in excitement. michael just seems a little shocked and says, a little louder than usual: "oh my god they fucking exploded" noteworthy- ryan is usually the one to remind the others of the task at hand. jack is content to ride back seat, and gavin and michael are busy being... well, them 13:50- michael *shooting cops*: "bipbipbipbipbipbipbip" gavin: *mimicking intense chase music* the others dont make a comment on it noteworthy- ryan and jack seem content to just let michael and gavin be weirdos without really paying attention to it 14:20- michael freaks out about being shot and dying. ryan, slightly panicked, just tells him not to die over and over again. it doesnt work noteworthy- when gavin asks a question, michael is quickest to reply. ryan is right behind him 15:00- gavin, probably realizing its only fair, asks if anyone wants to drive. ryan accepts after giving everyone armor noteworthy- while jack always gets pinned as "team mom," its more ryan than anyone else. jack tends to just do her own thing. i imagine she would be an excellent mercenary, since she tends not to ask a lot of questions 15:40- jack is not sitting very lady-like 15:45- everyone: *freaking out about to crash* *make it out ok* michael *calmly*: "we're good, we're good." it should be noted he's driving noteworthy- if we're assigning familial roles, then michael is the big brother 16:00- gavin falls out. michael says sorry through his chuckling 16:30- ryan: "its a linear plowing apparatus." what a massive dork 17:00- when jack laughs, theres no holding back. you wanna talk about cancer-curing laughs? right behind geoff ramsey 17:15- gavin is usually a step ahead of everyone else when thinking of ideas. when it comes to focusing on the present, though, he gets caught up in his own head noteworthy- gavin is always the first to admit when he's lost control of a situation noteworthy- ryan never outright rejects anyones ideas, almost ever. if he does, he usually provides sound reasoning, or is joking 17:30- gavin: "oh, i felt bad about that. a cop landed after your smash and i just executed him in the head." no one comments 17:55- roles are switched now: ryan is on foot as a mercenary, michael is doing the same in the truck, and gavin and jack are getting the goods. noteworthy- gavin uses birght fuscia weapons far more than gold ones 18:40- jack is focused and nearly kills ryan 19:20- gavin starts singing. jack boisterously joins in immediately. jack then goes on to talk about something he watched recently, and gavin seems interested 19:55- the truck nearly tips over. everyone freaks out briefly, but once the crisis is averted, gavin and jack immediately go back to their conversation. it should be noted michael is driving 20:20- this time the truck does flip over. michael runs over gavin accidentally. gavin doesnt seem perturbed, though, even when michael apologises. seconds later, he even comments that this "might be the best mission yet" noteworthy- gavin doesnt appear to care a whole lot for his own safety 21:20- jack starts singing. this time gavin joins in 21:40- gavin: "this is, like, fast and furious material. did they ever have one of these?" ryan: "uh, they shouldve" noteworhy- ryan appears to always have some sort of heavy weaponry on him. no one comments on this noteworthy- they discuss team responsibilities while theyre doing things. absolutely no planning whatsoever: they "work" on the fly 22:20- gavin panics about dying. ryan, again, helpfully tells him to "dont die, dont die, please." remarkably, this doesnt work the second time either
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