#writing and painting both take an immense amount of skill and effort and time
mourningmoth · 1 year
the way in which people talk about consuming art also comes off as extremely hurtful and dismissive a lot of the time if im honest
for example, theres a sentiment i see repeated a lot on this site AND on other media networks where people simplify visual art to what you immediately see and not mention appreciating it at all or thinking about it beyond that, compared to appreciating something like writing, which requires a different mode of interaction
something like "ugh you only have to glance at fanart for a few seconds to consume it, compared to the hours of reading time you have to put in for fanfic" is an extremely reductive comparison, i feel
1. it really feels unnecessary to make comparisons such as this to begin with tbh, bc it only feels like trying to put down one form of art over another, which is pointless. writing is not inherently more valuable than visual art, and vice versa. writing and art by themselves are not more valuable than film by default, or vice versa. the measure of value being determined by the arbitrary amount of time itd take to experience it isnt a helpful or fair measure imo. they're just different skills and different mediums that make different final products, but can communicate the same concepts and experiences
2. honestly extremely disheartening to think that i can put work into a single piece for months off and on only to get reduced to a "glance" lol. like I don't mean to sound petty but i dont put all the time into art that i do so people can just not notice anything striking about it and move on without a second thought
3. do people seriously not zoom in to look at smaller details? they dont look at the colours or the lighting and how it interacts? you dont take in the tone, mood, atmosphere, composition, or symbolism? do u try to notice the technical skill involved or appreciate the brushstrokes and textures? examine decisions the artist made in the creation of the piece?
idk if ur only glancing at visual art for a few seconds, thats not consuming it in any meaningful way. thats not appreciating it. and doing that is nowhere near comparable to how one would consume a completely different medium of art. and i think its really unfair to compare a seemingly uncaring interaction like "glancing" to putting actual hours into interacting with a different form of art. the mediums are different and that means you have to consume and appreciate them in fundamentally different ways sometimes, and thats not a bad thing and it doesnt make some art "more art" than other forms, or more valuable. it also doesnt make the labour involved in the creation of art more or less valuable
as i said, something that took a 2-second glance for someone to "consume" probably took me many weeks of work, and i dont like feeling as though all that time i pour into artistry is for essentially nothing
theres also some stuff i could go into about the reduction of appreciating art to simple "consumption", but i do not have the mental faculties to articulate those thoughts rn so i wont. but anyway, this kind of sentiment isnt new or anything, its bugged me on every art sharing platform ever for years, but i feel as though theres a specific resurgence of art in-fighting like this due to the advent of ai content. thank u for coming to my ted talk
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hccn-overseer · 3 months
Issure 34, 2/29/24
Welcome, one and all, to the second season of the Hermitcitizen Overseer and the tenth of Hermitcraft itself! There are scenanigans aplenty waiting for us in the upcoming season, so let's not hesitate to get going!
Written by AzureClouds 
This season, in an attempt to not use trading systems, Grian has decided to try and fish up a book of mending to use for enchanting. 
Until recently, he has had little luck catching the elusive mending books, although he had caught several other enchanted books. Additionally, (as of writing) Grian has managed to catch roughly 6500 fish-the majority of which have been cod-, Nautilus shells, fishing rods and bows with various enchantments, and saddles, all to various degrees of usefulness.
Statistically, there is generally a 1.9% chance of catching an Enchanted book while fishing, with a 0.015% chance of catching a mending book! Meaning that, supposedly for every 100 times Grian casts his line, he should catch 2 books, and if he catches 127 books, he should be able to find two mending books. 
In addition, Grian built a Cod Dungeon, complete with a secret entrance, and statues decorating the walls, even a special painting by Hoffen in an attempt to raise his chances of catching a mending book, officially named the Chamber of Sea Critters. 
Finally, after over nine thousand attempts, Grian was able to fish up a mending book, specifically with Piercing 3 and mending, and he has decided to instead trade for the rest of the books he needs.
Now on to other news below the cut!
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Hermit Permits
By AzureClouds
This season, shops, and what you will be selling has been decided by various permits, distributed randomly. Each hermit has received six permits, of various value. The three tiers are iron, gold, and diamond, with each hermit receiving three iron permits, two gold, and one diamond permit. This means that only one Hermit is able to sell any given item (that there is an existing permit for).
For some items, such as wood, glass or wool, hermits are required to build a shop with those who received a permit in the same category as them (for example, all hermits who received a permit for wood will be building a shop together), with these shops being either collaborative, competitive or anything in between!
Additionally, as the winner of demise, False Symmetry was awarded a Joker permit, giving her the ability to pick an item to sell at any time. This special permit can only be used once, and has not yet been put into play. 
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A Small(Ishbeans) Introduction! By Roo
This season, we welcomed another two hermits- Skizzleman, and Smallishbeans. While an article for Skizz is anticipated and hoped for, this one is about none other than Joel Smallishbeans. 
First, let’s get you acquainted, shall we? Joel Smallishbeans- often called Joel Beans, Bean, Big Man, or just plain Joel- is a British YouTuber who, other than the green streak in the hair of his minecraft skin, can be recognized as “That One Guy Who Used To Be Shrek”*. A former member of both of the seasons of Empires SMP, as well as other servers such as the life series (he won Last Life in our hearts), or KingdomCraft, way back when, Joel is renowned for making buildings and areas that take immense amounts of time, effort, and skill, as well as the absolute beast he is at PVP. (Yes, we are aware this article would boost his ego immensely. That’s alright.) From the giant spires of the Mazalean Palace to the looming castles of his hardcore world, to the beginnings of his Hermitcraft base, it’s easy to say that Joel is a legendary builder that’ll be at home on Hermitcraft. 
As for how his Hermitcraft is going- other than the multitude of failed attempts to kill XBCrafted, and the one successful attempt (yes, that took 74 TNT), everything seems to be going well for our favorite bean man. He already has a glow squid farm that works- well, it works- in addition to a lovely road, four buildings, and his first Hermitcraft diamond hanging proudly on the wall. His build style, a mixture of traditional Japanese architecture and a modern-cyberpunk-ish-vibe, seems to involve an astounding level of detail, which is impressive in and of itself, and also in the lag that is generated. Those glowing signs may have to decrease sometime through the season.
Of course, seeing as it’s Hermitcraft, shenanigans are bound to ensue, and from the past, we know Joel is one who will never back down from a good shenanigan. Those twelve kills in Last Life didn’t get themselves, after all. His neighbors, whom he has dubbed the Magic Mountaineers- Grian, Mumbo, Scar, Gem, Impulse, Skizz, and himself- are all settled around one big cherry blossom mountain (hence the name), and with Hermits that close together, we know that mischief is already brewing, pranks are being planned, and friendly rivalries formed.
No matter where the season goes for him, Joel seems to have an amazing start to this season, and for any of you who are considering giving him a watch, we would highly recommend- his sarcasm, skill, and hatred for Minecraft chickens and horses are hard to forget, and many a good time is had over on the Smallishbeans channel. 
Look out, Hermitcraft Season 10!
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Skizzleman, the man, the myth the legend. 
By Winter. 
Skizzleman is one of the new members of Hermitcraft Season 10. As you saw Mr Beans introduced in another article it is now Skizzleman’s turn. Now most people may not know what Skizzleman has done before Hermitcraft, so here is a run down. 
Skizzleman is part of the Z.I.T.S, aka Zedaph. Impulse. Tango. Skizzleman. These four have been creating videos together for a while. The first series that Impulse and Skizzleman created together is “Naked and Scared” which was and continues to be a unique spin on the genre of Hardcore. 
 For the wider audience, you may know Skizzleman from the hit series “The Life Series”. While Skizzleman has never won any series he has always left a resounding echo within each character he has portrayed. This often creates a very emotional ending to each series. He always commits to the bit, even to the character's demise. 
Another place you may know Skizzleman from is the GIGS Phasmophobia streams, or the 2020 Assorted Hermits(and Skizzleman) Among Us Streams. Both of the streams are different in the dynamics that they invoke. The streams are memorable and cemented in the viewer's hearts that Skizzleman was already a Hermit way before his invite. 
In other endeavours he runs a podcast with ImpulseSV called the “Imp and Skizz podcast”. Within this podcast, they discuss a variety of topics such as: how they became friends, parenting, what makes a great leader, and other big philosophical topics. They also have special guests such as Geminitay, Xisumavoid, Evan and Kate, and others. On this podcast, Impulse also proposed to Skizzleman about joining Hermitcraft. 
They now have started the season and with that new connections are being formed. As of current Skizzleman has a starter base which is lovingly called “Skizz’s Crack”. He is staying in the area with fellow hermits  Grian, SmallishBeans, GoodTimesWithScar, ImpulseSV, Mumbo Jumbo, and GeminiTay. He is currently creating a pyramid. We at the Overseer wish him well on his journey to creating joy within people's hearts. 
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Lost + Found Collected by Roo
lost item:
a blue crochet squid on a crochet piece of sushi.
it has large eyes and is wrapped around the crochet sushi.
lost item(s)
5 boxes of cod.
i doubt whoever lost it actually wants to find it again.
...but i dont really want this either.
lost item:
ive found another one. the cursed enchanted items.
a luck of the sea, lure,unbreaking, and.
fishing rod.
you can. assume what it does.
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That's all for this week! Tune in next time to hear about the endeavors of the Citizens and the Hermits themselves!
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pooma-education · 3 years
Curiosity is different ... Talent is different ... The secret of success!
We ended last week with the question of what to do if there is a conflict of interest and talent. This is a problem that many people have today and will find out by listening to some of the students on the go.
What do you like most?
Which one is best for you?
There will not be many people who have the same answer to these two questions. I like singing, but the voice is not good, I like cricket, but soon I will be out, I like science, but it's scary to look at the equations
Favorite says not to get caught in the hand. This is a type.
There is another type. This is the kind of people who say they don't like talent as much as it does. Knows how to draw well, but has no great interest in painting. I run well but I 'm not involved in athletics.
Let me keep telling you examples. The main problem in choosing a career is that interest and talent do not go hand in hand. What to do when such a problem arises?
Top of interest
Career advisers say interest should be paramount. It is relatively easy to develop skills in what you are interested in. If the interest is deep, that interest will also give the impetus to develop the talent. This applies to everything like song, sports, science. I like it, so the thought that I am doing this will greatly amplify one’s initiative and effort. So talent in the field with deep interest will come.
No problem if it comes up like that. But no matter how intense the interest in certain things, it is not possible to go beyond developing a level of talent. Example formula. No matter how hard one tries, one cannot develop more than one level of skill unless one is basically a good voice. The same is true in sports. Cricket can be a top maniac. Let’s work frantically. But by nature cricket does not have the ability, it can not go beyond one level. If that is the case then there must be a thousand Sachin Tendulkar and two thousand Kumbles in India today. Why not develop? The reason is that curiosity alone is not enough.
There is another problem with pursuing curiosity alone. Some fields, such as sports and the military, require physical strength and ability. Those who do not have both of these, and who are physically handicapped for some reason, will not be able to develop the ability to shine in that field no matter how hard they try. Therefore, curiosity cannot be pursued blindly.
Some will shine with a special talent that is naturally set. Some will work and improve their skills. But, the basic skills of both should be located to some extent in nature. Or it must have been possessed at an early age. Otherwise it is impossible to develop excellent skills no matter how hard you try. In the absence of special talent, there will not be much value in a competitive world.
Your path is your journey
If you have talent
If a person has a natural talent for a subject, he can enter the field even if he is not interested in it. In a case where excellent talent is naturally located, interest may not be high. But it is unlikely to be without interest. For example, a boy with a fantastic voice may not have the desire to pursue a career in music. But that's not to say Patte doesn't like him. If he doesn't like it he can't open his mouth and sing. Such people can shine in the field with immense talent and a certain amount of interest.
There is no need to suppress the natural desire for curiosity. You can keep a favorite subject as a hobby or alternative field. For example, a person whose main field of work is singing may also excel in writing. A person who is a teacher based on talent can engage in painting or craft based on interest when time is available. The way to interest and food and income.
Summarize what you have seen so far?
One's interest in choosing one's field is fundamental. But talent does not come just because there is interest. So in case of skipping skill you have to diligently quench the curiosity a bit. Talent can be made a major field by cultivating a small amount of interest that may already be in it. It can be kept as a hobby or a second field without losing the subject of interest.
Curiosity keeps changing. But talent is not like that. Besides, the bar has to keep up with the talent. So it will take more effort. So the best way is to find talent and develop an interest in it and get better at it.
Let us conclude this article with a relevant example. A boy went to a cricket training center. He has a desire to learn fast bowling. He trained for a few months and enthusiastically honed his skills.
Don't you sometimes have to engage in batting during bowling practice? The head coach noticed him as he played like that. He was amazed at the way his bat spoke. He called out to him, "You can't get the ball right, you go and practice batting." The boy returned disappointed. But he started to focus on batting. He later became known as the best batsman in the world. Some of the achievements he made were so accomplished that no one could even come close.
Do you know his name? Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar
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helpmagic08-blog · 5 years
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