heythere-emberhere · 6 years
I’m in Love with a Girl I Hate - Riverdale
Summary: Y/n and Sweet Pea don’t get along, and the whole crew is about to find out why.
A/n: I just finished my first semester of grad school, and I’ve gotten an A on 2/3 of my classes this semester. So, here’s a little something to celebrate. I might turn this into a series?
WC: 4681
Y/n’s POV
Growing up on the Southside of Riverdale when you weren’t a serpent’s kid was a little strange. Even as a kid, you were aware of all the secrecy, all the things the other kids understood that you couldn’t. Being Toni’s cousin has its perks; though, and you weren’t completely out of the loop. When you were younger, in elementary school, your house was the go-to hang out spot because your parents were actually home to watch you and your friends. Even now, Toni and Fangs spent a ton of time at your place, especially on Tuesday nights when your dad made his famous taco bar spread, complete with beef and chicken, three types of cheese, sautéed veggies, and his homemade salsa and guacamole. Your mouth was already watering as you walked up to them both standing in front of Sweet Pea.
“Come on, man,” Fangs said to him. “Put your differences aside for one night and join us for dinner like you used to.”
“Fangs, I only ever went because my mom made me, and she’s not here to do that now. So, I’ll just see you at the Wyrm later.”
With that, Sweet Pea left, brushing your shoulder as he passed.
“Why do you even try anymore, Fangs?” you asked him. “Pea and I have never gotten along.”
“I don’t know why,” Fangs mumbled, opening his locker. “You two have more in common than you think.”
“That’s probably why.” Toni cut in. “Sweet Pea probably can’t stand that y/n can read him like a book.”
“Still,” Fangs said with a nod. “it would probably be good for him to have someone that understands him that well in his life.”
“Are you kidding me?” You asked. “We would drive each other insane.”
Toni and Fangs just looked at each other and smiled as you walked to your first class, English, in which you had a pop quiz. After class, Fangs followed you and Toni out of class, complaining.
“That pop quiz was so brutal,” he said as Sweet Pea fell into step next to him after leaving his class across the hall. “Like, how am I supposed to remember which of the main character’s family members wasn’t in the dream he had at the end of the first chapter?”
“His mom.” You and Sweet Pea answered at the same time.
“Okay. That was creepy,” Fangs said as you and Pea eyed one another.
“Glad to know I shouldn’t have a problem with that quiz when I have to take it later today.” Sweet Pea said stopping at his locker.
Toni and Fangs stopped on either side of him while you kept walking, leaving them with little more than a nod and a wave. Just before you were out of earshot, you overheard Sweet Pea warning Fangs about not asking him to join you for dinner at your house again, and you just shook your head. Fangs was right about you and Pea having some things in common, at least. You were both stubborn as hell, and you were pretty prideful too. That’s why, at the beginning of high school, when Sweet Pea had decided that he didn’t like you anymore, you never fought back. If he wasn’t going to give you the time of day, you weren’t going to give him any satisfaction by showing any emotion about it. After a while, it stopped hurting your ego anyway.
Sure, you and Sweet Pea both hung out with Fangs and Toni, and you interacted with each other when absolutely necessary, usually only to criticize one another, but you didn’t really know each other that well. That’s why you were so confused when he was waiting for you outside your class after the bell without Toni or Fangs flanking him. Honestly, you thought for a moment that he was waiting for someone else, but you were convinced otherwise when he reached out for your shoulder and turned you around as you walked past him.
“Hey, y/n, wait,” he said as you turned to face him.
“Oh? Do we actually talk to each other now?”
“Look, I’m just here to do you a favor,” Sweet Pea said, holding his hands up with his palms facing you.
“What could you possibly do for me?” you cut him off.
“If you would fucking let me finish a sentence for once, I could tell you,” he bit back.
You crossed your arms over your chest in response nodding at him to continue.
“Mantle said something at practice the other day about planning some big thing to ask you to the homecoming dance, and I know you hate shit like that. He’s in the rec room setting shit up now, so steer clear, I guess.”
“Oh, um, thanks, Sweet Pea,” you said rubbing the back of your neck. “That’s actually really nice.”
“Yeah. Whatever,” he said looking down at his feet.
You adjusted your back pack on your shoulder and headed straight for the rec room.
“Did you not listen to a thing I just said?” Sweet Pea called after you.
“I got this!” you shouted over your shoulder, not turning around to see him let out a huge sigh.
You marched into the rec room to see Reggie and some of his jock friends hanging a huge banner on the wall. You leaned on the doorframe and cleared your throat loudly, causing the boys to whip their heads around to look at you. Reggie tried to jump in front of the banner, barely even covering up your name.
“Y/n!” he shouted, “You’re supposed to be at lunch.”
“Yeah, I was going to go until someone told me that you were in here doing all this,” you said waving your hand at the banner.
“Who told you?”
“Doesn’t matter,” you said, walking fully into the rec room. “Look, Reggie, I really hate big displays like this.”
His face started to fall as you spoke, and his buddies let the end of the banner that hadn’t yet been taped to the wall slip.
“But,” you continued, “I would love to go to the homecoming dance with you.”
A smile spread across Reggie’s face, and you leaned against the back of the couch next to you. He closed the distance between the two of you, placing his hands on the back of the couch on either side of you. You could feel his breath on your cheeks as he leaned toward you.
“Really?” he asked.
You nodded, placing your right hand on his shoulder as you bit your lip before laying a soft kiss on his lips. Reggie smiled against your lips as he placed a hand on your hip and pulled you closer to him. You and Reggie had hooked up a few times at some parties, but you had never kissed each other sober let alone in a room full of his teammates. A couple of the guys let out hollers as he deepened the kiss and you grabbed at his hair with your fingers. From the doorway, you heard Toni let out an “aww” that caused you to pull away from Reggie. She stood leaning in the door way with Fangs and Sweet Pea behind her.
“Gross,” Sweet Pea said before turning and walking away toward the cafeteria.
You rolled your eyes at him as Toni and Fangs walked up to you. Fangs clapped Reggie on the shoulder and gave him a nod while Toni pulled you into a hug and squealed. You laughed as she gushed about how she was waiting for you and Reggie to get past the drunk hookup stage of your relationship. Reggie smiled and put his arm around your shoulder.
“I think we have enough time to dip and go to Pop’s for lunch since I don’t have to set up all this shit anymore,” Reggie said to you.
You nodded and waved at Fangs and Toni as you and Reggie walked out to the parking lot.
Sweet Pea’s POV
“Where’s y/n?” I asked as Toni and Fangs sat down at the lunch table.
“She and Reggie went to Pop’s instead,” Toni replied with a smile.
“He’s one lucky son of a bitch,” I said, causing Toni and Fangs to raise their eyebrows at me.
“Oh, yeah?” Fangs asked.
“I mean he’s lucky he got away with pulling something like that and y/n still saying she’d go to the dance with him. Don’t go imagining things that aren’t there, Fangs.”
“She would’ve said yes either way. They have been hooking up for a while now,” Toni said.
“Yeah, you’d know that if you didn’t boycott every activity involving y/n,” Fangs snapped.
“Like you really want the two of us arguing at a party,” I scoffed. “I just wouldn’t have pegged Reggie as y/n’s type, to be honest.”
“And what would you think y/n’s type is, Sweet Pea?” Toni asked.
“Tall, dark, and Serpent perhaps?” Fangs added.
 I rolled my eyes and took a bite of my sandwich, shaking my head ‘no.
“Sure,” Toni said, “go ahead and avoid the question by stuffing your face.”
           Toni and Fangs spent the rest of lunch pushing the issue, suggesting that I had some sort of secret feelings for y/n.
           “Come on, Sweets,” Toni said, “Don’t you remember when we were like six and y/n broke her arm while we were climbing around the rocks by Sweet Water River?”
           “Yeah. She slipped on a rock. So what?”
           “So she didn’t shed a tear, and you cried the whole way to the hospital because, and I quote ‘My best friend’s arm is going to fall off,’” Fangs jumped in, whining as he mocked little Sweet Pea’s crying.
           “And,” Toni added, “You carried her teddy bear around her for over a month until she got her cast off.”
           “Then there was the time we had to act out ‘The Princess and the Frog’ in class, and you threw a full on fit because you thought you were going to have to kiss y/n,” Fangs said.
           “That doesn’t sound like it helps prove your point,” I said with a smirk.
           “You weren’t upset because you didn’t want to kiss her. You were upset because you wanted to save your first kiss with y/n until your wedding,” Toni reminded him.
           “That definitely sounds like a lie,” I said.
           “It’s not. You also punched Jimmy Smith in the gut in fourth grade because he told you y/n was too pretty for you.”
           “Because no one is ‘too pretty’ for me,” I spat placing air quotes around the words “too pretty.”
           “No one?” Fangs questioned.
           “Okay, maybe Heidi Klum,” I mumbled.
Toni and Fangs continued to list off every childhood memory they could think of to prove their point that I, at some point in life, had feelings for y/n. There were still fifteen minutes left of lunch by the time I got up and walked out of the cafeteria, having heard enough. I went to my locker and grabbed the books I needed to do my homework, deciding I was just going to skip the rest of the day. The front doors to the school flew open just as I was about to push them, and y/n and Reggie came through laughing and carrying milkshakes. I slid to the side to keep from running right into y/n and knocking her milkshake to the ground.
           “Oops. Sorry, Pea,” she said looking up at me and slipping through the door.
           The way she looked up at me through her bangs had me reliving each story Fangs and Toni had just brought up before I remembered one of my own. The one where y/n looked up at me in exactly the same way after both our names had been drawn to play Seven Minutes in Heaven during our first high school party. “I’m sorry, Sweets. I- I can’t,” she had whispered. I stood in the middle of the room with everyone staring at me as I watched her walk out the door. That was the last night I could remember us being friends. I pushed past her and Reggie with a wave of my hand and stormed through the parking lot toward my bike.
           “Did he look mad to you?” Reggie asked y/n.
           “Honestly, when does he not?” she asked.
Y/n’s POV
           You and Reggie walked into the rec room hand in hand and sat on the couch next to Fangs. Toni and Cheryl sat together on the chair next to the couch, looking at something on Cheryl’s phone and laughing.
           “Hey,” you said. “Did something happen at lunch? Sweet Pea looked kind of pissed when we passed him coming in from the parking lot.”
           Toni and Fangs looked at one another with wide eyes.
           “He left before free period? You don’t think we took it too far, do you?” Fangs asked Toni.
           “I mean, anything is possible,” Toni shrugged.
           “Took what too far?” Reggie asked, leaning forward and taking another sip of his milkshake.
           Toni and Fangs looked at you, then at each other, and back a few times before they started muttering and speaking over one another. You, Cheryl, and Reggie just exchanged confused glances as you tried to decipher what they were saying. It proved to be of little use because all you could here were a series of ums and wells between long, quick sentences run together so haphazardly that it sounded like they were speaking another language.
           “Wait,” Cheryl commanded. “Slow down and speak one at a time. TT, you start.”
           “Well, um, Fangs and I were just giving Sweet Pea a hard time at lunch is all.”
           “A hard time about what?” you asked, sighing and thinking you were pretty sure you already knew the answer.
           “We, um, well, we may or may not have listed all the reasons we think he has feelings for y/n,” Fangs confessed.
           Reggie choked on his milkshake and sat up straight with wide eyes. He continued to cough as you rubbed his back and shot Fangs a look.
           “Exactly how many reasons are there?” Reggie asked between coughs.
           “Well, we started with the time y/n broke her arm on the rocks by Sweet Water River,” Fangs said.
           “Dude! We were six,” you replied.
           “But he carried your teddy bear around for you for like a month!” Fangs defended, “Then we talked about the princess and the frog fiasco.”
           “The what fiasco?” Reggie asked, causing you to turn to him and place your hand on his knee as you explained.
           “I’m not exactly sure how they think that proves their point, though,” you said rolling your eyes.
           “Well, there’s another detail you don’t know about, y/n,” Toni mumbled.
           “Which would be?”
           Your cousin looked down at her hands and picked at her nails. You looked over at Fangs with an eyebrow raised, but he was avoiding eye contact with you too. Toni spoke up after you leaned back in your seat and crossed your arms over your chest,
           “The reason Sweet Pea was so upset about the thought of kissing you is because he wanted to save his first kiss with you until your wedding.”
           “What the hell, T?” you asked, unable to hold back your laughter as you spoke, “What does that prove? We were in the first grade! That’s the most ridiculous-”
           “Hold up,” Reggie cut in, “Sweet Pea said he was going to marry y/n?”
           “Reggie, we were in the first grade. Kids talk about that shit all the time like they even know what it means,” you shot back.
           “Sweet Pea?” he asked again.
           “Yeah,” Fangs said, “then he swore me and Toni to secrecy.”
           “I’m not saying Sweet Pea and I are close or anything. Really, we just play basketball together, but I know for a fact marriage is one thing the dude takes seriously.”
           “And how would you know that?” you asked.
           “Well, we have this tradition for initiating new team members where we get them really drunk and ask a bunch of super personal, embarrassing questions.”
           “If Pea was drunk, you can’t trust a word he said,” you, Toni, and Fangs said in unison.
           “That’s the thing,” Reggie continued, “Sweet Pea was the only new guy who wasn’t drunk. He told us all it should’ve been enough that he came to the initiation bull shit in the first place considering there was quote “no way in hell” it was tougher then his Serpent initiation had been.”
           “Sounds about right,” Fangs muttered.
           “Anyway, he about beat the shit out of Chad when he said the worst thing he ever did was propose to his girlfriend in front of all her friends as part of a prank. I’m talking slammed the dude against the wall and went straight for his neck while screaming about how that’s one thing a man should never joke about. When we finally pried Sweet Pea off him all he said was that playing with someone else’s emotions like that wasn’t cool, that it wasn’t okay to build up a person’s trust like that and then embarrass them in front of all their friends.”
           The room fell silent, and somehow you knew you were the only one who could break it.
           “I don’t think that has anything to do with me, though. Sweet Pea and I haven’t been friends for like two and a half years, way before we even came to Riverdale High,” you said. “And even if he did have a crush on me in the first grade, I don’t think he would’ve held onto that until now. Trust me, he hates me now.”
           “But do you hate him?” Cheryl asked.
           “That’s a good question,” Reggie said turning to you, “I know you pretty well, and from what I’m hearing, it sounds like you and Sweet Pea have a long history with each other.”
           “We grew up in the same place. My mom used to watch all the kids in the neighborhood.”
           “He’s right, y/n,” Toni said. “You’re not the kind of person to just give up on someone. It’s like one day you and Sweet Pea were super close, and the next, it was like you two barely knew each other.”
           “You’ll have to ask him about that. I just went along with it, I guess.”
           “Well, because he was mad at me, and I didn’t know how to make him not be mad anymore,” you admitted.
           “Do you know why he was mad at you?”
           “No,” you said, thinking about the last time you really talked to Sweet Pea. There was a sense of guilt you weren’t quite able to place.
           “When did you stop being friends?” Reggie asked.
           “It was like the beginning of freshman year,” you said, “right after- Oh shit.”
           “Right after what?”
           “Right after our first high school party. Toni and Fangs couldn’t go, so I begged Sweet Pea to come with me, and I um, I kind of left him there.”
           Your voice started to trail off at the end of the sentence as you finally remembered exactly what had happened that night.
           “Wait. Shit. I remember that,” Fangs said. “He came to my house after you left. He was pissed.”
           “I’d be pissed too,” you admitted, “if my best friend left me at a party where I barely knew anyone because she was too afraid to tell me she had accidentally gotten really drunk.”
           “You accidentally got drunk?” Reggie asked.
           “Oh, shut up! It was my first party ever. I had no idea what I was doing, and I got drunk. Then, I got embarrassed about being drunk, and my anxiety made me feel like I was definitely going to puke, so I ran outside. Some junior girls outside said that the best way to avoid throwing up was to keep drinking, and I think I blacked out. God, I probably seemed like a total bitch the next day because I had no idea what happened.”
           You put your empty milkshake cup on the table in font of you and laid your head on your knees, wrapping you arms around it to try and hide from the room full of people who were looking at you. When you finally looked up again a couple minutes later, Fangs was biting at his nails.
           “Why are you doing that?” you asked him, knowing it was something he did only when he was really nervous or uncomfortable.
           “You still don’t have the whole story, y/n,” he said. “Sweet Pea came to me house fuming because you had ditched him right after Jessica pulled both your names to play Seven Minutes in Heaven.”
           Your face quickly turned bright red as the memory hit you like a ton of bricks.
           “Okay, now even I’m convinced that Sweet Pea has feelings for y/n,” Reggie said sadly, looking you in the eye, “The poor dude probably thought you left because you didn’t want to kiss him.”
           “That’s exactly what he thought,” a voice called from the doorway to the rec room.
It was Sweet Pea’s. Everyone slowly turned their head to look at him, all their cheeks blushing in either embarrassment or nervousness. You and Sweet Pea locked eyes over Reggie’s head, and your started to water. You were feeling a rush of guilt, embarrassment, apology, and pain. The mix of emotions bubbled up in your chest and started to push the air our of your throat. Legs shaking, you stood up and made your way across the room, stopping in front of Sweet Pea and looking up at him.
“I- I’m sorry, Sweets,” you whispered choking on your breath, “I can’t.”
Tears started pouring down your cheeks as your whole body started to jitter. You crossed your arms over your stomach as you started wheezing. The sound of your lungs struggling to suck in air in short bursts overwhelmed the room, and you suddenly realized that everyone was staring at you with concern. Without thinking, you bolted from the rec room, ran across the hall, and locked yourself in a dark, empty classroom. As you slid down with your back against the door and curled into yourself, you heard Toni call out, “Shit! She’s having an anxiety attack.”
The sounds of your friends shuffling across the hall covered the click of the second door to the classroom closing a few feet to your left after Sweet Pea had slipped inside. He waved them away through the window before sitting cross legged on the floor in front of you. Outside the door, Toni, Cheryl, Fangs, and Reggie walked back into the rec room. Once he sat back down on the couch, Reggie pulled out his phone to text Sweet Pea. The message read: Go for it. I won’t be mad.
Sweet Pea’s POV
My phone buzzed just as I took it out of my pocket. I glanced at a message from Reggie on the lit-up screen and rolled my eyes. I clicked the lock button and set it down beside me as I reached out for y/n. With a low chuckle, I tapped my knuckles on her shin as if I were knocking on a door. She pulled her feet toward her and folded her legs like mine, looking up at me and wiping her eyes. I scooted toward her and placed my hands on her knees; her body was still shaking.
“Shhh,” I whispered, “You have more of a reason to be mad at me than I do to be mad at you.”
“I’m such a,” she choked out, “such a bitch.”
“No, you’re not,” I whispered, shifting to sit next to her and pull her into my chest. “You didn’t know what happened, and instead of talking to you about it, I’ve spent the past two years being mad at you, being mean to you.”
“But I hurt you,” y/n cried into my chest, her shaking beginning to subside as I ran my hand up and down her arm and rocked us back and forth. “I was a shitty friend, and I hurt you. And I didn’t even know it.”
“You didn’t hurt me any more than I hurt myself by not saying anything,” I said honestly. “I’m sorry, y/n. I should’ve just talked to you instead of throwing our entire friendship away.”
“I would’ve done the same thing. Actually, I kind of did. I never talked to you either. I just assumed you hated me.”
“I’ve never hated you, y/n,” I said feeling a heat rise in my chest. If I could’ve stepped out of my body and kicked my own ass in that moment, I would have. “I was just-“
“Yeah, I was hurt, and I didn’t handle it well. I’m really sorry. Honestly, it’s probably the stupidest thing I’ve ever done, and that’s saying something because I shot an arrow through Toni’s tent last week just for shits and gigs.”
Y/n sat up and wiped her eyes as he laughed at me. I moved my arms from around her and folded my hands in my lap.
“I’m sorry too.”
“It’s fine. We can talk about it more later if you want, but I think you should go tell the rest of your friends that everything is ok.”
Y/n paused for a second and looked down at her hands.
“They’re still,” she whispered. “How did you?”
“You used to have anxiety attacks all the time when we were kids. If I could get you talking through it, they usually ended pretty fast.”
“I did? I don’t remember.”
“Yeah, you did,” I nodded. “Now go let everyone else know you’re good.”
I watched as y/n walked into the rec room, stopping in the middle of the hallway to wipe her eyes one last time. She walked quietly into the room and sat down next to Reggie, placing her head on his shoulder. His gaze snapped to me as I turned to leave.
“Where are you going?” he asked as the bell rang.
“It’s the end of free period,” I said, “I’m going home.”
“Why did you come back?”
“I forgot I was going to have a pop quiz in English today. I told Mr. Thomas I had a doctor’s appointment and asked if I could take it early and still get credit.”
“Why did you stop here?”
“I heard Fangs loud ass telling all my secrets and was gonna kick his ass,” I shrugged. “Timing, I guess.”
“Are you still gonna-” Fangs started, but Reggie interrupted him.
“Did you get my text?”
“Doesn’t matter, dude.”
“Yes, it does,” Reggie said, getting up off the couch next to y/n.
I started walking away, hoping Reggie would just leave it, but he jogged in front of me and cut me off before I could turn the corner. I could see everyone else spilling out of the rec room and weaving through the sea of students trying to get to their next class. Fangs craned his neck above the crowd, trying to focus in on the conversation Reggie and I were having.
“I told you I wouldn’t be mad,” Reggie said.
“I know,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest.
“So you did read my text.”
“Yeah, and?”
“And I’m serious, man.”
“Don’t worry about it,” I said right as the warning bell rang and the halls cleared out again, allowing Toni, Cheryl, Fangs, and y/n to come up behind Reggie.
When he looked over his shoulder at them, I took the opportunity to step out of his blockade and start heading for the door again.
“You and y/n clearly have feelings for one another, and I’m not going to be the one that gets in the way of that,” Reggie called after me.
“You already asked her to homecoming, bro. She likes you. Have fun,” I called back before walking out the front door of the school.
I heard running behind me as I approached my bike. Turning, ready to yell in Reggie’s face to back off, I locked eyes with a much smaller figure.
“You didn’t deny it,” y/n said, stepping toward me.
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helplessly-nonstop · 6 years
I Prefer Knives Rather Than Whips(S.P. smut)
Let’s just say, I saw a certain video and well... here we are! It’s really badly written and I’m so sorry 😅
Summary: after watching the new 50 Shades of Grey, the reader accidentally admits that she has a knife play kink. Sweet Pea takes the idea and runs with it.
Word Count: 2,202 words
Warnings: smut, choking, hickeys being given, knife play, sex, please don’t read this if knifes are something you’re not into. Please...
Tags: @lumpyspacepea @writingbombshell @wamweisha @anninhiliation
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Ever since I was a child, I had always had an obsession for objects with points: especially knifes. I was an odd ball out, but thankfully, I wasn’t all that out since I was a Southsider. But, I’m okay with that.
“Y/L/N, you better hurry your ass up before we miss this movie.” Toni warned, crossing her arms over her chest.Toni, Sweet Pea, Fangs,and I was all going to see the newest Fifty Shades of Grey for some God awful reason. Now that I think of it, i believe that Fangs lost a bet to my best friend, meaning that we would have to go watch this ridiculous movie.
Little did I know, I would be forever grateful for that bet..
I pulled on my other boot and laced it as quickly as possible before I hurried out the door, thankful that we was walking to the drive in. Pea was driving his truck, which meant that the four of us would be lying in the back with blankets and pillows.
“So, do you think SP will finally make a move on you?” Toni asked as we entered the drive in. I rolled my eyes and shoved her away from me as I replied,”Would you shut up about that? Pea doesn’t have a crush on me.”
“Yeah, right. And I’m not a lesbian.” I shot her an annoyed look then I heard Sweet Pea shout over the trailers rolling for different movies,”Hey, sickos, over here!” I laughed and we hurried over to them, Pea lifting me up into the truck bed.
“Hey, Y/N/N.” Sweet Pea greeted me as I settled under the blanket that I always used at his house. I gave him a nod in return then he sat beside me, pushing a pillow behind his head. We curled into each other, Toni and I holding hands like we always did and somehow, I managed to hold hands with Pea as well.
We watched the movie with small giggles and fascinated eyes before we drove back to Toni’s place, the four of us agreeing to stay there for the night.
“Hey, I’m just saying, I think it’d be pretty hard to find some who would indulge those kinds of kinks.” Fangs admitted as he and Sweet Pea exited the kitchen with drinks for us. I raised an eyebrow at my somewhat tall friend and asked,”What kinda kinks?”
“BDSM and shit like that.” Pea explained, handing over my drink. I scoffed and stated nonchalantly,”Trust me, find someone who has a knife kink is a thousand times harder than finding someone who will indulge you some chains and whips.”
My best friends paused at my statement and slowly, one by one, they all looked at me with their mouths gaping open. I glanced up to see their different expressions: Toni was impressed that I admitted my kink out loud, Fangs was horrified at the danger of my pleasure, and Sweet Pea…
Sweet Pea looked turned on?
“Okay, on that note, I think we ought to go to bed, huh?” Toni asked, clapping her hands together to motivate our two friends out of their shock.
Toni and I took her room while the guys took the living room then she glanced over at me as I changed before asking,”You do know that Sweet Pea has a knife kink, right?” I paused at her words, only one leg in my pajama shorts.
“Little Serpent say what now?”
“Hey, if I would’ve known that you were going to say some crazy shit like that, I would’ve warned you. But you didn’t give me any sign, there for, you’ve signed yourself up to be fucked this time around. Who knows, maybe he’ll finally do something now.”
I really wish I hadn’t said anything. The Serpent families were all getting together the next day and of course, I had to go. The teenagers of the Serpents settled by the water and I sat down by Toni and Fangs as Sweet Pea stood, him whistling to catch our attentions.
“Alright, ladies, prepare to be amazed.”he reaches into his jacket pocket and pulled out my only weakness. His iconic butterfly knife.
I tightened my grip on my glass and crushed the plastic as he began flipped his wrist to allow to blade to be shown.
He started out slowly, beginning to flip the knife back and forth, open and shut until he picked up his speed. He had fantastic control of the blade and I was totally enthralled. Slowly, his eyes met mine then he slowly smirked before clicking the knife shut once again.
We continued to stare at one another until Toni nudged you, breaking the spell holding me tight. I slowly turned to look at her then she joked,”You need a minute to go clean up?” Slowly I nodded my head and she sighed, rolling her eyes, then I informed her,”I think I’m going to go back home, okay? See you later, Tee.”
I arrived at my house in no time then I paced around my bedroom floor, confused on what to do. I couldn’t exactly walk up to Sweet Pea and say,”Hey, Pea, can we fuck you and use your knife while we do it?” I heard the front door open and shut but I didn’t let it bother me. It was probably just my dad coming home.
Someone knocked on my door and I opened it up, gasping when I saw that the person who entered my house definitely wasn’t my Dad. It was Sweet Pea and he had his knife out, running the tip of the blade along the outline of his lips. He paused, his dark eyes locked to the bottom of my crop too, then he asked,”How fond are you of your outfit?”
I glanced down and replied,”Not all that fond, why?”
“Get on the bed and take off your shoes and socks. Lay down after that.” I did as he asked me then laid back, my hands trembling with my nerves. I didn’t realize my entire body was shaking until Pea joined me on the bed and pressed his hand to my stomach as he cooed,”Why are you shaking, baby doll? You’ve seen me play with my knife, you know I’ve got complete control of it no matter what.”
“I’m excited.” I breathed out, eyes locked to the knife in his hand. He bit his lip at my admission then he leaned closer, his breath brushing my lips, and asked,”You mind if I give you a kiss, baby doll?”
“I’m dying for you to kiss me.” He pressed his lips to mine and I gasped as he nipped at my bottom one before he pulled away, leaving me desperate for more.
“Now, in order for us to do this, you have to stay absolutely still, alright? No moving, I mean it.” he warned, his eyes focused on my expression. I nodded in agreement then he blew out a slow breath before tracing the knife up my stomach, circling around the outline of my breasts, before stopping at the top hem of my shirt.
Pea gripped the shirt on one side then drug the very sharp blade through the material, the threads giving way to the knife,like paper to water. I held my breath, watching as my shirt parted down the middle when he drug the knife further and further down.
“Now,”he stated, gripping the waistband of my leggings after untying my flannel from around my waist,”I can cut these from you or you can just pull them off. What do you want to do?” I stared at my bottom and cursed internally when I realized that I bought them last week before muttering,”I’ll just take them off.”
He backed away, giving me some space to pull off the tight material, then I glanced up at him after the leggings were gone. He had shedded his notorious Serpent jacket as well as his belt, shoes, and socks. I tugged up on his shirt as I insisted, ”You take off your shirt too, that way we’re even, kay?”
“Oh baby doll, if you’re all about keeping things even, then we’re in for a long night.” he informed me, scooting down to where he was in between my thighs, his eyes glued to my panties.They were a dark green, like the snake of the Serpents, and lace.
“I may not have the jacket, but I want to support you guys.” I admitted quietly. My father wasn’t ready for me to be a Serpent, even though time and time again, everyone supported me in wanting to join.
He flickered his eyes up to me then he reassured me,”I’ll talk to FP. You’ve done a lot for us, baby doll, and I think it’s time for you to be initiated.” He pulled the knife from where he placed it on the bedside night stand and slid it under one side of my underwear, slicing the seam, before moving it down just slightly.
He pressed the smooth side of the knife to the crotch of my panties and dragged it up until the top of the blade caught in the lace, just below my clit.
“Look at you, baby doll, you’re so wet. And I haven’t even touched you yet.”he cooed then slit the rest of my panties away. He placed the knife on the night stand once again then spread my lower lips, staring down at my clit.
“Please, Pea…” I whimpered, my fingers tightening around the sheets below me. He grinned down then he slid his fingers up my slit, my hips tilting up.
“Don’t.. I can’t, please.. just fuck me, please.” I insisted, tangling a hand in his dark hair. He tilted his head up at me, moving upwards before asking, “You’re sure?” I nodded and he gave me a quick kiss then he pulled his jeans and underwear off, grabbing a condom from his jacket pocket.
“Positive.” I answered, pulling him upwards for another kiss. He grabbed the blade once again and ran the tip down my neck, turning his wrist ever so slightly, nicking the skin at my collarbone. I gasped just as he sunk into me and he ordered,”Don’t move, or I’ll really hurt you and I don’t want that. I’m sure you don’t want it either.”
“Please, Pea,just fuck me.” He stared down at me, like he was testing me, so I leaned forward and latched onto his Serpent tattoo, a hiss leaking from his mouth.
“Goddamn, baby doll, you don’t play fair. But that’s alright. I got your number now.”he informed me, his teeth gritted before he pushed into me without any warning. I cried out, releasing from the hickey I just put on his neck, then he growled,”I’ll show you what happens when you decide to bite the Snake, baby doll.”
Quickly, he picked up his speed and force, pounding into me, until I begged him to let me come,”Please, Sweet Pea, please let me come! I won’t bite you again, I promise!”
He let out a chuckle and suckled at my pulse before he murmured,”Come on, baby doll, you can do better than that.”
“No, no, I can’t, dammit! Fuck, Sweets, just make me come already!” I snapped, gripping a fistful of his hair. He growled then pressed his large hand over my throat, curling his fingers to where I could barely breathe.
I gasped as he pinched my clit, continuing to fuck my brains out.
“Don’t get sassy with me again, baby doll, or I swear to God, you won’t come for hours on end.” he promised, his dark eyes glowing with intent. He was going to draw this out for as long as he could, which meant that I needed to find a way into tricking him into giving me an orgasm.
I reached over and grabbed the knife before pressing it to his shoulder, cutting the skin. He hissed, biting into my breast, then soothed his thumb over my clit, slowly but surely bringing me to my end.
Sweet Pea released my throat and snatched the knife from my hand then pressed it to the valley of my breasts, giving me another cut to bare.
“Pea, please!” I cried out and he nodded, tossing the blade to the ground.
“Go on, baby doll, you’ve earned it. Come for me.” he instructed, his thrusts stuttering. My head tilted back and he rubbed faster circles on my clit, finally making me come then just seconds later, Pea joined me with his own orgasm.
He rolled off of me then peeled off the condom, tying a knot on it, before throwing it away. He glanced over at me then asked,”I didn’t cut you too bad, did I?”
I scanned the wounds and shook my head before giving him a kiss,”Nope, we’re all good. Now I think we’re due for a shower.”
“And a nap. Whew, baby doll, you sure do know how to give a man a challenge.”he informed me with a laugh.
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heythere-emberhere · 6 years
Mutual Pt. 2 - Sweet Pea x Reader
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Part 1
Word Count: 2,775
Sweet Pea looked down at the ground with his hands in his pockets. He kicked some of the loose gravel in the parking lot as he shrugged. He ran his fingers through his hair, letting out a heavy sigh.
“I want this so bad, y/n,” he said as he looked up at you. He took a step toward you, reaching out for your hand. “I don’t really know how to do the whole relationship thing, y/n,” he said, taking your hand in his.
“Well, can you?” you asked, “Do I mean anything to you?”
“I- I don’t know if I can. I just know I don’t want you to go.”
“I don’t want to have to leave, Sweets-” you said, looking back toward the Wyrm, toward Stella.
“At least that’s mutual,” he said.
“But half of you isn’t enough for me, Sweets,” you said, letting go of his hand.
Sweet Pea’s POV
“Dude, this is agonizing,” Sweet Pea said, running his hands through his hair and sliding his elbows across the table until his chin was resting on its surface. “I’m dying over here.”
Fangs looked over at where you were sitting with Toni and Cheryl. You were wearing a tight, black backless dress than clung mid-thigh with black knee-high boots. Your delicate curls brushed against your bare shoulders as you tossed your head back laughing. It had been two months since you had called it off with Sweet Pea, since he had been unable to commit to a full-fledged relationship with you despite telling you that he wanted one more than anything. It took about three days for his fling with Stella to fizzle out, and he had never quite figured out how to approach you about making up afterward. That, and he wasn’t exactly sure that you wanted to make up with him. Afterall, you’d only known each other for about six months before everything went to shit, so it’s not like you had a sturdy friendship to fall back on.
“Stop dwelling,” Fangs said, pulling Sweet Pea back from his thoughts. “You have two choices here: get over it or do something about it.”
“But I don’t want to do either of those things.”
“Okay, I get why you don’t want to get over it, but why don’t you want to do something about it?”
Sweet Pea looked over at y/n again. This time, she leaned on the table as she looked over at some of the guys playing pool while sipping on her drink. A young-looking blonde, probably a new initiate, gave her a nod before making his shot, and she gave him a small wave and a smile, making Sweet Pea’s stomach turn.
“I’ve already fucked things up,” Sweet Pea said. “She’s over there flirting with that blonde guy.”
“Doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t have a chance,” Fangs replied.
Sweet Pea sat and stared at his drink as he turned the glass with his fingertips. His friend made a good point, but in the two months since y/n had asked him what he wanted from her, it had seemed like she’d gotten over him, like she’d decided what he’d wanted on her own. By the time Sweet Pea looked back up, the blonde Serpent was next to y/n making her throw her head back with laughter like Toni and Cheryl had been only moments before. He decided it was best to let her be happy. He still wasn’t sure that he could pull off the whole boyfriend thing anyway.
Y/n’s POV
You looked over at Sweet Pea as you talked to Ryan, one of the new initiates, who had come over because he was intrigued by the situation of you, Toni, and Cheryl all sitting together.
“These two are obviously dating,” he said pointing at Toni and Cheryl, “but I can’t quite figure out what role you play here.”
“I’m just the third wheel,” you sighed, shooting Toni and Cheryl a ‘you can go now’ glance.
“That’s only because we’re both bad at sharing,” Toni added with a wink as she put her arm around Cheryl.
Ryan chuckled, tensing his shoulders. You could tell he wasn’t quite sure if what Toni said was a joke or not, and you were fine with that.
“Okay,” Ryan said drawing out the vowel sounds, “and how does this serpent asshole at the corner table whose been eyeing you all night play into all this?”
At the mention of Sweet Pea, you sat up a little straighter and turned your shoulders away from him and Fangs, hoping that neither of them could catch your eye dart momentarily over to where they were sitting.
“I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you replied.
“You’re blushing.”
“Why do you want to know anyway? If you came over here to find out if I was single, all you had to do was ask.”
It was Ryan’s turn to blush. He briefly hung his head, playing with the rings on his fingers before returning his gaze to your rosy cheeks.
“Well, are you single?”
“Yes,” you replied with a small smile, leaning toward him, “yes, I am s-”
“But she just had a really nasty break up and isn’t looking to date right now,” Toni interjected, getting up out of her seat and placing her hand on Ryan’s shoulder.
The boy looked from you to Toni and back in confusion as Toni nudged him out of his seat and back toward the pool tables. You reached out to try and grab the leather of Ryan’s jacket and pull him back, but Toni slid between you and held your arms to your sides. She glared at you as you watched him walk away over her shoulder. He didn’t even bother to look back.
Sweet Pea’s POV
Across the bar, Fangs and Sweet Pea exchanged confused glances. When they looked back at Toni and y/n, it was clear to see that a fight was quickly brewing between the two girls. Y/n had gotten up out of her seat and was making full use of the three or four inches of height she had on Toni.
“Who the hell do you think you are, Topaz?” y/n shouted.
“I think I’m your best friend, y/n!” she shouted back.
“Oh, yeah? What kind of best friend butts into a conversation that’s none of her business with blatant lies?”
“It wasn’t really a lie, y/n. You did kind of just have a really nasty break up with Sweet Pea,” she said through gritted teeth.
At the mention of his name, Sweet Pea stood up from his seat and started making his way toward the screaming girls. He figured now was as good of a time as any to lay everything out on the table. Emotions were already running high. What more did he have to lose?
“You can’t break up with someone you were never in a real relationship with, Toni!”
Sweet Pea stopped dead in his tracks. She had a point. They were never officially in a relationship. She didn’t owe him anything, not a moment to explain, and especially not a second chance.
“You can still get your heart broken if you’re not official,” Toni shot back.
Sweet Pea felt his chest tighten. He’d never even thought of that. Had he been leading y/n on the whole time without actively realizing it? He thought he had no idea how to be in a relationship, how to act like a boyfriend when he’d been doing it the whole time. How could he have been such an idiot? How could he not see that rides to and from school, movie nights, and all the nights they’d spent together--even if they’d often been in secret--were all things you did with someone when you were in a relationship?
“I didn’t get my heart broken, Toni. I’m not some fragile little thing. Jesus christ! Why can’t you just stay out of my business?” Y/n said, her voice cracking as if she were about to cry.
At this point, Sweet Pea decided it was best just to turn around and wait it out some more. Clearly this fight was between y/n and Toni. He slowly started to back up, hoping that the girls had been so caught up with each other they hadn’t noticed him approaching.
“I would stay out of it if you weren’t off hooking up with a new guy every night, y/n! That’s not healthy. You need a break.”
A new guy every night? Sweet Pea thought. That wasn’t like y/n at all. He hated to admit it, but that sounded more like something he would do. Now that he was thinking about it, he was pretty sure the last person he had hooked up with was Stella. He’d been so hung up on y/n since then that he hadn’t even thought about anyone else. In his distraction, Sweet Pea tripped over a bar stool and sent one of the tables tumbling over, glass bottles scattering and shattering everywhere. He stilled and shut his eyes, hoping that by the grace of God no one had noticed. No such luck. The whole bar fell silent, and when he opened his eyes, everyone was looking at him, everyone except Fangs who hid his shaking head in his hands, trying to stifle his laughter. Sweet Pea shot him a glare before he turned toward Toni and Y/n, his face bright red and shrugged.
“Oops,” was all he could think to say.
Y/n clenched her fists at her side. It was hard to tell if she was still fuming from her argument with Toni or if this was a newly-fueled fire from Sweet Pea’s intrusion, but either way, she looked ready to kill. She yanked her jacket on and stormed out of the bar, slamming the door behind her. Toni and Sweet Pea stared at one another for a moment before Cheryl snapped her fingers in both of their faces.
“One of you needs to go after her,” she said.
“Go, Sweet Pea,” Toni said as she crossed her arms over her chest.
“Me?” he asked.
“Yes, you,” she replied, “Now!”
Sweet Pea came running out of the Wyrm at full force only to be surprised by the fact that y/n was waiting in the parking lot, leaning against his bike. His heart started racing in his chest as he took in y/n’s body language. She had relaxed significantly; her arms now hung at her sides, her shoulders down away from her ears and her palms loose against her thighs. Her legs were crossed at the ankles, and she was tapping the toes of her right foot against the dirt. Quickly, Sweet Pea looked over his bike to make sure she hadn’t slashed the tires or keyed it.
“Relax,” y/n said, catching his eyes scanning the bike, “I didn’t hurt her. I value my life too much for that.”
“Why are you still here?”
“I don’t really know,” she said, “I was going to leave, and then I just didn’t.”
“I’m sorry,” Sweet Pea said, situating himself next to y/n against his bike.
“Why are you apologizing to me when I’m the one who just made a big scene in there?”
“Because I was, probably still am, a complete ass.”
“Seems fair.”
“I told you I didn’t know how to do the whole relationship thing.”
“Yeah. I remember.”
“I was already doing it. Wasn’t I?”
Y/n pushed herself off the bike and took a couple steps forward, thrusting her hands in her jacket pockets. She turned to face Sweet Pea, nodding.
“Took you long enough,” she said.
“God, I’m an idiot,” he replied, running his fingers through his hair.
“I know,” y/n said with a smile.
“So why did you like me?”
“Shut up,” she said, rolling her eyes.
“I’m sorry.”
“You already said that.”
“I’ll keep saying it.”
“Why? Do you want another chance?” y/n asked, kicking loose gravel toward the Wyrm.
Sweet Pea swiftly pushed himself up off his bike and closed the distance between himself and y/n placing his hands on her hips. He looked down at her. He’d forgotten just how much he towered over her, just how small and fragile she seemed in his grasp. Her smirk slowly faded as she looked up at him, locking eyes with him in the dimly lit parking lot.
“If I ever thought you would give it to me,” he said.
“Would it be different?”
“I can assure you that this time everything would be 100% mutual.”
“I like the sound of that.”
Sweet Pea let out a sigh, “I really thought I was gonna have to beg.”
Y/n reached up to put a hand on his cheek, brushing it softly. She pressed her lips to his.
“Get on your knees, tough guy. You haven’t completely won me over yet.”
Y/n’s POV
When Toni, Fangs, and Cheryl came out of the Wyrm 30 minutes later to start their search to find you and Sweets, they were more than a little surprised to find you leaned up against Sweets’ bike with him on his knees before you and his hands clasped together, literally begging you to give him another chance.
“Y/n, I promise to treat you like a literal queen. You won’t have to lift a finger. I will take care of anything and everything. I’ll carry your books, walk you to class, drive you to school or to Pop’s. Hell, I’ll even hand deliver Pop’s to you whenever you want it. You need someone’s ass kicked? I got that. You need your nails done? Shit, I’ll learn how to do that. Back Rubs? You got it. Foot rubs? Done! I wanna be with you so bad I’ll even be nice to Mantle if I have to.”
“Whoa, be nice to Mantle? Really?” Fangs cut in as the three of your friends approached.
Sweet Pea’s head turned around so fast you were worried he might’ve given himself whiplash. Even in the dull light of the parking lot, you could see the blush creeping up his neck to his ears and cheeks. You kicked your foot out to nudge him, signaling to him that he could get up. As he did, he brushed the dust of his black jeans and rubbed the back of his neck. You couldn’t help but let out a giggle as he refused to look his friends in the eyes.
“I never thought I’d see the day a girl broke Sweet Pea,” Toni said. “Nicely done, y/n.”
“We still have shit to talk about, Topaz,” you said, “but thanks.”
“So was he successful?” Cheryl asked. “Are you satisfied with his groveling? Does he get another chance?”
The four of them looked at you expectantly. Sweet Pea appeared to be visibly holding his breath awaiting your response.
“Yes,” you said, hearing Sweets sigh, “I’ve had my fun. He gets another chance.”
Sweet Pea smiled down at you, his eyes briefly cutting to the side to look at your friends who were all staring at you expectantly. Catching on, you looked over at them too. Sweets bit his lip, contemplating whether or not he cared that they were making no efforts to hide the fact that they were staring at the two of you just waiting for you to kiss. You looked up at him, noticing that this was, quite possibly, the first time you’d ever seen him shy or flustered in any way. It was actually kind of cute. You pulled him closer to you by tugging at the leather of his Serpent jacket; the cool metal of the zipper felt jagged against your fingers. His eyes snapped away from your friends and locked with yours before he glanced down at your lips. You noticed his breath catch in his throat. You slid your hand into his jacket pocket, bringing your lips as close to his as you possibly could without them actually touching, and tugged out his keys, jingling them in front of his face. You nodded toward his bike.
Sweets gave you a devilish smirk before grabbing them out of your hand, swinging his leg over the bike, and settling into the seat. He handed you the spare helmet as you did the same, and you both looked over at your friends, whose mouths were all hanging open in shock. For good measure, Sweets twisted around, giving you a peck on the cheek as he started his bike and drove off.
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heythere-emberhere · 6 years
Whiskey - Sweet Pea x Reader
Based on the song “Marry Me” by Thomas Rhett
Summary: Y/n is best friends with Jughead, Toni, Fangs, and Sweet Pea, but when she gets her first real boyfriend and starts imagining everything they could be, Sweet Pea starts to get jealous.
A/N: If you guys like this, I’ll write a pt. 2 based on the music video where the girl leaves her wedding to find the one she “doesn’t want to marry”
Word count: 2174
She wants to get married
She wants it perfect
She wants her grandaddy 
preachin’ the service
She wants magnolias 
out in the country
Not too many people
Save her daddy some money
“He’s amazing guys, really,” y/n said with a big grin as she looked at each of her friends in the dimly lit bar.
“I can’t wait to meet him!” Toni squealed, hugging her.
Fangs, Jughead and Sweet Pea nodded as they watched the two girls giggle and gush. The more the talked about y/n’s new boyfriend, the more agitated Sweet Pea began to look. 
“We like all the same things, the same music, food, TV shows, everything! And he’s so sweet! He even brought me flowers on our last date,” y/n said with a sigh.
“Magnolias?” Sweet Pea interjected. 
Y/n turned to look at him with a shocked expression.
“No, roses. Why?” she asked.
“Well, at least he tried,” Sweets said with a smirk.
“Oh, don’t give him such a hard time before you meet him, Sweets,” she replied. “He can’t know everything right away. We’ve only been dating for two months, and you’ve known me my whole life. Of course you guys know what my favorite flower is!”
“I had no idea,” Jughead mumbled as Toni and y/n went right back to talking about yn’s last date.
“Neither did I,” said Fangs, looking at Sweet Pea with his eyebrows raised.
“What? Like she said, I’ve known her forever,” Sweets shrugged.
Jughead and Fangs exhanged a look as if to say ‘sure, bud, whatever you say.’ All three of their heads snapped back toward the girls when they heard y/n mention the L word.
“I know it’s early and everything is new, but I really think I could marry this boy, T. Nothing too big and fancy and not too expensive. Just something small would be perfect.”
Oh, she got it all planned out
Yeah, I can see it all right now
I’ll wear my black suit, black tie
hide out in the back
I’ll do a strong shot of whiskey 
straight out the flask
I’ll try to make it through without cryin’
So nobody sees
Yeah, she wanna get married
But she don’t wanna marry me
Sweet Pea got up from his seat at the table abruptly, bringing Toni’s and Y/n’s attention to himself and the other two boys that were staring at y/n with open mouths. Jughead and Fangs turned their heads to Sweets, who was standing up with his hands pressed fimly to the table, rocking it ever so slightly toward them. Sweet Pea let go, the table sliding back into its regular position, and backed up.
“I just remembered I have some stuff to take care of,” Sweets said before quickly turning around and bolting for the door.
His heart was pounding and his cheeks felt hot, but he wasn’t quite sure what had gotten into him. He’d never felt more awkward in any situation than he had just then listening to y/n tell Toni she wanted to marry some guy she hardly knew. 
Inside, Fangs shot Jughead a confused and concerned look, his eyes schrunching together. Jughead simply nodded as a signal that they should both go after their friend, but by the time they made it out to the parking lot, Sweet Pea was peeling out in his truck, headed in the direction of Sweetwater River.
“You think we should go after him?” Fangs asked.
“I think it’s better if we just let him work through this on his own,” Jughead replied. “I’m not even sure he knows anything more about what’s going on with him than we do.”
“You don’t think he-” Fangs paused to look over at Jughead and shrug, “you know?”
“I don’t even know, man,” Jughead replied before turning around and going back inside, where he and Fangs made a b-line for the pool tables as far away form the girls as possible.
I remember the night when
I almost kissed her
Yeah, I kinda freaked out
We’d been friends for forever
And I always wondered 
if she felt the same way
When I got the invite,
I knew it was too late
Sweet Pea sat in the bed of his truck looking out at Sweetwater River and cucking rocks into the moonlit water. He flipped a particularly smooth rock around in his fingers and sighed. How could he have been so oblivious to his own feelings? 
“I really think I could marry this boy.” He heard her say it over and over in his head. As he stared at the rock in his hand, he pictured her in that flowy, strapless blue top and destoryed blue jean shorts she loved to wear during the summer. 
He thought about how pretty she looked in the fire light out in these very woods by Sweetwater River the last time the serpents had all gathered there for a night of drinking and s’mores. He thought about how hot his cheeks had been as he sat next to her in front of the fire while she pouted in an effort to convince him to go get her another one of those fruity wine coolers she loved so much. 
“Please, Sweet Pea,” she had said drawing out her words. “Just one more?”
“I don’t think so, darling,” he replied, putting his arm around her to steady her and keep her from falling off the log they had been sitting on. “You’ve had enough to drink tonight.”
She giggled as she leant into him, only inches away form his face, and pouted. She had been too busy pestering him for another drink to notice how his gave was flickering from her eyes to her lips. Just as he had gotten close to having the courage to close the distance, they had heard Fangs stumbling out of the woods behind them. Y/n had taken his momentary distraction with keeping Fangs from falling into the fire as her chance to escape and get another drink. 
If only he had ignored his dumb, drunk friend. Now it was too late.
And I know
Her daddy’s been dreading this day
Oh, but he don’t know
he ain’t the only one
giving her away
Somehow Sweet Pea had managed to keep his mouth shut and act like a normal human being around y/n for the past three months. It was especially noteworthy that he hadn’t made a fool of himself the first time that y/n brought her boyfriend to Pop’s to meet everyone. Though it did help that Fangs’ and Jughead would shoot him a look if hs facial expressions or body language started to give him away.
He finally had to let Toni in on his little secret after y/n and her boyfriend had left that night, but he only did so after Toni had given Fangs a nice, long lecture about kicking her under the table.
“I’m sorry, T,” he said with his hands up in the air. “I was aiming for Sweet Pea, but I couldn’t exactly see under the table.”
“Why the hell would you be kicking Sweet Pea?” she shouted.
Fangs went silent and stared at Sweet Pea and Jughead who were sitting on the curb outside the restaurant tossing pebbles across the parking lot. Sweets looked up at Toni with droppy eyes and rubbed his forehead.
“He was trying to help me not look like I wanted to leap across the table and strangle y/n’s boyfriend,” Sweet Pea said with a sigh.
“You have a problem with y/n’s boyfriend?” Toni asked sitting down next to Sweet Pea, “What did he do?”
Sweet Pea groaned as he threw his head back, lowering it again to see that all three of his friends were tarign at him. Jughead even had a little smirk playing accross his lips, anf Fangs looked like he was about to burst if Sweet Pea didn’t speak up soon.
“He didn’t do anything,” Sweets said. “Well, he didn’t do anything other than date y/n.”
Toni let out a little gasp at his admission. “So that’s why you took her dad’s side when he said he wasn’t sure she should keep seeing him.”
Sweet Pea nodded, tossing some more pebbles into the parking lot. “He wasn’t the only one giving her up.”
I’ll wear my black suit, black tie
hide out in the back
I’ll do a strong shot of whiskey 
straight out the flask
I’ll try to make it through without cryin’
So nobody sees
Yeah, she wanna get married
But she don’t wanna marry me
Y/n and her boyfriend were over by the pool tables playing a game with FP as Sweet Pea leaned up against the bar and tried to be subtle about the fact that he was watching them.
“Here. You look like you need this,” Toni said from behind the bar placing a shot of whiskey next to Sweet Pea’s elbow.
He turned his attention away from y/n and downed the shot, slamming teh glass back on the bar. Toni looked at him with one eyebrow raised, testign the water to see if he wanted to speak.
“Double,” Sweet Pea said taking a seat at the bar and completely turning his back to y/n and everyone else in the bar.
Fangs came up behind Sweet Pea as he was knocking back his third shot. he placed his hand on his friend’s shoulder and gave him a small smile. “That kind of night, huh?”
“It’s the third night in a row that he’s been her, man,” Sweet Pea said while sliding one of the empty shot glasses around on the wet and sticky bar top.
“I know,” Fangs replied, “but you’re doing so much better. I barely even have to kick you under the table anymore.”
Sweet Pea knew Fangs was just trying to lighten the mood, but what his friend didn’t realize was that his change in behavior wasn’t a sign of his getting over y/n. It was just a sign that he was starting to give up.
“I guess I finally realized that she doesn’t want me,” Sweet Pea said before getting up from his bar stool and heading for the door.
Yeah, she’s got on her dress now
Welcoming the guests now
I could try to find her
get it off of my chest now
But I ain’t gonna mess it up
So I wish her the best now
“I really think you should just tell her, Sweets,” Fangs said as he paced back and forth in Sweet Pea’s living room. “She’s starting to wonder why you don’t hang out with us anymore, why you’re never at the Wyrm anymore. She thinks she did something wrong, man.”
“Then tell her she didn’t do anything. Tell her I’m sick or something,” Sweet Pea replied.
“For three weeks? Tell her you’ve been sick for three weeks when you’ve been at school completely fine for three weeks?” Fangs questioned.
“I don’t know. Just say something! Anything!” Sweet Pea shouted as he got up off his couch and retreated to his bedroom, slamming the door.
Fangs ran a hand through his hair and turned around. As he came out the door, he locked eyes with Toni and shook his head. Her smile fell, and she shrugged. They had been taking turns trying to get Sweet Pea to say or do something for almost two weeks now. All Sweet Pea would ever say was that he wasn’t going to ruin things for y/n by telling her how he felt. 
About half-way through week five of Sweet Pea being stubborn as hell, Toni came bursting through his front door. She was huffing and puffing as if she had just ran all the way to the trailer parkf rom Riverdale High. Sweet Pea muted his TV and looked over at Toni as she spoke in between deep breaths.
“I just...learned that...y/n’s boyfriend...is going to...propose,” She said.
Sweet Pea froze, letting the remote in his hand fall to the floor. “What?” he asked.
“Apparently he told Reggie, who told Archie, who told Veronica, who told Betty, who told Jughead, who told me and Fangs just now at the Wrym.”
Sweet Pea looked at Toni with a blank stare. He couldn’t tell if there were a million thoughts rushing through his head or none at all.
“You have to do something about this,” Toni pleaded.
“Why should I?” Sweet Pea asked. “It’s not like she wants to be with me anyway.”
Toni shook her head. “Listen,” she said, “You have to tell her how you feel. I love y/n, but she absolutely cannot marry this boy.”
“Why not?” 
“Because he doesn’t love her as much as you do!" Toni shouted.
“That doesn’t matter now,” Sweet Pea replied.
I’ll wear my black suit, black tie
hide out in the back
I’ll do a strong shot of whiskey
straight out the flask
I’ll try to make it through without cryin’
So nobody sees
Yeah, she wanna get married
Yeah, she gonna get married
But she ain’t gonna marry me
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heythere-emberhere · 6 years
Whiskey Part 2 - Sweet Pea x Reader
Read Part 1 Here
Summary: After finding out that Y/n’s boyfriend is going to propose, Sweet Pea gives up all hope and goes to Pop’s to drown his sorrows in burgers and whiskey.
A/N: Ask and ye shall receive! I’m so happy you all liked part 1, so here’s part 2!
Word Count: 1569
I’ll wear my black suit, black tie
hide out in the back
I’ll do a strong shot of whiskey
straight out the flask
I’ll try to make it through without cryin’
So nobody sees
Yeah, she wanna get married
Yeah, she gonna get married
But she ain’t gonna marry me
“What do you mean that doesn’t matter now?” Toni asked.
“Oh, come on, Toni!” Sweet Pea shouted, flying off his couch with his hands in the air. “You heard her ten months ago when they started dating! Even then she said she could see herself marrying him.”
“But you’re the one she should be with, Pea. Look, I probably shouldn’t even be telling you this, but-”
“Then don’t,” Sweet Pea said before he walked out the door leaving Toni standing in his trailer alone.
“She only started dating him to get her mind off you,” Toni said to the empty room.
Sweet Pea was fuming as he paced outside his trailer contemplating whether he was going to go back inside and let Toni finish. No, he couldn’t do that. He may be a hot head, but he’s no homewrecker, and the last thing he would ever want to do was get in the way of y/n’s happiness. He settled on cooling off at Pop’s, so he got in his truck and peeled out just as Toni made her way outside.
Y/n stood in her bedroom looking at herself in the mirror. Even after almost a year together, she still found herself nervously straightening out her dress and obsessively moving her hair before a date. It didn’t help that they were going to the fanciest place in all of Riverdale tonight. She heard the distinct sound of her boyfriend’s old muscle car pulling up outside her house, so she grabbed her favorite perfume and spritzed it on her neck before grabbing a light cardigan and running out the front door.
“Hey, babe,” her boyfriend said as she hopped in the car, “You look beautiful.”
“Thank you!” she gushed, leaning over to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. 
They listened to a playlist of all of y/n’s favorite song as they drove to the little Italian restaurant on the other side of town. She noticed that her boyfriend’s hand felt unusually stiff as she held it on the way there. His gaze kept darting quickly from her to the road to their hands clasped together and back again. 
“Is everything okay, babe?” she asked.
“Yeah, yeah. Everything is fine,” he said as he pulled his hand away from her’s and wiped in on his pants. 
His behavior was making y/n feel a little uneasy, like he was hiding something from her. Maybe that’s why he was taking her to such a nice restaurant instead of their usual Friday night Pop’s date. He did have a habit of trying to fix his mistakes with gifts. He tapped his thumbs on the streering wheel erraticaly for the rest of the drive while y/n let her mind wander among all of the possibilities for what he had done wrong.
He seemed to calm down a little bit after they entered the restaurant and sat down at their cute little table for two. While they ate, he kept looking around nervously, and every time y/n asked him what was going on he would just chuckle and tell her that he didn’t know what she was talking about. 
“So what are you thinking for dessert?” her boyfriend asked right as y/n put her last bite of pasta in her mouth. 
She looked at him with wide eyes and continued chewing, her hand over her mouth.
“Um, I was actually thinking we could go to Pop’s and get a milkshake for desert,” she replied as soon as she had swallowed her food.
“Babe, we have milk shakes at Pop’s all the time,” he replied, twisting his napin in his hands.
“Well, I know, but it’s my favorite.”
“I think we should get the cheesecake.”
“But I want a milkshake.”
Y/n could tell that her boyfriend was getting more and more frustrated the longer the conversation went on. His head was whipping around like he was looking for an escape route but couldn’t find one.
“Are you hiding something from me?” y/n asked, causing him to freeze.
“Are you hiding something from me? You’ve been acting really strange all night,” she said, her boyfriend returning to looking around the restaurant frantically.
“Look!” he said, sitting up straight and pointing behind her, “Dessert!”
“We didn’t even order dessert,” she replied, turning around to see a waiter coming toward them with a single piece of cheesecake.
As he got closer, y/n caught a glimpse of something shiny leaning up against the dollop of whipped cream in top of the dessert. She looked back at her boyfriend to see him smiling brightly at her, and she felt like her heart was going to beat right out of her chest. The waiter set the plate in the middle of the table, and y/n stared at the beautiful diamond ring sitting in front of her. When she looked back up, her boyfriend was no longer in his seat but was one one knee beside her. She looked over at him with her mouth open.
“Y/n,” he said taking a deep breath, “I think you’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met in my life. You’ve shown me nothing but love and support since we started dating. In ways that I didn’t even know were possible, you’ve made me a better person and made my life better just by being in it. Will you please do me the honor of being mine forever? Will you marry me?” 
Y/n closed her mouth, put her hand over her heart, and began to stand up.
Sweet Pea had been sitting at Pop’s for the past two and a half hours just trying to think. Once he was able to calm himself down by absolutely demolishing a cheeseburger and some fries, he found himself numb. He couldn’t really think about anything. He just kind of sat there knowing. He flipped the empty silver flask in his hand watching the way the colors of the neon sign outside danced on its surface. He had run out of whiskey an hour ago, and his buzz was almost completely gone at this point. It was like it had been washed away by the rain pouring down outside.
“I think there’s someone here for ya, kid,” Pop Tate called from behind the register.
Sweet Pea looked up searching the diner for anyone else that Pop could be talking to, but he was the only one there at such a late hour on a Friday night. Pop nodded his head toward the window outside, on the other side of which stood y/n in her favorite blue dress, completely soaked with mascara running down her face.
She shrugged at him with a small smile playing at the corner of her lips. Sweet Pea sat up in the booth and quickly started sliding out of his seat, never breaking eye contact with y/n. He stopped for a brief moment at the register.
“Can you make a chocolate strawberry milkshake?” he asked Pop, who responded with a single nod.
Sweet Pea slipped out the door, taking his leather jacket off as he walked toward y/n. He stopped in front of her holding the jacket out in front fo him.
“You must be freezing,” he said as she took it from him.
She looked him in the eyes, noticing a sort of sadness that she had never seen before in Sweet Pea. He must’ve known what had happened that night. Y/n stepped toward Sweet Pea and fell into a hesitant hug.
“I said no,” she whispered to him.
He pulled her in closer and wrapped his arms tightly around her. She felt him let out a deep sigh as he ran his fingers through her wet hair. The bell on the door to the diner rung as Pop opened the door and leaned his head out.
“I have a chocolate strawberry milkshake here. Two straws.”
Y/n stepped back but didn’t let go of Sweet Pea’s arms as he held hers at the elbows. She looked up at him with a bright smile before looking around him toward Pop.
“Two straws?” she asked.
“Just in case,” he replied with a wink before going back inside and setting the milkshake on the table on the other side of the window from the couple.
“Two straws,” Sweet Pea said looking down at y/n before planting a soft kiss on her lips.
When they parted, y/n grabbed Sweet Pea by the hand and dragged him back inside where they sat and sipped their milkshake.
“Okay, I’m sure that when Pop gave us two straws he thought we were going to share this milkshake, y/n,” Sweet pea said as he looked over at her with both hands around the bottom of the glass.
“I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not,” she replied. 
“Me either,” Sweet Pea said as he reached for one of her hands.
She smiled as his thumb ran over the back of her hand while he watched her continue to drink the rest of “their” milkshake.
“I thought you wanted to get married,” Sweet Pea said.
“I don’t want to marry him,” y/n said.
obsessivebisexuallover southsidememes thewackywriter aframeofbones  polskii-darria  wasabisama331  bcfangirlthatswhy  soutthhsideserpentt  sweethershy  kingbouji3  nemophilistwarrior  serpent-stan  serpentkingdom
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heythere-emberhere · 6 years
Mutual - Sweet Pea x Reader
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 So I decided to start a fanfic/imagines blog again because I have no life. It’s been a hot minute since I’ve done this shit, but I really miss writing these. I have a lot of ideas, but I’m always open to requests/suggestions.
Summary: The reader and Sweet Pea have a kind of casual relationship, but the reader wants something a little more after the ugly green monster rears its head. Based off the song “Mutual” by Shawn Mendes.
Word Count: 1346
Part 2
You and Sweet Pea had been going out for a few months after Jughead had introduced the two of you at one of Veronica Lodge’s parties. You hadn’t told any of your friends about it except for Jughead and Toni. Well, you hadn’t really told them so much as they figured it out when they realized the two of you were always missing or unavailable at the same time. One of the only public places you guys could hang out together was the Wyrm because the Serpents weren’t too big on gossip anyway.
It started out just like any other night at the Wyrm, with Sweet Pea playing pool with Fangs and you and Toni sitting at a table complaining about how annoying the other Vixens had been during your last practice. Whenever Sweet Pea would finish a game he would come over for a few minutes to talk or give you a kiss--but mostly give you a kiss. As he left his little check-in for another game, Toni smiled at the two of you.
“Things must be going really well for you. I’ve never seen Sweet Pea this locked down before.”
“I guess,” you said with a nod. “It’s not like we’re exclusive or anything.”
“Not yet,” Toni said with a wink before going to get another drink from the bar.
You looked over at Sweet Pea playing pool and laughing with Fangs. The way his eyes lit up when they joked around made your heart flutter, and the way his arm muscles strained against his leather jacket when he leaned over to line up a shot tied a knot in the pit of your stomach. You thought about Sweet Pea being your boyfriend, no more hiding. You thought about holding hands and going to the movies and actually talking to one another at school. The sound of the door slamming open rustled you from your thoughts, and you looked over to see a beautiful blonde standing in the doorway. 
She had on black high waisted shorts, a grey distressed shirt, a leather jacket, and combat boots. She walked into the bar with a big grin on her face. She fist bumped and high fived a few serpents on her way to order a drink, which she then promptly carried over to the pool tables. Fangs and Sweet Pea turned to her, each giving her a nod before the returned to their game. In no time at all, the girl got up and draped herself over Sweet Pea’s arm whispering in his ear. Sweet Pea gave a smirk--one you knew from late nights with him--and chuckled to himself nodding at the girl. 
The knot in the pit of your stomach grew tighter and bigger as you watched the two of them together only halting when Toni returned with her drink. She sat down at the table and looked at you with an eyebrow raised. You shook your head and pushed your seat back, hopping down from the high top and heading for the door. Toni looked around after you left, laying eyes on Sweet Pea and the blonde girl. She texted you asking you if you wanted to talk to her about it, but you didn’t respond. You just walked home in the chilly fall air trying not to think too much about how you were feeling.
You didn’t hear from Sweet Pea for a couple of days, leading you to assume that whatever it was you had was over and done with. When you did finally hear from him, asking you why you had been avoiding him at school, you weren’t quite sure what to say. You hadn’t been doing it intentionally; you had just assumed that it was done between you two. Not wanting to have to talk about all that you just told him that you had been really busy over the past couple of days. Sweet Pea, unable to recognize that as a blatant lie, asked you if you wanted to come to a party at the Wyrm that night, and you reluctantly agreed. A party at a bar wasn’t exactly the best place to try and keep your jealousy at bay. 
“There she is,” Sweet Pea said walking toward you as you walked through the door into the dark, smoky bar.
“Hi, Sweets,” you said with a giggle.
“What do you want to drink?” he asked you.
“The usual, I guess,” you replied, looking around for Toni or Fangs or another familiar face, but you weren’t too happy with what you found. 
Across the bar you could see the same blonde girl walking toward you and Sweet Pea. He nodded, grabbing your hand and leading you over to the bar. While he told the bartender what to get you, the blonde tapped his shoulder.
“Sweets, who is this?” She asked. “You didn’t tell me you had friends from school coming.”
She gave you a stiff, fake smile, which you tried your best to return. Sweet Pea turned back around with your drink, handing it to you before looking between the two of you. He bit his bottom lip as he took in the tension between the two of you. It was obvious that he hadn’t thought any of this through.
“Um, Stella,” he said, motioning to the blonde. “This is y/n. Y/n, this is stella.”
“Oh! Y/n!” Stella said, “You’re the girl who dipped out the other night,” she continued with a pout, pressing herself against Sweet Pea’s arm. 
You rolled your eyes, taking a sip of your drink.
“We sure did have fun that night, Sweets,” she said, flicking her blonde hair off her shoulder. ‘Didn’t we?”
Sweet Pea nodded slowly, searching your face for any sort of reaction, but you didn’t give one. Instead you pulled out your phone pretending you had a call and politely slipped away. You could hear Stella laughing as you pushed your way through the door. Sweet Pea shoved her off his arm just as you broke through the noise into the quiet parking lot outside. You started walking away from the Wyrm, not really sure if you were going to go straight home or not. 
“Y/n?” Sweet Pea called as he jogged over to you.
You turned around slipping your phone into your pocket and looked at him only realizing then that your eyes had started to water. He stopped in front of you and ducked his head down while he scratched the back of his neck. 
“Look, y/n. Stella is a girl I was seeing before I met you,” he started.
“What do you want from me?” you asked.
“What do you want from me, Sweet Pea? Are you playing me? Is this a game?” you started to raise your voice at him. “One day you want me, the next you don’t. One day we have a date, the next you’re cancelling for no reason. One second you’re kissing me in between pool games, the next you’re letting Stella hang all over you! My feelings never change, so I need to know if this is mutual before I go and get way too involved.”
Sweet Pea looked down at the ground with his hands in his pockets. He kicked some of the loose gravel in the parking lot as he shrugged. He ran his fingers through his hair, letting out a heavy sigh.
“I want this so bad, y/n,” he said as he looked up at you. He took a step toward you, reaching out for your hand. “I don’t really know how to do the whole relationship thing, y/n,” he said, taking your hand in his. 
“Well, can you?” you asked, “Do I mean anything to you?”
“I- I don’t know if I can. I just know I don’t want you to go.”
“I don’t want to have to leave, Sweets-” you said, looking back toward the Wyrm, toward Stella.
“At least that’s mutual,” he said.
“But half of you isn’t enough for me, Sweets,” you said, letting go of his hand.
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heythere-emberhere · 6 years
New Name!
I shall no longer be referred to as “writingbombshell”; I am now “sweetpeasjelloshot.” That is all.
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heythere-emberhere · 6 years
hi do you have a masterlist?
Hi! I’m still working on a mobile-friendly masterlist, but I do have one linked to my blog here: https://writingbombshell.tumblr.com/MasterList You can also just search “writingbombshell” in the tags to find my original stuff!
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