#Reggie x Reader
justtwotired · 1 year
When all those years where still too short
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Summary: words exchanged between you and Regulus over the years.
"Hi! I'm Y/n L/n, I wondered if you wanted company."
"Look at that, us, partner for potions? Who would have thought."
"Shut it L/n, just get the wormwood."
"And it turned out I wasn't that bad, huh?"
"Don't flatter yourself, Y/n."
"Stop wining, Reg, we're almost there."
"We've been walking for an hour N/n! I'm tired."
"You just kissed me!"
"Yeah, well, you provoked me by looking at me like that!"
"I'll go with you, anything, I'll do anything just to be with you."
"Why can't you understand you can't go with me me Mon Amour? It's to dangerous, I cant lose you."
"If we die here, just know I love you."
"Don't think like that, Má Cherie, it's going to be fine... but I love you too."
"I love you."
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ashleycatchemm · 9 months
1-24: Finally Free
Part 24 of??
Pairing: Reggie x Reader, Luke x Julie, Alex x Willie
Summary: (Y/n) (L/n) has been able to see and feel ghosts ever since she was little, which made it hard to tell the ghosts from the humans. Everyone has always thought she was a bit crazy, even her best friends, Julie and Flynn. But when three ghosts with a love for music appear in Julie's garage, suddenly (Y/n) doesn't seem so crazy anymore.
Song: Finally Free (Julie and the phantoms)
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Season 1 Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Pulling into my driveway I parked the truck and hopped out, leaving the door open for Arius to come out behind me. Once the black cat jumped out of the blue truck I shut the door behind him, a banging noise catching my attention from across the street. Looking over, at the big blue house across the street that's been for sale ever since I remember, no one has wanted to buy it, and when they do, something always seems to cause them to back out.
People have been saying that it's haunted, but I've lived here all my life, and I haven't seen or heard a single ghost from over there. My eyes drifted down to the man hammering in a new sign, only this one was different, it had the word 'Sold' written on it in big bold letters. "Hey Arius?" I didn't bother looking back at the black cat, eyes trained on the sign across the street.
A hum in response gave me the okay to ask my question. "Do you think there are ghosts in that house?" Nodding my head over to the house across the street, watching the man start to pick up the sign he pulled out before replacing it with the other. "I doubt it." Looking back at the cat, I noticed he disappeared, (e/c) eyes glanced around to catch any sign of the demonic cat, only to see him sitting next to me. Blue eyes glued to the house in front of us, tail moving in an annoyed way.
"Your grandmother cleared out that house ages ago."
My brows furrowed in confusion, "So then how did it not sell for years?" I shoved my hands in my pockets "If it's been cleared out for ages, how is it just now getting sold?" Arius didn't give much of a helpful response "I don't know." he turned around and started making his way towards the front door. "Wait." I stated, quickly following after him "What do you mean 'I don't know'? Aren't you supposed to know everything about my grandmother?" Sitting by the door, he growled out a response "I don't know, because I wasn't there."  Arius' temper seemed to flare up at the subject and that's when I felt it. The pang of emotional hurt, it wasn't big enough to get a reaction from me, but I knew one thing. It wasn't my emotion I was feeling.
It was the demonic cat in front of me.
Arius' ears were drooped downward a little, tail wrapped close around him, the end being curled between his front paws. Sitting down on the steps of my front porch, I asked the question on my mind, not knowing if he'd answer me or just yell at me and go back to being closed off, either way, I need to know. "Why weren't you there?" He was silent for a second, tail whipping back and fourth in an agitated manor. After a minute or two, he finally spoke up "Once witches and warlocks get older, they start settling down. Having kids. Getting married. That sort of thing." I stayed quiet, not wanting to jump in.
If there are warlocks out there, then I wonder just how many more people there are like me..
"Eventually, there is a point in our lives where we feel we aren't needed anymore to our masters, so we would leave. No goodbyes, or farewells. Since demons get attached to their witch or warlock, we feel it's easier on us to leave without goodbyes. Breaks the bond faster."
I watched as the cat next to me looked up at the sky his blue eyes shining with an emotion I've never seen on him before, admiration? Maybe even love. His mouth opened a little, as if trying to smile, pointed teeth visible for all to see. "Your grandmother was different than the other witches and warlocks in your family. She could tell I was going to leave. She knew that something was off when she talked to me that night. She sensed it." Arius looked out in front of him at the house across the street, the same house that started this conversation.
"(G/n) engulfed me in the biggest hug, and begged me to stay with her. And so I did, because she was my weakness. Anything she asked of me I would do, all to make her happy."
Arius' expression seemed to falter "But then, it all turned to shit." His teeth bared in anger, claws gripping onto the front porch. "One of her sons got themselves into deep shit. And so your grandmother sent me away in order to protect her family from the ministry." His expression shifted into a scowl as he laid down, front paws hanging a little off the end of the porch. "I'm not mad at her for what she did. I know that they could've easily tracked me and then her family would've been in danger. I just... I wish there could've been another way. 36 years I spent with (G/n), and yet it still wasn't enough. I wanted a little more time with her." The black cat grew silent, not wanting to say anything else as he rested his head on his front legs.
I stared at Arius, having another aching feeling in my chest, it was the same as the last one, having not been my own emotions. Raising my hand up, I brought it over so that it was hovering over the demonic cat's head. I kept it there for a second or two, debating my choices, He'll probably swat at me. But in that moment I decided that I didn't care, because I felt like I should give him some kind of comfort, even if he does swat me away. Bringing my hand down, I gently rubbed his head, cautious of his movements, not wanting to get hit.
To my surprise, he didn't fight back, closing his eyes, Arius let out a small sigh in content. This bond has to start somewhere. Looking up at the clear blue sky a small smile crossed my lips, feeling good that I finally did something to help someone I'm glad it's starting here. And talking about Grandma no less. Looking back down at the black cat, he let out a small huff before shaking my hand off of him and sitting back up.
"So I don't know what (G/n) did to that house. She probably put a spell on it to keep the ministry from finding her. Or from finding her sons. Everything she did was to protect the people she cared about."
"Before she sent me away, she told me to look after you if something were to ever happen to her. Your mother was pregnant with you at the time. And, well, I could feel it. The bond. Before you were even born. I sensed that you would be a powerful witch and I could tell that (G/n) sensed it too. So now I'm going to train you the best I can, and look after you. But I can only do so much."
I nodded my head, understanding what he was saying. I can't keep running away from what I am. That means I'm gonna have to start cooperating with Arius. The black cat looked over at me, his usual bland stare on his face. I opened my mouth to say something but the noise of a ghost appearing caught my attention. "Hey (N/n)!" The boy clad in his leather jacket was quick to state, walking forward a little he pointed back and forth from me to the cat sitting next to me.
"Is this a bad time?"
I shook my head a little, a smile gracing my lips at just the sight of the ghost in front of me. "No. Not at all." Feeling the pull at my chest, causing me to stand up and walk towards Reggie. "Why?" The bassist in front of me radiated happiness as he met me halfway and grabbed ahold of my hand "We got to practice! Our first gig is tonight!" Dragging me down my driveway "Woah, Woah, Woah, Tonight?" I was quick to stop in place at the end of my driveway, causing Reggie to come to a halt as I pulled back on his hand.
The dark haired bassist in front of me tilted his head a little as if confused as to why I stopped him "And I thought Julie was all done with the band? She told me herself that-" Reggie jumped in, successfully cutting me off to answer my questions. "We all made up. But we have to hurry and practice because our gig is in a couple of hours." He pulled me a little bit along the side walk, only for me to quickly come to a stop once again. Still not processing the information.
"Wait Julie forgave you? When? And when did we get a gig?" Reggie rolled his eyes in amusement "What even-"
I was cut off once again, as Reggie pulled me toward him and wrapped a hand around my mouth. Faces inches apart, his award winning smile sitting on his face "I'll fill you in on all the details later. Right now we need to go, okay?" His arm sat wrapped around my waist, I felt my cheeks grow warm from the close proximity. I nodded my head in response, that being the only thing I could do, even if his hand wasn't covering my mouth, I don't think I would've been able to muster a single word.
Well, At least non that would make sense...
His hand left my mouth, finding my own once again. Gripping it tight, he pulled me along to go to Julie's. Looking back I caught sight of the black cat following close behind me.
I don't think he's gonna leave my side anytime soon.
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"Okay. What's with the cat?"
Alex had his eyes trained on Arius sitting on the couch, as Julie walked over to him. "I think it's cute" reaching her arm out to pet him, I was quick to jump in "Uh, Julie, I wouldn't..." the black cat was quick to jump up from his position on the couch. Hissing at Julie, his fur standing up, back arched, ears pulled back to show his agitation. The curly haired singer pulled her hand away in surprise, Arius was quick to make his way towards the other end of the couch, settling down. His eyes glanced at Julie, sending her one more growl before looking back at me.
"What's its problem?"
Alex questioned, seeing as how Arius almost hurt one of his friends. Picking up my rhythm guitar, I put the strap over my shoulder while speaking on the cats behalf. "He just isn't fond of most people. So don't try to force it." Arius growled briefly as I spoke, causing me to send him a look as if to say 'Behave' the black cat huffed while whipping his tail back and forth in aggravation, but overall growing silent. "Well, now that the cat conversation is out of the way..." Reggie grabbed everyone's attention as he walked over next to me, swinging his bass strap over his shoulder.
"Let's get started."
Julie nodded her head in agreement as her and Alex made their way over to their instruments.
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All four of us were playing the cords to Finally Free as Julie sang "Marching on proud, Turn it up loud, cause now we know what we're worth." Luke suddenly appears in the chair by the coffee table, causing the four of us to stop playing. Letting out a small "woah" he noticed the four of us by our instruments. Standing up out of the chair "Julie." He stated, surprised to see her by the piano.
"Grab your guitar. We got work to do."
Luke started at her for a moment, mouth agape, only to let out a small chuckle as he grabbed his guitar, which stood by me. Walking over to Julie he asked "What made you come back?" Julie stood up from her seat "I realized how important music is for all of us. And we've lost so much already. We can't lose this too." Luke nodded his head a little "Thanks." He responded, only to ask "All right boss. Where we at?" In order to lighten the mood a little, letting out a small chuckle at his own question.
"Oh, and by the way, happy birthday."
Julie sat back down in her seat in front of the piano, a small chuckle passing her lips, again Luke stared at her in disbelief. Glancing over at the guys as if they would tell him how she knew, looking back at Julie a smile crossed his lips before making his way across the room.
"Let's take it from the pre-chorus." Julie stated
Alex banged his sticks together "One, Two, Three, Four." And with that the five of us started singing and playing, in order to practice for tonight.
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"You can't come with me Arius. We've already discussed this."
The black cat sat on my bed as I proceeded to do my make up for the gig. "I'll go in my human form."
"What about if Julie and Flynn see you?"
"I'll make up an excuse as to why I'm there."
Putting the mascara down, I turned around to face the black cat on my bed, the two of us stared the other down as if trying to silently win the argument. Letting out a sigh, I pinched the fridge of my nose all while stating "Fine. You can go" The demon determined to be by my side every second of everyday let out a small cheer before getting cut off by me "But..." his cat like eyes seemed to narrow in aggravation as I told him the terms of the agreement. "...You have to stay outside of the coffee shop, in your cat form the entire time. Got it?" My eyes narrowed back at him as if daring him to challenge my decision.
A huff of defeat passed through the black cats nose "Fine. As long as I'm there, I really don't care." The sound of a ghost warping could be heard, grabbing the attention of both me and the demon across from me. "Hey (N/n), you ready to go?" Near the door stood the boy that made my heart practically jump for joy, just from the sound of his voice. Reggie stood clad in his black tank top, biceps clearly being shown which caused my eyes to drift a little to look at them.
My bottom lip found its way between my teeth, all while my thoughts started to get impure. "(Y/n)?" The bassist's voice brought me back to reality, I was quick to let go of my lip as my eyes darted back up to his own. "You okay?" He continued, raising his brows as if to question my behavior. Shaking my head a little to bring myself back to my senses I sent him a small smile "I'm fine. We should get going." all while making my way towards my bedroom door, Arius hopping off my bed and following close behind.
Reggie followed me out the door to my room "The place isn't to far from here is you want to walk together." I started to walk down the steps as I explained "Reggie, if I walked down the street with you, people would think I'm a crazy person talking to herself." The sound of a ghost warping could be heard behind me, only for the dark haired boy to reappear right in front of me at the bottom of the stairs. This surprised me causing me to almost fall back, only for him to grab my arms and hold me steady, our noses inches apart. I felt my face grow warm at the proximity, feeling that tug from my chest, the urge to just lean over and capture his lips in my own.
"We don't even have to talk, just walk and hold hands or something."
Reggie's eyes went wide as he let go of me and took a couple steps back "I-I mean..." I could tell that he was frantically trying to come up with an excuse, but I didn't care at that moment. "not hold hands, but ya know..." because when I looked from his eyes to his hands, I realized how much I wanted to hold it in my own. "I just-" reaching over I snatched his hand in mine, effectively cutting off the dark haired bassist
"Let's go." I stated, all while dragging him towards the door.
Getting a small response of "Okay" from Reggie as Arius followed the two of us out the door.
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Once we got to the coffee shop, I was quick to try to let go of Reggie's hand, only for him to tighten his grip and pull on it a little, refusing to let go. Looking back at the golden retriever boy behind me, my eyes narrowed as if to tell him to let go. "I know. But, just let me hold your hand a little longer...Please?" I was confused, I didn't know why Reggie was acting like this, but tonight feels different with Reggie. I couldn't place my finger on the reason why.
Looking around at the people walking in, I noticed a lot of them eyeing me and whispering to their friends. Looking back at Reggie I leaned over a little to whisper "Reggie. People are staring." It felt suffocating to be standing there with him at the moment, knowing that what everyone was seeing, was that my hand was out in the air holding onto nothing, and I was talking to no one.
Reggie's eyes held an emotion I couldn't quite place, maybe desperation? "I don't care if they stare." The dark haired bassist took a step forward, bringing our interlaced hands up to his chest, eyes begging me to just hold his hand a little longer. "Please (Y/n). I just want your touch right now." I didn't know what to do, I took another glance around at the people and noticed more staring and pointing fingers. I looked down at Arius as if to ask him for some kind of help, only for him to hop on a trashcan and say one thing.
"He's a ghost. So be careful how you handle this. I will explain to you want is happening later. But for now, focus on taking care of this."
My eyes landed back on Reggie's, not knowing what to do or say, I just shook my head all while saying a quick apology "I'm sorry." Pulling my hand away, I walked off into the bustling coffee shop.
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"Hey did I miss anything?"
I asked Julie and Flynn as soon as I got over to them. "Nothing exciting, that's for sure." Flynn stated, directing my attention to the stage. There clad in all pink to perform with her dancing divas was the queen bee herself, Carrie Wilson. "Hope you all came to have a great time!" Carrie's obnoxious giggle left her lips as the crowd clapped. An annoyed growl left my lips from her appearance to ruin my night "Dirty Candy?" Julie asked only for me to jump in "How did she get on the list?" Flynn gave both of us a look, as if we should already know the answer.
"Her daddy made a call"
Crossing my arms across my chest, I stared daggers at the girl on the stage all while Flynn commented on Julie's outfit.
"Whenever I walk in the room, All the focus on me"
Carrie walked forward on stage, her girls joining behind her "The way I talk, the way I move, they all want on my team." I rolled my eyes at her cheap dance moves, not wanting to sit through this what so ever. "Not trying to brag, brag, but I'm flawless. I'm taking over your playlist. Ain't perfect but I can't miss. Yeah" looking back at the boys who suddenly appeared behind us, I noticed Luke smiling and enjoying the performance, Alex looked a bit antsy, and Reggie held a pensive look on his face, not seeming to interested in the girls dancing in front of him. Almost as if he was lost in his own thoughts.
He's probably just as confused about what happened as I was.
Looking back on stage I noticed Alex appear behind Carrie who was now on the floor, I covered my mouth as a laugh almost slipped past my lips. Julie seemed confused, looking back at the boys to see why he did that but Reggie just shrugged in response. Alex seemed lost  for a moment, only for the girls to stand back up as he started dancing with all of them, causing a small giggle in amusement to escape my lips.
When he was done he appeared back next to me, I sent him a smile and shook my head at his funny antics while Julie commented "You having fun out there?" Alex cleared his throat before coming up with an excuse "It's not my fault, it's my um..." he paused "It's my feet" I just shook my head while saying "Yeah, okay."
"Put me back in coach."
And with that Alex was gone, back to dancing on stage with Carrie and her crew. I felt a tap on my shoulder from behind as Reggie took Alex's spot beside me. "Can we talk?" I shook my head in response "not here Reggie." I glanced over at the boy next to me only to see his eyes narrowed in aggravation. "I don't care. We need to talk about this. Because what happened earlier was weird, you must have noticed that much. I don't know what's going on with me and, and  I'm confused-" I kept facing forward as to not draw attention I whisper yelled at him "Reggie!" Successfully cutting him off I stated "Not. Here." Saying it firmly worked to an extent. An angry scoff left his lips as he crossed his arms and went back to standing next to Luke.
The song was soon to end as Alex took in all the praises. Before warping back next to me a giant smile on his face "I uh... I was just... doing that for you guys" Reggie nodded his head "Mhm. yeah. You can stop smiling now." Alex chuckled at Reggie's comment. Julie grabbed our attention "Not gonna lie. That was... kind of good." Flynn nodded her head in agreement "Yeah. I forgot why I hate her so much." I scoffed while saying "I didn't forget my reason for hating her." I noticed her making her way over to us.
"Speak of the devil."
I stated all while receiving a glare from the bitch in response, I sent her a sarcastic smile all while flipping her off. Carrie ignore my actions and turned her attention towards Flynn and Julie "Hi girls. Um, isn't it past your bedtime?" Flynn looked between Julie and I "Now I remember." Before looking back over at Carrie. "If you're looking for Nick, he didn't come." Flynn and I both scoffed in response to her statement, knowing she was just trying to take a jab at Julie.
Stepping towards Carrie, Julie was quick to stick up for herself "That's not why I'm here." The sound of the microphone was quick to grab everyone's attention.
"Ok, it looks like we're closing the night out with one more group, Julie, (Y/n), and the fat ones"
The four of us turned towards Luke in annoyance while the girls in front of us laughed. "Really?" Alex asked.
"Yeah man, my Handwriting sucks."
The four of us rolled our eyes as Julie and I went to walk on stage, but not before I angrily bumped my shoulder into Carries.
Julie was quick to make her way to the piano, as I grabbed the rhythm guitar "Hi, it's actually Julie,(Y/n) and the phantoms" looking around she noticed no one was really paying attention, taking a glance over at me I motioned for her to continue. "Okay." She stated into the mic and started to play the piano. "Hearts on fire, we're no liars, so we say what we wanna say." I played my rhythm guitar as I continued the next line of the song "I'm awaken, no more takin' so we push all our fears away." The two of us started singing together "don't know if we'll make it cause we're falling down under, close my eyes and feel my chest beating like thunder." Julie now sang alone.
"I wanna fly, come alive, watch me shine"
The boys appeared playing their instruments as Julie got up, bringing the microphone with her, I stood in the back behind Luke as the two of them sang. "I got a spark in me, hands up if you can see, and you're a part of me, hands up if you're with me, now till eternity hands up if you believe, been so long and now we're finally free." Julie started singing by herself while she hit a tambourine on her hip.
"We're all bright now, what a sight now coming out like we're fireworks"
I sang the next part alone "Marching on proud, turn it up loud, cause now we know what we're worth"
Julie and Luke sang the next part together as I went back near Reggie "We know we can make it when we're not fallin' down under, close my eyes and feel my chest beating like thunder." All while Julie and Luke stared contently at each other "I wanna fly, come alive, watch me shine" Reggie and I leaned into our mics as we sang "ooooh" while Julie and Luke sang the Chorus "I got a spark in me, hands up if you can see, and your a part of me, hands up if you're with me, now till eternity, hands up if you believe, been so long and now we're finally free"
Reggie suddenly jumped over to Luke's Microphone and sang with him, I felt a jolt of pain corse through my chest for a second as I watched Reggie's every move, I could feel the pull on my chest getting stronger and stronger with each passing day, and it doesn't seem to be letting up anytime soon, considering the effect it's starting to have on Reggie. That's the only explanation for his behavior earlier, but the only way to be sure is to ask Arius.
"I got a spark in me, hands up if you can see, and you're a part of me, hands up if you're with me, now till eternity, hands up if you believe, been so long and now we're finally free"
Julie and Luke now sang alone, meeting halfway Julie sang "I got a spark in me" she leaned the mic over to Luke as he echoed "I got a spark in me" the way Julie and Luke were staring at each other made me look back at Alex and Reggie for answers "And you're a part of me" Alex just shrugged with a small smile "And you're a part of me"as Reggie shook his head a little as if to say that he didn't know either.
"Now till eternity"
"Now till eternity"
"Been so long and now we're finally free"
We all started playing our instruments again as Reggie, Luke and I all sang the chorus while Julie sang in the background "I've got a spark in me, hands up if you can see, and you're a part of me, hands up if you're with me" Julie sang "Yeah" as the rest of us continued "now till eternity, hands up if you believe, been so long and now we're finally free."
Reggie, Luke, Alex and I went back to doing the "oooh" as Julie sang "Finally free, yeah" Luke and I jumped in at the end "Been so long and now we're finally free" everyone stopped playing as Julie let me have the last note.
"Finally free, yeah..."
The crowd went nuts as they all cheered and applauded, the five of us took a bow as the boys disappeared. The crowd continued to cheer as walked over next to Julie she stated "Thank you, we're Julie, (Y/n) and the Phantoms." I was quick to grab the mic from her and state "Tell your friends." Before walking off stage with Julie.
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Once we got off stage Julie ran over to Flynn excitedly, engulfing her in a hug as the two of them giggled and squealed in excitement. I leisurely made my way over to them, only to get dragged into the hug as well. Once we all let go Flynn stated "You two were incredible!" To which Reggie smugly replied "Yeah we were." While looking back at Alex and Luke who were currently sitting on the bar.
"Hey, Hey! Whoever Carrie was trying to impress is headed our way!"
Luke was quick to call out to Julie and I, as the two of us turned around to see a women in a pants suit headed in our direction. "She looks all business" Alex commented and Reggie started to panic, asking "Wait. Who should do the talking?" Then once realizing what he said he quickly fixed it "Right, Julie and (Y/n)." Julie glanced back at Luke for support, only for him to say "You got this." The women was quick to grab ahold of my hand to introduce herself.
"Hi I'm Andi Parker, and I would-"
Our attention went from Andi to the man that said Julie's name, which just so happened to be her father. Andi looked back at the man behind her "Dad." Julie stated, not sounding to happy.
"It's time to go."
Ray didn't sound to happy but I couldn't let us loose this, it could be our big break and Reggie would be upset if I didn't try. "Mr.Molina, if we could just have 5 minutes to-" he cut me off, not wanting to hear anything I have to say. "No. Julie is going home. And I'm calling your uncle." I scoffed and shook my head "seriously? What did I even do?" Andi finally spoke up deciding that this was a bad moment. "This seems like a bad time, so I'm gonna take off, wonderful performance, the both of you." She stated, looking from Julie to me before taking her leave.
"No! Wait!"
Luke yelled but of course she didn't hear him. She couldn't. Luke went to go chafe after her, but let out an exasperated sigh after realizing it wasn't gonna work.
"What did you do? You brought my daughter out here on a school night, to entertain your band fantasies."
Julie said and was quick to speak up before things go south "She didn't drag me out here, I left by myself." Ray shook his head in disappointment "we'll talk about your punishment later. For now I have to get you both home." Turning towards me he stated "And don't think you're off the hook yet missy. Just because you live in that house by yourself doesn't mean you get to go home scott free. I was told to look after you and that's exactly what I'm doing by giving your uncle a call." I felt trapped in a hole, unable to climb out. I hated my uncle. And I hated that I could loose the freedom that I currently had.
He's definitely going to come down here now, and when he does I'm screwed.
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❝You Don't Have to Carry All of This Alone, Babe.❞
Pairing: Wrench x Female!Reader
Warnings: Wrench comforting the reader who is stressed, lots of kissing and a makeout session which, some suggestive computer innuendos, overall fluff.
﹂Author's Note: This is my first time writing for Wrench, so there will probably be a few out of character moments and I may have missed a few things about him, and I feel I could've added a few of the emotes from his mask, but I am happy with how this came out, considering it took 3 hours with no plan. But I hope my readers enjoy it!
Please comment any warnings if I did not state.
To say that she was angry would be an understatement. She was thoroughly pissed off. Brows furrowed forward, inwards towards her nose while her fingers worked quickly across the keyboard of her computer, lines of code opened to her, but not allowing her to go forwards into hacking what she was attempting to break into through the security of the firewall.
She had been asked by Marcus to attempt to hack into the system of a local hacking group that had somehow gotten way too close to DedSec, not into it, luckily. However, the crease in her forehead was displaying how her anger was like a full cup, only needing one more drop to over flow and cause a spill, which was where she was, seated by her work station and brewing dangerously close to the edge each time she inputted a piece of code only for it to reject it and display the red lined words that told her that it wasn’t working.
“Keep it together, (Y/N).” She whispered to herself, rubbing her hands over her face and cupping her hands over her nose and mouth as her tired eyes attempted to scan the many lines of code, looking for any mistakes or errors she could have imputed to result in the code not working, “We can do this, we’re the amazing (Y/N) that’s going to kick the ass of another hacker.”
Unfortunately, that wasn’t happening.
“You fucking piece of tech trash!” She yelled as she aggressively stood up and leaned on the desk with both of her hands, staring a hole into the computer that she was so ready to throw against the wall. Her yelling attracted the concerned faces of the others that were at the headquarters, while, at least the ones that were closest to her, “You know, there’s fucking computers in junk yards and here I am, stuck with you!”
Frustrated with herself and her code, she started pacing around the small area, attempting to stretch her fingers while also tugging them through her hair, mumbling to herself, mumbles that were inaudible to the others that sat by the couch, funny enough, Wrench and Marcus were nowhere to be seen, the both of them had opted to go pick up some drinks for the headquarters.
Things around headquarters had been making everything and everyone highly tensed ever since they found evidence of someone trying to hack into their system, how they got in, no one knew, but it was causing some of the members to reveal their more aggressive sides, so attempting to calm everyone down and simply enjoy the evening without fights, Wrench and Marcus went out to get some more energisers for everyone.
“(Y/N), maybe you should just calm down a little. Take a break, you’ve been looking at words and numbers since the time you woke up.” Sitara said over the couch that she had been occupying, "Which I believe was around four o'clock this morning."
“Take a break? For every minute—no second—that I take a fucking break, there’s some asshole behind a screen getting closer and closer to taking information that isn’t theirs and exposing us, as if being a heap of trash wasn't enough.” (Y/N) explains, her voice laced in irritation and exasperation, her index fingers pointing back to herself as she spoke, her eyes were starting to burn, tears hidden behind the mask she was trying to hold up, her breathing uneven and her figure shaking slightly.
Sitara and Josh could see that it had been taking a toll on her, and the one thing she was trying to hide was the fact that she thought it was running on her back, like a heavy burden. Sitara got up from her spot and walked close to the girl who was on the verge of a rage attack, she had even placed her jacket on halfway, the other half simply not on her arm and hanging off her back, a tattoo of Wrench's mask paining her shoulder blade, Sitara placed her hand on (Y/N)’s clothed shoulder, squeezing gently to reassure her.
“Just breathe. We’ll figure this out. Once the other two boys come back, we can all take a break, cool off, and then restart.” She told her, though her words were doing nothing to console her, and (Y/N)'s state only continued to get worse when the tears started pooling by her eyes, shrugging Sitara’s hand off of her shoulder as she retreated back to her workstation, her gaze fixed to the screen, her frown still imprinted on her face and her jacket swaying with her steps.
The clanking of glass bottles reached their ears when the door was opened to the awaiting two entering.
“We come bearing gifts.” Marcus said as he and Wrench placed the two bags on the table, Marcus was quick to get everything out of the bag while (Y/N) still had not acknowledged their presence, her gaze still fixed to the screen harbouring the cause of her frustration. Her jacket still hanging off of her shoulder, allowing the tattoo on the back of her shoulder to be out in the open, her fingers still twitching against the table, creating a ticking-like sound, something her mask-wearing boyfriend caught sign of.
Before he could move towards her, Sitara had caught his arm, “Listen, I don’t care what you do, but get her to take a break now before these headquarters get burnt down. Literally.” She told him, watching the emotes change on his mask from the default ‘X’s’ to the winking emotes ‘~  ^’.
“Don’t worry, I'll make sure she gets some energy into her system.” He told Sitara, giggling as he stepped close to his lover, wrapping his arms softly around her middle section and looking over her shoulder to see the computer screen filled with code, “What has you so worked up, my little pumpkin?” He cooed in her ear.
(Y/N) huffed an irritable sigh as she leaned back into Wrench’s embrace, placing her hands on top of his, ignoring the chatter going on in the background between the others. But before she would say anything, she had turned around quickly, grabbing Wrench by the front of his shirt and pulling him along to one of the rooms she had been occupying.
“I’m bloody frustrated and fucking horny, and you are going to fix it!” She told him as she dragged him to her room, Wrench holding his hands up in a surrender motion, yet his mask showed ‘^ ^’ emotes, as he happily let her drag him by the front of his shirt, because who was he to complain to a good time.
The rest of the group simply stared in confusion at the exchange that just took place.
“O-kay? I’m going to guess that she’s still worked up on the hacker problem?” Marcus asked as he had emptied the last bag watching Sitara sigh and Josh lean back in his chair, meanwhile Ray had been completely oblivious to the whole episode that had taken place.
“She does know that not everything is riding on her, right?” Josh asked as Sitara nodded to Marcus’s question.
“She’s been like that even before joining DedSec, taking on other peoples problems when she knows that help is available.” Sitara spoke, she had been friends with her since they were younger, so understanding her mannerisms was never a problem for her.
Meanwhile behind the closed door, lips were clashing in a fiery lock of passion. (Y/N) had situated herself on Wrench’s lap, her legs straddling him while her hands still grasped the front of his shirt, pulling him closer as if she was trying to mesh their bodies together, Wrench’s mask had been placed on the nightstand next to the bed that the two were seated on. His hands holding her hips down, gently brushing against the stiff boner in his jeans, their moans filling the room with each kiss becoming more passionate.
Although, the elephant in the room had still been on his mind, so he gently lifted his hand to gently grasp her wrist that had been leaving crinkles in his shirt from her tight grip, gently pulling her hand off, making her stop the lip lock and gaze into his blue eyes, the same eyes that had enchanted and hypnotized her the first time she met him, the same blue eyes that she found herself drowning in each time they were cuddling without his mask on, the same eyes she fell in love with the first time he had taken his mask off in front of her.
“Babe, as much as I would love for you to link in on my zip drive, I think there’s something bothering you.” He told her, watching as her expression fell and she relaxed a little bit, one hand still clutching his shirt.
“I’m fine, Wrench.” She told him, lying through her teeth and knowing that he could see through her like an open book.
“Babe,” He called, the sweet pet name still making her melt as the first day he called her it, “I think you’re trying to tell yourself that rather than me.” His expression was soft, he’d wait until she felt comfortable to tell him, and he could see how her eyes were slowly turning glassy, she tried blinking away the tears that were threatening to overflow from her eyes before her hands were reaching up to angrily wipe them away.
“I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, Wrench.” She told him, the tears breaking like a dam with a cracked wall, “That fucking code, it keeps on telling me that there’s an error and I don’t know why, when I checked, the code I inputted was clean and organised, and the stupid thing-” A sob escaped her mouth halfway through her explanation, making Wrench wrap his arms around her, holding her tightly as she sobbed into his chest. He knew that this problem was causing a toll on her, he could see it by the dark bags under her eyes and how tired she had been at the end of every episode where she got upset about it.
“You don’t have to do this by yourself, you know that, right?” He asked her as her cries died down a bit, “Everyone is working on stopping this, you don’t have to carry this alone.” He told her, pulling away to look at her face, eyes bloodshot and horrible attempts of her trying to hide her snot-filled nose. 
Wrench gently placed both of his hands on the sides of her face, pulling her to look at him, he smiled softly, placing a small kiss on her forehead. He knew how she had tried to carry the world on her shoulders and ever since she had joined DedSec, he noticed her determination to keep the ones around her safe, he had witnessed it first hand when she had gone with him and Sitara to the store to get something and when some asshole pulled up with a knife, she had been quick to make herself the centre of attention before knuckle punching the bastard until his face was a bloody mess. For her, she had only escaped with a punch to the face, which he tried to help her clean up back at headquarters but ended up getting help from Ray regardless.
Even the time when she had confessed that she had feelings for him, he remembers being a mess that night. He had been working, well more like using a sledgehammer, to retrieve a chip out from the toaster and she had walked up to him, starting a light conversation with him as he told her about his technology and other tech terms, which she found amusement in. She stood close to him but still gave him his personal space, but she had been lost in her head and when he had cussed out about how the sledgehammer wouldn't help, she had admitted that she would work if he smashed her with a sledgehammer. Upon realizing her mistake, she had covered her face with her hands, hiding the deep blush that had appeared there.
But he had to be an oblivious romantic because he simply replied with, “I’m sure that would be painful.”
However, when he relayed the conversation to Marcus, he had to hold his tongue not to laugh at his masked friend. Only when Marcus had explained that she had been keeping feelings for him, did Wrench finally realize her actions, why she had always stood close to him, why she smiled at each of his tech sex jokes, and why she looked at him with a certain fondness.
And he will forever remember how she reacted the first time he showed his face to her, she didn’t grimace at the red birthmark by his eye, or scowl or berate him. He had been nervous to show her but he wanted her to know that he trusted her, however when he had reached to grab his mask, she was quick to grab it before him, placing it behind her on the small table.
That night she expressed to him how handsome he was, that the birthmark didn’t define him or make her see him any differently. Even as he cried in her arms that night from how they made love to each other, how afterwards she had placed soft kisses against all the parts of his face and down his chest and back up to under his chin by his throat. That night changed a lot of things for him, that night had allowed them both to see each other deeply and bath in the love that so strongly connected the both of them.
“I can’t let them break into our system, Wrench.” (Y/N) admitted to him, breaking him out of his memory moment. Holding her tighter to him as she placed her head into the crook of his neck.
“That won’t happen. You’ve got me, Marcus, Sitara and the other’s also working on the problem, they're not going to get one inch into our tight security.” He tells her reassuringly, “But the one thing you have to keep in mind is that you can’t do a five-person job by yourself.”
(Y/N) sighs into his neck, her warm breath sending a tickling sensation down his spine.
“Still, I feel so useless.” She says to him, it’s obvious that the problem is still weighing her down, causing a malfunction in her mind, so Wrench being Wrench decides that there is only one thing that he could do to cheer her up.
“Hey, why don’t I show you something cool?” He asks her, his hands on her waist allowing him to pull away to let her face see him again, “I know something that might cheer you up.” He tells her as he begins to get up, pulling her with him and grabbing his mask, placing it back on his face and clipping it. He gently takes her hand and leads her out of her room, passing the others on the way out and leading her to his station, where he usually smashes stuff.
She stands awkwardly next to his table, wiping the remnants of the remaining tears on her face as she watches Wrench bring some tech parts and dump them onto the table in a pile.
“Uh… Wrench, what are we doing?” She asks, curious to know what his plan was but also appreciating that he was trying to cheer her up. 
Wrench picked up the sledgehammer that was placed near his workstation and walked to her, getting on his knees and presenting her with the hammer which she found odd but knew that this was his goofy side coming out.
“Your weapon, my lady.” He said, changing his voice in a poor attempt of sounding, like a loyal knight giving his princess his sword, which had a small laugh come from her.
“But isn’t that your baby?” She asked him as she tried holding it up, expecting it to be heavy, which prompted the hammer to fall to the ground while she kept her hands by the hilt. Wrench got up from the floor and led her in front of the pile of unused tech pieces. She held the hammer hilt in front of her, but the bottom part of the hammer would prove a challenge.
“Not this little thing. Wrench Junior is our baby, and right now, his momma needs to release some tension, and a good smash usually helps with that.” Wrench explained, his innuendos making her giggle but also making her swoon at the fact that he said 'our' when addressing Wrench Junior, although this did make some of the other members groan at the way he phrased it.
“I don’t think I can even pick this up, Wrench.” (Y/N) tells him as she attempts to but only gets halfway with picking it up before it hits the ground, allowing Wrench to wrap his hands around hers around the hammer hilt.
“Here. Let me show you.” He tells her as he helps her to bring the hammer up until it’s behind their shoulders, close to Wrench’s head until it slightly rests on his shoulder. “Okay, don’t think, babe. Just bring it down, alright?” He tells her, she nods to show that she has heard him, his hand’s warmth leaves hers as he attempts to support the hammer near his shoulder. And with a long, hard swing, the hammer hits down hard on the tech pieces, making a loud bang reverberate from it, pieces smashed into smaller pieces, bringing out a smile to her face.
“That… Was so fucking good!” She sighed out, although a small moan slipped in there too.
“Can I do that again?” She asked her boyfriend, smiling at him, although she was ready to have a relieved laugh. Wrench nodded to her, the emotes on his mask forming ‘<3 <3’ from the love-struck expression he had on his face.
He helped her bring the hammer up again, standing behind her, but this time once he released her hands, he placed his onto her hips, rubbing small circular motions, allowing his eyes to gaze upon the tattoo of his mask on her shoulder that didn't have the jacket draped over it.
Oh, how he loved the tattoo when she pulled him aside because she had something to show him. When she revealed it to him, he was sure that his cables short-circuited and he just went into freeze mode, because she had to call his name a few times before he acknowledged her, what she didn't expect was how hard the tattoo would influence him, every chance he got after that he would be tugging down her jacket or shirt to catch a glimpse of it. Wrench swears that it was the hottest make-out session he ever had, and he wouldn't regret it for anything.
The hammer came down again, smashing more pieces into smaller ones, and again and again. After the fifth time of her doing it, (Y/N) found herself feeling a lot better and huffing a held in breath.
Wrench’s emotes stayed on his mask, “That was insanely hot, babe.” He voiced as he sat in the nearby chair, “We should do it more often.”
“And maybe one day it will be me instead of the hammer?” (Y/N) asked, sending him a wink and a roll of her butt, placing the hammer down onto the table. The smashed tech pieces could be cleaned another day.
As she turned around, she felt his lips on hers, his hands gripping her forearms as he formed a lip lock with her once again, his tongue exploring her mouth from her gasp of surprise when she had turned around and he was in front of her, she didn’t notice how his mask was held in his hand, but his hood at least blinded the others from seeing him as he gently pushed her down onto his table until her back met the hard material.
“Okay, okay, love birds. Do that in your own bedroom.” Ray shouted as they had turned their heads and to at least pretend like they didn't see them.
(Y/N) was able to break the kiss, staring into his blue eyes before he placed the mask back on. “You heard him, Wrench. Let's continue this in a more private setting.” She giggled as she grabbed his arm and pulled him around again, the same way she had done previously.
Once they were back in the room, (Y/N) didn't hesitate to hug him hard. Repeating the words ‘thank you’ over and over. Wrench placed his hands around her, his chin resting on her head as his hands drew small circles on her back, the two stayed in that embrace for a short while before breaking apart, Wrench taking his mask off and placing it onto the night stand, cupping her cheeks and pressing kisses to her lips.
"I... Fucking... Love... You.” He told her through kisses, his hands moving down her sides and latching onto her hips, “Fuck! You don’t realize how hot that was.” He told her as his head moved to her neck, placing kisses up near her jugular before sucking on the juncture between her neck and shoulder, bringing a small moan out of her.
Pulling his head away, he picked her up under her thighs, her arms coming up to wrap around his neck, not for fear of falling but because she knew that he loved it when she clung to him in moments like this. He walked with her in that position until he reached the bed and gently placed her down, hovering above her while her hands still stayed behind his neck, her hands playing with the shaved blonde hairs behind his neck, she smiled as she looked at his dopey expression, pulling his head down until his lips touched hers, his elbows situated on either side of her head.
“So, I’m guessing your soft drive is now a hard drive?” She asked, attempting to make it sound sexual but realizing how cringy it sounded after she had said it, but it brought a laugh out of her blond boyfriend.
“So hard, babe.” He replied, his breathing getting short and laboured.
“Then, let this be a thank you present, from me to you.” (Y/N) told him as her hand drifted lower, touching his stomach from under his shirt and loving how his muscles flexed when her hands touched him.
“Only you know how to get me like this.” He told her as her hand continued on its path, “So, let me show you how much you mean to me.” He said as he leaned up to remove his jacket and shirt, “Now I’m going to show you what my sledgehammer can do.”
That night had ended with the other DedSec members going out to a nearby restaurant as soon as the door closed to avoid the intimate moment of the two dorks that they associated themselves with, but for said two dorks, that night ended in passionate love making and a proper display of what a sledgehammer could be used for.
©ASHER RITSUKO/Companion-of-The-Night ─── I do not give permission to having my works plagiarised, copied, modified or translated onto any other platforms, including Tumblr. On Tumblr, my works are allowed to be reblogged, along with credit back to me. My works belong to me unless stated otherwise.
©Ubisoft | Creator(s) of Watch Dogs 2. (Correct me if I'm wrong, but please do it in an appropriate and kind manner.)
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small-sinclair · 1 year
do you think you could write married life headcannons with Lester and Reggie (separate)?
💚💚💚My husbands🩵🩵🩵
Lester Sinclair
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He is the best man you’ll ever love. Always hugging you, loving you, kissing you, holding you— you’ll be smothered by love.
Your ring is made from bones… lol, no, Lester would never— he actually works up enough money and buys your a simple silver ring with your and his birth stones in shape of a heart.
But if you want bone jewelry, he’ll gladly make you something.
Lester comes home every day with something new. It could be flowers, a cool rock, dinner (a fresh kill good enough to cook), bones… the list goes on.
If you don’t want to cook road kill, he’s okay with it. He’s happy with whatever you’d like :3
Kills spiders for you.
Whenever you argue, he tries not to yell. I feel like he doesn’t yell or doesn’t like to yell. He cries when someone screams at him… so, communication is his strong suit.
Leaves you sticky notes of love or just simple ones.
He’ll have you two live in a cabin he and his brothers built, and it’s a nice log cabin with a lion legs bathtub, kitchen with a dishwasher, and a staircase leading you to y’all’s room.
The first thing he does when he comes home is take a shower before loving you. Bonus if you take a shower/bath with him.
He’ll take you on his rounds if you want, and he’ll let you be a passenger prince/princess/royalty.
Breakfast in bed every Friday morning.
Thursday Nights: Date Nights. He’ll clean up nice and take you to town for dinner, a walk around the little shops, and a movie if there’s anything good. If you don’t go out, he’ll cook you a good southern meal, take you outside for a walk with Jonesy, and end the night with a movie or just go straight to the bedroom for cuddles (maybe more ;) ).
Lester also does surprise dates! He’ll call up and say, “Sweet pea, I jus’ finished ‘n be there in twenty. Dress righ’. ‘M takin’ ya out.”
He does worry that he’s not enough for you, thinking that you might leave him if he does something wrong, but you always show you love him when he feels that low.
Bonus: If you’re pregnant, he’ll be nervous. He doesn’t want to end up like his father. But then he’ll melt when you show him the pictures of the alter sound.
Reggie Morgan
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My beautiful Aussie would love you with ever fiber of his being.
I imagine he’ll take you far away from his brother. He doesn’t want his brother to try and hurt you.
Actually… he’ll make sure you never meet his family.
Your ring was his grandmother’s, and he was able to grab it from James before running away with you.
Hand holding in public to show off your ring and that you’re married to him.
He still delivers and drives, though, but he comes home, kissing your cheek, and a smile on his lips.
You two have one of the best gardens, too! He loves planting with you and taking care of the plants.
Reg loves taking you to the weekend markets and fairs. Fairytale Land is another place you two go (I think that’s the name) and this was where he proposed to you by the wishing well.
He can’t cook, but he can bake! He’ll make you muffins and cookies when you’re sad or had a bad time at work.
Slow dances with you in the kitchen at night in the dim light to the old country music on the radio.
Much like Lester, he leaves behind sticker notes with love letters or just a simple note.
If he knows you have a bad day, he’ll do his best to make you smile. Flowers, making dinner, asking your to talk… Reg will do anything to make you smile.
Breakfast in bed every Tuesday.
When arguing, he’ll storm off and be by himself for a while, but he’ll always come back with Mr. Frooty box and a sandwich for you. He’ll apologize and tell you that he didn’t mean it.
Like Lester, Thursdays are Date Nights. It’s pretty similar, too.
He’ll call you with a surprise, saying, “Heya, love. I just finished me- rounds. I saws tis amazin’ pizza stand. I reckon we try it. Dress righ’. I’ll be home in two ticks.” You can always hear his smile when he talks on the phone, too.
Yes, you two get a dog and name him Indy (it’s kinda cute because of Jonesy). It’s a German shorthair; they’re good hunting dogs.
Also kills spiders for you because it’s Australia. They got fucking spiders.
He’s still a bit shy around you and nervous, but Reg warms up to you with smiles and hand holdings. He really loves it when you cuddle close to him at night. He loves you so much it hurts sometimes. You’re the best thing to happen to him.
Bounce: If you’re pregnant, he’ll try to be the best father he could be. He never had a father going up, but he’ll make sure your kid doesn’t feel less love than he has.
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goldensunflowe-r · 1 year
Do you guys know any Tumblr/Wattpad/AO3 accounts that writes for Tom Hardy/Alfie Solomons/Reggie Kray??
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myficreccs · 1 year
Julie and the Phantoms fic rec masterlist
Updated 9 October 2023
Reggie Peters
dream boy by @hotdogwillex
One Week by @loveelle
will they won’t they by @flannels-and-fannypacks
One shots
Honeysuckle by @hotdogwillex
When I Kissed the Teacher by @shmaptainwrites
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Reggie Mantle
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New Students- Reggie doesn’t like the fact that YN doesn’t care if your a Bulldog or a Serpent.
Period- Reggie helps YN through her period.
Stress Relief (Smut)- Reggie helps destress his girlfriend.
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mx-pastelwriting · 2 years
𝙆𝙧𝙖𝙮 𝘽𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙨 (𝙇𝙚𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙙 2015) 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
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⭑ 𝙏𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 𝙎𝙞𝙜𝙣 𝙐𝙥 ⭑
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𝙍𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙚 𝙆𝙧𝙖𝙮
𝙍𝙚𝙜𝙜𝙞𝙚 𝙆𝙖𝙧𝙮
𝙆𝙧𝙖𝙮 𝙏𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙨
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♥ mx-pastelwriting does not consent to their work being copied, translated, or reposted on any other platform without permission.
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ashwrites1234 · 3 years
Christmas Cookies (Reggie Peters x Reader)
//Reggie and you meet once the boys are back to life I suppose//
//also first time posting pls tell me if this isn’t how I post stories//
You were seventeen and now had a boyfriend wasn’t that awesome? Hell Yeah! Especially when he was a total sweetheart. You and Reggie had been dating for six months and it was winter almost Christmas. You, Julie, the boys, And Flynn were all decorating.
“Hey Darling “ you’re boyfriend said as he hugged you from behind, you could tell he said his words in a question like sense “Yes my love” you gladly answered turning to face him
“When I put the cookies in the oven what temperature do I put the oven on?” He asked. Of course he would ask you’re amazing sweetheart was a little bit of a idiot but he was your idiot “350 “ you replied. He gave a nod softly
Alex blinked in complete confusion “Reginald Peters you don’t know what temperature to put cookies on “
Luke chuckled “oh cmon Alex would you expect more from him”. Julie thumped Alex and Luke on their foreheads “stop being mean”
Flynn looked at you “Y/N you sure know how to pick ‘‘em don’t you “ You crossed you arms at all of your friends and headed to the kitchen to help you dear boyfriend
//tell me if you want part two//
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js-a-writer · 1 year
This is the rest of the tgs Part 3. of my requests page/people I write for post.
(basically just the rest of the tags and a link to the requests page since I could only for like 30 tags on each post)
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justtwotired · 1 year
A ‘formal’ party
Summary: Y/n is Barty's little sister and currently on her way to her seventh year at hogwarts, as her brother and his friends just graduated. One of those friends might be a little more than a friend to her, and after a while of not seeing each other, they meet again at a party her brother throws.
Pronounce: she/her
Warnings: sexual content (no smut), cursing, kissing.
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She stared around with bored expression, holding a drink in her hand. The way to expensive dress she wore hugged her body perfectly and her hair hung like a curtain around her, as she obviously had refused to put it up.
Regulus stared at her from across the room and wondered if his mother would be upset if he talked to the girl, but she wasn’t here anyway. She brushed the hair out of her face and behind her ear and his breath hitched as that alone was enough for him to wand to smash his lips against hers.
She smiled as Pandora Lestrange approached her and they got into a conversation, Regulus was so deep in thoughts that he almost jumped out of his skin at the sound of his best friends voice.
"Are you eye fucking my little sister, Black?" He asked and Regulus glared at him. "Don't even dare looking at me like that, I should be looking like that at you- hey don't start undressing her with your eyes again." He snapped his fingers in front of the boys face.
"Don't start acting like the over protective brother now," Regulus said. "You where the one who told me she liked me anyway." He continued. "Hey, I have to be at least somewhat of a good brother- honestly, if your that desperate, just make your way over there, father believes anything she says, she'll make a lie on the spot if he somehow finds you tomorrow." Barty says and Regulus elbows him slightly.
"What, I know you want it." Barty grinned and Regulus narrows his eyes at him. "Is this how you talk to everyone that stares at your little sister?" He asked a bit disgusted. "No, of course not, I'm not a monster, only to you, because look at her and tell me she doesn't want it too." Barty said and Regulus shot her a glance.
She quickly looked away as her cheeks turned bright red, making Pandora laugh. "Fine, then I'll give you some private time with Evan." Regulus winked as he left and Evan just arrived.
"Lady's." He greeted the girls with a smile. "Hi Regulus." Pandora said in her dreamy voice. "Evening, Dora." He smiled at his chosen sister.
"Shall I give you a tour of the house?" Y/n suggested with a small grin. "Yeah, sure, why not?" He agreed with a mischief look in his eyes. "I guess I'll join Dorcas at the snack table." Pandora said as she walked over to the girl currently talking to Marlene McKinnon.
"So, Crouch, where you planning on giving me a tour of the whole house, or only your bedroom?" Regulus asked smoothly as they walked trough the house which she was not giving a tour of at all.
"What would you prefer?" She smirked and he let out an airy laugh, "I think you know."
They stopped in front of two rather beautiful looking double doors and Y/n opened them, letting Regulus inside.
Her room was enormous, he didn't have much time to study it as she grabbed his tie and smashed her lips into his and he let out a low chuckle when they pulled apart for air.
“Rather greedy are we?” He asked and she looked up at him. “As if you weren’t eye fucking me from the other side of the room.” She said with a mischievous grin.
“You are just like your brother.” He laughed before attaching their lips again. He backed her up against the wall and detached his lips from her as he made his way from her yaw to her collar bone. “Besides,” he said sucking hardly on her neck making her moan slightly. “How could I not when you wear a dress like this one.” He said.
“Though I’d much rather pull that off your body.” He said tracing the small zipper on her back. She blushed slightly and he grinned, tilting up her chin. “Are we flustered now, you where so bold moments ago.” He said in a low voice.
He pushed her up against the wall again, a bit harsher this time and catching her slightly of guard as he traced kisses down her neck. She wrapped her legs around his torso and started to unbutton his shirt.
He pulled her away from the wall and unzipped the zipper and it slipped of her upper body. He walked over to the bed and gently laid her down, pulling the dress completely off and then pulled of his shirt so it could join the dress on the floor.
She reached out to him but he easily grabbed her wrists and pinned them a over her head. “Nu uh, little dove, I’m boss tonight.” He said in a low whisper.
He grinned as his eyes traveled to the ground. “You started with the tie tonight, let me show you how that can be used aswel.” He said as he grabbed it from the floor, pulling her wrists towards him again.
She slowly opened her eyes and met his grey ones. “Morning beautiful.” He said and she grinned. His hands where on her hips and only at his next words she realised something.
“I’m going to lift you off of me, tell me if it hurts alright?” He said and she blushed and nodded as he was still inside of her.
As he was about to do so, when the door opened, in stepped Barty with his eyes closed, “just a heads up, mom and dad just came back, so you might want to sneak Regulus out.” He said and she sighed.
“Alright, now leave.” Barty left the room and Regulus looked at the girl. “So, what’s the plan, do I sneak out of your window, or do we lock the door and continue.” He grinned and she glared at him.
“Regulus, I can barely walk.” She said and he grinned lifting her of him and she gasped. “Shit!” She cursed and he grinned and stroked her back now turned to him.
“Fuck off.” She said angrily and he chuckled. “Are you mad at me, love?” He asked and her eyes, now deadly looked at him. “What do you think?” She hissed.
“A heads up would have been nice.” She continued. “I gave you one.” He said and she rolled her eyes, though he couldn’t see. “Yeah, before Barty came in.” She grumbled.
He lovingly kissed her shoulders and slowly made his way to her cheek. “Don’t try being all nice now, you moron.” She said and and sighed, grabbed her waist and turned her towards him.
“I’m sorry, love.” He said kissing her forehead and she mumbled something and cuddled close to him. A while later they where still cuddled up, only now Regulus had his boxers on and Y/n a t-shirt and panties.
They shot up when there where knocks on the door. “Y/n! Y/n we have to be at a dinner party in two hours.” The door started to open and she panicked and pushed Regulus of the bed just in time as her father entered.
“Alright father, I’ll be ready by then.” She said and he nodded and then sniffed. “You should open a window, it smells weird in here.” And then he left.
“Merlin that hurt.” Regulus complained as he got up. “I think it’s time I sneak you out of my window.” She laughed and stumbled out of bed.
After a few hours, they sat at a table in an expensive restaurant with the Malfoys. “Oh, Y/n dear, what are those bruises around your wrists.” Her mother grabbed her hand and she quickly pulled back.
“Nothing mother.” She quickly said as she glared at Barty who was covering up his laughter by coughing. “No, I’d like to know too, what are those bruises, N/n.” He grinned and she narrowed her eyes at him.
“Can you two be silent?” Their father suddenly hissed at them and they quickly shut up.
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ashleycatchemm · 1 year
1-23: School Days
Part 23 of ??
Parings: Reggie x Reader, Luke x Julie, Alex x Willie
Summary: (Y/n) (L/n) has been able to see and feel ghosts ever since she was little, which made it hard to tell the ghosts from the humans. Everyone has always thought she was a bit crazy, even her best friends, Julie and Flynn. But when three ghosts with a love for music appear in Julie's garage, suddenly (Y/n) doesn't seem so crazy anymore.
Song: School Days (AC/DC)
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Season 1 Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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It was quiet between us as we walked through the hallway. So many questions flew through my head as I walked side by side with Arius. We almost reached my first class when I decided to speak up "Thank you." Arius stopped in his tracks, causing me to stop as well, turning to face him. His blue eyes, stared down at me in confusion, raising a brow as if to ask 'for what?'. I shrugged before continuing to walk forward "Back there with those kids. What you did-" Arius suddenly appeared in front of me, successfully cutting me of as I stumbled back in surprise.
"Let's get one thing straight."
Catching myself on my feet, my (e/c) eyes met his angry blue ones. Pointing a finger at me "I didn't do this for you." Poking me hard in the chest with the same finger, my eyes widened a little, bringing a hand up to rub my chest because it hurt. "I did this for me." Arius' hand turned into a fist sticking his thumb out, he turned his hand so that his thumb was pointing towards him. "I was pissed and needed an outlet." Shoving his hands back into his pants pockets he continued "Besides, your grandmother would be pissed if she knew I just sat by and watched as those pitiful humans talked about you like that." I watched as Arius turned around and continued the trek through the hallway.
Quickly following after him, I managed to catch up "Hey, how did you do that disappearing and reappearing thing?" He glanced over at me "What?" Looking back in front of him, a bored expression on his face, only to disappear. This caused me to stop in my tracks, my eyes darting around the hallway to find any sign of him. Suddenly he reappeared by the door to my classroom, which was a little ways down more. "This?" He asked, I was quick to catch up to the black haired demon.
"Yes that."
I leaned across from him against the door frame, leaning forward a little, as if to move closer so I could hear. This caused me to lean forward as well, an annoyed smile graced his lips "I believe you have a class to get too." He was quick to change the subject, standing back up straight, I was quick to state "You can't just waltz in there and-" the black haired demon swung open the door in front of him, successfully cutting me off. Walking inside, I went to follow, only for the door to come back towards me and almost hit me in the face. Putting my hands out in front of me, I stopped the door, pushing it back open as I walked through.
"Ah, Miss (L/n), how nice of you to join us."
The teacher sarcastically stated, but I paid no mind to her, sending a glare to the back of Arius' head. Asshole. "I was just about to introduce our new student." My eyes drifted over to the teacher in confusion, How the hell does she know about him? Was the question that rattled my brain, my eyes moving back to Arius. He glanced over at me as my eyes moved between the both of them "well? You gonna sit down or just stare?" Shaking my head a bit I found my seat at the back of the room.
"Now then, everyone, this is Damon (L/n)."
Slumping down in my seat I glared at the black haired boy at the front of the room. "He just moved here from Arizona." I glanced around the room only to see most girls fawning over him, some guys fuming with jealousy, and the rest glanced back at me as if silently checking to see if he was actually related to the freak of the school.
As the teacher continued to talk I sat there wondering how he even managed to convince her that he was a new student here. I'll have to ask him about it later. I thought as Arius finally took a seat in the only available spot, which just so happened to be next to me. "What was that about me not being able to walk in here?" A smirk sat on his face as I sent him a glare "Shut up you damn demon." I angrily whispered, not wanting others around us to hear me.
This is gonna be a long day.
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"Alright so tell me how you were able to do that with the teachers."
Arius raised a brow, deciding to act clueless on the matter. "Do what?" Every class that we've been to he was able to somehow convince the teachers that he was a new student and that he just moved here from Arizona, keeping the same story in each class. At least he's being consistent. Sticking my fork in the pasta that sat in front of me, I lifted it up, taking a bite of pasta I was quick to turn my fork towards him. "Don't fuck with me you damn asshole. Tell me what you did." (e/c) eyes narrowed at him, having already been slowly loosing my patience with Arius.
Letting out a small huff, he ran a hand through his hair, moving it out of his face "Fine. I'll tell you." Leaning forward, his arms sat crossed on top of the table "I-" before he could tell me anything two girls sat down on either side of me, the two of them being none other than Julie and Flynn. "And who might this fine piece of candy be?" Before I could even respond, Arius spoke up for himself.
"Someone who absolutely despises your species. Now fuck off."
Nodding his head off to the side as if shooing her off, his face wearing the same bored expression it has been all day. Flynn's eyes narrowed in anger slamming her hands down on the table as she shot out of her seat "The fuck did you just say to me?!" Arius seemed to find the reaction amusing, a small smirk making its way to his lips "You heard me." Flynn looked to be getting angrier just from his simple response. Rolling my eyes, I was quick to jump in, as to prevent the fight that was bound to happen.
"Don't mind him, he just has a superiority complex."
I stared down the black haired demon across from me, crossing my arms a crossed my chest, narrowing my eyes at him. Arius scoffed, his expression mirroring my own as he responded "And she just suffers from dumbass syndrome." My teeth grit in anger at his statement, only for the corner of his lips to upturn into a smirk, finding this whole thing amusing.
Julie quickly jumped in before the situation could escalate "Enough! Let's just all try to be civil, and not draw attention to ourselves." Julie, Arius and I all expectantly looked over at Flynn who was currently standing up out of her seat and leaning on the table. Some hushed voices could be heard around us but I payed them no mind as I stated "That means sit down Flynn." she seemed to not get the message. Her eyes stayed glued onto Arius, letting out a small huff in anger as she crossed her arms and sat back down on the right side of me.
"So, (Y/n)."
Looking over at Julie who held a forced smile on her face as she gestured towards the rude black haired boy across from me. "Care to explain who this is?" I could tell Julie already didn't like him either, but was trying to play peace keeper so no one would get in trouble. "Who? Him?" Throwing a thumbs over my shoulder in Arius' direction, I shrugged my shoulders, crossing my arms a crossed my chest, resting them on the table "He's just some jackass I met, who now seems to be following me around like a lost puppy." I glanced over at Arius as he shot me a glare. "Not by choice. I can assure you of that." An annoyed tone being heard in his voice.
Rolling my eyes, Flynn the (ever protective) friend she was, decided to question the dark haired demon in front of us "Alright, so then what's your name? And why are you following her around?" His face went from a glare to a bored look as his blue eyes drifted over to look at Flynn. "How about you mind your damn business?" Flynn growled in anger as she shouted at him "You talking to one of my friends is my business jackass!" I felt a small tick in my throat, as a small cough passed my lips, not loud enough for anyone to hear or notice.
Flynn and Arius now being at each others throats, as Julie tried to jump in and keep even a fragment of peace between the two of them. The continuous arguing, mixed with the constant itch in my throat and the slow burning of my right wrist caused me to close my eyes for a quick second. Trying to keep myself together as another cough slipped past my lips, my left hand now gripping my right wrist in pain as I shot out of my seat and headed towards the direction of the bathroom. Ignoring Julie and Flynn calling my name.
My coughs started to get even worse, throwing a hand up over my mouth to try and stop it. I swung open the bathroom door, heading straight for the sink, not bothering to make sure if no one else was there.  Leaning over it, placing my hands on either side of the sink, the stamp and my throat both burning in pain. I could feel the liquid in my mouth from all the coughing, the metallic taste letting me know just what it was. Spitting out the red substance into the sink below me as the coughing slowly died down.
Letting out a few huffs, glancing down in the sink I noticed the blood that slowly sunk down towards the drain "The fuck...?" Looking up at my reflection, I saw some blood dripping down my mouth towards my chin, bringing up my left hand, I wiped it off using the back of the hand. Catching site of the palm of my hand, the smeared patch of blood sitting on it. Glancing down to look at the counter top, a half hand print made of blood sat on top of it.
What the hell is happening to me?
I was quick to wash my hands and rinse down the counter top, not leaving any trace of blood behind. A jolt of pain coursed through my arm, Caleb's crest burning even more, huffing in pain, I shoved my sleeve on my right arm up, throwing a hand over the stamp as if it could ease the pain somehow. Shit. This must be Caleb's doing. I slowly remembered something that Caleb said last night, about Reggie and my time to live. An angry growl arose from the back of my throat "Once I figure out a way to get these stamps off..." I let out a small huff and groaned in pain "I’ll kill Caleb myself." A small cough passed my lips as I backed up and slid down against the wall.
But if I don't figure this out soon...
Looking down at my hand that covered the stamp, teeth grit in pain. I'll end up dying, and Reggie, Luke, and Alex will cease to exist. Narrowing my eyes at the wall below the sinks across from me. No. I have to figure this out. Even if I die trying. I can't let them disappear like this. I won't. I thought all while staring across from me, a determined look in my eyes, not planning on them dying for the second time, anytime soon.
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The rest of lunch went by in a flash. Once I got back, Julie and Flynn were quick to question me about what happened and I just told them that I think I'm getting a cold and that I just had to use the bathroom. Arius gave me a look as if telling me he didn't buy it but didn't say anything. Julie ended up telling me what happened between her and the guys last night as well which caused me to feel a bit bad because I felt as if half of that was my fault, I could've prevented it in a way, but I didn't.
Passing the soccer ball towards Arius with my foot I continued our conversation from earlier "So tell me how you managed to convince the teachers that you are in all of my classes? Did you bribe them or something?" Arius stopped the ball with his foot, stared straight at me all while hitting the ball with his other foot, sending the ball hurdling back towards me.
"No. I used my powers. Only a little bit. I can only use so much on my own."
Stopping the ball I looked up at him "What do you mean 'on your own'? You need someone to help you?" Narrowing his eyes at me as if I somehow offended him he was quick to reply in an annoyed tone "No. I don't need help. What I need is a better connection with my dumbass witch." Sending him a glare I kicked the ball back at him.
"Not just a blood connection to my previous witch either, I need a spiritual connection."
Stopping the ball, he switched feet and sent it back towards me. "Well how the hell are we supposed to get that?" I questioned, an annoyed huff passed through his lips "I've told you a thousand times. You need my respect." I stopped the ball and looked up at him "Once you have that, everything else comes falling into place." Crossing my arms across my chest, I rolled my eyes before narrowing them at him.
"Well how the hell am I supposed to get your respect in the first place?"
I questioned, almost angrily, Arius opened his mouth to say something, only to get cut off by the coach "(L/n)s! Less talking, more passing!" Arius' head shot toward the coach, sending him a stone cold glare. While he was distracted, a smirk graced my lips, I brought my leg back and kicked the ball sending it hurdling towards the side of the dark haired demon's face. Sticking his hand up, catching the ball in it, his glare shifted over to me before reeling his arm back, sending the ball flying towards me. I jumped up and caught the ball with both of my hands bringing it close to my chest.
Arius' held his annoyed look that he always seemed to wear crossed his face "Since when could you catch a ball like that?" Placing the ball on the ground in front of me I answered his question "Since I became a goalie." Backing up a little to get a good angle on the pass, I stared down at the ball "So, since I was about..." looking up at Arius, I ran forward, passing the ball towards him "Four or so." Stopping the ball with his foot, Arius was quiet as he sent the ball back towards me.
I was quick to pass it back only for him to ask the question I didn't want to hear. "So are you going to tell me the truth about what happened back in the cafeteria?" He stopped the ball and waited for my response, I stared at him, debating what I was going to say. I opened my mouth to respond "I-" a loud whistle noise grabbed everyone's attention.
"Alright, leave the balls there and come over to me!"
I glanced at Arius for a quick second, noticing the serious stare he was giving me, already knowing that something is going on, no doubt. Not wanting to have this conversation, I decided to run off and see what the coach wanted, avoiding the conversation all together. All while an annoyed Arius yelled.
"I'm gonna find out wether you like it or not!"
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Someone asked about a Taglist so I decided to start doing one! Feel free to lmk if anyone would like to be added to it!
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small-sinclair · 1 year
HI!! I saw u write for reg and I’ve never been more excited! An h write about reg comforting you as your having a breakdown?? It has been ROUGH lately
- :p
Hewo, :p . I’m sorry y’all been having a rough one and that this is a short one. I hope this makes you happy :3
Right Here
Reggie Morgan x fem!reader
not proofread
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Reg had the radio playing softly as he came towards your house. His pick-up bounced side to side as he wore a smile. Just coming up the drive to your house after a long day doing deliveries (and grinding a hitchhiker with James) made his arms ache for you. He just wanted to treat you right: dinner, slow dance, cuddles, kisses, spending the night, and breakfast together. Reggie just wants to be with his special gal, the tightest girl ever to cross him at the flower shop, your shop.
You were the brightest and smartest smile he ever laid eyes on.
He parked his truck, fixed his hat, and checked again to see if there was blood on his face. He’ll never tell you what he and his brother have to do to make their fertilizer, and he'll never tell you how his brother has him do the job. Granted, it's Reggie's idea, but he'll never let you know that. You're once of the nicest and finest ladies he's ever had the chance to love, to meet, to have. He thought he'll never have the chance to have someone to love him, but you? You just make his bloody and scared world feel safer.
When he came up on the veranda, he didn't see you near your flower bed like normal. It's actually a nice day; the radioman, Burny, says it's good enough to have a walk at night without sweating. Still, Reggie didn't like how you didn't great him when you entered your home, knocking on the screen floor before entering.
"Sweetheart?" He called as he enters. He takes off his hat and glances around. No one in the living room or kitchen. Were you in the bathroom? Still, he didn't like how your coffee pot was till full in the afternoon; you drink tea around this time. To come to think of it, it looks like the kitchen hasn't been touched since he's been here yesterday for afternoon tea. "Koala? Ya here?"
From the back of your home, he heard footsteps from your room, and he straightened himself a bit when you walked out. He offered a smile but it faded when he saw how red your eyes were and how lifeless your limps were. To him, you looked like a husk of a person, of a human.
"Oh," you hummed tiredly. "G'day, Reg." You look like you could collapse at any moment.
He met you in the hall in time to catch you, passing out from exhaustion. Reggie held you close as he gently lowered into his arms, resting your body against his chest. He rubbed your back as he rocked back and forth, fear taking over, as he looked down. "What's wrong?"
When your empty eyes met his, he understood.
Sadly, he smiled at you. "Breakdown, eh? Well, lovely," he kisses your forehead. "I reckon I cans help ya."
"Yeah?" You asked, leaning against his shoulder.
He nods as he lands a kiss over your forhead. "Yep. I c'n make ya somethin' small ta eat and hav'ya cuddled in m'arms for t'night."
"You don't have to," you said, your voice drawn and dead. "I just finished the," you smiled sadly and looked down at your hands, "the mental breakdown show."
"Nah," he said. A gentle hand lifted your chin and you leaned into his hand. "Lemme help ya. Ya need someone here now." He struggled for words for a moment, but said, "Everyone struggles now and then, lovely. It's good ta let tat stuff out. My aunt told me tat once... and I don't think ya should battle tis alone, love. I'm here now. Let me help, please?"
As much as your brain wanted him to go, you knew somewhere in your heart that you needed help, that you needed love, that you needed Reggie here to pick up the pieces of you around your home.
"Ya always know what to say," you said, laughing sadly. He leaned down and kissed ya gently. "Thank you, Reg."
He helps you stand and guides you back to your room. He led your hand and laid your down. He let go and got our room ready: putting up blankets over the windows to block out the light, your favorite drink made and on the bedside, and picked out some movie you liked. He kicked his boots off at the front door again before joining you in bad.
"See?" He hummed, pulling you to his side to have your head over his heart. "Reckon we c'n hav' pizza n' ice cream later? I c'n hold ya all day, my lovely."
You couldn't help but look up at him as the movie played. "Hold me tight and never let go?"
"Oh, darling," he smiled brightly at you. "Ya never need ta ask. I promise ya." Reggie takes your hand and kisses the palm. "Rest, little koala," he hummed, his voice so light and smooth. "I'll be here ta whole time. Ya never need ta worry."
You closed your eyes as you let the aftermath take over, and sleep came so easy with someone you love and adore. And, as promised, Reggie never lets you go even when the movie finished. He laid there with you in his arms, rubbing your back, loving you with every moment. "Don't fight yer monsters alone, y'n," he whispers as you dream. "Let me protect ya next time?" He snuggles next to you and plants a long kiss on your forehead. "I love ya, koala."
But you'll never hear him say it, never know how much he'll fight for you and love you. For now, rest, y/n. The monsters you face will never hurt you because Reggie would grind them to bits first.
He'll be proud to kill them.
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theostrophywife · 11 months
le coup de foudre.
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pairing: regulus black x reader.
song inspiration: my love mine all mine by mitski.
author's note: this was a result of me binging dune and call me by your name. whoever fancasted timothee chalamet as regulus deserves a forehead kith cause look at him. he's so boyfriend coded it makes me sick.
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Regulus Black did not believe in love at first sight. 
It was a foolish notion. One that contradicted his pragmatic beliefs. At his core, Regulus was a realist. In his world, love was not a luxury one could afford. Regulus was raised with the expectation to marry according to class, wealth, and most importantly, blood status. The noble and most ancient house of Black only took the purest of the pure. 
After all, toujours pur, always pure, has been his family’s motto for centuries. There has never been any doubt in his mind that he’d marry another member of the sacred twenty eight. It wasn’t a matter of if, only a question of when. 
During his sixth year, his mother made her intentions very clear. Walburga Black was adamant that he begin his search for a suitable bride. Leave it to his mother to compose a list of ladies she deemed suitable to become the future Mrs. Black. Regulus was to adhere to the carefully curated roster. They were names that he’d seen a million times before. Greengrass, Prewett, Rosier. Girls he’d grown up with and inadvertently had absolutely no interest in. 
Still, his mother was insistent so Regulus complied. He took the girls out on dates. The formula was rather simple: dinner at the fanciest restaurant in town followed by a walk around the city square in which he offered to buy his date a dessert like the proper gentleman his mother raised him to be. Despite the fact that Regulus had the entire process down to a science, the dates were always unsatisfactory. 
He was polite, of course. Opened the door, pulled out their chair, asked the appropriate level of questions to get to know his counterpart, but by the time the appetizers arrived, Regulus was on the verge of stabbing himself with the butter knife just to rouse himself from boredom. 
Regulus placed no blame on the girls. They were only doing what their families had raised them to do. Sit pretty, chew gracefully, agree with his opinions. All while wearing breakneck heels and a smile to boot. It was all terribly fucked up, but this was the world they lived in. 
The more he went on these dates, the more he realized that he didn’t want some pretty, docile wife. What he truly needed was someone who was willing to challenge him, to call him out on his bullshit, to argue with him when his own stubbornness prevented him from seeing reason. Regulus came to the horrible, earth-shattering realization that he probably wouldn’t find a woman like that on his mother’s list. 
As he walked back from another mind numbing date, Regulus grappled with this newfound dilemma. He didn’t want to endure another one of these disastrous dates. He didn’t want to sit through an entire meal making small talk. He definitely didn’t want to disappoint another girl by not kissing them at the end of the night. 
It wasn’t like any of them liked him anyways. Though they loved the idea of Regulus Black, he was quite certain that they wouldn’t afford the same affections to Reggie—the real and true version of himself. The one that Sirius often said Regulus kept in a neatly locked cage.
He wished he could be more like his brother. Sirius had always been the brave one. It was that infamous Gryffindor boldness that prompted his older brother to rebel against his family’s expectations. Instead of heeding to their mother’s ridiculous list, Sirius chose to date Remus in open defiance to Walburga’s orders. It resulted in him getting kicked out of 12 Grimmauld Place and burned off the family portrait, but Sirius didn’t seem to mind one bit.  
In a lot of ways, Regulus envied his brother. Sirius had the guts to stand up for himself. He wasn’t burdened by the crippling pressure of pleasing their mother. In all honesty, Reggie wondered if such a thing was even achievable. As he brooded, Regulus found himself on the shores of the Black Lake. His body had taken him here on autopilot. It was his only place of refuge in the castle. 
Regulus paced the rickety wooden dock. His mind was working so fast, so many thoughts spinning in his head, that it felt like he might work himself up to a fit. This has always been his problem. Sirius often said that he lived in his head too much. He frowned, trying and failing to get ahold of himself. For once, he wished he could just shut his brain off entirely.
Just then, Regulus felt a drop of water hit his head. He looked up and found dark, gray clouds hovering over the horizon. The stormcloud broke open and unleashed torrential rain all around him. Fucking fantastic. The world truly couldn’t give him a bloody break, could it? 
With a sigh, Regulus began making his way back. The ground was sodden underneath his feet, his boots sinking into the sand and dragging behind his black coat. The waves lapped violently across the shore as the wind lashed against the murky waters. Regulus was almost at the edge of the beach when he spotted you. 
A flash of movement from the corner of his eye. Regulus stopped dead in his tracks. There, at the mouth of the Black Lake, in the middle of the pouring rain, stood a girl with the most breathtaking smile he had ever seen. 
Regulus was fairly certain that you had History of Magic together. He sat behind you in class, passed by you in the halls, even reached for the same book in the forbidden section of the library once, but Reggie had never once seen that smile. The gravity of it threatened to knock the very breath from his lungs. 
There was something carefree about you. The way you spread your arms, tilted your head back, and laughed in the midst of the rain and thunder. Almost like you were welcoming the storm. 
It was only when your eyes locked that Regulus realized he was staring. You cocked your head at him, trailing your gaze from the curls plastered against his cheek to the nice button down and freshly pressed trousers that were now soaked from the rain, down to the shiny leather boots that were now digging into the sand. You seemed amused at the sight of him.
Ever the perfect gentleman, Regulus snapped out of his daze and jogged over to you. Without hesitation, he raised his coat over your head to shield you from the rain even though you were already both drenched. 
“What are you doing out in the rain?” Regulus asked, his voice full of genuine concern. “You’ll catch a cold.” 
You stepped out of the refuge of his expensive looking coat and held your hand out, catching droplets in your palm. “I don’t mind. I just…I just needed to feel the rain on my skin, that’s all.”
You supposed it must’ve seemed strange to him, but the rain always made you feel better. Lately, life had been just a little too overwhelming. There was so much pressure to do well in classes, to hang out with friends while balancing your clubs and sports, as well as making time to write back to your parents. When it all became a bit too much, you tended to come to the Black Lake for some sort of refuge. The rain was just an added bonus. 
If Regulus found your behavior bizarre, he didn’t say. Instead, he just smiled softly. “Well, you got your wish. It’s soaked out here.” 
“I know,” you responded with an enthusiastic nod. “It’s nice, isn’t it?” 
“Standing out in the pouring rain? On a beach where lightning can strike me down at any second? Yes, it’s absolutely splendid.”
Your mouth quirked in amusement. “No one’s telling you to stay out here.” You nodded towards the castle. “You’re more than welcome to take your brooding inside where it’s warm and dry. Not to mention, free of the dangers of lightning strikes, which are extremely rare by the way.” 
“With my luck, I might be the poor one in a million git who gets torched while getting insulted by a pretty girl.” 
“Did I insult you?’ you quipped back. “I hadn’t noticed.”
“You accused me of brooding.” 
“I didn’t accuse, I stated. Even the Wizengamot would have to rule that you were, in fact, brooding.” 
Regulus raised a brow. “What happened to innocent before proven guilty?” 
“Unfortunately, the evidence is overwhelming and the verdict is set. You, Regulus Black, have been sentenced for glaring at the Black Lake so menacingly that even the giant squid refuses to come to shore. Off to Azkaban you go.” 
“Do you promise to write me letters? Update me of how the world’s progressed without my dazzling presence?” 
“It would be my genuine pleasure.” 
Regulus chuckled at your dry humor. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d bantered like this with anyone, much less with a strange not-so-stranger. You sat down on the wet sand and patted the spot beside you with a grin.
“Why don’t you take a seat and tell me all about your troubles.” 
Beyond the bleak horizon, the spires of the castle peeked through the gray clouds. Regulus thought of the common room where his housemates would no doubt be gathered around the ornate fireplace for warmth. Knowing his friends, they’d probably be indulging in spiked hot chocolate and playing some childish drinking game. A few minutes ago, nothing appealed to him more, but now Regulus found himself choosing the violent rain and soggy sand. All because of you, his mystery girl.
You leaned back on your elbows and cocked your head at him. “What ails you, Mr. Black?” 
“That depends. How much do you bill per hour?” 
“Fortunately for you, I’m in a generous mood so I’ll throw in a free session. Consider it my pro-bono work.” 
“How kind of you,” Regulus said with a serious expression. “My brother’s been nagging me to see a mind healer for years. All that childhood trauma, you know.” 
A small smile tugged at your lips, revealing a set of dimples that he found rather charming. “I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not.” 
“My brother is Sirius. I’m Regulus, remember?” 
You snorted in a very unladylike manner, which only made Regulus grin. There was something so unapologetically you in your laugh that was absolutely endearing to him. Regulus smiled and knocked his shoulder against yours. 
You mimicked the action and smiled back at him. “All sarcasm aside, I was being genuine. If you want to talk about it, I’m here to listen.” 
"Do you often offer therapy sessions to complete strangers?"
"Only to surly Slytherins with sad eyes and pretty curls," you quipped back. "And we're not strangers. I sit behind you in potions. We're practically best mates."
"You think my curls are pretty?"
"Like a little cherub's. Are you quite sure you haven't escaped from the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel? You look like one of Michelangelo's angels. Except with way more scowling." Regulus grinned. He got the feeling that you always said whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted. It was refreshing. "There's a smile. See? Our session is already progressing."
"I think you might get more than you bargained for with me, I'm afraid."
You met the challenge in his words head on. "Try me."
“You were right. I’m definitely guilty of brooding.” 
“What happened?” 
Regulus hesitated for a moment. He had never been the type of person to be candid with his feelings, especially not with someone he barely knew. Usually, he just kept his thoughts to himself and ruminated on them in the privacy of his dorm until he drove himself mad by overthinking, but your presence brought him an unexplainable ease. For once in his life, Regulus chose not to question it. 
“I’ve had a long night,” he said, tucking his knees up to his chest. “I just got back from a date.” 
“It didn’t go well?” 
“It was…fine. It’s always fine. But it’s the same thing over and over again, just with a different girl.” 
“I wouldn’t have taken you for a playboy, Regulus Black.”
Regulus chuckled. “I’m not some unscrupulous rake, I assure you.” 
“Yes, that much is obvious from your use of the word unscrupulous.” You tucked your legs underneath you. “So why go on all of these dates if you find them so tedious?” 
“It’s my mother,” Regulus explained. “She has this list.” 
“A list?” 
“Yes, a list of girls that I’m to court. Noble, pureblooded, proper ladies of society that my mother has deemed worthy of marriage.” 
“You’re seventeen years old. Shouldn’t you be worrying about quidditch games and potions exams?” 
Regulus nodded. “Yes, one would think. But my family has always been different. Since my brother left, my parents have been obsessed with grooming me into becoming the perfect heir.” 
“How do you feel about that?” 
He sighed. “Stifled. Exhausted. Smothered. I can feel the weight of their expectations weighing me down every second of every day.” 
“I’m sorry, Regulus. That’s a terrible burden to carry.” 
Regulus shrugged. “Others have it worse.” 
“It doesn’t mean that your problem is any less heavy.” 
To Regulus, the acknowledgement felt oddly validating. Even though you knew nothing of his circumstance, there was wisdom in your words and you delivered it delicately, like you actually cared to hear his troubles. You were devoid of the judgment he'd grown accustomed to and he found that rather freeing.
“It’s just…sometimes I think that I’ll never be the perfect son. My brother, he’s always been the brave one. Classic Gryffindor,” he said with an eye roll. You chuckled, but stayed silent. It was obvious that Regulus had a myriad of thoughts to unpack tonight and you were more than happy to just listen. “Sirius has never cared what anyone thought about him, least of all our parents. I admire that about him, but I just don’t think I’m wired that way. I care too much.” 
“That’s not necessarily a bad thing,” you said softly. “Apathy is so common nowadays, finding someone who can admit that they care is refreshing. Though, I think it’s not without limits. You can’t please everyone. No matter what you do, someone is going to have something to complain about. You might as well be yourself.” 
“That’s exactly the problem,” Regulus pondered. “All of these girls on my mother's list, I think they like the idea of Regulus Black, but he’s an illusion. It isn’t the real me.” 
“Then who is the real you?” 
“I don’t know,” he said honestly. “I’m just Reggie. I like playing quidditch and reading depressing literature and memorizing obscure history facts. I hate messy rooms and orange juice and anything that crawls.”  
You smiled. “And what kind of girl does Reggie like?” 
“Someone witty. Someone funny. Someone who’ll argue with me. Someone who doesn’t just nod and agree with everything I say."
"So what you're saying is that you don't want a nice girl?"
Regulus shook his head. "No, I think I need someone who challenges me. Who sees me for who I am rather than what I represent. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure the girls on my mother’s list are lovely, but I don’t think they’d actually like me if they knew who I really am.” 
“I don’t know, Reggie seems like a great guy. That Regulus bloke, on the other hand…” you scrunched your nose in disapproval. 
“Hey!” Regulus chided, “I’m pouring my heart out to you. That took a lot of courage, you know.” 
“You’re very brave, Reggie,” you said with a grin. “But you know what would be even braver?” 
Regulus squinted in the rain as you stood to your feet. Lightning crackled over the horizon, illuminating you with an ethereal silver glow. You held out your hand to him. “Come dance with me.” 
“Deathly afraid of being struck by lightning, remember?” 
“Sorry, what?” You asked as you shimmied around him. It wasn’t graceful by any means. It was the goofiest thing he’d ever seen and yet he’d never been so enthralled. You danced without a care in the world and it made him genuinely laugh. “I can’t hear you over all the fun I’m having.” 
"This is ridiculous," he said over the roaring thunder.
You shrugged. "Perhaps. But everyone's allowed to be a little ridiculous sometimes. Besides, I was asking Reggie not Regulus."
“Are you really trying to peer pressure me into dancing with you?” 
“That depends,” you replied with a cheeky smile. “Is it working?” 
Regulus conceded with a sigh and leapt to his feet. The youngest Black brother bowed like a proper gentleman. “May I have this dance, my lady?"
“You may, good sir.” 
You grinned up at him as he took you by the waist and waltzed with you across the sand. Surprisingly, Regulus let you take the lead. He chuckled when you stepped on his toes and laughed even harder when you tried to twirl him. Towering a good foot over you, Regulus had to fully crouch for the maneuver to work. 
Finally, you gave up the formality and just spun around in dizzying circles. There was absolutely no rhyme or rhythm to it. Just two idiots dancing in the rain with the biggest smiles on their faces. 
Your coordination, or lack thereof, caused you to almost faceplant into the sand. Regulus yelped as you took him down with you. By the time you recovered from the laughing fit, the two of you were red-faced, out of breath, and laying side by side along the shore. He turned over to you and brushed a stray strand of hair behind your ear. 
“That was the most fun I’ve had in years.” 
“See? There’s more to life than just being moody and melancholic.” 
“So this mystery girl of mine keeps reminding me,” Regulus said with a smile. “You never told me your name, by the way.” 
“Wow, you don’t even know my name? I’m offended, Reggie. We’ve only been in classes together since fifth year.” 
“I—we’ve never been introduced—” 
You broke out into a smile and giggled. You thought it was cute that Reggie was so easily flustered. “I’m just kidding, Reggie.” 
He sighed in relief as you stuck out your hand. “Y/N. My name is Y/N.” 
Regulus slipped his hand into yours. He cocked his head, studying your eyes and your smile and those cute little dimples. 
Y/N. The last name on his mother’s list. The one he saved for last because he didn’t know who she was. 
The French had a saying—le coup de foudre. The infamous phrase translated to a bolt of lightning or love at first sight. Regulus had long dismissed it as flowery prose, but thanks to his mystery girl, he started to think that maybe the Parisians were onto something because meeting you tonight felt preordained. A date with fate. Like a bolt of lightning streaking through his dark, endless skies.
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N.” 
You grinned. “It’s nice to meet you, Reggie.” 
Regulus smiled and laced your fingers together. He was frozen, it was raining, and he was fairly certain that you were both probably going to catch a cold, but he didn’t care. In that moment, as he stared up at the sky, blinking back the rain, and intertwining his fingers with yours, Regulus had never felt more content. 
So no, Regulus did not believe in love at first sight, but love at second, third, and even fourth glance? He smiled a little as he gazed back at you, letting his gaze linger as he drank in that infectious laugh and sunny grin. 
You made him think that maybe, just maybe, a girl like you could convert a skeptic like him into a devout believer.
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hughiecampbelle · 1 month
Supe Preference: Asking You Out
Requested: hi, idk if you write for the supes, but I will try request anyway :D how would the supes ( the boys series) ask a gn reader out? Ty - anon
A/N: I hope this is okay my love! I tried to stay true to character as much as possible, so I'm not sure how romantic some of them are. I tried writing for new Supes too, at least new for me, so apologies if it's not totally in character! Feedback is always appreciated! 💜💜💜
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Homelander doesn't exactly ask you out. Rather, on live TV during an interview or event, he grabs your hand and proclaims that you're in love, that you're a couple. Whether or not you're into him, it still comes as a shock. Afterwards he'll ask you on a date where the public and paparazzi can see and take pictures. It's not as intimate as you'd like, but the date goes well. He takes you to an expensive restaurant where you've gotten rid of your suit for something classy and elegant, but he sticks with his regular attire. It's definitely not how you were expecting to be asked out or how you thought your relationship would progress. Ashley thinks it's great! You are both insanely powerful and, for selfish reasons, she wants Homelander off her back. She appreciates that you'll take some of the attention off her.
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The Deep probably makes more than a few inappropriate, crude, raunchy jokes about and around you before he properly introduces himself. It's almost compulsive the way his jokes come out. He just can't help himself. He later apologizes and asks to start fresh. Would you want to go out on a date with him? When you say yes, he instantly tells you about all his ideas. You could go to the aquarium or to dinner or to the amusement park or coffee or whatever you want to do. You stick to coffee. It's pretty cute how excited he is. He wasn't expecting you to say yes, so he really didn't have it planned all the way through. He was expecting, like everyone else in his life, for you to call him stupid and move on without answering.
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A-Train and you have been dating forever, but you haven't been out on a date in ages. He's still shy trying to ask you out even now. Of course you say yes, excited you'll get some time alone. You might have to reschedule once or twice because Homelander is on the rampage, but when you do get together, he takes you rollerskating. Despite how fast he is in sneakers, he's awful on wheels. He holds your hand the entire time and definitely drags you down when he falls. He stays pretty casual in his clothes and tries to keep his hood up, but it just falls down. You guys find a roller-rink in the middle of nowhere, so you're pretty safe in being discovered. You make fun of his clumsiness and check him for bruises when he falls, especially hard. He makes the same joke over and over: that he "fell" for you. You think he's an idiot, but this is by far one of your most favorite dates.
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Queen Maeve asks you out over text. When you say yes, she shows up in her civilian clothes. She makes sure she isn't followed and that Homelander is distracted the entire day. She takes you to the movies. It's dark and secluded, but she knows you love movie theater popcorn specifically with all the butter and the blue raspberry slushies, and you picked the only movie not funded by or produced by Vought. It's a really terrible comedy, but you two can laugh at it anyway. Maeve even holds your hand during the movie which makes her heart beat out of her chest. Afterwards she makes you stay after to kiss you and tell you she had a really great time. It's the first time in forever where she's felt like a real person whose allowed to do real person things. She wants to get your read on it, but you're both excited for a second date.
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Firecracker would ask you on a date to some fast food restaurant where you can get the best greasy food and the thickest milkshakes. She'll definitely be sported because she doesn't go incognito and ends up spending a few minutes at least taking pictures and videos for everyone who wants one. She apologizes for them, but secretly, she loves it. You don't mind. You knew what you were getting into when you said yes to the date. She tells you about her life growing up and her past with Starlight. You tell her about your own life and how you came to New York to follow your dreams. She tells you about joining The Seven and what she really thinks of Vought. It isn't the most magical date, but you're glad you said yes. It made you feel like a teenager again, getting food with your old crush, trying to play it cool when you're actually freaking out.
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Soldier Boy doesn't really ask you out on a date. You two *get busy* in bed and afterwards he asks if you'd want to go to a bar. You say yes and find yourself at a local hole in the wall, a place that definitely doesn't see new faces. Most of the patrons are as old as Ben would be if he'd aged. He looks so familiar to them, but they can't figure out where he's from. An old friend? An old co-worker? Regardless, they don't pay attention to the two of you. You and Ben start trying to out drink one another and though his tolerance is astronomically higher than yours, you keep up enough to impress him. You two probably go back to bed and keep drinking, sharing stories about your lives between sweaty sheets and shared sips of whatever booze he has lying around. It's not too official, but you both kind of think of it as a date.
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Bonus! Annie asks you to go bowling with her. Like in the show, she plays it off like she's not very good until you point it out to her. That's when she starts kicking your ass. She's really embarrassed and worried that you'll think she's showing off or just trying to make you feel bad, but you love it. You love her strength. You love her showing off and almost breaking the pins with the ball. You get really awful bowling alley food and beers, and it's a really fun night despite all the drama that comes with being Starlight. It's the first time in a long time she's felt normal and safe and excited to be here, excited to be herself. You're not shy about asking for a second date, though you know you're risking a lot by wanting to be with her. She makes that known before anything else.
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hemmingsleclerc · 4 months
A different story┃RAB
Summary: where regulus and james’ sister raise harry together
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Regulus Black and Y/N Potter had survived the war. The years since Voldemort's defeat had been filled with joy and sadness. Joy, because they had each other and the opportunity to build a new life together despite what everyone thought about them. Grief over the loss of James and Lily, Sirius' imprisonment in Azkaban, Peter's death and Remus' disappearance, leaving Harry in their care. They had promised to raise him as their own, determined to give him the love and family he deserved.
From the moment Harry arrived at Grimmauld Place, the once dark Black manor was transformed into a warm home. Regulus, no longer the young man who had once followed Voldemort’s ideas, had found a new path in his new role as a father. Y/N, with her strong and characteristic Potter kindness, made sure to brought light to every corner of her new life.
Harry's childhood with Regulus and Y/N was full of moments of love that he would remember throughout his life.
On Harry's first birthday after coming to live with them, Y/N and Regulus were determined to make it special. They decided to bake a cake without magic. The kitchen quickly became a disaster, flour covering every surface and Y/N with frosting in her hair.
"Reg, are you sure you read the recipe correctly?" Y/N asked, laughing as she tried to save a crooked layer of cake.
Regulus, with chocolate on his cheek, smiled shyly. "I'm pretty sure it said four cups of flour. Or maybe it was one…"
Despite the chaos, the cake turned out perfectly imperfect. When they show it to Harry, his eyes lit up with joy. "Happy birthday, Harry," Y/N said, kissing the top of her head.
"Happy Birthday, kid," Regulus added
When Harry received his Hogwarts letter, the house was filled with joy and a touch of bittersweet nostalgia. Regulus sat Harry down, with the letter spread out on the kitchen table. "This is where your parents went, Harry," he said softly, his eyes shining with pride and a hint of sadness.
Y/N, who was busy in the kitchen, stopped to ruffle Harry's hair. "You'll love it there, bunny. Just like your mom and dad did and so does Reggie and I."
The day he was dropped off at platform 9¾, Regulus and Y/N stood side by side, watching Harry board the train. Y/N had tears in her eyes and Regulus, although he tried to be calm, couldn't hide his emotion from him. "Be good, Harry," Regulus shouted. "And remember, we're only an owl away."
As the train pulled away, Y/N squeezed Regulus's hand. "Our little boy is growing up so fast," she whispered.
Years passed and Harry often found himself receiving Howlers from his aunt and uncle. Whether he was fighting with a troll or sneaking out of his common room after bed time, Harry's adventures with Hermione and Ron often left Regulus and Y/N worried.
One morning in the Great Hall, a Howler exploded in front of Harry, Regulus' voice echoing throughout the room. "Harry James Potter-Black! What were you thinking? The Triwizard Tournament? And a dragon? Honestly, sometimes I wonder if you have any common sense!" while hours later he received another one but this time from Y/N ''Harry, forgive Reg, he is very stressed and worried about you, we both are, we want you to know that we support you in everything and we know that you didn’t put your name on the cup, we will be there to see you at the tasks, in the meantime take care of yourself darling, we love you'' leaving Harry with a smile on his face.
As Harry grew older, he began to talk more about his friends and the special people in his life. One afternoon in the summer after their fifth year, Harry and Y/N were sitting in the garden, enjoying the warm sunlight. Harry hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Mom, can I ask you something?"
"Of course, dear," Y/N replied, looking up from her book.
"It's about Ginny," Harry began, a slight blush creeping up his cheeks. "I think… I think I like her. A lot."
"Ah, young love, so beautiful" he said with a soft smile. "She's a lovely girl, Harry. Be yourself and everything will fall into place with her, after all traditions are never broken."
''tradition?'' Harry asked
“Yeah, some people called it a curse but that sounded awful”
“Potter curse?”
''Every male Potter has his redhead,'' Y/N recited with a closed smile
Later that evening, Regulus joined the conversation. "So, Ginny Weasley, huh?" he teased, nudging Harry with his elbow. "Just remember to treat her right buddy, or you'll have more than just her brothers to answer to."
Harry laughed, feeling a warmth spread through him with his cheeks burning red
Oh I loved how this turned out, I have so many ideas about this I hope u like it 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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