#written by hapi transformers enthusiast
A Soldier, Nothing More.
The first part of an Ultra Magnus x Human Reader fic I'm writing. I know it's short, but I felt like that last sentence was good to cut it on. I hope you all enjoy it!
WARNING: This is a work of fiction, and not affiliated with Hasbro in any way, shape, or form. This work contains no NSFW, but one mention of Lust as an emotion. Reader discretion is advised.
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Ultra Magnus was, first and foremost, a soldier. That was the one thing he did best. Made as a heavy transport frame, and immediately shuffled into the military by the caste system on Cybertron, he was literally groomed to be a commander. Everything he had ever been taught, he learned in the Military. Was that a good thing? Absolutely not. Ultra Magnus knew that such an upbringing stunted his social skills; He knew that people disliked him because of his rigid, authoritative nature, burnt into him by millennia of military experience. He knew that he was an outlier; A man of order and procedure, surrounded by freedom-loving wildcards who longed for an open society. He too longed for that open society - after all, that was what he’d been fighting for, for almost 4 million years now - He just didn’t know how to operate in such a world. A world without need for a rigid outline, without any desire for one.
When you, a college-aged, short-lived human being were placed under his protection, he didn’t complain. Unlike the other bots, he didn’t think of it as babysiting: Because you were an adult. A grown person, fully capable of making your own decisions. You were here because you knew of their existence, and that alone put you in danger; That was all. Sure, every now and again you’d make a bad decision, and he’d chide you for that, but he was nowhere near as strict on you as he was with the Autobots, because you aren’t his soldier. You’re a civilian, and that’s how he thinks of you. A citizen in need of protection.
However, things started changing after only a few months of being with you. Somehow, with that sweet smile you’d always give him when he’d pick you up from work, and the way you encouraged him to keep trying to integrate himself in the family that Team Prime had become… you slid right through the metaphorical walls he’d built around his spark. He began looking forward to driving you to and from dierent places, or conversing with you about the many confusing things about human culture, and he didn’t even realize it until he caught himself talking about it with one of the other Autobots. He didn’t realize that he’d began to enjoy the simple feeling of your hands on the interior of his alt mode until you commented on how warm he got after you’d goen in one day. Things that he’d never even considered important before now were coming to the front of his processor, because they were things that you considered important. He just didn’t understand it.
At first, he contemplated visiting Ratchet and asking about such a feeling, wondering if it was something medical. Then he heard June talking about the way she felt when she met her rst husband – A raised temperature in his presence, a faster heartbeat, wanting to do things that he approved of, all of it – and he had a startling revelation. One for which he had to seek solitude in order to fully process.
It was something he’d never experienced before, and something he never thought he would experience. Not that he thought that he was somehow incapable of it, but rather that it was just one of the many things about civilian life that was on the boom of his priority list. He’d experienced comradery, friendships among his brothers and sisters in-arms that went deeper than simply ghting with one another… but never this sort of Love.
This particular feeling of trust and companionship, a desire to help and assist, and even Lust, all melded together into one, painfully intense feeling. He didn’t know what to make of it… so he didn’t.
For now, he believed that it’d be too dangerous to get involved with you. He was a soldier – someone who could die at any moment, or be called to battles that lasted for months at a time – and you deserved beer than that.
You deserved someone who was guaranteed to be able to stay.
And he wanted to give you what you deserved, and nothing less.
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sevenraysoflight · 5 years
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The ruler of Aquarius is Uranus. Its symbol represents water, a universal image which dates back into prehistory. This will also be recognized in the egyptian hieroglyph representing the same. The association in Aquarius is that of the servant of humanity pouring out the water of knowledge to quench the thirst of the world. These symbolic waves of water, share the dual expression of vibrational waves of electricity or parallel lines of force.
Personalities: Aquarians are interesting and attractive people. They can be shy, sensitive, gentle and patient; or enthusiastic and lively with a tendency to be exhibitionists. Both types are strong willed and forceful in their own way. Very opinionated with strong convictions, they fight for what they believe in. They will argue vehemently for what they believe to be true, however, if you can show them facts to the contrary, they have little trouble altering their opinion.
These are farsighted people with an eye and ear to the new and innovative. They are generally without prejudice and quite tolerant of the point of view of others. They have an interesting side to their nature that allows them to see a valid argument even when they disagree with it. They are quite objective folk and never get waylaid by being too close to an issue or person.
Regardless of type, Aquarius is truly a humane, human being. Known to be frank and outspoken, a 'on my mind, on my mouth' type, Aquarius makes for a serious and genial companion. Refined and idealistic, romantic but practical, they are personable and likable people. Quick in mind and quick to respond, Aquarians love activity and are quite reasonable, though difficult to get close to. They cherish and guard their independence, and are a strange mixture of caring concern and cool detachment. They will go out of their way to help when needed, but never get involved emotionally.
Mythic Origins —
To fully appreciate the mythological significance of Aquarius, it is necessary to bear in mind the importance of water to our ancestors. The very existence of the ancients depended upon the supply of life sustaining moisture. During the month of Aquarius, the rains were on the land, literally poured from the heavens. In many regions of the ancient world, this was seen as the beginning the new year, a time of new life cycles. It is not hard to understand why some images depict the figure of Aquarius as a water bearing angel.
The region of the night sky in which Aquarius resides is populated by water signs. In Babylonia, this region of the zodiac was known as the Sea. Here we also find, Capricornus, the water goat and Pisces, the fish.
To the Greeks, Aquarius was associated with Ganymede, the son of Tros, king of Phrygia. The god Zeus, so admired the boy's beauty that he abducted him to serve as cup bearer on Mount Olympus. It was this desire to possess the young prince which inspired Zeus to cast his image eternally in the night sky.
The Egyptians associated this time of year with the god Hapi. A heavyset, abundant figure, Hapi was responsible for the annual flooding of the river Nile. In some images he is seen watering the earth from two large jugs.
The Dreams: People have been having many water type dreams. Usually they are very scary. Many people are afraid that these dreams are prophetic and that the ocean is going to come over the land and kill everyone.  However, other dreams like this portray similar ocean dreams but the dreamer just stands there and watches in awe and feels no fear.  Other dreams are about fish tanks which are broken and fish are flopping on the floor helplessly, and others where the tank breaks and water falls to the floor, but the fish swim in the air just like they were still in the water.  We have come to think of these dreams, as being prophetic, Yes!  However, not that the physical world will be destroyed but that we are undergoing a spiritual change, and these dreams are messages that the Age of Pisces (a water sign) is ending, and that the Age of Aquarius (the water bearer sign) is coming in.  This link is provided if you would like to read the dreams we have collected.  WATER DREAMS
Let me quote from the book 'Millennium Prophecies, Predictions for the Year 2000, by A.T. Mann'.  Chapter 10: Dates for the Beginning of the Age of Aquarius:
In the 'Book of World Horoscopes' Nicholas Campion mentions at least seventy dates for the beginning of the Age of Aquarius covering a range of 1500 years. He forewarns his readers by stating that there has been much confusion over this issue, and quotes the noted astrologer Charles Carter's statement that more rubbish has been written about this subject than any other branch of astrology, which is probably, in itself, an exaggeration.
As an illustration, Campion mentions an interesting synchronicity that occurred in 1962 involving a nineteenth-century French hoaxer and the renowned American clairvoyant Jeanne Dixon. In the 1890's Gabriel Jogand, primarily to agitate superstitious Catholics, deliberately devised and publicized a myth that the Antichrist was going to be born in 1962. On the projected day seventy years later, Jeanne Dixon had a vision that somewhere in the Middle East a baby had been born who would become a world teacher and lead humanity away from Christianity...an accurate definition of the Antichrist and also as a symbol of the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.
Campion constructed the horoscope computed from Dixon's estimated time and transposed it to Jerusalem and discovered that there had been a Solar Eclipse on the previous day when all of the traditional seven planets were in the sign of Aquarius. This is an interesting possibility for the entrance of the Age of Aquarius, but was not accompanied by an significant world events which would justify such a selection. This is also true of the majority of dates previously set for this momentous entrance...although enticing, they have not been persuasively connected with any major world events which would justify their claims. However, it could be reasons that the entrance into the Age of Aquarius is an inner, rather han an outer transformation, which could be the case. 
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It is generally believed that the Aquarian Age started in the year 2000, 2160 years roughly being the Age of a Sign. The Piscean age started at around 200 BCE ( Before Common Era ). Let us study the symbolisms of the Piscean and the Aquarian Ages.
As the Earth's precession is 72 degrees per degree, 2160 years is an Age Cycle. 25920 years ( 12*2160) is a Precessional Cycle or a Great Plato Year or an Aeon.
Pisces means Fishes and Jesus was the Redeemer of the Piscean Age. The Piscean Age emphasised Faith. The two fishes of Pisces indicate Dualism and during this time, the conflict between Religion & Science intensified as Science rose against blind Faith.The belief in an external God was rejected by Science.
Aquarius is ruled by two planets in  Astrology - Uranus & Saturn. Uranus represents Independence and Saturn Universal Humanism. Humanism postulates that no dogma or political doctrine can save you; only you can save yourself. If you save yourself, you save society, you save the nation and the Planet Earth ! In other words, Universal Humanism will be the hallmark of the Aquarian Age.
The astrologic scholar  Jeff Jawer remarks that the Aquarian Age has not arrived in his article " On The Cusp between Pisces and Aquarius. " The first Venus Transit occurred in 2004 & the next one wlll be in 2012. These 8 years will be like the Dark Night of the Soul, a chaotic period of purgatorial suffering as the Planet Earth goes through a dark phase. Dr Jose Arguelles, the scholar who brought the concept of Harmonic Convergence, also thinks that the enlightening Age of Aquarius will dawn on 2012.
The famous song on Aquarian Age states thus
                      When the moon is in the Seventh House                       And Jupiter aligns with Mars                       Then peace will guide the planets                       And love will steer the stars!                       This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius                       The age of Aquarius                       Aquarius!                       Aquarius!
All freethinkers are excited about the New Aquarian Age where Wisdom will blossom and importance will be on Self development, Self Transformation, Self Realisation & Self Actualisation. Gone are the days of dogma & Blind Faith. Personal transformation will result in Planetary Transformation !
Dante, Bernard Shaw & Alice Bailey had highlighted in their writings that a World Government is the only solution to achieve permanent World Peace. Mahesh Yogi inaugurated the World Government in 1975 in Seelisberg, Switzerland ( " In response to the call of time, a global organisation has been structured, the non-political, the non-religious World Government which has the knowledge and expertise to create an ideal society" ). Foster Bailey, the husband of Alice Bailey, said  that " Free Masonry is the descendent of a United World Religion, a divinely imparted Religion. Then came separativeness and religions. Now we are striving for a United World Order"  There is also a move to create a World Stock Market & to control all governments in the world. The foundations behind the United Nations are spiritual. The Global Oneness Movement is gaining momentum and a Council of Global Governance has been constituted with Maurice Strong as the President.
Dr Wilhmhurst saw the dawning of the Aquarian Age as the fulfillment of the Plan and said that Free Masonry may be the vehicle for that fulfillment. Wise people point out that the New Age Movement is the Universal Religion which H G Wells predicted would one day take over mankind.
The hand of the Mysteries controlled the establishment of the United States Government and the signature of the Mysteries may still be seen on the Great Seal of the United States of America. The Seal discloses a mass of Masonic symbols, chiefly amongst them the American Eagle, which is a conventionalized phoenix. The U S Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter said  " The real rulers in  Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes ". 
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Many changes were coming that were associated with the shift to the Aquarian Age, and it was time for people to have the tools they would need to transition from the Piscean Age that we had been in for 2000 years, into this new age.
What are these ages? Astronomers will tell you that the Earth rotates on an axis and that this line going through the center of the earth has a slight wobble to it. It goes through a little circular wobble about once every 24,000 years. This cycle has been broken into 12 parts associated with the 12 astrological signs, based on which constellation the axis is wobbling towards. From around 2000 B.C. to 0 A.D. we were in the Age of Aries. From 0 A.D. to the present we have been in the Age of Pisces.
For the next 2000 years we will be in the Aquarian Age. We have been in the transition from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age for the last 50 years. The official beginning of the Aquarian Age is November 11, 2011 or 11/11/11. Some people have set this date as December 21, 2012. Considering that this is a 2000 year cycle, no matter which date you accept, we are in for lots of change in the near future!
Why is this so important? Many people go their whole lives not caring or knowing if they are a Pisces, or a Gemini, or what their moon or rising sign is. This change to the Aquarian age is so important because it changes the astrological conditions for the entire planet. Every person on planet Earth has been and will be affected by this shift. Let’s investigate what will be changing.
The Piscean Age has been dominated by hierarchy, and power. The key phrase for this age was from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, “To be or not to be.” To make a successful and happy life, you needed to resolve this question. The key to the astrological sign Pisces is “I believe.” During this age, in order for you “to be,” you needed to find someone or something to believe in.
When you found that thing, you attached yourself to that thing and were guided how to live. This could be a religion, a political ideology, a charismatic leader, work, etc. The keys to life were hidden and secret in the halls of power and in the monasteries and ashrams. But you didn’t need to know these secrets, only to follow leaders and guides who did. This created vertical hierarchies as a result, and it was essential to find your place in the pecking order.
This has been the foundation for human consciousness for the past 2000 years. Everything that you have learned from your parents, and they from their parents, going back 2000 years, has been colored by this Piscean frame of reference. And now that is all changing.
The Aquarian Age will be dominated by networks, and information. The key phrase for this age is “Be to be.” The key to the astrological sign Aquarius is “I know.” This is the age of information. Nothing is secret anymore. All information is available at your fingertips. Where the Piscean age was organized in a vertical, up and down structure of hierarchies, the Aquarian Age is organized in a horizontal network, opening the world up to true equality.
During this age, the focus is no longer on your identity and existence (“to be or not to be”), but on accepting yourself as a whole person (“be to be”) who does not need to believe in something outside of yourself. You are ready to accept that you have the knowledge and wisdom within yourself. It is no longer necessary to attach to something outside yourself, but to become a leader of one: yourself. Instead of being a railroad car that is pulled by an engine, you become your own engine. It is your responsibility to stay on the tracks and to keep moving forward.
With this understanding, it is easier to comprehend what has been happening in the world over the last 50 years. On the inner level, since the 1960’s, there has been a huge movement towards personal transformation: self awareness, self improvement, yoga, meditation, tai chi, alternative healing, natural foods, etc. There has also been a major increase in depression, suicide, anxiety, stress, and drug use, both pharmaceutical and recreational.
In the outer world, we have seen amazing changes: civil rights, environmental consciousness, women’s rights, gay rights, global consciousness, etc. We have also seen the rise of fundamentalism, terrorism, partisan politics, racism, xenophobia (the fear of the “other”), and general fear mongering.
This shift is bringing out the best and the worst in mankind. Some people are preparing for this shift by opening their hearts and minds and embracing this new age, and some people are intimidated by the changes that they don’t understand and want to return to a “golden age” in the past, or to circle the wagons and trust only those who are like themselves.
Transformation is never a painless process. When you fast or cleanse to purify your body, at first you feel worse, because toxins get stirred up in order to be eliminated. Once these poisons have been cleared, you feel lighter and more energized. Now imagine that every person on planet Earth is going through this shift. We are heading into a time of radical change. It is a time of great potential growth and expansion, but it is also a time of great potential pain and suffering. The more that you understand what is happening, the more that you can go through all of the changes without losing your balance and stability.
What can you do to help make this transition into this new age of information and consciousness? Here are some suggestions:
1. Have a daily spiritual practice. Every spiritual tradition has one thing in common: a daily practice. This can be many different things: yoga, meditation, chanting, prayer, contemplation, exercise, journaling, etc. It is not important what you are doing, but that you do something almost every day, and do it with an intention to let go of your blocks and focus your consciousness. Kundalini yoga and meditation are the most powerful tools that I have found, but everyone must find their own pathway and collect the tools for their own toolbox.
2. Don’t give in to fear, despair, or anger. There is so much happening that can trigger these emotions: the media, the environment, politics, terrorism, etc. If you understand that these emotions are all symptoms of the Aquarian shift, then you can go through them without losing your center.
3. Don’t be a victim. You have the power to change your life. Don’t give that power away to anyone through blame or resentment. You are responsible for your happiness and grace. Don’t buy into any view of reality in which you are not 100% responsible for making your life work. The Aquarian Age is all about empowerment and consciousness.
4. Be a source of light. The more people who consciously choose to embrace the Aquarian shift, the easier this transformation will go for humanity. It is a spiritual truth that a small percentage of people who have shifted their consciousness can influence the rest of humanity. If you are reading this, then you are most likely one of these pioneers. Find a way to spread your light: teach, heal, create community networks, serve, sacrifice, love. Welcome to the Aquarian Age!
More Information:
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"Wayward Soldier"
General and Romantic headcanons for TFP Ultra Magnus.
He has made a lil office in my head and he's paying rent, so I'm indulging him.
WARNINGS: Mentions of death, PTSD, sleep paralysis, and general mental-health related things that may hit very close to home.
General HCs first, then Romantic ones Under the cut!
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Ultra Magnus has been through quite a lot, just like the other Autobots. However, unlike the others, he's had very little time to get used to Earth.
His uptight demeanor and formal speech is a front, but he's had to hold it up for so long, that it's become difficult for him to ever truly lower his guard anymore.
After he starts getting used to the team, he does loosen up slightly. He's still very strict and orderly, but he starts learning what the other bots won't appreciate - especially Wheeljack.
Earth as an environment, however, takes much longer for him to acclimate to. The first time he gets caught in a thunderstorm, it sends him into a panic attack from the sudden noise. He... rather dislikes rain, really.
The weather that he does enjoy, to everyone's surprise, is Snow. The cool air and the way it seems to muffle noises around it calms him down, even if he needs to be careful about the temperature.
That being said, please do not send him up to the Arctic. Bulkhead told him about the Scraplet incident, and he really doesn't want there to be a second wave of that.
Ultra Magnus also has a pretty religious sleep schedule, which he only diverges from in the event of an extreme emergency. However, there is one particular hinderance that occasionally robs him of rest: Sleep Paralysis.
Every now and again, Magnus gets extremely intense bouts of sleep paralysis, rendering him unable to move for hours at a time. He has a repeated hallucination of a dead comrade holding him down, whispering just barely too quiet, and every time it destroys him.
He'll usually break out of the condition before the sun rises, but it's never pleasant. He'll be extra uptight and particular about things the next morning, as well as a little bit jumpy.
The way that Magnus tends to calm himself down is actually with creative writing. Contrary to popular belief, he's actually a very adept storyteller, and he enjoys putting his extensive vocabulary to use. However, he never shares these stories, always deleting the files after he finishes them.
Onto the Romantic Headcanons!
This mech is extremely out of touch when it comes to romance. It takes him a long time to even recognize that what he's feeling is love, rather than just particularly deep comradery.
Once he does realize he's in love, he'll withdraw pretty deeply. He has lost so many people that he has cared about, and the very idea of losing the one he loves most shakes him to his spark. That, and he overthinks things quite a bit.
After his significant other lets him know that they love him back, though? He is on Cloud Nine. He has trouble putting it into words, but he smiles a lot more now.
Ultra Magnus' love languages are Acts of Service and Words of Affirmation. He's a chivalrous mech, always willing to help his S/O with even the smallest tasks, and he'll always go just a little bit above the standard.
However, he absolutely needs his S/O to verbalize that they love him. He can be very insecure if it's not something war related, and thus needs reassurance that he's doing things right: That his lover is happy with him.
Touch Starved. He spent way too long alone on that ship flying to Earth, and it shows. Put a hand on his cheek, or (if you can) the small of his back? He'll be putty in your hands.
At first, he doesn't really like cuddling, because he starts to overheat. However, if his S/O helps him through a Sleep Paralysis or Traumatic Episode, he'll start liking it a whole lot more.
Similarly to humans, Cybertronians tend to sleep better when in groups, and Ultra Magnus is no exception. He often wales to find his hand entwined with his partner, or even spooning them lovingly. Don't ever mention these things to Wheeljack, poor Magnus will never hear the end of it.
Alright, that's all I have for now!! Stay tuned, folks, I'll be writing more often soon!
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Could I request tfp ultra Magnus falling for a human that is in the military? Like any kind of Military but possibly a Lieutenant , so they share some experience with eachother since they have more or less similar experiences
Thanks ❤️💙
TFP Ultra Magnus with a Human Lieutenant S/O!
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The new base was buzzing with activity, the clocks on the wall reading 10:45 A.M. Ultra Magnus was just now walking out of his habsuite, and caught sight of Agent Fowler speaking to an unfamiliar human.
"Agent William Fowler," Ultra Magnus began, his voice powerful, but not shouting. Fowler and the other person turned towards him, standing at attention.
"Might I ask who it is you're speaking with?"
"This is Lieutenant _____, Sir. They're a high-ranking military official for the United States government, and they've been asked to oversee the goings on here on base." Fowler answered, addressing the human Lieutenant by their last name. They stepped forwards, and gave Ultra Magnus a salute.
"Pleased to meet you, Lieutenant Ultra Magnus."
That was how the first meeting went. Since then, Ultra Magnus has been working closely with said Human Lieutenant, and growing close to them. He couldn't deny the way that they made him feel - like a new recruit, nervous and self-conscious, but also terribly excited. They were one of the few people he felt okay to smile around - not that he didn't feel safe with his teammates, it was just a formality - But Magnus had a special connection with the Human Lieutenant. Comradery, maybe? He wasn't sure. He felt like it went deeper than that, but he couldn't describe how.
Ultra Magnus knew that he wanted his human comrade to be happy, and he wanted to be a part of that happiness. The best thing he could do for that now, though? Just keep Earth safe. That will be enough.
I hope you liked it! Sorry it was so short, I just wanted to keep it simple. I don't really know much about US Military, and if I leave the tab then Tumblr might eat my work. Thanks for the request!
The Hapi Transformers Enthusiast~!
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Know You Are Loved.
A TFP Optimus Prime x Reader fic. Can be read as romantic or platonic, and reader is gender neutral. No warnings apply.
A little thing I wrote for my friend, @silverwritesthings . I hope you like it!!
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The base was quiet tonight. All of the younger kids had gone home, and the only bot that you saw still awake was Ratchet, who tapped away at the computers without saying anything. You were staying a bit later because of a night job you had to go to, and you didn't want to go home just to leave again immediately.
You couldn't help but sigh, your heart feeling heavy. How long had it been since you last called your mother? Or your oldest friend? And, more to the point, how long had it been since someone else called you for no reason other than to talk?
The familiar pain of loneliness washed over you once again. It stung, but in such a way that you weren't sure you could imagine living without anymore. You were so absorbed in your thoughts, that you somehow didn't notice when Optimus Prime walked into the room.
"(Y/N), are you alright?" Optimus asked, walking over to the edge of the platform. Though he was stoic, the slight raise if his optical ridges told you that he was concerned.*
"You seem depressed, my friend."
"Oh," You sigh, getting up from the couch and leaning slightly on the landing's rail, "I'm just a bit... lonely, really. I'll be fine."
"Are you certain that you do not need any help?" Optimus prodded, extending a hand for you.
"I would gladly keep you company."
You climb into Optimus' massive hand, and he carefully lifts you up to his neck. He smiles as you climb into the crook of his neck, then walks into the base hallways. Within a few minutes, you reach his personal room, where he sits down on his berth.
"Is this agreeable for you, my friend?" He asks, gently picking you up from his neck and holding you in his cupped servos. You sigh and nod, curling up.
"Yeah..." You feel a lot less lonely now, though your mind is still filled with painful thoughts and memories.
"I guess I just... I'm stressed. I feel like I'm not good enough. Like I disappoint everyone."
"You could not be further from the truth. Your kindness and understanding is vital to taking care of the children, and keeping the team's morale high. You are beloved here, and I am unsure how I would feel if you left. Do you understand, my friend?"
"...I do. Thank you, Optimus." You smile at him, and recieve a smile in return.
"I needed that."
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Okay, so looking at my current stuff, it looks like my Ultra Magnus headcanons post is my most popular; And y'all really seemed to like "A Soldier, Nothing More". So, I'm gonna put this to a poll:
I will oblige to the results.
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I am so sorry that I have been so absent! I got super caught up with school and Christmas, and writing on a phone is SUPER hard for me. Now, though, I have a laptop that I can write on, so things are gonna really pick up soon.
In addition, I will also mention that the TFP Ultra Magnus requests are still open, and I will begin answering the requests today! Thank you all for staying with me. See you soon!
The Hapi Transformers Enthusiast~!
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Alright! So, I will be opening requests soon, so of course I must set down some ground rules.
Please keep your requests simple and concurrent with whatever theme I am doing at the time of requesting.
I will accept requests for Smut, however they will be relegated to DMs only.
I will NOT write for the following; Non-con, Pet-Play, or Inter-Continuity. I also reserve my right to deny a request that I am uncomfortable writing for.
If I say my requests are closed, THEY ARE CLOSED regardless of whether or not the box itself is Open.
And that will be all!! Thank you very much, and I look forward to writing for you all~!!
This time, the theme is TFP ULTRA MAGNUS!
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So I'm Making an AU for Transformers
Or I guess it's more of a custom, unofficial continuity?
Okay so to explain, I always love doing world-building stuff, and Transformers lore fascinates me across continuities. So, combining all of my various headcanons and theories together, I often end up making a canon-divergent universe. Which is what I'm doing now.
If any of yall want to see me write more about this, let me know!
...Cuz it's a lot.
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