#wrrrr wrrr
heatsu · 2 years
ah yes my beloved edgelord also known as Kortaspol
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Originally he was a minibot (similar height to rewind??)intended to be part of deep acid/wter rescue and research team due to his altmode being a deep water drone but he said fuck it I want to be a doctor so he forced a mass displacement upon himself and now he's a spinal cord and mechanical pressure specialist
what he wanted to do the most was mnemnosurgery but due to his superior's lack of trust into his mass displacement and other stuff he wasn't allowed to do that
On one beautiful day he performed a surgery on his own brain so that his mass displacement was more stable and everything seemed to go well but then he went on an underwater expedition and the pressure showed his lack of operating abilities.
Since then he was left with temper/anger issues and a slowly building frustration
He has really unstable sense of self esteem and really fast mood/esteem swings. He has really low empathy and as he got older he grew more and more insensitive and impatient . On the outside however he seems rather stoic and calm , shit gets bonkers when you get to know him.
He has weird thing for forming obsessive crushes and not being able to get over his past relationships, but to say he's ever been a good partner would be an overstatement. At the beginning of relationship he seems fine but then he becomes really possessive, manipulative and insensitive. He also has weird need for having someone be dependent on him (part of why he became a doctor lmao).
And he has issues with overly impulsive money spending
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porzellanwolf · 1 year
grrr wrrrr grgwwwrrr I want a collar too wrrr grrrrr
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uuuh things but mainly AKI because I love him
gore and artistic nudity warning but it's so cringe ew
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haneys · 3 years
ahhh nooo my cast is itching aaaah ah cums and dies
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lwieserce · 4 years
should be illegal to draw s*xy fanart of mc youtubers i’m about to ACT UP
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kitttenteeth · 2 years
wrrrr woof woof wrrr woooofff
what did u just say ab my mother
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bathroomcube · 4 years
i think people should start making song lyrics to go with songs that don’t have words like wrrr d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d wrrrr WRRR D-D-D-d-d-d-d Wrrrr WRRRRRRR d-d-d-d-d-d wrrrr WRR WRRRRR buhbuhbuhbuhbuh DRRR-WUH-wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh (x4) ZZZZZRRRRR-zzzzzrrrr DRRR-WUH-wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh (x4) ZZZZZRRRRR-zzzzzrrrr WZZRRRR-zzrrrr-ZZZRRRR ZZZZRRRR-zzzzzrrrr-ZZZZ (x2)WHHHHRRRR-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d (x3) wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh D-D-D-
so you mean nero’s day at disneyland or most amon tobin songs?????
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aclownatmidnite · 4 years
Andy turned the key in the ignition, listening to the wrrr, wrrrr, wrrr as the engine attempted to catch and fire up. He pounded the steering wheel, cursing, glancing over his shoulder.
"C'mon you bastard! Start!"
The engine roared to life and Andy let out a relieved sigh. He glanced over his shoulder again and saw the big black station wagon speeding towards him, plumes of dust trailing behind. He ripped at the gearshift, grinding his way into reverse and stomping down on the accelerator, cranking the steering wheel to the left and avoiding a collision with the wagon by inches.
The station wagon blew by Andy, slamming into the wall bordering the track. Smoke immediately began to pour from the hood of the wagon, the driver cursing and slapping his hands against the wheel.
Andy heard a voice bellowing from the loudspeakers,
"Number 39 has done it!" The voice shouted. "The winner of this year's demolition derby is Andrew Fowler!"
- Jonathan Lent
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rollingmapcarrier · 4 years
@stellageneralis​​ liked for a starter!
** ~ A day of flying in the X-wing might seem dull and monotonous for most,        but for an astro-droid, it was all too calming for 
                         …   and of course, pester his owner with nonsensical questions !
         “  Wroo-bweeep-bwooop !  Wrrr-iooo-bleep-wrr-wooop !                                               Biii-woo-bweeep-wrrooiie ! “
          [Which do you think would win in a fight between a dewback and a tauntaun?             Or wait… is it possible to have a race in lightspeed?]
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         “  Bwoo-eeep Wrr-beep-woop ! Wrooop !                Wiooow !! Bwoo-eei-wrrrr beeeoo-wiip ! “
          [It there any way to measure the speed at that point?             Wait! Even judging who wins? How would that work?]
      The translatorscreen sent the spoken beeps out fast, filling the screen up swiftly..          hard to keep up with a curious BB…
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lwieserce · 4 years
i wanna make a playlist for feeling angelic wrrr wrrrr bark bark
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