#wschnee theory
runephoenix6769 · 7 years
Willow Schnee theory
Ok, this is something that I havent seen discussed much, if at all and I really think it needs to be addressed. 
Willow Schnee. 
We now know, due to the very cute Freezerburn heart to heart..  that she is a heart broken shell of a woman, who has, like her children, suffered at the hands of Jacques.  Alcohol became her refuge and her daughters have suffered for it. 
But lets dial that all back for a sec. 
In ‘Lessons Learned’ , Winter tells Weiss, 
“We Schnee’s are unique. Unlike many, our Semblance is hereditary.”
( It has been suggested by some members of the FNDM that due to Whitley’s slightly jealous over tones towards Weiss and hatred of Winter... Plus his view’s of Huntsman as barbarians. that maybe he doesn't have this ability. Leading some people to suggest that maybe the semblance only passes down the female line...... The jury is out on this.. Guess we’ll have to wait for RT to confirm.. Any way, I digress)
So if the Semblance is hereditary that means that Willow has this ability too, making her story all the more upsetting. 
No doubt she learned how to use it, and no doubt she was rather skilled, Im thinking she taught her eldest daughter before the confirmation of Jacques motivations crushed her... 
This revelation knocked the fight right out of her.
Why didn't she rage? Why didn't she fight? Why didn't she get angry? 
We’ve met the Schnee women and jesus fxxing christ when they set their mind to something they are formidable. The Schnee women have an unbridled temper  under a very frosty veneer.  
Why didn't she stand for her children and tell Jacques to knock it the fuck off?
She’s had training, shes got a kick ass semblance. She could just swat him to one side, ‘swish, flick. splat!. 
But think about it. 
A care free young woman, Beautiful, educated, From one of the wealthiest families in the whole of Remnant, she’s royalty.  Im seeing her wild and happy, her Father’s pride and joy/ She has many suitors, but one in-particular is slightly older, dashing , charming. speaks to her in a way that no one else ever has. He shows her things she never seen. He is intelligent, understands her Father’s business. The pressure of being the heir to the Schnee Dust Company is a heavy burden, a company she shall one day run, she’s slightly insecure that she wont be able to live up to her father’s legacy. but this man assures her, she shall. besides, if they get married, he will be there to help her. 
Her Father likes him, her mother does not, her grandmother says Willow could trust a Vacuoan Faunus vagabond more than she can trust him. Willow brushes it off as snobbery. 
He suggests marriage. Her Mother disapproves.. Her Father is wary..She assures him, this is the man she loves, she wants no other... 
How can a Father deny his only child? 
He reluctantly agrees....  Assurances are made, he agrees to give up his name. 
The first few years are blissful, they are learning the ropes at her Fathers side. Her husband is eager to start a family... Willow falls pregnant... Her husband is so tender, caring. Suggests she takes it easy, theres no need for her to come to the office, he’ll deal with everything..
 Dont worry or stress out the baby. 
She gives birth to a beautiful baby girl, keeping the W tradition, she names her Winter..  Her husband lavishes gifts on his daughter but the affection isnt quite there. He explains its the office and hes tired. Her grandparents dote on her.. Catering to Winters every whim..
As the years pass, she loses her mother.. Her father is over come with grief, he isnt as strong as he used to be... Her  husband graciously offers to step up to the plate, carry the load... In her stead, of course...  Just whilst her Father gets back on his feet... 
He never does.. 
The only light in his life is Winter, who he begins to train , mock wooden swords... Chasing her through the cavernous halls.. Her delighted squeals of joy echoing through the house...  Willow trains her a bit more seriously, encouraging ballet, gymnastics, and horse riding to help with her foot work and balance.. at her husbands request 
Her Father gently chides her, “Allow her to be a child”
Willow takes to caring for him and he is over joyed when he hears shes expecting a second child. 
Whilst her movement is limited, she begins to teach Winter the fundamentals of glyph usage and explains the Schnee semblance
She is so grateful to her husband, for being such a good man, understanding that her Father needs her, for taking care of the business. 
Everyone is over joyed at the arrival of Weiss, a middle name belonging to your mother. She is small and frail but alert. This time, he is much more receptive, he is much more affectionate with the new arrival
And business is booming. She hears silly rumours on the social circuit but dismisses them as idle gossip among elitist assholes. The upper echelons of society had never quite accepted him as one of their own. Jealousy at his success when other company's were slipping. 
Her Father’s mind begins to deteriorate until he is the shadow of a man. 
When he passes, Willow is at a loss..... 
She notices small differences. Her husbands long hours at the office, hes cold, distant.. distracted. He rarely sees his daughters, he loses his temper easily.. 
The first time winter messes up a recital, he snaps, Winter cries.. He apologies n claims its stress.. 
He continues to favour little Weiss over her sister, instead he begins, pushing Winter in all her training, her academics.. Willow confronts him... 
He says he wants what is best for her... that maybe its her Mother who isnt good enough to train her.. He hires Winter the best sword master in the land n demands progress reports. 
What has happened to the man she loved, what has she done wrong, maybe another baby might bring them closer... 
When Whitley is born, her husband is ecstatic.... A son! A son he spoils and lavishes with praise.. 
He almost immediately forgets Weiss..
 Willow can see the seething sibling rivalry brewing, vying for his attention,  the jealousy. The competitiveness between the girls. Which her husband encourages, claiming it is healthy for them. 
They are Schnee’s after all with an image an image to up hold. 
They should be the best at everything they do. 
The rumours about the company become too dark to ignore, the collapsed mines, the trapped faunus.. The threat of the White Fang.. 
Suddenly your home is your prison.. Security ramped up... She always had security but not like this, Board Members go missing.. Family and friends murdered. 
Her husband treats you with barely concealed contempt , She asks if the marriage is over.. He sneers
She decides something needs to be done.. She sweeps into the head quarters.. She goes through the files... She is disgusted.. 
Who is this man and what has he done to her husband
She brings it up at the dinner table, she wants the company to reverse its policies.
He laughs at her.
Willow, “I am the head of the SDC.”
He informs her that she is only a figure head... The company is his.. Sure she can leave with her money n the schnee family homes, jet property n what ever, but the company is his.. He threatens to write the children out of company.. 
She asks him... “ Did you ever love me?”
He looks at her with a stare as cold as an Atleasian winter..
“No. I only married you for the company”
In that moment she realises that she has been played.. the longest con.. Her mother and grand mother were right... 
It all begins to dawn on her..
Willow no longer has anyone to turn to... Any board member she was close to has conveniently disappeared or died. 
she meant nothing.... It was all an elaborate charade.
She was a means to an end.
He is a repulsive monster!!
And now her children’s futures are at stake.. 
Her children... HIS children.. 
Winter looks stricken. Weiss bottom lip is trembling.. 
The candles on her birthday cake flicker and die
Willow has never noticed how much of him is in them... The set to Winter’s shoulders. The way Weiss scowls at a particularly difficult problem.... 
And Whitley....... So much like his Father.. 
Feel free to comment, or add to.. or share.. Or if you think I’m way off base, let me know... 
Im genuinely intrigued by Willow Schnee and her kids.. The dynamic.. 
Im up for listening to anyone else’s theories or if anyone else has any ideas. 
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