dictatortirah · 9 months
Question for Nero and Sniper! How did they become roommates?
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Ok so first of all, Nero met Sniper way way before back when they were still in da cult, Augural County and they've been super best friends. Platonic partners, even. Nero would teach Sniper how to speak and occasionally make tools for her to make her blindness easier to handle!!
When they made it to the city, almost all of their friends were either dead or mad, so they only had each other for support. They're basically the only happiness they can find and it makes it easier to move on from Mallet and what happened
They'd totally marry each other not romantically, but just for the benefits and also as best friends
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valeskakingdom · 2 years
Surprise (part 33)
Some time went by and Oswald already had a new plan: He wanted to look for Barbara Kean. Why? He told no one, he just said he had something special in mind and he did everything to fulfill his plan. With Scarlet and Butch he went through whole Gotham City to finally find her in a little cafe, sitting there all so along sipping on her latte macchiato as if it was just a normal day of life. She wa surprised about Oswald's sudden visit, maybe even a little annoyed, but she let him talk. He told her he had something special in mind, a plan that would change whole Gotham city, a plan where everyone could profit from - whether it true was a different thing. He though told her, he wouldn't give present all the detail now - just if she came with him. Barbara was thinking, it could be true but it could also be a trap. However, Barbara also knew that Oswald wouldn't dare setting her up, he knew what she was capable of. She would probably kill him if she found out - and so she agreed. She walked with him to his residence to see what he had in mind. She took it as a little joke, she wasn't really serious when he told her she could be a big part of it and such. She knew he loved to exaggerate certain things especially when he tries to convince someone. She even dared to ask Scarlet behind Oswald's back in the hope to get some information, but she was no help. She didn't know a thing either - so they both wondered what did Oswald want to do?
"Here?" Oswald asked when he turned his step mother's spiked head to the center.
"A little bit too central, maybe?" Barbara said questioning "You don't want one peace to overpower the room. Try over there"
"Don't! It's perfect right there. It doesn't overpower the room, it just shows Oswald's power and triumph." Scarlet crossed her arms with a frowned look at her.
"You have no real taste in interior design." Barbara spoke down to Scarlet. She didn't forgot how much she hated her over the time they were absent. She hated her from the first day she met her in Arkham. She would have loved to tear all her hair apart from her head and kill her the slowliest way that was possible because she knew this girl would cause problems.
"Neither do you have" Scarlet muttered giving her a death glare. Barbara was probably the one she hated most on earth besides her parents. Even though she was not herself when she met her first, she knew she would hate her. Just hee appearance made Scarlet aggressive.
"Ladies, please" Oswald interrupted their cat fight when he grabbed the head and placed it on the table right in front of the window "You're absolutely right" he cheered with a huge smile "See, I told you she'd be useful. Isn't that better?"
"Interior design ain't my thing" Butch mumbled, giving Scarlet a look that said 'help me out of this', but Scarlet gave him a look that told him no. He had to get out of this on his own.
"News on the hour with WTGC." You suddenly heard the newscaster on radio "Police sources say that reports of an impending raid on Arkham Insane Asylumand its controversial chief, Professor Hugo Strange, are inaccurate. Despite the disclaimers, flurries of police activity around the troubled facility have fueled-..."
"Hugo Strange..." Oswald grumbled, inhaling deeply "How interesting." Then he looked at Scarlet, Barbara and Butch "Wouldn't it be interesting to know a little more what's going on in Arkham? Barbara, I'm sure the GCPD already does some investigations already. Would you mind paying our friend Jimbo a visit?"
"Not at all" Barbara smiled "I haven seen him in a while. I miss him deeply." Then she looked at Scarlet with an sarcastic smile "At least I can pay my little lover a visit and don't need to mourn him."
"At least my 'lover' accepts me for who I am and doesn't leave me right after he found out I'm crazy and doesn't look for a new love" God, Scarlet hated it what someone, especially Barbara, talked about Jerome like that. Just mentioning the name was driving her insane. The Name 'Jerome' wasn't filled with love, happiness and other stuff - oh no. It was cursed with rage, madness, fury, sorrow and sadness. She wished never to hear that name anymore, she wished to the name dies with all his memory of Jerome.
"Ladies, please, composure" Oswald warned them "We're not here to argue. We're here to-..."
"Oswald shut up!" Scarlet almost yelled at him in anger. She couldn't hear his stupid babbling anymore of being a group, they need to pull on the same string and bla bla bla. Someone had to say something, Scarlet wasn't there to hold everything back "This is a thing between me and her! Stay out of this!"
"Ohhhh, since Jerome is gone you think you're the one with the balls here." Barbara chuckled, nodding slowly "That's typically you. Always need to be the boss - but you're not!"
"Oh, and what now? You're looking for trouble?" Scarlet slowly walked to Barbara with an almost insane look in her face "If you're here to get on my nerves, to mock at me - fine. But," She started to squeeze Barbara's throat tight that Barabara started to have problems with breathing "if you dare to mention his name, to mock at him or to even have a bad thought about him, I'm gonna kill you. Imma tie you up, rip your organs out and choke you with them while bleeding out."
This just made Barbara chuckle. Scarlet was good indeed, but Barbara was better - that's what she thought at least.
"Oh, you find that funny?" Scarlet grinned almost maniacally, suddenly pulling a knife out "You know what I find funny? Seeing you dead" In this moment she wanted to stab Barbara in her stomach when Oswald fast grabbed her arm to stop her.
"Scarlet!" Oswald started to stammer "I know it's outrageous of me interrupting you b-but I plead you, don't do this right now. I didn't ask Barbara to come to be killed. I asked her to do us a favor to help us. She's our friend"
"She's your friend, not mine." Scarlet hissed, taking the knife down "You won't hold me back from killing her another time though. I'm destined for killing her."
"I-I uhm..." Oswald didn't really know what to say. He couldn't stop her, but saying a word would be wrong either. Scarlet wouldn't listen to him at all, she would probably just mock at him and laugh about him "Barabara, would you please...?" Oswald motioned his head to the door signaling her to leave.
"Sure Ossy," Barbara smiled, then giving Scarlet a death stare before leaving the Cobblepot residence to make her way to the GCPD.
"God, I hate that woman," Scarlet muttered with some certain pinch of disgust when she followed Barbara's footsteps to the door "She's slippery and a fucking snake in the grass."
"Remember, she's here to help us. We need her" Oswald tried to calm Scarlet down with his words "She's here to-..."
"She's here to help you, not me" Scarlet muttered and started walking away from Oswald in annoyance "I need a drink"
"Hey, Penguin, so it turns out our Mr. Strange is a very bad man. The police are on to him now. They figure he's planning to run, but he won't, thanks to me." You heard Barbara talking to Oswald through the phone. What did she mean by that? He won't planning to run thanks to her? What did she do to him? Never mind, Scarlet thought rolling her eyes in annoyance. All she wanted was to finally come to an end with Oswald's mysterious plan that she wouldn't need to see Barbara anymore.
"Thank you Barbara. You have pleased me." Oswald smiled, hanging up the phone "Saddle up Butch, Scarlet. We've got an old friend to catch."
"You've got the bazooka?" Scarlet frowned asking him.
"Much better," Oswald smirked.
It was time - time to finally get rid off Dr. Hugo Strange. It would all finally come to an end, the experiments, the electroshock therapy, the torture... everything will be gone sooner or later. But to their luck, it was not only them. The GCPD was trying to catch him, too. They found out how bad he really was, they found out about his experiments and all - he was no good doctor from next door, he was the real psychopath, he was the one that had to be getting caught.
So right now, Scarlet, Butch and Oswald stood with some other men near the bridge and waited, they waited for Hugo Strange to come with a car in fact he actually wanted to run away from the police. You could say the little trio was the icing on the cake for Hugo Strange. He actually could just pray the police finds him first because if not, he'll get the shock of his life.
"You really think he's gonna drive along this street? I mean, we're just standing here and nothing happens." Scarlet scoffed, crossing her arms with rolling her eyes. She was annoyed, annoyed of the situation. They've been standing there for more than 2 hours and nothing happened. It was quiet on the street, not even a bird was chirping. All you heard was the water how it was whooshing and the people around her were breathing, including Scarlet.
"He has no other choice. The cops have blocked all alleys that there's no way out except this street here. He definitely will drive through this street," Oswald explained "And when he does he won't see my beautiful surprise coming." He chuckled.
"Uh huh," Scarlet nodded slowly, not really convinced of that all "If he does then he should please hurry up. Imma become a little impatient." Scarlet looked around in the hope to see a car driving by - but there was none. The street was still empty and quiet.
"Wait, Scarlet, be patient," Oswald instructed her "He will come when the time is right."
"You and your fucking philosophy" Scarlet rolled her eyes muttering. But suddenly they all heard noises, noises that sounded like a car - Oswald had to be right. Hugo Strange took the street to escape. The noises came from both sides, the back and the front. Suddenly they heard the horns honking - the police had to be on its way, Hugo Strange had to be near them either. They all looked around looking whether the cars came nearer as who came first?
"Time to shine my friends," Scarlet sang when she saw the police car rushing through the street, and as if someone snipped with their fingers, The bus with Hugo Strange came too, rushing right in the police car's direction. It seemed like they were about to crash - for Scarlet it was marvelous, the mor chaos the better. The more blood, the better. The more screams, the better - the more of everything, the better.
The cars drove faster and faster, the didn't even think of using the brake, it seemed like they even wanted to let it crash, but was that really Hugo Strange? In the past he didn't seem have such an insane side, he was much calmer, had a clear thought. Also his actions weren't abnormal at all. He was either observing or writing or walking through the asylum if yes he was a master in hiding it - and then it happened. The bus crashed the police car while Butch and the rest of the bunch started shooting at it with the rapid shot gun - he even almost hit the driver - and the bus tilted side wards. It was loud, parts of the cars flew in the air, the police car was completely damaged by the heavy collision, smoke even rose up out of the engine which showed the bus was totally damaged - this was the chance for Oswald, Scarlet and Butch. Hugo Strange wouldn't have a chance to escape now, it's done.
"Professor Strange!" Oswald yelled, grinning with a devilish smile on his face "Professor Strange! Come out!" He walked nearer to the bus "Strange, we need to talk! You did a very bad thing to me, as to Scarlet. And now you're going to pay!"
Everyone remained quiet though - they were shocked. It couldn't be real what they saw, could it? How was that possible? This person died long time ago! Or did they survive? No, it couldn't be, they all saw them dead!
"Impossible!" Oswald gasped in shock. It couldn't be real! Fish Mooney, his old boss and somewhat friend who though treated him like dirt. She was a selfish bitch who always behaved like she was the coolest girl in the hood, as if everybody loved her.
"Nothing is impossible," Fish tutted, and with these words Oswald passed out. He couldn't handle it, he couldn't handle the fact that Fosh was alive. He suffered from living the same hell again as in the past. He suffered from the thought being treated like a butler again, being laughed at, being mocked at. He suffered from losing all he had, all he has built up in that time she was absent.
"Gosh, he's such an idiot" Scarlet mumbled making a facepalm. He was just making a scene again. He was such a pussy.
"Holy..." Butch couldn't believe it either when she really walked towards them. Was that really her? He wasn't sure whether he should be happy or not. He indeed had enjoyable moments with her, but there was always a negative side. He also knew how it is to be treated like a slave or a butler with no opinion.
Men started clamoring, also Butch because he decided to see her as something he didn't want to experience again - and so he ran away with all the other men who feared Fish Mooney deeply. There was just one human being who decided to stay - it was Scarlet. She didn't fear Fish Mooney, she didn't even know her. She just heard some things here and there but all in all, no. And since she was no fan of being judgmental, she took the opportunity to get to know her. Maybe she was the next opportunity to gain fame and power? Who knows?
"And who are you, little one?" Fish Mooney walked towards Scarlet with a smile "I sense something that tells me you're it. You're the one I need to rebuild my empire."
"Is that so?" Scarlet frowned with a slight smile on her face "How do you know I-..."
"Nuh uh uh," Fish tutted placing her index finger on Scarlet's lips "My feeling never gets me wrong, darling. I know when I see a person with potential to be an authority. Tell me your name."
"Scarlet. Scarlet Patel."
"Mhm" Fish smiled "I've heard about you. You're Gotham's prodigy." She stroke Scarlets cheek with her thumb slowly, admiring her face. She was a beauty indeed, even with her damn scar. And beauty was one of the things Fish was looking for.
"I wouldn't compare talent with prodigy." Scarlet chuckled "A talent is a mix of passion and certain potential. It has nothing to do with a wonder on earth. Either you're made for it or not."
"So so clever in a young age," Fig smiled, squishing Scarlets cheeks a little "You are a real prodigy, my child. You deserve more than a little limping man with megalomania. Come with me"
"What? You wanna guarantee me fame and popularity? That whole Gotham City will fear me? Nah, I'll pass." Scarlet chuckled shaking her head "I'm tired of these empty promises" She turned around "But maybe I'll come back to that offer. See you around"
And she left.
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dogartes · 6 years
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Las tardes en las cumbres de @visitgrancanaria san para mucho 😀 y más con 🌅 así #GranCanaria #GranDestino #GreatDestination #wtgc #influencerdigital #marketingdigital #DogArtes #tw #LoQueQuedaPorAndar #me #myself #picoftheday #happyalone (en Centro Inter. Degollada Becerra)
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cqrvid-moved · 7 years
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anyone remember that old drawing i did of coal from like... two years ago? yeah i couldnt stand to let it exist without being redrawn anymore 
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youth-aesthetics · 8 years
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(redone) Crow Hawkins aesthetic
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dolphinpooja · 4 years
WomenTech Network​ is a ​community that promotes ​gender diversity in tech and connects talented and skilled professionals with top companies and leading startups that value diversity, inclusion and strive to create a culture of belonging.
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fachico1 · 6 years
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Marea baja en la playa interior del Puerto de Las Nieves (Agaete) #Faneque #coladeldragon #agaetebeach #Agaete #estoes_grancanaria #loves_grancanaria #wtgc #wlgc #noalmacromuelle #noampliacion #noperdamoselnorte😔💔 #noampliacionpuerto #noperdamoselnorte #mareasdelpino #mareabaja #tamadaba #dedodedios #quesuerteviviraqui #elparaiso (en Agaete Puerto) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnzUWzinOi0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=amvunudzrhwt
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arabipress · 4 years
ندوة حول الأهمية الاستراتيجية للبحر الأحمر وباب المندب - موقع أنصار الله
نشر في أكتوبر 23, 2020 موقع أنصارالله – صنعاء – 5 ربيع الأول 1442 هجرية نظم منتدى مجال السياسي والاجتماعي والاستشاري اليوم، ندوة حول الأهمية الاستراتيجية لمنطقة جنوب البحر الأحمر وباب المندب. وفي الندوة قدم الباحث الحسين الكحلاني ورقة عمل استعرض فيها الأهمية الاستراتيجية لمنطقة جنوب البحر الأحمر وباب المندب، التي تعد من أهم المناطق … https://s.alarabi.press/wtgCs
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gthmchronicle · 6 years
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GOTHAM, Nj. (WTGC) - On November 18th, Firefighters were too late upon the crime scene that occurred outside of a gas station. After the escape of Jerome and his cult from prison, it seems like the rise of chaos has increased. A school bus that contained high school students were set in flames. Police officers suspect that this could be the work of Gotham’s escapees, which hints at the security within the streets aren’t the same anymore. A Hest Oil truck was left at the crime scene, so the investigators suspect they tied up the students, poured gasoline on them then set the bus on fire. Many citizens are too afraid and are losing hope from the mayor after this catastrophe had occurred around 12pm. The victims parents along with students as well as teachers gathered around the crime scene with lighted up candles and flowers. More details about this news 
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dictatortirah · 9 months
For Mallet, do you have another form or you're just a small goated demon?
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You can now ask Vitr ! !
Mallet has two forms. He has goat parts in him when he was created, but he wasn't made to look like one. He only got da goat form sometime later
Mallet likes to use dat form when hes outside or with other people and really only shows his real form to Vitr hehe
Other people who've seen him and known him before he got dat form are Nero and Sniper
(Vitr is wife's oc hehe)
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dogartes · 6 years
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<<No todos los caminos 🛤 son para todos los caminantes>>, #Goethe 🎫🏵 Y a cada unx le toca encontrar 🔍 su camino 📝 #LoQueQuedaPorAndar #Camino #Senda #Reflexión #BuscaTuCamino #Me #Myself #DogArtes #influencerdigital #tw #wtgc #Hiking #GranCanaria #GranDestino
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fachico1 · 6 years
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Muelle Viejo de Agaete y Dedo de Dios, Puerto de Las Nieves #agaetebeach #Agaete #muelleviejo #tamadaba #dedodedios #lasnieves #mareasdelpino #altamar #estoes_grancanaria #loves_grancanaria #wtgc #wlgc #summer #verano #septiembre #guayedra #guayedrabeach (en "Muelle Viejo" Agaete. Puerto De Las Nieves) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnlOaeuAY5C/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kew1zvgt3uzw
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gthmchronicle · 6 years
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$11,000 Baccarat Crystal vase STOLEN FROM MAYOR’S GALA.
GOTHAM, Nj. (WTGC) - It wouldn’t be Gotham if we didn’t have crime. Last night after the Mayor’s Cultural Gala an expensive $11,000 Baccarat Crystal Vase was stolen. The police are still investigating, but due to the lack of evidence left behind by the criminal they are not sure of the entry or exit point. In one of the bathrooms they did find a small diamond inside of the toilet and a piece of white string. 
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dictatortirah · 10 months
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Ask Mallet! And I guess Nero and Sniper too
Ask them absolutely ANYTHING and see if and what they answer ! ! ! This is a free safe QnA where nothing TERRIBLE happens!!! And no one gets hurt!
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goblinprince-blog2 · 11 years
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