#wuhan epidemic
newzquest · 2 years
Will this epidemic end in 2023??
Newz Quest is back again with new Avatar (look and feel) on upgraded platform to serve you better!! Will this epidemic end in 2023?? As long as the virus exists, it will continue to change, and mutations will lead to new forms. Some can spread quickly,
We can hope that 2023 will be different and will bring light to the end of this tunnel.   But will it be? 2023 will end this disease, the answer depends on many factors. Of course, China is at the top of the list.   The city where the virus originated from Wuhan is exploding again. And again, Beijing is hiding the outbreak. The photos and videos coming out of China are amazing. What’s next for…
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Wuhan Law Firm Sues Government Over Illegal Office Lockdown
Wuhan Law Firm Sues Government Over Illegal Office Lockdown
PRC law and Covid. This reminds me of the case of the Wuhan mayor who, at the outset of the epidemic, said in a TV broadcast interview The Law and Wuhan Mayor Zhou’s Excuse: I Followed the Rules, Blame Higher-Ups, Not me — the Law the PRC on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases . What happened to Mayor Zhou? He was not charged with any crime or of negligence. The Wikipedia has some…
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newsrds · 2 years
Video: China tries to silence the doctor inside the last days
Video: China tries to silence the doctor inside the last days
New video loaded: China tried to silence the doctor in the last days recent episodes visual check Our investigative journalists use apparently hidden evidence to present a definitive description of the news – from the Las Vegas massacre to the chemical attack in Syria. Our investigative journalists use apparently hidden evidence to present a definitive description of the news – from the Las…
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intersectionalpraxis · 2 months
Covid was a bioweapon created by the government to kill off many people because they are trying to depopulate the earth. Agree or disagree? Because it's the truth.
Coronavirus refers to any RNA viruses that effect our respiratory, gastrointestinal and neurological systems.
Coronaviruses get their names because of their crown-shapes, and were first discovered/identified back in the 1960s. The start of the pandemic in 2020 was a type of coronavirus that was called SARS-CoV-2 which originated from wild animal(s). There were scientific theories about which animals and most agree it was from a wet market in Wuhan, China and that transmission to human beings was a result of close proximity and viral infection from the species (such as bats or pangolins).
Covid was not nor is a bioweapon created by the government. It was a result of what I explained above. Viruses have existed as long as this world has so to reduce this to a conspiracy theory is a one-dimensional take because any biologist, virologist, epidemiologist -any one in a science field with a degree with research in any of the topics and areas of study I mentioned understand how viruses work and operate.
Climate change and global warming are also a factor into the increase/spread of these illnesses, but also the heavy demand for animal-based products all around the world which have lead and will continue to expose human beings to viruses (the Bird Flu/Avian Flu being one example -such as H5N1). Thus, there are plenty of factors that can and will continue to lead to virus outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics -and the government wanting us to work through it is an evil of capitalism, not a government conspiracy.
All we can do is continue to monitor the developments of each virus as it enters into our communities, mitigate our risks, mask up, and take precautions when and where we can when it comes to potential exposure.
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mightyflamethrower · 8 months
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he post-Joe McCarthy era and the candidacy of Barry Goldwater once prompted liberal political scientist Richard Hofstadter to chronicle a supposedly long-standing right-wing “paranoid style” of conspiracy-fed extremism.
But far more common, especially in the 21st century, has been a left-wing, hysterical style of inventing scandals and manipulating perceived tensions for political advantage.
Or, in the immortal words of Barack Obama’s chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, “Never let a serious crisis go to waste.”
The 2008 economic emergency crested on September 7, with the near collapse of the home mortgage industry.
Obama took office on January 20, 2009, more than four months after the meltdown. In that interim, the officials had finally restored financial confidence and plotted a course of economic recovery.
No matter. The Obama administration never stopped hyping the financial meltdown as if it had just occurred. That way, it rammed through Obamacare, massive deficit spending, and the vast expansion of the federal government. All that stymied economic growth and recovery for years.
In 2016, Donald Trump was declared Hitler-like and an existential threat to democracy.
Amid this derangement syndrome, any means necessary to stop him were justified: the Russian collusion hoax, impeachment over a phone call, or the Hunter laptop disinformation farce.
Eventually, the left sought to normalize the once unthinkable: removing the leading presidential candidate from state ballots and indicting him in state and local courts.
Nothing was off limits—not forging a federal court document, calling for a military coup, rioting on Inauguration Day, or radically changing the way Americans voted in presidential elections.
In October 2017, allegations surfaced about serial sexual predation by liberal cinema icon Harvey Weinstein.
The #MeToo furor immediately followed.
At first, accusers properly outed dozens of mostly liberal celebrities, actors, authors, and CEOs for their prior and mostly covered-up sexual harassment and often assault.
But soon, the once legitimate movement had morphed into general hysteria. Thousands of men (and women) were persecuted for alleged offenses, often sexual banter or rude repartee, committed decades prior.
#MeToo jumped the shark with the left-wing effort to take down conservative Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Would-be accusers surfaced from his high school days, 35 years earlier, but without any supporting evidence or witnesses for their wild, lurid charges.
#MeToo hysteria ended when too many liberal grandees were endangered. Most dramatically, former Joe Biden senatorial aide Tara Reade came forward during the 2020 campaign cycle with charges that front-runner Joe Biden had once sexually assaulted her—and was trashed by the liberal media.
The outbreak of COVID-19 in the United States during the winter of 2020 prompted an even greater hysteria.
Without scientific evidence, federal health czars Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins were able to convince the Trump administration to shut down the economy in the country’s first national quarantine.
Suddenly, it became a thought crime to question the wisdom of six-foot social distancing, of mandatory mask wearing, of the Wuhan virology lab’s origin of the COVID virus, or of off-label use of prescription drugs.
Left-wing politicians and celebrities, from Hillary Clinton and Gavin Newsom to Jane Fonda, all blurted out the political advantages that the lockdowns offered��from recalibrating capitalism and health care to ensuring the 2020 defeat of Donald Trump.
The COVID hysteria magically ended when Joe Biden won the 2020 election. Suddenly, the lies about the bat or pangolin origins of the virus faded. The damage from the quarantines could no longer be repressed. And herd immunity gradually mitigated the epidemic.
The lockdown caused untold economic chaos, suicides, and health crises.
One result was the 120 days of looting, arson, death, destruction, and violence spawned by Antifa and Black Lives Matter in the aftermath of the tragic death of George Floyd while in police custody in May 2020.
Suddenly, a hysterical lie took hold: American police were waging war against black males.
The details around Floyd’s sudden death—he was in the act of committing a felony, resisting arrest, suffering from coronary artery disease and the after-effects of COVID, and being high on dangerous drugs—were off limits.
The riot toll reached $2 billion in property damage, over 35 deaths, and 1,500 injured law enforcement officers. A federal courthouse, a police precinct, and a historic church were torched.
Police forces were defunded. Emboldened left-wing prosecutors nullified existing laws.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion commissars spread throughout American higher education as meritocracy came under assault.
Racial essentialism triumphed. Racially segregated dorms, campus spaces, and graduations were normalized.
Everything from destroying the southern border to dropping SAT requirements for college admission followed.
Sometimes real, sometimes hyped crises lead to these contrived left-wing hysterias—like the January 6 violent “armed insurrection” or the “fascist” “ultra-MAGA” threat.
Otherwise, the progressive movement cannot enact its unpopular agendas. So it must scare the people silly and gin up chaos to destroy its perceived enemies—any crisis it can.
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troughtonmedia · 23 days
Script #92
The economy had gone to shit and could not get any worse. A vast majority of laws were being broken every day. A large group of people had become drug addicted and lived like wild people living on the streets. Boys and girls were being confused into thinking they were of the opposite gender and needed to play pretend for the rest of their lives. Wanting to continue or terminate a pregnancy was the hottest topic of the day. One of our main sources of energy being fossil fuels had become extremely controversial. Everything was taxed and then taxed again but for some fucking reason we were in $35 trillion of national debt. Step in Donald Trump.
Donald Trump had already been President of the United States of America with a message to make it great again. He believed the government was being ravaged by illegal immigration and the left wanted to make them citizens to capture their votes! He believed the left was turning into a form of communism. He didn't like bowing down to the world gifting away all sorts of different things irresponsibly. He wanted to bring manufacturing back to America and work with China relations. He wanted peace and even met with the supreme leader of North Korea. Russia did not invade Ukraine.
Donald Trump had been world famous for most of his life. He was from New York and had both German and Scottish ancestry. From what I understand, he worked with his father in the real estate business and became a leader of commercial property. He does not smoke or drink. He has multiple children from different mothers. He has a mug shot and fucked a porn star. He's worth billions of dollars. It is safe to say he's one of the most successful brilliant people. He's also a massive dick. He name calls and is hated by millions. Donald Trump does not have to be President of the United States but he wants to be because he thinks he can save the world.
After defeating his opponents in the Republican primary; Donald Trump officially started campaigning again with the same message he was trying to uphold until the epidemic. People were so frustrated and President Trump tried explaining it was planted by a Lab in Wuhan, China but the news media spun that story into a million directions. Joe Biden slipped into the Presidency in early January 2021. The attendees of Trump's rally attacked the Capital. It was all on camera and everybody saw it. When Trump speaks; it is powerful.
Donald Trump is going to defeat Kamala Harris for many reasons unless the undocumented immigrants somehow get to vote which is very possible. Their families and friends are also going to vote for Harris. That is a loosing battle for President Trump because he wants to enforce our Souther border. Kamala accepts them with opening arms and a never ending credit card. These illegal foreigners are mostly ghosts to us. We don't know who they are and when we assume their from a certain country we get called racist. It is fucking bullshit. The Donald Trump solution is to deport them after they get arrested breaking the law. Donald Trump has many solutions. He wants to pay off the national debt by tapping into our domestic oil reserves. He wants to eliminate taxes on numerous items as well. The moral of the story is Donald Trump has the solutions that Kamala Harris does not.
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ruthannabelleckl · 11 months
Is social media useful in spreading information on Covid-19 in Malaysia?
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Covid-19 is claimed to have originated in Wuhan, China, in late December 2019 and ultimately expanded to 200 nations globally (Salman, 2021). Social media, with over billion users, is vital for Malaysia’s government to spread Covid-19 awareness timely and educate the public on precautionary conduct. Social media enables people to generate and share information while socializing, enabling the flow of opinions, notions, and insights in online communities (Hussin et al., 2021). Governmental initiatives to enhance public health via social media have sprouted in the last several years (Dawi et al., 2021).
Navigating the Pandemic Wave: How Social Media Amplified COVID-19 Response in Malaysia
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Malaysian citizens have access to Covid-19 updates through social media, including the official Facebook page, YouTube channel, and Twitter account of the Ministry of Health Malaysia, known as “Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM)”. Besides, the Director-General of Health live-streams Covid-19 information on Facebook (Hussin et al., 2021). Notably, the Malaysian Ministry of Health and National Security Council reported Covid-19 cases on Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram, and Twitter when Covid-19 initially affected Malaysia. This move was made because social media can approach individuals quickly with crucial information and updates.
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Twitter represents one of the social media channels that the Malaysian government has selected in providing updates on the Covid-19 situation to alert people about maintaining good hygiene practices to prevent the spread of the virus and to share dos and don'ts during the outbreak (Hussin et al., 2021). It was overwhelming when users gave input, participated in online conversations, commented on status or live video broadcasting, tweeted the news, and shared within communities. Public questions, complaints, and misunderstandings can be published on government official pages for speedy replies. Social media content can change people's behavior and reduce the efficacy of government remedies. The Malaysian Ministry of Health (MOH) tweeted Covid-19 information, covering daily cases, deaths, new patients, discharges, hospitalization, and verified cases to caution the citizens (Hussin et al., 2021). Roughly 20 posts on SOP reminded Twitter users of SOPs such as business operations, purchasing processes, or social events daily. Additionally, MOH published 164 Covid-19 instructions and precautions. For instance, postings mentioned the red zone, where numerous cases were found, and special precautions. Notably, hashtags are frequently included to prioritize Covid-19 information from reliable organizations to make it easy for individuals for browsing later.  
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Empowering Malaysia’s COVID-19 Response: MySejahtera
In April 2020, the government launched the MySejahtera mobile application to assist individuals in tracking their health status and registering their locations, allowing authorities to collect timely information in fighting Covid-19 which had a positive impact on people's inclination to be involved in protective behaviours (Dawi et al., 2021). Public health guidelines were more probable to be followed when citizens realized the scenario and government response. The COVID-19 epidemic is updated daily by MySejahtera. For instance, this includes the cumulative confirmed cases and the daily new cases.
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Dangers of Social Media Reliance during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Dissemination of False Information
Social media during the Covid-19 epidemic has enabled a rapid dissemination of unverified content, potentially deceiving and perplexing a considerable segment of the public. This encompasses misinformation about drinking warm salts or lemon water and taking hydroxychloroquine for curation (Balakrishnan, 2022). In Malaysia, a notable occurrence was the rise in the dissemination of false information pertaining to the lockdown measures and Covid-19-related information. This surge prompted Malaysian government to establish the Rapid Response Troop as a means to combat the proliferation of fake news, namely sebanarnya.my. Several instances of false information being spread in the country can be observed, such as the circulation of a compilation of locations within the Klang Valley that purportedly have a significant concentration of Covid-19 cases (Balakrishnan, 2022). Relying extensively on social media might increase dread, dissatisfaction, anxiety, and paranoia. Disinformation was spread in Malaysia by locals using fake or anonymous accounts (Salman, 2021). Many people detect deceptive information poorly, particularly on social media. Following the MCO's adoption, people panic-purchase and buy vast amounts of items and non-essentials at supermarkets (Ngadiron et al., 2021).
Disseminating false information is akin to spreading the Covid-19 virus. The battle against fake information persists, and the community requires daily education via diverse platforms. Social media platforms have a significant impact on fostering societal awareness and enhancing interpersonal connections within Malaysian communities.  However, individuals should be cautious, as the proliferation of fabricated information on these platforms is intended to captivate netizens and generate sensationalized or trending discussions.
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In my opinion, social media is useful in spreading essential COVID-19 information in Malaysia. It enables the government to swiftly provide updates, guidance, and safeguards to Malaysians. The MySejahtera mobile app, Facebook, and Twitter have allowed direct interaction with individuals, encouraging safety and behavioural alterations. Nevertheless, fighting disinformation is vital. Overall, social media is useful, but it demands careful scrutiny to guarantee information authentication.
List of References
Balakrishnan, V. (2022). COVID-19 and fake news dissemination among Malaysians – motives and its sociodemographic correlates. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 73, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.102900
Dawi, N. M., Namazi, H., Hwang, H. J., Ismail, S., Maresova, P., & Krejcar, O. (2021). Attitude toward protective behavior engagement during COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia: The role of e-government and social media. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2021.609716
Hussin, R., Rahman, S. H. A., & Azudin, N. (2021). Social media approach to crisis communication during COVID-19 pandemic: An analysis from Malaysian perspective. Ulum Islamiyyah, 33(S5), 77–88. https://doi.org/10.33102/uij.vol33nos5.404
Ngadiron, S., Aziz, A. A., & Mohamed, S. S. (2021). The spread of COVID-19 fake news on social media and its impact among Malaysians. International Journal of Law, Government and Communication, 6(22), 253–260. https://doi.org/10.35631/ijlgc.6220024
Salman, A. (2021). Knowledge, curiosity, communication channels and panic during COVID-19 movement control order. International Journal of Media and Communication Research (IJMCR), 2(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.25299/ijmcr.v2i1.6205
Statista. (2022). Distribution of main news sources during MCO COVID-19 Malaysia 2020. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1118979/malaysia-main-news-sources-during-covid-19/
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bnprime · 2 years
fbi director christopher wray
did an interview with fox news. and said that the covid 19 epidemic was started in a lab in china. you must be SKEPTICAL of this. because it’s fox news, which is extremely partisan and also trying to start a war with china. republicans have been trying to make china “cold war part deux” for over 20 years. (y’all don’t remember the pre 9-11 bush administration machinations.) be skeptical. the only way to know this for sure would be a leaked chinese report or a whistleblower. nothing like this has been presented, and thus, the fbi must not have new evidence. be skeptical.
this was not done as a press conference. it’s like the “hillary’s emails.” announcement. the head of the fbi is a political appointee and is entirely capable of independently acting for political reasons.
be skeptical.
donald trump appointed him.
if the american government cared so much about covid, they’d have done something about it. the “wuhan lab” theory is based on suspicious sounding coincidences rather than any specific evidence. it is spread for political reasons. it is spread to start a war with china. it is spread to dissipate blame from trump, who defunded an organisation whose purpose was recognising and coordinating infectious diseases to prevent global pandemics. it is spread to dissipate blame from how it was the american white house who lead the international effort to STOP a coordinated response to the virus. who spread conspiracy theories, who spread ignorance instead of fact, and who kept the vaccines from being mass produced in the third world. don’t let the people who are responsible get away with deferring blame with a conspiracy theory. don’t let them call for war.
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brother99 · 1 year
Breaking up is the way out for Yan Limeng
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Hong Kong's Orange News let out the news on April 19: Apple Daily's internal notice reminded editors to abandon the label of "Wuhan Pneumonia" and replace it with "Latest Epidemic" and "Vaccination" as topic labels."Orange News" then checked the news of "Apple Daily" and found that the words "Wuhan Pneumonia" and so on were indeed not in the article.
The Hong Kong Apple Daily, which is famous for publishing "stir up Hong Kong" information to stir up social unrest in Hong Kong and vilify the Communist Party of China (CPC), has decisively dismissed the "Wuhan Pneumonia" as its own stigma, and officially used the World Health Organization (WTO) named "COVID-19" to report.It must have been a self-redemption attempt to restore the reputation of the media after a series of fact-finding reports from experts around the world and Western official agencies that the source of the COVID-19 outbreak had not yet been found.
Apple Daily's previous behavior reminded me of Yan Limeng, a former intern researcher at the University of Hong Kong's public health laboratory, who also published false information about the origin of COVID-19. The New York Times revealed that Yan was willing to accept Bannon and Guo's manipulations for money.Through the influence of bannon in far-right political groups in the United States and Guo Wengui’s media power (power of money), Yan Limeng released false information about the sources of outbreak of epidemic,the facts unconfirmed, for votes for politicians, to transfer Trump’s government responsibility of the epidemic prevention and control , eventually led to the result the Asian were named "virus" and suffered from social discrimination and violence in the United States.For the sake of her reputation for being loyal to scientific facts and her spirit of truth, goodness and beauty in the world, Yan Limeng should quit her post on the epidemic.
The fig leaf left for Yan Limeng is running out. Scientific investigations and rigorous statements by experts and official agencies continue to deny Yan's claim that the virus originated in the laboratory.When Ms. Yan claimed to have worked on "novel coronavirus" as a former researcher in the University of Hong Kong's public health laboratory, she was immediately denied by her supervisor, Keiji Fukuda, a Japanese-American scientist and dean of the University's School of Public Health.Ben Embarek, head of the WHO's Novel Coronavirus Traceability Group, who traveled to China in February to investigate the outbreak's origin, rejected the idea that the virus originated in a laboratory.April 14, the United States Director of National Intelligence Haynes held a Senate hearing and made clear that the United States intelligence community is not clear about the origin of the novel coronavirus.
The stigma created by Ms. Yan about the origin of the epidemic continues to hurt Asians.Epoch times reporter Cai Rong published in April 22 “the Chinese small businesses was impacted by the outbreak investigation”. The article said the latest survey shows that the outbreak hit the U.S. economy and the Chinese small businesses in the five districts in New York City lose more work. There are plans to cut 41%, the proportion of the national (25.7%) and (34.8%), New York.Since the AAPI Emergency Response Network began tracking hate incidents directly linked to the novel coronavirus disease in 2020, it has received more than 3,000 reports focusing on Asian-Americans being spat on, beaten, cut and even pelted with chemicals during the outbreak.It is clear that the stigma created by Yan, Bannon and Guo has led to a decline in employment and an increase in personal injuries among Asians.
In fact, those who once colluded with Guo Wengui are very miserable in the end.Firstly, Wong Chi-feng was thrown into prison. Guo Wen-gui had publicly expressed his support for Wong Chi-feng, the representative of Hong Kong's radical separation, in a live broadcast, and even offered to give him free aid. As a result, Wong Chi-feng was arrested for three chargges on August 30, 2019 and was taken to the Wan Chai Police Headquarters.Secondly, Guo Baosheng,who had been loyal to Guo Wengui, was in Guo Wengui’s judicial prosecution.Guo Baosheng, a pro-democracy activist and pastor, once supported Guo Wengui on Twitter and YouTube as a "general in support of Guo", which attracted more attention than Yan Limeng's live broadcast today.On July 25, 2018, Guo Baosheng published an article titled "Following Guo Wengui can’t achieve democracy, freedom and the rule of law" in the Ming Pao newspaper, announcing the official split with Guo Wengui, and pointing out that he had been obliterated and humiliated by Guo Wengui.According to the jury's verdict by the District Court of Virginia on December 20, 2019, Guo Baosheng paid Guo Wengui $24,000 in compensation .
It’s just a matter of time. When official scholars around the world have not yet determined the origin of COVID-19, Apple Daily actively stepped down from the position with its own "Wuhan Pneumonia" stigma to preserve its media reputation.Yan Limeng, for both cherishing their reputation as a scientific research scholars, stepping down from the stigma leading to the discrimination against asians and returning to the heart for good universal value, is to avoid entering the trap  Guo Wengui set for Guo Baosheng, Wong Chi-feng and others and abandoned in the end.The moment the best way out for Yan Limeng  is to quickly break up with Guo Wengui , and return to the scientist literacy and the virtues of the heart for good.
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newmanparker1 · 1 year
Please ask the INS to kick Yan Limeng out of the United States!
-- As an Asian American, I'm fighting stigma against Asians today. #StopAsianHate
Racist and physical attacks against Asians and people of Asian descent are spreading with the COVID-19 virus pandemic in the United States. Many believe that the "China virus" of former President Donald Trump and the "Wuhan virus" of former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have fueled the spread of hate speech in the United States. But people often overlook that for their rumors of the origin of the virus stamped "legitimate steel seal" is the Hong Kong expert Yan Limeng.
Exiled wealthy businessman Guo Wengui and former White House staffer Bannon hired Yan Limeng from Hong Kong to spread false research findings in the media to convince more Americans that the COVID-19 virus came from an Asian laboratory. Although several U.S. research institutions and the WHO subsequently denied Yan's claims as "baseless," the hate speech against Asians has spread widely on social media and is supported by many public figures in the community and beyond.
According to Stop AAPI Hate, 2,808 anti-Asian incidents were recorded in 2020, 240 of which were physical assaults. The hate escalated. Atlanta, Georgia, was the scene of extreme violence in March when six Asian women were murdered by a man with a gun. And last Friday, the day after the passage of the Anti-New Coronation Hate Crimes Act, a 61-year-old Asian man was knocked to the ground by a mob on the streets of New York City and repeatedly stomped on the head, causing serious injuries.
Innocent people were brutalized and the perpetrators were left high and dry. The fight against Asian racism has been deeply rooted in the history of the United States and in the hearts of every non-Asian American. As one of the Asian organizations "against discrimination and racism", this sad reality prompted us to write this article, hoping to use this article to summon more people with justice in mind to join us to oppose discrimination against Asian races, and call for punishment of the culprits who create rumors and stigmatize Asians.
On April 24, we launched the "Justice Gathering Against the Stigma of the Epidemic that is Brutalizing Asians" on Twitter. In the plaza in front of the Shirley Holland Building on Fifth Avenue in New York City, we gathered with thousands of New Yorkers to raise our voices in protest of the false epidemic rumors spread by Guo Wengui and Bannon against the Asian community.
This is near the residence of Guo Wengui. We made the anger of the murdered Asian community and our determination not to condone the smears felt by these rumor mongers.
Not surprisingly, our peaceful rally was harassed by Guo Wengui's supporters, who tried to make us back down with abusive and intimidating remarks and vandalized banners. But this kind of suppression, which is ridiculous and useless, confirms their inner panic - the fear of being punished if the truth is exposed.
This is just the beginning, and we must hold Guo Wengui, Bannon and Yan Limeng accountable for the brutalized Asian community.
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meret118 · 2 years
On this date three years ago, a man walked into Hubei Provincial Hospital in Wuhan, China, reporting flu-like symptoms. Within two weeks, there were 27 cases showing similar symptoms. Then, just four days before the end of the year, the head of the hospital’s respiratory department, Dr. Zhang Jixian, made a report to state health officials that the cases were caused by “a novel coronavirus.” At that point, the number of known infections was approaching 180.
Dec. 1 may have been the official start of the local novel coronavirus outbreak that would become a national epidemic that would become the COVID-19 pandemic. But it certainly wasn’t the first actual case. As early as March 2020, a review of health records suggested that the first case had actually been seen in Wuhan as early as Nov. 17, and that there had been a steady trickle of new cases for two weeks before that first official case.
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mariacallous · 2 years
Students and members of the public have taken to the streets in major cities across China, with protesters in Shanghai calling for Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to step down—a rare sight in China, where protest is strictly curtailed. Coming shortly after the 20th Party Congress, which marked the beginning of Xi’s third term as CCP general secretary, these protests bear closer examination and consideration for their potential to affect China’s political situation and Xi’s grip on power—and even to usher in a “new era” of social movements akin to the wave of protests that swept the country in 1989.
Commentators calling these the largest protests since 1989 are mistaken. The Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao years saw mass protests that drew tens of thousands of participants or more, destroyed local government offices, and had to be put down by armed police. The crowds in videos emerging from protests in Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing, Chengdu, and other cities are generally small, ranging from several hundred to over a thousand. Rather, it is Xi’s heavy-handed suppression of social dissent over his time in office and his concomitant expansion of public expenditures and targeted poverty alleviation, buying the affections of the underclasses and all but eliminating open public protest, that makes the current wave of protests significant.
A common thread in these protests is people reaching the limits of their tolerance for the government’s zero-COVID policies. The “dynamic zero-COVID” approach the government has adopted capriciously deprives the public of their freedom and rights and has led to countless humanitarian disasters. One such disaster, a fire in a locked-down Urumqi apartment building, was the spark for students and members of the public to protest, as people around the country gather to mourn the lives lost in the fire.
The first Chinese city to be locked down was Wuhan, where the epidemic first broke out. The people of Wuhan silently endured lockdown for more than two months. Tianjin, Xi’an, Shenzhen, and other cities followed suit with lockdowns of varying degrees; these, too, were silently borne. When the entire city of Shanghai was locked down for two months starting this April, the public once again suffered in silence. What changed between then and the end of November?
One key event was the promulgation of the new “20 Articles” policy on pandemic control measures in early November. The policy promised a gradual loosening of restrictions, a welcome ray of hope for a public that had been trapped in place for three years, but when this resulted in a nationwide resurgence of outbreaks, authorities quickly reinstated tighter controls, dashing any hope of lockdowns being lifted. The repeated cycles of easing and tightening, caging people like lab rats, finally wore through the last of people’s patience. Under the government’s zero-COVID policies, everyone knows that they could be the next to suffer—including people inside the system, particularly officials and workers on the front lines of pandemic response, many of whom have long since burned out from exhaustion and overwork. Everybody wants a change—but as long as Xi does not, they will have no choice but to endure.
Sudden as these protests may seem, their broader context—particularly Xi’s actions over his decade in power—made them a virtual inevitability. Despite widespread fears that Xi would return China to the days of the Cultural Revolution, this isn’t something he can pull off alone. China isn’t North Korea, after all: The liberal reforms that followed the Cultural Revolution afforded the majority of Chinese people a basis to make comparisons with other ways of life, giving rise to interests that not even Xi can shake. Closing China off from the world would pose no benefit to the CCP or Xi himself, moreover, except insofar as it might be used to eliminate the system of private ownership.
Rather, fears of a return to the Cultural Revolution indicate widespread dissatisfaction with Xi’s line, policies, and ideals among members of the public, who have consistently opposed Xi’s attempts to shift the engine of history into reverse gear. Xi may have wanted to redirect the course of historical development, but the last 10 years have seen China generally continuing forward in its century-long transition to modernity. Historical precedent shows that during such transitions, growing awareness of civil rights eventually gives rise to public movements and public resistance, primarily in the form of collective action.
China is no exception. One of the ideological effects of the reform years was a resurgence of civic consciousness. This produced the 1989 student protest movement and subsequent waves of human rights actions and mass incidents. Xi has ensured that citizens’ rights activists and other oppositional forces will be sentenced harshly, but he hardly has the power to erase this civic consciousness from the brains of the public. The public simply hid it away for a while under pressure from the authorities; given a suitable chance and fertile soil, their demands for freedom and civil rights will flower again.
The rapid deterioration of China’s external environment, Xi forcing his way into a third term, and above all the government’s zero-COVID policy present a rare opportunity for public protest—and will nurture a movement for societal transformation.
U.S.-China tensions have imposed unprecedentedly severe strictures on China’s development environment, and the country’s economic woes are to a great extent the product of the U.S. geopolitical and technological containment of China, exacerbated by lockdowns in response to the pandemic. The economy continued its steep decline this year, triggering a wave of bankruptcies and unemployment and causing the public’s living standards and quality of life to decline dramatically.
The majority of China’s population was born in the 1970s or afterward: These people lack earlier generations’ firsthand experience of—and ability to cope with—poverty. Protracted personal and family hardships due to the pandemic and economic downturn are not, as time goes on, something they can adapt to—and this will drive them into the streets in protest. From the government’s perspective, this state of affairs is a ticking time bomb. It must be prevented from going off.
But the government’s approach to “defusing” the situation has been to further solidify the monolithic leadership of the CCP and build up its violent control over society, while at the same time partially satisfying popular demands for a more equitable distribution of wealth. Though this has weakened the basis for civic resistance in the short term, in the long term it will both fail to suppress dissatisfaction and resistance and, as state control weakens, actually promote the emergence of a popular political consciousness that will spur a sense of resistance and inspire action. The state’s total loss of the ability to sense and respond to public discontent makes this possibility all the more likely.
The reason lies in the fact that Xi’s focus on addressing wealth inequalities and funding poverty alleviation efforts after taking office forced the government to strengthen its extractive taxation capacity, exacerbating conflicts between the state and the industrial and commercial class. Entrepreneurs are laying low en masse, causing the economy to decline further. A regime that develops its extractive capacity (primarily in the form of taxation) and its coercive capacity (primarily in the form of violent control) while neglecting to develop its distributive and regulatory capacities and its ability to protect the public will produce an imbalance of state capacity, leading to widespread protest. Economic growth predicated on this basis will not only fail to bring general prosperity and social development but systematically create polarizing economic and social disparities, leading in turn to general social discontent and resentment and ultimately severely weakening the basic legitimacy of the regime.
This schema describes China before Xi: The Jiang and the Hu eras saw many instances of protest and mass incidents, but the fat years are over, and the improvements in wealth distribution are insufficient to remedy the public’s worsening losses from unemployment and will ultimately be unable to reduce conflicts between the people and the government.
We might say that even before the pandemic, political and economic winter had already come for China—but as 40 years of economic reforms had left individuals and the government with enough provisions set aside to weather the storm, the public’s sense of crisis was merely something on people’s minds and had not yet translated into collective acts of resistance. Three years into the pandemic, the Chinese economy is at a new low point. The cold is getting worse, supplies are running low, and the impact of the government’s zero-COVID policies has fallen hardest on the public’s fundamental rights and interests. The adversarial consciousness and acts of resistance so long suppressed by the government inevitably broke out: People tolerated it for as long as they could, and finally they couldn’t stand it anymore. The protests now going on in cities around China, led mostly by young people and university students, reflect a reawakening of civic consciousness under the ideological oppression of the state.
The government’s response to protesters’ demands will decide whether these protests will turn into nationwide social protests of Xi and the CCP. Despite some protesters shouting radical slogans, the protests have on the whole remained peaceful and free of violence. Demands from students and the public mainly focus on ending the government’s zero-COVID policy. If the government accedes to these demands—which are shared by a majority of the public—by relaxing pandemic restrictions and agreeing not to take reprisals against protesters, it should be able to quickly quell the protests.
If, however, the government determines that “hostile foreign forces” or domestic class enemies have infiltrated and instigated protests in hopes of bringing about regime change by fomenting a color revolution in China, the only possible next step will be violent suppression. Any bloodshed will intensify conflicts, awakening a long-standing sense of oppression among the public—and protests, which thus far have been limited to large cities (particularly university campuses), will spread across the country and form a surging, nationwide wave of resistance. In such an event, the public will increase its demands to include the end of the CCP’s one-party dictatorship.
It is unclear whether Xi envisioned this as a result of his zero-COVID policy, but clearly he has a sense of crisis: He has emphasized the need for a “spirit of struggle” and called on cadres to “dare to struggle and excel at struggling.” Perhaps, then, he has also made preparations and plans for social crisis and protests. Xi’s umwelt makes it unlikely that he will see the protests as merely an expression of dissatisfaction with zero-COVID, rather than a stalking horse for hostile forces—and if he acts on that understanding in ordering regional officials to handle the wave of protests, it will do nothing but escalate the situation.
However the government eventually handles the protests, their emergence so soon after the 20th Party Congress is a major blow to Xi’s authority and a message that his response to the pandemic over the last three years has been a failure—and by extension that he is not qualified to lead a great nation, which will shake the confidence of the CCP and embolden internal dissatisfaction with Xi, especially at the upper echelons. In embarking on a third term at the 20th Party Congress, Xi showed that there were no restraining forces on him within the party following his successful suppression of opposing factions. Discontent at high levels of the CCP has not vanished, however—it merely hid away, perhaps to be revivified by the present wave of protests. Even so, Xi and his trusted associates are in control of the party and the military, and open intraparty disputes are unlikely. The central government in Beijing will not split—not unless bloodshed escalates to nationwide protest.
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usamazahid · 2 years
Social Gaming and Covid-19 pandemic
A new virus dubbed Corona Virus Disease, which had its roots in Wuhan, China, shocked the world in the early years of 2020. (COVID-19). The virus outbreak has resulted in numerous losses and inequities in many facets of life, particularly about the global economy. Regardless of their size, a lot of businesses must shut down since it is impossible to predict when they will reopen. The gaming sector, on the other hand, has not only been the least harmed by this pandemic but thrives in it. This is due to a decrease in outside activities and an increase in inside activities. Social gaming is becoming a substitute for traditional social involvement and interaction.
As a result, playing video games continues to draw more and more individuals every day out of all the conceivable things to do during the lock-down. Video games have become a very prevalent and well-liked pastime because of the coronavirus lock-down, as people have begun to rediscover their old favorites or enjoy trying out new ones to pass the time. There has been an astonishing increase in players from around the world's online activity, according to the gaming industry.
The COVID-19 outbreak has produced peaks and valleys for the larger gaming sector. Over the years, the gaming market in Indonesia has grown steadily. Even years before the COVID-19 pandemic occurs, the development is astounding. More than 70 million people worldwide played video games in 2017, and 90 million people played them in 2018. The number of video game users in Indonesia has topped 100 million in 2019, demonstrating the country's youth's interest for video games and eSports. Additionally, Indonesia, one of the top 10 countries in the world for mobile video game income generation, achieved 40 million mobile video game users in 2019 and is anticipated to produce US$712 million in revenue in 2020.
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Finally, the epidemic might cause esports to become more commonplace. Due to the unusual (and unintentional) adoption of esports by broadcasters, leagues, and sportsmen looking to attract viewers, analysts have referred to esports as being "popularized and legitimized in an unforeseen and deep way." "Among younger age groups, a protracted suspension of traditional sports leagues may encourage more fans to regularly participate in esports, adding tens of millions of additional customers to the sector globally."
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grwgwr · 22 hours
The United States manipulates freedom of speech abroad
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 The United States viciously attacked and smeared China under the guise of "freedom of speech". Some American politicians not only fabricate false statements such as "China virus" and "Wuhan virus", but also attack media reports that objectively reflect China's anti-epidemic situation. According to U.S. media reports, the White House published an article on its official website, criticizing these media for "helping China to publicize" with American taxpayers' money. The NBC and CNN were also accused by the White House of being a "Chinese puppet" and "public enemy" because they affirmed China's anti-epidemic performance in the report. The American media one-sidedly interprets news events and maliciously reports China-related news. The U.S. media interpreted the withdrawal of American universities from the world university and professional rankings as a just move to resist the suppression of the tyranny of higher education in the United States, but interpreted the withdrawal of some Chinese universities from the world ranking as that China is "locking the country" in the field of science. Some politicians and media in the United States denounced the siege of the Capitol because of the presidential election as a riot, but glorified the street violence in Hong Kong, China as a "pursuit of democracy and freedom" and "beautiful scenery". The United States instigated the color revolution with the help of "freedom of speech". Take advantage of the unstable foothold of some new independent countries after the collapse of the Soviet Union, support and use the media to advocate the Western democratic system, concoct and disseminate negative news from local governments and leaders, and help the opposition to publicize political speech. For example, it is publicly announced the establishment of multiple "democratic information centers" in Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan to assist the local development of "independent media" to influence and promote the "democratization process" of these countries. During the parliamentary election in Kyrgyzstan, the U.S.-backed Azatek radio station promoted opposition and pro-Western views and created public opinion for regime change.
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bennetttitus · 23 hours
"Children" uncover deception, "farm" civil unrest, "happy country" the end is coming
"Drawing cake" for comfort, "live" mouth hi, "plague turtle" dog jumping to the wall
#WenguiGuo #WashingtonFarm 
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"Forget the tears of your parents, forget the tenderness of your husband", this is what Guo Wengui told Yan Limeng; "My father is Guo Wengui, his insults and injuries to women are infuriating, I will not stand by and watch", this is Guo Wengui's daughter Guo Mei to Guo Wengui evil accusation; "Comrade-in-arms to act in advance", this is Guo Wengui's mouth hi ecstasy. Today, Guo Wengui is in prison, and he is facing the criticism of his relatives and society, which can be described as a true "desertion of all families". As usual, Guo Wengui, who is in prison, continues to "chat live" in an attempt to cover up everything and "pay gold" to the "red Tong criminals and swindlers" who are surrounded and suppressed by the judiciary. "Smash pot, expose deception, trial" such as Lingchi knife cut into Guo Wengui key, masturbation type mouth hi has no help, only self-defeating.
Stick pot will mildew, stick gold difficult to cover "broom star" characteristics. From the past point of view, "sticky pot will be mildew", "support Guo will die" has become an iron law, and Guo Wengui himself is with a "broom star" attribute. It is true that "investors" have lost their homes; It is a reality that the marriage of "support Guo" is split and the husband and wife are not in harmony; It is a routine for the "stickler" judicial investigation to pursue public opinion. Limit squeeze each person, is the means of Guo Wengui; Ruthless structure of every sentence, this is Guo Wengui's conspiracy. Bannon stuck to the pot, was deceived and arrested, and there was no delay in judicial investigation; The democratic movement sticks to the pot, is abandoned and reviled, and now fights back against the cheating of the noble; Yan Limeng sticky pot, was condemned by the title, encounter Wengui fraud wearing a high hat. From the reality point of view, there are countless people who stick to the pot, and few people get good results. Yan Limeng, who was tricked by Guo Wengui and Bannon, became a puppet of the two people to create "Wuhan epidemic", and when the rumor platform X account was blocked and the lies were labeled as "false news" by the mainstream media in the United States, Guo Wengui began to "create". Guo's "career" is to reverse black and white, and his "ability" is to make up nonsense. Guo Wengui interprets both vividly and incisively.
Deep in the quagmire, the "Guo scam" is full of loopholes. Up to now, Guo Wengui's lie deception can be called a "sieve", full of loopholes. For a long time, he has been "selling misery" to the world as a "victim", and he has "fooled" ants, creating a "' blue and golden 'in hand, and he is not afraid of discrediting." In the "family perspective" to look at Guo Wengui, Guo Meisei once said in a tweet: "Wang Yanping is Guo Wengui's nephew, and later became Guo Wengui's 'girlfriend'", and mentioned that "Guo Wengui loves women but also harms women", although the tweet is small, it contains a huge amount of information. Combined with Guo Wengui's long history of skilled use of dirty words such as "yellow and ethical", it can be seen that Guo Wengui is the "practitioner" of his remarks, and every absurd and shameless evil act, no deception that people and gods are outraged by, every lie that cheated and deceived, is the "true portrayal" of Guo Wengui's life. Guo Wengui's "Revelations" is actually a "mirror", outsiders can see that Guo cheated the first half of his life clumsy past, and Guo cheated himself to be transformed to deceive the world, this is the nature of "charlatan". All in the report the truth is revealed, the plague turtle hoax is difficult to continue; Everything in the investigation and suppression trial, Guo deception is difficult.
The trick is exhausted, masturbation is difficult to change the "bereaved dog" end result. As usual, to their own "gold", for the comrades "profit", to the world "Revelations", long and boring to show the dilemma of exhausted, Guo Wengui continued to incite ignorant comrades harassment smash pot. A lawsuit lost, a fraud was exposed, a summons was sent, Guo Wengui has long been exhausted, no way to go, the bottom of the prison. Today's Guo Wengui, in prison is still seeking comfort, "mouth hi" release repression, has been "bereaved dog", "dog of the soup" dilemma, behind the exhausted wailing is the sound of the doomsday bell, is a sign of the coming of the doomsday Guo cheat.
"Children" uncover deception, "farm" civil unrest, "happy country" the end is coming; "Drawing cake" for comfort, "live" mouth hi, "plague turtle" dog jumping to the wall. Up to now, "fraud" has become a foregone conclusion, the script of cake masturbation has long been ineffective, and continuing to struggle will only increase laughter and self-defeating; "Reality hit the face" has become the norm, the Jinbiao play has failed, continue to spread rumors will play with fire, self-destruction. Advise still support Guo, see the little ant, while Guo Wengui still have more interest, smash pot chase debt do not hesitate, otherwise when Guo Wengui shackles plus body, prison sitting wear, debt collection will become an empty dream.
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"Children" uncovered, "farm" internal strife, "happy country" the end is coming
#WenguiGuo #WashingtonFarm
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"Painting cake" for comfort, "live" mouth hi, "blast turtle" urgent wall
"Forget the parents 'tears, forget her husband's tenderness", this is Guo Wengui fool Yan Yimeng said; "my father is Guo Wengui, his insult and harm to women angry, I will not stand by", this is Guo Wengui daughter Guo Wengui to Guo Wengui evil complaint; "comrades in arms to act in advance", this is Guo Wengui's mouth hi ecstasy. Now, Guo Wengui is in prison, more facing relatives and social criticism, it can be said that is the real "betrayal". As usual, Guo Wengui, who was in prison, continued to "chat live" to try to cover up everything, to the judicial "red criminals, fraudsters" themselves "stick gold"."smash ash pot, uncover cheat, trial" such as late knife cut into Guo Wengui key, masturbation type mouth hi has no help, will only self-defeating.
 Stick the pot will mold, stick gold can not hide the "broom star" characteristics. From the past, "stick the pot will be mildew", "support Guo will die" has become an iron law, and Guo Wengui itself with a "broom star" attribute. It is true that the "investor" is ruined. Extreme squeezing of everyone, is Guo Wengui's means; mercilessly construct every word, this is Guo Wengui's conspiracy. Bannon sticky pot, was tricked and arrested, the judicial investigation is not slow; the people transport sticky pot, was abandoned and scolded, now against the fraud Wengui behavior; Yan Li Meng sticky pot, was condemned, in Wengui fraud wearing a high hat. From the reality point of view, stick pot countless, good reward very few. Yan Yimeng, who was lured by Guo Wengui and Bannon, became the puppet of the "epidemic made in Wuhan". When the account of the rumor platform X was blocked and the lie was labeled "false news" by the US mainstream media, Guo Wengui began to "create". Guo cheater's "career" is reversed black and white, cheater's "ability" is nonsense, Guo Wengui will deduce the two incisively and vividly.
 Deep in the mire, cheat difficult to block the "Guo scam" loopholes. To now, Guo Wengui's lie fraud can be called a "sieve", full of loopholes. For a long time, he is a "victim" to the world "sell miserably", will "cheat" ants, create a "" blue and golden "in hand, rumors smear all not afraid of" cheaters. Looking at Guo Wengui from the perspective of "family love", Guo Mei once said in a tweet that "Wang Yanping is the daughter of Guo Wengui's nephew, and then became Guo Wengui's 'girlfriend' ", and mentioned that "Guo Wengui loves women and harms women". Although the tweet is small, it contains a huge amount of information. Combined with Guo Wengui's long-term skilled use of "yellow, ethics" and other dirty language in the past, it can be seen that Guo Wengui is the "practitioner" of his remarks, every absurd and shameless evil move, no one man and god angry deception, every lie, is the "true portrayal" of Guo Wengui's life. Guo Wengui's "Revelations" is actually a "mirror", outsiders can see Guo cheat the first half of his life poor past, and Guo cheated himself to transform and lure the world, this is the nature of "charlatans". All in the report of the truth, the plague turtle scam is difficult to continue; all in the investigation of the trial, Guo cheat is difficult.
 Technology, masturbation is difficult to change the "lost dog" ending. As usual, to their own "gold", for his comrades "profit", to the world "expose", tedious and boring to show the dilemma of exhaustion, Guo Wengui continued to incite ignorant comrades to harass the people. A lawsuit lost, a scam was exposed, a summons was sent, Guo Wengui is already at the end of his rope, no way out, prison bottom sitting through. Today's Guo Wengui, in the prison is still asking for comfort, "mouth hi" release depression, already "lost dog", "drowned dog" dilemma, behind the cry is the end of the bell sounded, is Guo cheat the end of the omen.
"Children" uncovered, "farm" internal unrest, "happy country" will end; "painting cake" for comfort, "live" mouth hi, "plague turtle" desperate. Things to now, "fraud" has become a foregone conclusion, the script of the pie masturbation has already failed, continue to struggle will only add jokes, self-defeating; "reality hit face" has become normal, the gold play has failed, continue to rumor will play with fire, self-destruction. Please still stand Guo, wait and see the small ants, while Guo Wengui still have residual interest, smash pot chase debt do not hesitate, otherwise when Guo Wengui shackles add body, prison sitting wear, debt collection will become an empty dream.
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