Ya'll, please share and donate to this campaign if you can. Every boost and donation matters. Their uncle is trying to safely evacuate Kareem & Carmen, twins of his sister -who was killed in the Gaza Strip. As we know the costs to cross Rafah and into Egypt. They are barely halfway to their goal.
Thank you dear supporters for all the help you are offering the people of Gaza in this dire time. I am a father of four tender babies who are paying much of their childhood and innocence in this unfair war. Please do whatever you can to help me save my family till the war ends.
Despite the suffering and hardships of this fierce war , your support and assistance ease us and grant us power and patience. Your contribution keeps a whole family safe, that is why i am asking you to donate whatever you can of at least share my link so that other donors can know about my tragedy and pain.
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An Oxfam report, entitled Water War Crimes, finds that Israel's deliberate reduction of water access in Gaza has put civilians at under a third of the recommended minimum
Israel's cutting of the external water supply, systematic destruction of water facilities and deliberate aid obstruction have reduced the amount of water avallable in Gaza by 94%, to 4.74 liters a day per person, says Oxtam. This information has to be coupled with the fact that 97% of Gaza's water was already considered undrinkable prior to the beginning of the war in October, meaning that much of the water that people do have access to is untreated and is causing a range of health problems, including a variety of diseases.
Source: Mintpress
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Another fundraiser I trust!
Eman has let me know about a fundraiser for her extended family members, who need help permanently evacuating and starting a new life somewhere.
They are a total of 19 people and the fundraiser needs 30k USD!
I cannot emphasize enough how devastated not only Khartoum is but the entire state of Sudan. Insha'allah when this is over we will see funds to rebuild the country with a beautiful civil society at its lead, not a military dictatorship or duocracy.
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Shahed muhammed is a 20 yr old who is trying to raise funds to save herself and her family. Her father is a heart patient and her younger siblings are suffering from severe hepatitis from the polluted water of Gaza.
She has only raised 17.1k out of the 50k she needs.
With rumours of rafah crossing opening up soon, shahed has very little time left to evacuate her little siblings out of Gaza, if not herself and her parents, so they can get to safety and have access to the medical treatment they need.
For just $5, donate to shahed's gfm so you can enter the raffle being conducted at @journalsforpalestine by @turian and stand to win one of these lovely journals. All of them will be shipped internationally.
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This gfm was verified and appears on the list of vetted fundraisers maintained by hussein @/el-shab-hussein and nairuz @/nabulsi (#224) so please dont hesitate to share and donate!
@ghelgheli @sayruq @northgazaupdates @sar-soor @heritageposts
@meaganfoster @briarhips @mazzikah @mahoushojoe @rhubarbspring
@stuckinapril @mavigator @lacecap @socalgal @chilewithcarnage
@riding-with-the-wild-hunt @communistchilchuck @dykesbat @watermotif
@vague-humanoid @criptochecca @komsomolka @neptunerings @feluka
@7bitter @tortiefrancis @toiletpotato @fromjannah @omegaversereloaded
@kibumkim @neechees @mangocheesecakes @kyra45 @marnota
@irhabiya @wellwaterhysteria @deepspaceboytoy @post-brahminism
@kummatty @papenathys @aristotels @bookskittychad
@heritageposts @thatdiabolicalfeminist @amygdalae @ot3
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ICJ has ruled that Israel’s settlement policy in the occupied Palestinian territories is in breach of international law.
The "transfer by Israel of settlers to the West Bank and Jerusalem as well as Israel's maintenance of their presence" is "contrary to article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention", a panel of 15 judges from around the world said.
The court said Israel must end the construction of settlements immediately - acts which render "Israel's presence in the occupied Palestinian territory unlawful".
Israel's continued presence is "illegal" and should be ended as "rapidly as possible", the ICJ added.
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The Al-Habil Family’s Story
I’ve been speaking with Mohammed (@aya2mohammed), and he asked me to share his story with you all.
Mohammed is a husband, and he is a father of three young children from ages 4-8. He is the sole breadwinner of his family, and he also takes care of his elderly parents. Since October, Mohammed and his family have been displaced 7 times.
Both of Mohammed’s parents have diabetes and high blood pressure, and his mother also suffers from osteoporosis and has a herniated disc. Due to the genocide, she has been unable to receive any medical treatment and her condition has deteriorated. Mohammed’s wife and kids are also suffering from malnutrition due to lack of access to food and clean drinking water.
Mohammed is hoping to evacuate himself and his family from Gaza. His fundraiser’s goal is currently set at €50k, and he’s just over a quarter of the way there with €12.7k. Here is the link to his GFM:
Please donate to Mohammed’s family; if you don’t have the means, then send his GFM link to someone you know who does. Reblog his posts and share his fundraiser with others. Let’s get Mohammed’s family to their goal as quickly as we can!
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in light of the trailer for the new captain america movie dropping, a reminder that bds has asked people to boycott this film specifically due to marvel's refusal to remove the character of sabra.
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And second homes and air bnb.
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thinking about this message from me mam that she sent me back when i was in uni. it literally is just a pinprick in the tapestry of life!!
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Don't Skip please 🤚🛑
Hello everyone I'm Yousef, I'm afather of a sick son, he suffers from shortness of breath and needs continuous treatment,
I live in very hard and bad situation in the tent, because of the war I lost everything my father, my house and my job,so please stand with us and donate to us to escape from war and secure medical treatment for son
My link donation
Thanks 🙏🍉
@nabulsi @ibtisams @fairuzfan @fallahifag @vakarians-babe @plomegranate @palidoodles @communistchilchuck @queerstudiesnatural @palestin @self-hating-zionist @thenewinquiry @kordeliiius @rizzyluke @bluebellsinthedells @northgazaupdates @90-ghost @el-shab-hussein
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I want to bring another fundraiser to your attention. In the link above, Fadi Ayyad has told the story of his family, who lost their home in Northern Gaza and have been forced to evacuate to the south.
Fadi is a high school student who wishes to graduate and further his studies. And his father, Ayman is a well-respected and known Gazan educator, who has lost his source of livelihood during this war.
Their lives have become a constant struggle for survival, from trying to secure what food and water they can to the constant bombardment and raids by the Israeli military which threaten to take their lives at any time.
Their situation is dire. They require $35,000 to evacuate their 8 family members and after 1 month they have not even gone over $1000 yet.
Help this family reach their goal and evacuate to Egypt, where they can get back a semblance of stability and safety. Donate if you can, and please share!
You can also reach Ayman on tumblr @aymanayyad81
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Dizziness, muscle aches, disorientation, neck and back pain, sweating/and/or hot flushes, and sometimes it feels like you're feverish -the restlessness, headaches, fatigue, and so much more. Then you wonder if it's the anxiety or not (and as someone with OCD it's the worst feeling). Anxiety is so much more than what many people still perceive it to be.
And some of the reasons why many of these symptoms happen is because your body's cortisol (stress) levels rise over time and cause an impact. Doing more research on this helped me understand that when I'm overloading myself, this can happen.
This is also, of course, not medical advice (I'm not an MD). You should always check in with a doctor if it's accessible for you to rule out everything. But when I learned how anxiety -depending on how severe it can be for many of us, it can lead to physical symptoms too, it helped me better understand how to manage my anxiety -even though that journey is never perfect, but learning ways to lower my cortisol levels has helped a tiny bit.
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I am pleading with you to read, process, and share the story of @shahednhall and her current circumstances. I am begging you to put yourselves in her shoes and act accordingly with all the urgency that the situation demands to save the lives of 5 innocent children.
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Though Shahed herself is drained, sickly, and at her wit's end, and there's nothing more I wish than to relieve her of this hardship, she can only think of her siblings' condition. ALL FIVE OF THEM, THE YOUNGEST OF WHICH IS A BABY, ARE SICK WITH VIRAL HEPATITIS due to the unsanitary conditions these sweet children and every Gazan has been forced to withstand.
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Currently, Shahed and her family have a ONE WEEK window to get out of Rafah, but are short on funds. We need to raise enough money to allow at least the five children to flee this terrible danger.
They are small, vulnerable, and can't endure indefinitely, and Shahed is wracked with pain while looking on helplessly. With every message I receive from her my heart breaks, and yet I can only imagine a fraction of her anguish. Let's be her helping hand. We have a chance to save lives here. Don't let it slip by. They are counting on us.
Anything at all you can spare is of great help. If you can't spare anything talk to everybody you know, try to reach out to everybody you know, even public figures who might at least share the campaign, and emphasize the urgency of the situation and the lives at stake. Participate in the raffles and share them. Exhaust every option. I'm begging of you to not do nothing.
I'm opening a commissions slot in exchange for proof of donation of at least 15$ to Shahed's campaign. Examples of commissions below.
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i can't stop thinking about the lack of shade in gaza. with so many trees and buildings destroyed, there can't be very much shade. it's incredibly hot and there's very little protection from the sun and very little water. my weather app tells me the UV index reached 11 recently. it's inhumane to force people to live in such conditions.
donate to gaza medical tent
donate to disabled gazan children
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