wulvercazz · 1 year
Do you think Grimmjow ever gets flashbacks from the souls he consists of? Like imagine him observing Yuzu in the kitchen while he waits for Ichigo to finish his homework, he's watching her chop something for dinner, then suddenly, just for a moment, he sees a different kitchen, different hands going through the same motions.
And I bet that would freak him out, because that never happened in Hueco Mundo, because duh, there was nothing there to remind him of his many pasts, but the more time he spends around Ichigo and the other humans the more triggers he keeps running into.
ohohohoho dO I ever. I loVE that trope ´w`<33 I even have a drabble I'd originally posted to twt a couple years ago, lemme share~
(it's sort of fluffy, sort of bittersweet<3)
Ichigo may be just a bit too happy about Grimmjow’s new gigai, they’ve been ‘dating’ - sort of-. Mostly, Ichigo's been showing him human experiences and places that he gets curious about. But like this, with Grimmjow walking beside him rather than sneaking about in his usual form, it feels like an actual date.
Walking back to Ichigo's apartment from the mall, after buying Grimmjow some clothes he could use while on his gigai (all because the ex-espada, very rudely, pointed out his were far too tight on him. It's not like he could deny it though, especially after almost getting the most patheticly quick boner the moment Grimm put one of his shirts on.
Walking side by side, the street not overly croweded (which he learned soon Grimmjow preferred) and lost in comfortable silence. It was nice, just spending time with him like this...
Ichigo stopped, suddenly realizing Grimmjow wasn’t walking along anymore. A piano.
One of those sitting in the middle of commercial streets and community areas for public use. He watched Grimmjow stare at it with an unreadable expression; one he'd never seen on his face.
Grimm pressed one of the keys a couple times, like he was pondering something. Ichigo would’ve liked to ask. He hoped Grimmjow would let him in on his thoughts; but something told him if he interrupted now, he’d break whatever spell the instrument had put the arrancar in.
Was Grimmjow holding his breath like he was?
Suddenly, blue eyes snapped back to him; almost startled to see him there too, and removed his hand like the ivories had burned him.
“Go for it,” he tried sounding as nonchalant as he could muster, hide the obvious curiosity from his eyes. “Worst that can happen is that you suck at it.” That earned him a scowl and a nice flip off to his face, but if he didn’t make it sound like a challenge... Grimmjow would most likely shy away from it in the end.
With newfound determination, Grimm sat down on the small bench and glared at the keys, like they were offending him too.
Don’t make a sound.
A couple more notes, the third painfully off-key, making Grimmjow’s scowl to deepen. It was oddly adorable.
He expected another badly placed sound, some more anger after that, and maybe it'd eventually lead to a tantrum. Instead, Grimmjow’s fingers seemed to suddenly remember something the arrancar himself looked surprised he knew. Music — an actual melody, and a damn well played one too.
Ichigo feared his eyes would pop out their sockets from how far they’d widened, barely following Grimmjow’s fast fingers play the notes expertly. Yet, as soon as it started, it ended. He realized Grimm had attracted quite a few people in this short time, and with a small jump and a bunch of out-of-place notes Grimmjow did too.
Ichigo followed him as he quickly stood up and fled, suddenly very eager to get back to the apartment.
“Wait! Grimmjow- I— didn’t know you could do that. That was — amazing , holy shi— mmf!” He rubbed his aching nose; fuck, Grimm’s head was made of lead. “Don’t stop like tha-!“
“I didn’t know either.”
Grimmjow looked disturbed when he turned back to him. “It felt... like I’d done that before.”
Could it be...?
“So... you remembered something from when you were alive,” somehow Grimm’s face only soured further. “That’s... good, isn’t it?”
“I... don’t want to remember...”
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