animemascotarchive · 7 months
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Today’s anime mascot of the day is…!
Arai-San from Www.Working!!
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anianimals-moe · 4 months
Miyo from WWW.WORKING!!
Today's AniAnimal is Miyo, Manager Kenichiro's cat from his school days in "WWW.WORKING!!". 今日のアニアニマルは『WWW.WORKING!!』で 研一郎 店長が学生時代に飼っていた猫、ミヨちゃんです。
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peterworktops · 1 year
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Cabin Home
Do you prefer wood or painted cabinets? A touch of rustic. A touch of tradition. Uncompromising beauty is simple, clean, and timeless. . . Contact [email protected] or Call us at 0330 113 5868 https://www.work-tops.com/a/expert/cabin-home-designs . . . Go with it!!
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yukihime242 · 8 months
Let's do a work-theme anime cluster review. Because I work. And because I will have no breaks for the next two weeks :D
1️⃣ Working!!!
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(Picture Source: The Outerhaven thru' Google Image Search)
If you feel that the scenarios in the anime looks very familiar, trust me, you typically see this every day in your own workplace.
Anyway, the entire anime isn't about the work of the family restaurant, but rather about Mahiru Inami who has a high levels of fear of males. The reason behind it... well, don't take this wrong way, but her father just wanted her to stay away from all of the boys in the world but kinda overdid it.
Anyway, the entire series was about Inami trying to rid herself of her fear of men and she did so by trying to work in a family restaurant. There were multiple times she came this close 🤏 to punching the daylights out of the men in the restaurant.
Anyway, the anime got boring as it went on to two other seasons, the only juicy part is when romance started to blossom within other staff members.
Just to note that this review is only for the Working!!! series and not the WWW.Working anime.
Rating: 5⭐/10
2️⃣ Cells at Work!
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(Picture Source: Crunchyroll thru' Google Image Search)
As the title suggest, it talks about your cells in your body being hard at work. Instead of the normal real life cells, the creators drew them in the form of little human beings and depict it as their normal daily working life.
Of course, we will never have that one stray red blood cell who gets lost, because if that really happen, I think we wouldn't be alive by now.
You will meet some cells that are serious and some cells that are just simply adorable. Quite a nice anime to watch.
Rating: 6⭐/10
3️⃣ Psycho-Pass
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(Picture Source: Rotten Tomatoes thru' Google Image Search)
It has been years since I last watch this anime, and I only watched Season 1. I honestly can't remember much.
But this anime talks about the futuristic Japan, where criminal activity is measured by the police using a modified handgun. Even within the police force, if your criminal ranking is above a certain limit, you will be stripped of your police badge and placed immediately behind bars.
It's quite a broken system if you ask me, but the show does illustrate why humans should not rely too much on technology. There is a scene where there was an obvious homicide happening but because the gun ranked the person to be of low criminal rate, it would not activate, thus, causing someone to lose his life.
Anyway, this was quite a popular show back then. If memory serves, this was also quite high on my list.
Rating: 8⭐/10
4️⃣ Amagi Brilliant Park
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(Picture Source: IMDb thru' Google Image Search)
This anime follows the main protagonist, Seiya Kanie, who was roped in to help save the park from closing. The reason why it is important for the park to remain open is because it is the life source for all of the creatures working the park.
You will get to journey with Kanie on his mission to revive the park. You will see some hilarious moments and learn the background story of Kanie and the other cast members in the park.
Overall, quite a thrilling anime to watch.
Rating: 8⭐/10
5️⃣ Blend S
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(Picture Source: SoundCloud thru' Google Image Search)
This anime shows this young girl, Maika, who has trouble looking for a part-time job due to her very stern face, which makes people misunderstand that she dislikes them a lot. However, she managed to snatch waitress job at a cafe where its staff are meant to role-play their characters when working.
The other characters had to role-play since it may not necessarily be their personality, but for Maika, it's part of her daily life. The only issue Maika has is that she constantly thinks that she has done something wrong by behind unintentionally sadistic to the customers despite her colleagues consistently telling her that it was okay and it was what the customers want.
Quite a nice anime to watch though it can get a bit annoying at some parts.
Rating: 7⭐/10
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hattoriscap · 2 months
Questions !
1) inspired by the dnp album, what’s some music you’ve been obsessed with recently?
2) what are some of your comfort dapg vids?
3) if u could visit any fictional universe, which fictional universe would u like to visit?
(also me trying to go to your blog and typing ‘doha’ into the tumblr search bar and being confused for a hot second sjfss)
i lob that im just doha in your brain 🥺🥺💘
1) im still so in love with ReoNa's album human <3 i own a physical version now too uwu
2) the undertale series ofc (was watching it literally yesterday 🥹💕), the mark of oxin, & the sonic video (all of phils nostalgia quest videos as a whole are a bigggg comfort 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂💓💓💓💓💓💓 so so so warm)
3) oooh fictional universes! a place further than the universe! i loved that anime soooo much it was so warm & happy ❣️ www.working!!! seems like a fun universe to hang out in too 💜
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coworking-singapore · 10 months
Hot Desk at Crane - The Herencia, Singapore
Start your new flexible coworking office at CRANE, The Herencia, Singapore with a workbuddy membership starting from $129 per month. Join workbuddy and start networking today.
Source Link: https://www.work-buddy.com/singapore-coworking/crane-river-valley
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grid-website · 1 year
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2023 Works Report 「創造性を引き出しあう職場」の探究
こちらから内容をご覧いただけます。 https://www.works-i.com/research/works-report/2023/creativity_tankyu.html
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workbuddy · 2 years
Hot Desk and Coworking in Singapore, Crosscoop 80 Robinson Rd
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Enjoy a flexible coworking office at Crosscoop, Robinson Rd, Singapore with Workbuddy membership from $129 per month. https://www.work-buddy.com/singapore-coworking/crosscoop-80-robinson-road
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fresa-lu · 2 years
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居家擺放實木傢俱,散發自然幽遠的香氣,那麼就來選購! 位於台南永康【歐克斯柚木】店前提供汽機車停車格很方便. 近南台科技大學,從永康交流道開車過來,大約十分鐘車程. 主要販售客廳、臥室、書房、餐廳等各樣實木傢俱超多樣化. 精巧的實木餐桌傢俱,更是外銷歐洲、日本,設計相當獨特! 特別的是還有進駐專業室內裝潢團隊,現場接洽討論好貼心. 看完一輪,好想臥室也規劃個更衣間再來個珠寶櫃,太高級!
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一進門右手邊是客廳餐桌展示. 原木傢俱有個特點就是散發獨特的木香氣. 真的是很讓人瞬間放鬆的味道.
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流線一人座椅/流線二人座椅/流線三人座椅 圓融大茶几/圓融小茶几/小方茶几
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超特別的珠寶櫃就擺放在衣櫃前方,呈現女孩最愛的更衣間. 常常追劇,看著女孩擁有獨立更衣間以及珠寶櫃,都超羨慕. 上層可以擺放各樣手錶、項鍊、手鍊、手環等等小飾品. 再來一格格抽屜式,則是放置貼身衣物、領帶等等~ 是不是已經很有畫面浮現腦海中!
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若是櫃體需要門片共有六款可自由選擇,單片計價. 按照預算及喜好來做搭配!
下面展示是柚木門片,橫百葉及肚板的門面樣式. 柚木門片(橫百葉)、 柚木門片(直百葉)、 柚木門片(肚板)
若是價格有預算可量,可參考這三款較為實惠價! 柚木實木紋門片(分直條紋、集層紋)、 木紋P板門片(超耐磨皮供四色可選)、 栓木面刷白門片(貼實木皮).
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運用老師傅匠心製造,每一根木頭與床架都是特別設計的溝槽. 避免木頭在使用上有所移動,產生異音,這樣精細工法很少見呢. 中間還用了二大塊實木塊,支撐中央床架重量,非常真材實料又用心.
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多層次無毒高密度泡棉結構+舒緩回彈記憶泡綿,柔軟層+舒適層+支撐層. 通過歐盟&SGS檢測無致癌物質、無重金屬、無過敏原、無塑化劑. 躺起來可以感受到柔軟舒適的包覆感,很有彈性支撐度. 表層是天絲柔布,具有吸濕排汗及透氣涼爽的作用,經由台灣製造.
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看到這扇可緩衝的白色框架透明門. 它很特別完全沒有把手,使用框架取代把手功能. 而且具有推門緩衝靜止設計,不用擔心開太大力. 除了隔開展場的傢俱區域. 屋內空間想要設計隔開廚房與客廳,避免油煙,又能通透空間感. 整體規劃設計也可以與專業室內團隊討論哦!
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再來是各式各樣的實木餐桌餐椅. 因為都是柚木製作,所以每張紋路、顏色都不一樣. 而且隨著時間使用後,還會慢慢變成其他色澤呢,更有歲月質感.
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挑選書架,也有得選. 放置客廳中央,區隔空間之外. 這組設計不分前後,雙面都有獨特之美.
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這款櫃體,可以放在書房或是客廳,都很合適. 至於門片與衣櫃都是一樣,都是另外選購! 想要單片或是雙片都能隨居家用途來作安排. 我覺得這點真的是很貼心,預算上也更彈性.
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記得民宿常常在客廳或廚房都會擺放一張呢! 大家坐在一起聊天、用餐、打牌都能互動感情呢. 隨著年輕想法加入,也運用了鐵腳造型呈現工業風格.
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台南永康的歐克斯柚木,進口柚木家具,實木柚木為進口主原料. 生產製造傢具工廠在台灣屏東,自產自銷模式,提供更完善服務. 台灣製造各樣客廳、臥室、書房、廚房等餐桌餐椅沙發床架. 再加上歐克斯推薦床墊,方便忙碌的購屋上班族,一次購齊!
【歐克斯柚木(台南店)】 時間:12:00~21:00 星期六~星期日10:00~21:00 公休:無 電話:(06)254-0333 粉絲團搜尋:[歐克斯柚木 空間設計、專業規劃、完整施工](https://www.facebook.com/works.furniture/) 官方網站:[歐克斯柚木](http://www.works-furniture.com/) 地址:台南市永康區中正南路311號 (21JAN22│本文純屬生活傢俱分享文)
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conflagrate · 8 years
Autumn 2016 Anime Season
Man summer season was a wash-out thanks to my Hokkaido trip. Ah well, it helped to weed out the chaff I guess?
Wrap-Up God Tier: none Great: 91days, Orange, Arslan Senki S2, Amaama to Inazuma, Rinne 2, Active Raid Good: Mononokean, New Game, Planetarian, Fudanshi, ReLife, Monstrike, Cheer Danshi Middling: Shokugeki no Soma S2, Bananya, Taboo Tattoo, Goma-chan, Amanchu, Battery, Tsukiuta. Godawful shite: Masou Gakuen, D.Gray-man Hallow Dropped: Re:zero, Pazudora, Berserk Still plodding along: Zestiria (& contemplating Time Travel Shojo)
Total completed: 20 + 2 possibles (+2 ongoing)
Wait, I still ended up finishing more shows than I did last season…!! What the fuggery! Oh yes I’m also the only person who doesn’t give two hoots about Re:zero. Well it’s not bad or anything but eh, Subaru is an insufferable little bitch and I didn’t like any of the other characters either…..
Autumn pickings Already watching: Nyanbo, Kaiju Girls [2] Must-watch: Natsume Yujincho 5, 3gatsu no Lion, 12sai S2, Ajin S2, Bungo Stray Dogs S2, Bubuki Buranki S2, Yuri on Ice, Haikyuu!! S3, Fune o Amu, Teekyuu S8, Watashi ga motete dosunda, Wixoss, Luger Code 1951 (1-ep special) [13] Likely yes: WWW.Working, Udon no Kuni, Shumatsu no izetta, Okusama ga Seitokaicho 2, Keijo!!!!!!, Drifters, Ameiro Cocoa S3 (so I can bitch weekly), Maho Shojo nante mo ii desukara S2, Kiitaro Shonen no Yokai Enikki [9] Try first: All Out, Trickster, ClassicaLoid, Token Ranbu, Maho Shojo Ikusei Keikaku, Stella no Maho, Nanbaka, Soshin Shojo Matoi, Nobunaga no Shinobi, Long Riders, Time Bokan 24, Flip Flappers, Girlish Number, Shakunetsu no Takkyu Musume, Occultic;Nine, Barnard-jou Iwaku, Ao Oni, Cheating Craft, Hagane Orchestra, Nobunaga no Shinobi, To be Hero, Sengoku Choju Giga, Bloodivores, Nazotokine Hell no: Brave Witches, Euphonium S2, Pokemon Sun & Moon, Vivid Strike, Idol Memories, Gundam Tekketsu 2, Utapri 4, Koneko no Chi, Monster Hunter Stories, Show by Rock!! 2, Tiger Mask W, Ani Tore S2 (just whyyyy), Magic Kyun, Digimon, Cardfight Vanguard G Next, Heybot (I hated it), Dream Festival (wow ep1 was shit), Kaito Joker 4, fugly Glass no Kamen, Crane Game Girls, Gakuen Handsome, Girlfriend (♪), Regalia, Soul Buster Continuing shows: Monster Strike [backlogged], Jakusansei Million Arthur [backlogged], Goma-chan
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worktopssr · 2 years
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Work-tops is offering a Special Labour Day offer.
You can receive half-priced stone materials on your purchase. We offer a wide range of stones for you to use as part of your dream kitchen. It's time to stop wish-listing and start making your dreams come true. Limited-time offers only. T&C apply. *T&C: you can get 50% off on material price only if you purchase material along with fabrication and installation from Work-tops.com. This offer applies to selected materials only.
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peterworktops · 11 months
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A minimalist decor scheme can make sense in every room in the house. . . Adding coordinating furniture can help complete the room's look and add extra space for your belongings. . . Contact [email protected] or Call us at 0330 113 5868 https://www.work-tops.com/
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edgar-allan-possum · 2 years
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Happy Valentine's Day!
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sonnaiikanjisubs · 3 years
Here is this month’s Nakamura video, I hope you enjoy!
Thanks @raku-fansubs for the help.
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Best Coworking Platform in Singapore
Looking for a coworking space in Singapore that suits your work style and preferences? Workbuddy has got you covered.
Website: https://www.work-buddy.com/
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grid-website · 1 year
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2023 Works Report なぜ人は自主的に学ばないのか 学びに向かわせない組織の考察
こちらから内容をご覧いただけます。 https://www.works-i.com/research/works-report/2023/learninitiative.html
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