#wxs connect live is so silly
tsukikoayanosuke · 9 months
the King choreo huh...
How y'all doing Ruikasa fans?
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helloworldjj · 10 months
omggg i love how many details there are in pjsk smmmmmm \(^∇^)/
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like this vbs convo is a link to a wxs convo where nene mentions how there’s a player getting really good scores and this confirms that it’s toya
and I think that’s really neat that one, there are area conversations that connect to each other; and two, it hints at the cgo event in july :D
( it’s also really cute how vbs helped toya figure out his username. the beloveds ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ )
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there’s also emu having the bounciest sprite and it’s so her! the rest of the cast also have fitting area convo animations that showcase their personalities
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and then the way the characters’ live 2d animations flow instead of abruptly stopping and switching animations. a good example of not having this would probably be bandori (btw no hate at all I like all my silly rhythm games)
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and then when you tap on an area conversation, the character you tap on has a sort of popping animation? like it’s so small and insignificant but so satisfyingggg
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rahhhh i could probably go on and on i adore this silly little rhythm game smmm (´∀`*)
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projecthellkai · 2 years
This was supposed to be a short, silly analysis on Tsukasa and Shizuku’s friendship and how they can be interpreted as foils of each other. It ended up becoming a 1k77 words long small essay on them. I apologize so much, I didn’t expect it to be so long Ok hi hello i'm writing about shizuku's and tsukasa's relationship and status as friends because i think it's something so interesting and i feel like it could be such a good help for tsukasa's development sighs. The fact I don't see a lot of the fans talking about MMJ's idol stores (aka Airi, Haruka and Shizuku) does saddens me a bit, but I think it saddens me the most when I consider Shizuku's. Like, there's just something about how when she was at her past group (Cheerful * Days) she had to keep this whole serious, mysterious mature idol appearance in front of fans to the point that the other members of her group got frustrated and, thanks to that, Shizuku retired from the idol group. But here is the thing about Shizuku's story: Yes, Shizuku herself can be considered mature in a certain way, however her past experiences with Cheerful * Days marked her: since then, even in MMJ, she keeps worrying about disappointing others and how she must keep her perfect idol image, even if that isn't her: The actual Shizuku is, to put it quite simply, a dumbass (of which i love) Now tell me, which other character always keeps fighting to mantain that so desired perfect image in front of others? A certain character from WxS that can't portray a fucking emotion because his eyebrows are glued in a >;D expression In a way, Shizuku and Tsukasa can work as foils to each other, so let's talk about that. Tsukasa watched a show and since then wanted to become a star and make people smile, sure, but when he was hired to work at the Phoenix Wonderland stage, the stage itself got no customers to watch his shows... But then, Emu appeared wanting to bring the stage to how it one day was, and Tsukasa decided to go along and help her. We don't know much of Shizuku's backstory yet, but what we do know is: Shizuku became an idol, because her other members felt jealously of her, she decided to give up and leave the group. Ever since then, she kept living life as normal until Minori appeared and invited her to MMJ, which Shizuku eventually agreed with and, once again, became an idol. Sure, not perfect foils, but the important thing here is for us to see how Tsukasa went from down (empty Phoenix stage) to up (helping Emu to bring the stage to it's glory), while Shizuku had something before her idol carreer, went up (Cheerful * Days unit), went down (when she left it) and, once again, went up (joining MMJ) This would put Tsukasa at the exact point in which Shizuku had to keep this mature and cool image to a group. And you ask me, what does Tsukasa does? He keeps pretending like everything is fine. Like he is always happy. Like nothing could ever affect him. Tsukasa keeps this confident, charismatic and happy persona in the stage and that'd be fine if he also didn't keep it backstage, as it becomes more and more prominent as this game goes on. His wish to make others smile began with his parents, then his sister and, watching the performance, he realizes that performers make others happy. When the show ended, Saki mentioned how it's a sad moment, and judging from how Tsukasa wanted to bring smiles to others? This affected him. Tsukasa made the unconscious connection that a show ending is bad, because that'd mean people would get sad. That'd mean people wouldn't be smiling anymore. He had to keep putting a show, without stopping, so the others wouldn't stop smiling too. It's why he keeps this persona, he doesn't want to let it break because then it would mean that the show is over. With time, this internalized thought became his whole, as Rui quite gently puts it, narcissistic self. It may just seem like he is narcissistic and self absorved up front, but he internalized that lesson. Not putting on a show means people will get sad, after all. And still, even with all of this? Tsukasa is reliable. Tsukasa is a trustworthy, hardworking and and responsible person, because you can be sure that one day he was only those things, when he was a child and  needed to be responsible because of Saki. At that time, he wasn't like that, he was uncertain on what he did, but he knew what he had to do: take care of his sister, which is what he still does. On the other hand, We had Shizuku, who had to also keep an image on her unit so that her fans wouldn't be disappointed... Except, after she left it and joined MMJ, she started to let go. Yes, she is still someone calm, but now she shows her quirks such as being bad with technology or easily getting distracted and, generally, being an airhead, because in MMJ she doesn't has to keep a perfect image anymore. Shizuku learned that, even if you're a star, you are also your own person and your actual fans should like you by who you really are. At this point, Shizuku feels no desire to showcase who she once was in Cheerful * Days, because she learned to accept herself thanks to the help of MMJ .And I don't mean this in a "Ok so Tsukasa leaves WxS and then joins another group later", what I mean with this is that, judging by how Shiho and Saki were childhood friends and it's now canon that Shizuku and Tsukasa themselves were friends, too? What I mean with that is that Shizuku knows how Tsukasa acted as a child. What I mean with that is that she should be able to realize that he isn't truly acting as himself and, is instead, putting on a show full time like she once did when she was in C*D. I just think there should be an event focusing on the two, and more importantly, an event where, after Shizuku was helped by Airi to accept herself as both a star and her own person, Shizuku ends up helping Tsukasa to accept himself as both a star and his own person. But most importantly, I think Tsukasa should interact more with Airi, Haruka and specially Shizuku more, so he could see the ''keeping a stage persona'' thing from people who already quitted their show, once, and came back being true to themselves after.
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cameoappearance · 7 years
An unsorted pile of Wolfgang headcanons
He’s 38 years old. (I actually had no particular age in mind up until I got put on the spot for this in a live RP session, but now he’s 38.)
He comes from the part of the world that is now the country of Slovenia; at the time he entered the DS world, it was Yugoslavia, and for most of his life it was part of Austria-Hungary. (This is based on what other people who are better at geography thought about his dialogue; it is not my area of expertise.)
His dialogue hints vaguely towards growing up on a farm so I just went with that for his childhood.
Like Wilson, he comes from the year 1921.
He fought in World War I as a cavalry soldier, then joined the circus after that. (The cavalry part is canon; one of his beefalo-riding-related lines mentions it. It also provides some background for the military look his Guest of Honour and Rose skins have. The order of events was my idea.)
His diet actually does cause him to shapeshift; it’s the power he was granted by Them/by Maxwell. He becomes weaker and skinnier when he’s hungry, and when he eats a lot of food he bulks up and acquires modestly-superhuman strength. He can’t change forms through any means other than eating or fasting, so there’s no way to speed up the process of assuming his wimpy form if he wants to save resources or fit into a small space. His face or height don’t change as drastically as the in-game graphics would indicate, except at the extreme ends of the hunger meter (completely stuffed or literally starving).
I play him as having average intelligence, but with very little formal education, no interest in anything that seems like a distinctly intellectual pursuit such as chess or complicated math, a decidedly imperfect grasp of the English language, a silly and crude sense of humour, and whimsical tendencies. If he doesn’t understand something, it’s probably because he’s unfamiliar with the words being used to describe it; he’s not particularly bad at picking up on things or making connections between them when the language barrier isn’t a factor.
The voice I read his dialogue in bounces between Reinhardt from Overwatch, the Heavy from TF2, and prozdvoices as Viktor from Lackadaisy.
In the Famine's Friends continuity in particular, he can read and write well enough to make use of wooden signs, an ability that has improved slightly over time. He still has neither the capacity nor the desire to read an entire book though.
He’s prone to just kind of backing off from topics that confuse or trouble him if asking questions about it isn’t making things any less confusing or troubling and it doesn’t seem like a source of immediate physical danger. Not knowing why something is happening doesn’t bother him very much on its own.
On the other hand, he likes to keep an eye on his friends to make sure they don’t go off on their own and get hurt, especially the kids. Which leads directly to getting dragged along on spelunking expeditions with the children and WX-78 even though he finds the caves to be a terrifying place full of peril and monsters and darkness and does not like spending any substantial amount of time down there. (I the player hate dealing with worm attacks and the Nightmare Cycle so there’s also that.) And letting Wendy convince him to “play” with her, which usually means “kill something”, because he worries that her idea of a game would be, say, stealing tallbird eggs or fighting a spider colony or summoning shadow creatures, and that without assistance she’ll get in over her head and die.
He does not actually have a prehensile mustache. Probably. (Shadow Wolfgang might, though.)
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