Organizers for a Juneteenth celebration in Greenville, South Carolina, are receiving backlash on social media over marketing material for the event.
Juneteenth, marked on June 19th, celebrates the emancipation of the westernmost slaves in the U.S. It took Union troops until that date in 1865 to finally reach Texas and inform those there that enslaved Black people were free by executive decree.
Some people online are sharing photos of a promotional banner for the Juneteenth GVL event, skewering organizers for their use of white models.
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Are photos of the Juneteenth GVL banners, with white models, real?
• Recent footage of downtown Greenville, SC, from NBC affiliate WYFF • Rueben Hays, Founder and Executive Director of Juneteenth GVL
Yes, there are Juneteenth banners in downtown Greenville featuring white models. However, there are different versions of the banner around the area featuring models of other races.
Footage of downtown Greenville from NBC affiliate WYFF shows several banners on light posts in the downtown area advertising the upcoming Juneteenth celebration.
The viral banner, featuring a white couple, is there, and there are other banners depicting people of different races, including one with a single Black woman and another one with an older Black couple.
The organization behind the Juneteenth materials told WYFF it was trying to portray how everyone is welcomed to join in Juneteenth celebrations and how everyone must come together to push any vision forward.
That said -- Hays is apologizing for the delivery of that message.
"We understand that it's a very sensitive subject, especially in the African American community," Hays said. "We failed at making sure that we completely centered African Americans at the center of our marketing, of all of our marketing."
In addition to apologizing, organizers said they plan to change the banners to feature the Juneteenth and Pan-African flags.
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puppygrldrool2 · 5 months
You are the sweetest little pup and all I’m thinking about is giving you the best rubs, pets, and praises like the good little girl you are. Feel better pooch, or else I’ll come and make you feel better
aaaasafddffdff//// ̇ ૮₍ ⸝⸝´ ꒳ `⸝⸝ ₎ა ̇ wyff wuff wuff this made me really happy actually,,,!!!!!! Hhhvvfggf >_< hxjxhdshs yayyyy:333 wuff wuff thankyouuuuuu yip!!!!! Arf arf!!!!!!!!! Wagging my tail im feeling better now that im laying down!!!! but maybe u should come and make me just to be sure ^_^
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wutbju · 11 months
Michael Harriot has written a lengthy and detailed documentation of South Carolina's War on Education. Make a cup of tea before you settle in to digest it. There are four parts: part one above, two, three, and four.
If you scroll down to Harriot's screenshot of the endnotes on the anti-CRT primer, you see his highlighting of Christopher Rufo. But a sharp WutBJU reader saw something else. All BJU students from the 1990s would see it too:
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Joshua Matthew Dunn, BJU Class of 1995.
Professor Dunn doesn't like to highlight his BJU connections, but they are all over his scholarship.
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His dad, Professor Charles W. Dunn, was well known for "preaching" in his Clemson classroom. WYFF would always highlight Professor Dunn at election time. If you want to read his not-yet-quaint screeds against President Obama, you can go to his old blogger blog.
Who's surprised that Charles Dunn's progeny would be part of the next wave of Klandamentalism?
God help us all.
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southjerseyweb · 23 days
Earthquake hits South Carolina Saturday morning, USGS says - WYFF 4
The seismic event happened a day after East Coast residents were jolted Friday by a 4.8-magnitude earthquake centered near Lebanon, New Jersey. More …
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parttimereporter · 2 months
12-Year-Old Boy Who Died At Therapeutic Camp Showed Possible Signs Of Poisoning .. Detectives described finding the boy's body Feb. 3, less than 24 hours after he arrived at Trails Carolina, a wilderness camp for "troubled" youth.
New details from search warrants obtained by HuffPost revealed that a 12-year-old boy who was found dead and naked from the waist down at a North Carolina camp for “troubled” youths may have ingested poison.
The boy, identified only as “CJH” by the Transylvania County Sheriff’s Office, was found dead on Feb. 3, less than 24 hours after arriving at Trails Carolina, a “therapeutic wilderness program” south of Asheville, North Carolina. All children are being removed from Trails Carolina, a North Carolina wilderness camp where a 12-year-old boy died earlier this month. The N.C. Department of Health and Human Services announced the move in a release Friday morning.
“It was determined that action needed to be taken to ensure the health and safety of the children,” the department said in a statement Friday morning. “Parents have been notified and children will be temporarily taken into care of Transylvania County DSS.”
“We are a mental health facility treating children with severe, complex mental health diagnoses,” the statement said. “Not moving children from the area would have harmed their mental well-being.”
CJH’s death would not be the first time Trails Carolina has faced public scrutiny. Alec Lansing, 17, was a camper in the program before he ran away in 2014. Lansing was reported missing and was later found dead in a stream.
According to the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office in Sylva, North Carolina, the 17-year-old died of hypothermia, WYFF-TV in Greenville, South Carolina, reported at the time.
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onlyjaeyun · 3 months
anyways…, thank you very much for the update love!! 🩷 always lookin forward to this part of my day! i considered correcting my spelling once i finished writing..all of THAT hahahaha but i will leave it like that so you can capture all my passion! i loooove where the plot is going wooo (i love drama and angst teehee) and i do hope riki apologizes correctly 😤 !
p.s. sending lots of loving hugs 🤗!!
AAAH THANK YOU SO MUCH BABY 🥺🥺🥺🥺💗 i honestly love love love those typos bc they show me just how excited you were and its EVERYTHING to me so thank you sm 🥺🥺🥺💗
i LOVE how we all agree tjat this type of angst is so much heavier than the romantic one bc we know how close they are and how this probably hurt for both of them 😭😭😭 cant wait for them to solve this tbh my heart broke alongside yours but it's needed for the plot so bear with me 😭
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steadhammond · 5 months
Iceland residents evacuate town as officials warn volcanic eruption may be imminent - NBC News
* Iceland residents evacuate town as officials warn volcanic eruption may be imminent  NBC News * Iceland is bracing for a volcanic eruption. Here's the latest on evacuations and travel restrictions  Yahoo News * Furman geology students recall Iceland studies amidst eruption concerns  WYFF News 4 * The mysteries of volcanoes: what's going on beneath the ground in Iceland? – podcast  The Guardian * Iceland: Roads buckle following earthquakes  9NEWS * View Full Coverage on Google News
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andreaskorn · 7 months
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Karl Korn 1987: Beiträge zur Heimatforschung Mettmann (03)
Karl Korn: Pfarrarchiv St. Johannes Bapt. Erkrath. Familie Korn Dorperhof. 2/1987 [Eigenverlag]
Andreas Korn: Anmerkung zum Band
[nachgetragen, daher hier Beitrag 02 b]
Einband mit Klebebindung und schützendes Gewebeband am Buchrücken; grüner Kartondeckel Vorder- und Rückseite; Titel handschriftlich mit Feder auf den Deckel geschrieben; ohne Seitenangaben (Gezählt ca. 105 Seiten); Fotokopien und Abschriften (Schreibmaschine); Besonderheit: einige Inhaltsbereiche werden mit der Kalligrafie Feder handgeschrieben auf Transparentpapier (Layout Papier)
zur Bruderschaft B.M.V. 1416 acht lose Blätter vorne eingelegt (von mir neu digitalisiert, s. unten)
Pfarrarchiv (z.T. Abschriften und Fotokopien alter Handschriften)
Familie Korn vom Dorperhof
Andreas Korn: Bildbearbeitung und Foto des Einbandes
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Karl Korn geboren 30.03.1918 in Mettmann, ehrenamtlicher Archivar von St. Lambertus in Mettmann. Seit meiner Jugend an der Heimatgeschichte interessiert, hatte ich Gelegenheit, Einblick in das Pfarrarchiv Erkrath zu nehmen. Die Verbundenheit meiner Familie mit der Pfarre Erkrath veranlaßte mich, die heute schwer lesbaren Akten auszugsweise abzuschreiben, damit die über 500 jährige Geschichte nicht in Vergessenheit gerät.
Meinen Vorfahren, die hier getauft und beerdigt wurden widme ich ein ehrendes Gedenken. Februar 1987
Bruderschaft B.M.V. 1416
[Anm.: fett hervorgehoben sind weiter unten die Vorfahren der Familie Korn; vgl. S. 6-7]
Von der Broderschafft unser lieven Frawe mie man die halden soll:
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[Ende Seite 1]
Erneuerung der Bruderschaft zu Ehren der Sieben Schmerzen der Mutter Gottes in der Pfarrkirche zu Erkrath 12. September 1669
Demnach Anno 1416 von den andächtigen Catholischen Vorfahren eine Gesellschaft za Ehren den Sieben Schmertzen der Matter Gottes in der Pfarrkirchen za Erckraht auffgerichtet, durch einreißang der Ketzerey aber vergänglich worden and dann mitt bewilligang oder aathorität Ihro pabstlicher Heiligkeit CLEMENTIS NONI Sehligsten Andenkens anno 1669 den 12 tag 9bris so dann auch mitt belieben and consens deß Hochwürdiggten Herren, Herren Pauli Aaßemy, Ihro Churfärstl. Dhlt. za Collen MAXIMILIANI HENRICI in spiritalibus Vicary Generalis auff unterthänigst die mächtigste bitt and anhaltang der wohlgebohrener Frawen FR.MARIA ELISABETH, verwittibter Freyfrawen VON WALDENBURG genant SCHENCKERN, Frawen von UNTERBACH and Rhatt and meiner RÜTGERUS LINDENBECK pastoren za Erckraht erneuert and wieder eingestellt worden. Alß sollen alle Christgläubigen zu solcher gesellschaft in Uebungen der Gott gefälligen Wercken, mehr and mehr gestercket, auch andere Christgläubige zu solcher gesellschaft ahngetrieben and eingeladen werden. Höchst gemelte Ihre pabstliche Heilig­keit große geistliche schätz, privilegien and abläß verliehen and mitgetheilt haben als wie volgt:
Dießes alle: soll zu ietzigen and känfftigen Zeitten immer wehrend gültig and kräfftig sein.
Datam Roma bey St.Maria maior sub annalo piscatoris den 12 tag 9bris 1669 Sigilli apostolici J. Slasias
Sapra scriptas indulgentias perpetuas iudit approbarut, et fideli populo publicandas decrevit, festam autem principale pro indulgentys designavit Dominicam proxima post festum Visitationis B.M.V. Quatuor alias dies festos designavit, festam Resurrectionis Dominicae, Pentecostes, Assumptionis B.M.V. et Nativitatis Dni.
Paulas Außemy Vicario in Generalibas Spiritualis Signatarn Coloniae 16 Aprilis 1670
[Ende Seite 2]
Verzeichnis der Gläubigen, die die Erneuerung der Bruderschaft befürworten. Die meisten der 344 Genannten werden Mitglieder. (Auswahl)
Nomina eorum qui in albam Confraternitatis Dolorosae Virginis in Erckraht petiervat et relati sunt.
Maria Elisabeth geborene Freyin von Gymnich Freyfraw von Waldenburg genant Schenckern Fraw zu Unterbach und Ratt Collatrix diesser pfarr Kirch
Guilelmus Linnichis hochwürdiger und hochgelehrter Herr Landdechant der Christianität von Düsseldorff Pastor und Canonicus zu Gherresheim
Rutgerus Lindenbeck ego, pastor in Erckraht et decanus Christianitatis Düsseldorff
Henrich Spormacher der woll Ehr würdiger Herr der heiliger Schrift Licentiat zu St.Martin in Wormbs Canonicus und vicarius B.M.V.in Erckraht
Bernardt Schultheis der woll Ehr würdiger und hochgelehrter Canonicus zu Gerresheimb
Adolph Beitels der woll Ehrw.und Hochgelehrter Herr pastor zu Himmelgeist und Vicarius der Sieben Schmertzen hieselbst
Johann Schultheihs Scheffen Vnterambts Medtman und Sechsman zu Erckraht
Johan Jacob Stock Fürstl. Pfaltz Newburgischer Gerichtschreiber zu Medtman und des Haussfraw
Dietrich zu Eickenberg Sechsman zu Erckraht
Balthasar ahm Venn Scheffen Vnterambts Medtman und Sechsman zu Erckraht
Froell zu Schoemachers Scheffen Vnterambts Medtman und Sechsman zu Erckraht
Henrich Kortten ahm Soeldt Sechsman zu Erckraht
Gerhardt Schaffschneider Scheffen Vnter ambts Medtman
Peter Brochhausen im… Scheffen Vnter ambts Medtman
Adolf im Steinhoff Sechsman zu Erckraht
Johann Hagens Gustos zu Erckraht und Maria sein Huysfraw
[Ende Seite 3]
dolph Krautstein und Anna seine Huysfraw im Krautstein
Hanss Gordt Blinden Landbott
Johann Rollender
Maria im Rollender Hoff
Peter auff den Schmitts Kimpen
Johann Brochhausen Halbmann im Steinhoff
Tillmanus Burggraef Vicar in Geritzheimb
Theodor Frechen Rd.Dnus.Pastor in Gruthen
Mathias Bolsterrn Rd.Pater Canonici Cruci. ordinis in Beyenburg, Sacerdos
Ferdinandus Schretz Pastor in Benroth
Petrus Vent Rd . Dnus. Pastor in Rattingen
Reinerus Zeller Rd .Dnus. Pastor in Hamm
Joes Haug Rd.Dnus. Pastor in Hilden
Hubertus Zerres Rhentmeister zur Brucken
Anna auff der Stein Kaulen
Henricus Bucher Rd.Dnus. Pastoir in Volmars Werdt
Leonardt Jacobs Lehrer des Vnter Ambts Medtman
Agnes zu Brucken genant Esch
Cathrin die Magd bei dem Gartner zu Brucken
Ambrosius Servas gärtner zu Brucken a 4 July obierunt ex Confrater: 14 eusdem mensis et anni Peter in der wahler muhlen, sacramentis pie munitus.
Wilhelm auffm Frittelt und Eva (Eva hac obiit 1686 in Junio)
Rutgerus Francis Gerretz Rd.Dnus. Pastor in Erckrath pro temp.
Joes Bernardus Greven R.Dnus.Vicarius B.V. Maria Gloriosae in Erckrath
[Ende Seite 4]
Joes Thomas Josten Judicy scriba Satrapiae Medmannensis
Maria von Virmund Wittib, gebohrene Freyin zur Horst, Hauss zum Hauss
Anna Petronella Victoria Marianna Freyfraw v. Virmundt gebohrene Freyin von Nesselrode zum Stein
Damianus Adrianus Franciscus Hugo Freyherr von Virmundt
Henricus Onnarts custos
Johannes Pauli Ihr Gnaden Freyhr. von der Horst Rhentmeister zu Müllinhoven
Agatha Joisten genant Wiertz gericht Schreibers zu Metman
Antonius u. Henrich Korn Dorp
Joannes Theodorus Endenich D.probili praetor in Richrath
Antonius Holtkampff R.P.min.conv.Conventus Ratingensis et Vicarius altaris B.V.dolorosae substitutus
Franciscus Stix Pater ordinis strictioris Observant.
Joes Wilhelm Wilms Dnus. Pastor et Canonicus Gerresheimensis
de Dalwig generosa Domina Baronessa
Joannes Theodorus Clout F.Richardus Juris utr.doctor Juliacensis
J.Henricus Berchem R.D. Vicar Erckrath
Anna Maria von . . . . Freyfraw genant Bartenbroich
[Ende Seite 5]
Joannes Thomas Brosy Canonicus und zeitlicher Pastor in Erckenrath
Geminianus Osthaus R.D. ord. min. conv. ex Convent Ratinge vicariae B.M.V. gaudiosa
Bernardus Josten Bürgermeister der Stadt Gerresheim
1727 Anna Lüisca von Lansberg Freyfraulein/ Kloster Greffrath
Anna Maria Antonetta von der Horst ex Mettman
Arnoldus Fredericus L.B. de Horst Hellenbrolk
Anna Christina von der Horst Frey Fraw gebohrene von Wachtendunck
Joannes Edmundos L.B.de Horst ex Hellenbruck
Anthonius Norman Vicarius ad S.Andream Hildesy
Joes Mathias Brosy Wohl Edler, vornehmer Kaufman auss Wermels Kirchen
Joes Jacobus Zerres Vicarius S. Crucis Illustris Capituli ad Stum Hyppolytum in Gerresheim
Joes Wilheimus Heyden Vicarius -dito-
Arnoldus Norman Kirspels Mettman Scriba in Hellenbroch
Hubertus Ebell in Gerresheim apud S.Generosa Domina Abbat.
Maria Wilhelmina Christina Frey Fraw von der Horst condicta Wachtendunck Fraw zum Hellenbroich, Mullinghoven obiit Mettman anno 1733 18t Juny
ll.Xbris obiit generosis ac praenobilis Dominus Fredericus Arnoldos von der Horst Dominus in Hellenbroch, Mullinghoven, Deesberg, Serenissimi Electoralis Palatini Conciliarius intimus, Ober Ambtman des Ambts Mettmann. RiP Amen
Joh . Hermannus Kaesthenius Ludimagister in Mettman
[Ende Seite 6]
Johannes Peter Buttersberg Ludimagister in Erckrath
Antonius Korn Dorperhof, später Schöffe * 15.2.1725 + 4.9.1798
Johann Christoffel Kemperdieck
Anna Francisca Wolfs ) Johanna Scheffen ) professa in Geresheim tertis ordinis Sancte Patris Francisc!
Joes Wernerus Peschs Bürgermeister in Geresheim
Coleta Clutters ) Sr. Lodowica ) Beatrix Artz ) Angella Hausens ) Margaretha Dautzenbergs ) Constanta Oortmans ) Schwestern im Kloster Gerresheim
Joes Wilheimus Cremer natus in Heimbach, Vicarius B . M . V . Dolorosae in Erckrath
Joes Wilhelm Korn Dorperhof * 31.12.1732 Sohn von Henrich Korn/Agnes Marg. Pütz + 15.10.1805 Pfarrer in Sterkrade
Maria Catharina Korn 30.9.1736 verh. mit Joh. Hagens, Schöffe in Mettmann + 29.9.1790 Mettmann
Hendrich Korn, Dorperhof Schöffe in Erkrath verh. mit Agnes Marg.Pütz + 16.9.1754
Agnes Marg. Pütz condicta Korn 26.8.1755
Franciscus Leopoldus Hansell Pastor in Erckrath
Chrysanthus Buscheiden R.D.P. ord.s.Francisci Ratingen
Jacobus Koch Ludimagister in Erckrath
Rdus. Dnus. Cürten Primissarius in Hubelrath ex Sündern
Johann Peter Kemperdieck ex Karschhaus Christopher Kemperdieck ex Karschhaus
Joes Henricus Korn ex Dorperhoff * 26.11.1771 + 1.2.1838
[Ende Seite 7]
Bertrandus Wagener R.P. ord. S. Francisci pro tempore hic sacellanus
Franciscus Lingman R.D.Vicarius
(Das Bruderschaftsbuch schliesst mit dem Jahre 1803)
NB. Nach Absterben des Herrn Pastor Hansel habe ich folgende weise Blätter ausgerissen gefunden. Deswegen habe ich ein neues Buch angeschafft und darin Continuirt.
Christoph Kemperdieck p.t.Pastor mp
Das neue Buch habe ich nicht ausfindlich machen kennen, auch glaube ich nicht, dass Christ. Kemperdieck mein Antecessor ein solches angeschafft hat, indem ER auf einliegende Blätter die inscription unternommen hat.
J.W. Cürten, Pastor
(Die losen Blätter umfassen die Jahre 1804-1820)
Letzte Seite: Abschrift der Fundationsurkunde
”von dem ehrwürdigen herren Abolph ßlekman, Canonicus su Düßeldorff
"Stifftung einer Uicarye und altars in der Kirspels Kirchen 5U Erckraht zu Ehrung Unser Lieber Frawen”.
"Gegeben im iahr Unseres Erlösers, tausend fünf hundert und fünf und viertzig ahm Christabent”.
pro copia authentica et collationata scripsi et subscripsi ego RUTGERUS LINDENBECK Christianitatis Dußeldorpiensis Decamus et Pastor in Erckraht mp 1669
[Ende Seite 8]
+ + +
Dr. Andreas Korn, 11.10.2023
+ + +
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truck-fump · 9 months
South Carolina: <b>Trump</b> SCGOP fundraiser speaker - WYFF
New Post has been published on https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.wyff4.com/article/trump-south-carolina-silver-elephant-gala/44742180&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjUzM2UwMTY5ZmFhZTIwMGQ6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw3j1sSWeEpTJ01GQWH17pVr
South Carolina: Trump SCGOP fundraiser speaker - WYFF
Former President Donald Trump touted his economic plan and addressed his third indictment at the SCGOP’s largest annual event in Columbia, …
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lindajenni · 9 months
week in review - headlines
"behold, I come; in the scroll of the book it is written of me." psa 40:7
‘Nonhuman’ remains recovered from UFO, whistleblower says WYFF News 4, David Grusch, who formerly served as a U.S. intelligence official, testified under oath concerning what he described as a “multi-decade” retrieval program for unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP). Grusch’s testimony even included information about the retrieval of “biologics” from a UFO crash.
Top 7 Ways the Democrats in D.C. plan on REDUCING the POPULATION Yes, the Vice President of the United States of America just said the “quiet part” out loud live on television for the whole world to hear, and try to digest…the Democrats in Washington DC to end all use of fossil fuels by investing in “clean energy and electric vehicles,” and also, wait for it… to reduce the population. You cannot make this stuff up,
UFOs are an ‘open secret’ in the military: Whistleblowers to tell Congress TOMORROW that pilots are seeing unidentified craft all the time and share near-miss encounter with ‘dark gray cube inside of a clear sphere’ Unidentified flying objects are being seen so often they are an ‘open secret’ among US fighter pilots, whistleblowers will tell Congress tomorrow.
Pope Francis Says Alcoholics, Autistic and Disabled People Should Be Euthanized To ‘Fight Climate Change’ Pope Francis has thrown his weight behind the World Economics Forum’s campaign to euthanize people with autism, alcoholism and other minor illnesses and disabilities to help humanity fight so-called “climate change.”
Storm devastates Washington as Biden admin. plans for Israel to concede land One of the worst storms in decades ripped through Washington DC, over the weekend, leaving devastation in its path. The storm comes as the Biden administration announced negotiations with Saudi Arabia that would require Israel to make massive concessions in land to the Palestinians. While the two seem unconnected, students of history know that milestones in the “land for peace” process have always been accompanied by natural disasters.
Transhumanism: Globalists Promise To ‘Improve’ On God’s Design Of Man It sounds like bad science fiction, but it is rapidly becoming reality. Some of the most powerful people on the planet think they are going to “upgrade” human beings — or at least some human beings — through genetic engineering and technological schemes such as “brain implants.” Yes, really. In fact, they are publicly touting alleged benefits, supposedly including eternal life, and even evolving into “gods.” If that all sounds crazy or even diabolical — good, it should, because it is.
Dividing Israel into two? Author who fictionalized scenario years ago discusses movement to do exactly that Author Gila Green, whose 2013 novel was based on a fictional division of the State of Israel into two separate entities – one religous and one secular – discussed with World Israel News the uncanny situation now, in which some activists are promoting exactly that.
One in Three Human Trafficking Victims are Children in Italy: A report from Save the Children has found that one out of every three victims of human trafficking in Italy are children, with many being forced into the fields for gruelling farming work and others being sold into sexual slavery.
Contrary to the Natural Order: Scientists Successfully Genetically Engineer Invasive Female Fruit Flies to Reproduce Without Males Scientists have successfully genetically engineered invasive female fruit flies to reproduce without the need for males.
Japanese Man Who Identifies as a Dog, Takes First Public Stroll After $16,000 Transformation, Forms Bonds with Other Canines A Japanese man, who goes by his dog alter ego “Toco,” took his first public stroll since his $16,000 transformation into a rough collie.
Taxpayer Funded “Queer” Middle School Built On Shifting Sands Of Lies Have you ever watched a horror movie where the “bad people” prepared an innocent looking place that was meant to ensnare kids? Then as a group of kids were about to enter, you found yourself saying out loud, “don’t do it, don’t do it.” That scenario is about to take place in Arizona. Next month, using taxpayer funded vouchers, a “queer” middle school is about to open up for LGBTQ students.
Beattie: While Russia and China ban all transvestite activity, bloodthirsty US trans generals are leading us into war… As our country descends into a wasteland of twisted sexual perversion, mental illness, and child mutilation, countries like China and Russia are taking a completely different approach.
Twelve undeniable signs globalists are engineering the end of humanity It’s no longer taboo to publicly talk about depopulation. Even many who once dismissed the concept as a conspiracy theory are now publicly acknowledging the reality that global efforts are under way to drastically reduce the human population on planet Earth.
We Are Right On The Cusp Of Going Completely Cashless As Our Global Society Shifts Into Complete Dependence On Virtual Currency And Transactions We are the generation that will see a cashless society, the Pretribulation Rapture and the Mark of the Beast. It’s all coming, and Elon Musk is helping to bring it in.
Boy Scout Leaders Invited LGBTQ Advocates To Its National Jamboree Camp The Boy Scouts of America scouting organization invited “LGBTQ” advocacy to its national jamboree camp in West Virginia last month.
Euthanasia Clinics Are Being Inundated With Transgenders Who Regret Their Surgeries Euthanasia clinics are reporting a massive uptick in referrals for transgender patients who deeply regret undergoing their sex-change surgeries.
The Grotesque Experiments Scientists Are Conducting On Human Cells Are Absolutely Sickening …mad scientists all over the globe are running wild. In fact, some of them are now conducting extremely grotesque experiments on human cells that are absolutely sickening. For example, one team of scientists in Australia just received a giant pile of money so that they can continue to monkey around with ways of “merging human brain cells with artificial intelligence”…
Staggering Degree Of Biblical Illiteracy: Poll Finds Fewer and Fewer Americans Believe in Hell and the Devil It may not be surprising fewer and fewer people believe in God, angels, heaven, hell, and the devil. The recent poll finds they are down to new lows.
10 Signs That We Really Are Living In Apocalyptic Times Time is running out for humanity…On a very basic level, most people can feel that global events are starting to spiral out of control. Evil is growing all around us, and just about everything that our leaders do to solve our rapidly growing problems seems to make them even worse.
Police: Kentucky Mother Arrested After Toddler Dies of Sexual Abuse Authorities arrested a Kentucky mother after a 17-month-old toddler died of severe sexual abuse injuries.
Soon the USA will be under medical Marshal Law imposed by the WHO organization! ebola + small pox will run rampant through America In March of 2021, the new CDC Director stated that she had a feeling of impending doom. What did she mean? Everyone assumed that she was talking about CV-19.
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my-yasiuae · 9 months
ذكرت صحيفة «نيويورك بوست» أن رجلاً في ولاية كارولينا الجنوبية بالولايات المتحدة غرق أثناء فراره من ضباط الشرطة كانوا يطاردون شخصا آخر. وقاد الحظ السيء الرجل إلى حتفه، بسبب خوفه من الشرطة لسبب لم يتم الكشف عنه. ففي 23 يوليو عندما وصلت شرطة مقاطعة جرينفيل إلى أحد المنازل لإصدار أمر قضائي، ذُعر رجل يبلغ من العمر 38 عامًا عند رؤيتهم وبدأ بالركض بعيدا وصولا إلى القفز إلى بحيرة كننغهام القريبة. لكن الشرطة أوضحت أن مذكرة التوقيف لم تكن موجهة إليه، وأنهم كانوا هناك لتقديم أمر توقيف إلى شخص آخر لم يمثل أمام المحكمة، تبين أنها فتاة تعيش في ذات العقار. في منشور على «فيسبوك»، قال مكتب عمدة مقاطعة جرينفيل أن الشرطة وصلت إلى منزل في جرير بولاية ساوث كارولينا بعد ظهر الأحد وأن تشاك جيلبرت شيلتون «هرب من المنزل لأسباب غير معروفة». وقال ��لنواب إن الرجل سبح لمسافة قصيرة قبل أن يغوص تحت الماء دون أن يطفو على السطح. وقفز عناصر الشرطة في الموقع إلى الماء لتحديد مكانه، لكنهم لم ينجحوا ''. ولاحقا استجاب فريق الغوص وتمكن من تحديد مكانه حيث تأكد موته غرقا. وفقًا لمحطة WYFF التابعة لـ NBC News، قال مكتب الطبيب الشرعي إن شيلتون توفي بسبب غرق عرضي في المياه العذبة. وانتشل الغواصون جثته في وقت لاحق بعد ظهر ذلك اليوم. ولم تعرف أسباب هربه من الشرطة، والتي قادت إلى حتفه. يُذكر أن أمرا مشابها حصل الشهر الماضي حين هرب رجل من الشرطة متخفيا في صندوق قمامة، ليلقى حتفه لاحقا في شاحنة جمع الحاويات، علما أن الشرطة لم تكن تنوي القبض عليه.   المصدر: الإمارات اليوم
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occupyhades · 11 months
South Carolina youth pastor caught red-handed recording local woman in the shower: police - RawStory.com
A South Carolina youth pastor was arrested and charged after he admitted to video-recording a woman as she showered, WYFF reported. Daniel Kellan Mayfield, 35, was charged with voyeurism. Mayfield was a youth pastor at the First Baptist Church in...
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wutbju · 6 months
The Greenville County Police Department has issued a new community briefing regarding BJU graduate Class of 1988 Matthew Healey's death at the hands of police officers.
WYFF summarized the details here.
The most dramatic details are that Healey had five guns with him for this incident.
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What was he planning to do???
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mongowheelie · 11 months
South Carolina youth pastor caught red-handed recording local woman in the shower: police - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism
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aspiringbelle · 1 year
I just saw this on The Guardian. It's an interesting story...but there are some big problems.
The incident took part at the Sun City Hilton Head retirement community, which is down in Beaufort County, in the southern part of the state, not far from Savannah.
However, they also mention "local" media outlets WYFF and WASV. WYFF is from my hometown, which is in the Upstate, several hundred miles away. WASV is no longer in existence under that name, having changed their call letters in 2006 to WYCW, and it's based a county over from me. There is a station named WSAV based out of Savannah, so it could be an easier mistake to make. (Interestingly, both are owned by Nextar Broadcasting.)
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Thank you WYFF I forgot about National Puppy Day. https://www.instagram.com/p/CqI1vDaOell/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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