#wygig: update schedule
ladysomething · 20 days
omg Mads, do keep us updated on your travels cause I never go anywhere and its so cool to hear about your lovely experiences!
And not to be too greedy... but cause we're not getting a chapter tomorrow, would it be possible to get a little snippet or anything to keep us going until we do get it?
But equally, we all appreciate your writing so much and know how much time and effort you put into it already, so if you can't it's no worries at all!
I did just do a quick one, but I'm happy to give you all another!
as for my travels: right now I'm in the airport in Mallorca, about to fly to Sardinia! I have less than two weeks until I fly home now, which is really sad, even though I've been away for like. two months. BUT I'm so looking forward to seeing my puppies, so I'm trying not to be TOO sad about going home haha.
here is a little sneak peek. IT'S NSFW!!!! a present for the cockwarming anon lmao.
“Take the plug out?” He asks, sounding more breathless than he thought he would. 
Max groans, palms smoothing over his arse cheeks, then slips his fingers down to carefully take hold of the head of the plug. He’s gentle as he pulls it out, telling Charles to relax, and then he carefully rests it on top of the piano while Charles clenches his muscles and keeps Max’s come inside him—it’s a futile attempt, because the plug has kept him loose and gaping. 
He’s never worn a plug before today, but he’s eager to try it again. He would have never thought he’d be someone who enjoys it, but Max had fucked him so stupid this morning that Charles cried when his knot had finally deflated and his come had started to leak out. Max had soothed him with a kiss between his shoulder blades, and had gotten up from Charles’ bed to go into his room; when he’d returned, he’d had the plug in hand, and had effortlessly slid it inside his hole and made Charles promise to keep it inside him until after he’d left the apartment this afternoon. 
He’s fairly certain that Max is going to forgive him for breaking that promise right now. 
He can feel Max’s come leaking down his thighs, so he straightens himself up quickly and then throws his leg over Max’s lap, still facing the piano. Max takes a firm hold of his hips, keeping him steady and helping him down, and then releases one hip only to take hold of his cock and guide it inside him. 
He’s wet and loose, and the sound of Max’s cock pushing inside him is obscene. The length of it displaces the come still inside him, and Charles can feel it spreading everywhere between his arse and Max’s lap. 
By the time he’s fully seated, he’s breathing in short, shallow gasps, fingers clenched around the edge of the piano. It takes him a moment to clear his head, Max’s groaning into his neck not at all helping, but he manages it eventually. 
“Stay still,” Charles breathes. 
Then he lifts his hands to the piano again, and starts to play Max’s new favourite song.
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ladysomething · 11 days
Soooo tomorrow is my birthday and I’m anxiously waiting if we will get a new update!
This fic has definitely too big of a hold on my life hahah.
However, as always, don’t feel pressured and do take your time enjoying your vacation (and hopefully some LEC 😇)
Otherwise this meme really sums up my ask: https://imgflip.com/i/8qt9j6
Oh idk why my answer to this didn’t post! But a quick recap of what I said:
Many sorries for not getting to this earlier!
And your meme is iconic, and hear it for anybody who doesn’t want to go to the link.
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And the snippet!!
“What’s happened?” he demands immediately. “What—are you okay? Is somebody there?”
“No, it’s—” Charles’ voice croaks. He’s probably not being very convincing. He clears his throat, then tries to sound steady as he says, “You don’t need to send Jean-Luc, I’m alright.”
“He’s already on his way,” Max says quickly. “Christ, Charles, you feel—what happened?”
Charles scrambles up, quickly stepping over his vomit and rushing out the door. He needs to get it cleaned up and get everything back to normal before Jean-Luc arrives.
“Nothing happened,” he says, hoping he doesn’t sound as breathless as he feels. “I just—I don’t feel well.”
“You don’t—” Max sounds incredulous, and like he doesn’t believe him. “Charles, you don’t feel so fucking terrified because you don’t feel well.”
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ladysomething · 1 day
30-40 chapters of your fic... we really running this release like the 2024 f1 season lolp
as long as no one is doing a Max Verstappen and complaining about the huge increase ...
(I say that very loving Max - I know your actual argument is it's hard for all the mechanics and engineers. ily boo)
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ladysomething · 1 day
gotta say -- in love with your fics since the one with the reputation title! but i have to compliment that youre uploading on a schedule, im a big fan of weekly updates that gradually increase my dopamine to get through the week. like for me wednesday is YOUR day and i genuinely appreciate it (even if i know it can be very hard for the pwrson on the other side writing) so just wanted to give you kudos for making this reading experience so fun, i always love going to your blog afterwards to hear people screaming bout the latest update lol
oh thank you! I know, objectively, that people really appreciate and like the schedule and the blog etc, but I do sometimes wonder if they understand just how much time and effort I'm putting towards this haha - and @saiyanwitcher is, for that matter.
but me hijacking a whole day of the week for you does make me feel better haha, and in the end this a symbiotic relationship, right? you guys to get to read, I get all your lovely comments. it's a win win, really.
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ladysomething · 3 days
hiii how many chapters do you think wygig is gonna have? 🫶🏼
I think 30-40!
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ladysomething · 11 days
Hello! just wanted to ask, what's your time zone? Just so I know when to expect for your updates on wednesdays :)
From this week I’ll be back to Australian Eastern Standard Time, and I’ll update sometime in the morning probably. Which means middle of the night for Europe, and Tuesday afternoon for the Americas.
But this week I have no idea what the situation will be, because I land back in Aus at 6am on Wednesday morning after like 30 hours of travel lol.
So I’m considering updating while waiting around in Dubai airport, but it might be sooner, might be later.
But after that - yeah back to AEST!
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ladysomething · 11 days
These snippets have me go crazyyyy, I can't wait to see how they all fit in the story and when they will happen! 👀
Both snippets are from the chapter coming on Wednesday! 😊
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ladysomething · 11 days
Just a logistics question - with your holiday ending does that mean we’re going to go back to Australia time zone for updates?
Yeah! So you’ll actually end up getting them earlier 😁
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ladysomething · 11 days
Can we expect an update or another sneak peek this week? 🫣❤️💙
A very late sneak peek, but better late than never!
And there will absolutely be a chapter this coming week!!
“Here,” he says, pulling a card out of his wallet and handing it over. It’s a black Visa card, Pierre’s name printed on the bottom. “It’s the bank account I set up with your money. Sixty million euros, everything you gave me.”
Charles takes the card from him, gripping it tightly between his fingers. Finally. Finally. He feels like it’s been weeks since he and Pierre made these plans, and somehow this is the first time he’s had enough privacy to get his hands on his own money.
“Thank you,” Charles says reverently, tucking the card away in his own wallet. “Pierre. Thank you.”
“It feels a bit like too little, too late,” Pierre says bitterly. “I told you I could’ve found more money, Cha—”
“Don’t,” Charles cuts him off, already tired. He’s not in the mood to discuss what they could have done differently; to talk about how much more money they could have had if Charles had let Pierre sell some assets, some of his stocks. “Just . . . let’s talk about something else.”
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ladysomething · 13 days
I know there might not be an update this week again (and that's absolutely fine ❤️) but I wanted to wish everyone a happy Wednesday Eve from back home in Australia anyway.
Hope you're enjoying the last leg of your holiday!!
Unfortunately I didn’t finish in time, but there will DEFINITELY be one next week!!!
I am absolutely loving the final part of my holiday, but I will also very excited to go home and cuddle my sweet puppy and sleep in my own bed ngl. But I’ll be sad to be back at work properly hahahaha
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ladysomething · 20 days
I know there is no update tomorrow. But is there a change we get a snippet from the next chapter or further in the story tomorrow?
No pressure obviously!
Btw random funfact I read the last chapter while I was sailing the north sea soo your story is even read in international waters! 😇
omg! extra fun fact, I wrote a huge section of that chapter while also sailing on the North Sea! though mostly the Norwegian Sea tbf. what a coincidence though!!!
but - yes, have a snippet, from an unidentified future chapter.
“Will you play that song you played the other night?” 
Charles looks over his shoulder to Max, who has taken a seat on the lounge and is looking at him hopefully. They’ve been in Charles’ Dreyma Ver-öld together the last two nights, and even though Charles has sat at the piano on both of those nights, Max hadn’t made any requests. 
“From Interstellar?” He asks, just to be clear. 
Max shrugs. “I guess. The one on the yacht. Not the sad one—the second song.” 
Charles stares at Max, perplexed. “Are you trying to tell me you never saw Interstellar?” 
“Um, I guess?” Max answers. “Should I have?” 
He supposes, if he really thinks about it, it makes sense that Max hasn’t seen it. He was probably too focused on karting and his imminent move into single-seaters. Still—
“You’re weird,” Charles decides. “And we’ll be watching it as soon as you get back. But, yes, I can play it.”
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ladysomething · 28 days
wygig day today turgid bitches
thanks chop
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ladysomething · 1 month
Tomorrow isn’t a holiday where I live but I feel like wygig day is a reason to call out of work? Seems like a solid one to me.
yeah look you're going to get punched in the face about 5 times with tomorrows chapter and then it ends on a cliffhanger so. probably good to pre-emptively call in sick.
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ladysomething · 1 month
I just realised tomorrow is wygig day!!! 💙❤️🎉🎊 tomorrow is a holiday where I live, so I can read the new chapter immediately when it comes out 😍
yyyayyyyy!!!! no need to read during work hours!!!
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ladysomething · 1 month
hello! first of all I love this story so much I have been wanting to read a long complex lestappen fanfic for so long now and even though this isn’t finished yet I can already tell it will be one of my favourites once it’s done!!
do you have the entire story planned out already or are there still some uncertainties? and how many of the next few chapters have you written already? once again thank you so much for this I really appreciate the time and work you are putting in <3
ohhhh thank youuu, I'm glad you're enjoying it!!
it's mostly planned out, but with a little wriggle room. so I would say 85-90% planned out, with the rest maybe having some vague options. just in case I get a better idea, or it needs to change a little for a variety of reasons.
as for how much I have written, I'm currently working on ch 12. I ALWAYS stay 3 full chapters ahead, and I don't post an old chapter until the new one is finished!
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ladysomething · 1 month
I just saw the ask where you mentioned that each chapter is about 10k, and even though I technically knew that because I see the fic’s word count update every time you post, I don’t think I was fully processing just how long each chapter was—it’s not like ao3 has page breaks or a word count at the end of each chapter or anything. And now I feel like I need to just send you an ask to say thank you SO MUCH for writing all of your fics and choosing to share them with us!!!
I am currently dying a slow and painful death while trying to finish up a 5000 word academic paper, and I know it’s not quiteeee the same, but the fact that you write DOUBLE that almost every week and share it *for free* is crazy!!! And I am so so so grateful that you do. And I am so so so in awe of your talent!!! Thank you for being so generous to us all!! <3
oh bless you. this is very sweet and thoughtful.
I am definitely working my ass off lol, but rest assured that I wouldn't be going so hard if I couldn't do it/you guys weren't so supportive.
and honestly, your constant excitement and gratitude gives me all the external motivation I need to make this happen - which is way easier than the internal motivation needed for an academic paper!!! when I did my degree, I struggled to write 2-3k essays, and then to unwind I'd be like "great now I will write a 5k fic in one day:)"
I hope your paper gets finished and kicks ass!!!
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